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Steel Corrosion in Salt Water: Cathodic Protection Study

Basic Research into the
The U.S. National Bureau of Standards has recently completed a study of the electric potential
needed to protect steel cathodically from corrosion in salt water. Data obtained under controlled
laboratory conditions are expected to provide a basis for handling similar problems encountered under
marine conditions. It was found that the best degree of protection was achieved when the specimens
were held at minus 0.77 volt with reference to a saturated calomel electrode.
NORMAL corrosion of iron and
steel is, of course, an electro-chemical
phenomenon. When metal is exposed
to salt water, differences in electric
potential develop at the surface of
the metal, resulting in the formation of
numerous small corrosion cells. This
action causes destructive alteration of
areas, the anodes, on the metal
surface where metallic ions enter the
In applying cathodic
protection, direct current from an
external source is caused to flow from
an auxiliary anode toward the corroding surface. This prevents positive
metal ions from entering the
Potential required
The potential at which a metal
structure should be maintained in
order to prevent corrosion is a question
of practical interest.
negative potential will give inadequate
protection. On the other hand, main-
taining a greater potential than is
needed is unnecessarily costly. Some
engineers are of the opinion that
-0.85 volt with reference to a copper/
copper sulphate electrode (equivalent
to -0.77 volt with reference to a
saturated calomel electrode) sometimes
represents overprotection and excessive current demands. It was to
study this problem that W. J.
Schwerdtfeger, of the Bureau's corrosion laboratory, undertook the
present work.
An earlier laboratory investigation
of corrosion in various types of soils
using soil cells had shown that steel
specimens maintained at -0.77 volt
with reference to a saturated calomel
electrode lost negligible weight in a
60-day exposure period. Also, deviations in potential electro-positive to
this voltage for relatively short intervals resulted in appreciable weight
loss. Specimens maintained at more
negative potentials (-1.0 volt) generally
showed no greater reduction in weight
Corrosive environment
The corrosive environment chosen
for the present study was Washington
(D.C.) tap water with an added 3 % by
weight of sodium chloride.
electrolyte presented no problem in
the measurement of significant potentials; no special equipment was needed
as the IR (voltage) drops in the salt
water were negligible. All specimens
were 16-in. long, 0.5-in. diameter,
cold-rolled steel rods, taped at the
Corrosion Problems and
water line, and suspended vertically
in the water for 60 days.
Currents and potentials were measured with both recording- and indicating-type instruments. Protective
potentials were controlled to within
±5 mv. by an electronic balancing
unit which actuated a motor-driven
voltage divider that applied current
to the specimens. Currents required
to maintain these potentials were
compared with the currents indicated
by changes-in-slope, referred to as
'breaks', of cathodic polarisation
curves obtained on control specimens.
The polarisation curves were obtained
automatically by using a synchronously driven voltage divider and a
two-pen (current and potential)
Under both stagnant and aerated
exposure conditions, the best degree of
cathodic protection was attained at
-0.77 volt with reference to a saturated calomel electrode. Although a good
(but lesser) degree of protection was
noted at potentials more noble than
-0.77 volt, this degree of protection
could not be obtained at lower current
densities. Therefore, -0.77 volt was
considered to be the optimum protective potential.
It was found that the applied currents indicated by the breaks in
cathodic polarisation curves agreed
reasonably well with the currents
required to maintain polarisation at
-0.77 volt. The break current, which
also was observed to be related to
the corrosion current itself, is therefore considered to be a good measure
of the current required for optimum
protection. In some of the experiments, a short, preliminary period of
exposure without protective current
greatly reduced the amount of current
J. Schwerdtfeger, 'Current and
Potential Relations for the Cathodic
Protection of Steel in Salt Water',
J. Research NBS, 60, No. 3 (1958),
RP 2833.
W. J. Schwerdtfeger and O. N.
McDorman, 'Potential and Current
Requirements for the Cathodic Protection of Steel in Soils', J. Research
NBS, 47, 104 (1951), RP 2233.
Last year Courtaulds Ltd. placed
with The Kestner Evaporator &
Engineering Co. Ltd. an order for two
high-vacuum crystallisers. These will
be installed at Courtaulds' works at
Preston and are of the Kestner continuous high-vacuum type. Each is
designed to crystallise out many tons
of Glauber's salt per 24-hr. day from
rayon spinning bath liquor. The
liquor will be cooled to as low as
5°C. by flash evaporation. The high
vacuum needed will be obtained by
means of steam-operated vacuum
augmenters followed by barometric
condensers and two-stage air ejectors.
The materials of construction of the
plant will include a high proportion
of Kestner's corosion-proof material,
Keebush, with other parts in rubber and
lead-lined mild steel. The corrosion
problems involved have had to be
carefully considered and guarded
against. Hence the use of Keebush and
the lined mild steel, to give a corrosionproof but economic combination.
Du Pont (U.K.) Ltd. to Build Elastomers Research Laboratory
To assist rubber manufacturers in
the United Kingdom and on the
Continent in taking advantage of the
latest advances in research, testing,
and manufacturing processes, Du Pont
Co. (U.K.) Ltd. will construct an
elastomers research laboratory at
Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire.
David H. Conklin, managing director of the company, in announcing
the new project, stated that increasing
use of Du Pont's elastomers, including
Neoprene, Hypalon synthetic rubber,
and Adiprene urethane rubber, makes
the laboratory a necessary service to
the rubber industry. ' T h e need for
this service,' he continued, 'will increase materially when the Neoprene
plant in Northern Ireland is in full
The new laboratory will duplicate
mill equipment and conditions found
in the British rubber processing industry, and much research will be
directed at solving problems of individual plants.