Seminar Paper #2:

Seminar Paper #2:
Your seminar paper will focus on analyzing the rules, expectations, and limitations of the
Metaverse. You should feel free to incorporate sentences from your Seminar Paper into your
longer paper (Essay 1). For this paper, you will take notes about Stephenson’s concept of “the
Metaverse” as you read and then summarize the most critical information about what the
Metaverse looks like and how it operates. This will require you to filter through all of the
information that Stephenson provides to create your own description of this alternate world. The
following questions may help to guide your summary:
 What are the rules and regulations that operate in the Metaverse?
 Who is in charge of regulating or controlling the Metaverse? How does that make it
different from (or similar to) the “real” world?
 How do avatars function in the Metaverse? What kinds of abilities do they have? What
limitations do they face? What is the relationship between the avatar and the human body?
The Seminar Paper should be approximately 2 pages long, written in Times New Roman text with
1” margins.