Unit 3 Study Guide 1. What are BUTTONS in an app used for? Used to do a certain task for the user when the do something such as clicking to get the output 2. What are TEXT INPUTS AND TEXT AREAS in an app used for? Are they editable by the user? Text inputs are for the user to input a short amount of text and text areas are for users to type a large amount of words. What are LABELS in an app used for? Are they editable by the user? Labels are text no editable by user, commonly used for a title. What are DROPDOWNS in an app used for? Provide an example of a good use of a dropdown menu. Used for users to drop down and select options. 3. What are RADIO BUTTONS in an app used for? Provide an example of a good use of a group of radio buttons. Used to only be able to select one right answer 4. What are CHECKBOXES in an app used for? Provide an example of a good use of a group of checkboxes. Checkboxes are used to select multiple choices. 5. What are IMAGES in an app used for? Where can you get images from to use in your app? Images are shown to the user and helps the app be more fun. You have to drop an insert picture then add the picture to the code. 6. What are SCREENS in an app important or useful? To able to see more screens for different types of interactive uses. 7. Describe how a user can interact with an app. Clicking, mouse over, selecting 8. Describe possible outputs an app can generate for a user. New screens, music, new text to pop up 9. Do comments alter the outcome of your program? YES or NO No 10. What are self-commenting element IDs? Please provide 2 examples. like a home button and if I have had a baseball image I will call it baseball_Image 11. What is the difference between Code Mode and Design Mode? What can the programmer do in each mode? Code mode is setting tasks for things such as buttons, design mode is place images, setting colors, placing buttons 12. How are sequential programs and event-driven programs different? Sequential programs start at a beginning point and progress to the end point in a way that can be perfectly predicted when the program begins running. Event-driven programs on the other hand do not progress in a predictable order. User-generated events 13. Be sure to understand how debugging works in JavaScript - U3 L7 – Bubbles 2-7 Got it 14. What is a program? A computer program is a collection of instructions that can be executed by a computer to perform a specific task. 15. Describe simple sequential program execution. Sequential execution means that each command in a program script executes in the order in which it is listed in the program 16. Describe event-driven program execution. when the user does the needed input here comes the output 17. What is debugging? Why is it important? Fixing errors in your coding, important so your code works Use the Word Bank provided to answer the following questions. Word Bank Low Numbers Three One Debug Console Double quotations Comments onEvent setProperty High 18. Strings need to be placed in double quotations. 19. Numbers do not need to be placed in double quotations. 20. Where does the console.log command print text in a program? Debug console 21. SetProperty changes the properties of elements on the screen. 22. console.log command needs one input. (looking for a number) 23. setProperty command needs three input. (looking for a number) 24. What command makes a program respond to the user? onEvent 25. randomNumber chooses a new random number each time, between low and high values given. 26. What do these symbols Comments // indicate?