July 22, 2019 GRADE LEVEL: Grade 10 TEACHER: Ms. Edith A. dela Cruz TOPIC: Continental Drift “Drifted Supercontinent” LEARNING COMPETENCY: Recognize how the Continental Drift theory is developed. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the activity the students should be able to: a. explain the evidences that lead to the development of the Continental Drift Theory; b. give the importance of the Continental Drift to Philippine history; and c. manifest teamwork, discipline and critical thinking throughout the activity. LEARNING RESOURCES REFERENCES Science 10 Learner’s Material pp. 53-63 https://brainly.ph/question/190513 https://www.keslerscience.com/continental-drift-theory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1-cES1Ekto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbU809Cyrao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5q8hzF9VVE&t=2s MATERIALS Laptop, Video clips about continental drift, Station cards, Activity papers, powerpoint presentation, Strips of paper, timer, tape, manila paper, markers, Tangram puzzle PROCEDURE TEACHER’S ACTIVITY STUDENTS’ ACTIVITY Routinary Activity Prayer Checking of attendance I. ELICIT Activity: Tangram Puzzle Today we will start the lesson by having an activity called Tangram Puzzle. Are you familiar with Tangram? (answers may vary) The tangram set is a square that has been divided into seven simple shapes, which are called tans. These include two large triangles, two smaller triangles, a medium triangle, a square and a parallelogram. The shapes aren’t much more exciting than the square they started as, but when manipulated properly, these most basic shapes can convey the ideas thoughts of the player. For this activity the class will be divided into two teams, one team for the boys and one team for the girls. Each team will have three representatives who will form the figure that I will be posting on the board. They will tape the shapes of the puzzle on the board as they try to form the figure shown. Each group will be given 2 ½ minutes to finish the figures. The group who will finish first and got the most correct figures will be the winner Before we start the activity there are rules that you need to follow; 1. No shouting 2. No booing 3. Show your utmost respect to your classmates Understood? Form these figures on the board Yes ma’am! The students will form the figures shown How were you able to construct the flashed figures using the tangram set? Ma’am we moved the different shapes until we were able to construct the figure correctly. Do you know our planet is like a giant tangram puzzle? Look at this world map, can you fit the different continents together? Yes ma’am, we noticed especially Africa and South America looks like they can fit together. They look like they drifted apart. Correct, and that is explained through our topic for today, what do you think is our topic? II. ENGAGE Activity 2: Complete Me On the screen are jumbled letters of the evidences of the continental drift theory, I want you to arrange those letters and make a graphic organizer that shows the evidences of the continental drift theory. Those evidences were all given by a scientist whose idea, which is the Continental Drift Theory, was taken for granted due to the fact that people from his time find it impossible to believe that the continents are moving. His name is Alfred Wegener. The students will rearrange the letters and complete a graphic organizer. APAPRENT TIF FO THE CONITNNETS =APPARENT FIT OF THE CONTINENTS FISSOL COERRLATOIN =FOSSIL CORRELATION RCOK AND MUONTIAN CORREALTION =ROCK AND MOUNTAIN CORRELATION PSAT CLMAITE DAAT =PAST CLIMATE DATA CONTINENTAL DRIFT EVIDENCES APPARENT FIT OF THE CONTINENTS FOSSIL CORRELATI ON ROCK AND MOUNTAIN CORRELATION III. EXPLORE The class will be divided into different groups and will be assigned to different stations Groups 1 and 2, STATION watch it Groups 3 and 4, STATION read it Groups 5 and 6, STATION explore it Each group will go to their respective stations, each station will have a set of procedures and questions they have to do and answer. Groups 1 and 2 will watch a video about the continental drift theory and will answer the following questions: 1. Who is Alfred Wegener? 2. What is his theory all about? 3. What do you call the big mass of land Wegener believed to exist millions of years ago but broke down into different continents we know today? 4. What are the evidences he proposed? Give a brief explanation of each of the evidence he gave. Groups 3 and 4 will read a selection about the continental drift and will answer the following questions: (Groups 1 and 2 will perform their task) (Groups 3 and 4 will perform their task) PAST CLIMATE DATA 1. According to the passage, how many fossils species were looked at to develop the theory of continental drift? 2. What would be the best title for this passage? 3. Why couldn’t the Mesosaurus swim to the other continent? 4. Where can fossils of Lystrosaurus be found? (Groups 5 and 6 will perform their task) Groups 5 and 6 will do the Activity called “Drifted Supercontinent” 1. Each group will connect puzzle pieces given to them and will answer the questions in their stations. 2. What do the Glossopteris fossils tell us about early positions of the continents? 3. If Glossopteris fossils were found in Antarctica, what was the climate of this continent before? 4. If the climate and the position of a place are relative to each other, where then was the initial location of Antarctica 250 million years ago? 5. Which continents do you think were neighbors before? IV. EXPLAIN After the activity each group will present the answers to the task given to them. Each will be graded with the use of the Rubric for oral presentation Each group will present their answers to the tasks given to them V. ELABORATE The teacher will further explain the four evidences which are: 1. The Apparent fit of the Continents 2. Fossil correlation 3. Rock and mountain formation 4. Past climate data/Paleo climate data Have you ever heard of “Tulay na Lupa” In your Araling Panlipunan? What is this “Tulay na Lupa”? Millions of years ago our country is connected to outher countries in Asia though this what we call “Tulay na Lupa”, this is a theory that explains the roots of our race, it is believed that “Tulay na Lupa” has a big part to the migration of our ancestors to the Philippines, it is also believed that this “Tulay na Lupa” was used for commerce and trading of goods long ago. Do you think Continental Drift played a part to the formation, as well as the vanishing of this Tulay na Lupa? Why? (Students will answer the question) (Students will answer the question) VI. EVALUATE 1. Which of the following scientists put forth the Continental Drift Theory? A. Wegener B. Hess C. Einstein D. Churchill 2. Originally the Continental Drift Theory was not well received by other scientists. Why? A. There was a competing theory at the time which was more believable. B. There was no data showing the continents ever moved. C. The scientists didn’t know the force responsible for moving the continents. D. The scientist presenting the data was unreliable. Students will answer the questions 3. The three animals above represent what type of evidence that the continents actually moved. A. Zoological evidence B. Glacial evidence C. Evidence of climate change D. Fossil evidence 4. Which of these terms means scratches in rocks caused by glaciers? A. Striations B. Stripes C. Stratosphere D. Stretch marks 5. Explain how the picture below supports the Continental Drift Theory. VII. EXTEND In a short bond paper draw a picture of an imaginary world and include fossil evidence, glacial evidence, landform evidence, and continental fit evidence. Prepared by: EDITH A. DELA CRUZ Teacher I