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Sufism Bibliography: Academic Resources

1. Akimushkin O.F. Sufi brotherhoods: a complicated problem // Trimmingham J.S. Sufi orders in
Islam. per. s English A.A. Staviskoy, edited and prefaced by O.F. Akimushkina. - Moscow: Nauka,
1989. - S. 3-13.; Trimmingham J.S. Sufi orders in Islam. per.s engl. A.A. Staviskoy, edited and
prefaced by O.F. Akimushkina. - Moscow.: Nauka, 1989. - 328 p.; Mahmud As'ad Joshon.
Tasavvuf va nafs tarbiyasi - Tashkent: Tashkent islom university publishing house, 2000. - 88 b.;
Uning oʻzi. True love. Translation of Mirzo Kenjabek. - Tashkent: Movarounnahr, 1999. - 91 b.;
Murshidi komil hikmatlari. Tuzuvchi, nashrga phimizlovchi va soʻzboshi authori Mirzo Kenjabek Tashkent: Yangi asr avlodi, 2004. -102 b.; Uning oʻzi. Yunus Emro va tasavvuf. Yunus Emro.
She'llar. - Toshkent: Fan, 2001. - 128 b.; Uning oʻzi. Tasavvuf va beauty. - Tashkent: Adolat, 2004.
- 344 b.; Osmon Turar. Sufism is historical. - Tashkent: Istiklol, 1999. - 179 p.; Knysh A.D. Muslim
mysticism. - Moscow: Dilya, 2004. - 464 p.; Trimmingham J.S. Sufi orders in Islam / trans. s
English A.A. Staviskoy, under ed. and predis. O.F. Akimushkina. - Moscow: Nauka, 1989. - 326 p.;
Schimmel A. The world of Islamic mysticism. - Moscow: Aleteia, Enigma, 2000. - S. 194-201;
Algar H. A Breif History of Naqshbandiyya order // In: M. Gaborieau, A.Ropovich, T. Zarcone
(eds.), Nagshbandis-Cheminement et situation actuelle d'un ordre mystique musulman. Istanbul-Paris: Hayat, 1990. - 344 r.; Bühler A.F. Sufi Heirs of the Prophet: The Indian
Naqshbandiyya and the rise of the mediating Sufi shaykh. - Columbia: Columbia press, 1998;
Fritz Mayer. Teacher and student in the order of Naqshbandia [per. s nem: Yu. Kotkovoy] //
Sufism in Central Asia (foreign studies): Sat. St. in memory of Fritz Mayer (1912-1998) / sost. and
otv. ed. A.A. Khismatullin. - SPb.: Philological Faculty SPbGU, 2001. - S. 94-113; Anke Von
Kügelgen. The growth of Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiya in Central Transoxania from the 18th to
the beginning of the 19th century: the experience of detective investigation [per. s nem. yaz.:
Skoroduma] // Sufism in Central Asia (foreign studies): Sat. St. in memory of Fritz Mayer (1912–
1998) / sost. and otv. ed. A.A. Khismatullin. - SPb.: Philological Faculty SPbGU, 2001. - S. 275330.
2. Barthold V.V. Compositions in 9 volumes - Moscow: Eastern Literature Publishing House, 19631977; Ten: Turkestan in the era of the Mongol invasion. Research. - St. Petersburg: 1900; Bertels
E.E. Sufism and Sufi literature. - Moscow: Nauka, 1965. - 524 p.; Vyatkin V. A biography of Hadji
Ahrara. // Turkestan newspapers. 1904. No. 147; Gordlevsky V.A. The Seljuk Empire of Asia
Minor. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1941. Ten: Selected works in 4
volumes. - Moscow: Eastern Literature Publishing House, 1960-1968; Petrushevsky I.P. Islam in
Iran. - Leningrad: 1966; Bolderev A.N. Once again, the problem is with Haji Ahrara. // Spirituality
and political life in the Middle East. - Moscow: 1985; Ivanov M.G. On the question of honoring
saints in Islam. - Kazan, 1915.; Demidov S.M. Sufism in Turkmenistan. - Ashgabat, Ilym, 1978. On:
History of the religious peoples of Turkmenistan. Ashgabat, 1990; Semenov A.A. Description of
Tajik, Persian, Arabic and Turkic manuscripts. - Tashkent: 1956; Troitskaya A.L. Women's zikr in
old Tashkent // Collection of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. - Moscow: 1928.
It's the same: From the past kalandarov and maddakhov in Uzbekistan // Non-Muslim beliefs
and rituals in Central Asia. - Moscow: Nauka, 1975. Korpachev P.A. Ascetic tradition in
Christianity before the appearance of monasticism. Scientific and technical bulletins SPbGPU,
2017. - S. 126
3. Komilov N. Najmuddin Kubro. - Tashkent: People's heritage publishing house named after
Abdulla Qadiri, 1995; that author. Sufism. The first book. - Tashkent: Writer, 1996; that author.
