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Absolute Value Equations Worksheet

Solve absolute value equations
1. Solve the absolute value equation for z
2. Solve the absolute value equation for c
∣z − 5∣ − 8 = 0
∣−7c − 1∣ − 5 = 45
3. Solve the absolute value equation for b
4. Solve the absolute value equation for b
∣3b − 6∣ + 8 = 44
∣b∣ = 4
5. Solve the absolute value equation for y
∣y∣ = 17
6. Solve the absolute value equation for c
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4∣c∣ = 12for
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7. Solve the absolute value equation for c
∣c∣ + 2 = 26
6 ⋅ ∣a − 2∣ = 36
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8. Solve the absolute value equation for a
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9. Solve the absolute value equation for m
∣m − 17∣ = 8
10. Solve the absolute value equation for y
−11∣−5y∣ = −440
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Solve absolute value equations
Answer key
1. Solve the absolute value equation for z
2. Solve the absolute value equation for c
∣z − 5∣ − 8 = 0
∣−7c − 1∣ − 5 = 45
z = −3
z = 13
c = − 51
3. Solve the absolute value equation for b
4. Solve the absolute value equation for b
∣3b − 6∣ + 8 = 44
∣b∣ = 4
b = −10
b = 14
b = −4
5. Solve the absolute value equation for y
6. Solve the absolute value equation for c
∣y∣ = 17
4∣c∣ = 12
y = 17
y = −17
c = −3
7. Solve the absolute value equation forNext
c time, make digital assignments
8. Solve the for
absolute value equation for a
∣c∣ + 2 = 26
c = 24
c = −24
6 ⋅ ∣a − 2∣ = 36
Students can do their homework
a = and
quizzes on their computers. There’s
a = −4real-
time feedback, detailed explanations, anti-
cheating features, and automated grading
9. Solve the absolute value equation for m
10. Solve the absolute value equation for y
to save you time.
∣m − 17∣ = 8
m = 25
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−11∣−5y∣ = −440
y = −8
y = 8more