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Afro-Asian Literature Course Outline - Jose Rizal University

Republic of the Philippines
The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Znac, Tampilisan, Zamboanga del Norte
Course Outline
Instructor: Deo J. Galvez
Course code: SPEC – 118
Course Title: Survey of Afro-Asian Literature
No. of hours: 54 hrs.
Unit credit: 3 units
Course Description:
This three-unit course deals with an intensive study of the selected literary texts from Asia
and Africa, particularly India, China, Japan-the countries in the southeast region of Asia, and
the African nations south of the Sahara, along with socio-historical, philosophical, and literary
underpinnings. (CMO No. 75 S., 2017)
Jose Rizal Memorial State University adheres to the principle of
dynamism and cultural diversity in building a just and humane
A dynamic and diverse internationally recognized University
A dynamic, inclusive, and regionally-diverse University in Southern
Jose Rizal Memorial State University pledges to deliver effective and
efficient services along
research, instruction, production and
It commits to provide advanced professional, technical and
technopreneurial training with the aim of producing highly competent,
innovative and self-renewed individuals.
Globally-competitive educational institution;
Resilient to internal and external risks hazards;
Innovative processes and solutions in research translated to extension
Partnerships and collaborations with private enterprise, others HEIs,
government agencies, and alumni;
Sound fiscal management and participatory governance
Attributes of
Ilustrado Tribe
addressed by
the Course
At the end of the semester, students are expected to:
Globally Competitive
Industry Relevant
Effective Communicator
Program Outcome/s
addressed by the Course:
At the end of the semester, students are expected to:
A. Model and apply technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge, to diverse students
toward a culturally responsive language and literature teaching;
B. Articulate language and literature to reflect the importance of a diversity of languages and
language varieties in an environment of respect and rapport;
C. Use effective English and Filipino languages and media communication techniques in
language and literature teaching, professional collaboration, and interactions with diverse
D. Create and implement a variety of gender-sensitive instructional materials towards a
differentiated and contextualized language and literature teaching and learning;
E. Recognize, formulate, and solve issues and problems in the areas of language and
literature content knowledge and pedagogical towards a sound judgment and critical
thinking that contribute to the renewal of the teaching profession;
F. Demonstrate commitment to continuous self-improvement by engaging in professional
info-sharing, collaborations with colleagues, reflective thinking, and education research,
particularly in language, literature, and related fields to improve curricular capabilities.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the semester, students are expected to:
A. Develop a sense of appreciation, values, and morals by examining various cultural,
political, and philosophical practices from the selected African literary pieces.
B. Share representative literary works by early and contemporary African writers.
C. Articulates one’s awareness of how language works in literary text and the author’s style
in writing.
D. Construct their own short story depicting heroism, determinism, morals, and values.
Week 1
Weeks 2
Week 3
Weeks 4 -5
Activities /Topics coverage
 Class Orientation pertaining to the  Student Manual
grading system, an overview of the
 CMO No. 75 S., 2017
course, Learning policies &
 Laptop, LED T.V, HDMI
 Rubrics, format for both written
and presentation
 Assigning of tasks.
 African American Literature: A Guide
 African Literature
to Reading Interests
 Characteristics of African
by Alma Dawson Ph.D., Connie J.
