Uploaded by Kiet Piamchon


I was recently welcomed into MultiversX by @cemeduel, who is a content creator with
#multiversXmas and the co-founder of @nftrmarket. This is an amazing project that I am just getting
my head around, with endless possibilities.
I invite you to read about what I have learned thus far.
MultiversX's Strength
MultiversX is a blockchain network that is highly scalable, secure, and decentralised in order to
enable radically new applications for users, businesses, society, and the new metaverse frontier.
Core blockchain applications and the xFabric Sovereign blockchain module are deployable in
minutes. Completely customizable. a fantastic set of features and use cases for any creative, brand,
or business.
xPortal (coming soon)
The gateway to the metaverse Your avatar's residence Everything about finance It's a debit card, a
telephone, a coffee shop, and more. Any of us, anywhere in the world, can access it.
xWorlds a world-building engine. a network of interconnected metaverses This new world's very first
Metaverse planet MutliversX is the world's most advanced blockchain architecture as well as the
most influential ecosystem, spanning DeFi, NFTs, Web3, and the Metaverse.
The native token of the MultiversX Network is the eGold (EGLD) Token. All core network
functionalities, such as staking, governance, transactions, smart contracts, and validator rewards,
are included in its utility. The eGold EGLD token will be at the heart of one of the world's most
ambitious Metaverse ecosystems, securing the network through staking and enabling access and
value exchanges across all of its applications and worlds.
MultiversX is designed from the ground up to address two fundamental issues critical to widespread
global adoption: the transition from dialup to broadband and a significant UX evolution. MultiversX
is the world's most scalable blockchain architecture. Sharding allows for scalability beyond 100,000
Decentralized and secure
MultiversX is one of the world's most decentralised blockchain architectures, with over 3200
independent nodes spread across the globe.
Low-cost and carbon-negative
Transactions on MultiversX are not only incredibly cheap ($0.05/tx), but they are also completely
carbon negative. As a result, all Money, Defi, NFT, and DAO transactions have been completely
Historical potential
A true Metaverse is a technological advancement that has the potential to fundamentally alter most
facets of modern society.
All Elrond products will transition to the new brand over the course of the upcoming months as they
are integrated into the MetaversX ecosystem. The Elrond network, which has expanded and
changed its name to MultiversX, will continue to be the engine of the entire ecosystem. The merging
will occur gradually, and the following names are anticipated:
Elrond Wallet > xWallet
Maiar Launchpad > xLaunchpad
Maiar Exchange > xExchange
Inspire > xSpotlight
Ad Astra Bridge > xBridges
Utrust > xMoney Crypto
Twispay > xMoney Fiat
xFabric, xPortal, and xWorlds are set to become the most exciting apps in the entire space.
MultiversX (power to x)—the blockchain network and mother brand
As you can tell, this is an incredible project, and I am very excited to be a part of the trailblazing
I hope you enjoyed sharing my knowledge as much as I did. Click on the link below to join us!
MultiversX (Elrond)