Article Biology, Genes, and Resilience: Toward a Multidisciplinary Approach TRAUMA, VIOLENCE, & ABUSE 14(3) 195-208 ª The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permission: DOI: 10.1177/1524838013487807 Lucy Bowes1 and Sara R. Jaffee2,3 Abstract Variability in response to stressful environmental exposures is at the core of resilience research. In order to understand why some individuals show resilient functioning in the face of adversity, one needs to understand the mechanisms through which risky environments lead to pathology in some and not others, and the ways in which risk and protective factors affect these processes. Understanding the interplay between genetic and biological processes and different environments is necessary in order to elucidate the causal pathways through which individuals show resilience or vulnerability in the face of adversity. Keywords resilience, biology, genetics, multidisciplinary, maltreatment There is great variation in the ways in which individuals respond and react to environmental stressors. While exposure to risk may lead to psychopathology and ill-health for some, others show a relative resistance to a similar level of risk, or are able to overcome the stress or adversity (Rutter, 2006b). It is assumed that by discovering the mechanisms that underlie this variation, researchers will shed light on the causal processes for psychopathology. Given the recent paradigm shift in the importance given to childhood experiences and early environmental influences for long-term health (Center of the Developing Child, 2012; Marmot, 2005; Shonkoff & Garner, 2012), research into the mechanisms through which individuals show resilience in the face of adversity is gaining momentum. Resilience research is a strengths-based approach that will add to the knowledge base for policies and programs aiming to promote competence and shift the course of development in more positive directions for those at risk (Masten & Coatsworth, 1998). The majority of studies on resilience have focused on psychosocial factors that influence how an individual responds to stressors, including individual, interpersonal, and family characteristics together with broader environmental factors (Curtis & Cicchetti, 2003). More recently, researchers have argued that a more interdisciplinary approach is needed in order to uncover the multilevel processes involved in resilient adaptation to stress (Cicchetti & Rogosch, 2009; Masten & Obradovic, 2006; Rutter, 2006b). In particular, a better understanding of the role of biological and genetic processes, and most importantly, how these interact with features of the environment is needed if we are to elucidate the causal processes involved. In this review, we begin by giving an overview of what is meant by the term resilience, and how it may be assessed on multiple levels, from distal cultural influences down to the subcellular level. We then consider what is meant by ‘‘stress’’ in the context of resilience, focusing both on psychological and on biological aspects. We examine how genetically informed studies of resilient adaptation help elucidate the causal processes through which distal and proximal environmental stressors influence health and behavior, and why ‘‘one-size-fits-all’’ changes to the environment may not benefit all individuals. We summarize by giving an overview of how biological and genetic approaches have enriched our understanding of resilience, and highlight some of the key questions that remain. Defining Resilience Resilience has been defined in multiple ways; however, most definitions encompass the overcoming of stress or adversity, or a relative resistance to environmental risk (Garmezy & Masten, 1994; Masten, 2001; Rutter, 2006c). Rutter emphasizes the interactive component of resilience, namely the combination of serious risk experiences and a relatively positive psychological outcome despite those experiences (Rutter, 2006c). This is not to say that an individual should only be considered resilient if he or she shows relatively positive outcomes 1 Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford, UK Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, US 3 Social, Genetic, and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King’s College London, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK 2 Corresponding Author: Lucy Bowes, Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford, Barnett House, 32 Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2ER. Email: 196 across all domains of functioning. Indeed, it has been argued that just as we should not expect uniform, consistent positive development across multiple emotional, behavioral, and cognitive domains in normative development, we should not expect individuals exposed to stress to show uniform positive outcomes (Luthar, Cicchetti, & Becker, 2000). The outcome assessed in different studies investigating resilience processes should be selected according to the specific environmental stressor being investigated. As will be discussed, there should be sufficient evidence to believe that the stressor plays a causal role in the development of the psychopathological outcome under study. In this review, we highlight biological studies that may provide useful outcomes for measuring resilience in addition to more standard measures of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral scores. The importance of the interactive component used in this definition of resilience should also