Sufism. The second book. The secret of monotheism. - Tashkent: Literary and Art Publishing
House named after Gafur Ghulam, 1999; that author. The science of spiritual perfection. // TIU
information scientific analytical bulletin. - Tashkent: 2003. - No. 2; Hakkulov I. Sufism and
poetry. - Tashkent: Literary and Art Publishing House named after Gafur Ghulam, 1991; that
author. The formation and development of Uzbek mystical poetry: filol. science. doc. dis.
autoref. - Tashkent: 1995; that author. Irfan and perception. - Tashkent: Spirituality, 1998; that
author. Return to Navoi. - Tashkent: Science, 2007; Navro'zova G. Bahauddin Naqshband's views
on knowledge. - Bukhara, 1997; that author. The concept of guardian in Sufism. // Mysterious
world. - Tashkent: 1993. - No. 7. - B. 20-22; that author. Sufi teachings of Naqshbandiyyah and
perfect human education. - Tashkent: Science, 2005. - 268 p.; Babadzhanov B. Musakhan
Khwajayi Dakhbidi // Islam. Entsiklopedichesky dictionary. - Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura,
1998; that author. Djuybari // Islam. Entsiklopedichesky dictionary. - Moscow: Vostochnaya
literatura, 2001; that author. On the History of the Naqshbandiya-Mujaddidiya in Central
Mawara'annahr in the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries // Muslim Culture in Russia and
Central Asia from 18th - to the early 20th Centuries. - Berlin, 1996; Jumanazarov A. People of
Khilvat. - Tashkent: TDPU, 2004. - 151 b; Jozhogni A.Sh. Sufism and man. - Tashkent: Adolat,
2001. - 192 p.; that author. Mysteries of Sufism // Dialogue. - Tashkent: 1998. - No. 8. - B. 32-35;
that author. The perfect human figure in the teachings of Sufism // Informational scientific
analysis bulletin of TIU, 2003. - No. 2; Karimov E. Sufi Tarikaty v Tsentralnoy Azii XII – XV v:
Autoref. dis. ... Dr. ist. science - Tashkent: 1998. - 60 p.; Yuldashkhodjaev Kh. The role of Musa
Khan Dahbidi in the development of the Naqshbandi-Mujaddidiya sect (XVIII century): Tar.
science. name ...dis. autoref. - Tashkent: UzR FA ShI, 2008. - 26 p.; Mamatov M. Historicalphilosophical essence of Sufism. - Tashkent: International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, 2018.
- 200 p.; Ostanakulov I. The Sultan of Saints. Governors from Turan. - Tashkent: Generation of
the new century. 2004; that author. Muhammad Siddiq Rushdi and his work "Tazkirat ul-avliyoi
Turki". - Tashkent: Tashkent Islamic University, 2007; Haji Abdulgafur Razzaq Bukhari. Guide to
Tariqat (based on the teaching of Naqshbandiyya). - Tashkent: Movarounnahr, 2003. - 103 p.;
Rozmatzade Q. Descendants of Imam Rabbani. - Tashkent: Navroz, 2014. - 188 p.; Kholmo'minov
J. Naqshbandiya piri // Thought. - Tashkent: 2001. - No. 4; that author. The singer of
monotheistic thought: The essence of the sun // Sino (Tehran), 2002. - No. 8; that author.
Mawlana Abdurrahman Jami's mystical and mystical views (based on the work "Sharhi
Rubaiyot"): fal. science. name dis. autoref. - Tashkent: 2003; that author. Greek philosophy and
mysticism // Sino (Tehran), 2004. - No. 13. - B. 11-18; Hamidi H. Allamas of Sufism. - Tashkent:
Sharq, 2004. - 208 p.; Usmanov I. Wisdom of Nawadir al-usul. - Tashkent: Science, 2009. - 175 p;
that author. Sufi sects. Study guide. - Tashkent: Tashkent Islamic University, 2017. - 280 p.; that
author. Sufism. Uchebnoe posobie / Sostavitel Usmanov I. - Tashkent: Tashkent Islamic
University, 2011. - 200 p.; Rahimov K. The history of Movarounnahr mysticism: the formation
and systematization of the doctrine (VIII-XI centuries). - Tashkent: Akademnashr, 2020. - 400 p.;
Amonov M. The Naqshbandi-Mujaddidiya sect in Central Asia in the 18th-19th centuries:
translation. science. div. dr. (PhD) ... Diss. autoref. - Samarkand: Imam Bukhari International
Research Center, 2021. - 46 p.; Toychieva N. Peculiar aspects of the Qalandarian sect in Central
Asia: translation. science. div. dr. (PhD) Diss. autoref. - Tashkent: International Islamic Academy
of Uzbekistan, 2021. - 48 p.; Mirzaeva F. The significance of Ahmad Sirhindiy's work "Maktubot"
in the formation of the Naqshbandiya-Mujaddidiya sect: trans. science. div. dr. (PhD) Diss.
autoref. - Tashkent: International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, 2022. - 46 p.