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Activity 6: Point of Reflection- LIFE AND PURPOSE
After watching the video from lesson 9-Origin of life, and reading the article "Life and
Purpose." You will be asked to look beyond the words and think about the processes
Ursula Goodenough is describing.
1. Is she and Hank (from the video or transcript "the origin of life" are identifying the
same four characteristics of life just using different words?
Upon watching the broad discussion of Hank in his video titled "The Origin of
Life," and reading the article titled "Life & Purpose," of Ursula Goodenough, I've come to
learn that life really has many connotations and it is too complex to understand, but
even so, we need to go through those theories in able to learn why do we exist and to
prove our existence in hypothetical way. Ursula and Hank most likely have the same
beliefs, but they just used different dictions in order to explain things. Scholars don’t
always choose the same words to talk about a topic and it's up to the reader on how
they'll comprehend their ideas. Goodenough is a biologist and that explains why she
has these scientific inquiries that she used as method and form of knowledge, superior
to all others ancient ideologies, that allows us to understand what life is. Goodenough
explained the four processes: self-generation, every organism is instructed, selfmaintenance, and every organism evolves. All of these also relates to Hank's
descriptions of his scientific explanations, such as reproduction and adaptation.
Like Ursula, Hank also clings to science and that explains his skepticism
throughout the video. Some ancient claims were being tossed to early inhabitants of
earth, and they believe those because they don't know what to believe in so they'll just
hold on to what they think is convenient for them. This idea somehow relates to
pragmatism. Hank, in his video, explained that back then people used to believe that the
livings really came from non-livings. For centuries, the Aristotelian idea that life just
spontaneously emerged from non-life was widely believed. It may sound dubious if this
idea would be introduced to the modern world today, but people from thousand years
ago indeed believed this. In the video, Hank stated that, "After a dose of claim testing, it
became clear that life must emerge from the inanimate world by chemical processes
that are discoverable by science." More so, Hank explained the forms of life that
dominated the Earth for the vast majority of its existence and those are Prokaryotes or
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single-celled organisms which would evolve into eukaryotes and bacteria. In line with
these biological ideas, he also discussed DNA and how it became an essential quality of
life that is necessary for organisms to reproduce.
2. Where is God in life?
I personally reckon that God is in the center of our lives. Even though we cannot
see God, we have this what we called "faith" that pushes us to hold on to Him. Some
may question it because various types of misconceptions and assumptions about life
have stood before us. Spirituality examines things through the lens of consciousness
and God. Life, on the other hand, as explained by science, occurs as a result of a
chemical interaction. God can reach out to us in so many ways, through bible, through
people which He uses as instrument, through preaching, through the worship service, in
nature which He entrusted to us humans, through works of art and even in His thoughts
that join our thoughts like when we are being selfless, noble and good to others. To put
it simply, God is everywhere and it's up to us on how we are able to see and feel Him,
even not literally.
3. What is life for you?
In all honesty, life for me is something that I never asked for, but is also
something I am grateful for. Life, I believe, is an odyssey and we are the traveler. It is a
journey full of hurdles, but when you reach the peak, you would just tell to yourself that
you made it worth-living. We all know life isn't life if it's easy peasy. We encounter
struggles and mishaps because they're all part of our existence. Even so, I still reckon
that life is precious despite the thorny paths we walk in.
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