be clarified. A statistical interaction may not always be observed. For a statistical interaction to be observed, there would need to be variation in both the environmental exposure and the outcome measured. As highlighted by Rutter (Rutter, 2006c), there are instances in which no statistical interaction would be observed despite known individual variation in response to an environmental stressor, namely when there is a lack of variation in risk exposure. For example, there is much variation in risk of malaria, with some of the variation explained by genes. However, in areas endemic for the disease where nearly all individuals are exposed to a similar degree of risk, no statistical interaction would be observed, despite the likely biological interaction. Emphasizing the interactive concept with regard to definitions of resilience helps explain why resilience is not simply a trait that can be measured directly. As will be discussed later, different stressors are associated with different phenotypic outcomes, and it follows that individuals may be resilient to certain environmental stressors and not others. The same environmental insults to the body also affect individuals in a multitude of ways, and again it follows that people may be considered resilient for certain outcomes but not others. It is also necessary to take a life-course approach when investigating resilience processes; people may be resilient at certain points in their life, but not others. Resilience can be thought of as a dynamic process (Luthar et al., 2000) rather than an individual trait. From the prenatal period to early childhood and beyond, human development is understood to be driven by an ongoing interaction between biology and ecology (Shonkoff & Garner, 2012). The field of resilience research requires a better understanding of the role of biological and genetic processes, and most importantly, how these interact with features of the environment to influence individual variation in response to stress. Research has long since moved past outdated ideas of ‘‘nature versus nurture’’ (Sameroff, 2010). How an individual responds to an external stressor will depend on the complex interplay between a multitude of factors, relating both to individual characteristics (including genetic factors) and to the broader environment, including, as noted by Ungar and colleagues in this issue, the cultural context. TRAUMA, VIOLENCE, & ABUSE 14(3) Consider, for example, the case of malaria. Individual characteristics may influence the likelihood of a person contracting the disease when exposed to infected mosquitoes. One example in the resilience literature of how genes may be ‘‘protective’’ is that of sickle-cell disease and risk for malaria. Sickle-cell disease is a recessive genetic blood disorder that causes various health complications and a decreased life expectancy. Sicklecell disease is more common in tropical and subtropical areas where malaria is common (Aidoo et al., 2002; Rutter, 2006a), as individuals who carry only a single copy of the recessive gene that gives rise to sickle-cell disease are at reduced risk of contracting malaria, and show less severe symptoms when infected. Thus, having the sickle-cell trait (i.e., being a single carrier of sickle-cell genes) is a protective factor in areas with a high rate of malaria. An individual’s likelihood of contracting malaria cannot be calculated simply on the basis of their genotype however. Clearly there are many other risk and protective factors that will play a role; how often is the individual exposed to mosquitoes? Are there regional policies to eradicate mosquitoes, and is there access to antimalarial treatments? Does the individual wear protective clothing, insect repellant, or have access to mosquito nets? Similarly, an individual’s likelihood of resilient functioning following exposure to trauma is unlikely to be attributed solely to either genetic or environmental factors. It is the complex interplay between the individual and their environment that will be key to understanding processes of resilience. Measuring Resilience Studies of resilience require accurate measures of environmental pathogens. The very concept of resilience requires variability in response to an environmental stressor; not all individuals are affected by risk exposure in the same way—some appear resilient while others more vulnerable. What is important however is that the measure of the risk exposure remains the same. It does not make sense to talk of resilience if one individual was simply exposed to less risk—either in terms of severity or duration of risk. This is no easy task. Measures of risk exposure are never perfectly precise or reliable. Furthermore, the very concept of the risk may differ across groups or cultures. For example, what constitutes child maltreatment in one culture, or at one time in history, may not in another. Physical punishment is associated with behavioral problems among European Americans but not among African Americans, though physical abuse predicts behavioral problems equally well across these and other ethnic groups (Deater-Deckard, Dodge, Bates, & Pettit, 1996). Indeed, physical punishment and strict parenting may be regarded as evidence of parent’s involved caregiving in some communities (Chen & Luster, 2002; Mosby, Rawls, Meehan, Mays, & Pettinari, 1999). Cultural consideration is therefore needed in studies of resilience following exposure to particular risk factors. Better measures are also needed