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Spark of Revolution: Key Events & Documents

Spark of Revolution
Proclamation of 1763
Stamp Act (1765)
Boston Massacre (1770)
Tea Act (1773)
Intolerable Acts (1774)
Port Act
Massachusetts Government Act
Quartering Act
Administration of Justice Act
Continental Congress
• 1st Continental Congress 1774
– Boycott English Goods
• 2nd Continental Congress 1775
– Convene after the events at Lexington and
– Olive Branch Petition
• July 2nd 1776, Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence
• Set up as a syllogism
– Broken up into three parts
– 2 premises and a conclusion
• 1. Each person has a natural right to life liberty
and property. Government is created by the
consent of the governed to protect these rights.
• 2. Our Current Government does not do this.
• 3. We have a right and a duty to rebel against it
The Declaration of Independence
• “…Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God…”
• “…We hold these truth to be Self-Evident…”
– What does it mean for something to be selfevident?
• “…That all men are created equal…”
– How so? Quantitative vs. Qualitative
The Declaration of Independence
• “…That they are endowed by their creator
with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of
– Where do these come from?
– Must look to the Political Philosophy of John Locke
– 2nd Treatise on Government (1689)
Locke’s 2nd Treatise
• Imagine man in a “State of nature”
– Alone, defenseless, armed only with his wits and
brute strength
• Does this person still have rights? How can we
• Self preservation, freedom, and property
• Why property? Labor + natural resource =
The Declaration of Independence
• “That to secure these rights, Governments are
instituted among Men, deriving their just
powers from the consent of the governed…”
– How radical a statement is this?
• “That whenever any form of government
becomes destructive to these ends it is the
Right of the People to alter or abolish it…”
– Why do they have this right?
The Articles of Confederation
• Lasted 10 years 1777-1787 (1789)
• "Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and
independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and
right, which is not by this Confederation expressly
• Central national government is incredibly weak.
– Cannot levy taxes or print money
– Cannot raise an army
– Need Unanimous vote of all 13 states to pass bills
U.S. Constitution
• Preamble
• Articles
• Amendments
The Preamble
• “A More Perfect Union”
• Why is this important? What does this
The Articles
• Article 1: The requirements, structure, and
powers of Congress
• Article 2: The requirements, structure, and
powers of the President
• Article 3: The structure and powers of the
courts including the Supreme Court