Van Flee
 African Writers and Poets
 African Poems and Short
 Literary Pieces:
- Africa by David Diop
The focus of the Discussion:
- Once Upon a Time
- Types and characteristics of
by Nadine Gordimer
African literature
- Anticipation by
- Famous African writers
Mabel Dove -Danquah
- Sample literary works
 summary
 themes
 philosophy
Suggested Pieces
 Egyptian Literature
• Types
- The Thousand and One
• Tales and Love Songs
• Myths and Legends
- The Tale of Sinuhe
(anonymous author)
 Arabian Literature
- The Quran/Koran
• Prose
- The Arabian Nights by Tahir
• Poetry
- The Lady and Her Five
- Love by Kahlil Gibran
- The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
- Bewildered Arab by Nour-od Din Abdor-Rahman-e Jami
- The Food of Paradise by Ibn
- Count Not Your Chickens
before they Hatched
- To Whom Should I Speak
Today by T. Eric Peet
Chinese Literature
Hindu literature
Suggested Pieces:
- The Five Classics and the Four Books
- A Wife Mourns for her Husband by
Suggested Pieces:
- Mahabharata (Ganesha, Vyasa)
- Panchatantra collection of Fables
by Vishnu Sharma
- Panchatantra Stories
- Bhagavad Gita by Vyasa
Weeks 6 -7
 Hebrew Literature
- Nature of the Hebrew Language,
Poetry and Prose
- Masterpieces of the Jews
- The Story of Joseph
- The Story of Ruth
- The Parables (The Good
- Samaritan, The Last Seat,
- Prodigal Son, Talents
Suggested Pieces
- Genesis: The Creation
- Psalm 23
- The Ecclesiastes
Activities /Topics coverage
Week 8
Weeks 9 -10
Persian Literature
Characteristics of Persian
- Persian Prose and Poetry
 Japanese Literature
- Development of Japanese
literature from the beginning
up to the modern period
- Life and works of Japanese
- Haikus of Bassho, Buson
and others
 Korean Literature
About Korea
- Literary Works of Korea
Suggested Pieces:
Rubaiyat by Omar
Hafiz’s Poetry
Rumi’s epic and poems
Ferdowsi’s writings
Suggested Pieces:
Tale of Genji
The Madman on the Roof
by Hiroshi Kikuchi
In a Grove” by Akutagawa
For background on what a haiku
is, the students are asked to
for features and structures of a haikus
 Vietnam Literature
- Facts about Vietnam
- Poetry and Short Stories
Weeks 1112
 Indonesian Literature
 Pujangga Lama
 Traditional Forms
- syair (traditional narrative
pantun (quatrains made up of
two seemingly disconnected
 Quondam (brief aphorism)
 hikayat (stories, fairytales,
animal fables, chronicles)
Suggested Pieces
-The Mandarin and the
- Flower Festival by P. Khiem
Suggested Piece:
- Everybody has his
- Burden (Indonesian Folktale)
 Carpio, R. (2006). Crisscrossing through Afro-Asian literature. Philippines: Anvil
Publishing, Inc
 Lapid, M. and Serrano, J. (2015). Afro-Asian literature, Manila: Phoenix Publishing House
 https://theculturetrip.com/.../the-top-10-contemporary-african-writers-you-shouldknow, The Top 10 Contemporary African Writers You Should Know
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-nNTGK0wFw,
 https://www.acadshare.com/afro-asian-literature-course-synopsis/,
Literature Course Synopsis
 https://www.ancient.eu/Chinese_Literature/. Chinese Literature
 https://www.bartleby.com/214/0203.html, Nature of the Hebrew language, poetry, and
 https://www.wdl.org/en/item/6881/ Persian Prose and Poetry
 https://theculturetrip.com/middle-east/iran/articles/10-must-read-iranian-authors/10
must read Iranian Authors
Course Requirements
 Short story analysis
 Reflection paper/ Quizzes / other written outputs
 Academic report/outline of the presentation
 Presentation of short story analysis
 Short story writing
Grading Plan
The following are the criteria for grading:
30% - Major Examination (Midterm or Final)
30% - Quizzes
40% -Performance Tasks (projects/assignments/activities/recitations, works
Transmutation shall be based on a 0=50% grading system
General Average (GA) is the grade that appears in the transcript of records for a certain course
which is 50% of the Midterm Grade + 50% of the Final grade).
Classroom Rules of Conduct
 Late submissions are not accepted. Unless there is a very valid excuse for a such late
 Plagiarism is to be avoided at all costs. First offense, the student will receive a grade of 0
for the work/activity/seatwork/essay. Second offense, the student will receive a final grade
of 0.0 for the subject.
 No one is allowed to use his or her phone for texting or calling during the class unless it
is for emergency purposes and or permitted.
Prepared by:
Course Instructor