for more distal environmental risk exposures. Historical, cultural, demographic, and geographic characteristics are important considerations in studies of resilience. Bowes and Jaffee Socioeconomic inequalities in risk for ill-health have been the focus of extensive research (Marmot et al., 1991). At the neighborhood level, disadvantage such as impoverishment, child care burden, and isolation have been significantly associated with an increased rate of child maltreatment (Coulton, Korbin, Su, & Chow, 1995); however, the exact processes that account for this relationship are not well understood (Coulton, Crampton, Irwin, Spilsbury, & Korbin, 2007). It could be that neighborhood characteristics have a direct effect on parents and children, for example, through perceived environmental stress or access to social support, resulting in an increased risk of abusive behavior. The ways in which child abuse is defined, recognized, and reported may also differ between neighborhoods leading to spurious effects. Neighborhood selection may also play a role. To the extent that residence in disadvantaged neighborhoods reflects individual characteristics that maintain downward social mobility, associations between neighborhood characteristics and risk of child maltreatment may be confounded by parent and family factors. At the family level, socioeconomic disadvantage has been repeatedly found to be associated with mental health problems in children. More focused studies have indicated that the effects of this relatively distal risk factor are mediated through parent– child relationships and not lack of money per se (Conger & Elder, 1994; Costello, Compton, Keeler, & Angold, 2003; Moffitt, Caspi, & Rutter, 2006). Understanding the mediating mechanisms through which stressful environments affect individuals is a necessary component in studies of resilience. Developmental psychopathologists have stressed the need to adopt an ecological framework to examine the multiple influences on vulnerability and resilience to environmental insults (Cicchetti & Blender, 2006; Curtis & Cicchetti, 2003; Jaffee et al., 2007; Luthar et al., 2000; Masten, 2007). Uncovering the pathways through which environmental stressors operating at different levels of the ecology influence individual behavior is the key. One critical area of resilience research is investigating the mechanisms through which external environments trigger biological changes within the body. Stress and Resilience Being exposed to severe or chronic stress is associated with both physical and mental ill-health. Exposure to mild or moderate stress is far less likely to lead to psychopathology, and may even be beneficial to development (Rutter, 1981). Before going on to explore the biological mechanisms through which stress is thought to lead to disease and ill-heath, first it is necessary to consider what is meant by the term stress in the field of resilience. One important point to make is that stress—both in measurement and in its experience—is somewhat subjective. The ways in which individuals perceive and interpret stressors may vary greatly—in some cases as a function of their previous exposure to adverse events (Chen, Langer, Raphaelson, & Matthews, 2004; Dodge, 1993). Importantly, what may be construed as significant levels of stress exposure to a resilience researcher may not be perceived as such by the individual 197 concerned (Gordon & Song, 1994). In such cases, it may be difficult to determine whether the exposure is in fact ‘‘risky.’’ As noted by Luthar, Cicchetti, and Becker (2000), concerns about subjective ratings are not confined to resilience research but are endemic within the field of psychology. Different informants may give very different ratings of the same construct; for example, ratings of peer relationships may differ widely depending on who is providing the report—which child, parent, teacher, or even an ‘‘objective’’ researcher (Achenbach, McConaughy, & Howell, 1987; Shakoor et al., 2011). Commonly, there is no ‘‘gold standard,’’ but rather different informants tend to provide valid perspectives that together may provide a more detailed measure of the construct. In terms of resilience research, it may be of particular interest to investigate why some individuals perceive particular stressors as less stressful than the norm (O’Connor & Rutter, 1996). It would also be of great interest to investigate whether different perceptions of the same stressor are associated with different physiological and psychological outcomes. ‘‘Stress’’ is not a simple construct. The same stressor may affect multiple phenotypic outcomes. For example, exposure to maltreatment in childhood has been linked to higher incidences of depression (Kaufman, 1991; Widom, DuMont, & Czaja, 2007), posttraumatic stress (Koenen, Moffitt, Poulton, Martin, & Caspi, 2007), antisocial behavior (Dodge, Bates, & Pettit, 1990; Jaffee et al., 2005; Widom, 1989), alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse (Fergusson, Horwood, & Lynskey, 1996; Lansford, Dodge, Pettit, & Bates, 2010), and indicators of physical ill-health, such as an increase in cardiovascular risk (Danese et al., 2009, 2010). Exposure to multiple types of maltreatment may be particularly harmful to child development (Kim & Cicchetti, 2010). The cumulative impact of multiple forms of childhood stress has been the subject of a series of studies based on the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study (Foege, 1998). This study has