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English History: 17th-18th Century Conflicts & Key Figures

What were the main problem in that period?
The period was plagued by internal and religious strife, and a large-scale civil war which resulted in the
execution of King Charles I in 1649.
What were the reasons behind the conflict between parliament and Crown?
James the first tried to rule without parliament as much as possible he preferred to rule with a small
council he believed that the King was chosen by God and therefore only gods could judge him he
expressed these opinions openly however and this led to trouble with parliament James had to ask
parliament to raise a text to pay to debts parliament agreed but in return James home and foreignpolicy
will be discussed Charles tried to raise money without parliament and James promised that he would
only raise money by act of parliament and that he would not imprison anyone without lawful reason
Charles being able to rule successfully without parliament
How did James I ruled country?
James's rule of Scotland was basically successful. He was able to play off Protestant and Roman Catholic
factions of Scottish nobles against each other, and, through a group of commissioners known as the
Octavians (1596–97), he was able to rule Scotland almost as absolutely as Elizabeth I ruled England.
What was the main reason of poor economy?
When Elizabeth died she left James with a huge debt larger than the total yearly income of the Crown
How was the relationship between Charles I and parliament and why?
Why did Charles I
had to expected the petition rights?
CİVİL WAR Without to help of parliament he was only able to put together in annex inexperience army
Charles knew his army was unlikely to win against the Scots so he agreed to respect all Scottish political
and religious freedom and also to pay a large sum of money to pursue the Scots to return home it was
impossible for Charles find this money except through parliament this gave it the chance and 11 years of
absolute rule by Charles and force him to rule under parliamentary control in the turf return for his help
parliament made Charles except and you law which started that parliament had to meet at least once
every three years
How did Charles I approys the religious disagreement in the country? How did he regard the puritans?
Charles did not like Puritans he had Marriott a French Catholic Charles took no notice of popular feeling
an he appointed an enemy of the Britons William loud as Archbishop of Canterbury
Who is William love why is he important?
What were the consequences of Archbishop Laud’s actions in Scotland and why Charles allowed them?
He tried to make the Scottish Kirk except the same organisation as the church in England Charles accept
because he didn't know anything about them because he was only lived in Scotland as an infant Andy
consequences of these Charles had to face a rebel Scottish army
Who supported parliament and Charles I during the civil war?
Most of the House of Lords an affair from comes parted Charles the royalists known as Cavaliers.
Who were cavaliers and roundheads?
Roundheads: Parlamentarians
Cavaliers: Royalists (Charles I supporters)
How did civil war ended? When and where?
Royalist army was unpaid and as a result soldiers either runaway or stole from local village and farm in
the end they lost their courage for the fight against the parliamentarians and at naseby in 1645 the
royalist army was finally defeated
What happened the Charles I after the civil war?
Parliamentarian army demanded the Kings that for treason they could either bring Charles back to the
throne and allow him to rule or remove him and create a new political system 2/3 of the member of
parliament Terry did not want to put the King on trial they were remove removed from parliament by
the army and the remaining 53 judged him and found him guilty of making war against his Kingdom and
the parliament on 31 January 1649 King Charles was executed
What dirty political tricks played against Charles I after he was captured an he was on trial?
What happened after Charles I was execauted?
His son Charles the 2nd left the country end Cromwell and his friends created the government far more
severe than Charles had been they had got rid of the monarchy and they now get rid of the House of
Lords and Anglican church
How did common people react?
Most of the people realise that they did not send parliamentary rule and were sorry that Charles was not
still King
How did Oliver Cromwell ruled the country?
Oliver Cromwell ruled country far more severe than Charles had been they get rid of the monarchy they
get rid of the House of Lords and Anglican church.
What is the event killing times?
It was a period of conflict in Scottish history between the Protestants movement based largely the in the
South West of the country and the government forces of Kings Charles seconds Ann James the seven the
period roughly from 1679 to the glorious revolution of 1688 was subsequently called the killing time by
by Robert Woodrow in his the history of the sufferings of the Church of Scotland from the restoration to
the revelation published in 1721 and 22
who are tories who were whigs?
tories they are royalists or Kings supporters and the weeks verge support to protest and succession
Which event mainly pay the way profilitaion for religious segs in England in 17 century?
Bible retranslated and manymore people could read it. Lower class could read it. People started to
understand different ways of the Bıble.
Oliver Cromwell period considered as Republic what way it is similar to monarchy?
He tried to govern the country with the army.
What was the first thing George the third did when he came to the throne?
He made peace with France because he did not want to continue the war that cost a lot of money
he also did a trick, didn't inform prussia so prussia was alone in the battle
what was the reason of the war against France?
Because Britain wanted to take control of the trade pols.
What was the battleground which location between two armies fought?
whole world was battleground especially Canada Spain and India.
Triangular trade?
Slave trade.
What developments made England the leading power of Europe in 18th century?
the growth of its industries an from the world of its large knew train trading empire Britain had the
strongest Navy in the world the Navy controlled britain's own trade routes an endangered those of its of
its enemies
how was the danger of revolution prevented in England
Britain was saved partly by the high level of local control of the ruling class in the countryside and partly
by methodism, religious movements which offered hope and self respect to than you ploretariant.
methodism was careful to deal only with the heavenly matters it did not question political or social
injustice on earth.
Why British afraid of revolution?
The British government was was afraid of dangerous revolutionary ideas spreading from France to the
discontent in Britain in fact Britain ended the century fighting against the great French leader Napoleon
Bonaparte to an eventually defeating him. the British were afraid because of the losing of their trade
routes and rebellion.
what was James the church arguments why did James the second son not give up his claim on throne?
Because James ıı believed divine rights and then James ıı’s son to return to Britain as James the church
if he had given up Catholic ISM and accept the Anglican religion he probably would have been crowned
James ııı but like other members of his family James was unwilling to change his mind and he would not
give up his religion nor would he give up his claim to the throne so he tried to win it by force
why was the Bank of England founded?
In 1649 a group of financieres who lent the government decided to establish a bank and the government
agreed to borrow from its alone the new bank called the Bank of England has authority to raise money
by printing bank notes this was not enter entirely new idea for hundreds of years bankers and money
dealers had been able to give people promissory notes signed by themselves these could be handed on
as payment chart or forge person this way of making trade easier had been made lawful during the reign
of Henry the first the chicks views today developed from these promissory notes
war with France broke out in 1756 Britain has already been involved in a war against France for
concerning control of Austrian empire it was a war because of the trade routes
18th century homes owners had right to vote an voting is not done in secrets the voters were frightening
into voting for the right man or pursued by gifts or money so in this way the great land loaning
aristocrats were able to control those who sat in parliament and make sure that member of parliaments
did what they wanted
when George ııı made peace with France in 1763 without selling his ally pressure Wilkes printed a
strong attacks on the government in his own newspaper the North Britain Wilkes was arrested and
imprisoned in the Tower of London and all his private papers were taken from his home wilcos fault
back when he was tried to in court the government Elaine it had arrested fields of state necessity the
judge turned down this argument with the famous judgement that in “ public policy is not an
argument in a court of law” This is showing us to individual is more important than interests of states
Many British politicians openly supported the colonies they were called radicals