repeatedly shown a graded response between exposure to multiple childhood stressors (e.g., psychological, physical, and sexual child abuse, domestic violence, parental substance abuse problems, caregivers with mental health difficulties) and a diverse range of outcomes, including alcoholism, drug abuse, depression, and suicide attempt, poor self-rated health, sexually transmitted disease, physical inactivity, and severe obesity (Dube et al., 2003; Edwards, Holden, Felitti, & Anda, 2003; Felitti et al., 1998). When conceptualizing stress for studies of resilience, it is important that the stressful exposure (a) is expected to lead to serious, negative outcomes and (b) is believed to play a causal role in bringing about the health outcome of interest. Neurobiological and genetically informative studies help determine whether a particular stressor meets these two criteria. How Stress Can Lead to Disease: The Biology of Stress Response Early exposure to stress in both rodents and nonhuman primates has been found to influence vulnerability to illness through long-lasting changes in stress-related systems, and 198 alterations in brain structures believed to be involved in cognition, mood, and behavior (Levine, 2005; Meaney, 2001; Suomi, 1997). One potential mechanism by which stress may influence development that has received widespread attention is the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenocortical (HPA) axis. The HPA hormonal response system is present in a range of organisms and is activated in response to numerous stressors (McEwen & Stellar, 1993; Miller, Chen, & Zhou, 2007; Weiner, 1992). Activation of the system occurs when neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus secrete corticotropinreleasing hormone (CRH). The anterior pituitary gland responds to the presence of CRH by releasing a pulse of adrenocorticotrophin hormone, which is carried through the peripheral circulation to the adrenal glands, which then synthesize and release cortisol. Cortisol, the most extensively studied hormone released during this process, exerts an influence on multiple systems in the body, including the central nervous system, the immune system, and the metabolic system (Miller et al., 2007). Cortisol has been viewed as an important mechanism by which chronic stressors get into the body to bring about disease. Animal studies have been useful for investigating casual mechanisms through which controlled exposure to stress may bring about physiological change. For example, repeated or prolonged periods of maternal separation have been associated with changes in the HPA stress-response system in rodents (Francis, Caldji, Champagne, Plotsky, & Meaney, 1999; Sanchez, Ladd, & Plotsky, 2001). These changes in the HPA axis coincide with behavioral changes such as an increase in anxiety-like behaviors and mild cognitive impairments (Meaney & Szyf, 2005; Sanchez et al., 2001). More adverse outcomes have typically been observed with earlier and more prolonged separation (de Kloet & Oitzl, 2003). By observing physiological changes in response to environmental stressors, researchers may gain greater insight into factors that increase vulnerability to the negative sequelae of environmental stressors. Physiological measures may also aid understanding of which protective factors may play a causal role in promoting resilience to stress. For example, in research with rodents, maternal behavior upon reunion from a period of separation may help protect pups against negative outcomes (Liu et al., 1997). Specifically, higher levels of maternal licking and grooming have been associated with a lower HPA response to stress in adulthood, and a reduction in the degree of cognitive impairment (Francis, Champagne, & Meaney, 2000). There have been numerous human studies linking stressors, cortisol, and disease. For example, childhood exposure to victimization and maltreatment has been associated with alterations in cortisol responses to stressful situations (OuelletMorin, Danese, et al. 2011; Ouellet-Morin, Odgers, et al. 2011), in addition to changes in immune response and function (Shirtcliff, Coe, & Pollak, 2009), and increases in inflammation levels (Danese et al., 2009). In an innovative study by Ouellet-Morin and colleagues (2011b), it was noted that children victimized by both adults and peers showed a blunted cortisol response to a laboratory stress paradigm, in contrast TRAUMA, VIOLENCE, & ABUSE 14(3) to nonvictimized children who displayed a normative cortisol response. Importantly, blunted cortisol response was associated with increased levels of social and behavioral difficulties, but only among victimized children. The findings indicate that blunted HPA axis reactivity may be an indicator of increased developmental risk among children exposed to victimization. It is not known whether these putative effects on HPA axis reactivity differ in those who overcame the experience of victimization and displayed resilient functioning. The literature on HPA axis reactivity is highly complex. For example, in a study by MacMillan and colleagues, a similar attenuated cortisol response to a social stress task was observed among maltreated female youths but not among a non-maltreated control group (MacMillan et al., 2009). However, in the MacMillan study, the blunted cortisol reactivity was not associated with current symptoms of major depressive disorder or posttraumatic stress disorder, perhaps indicating that HPA axis hyporeactivity is more strongly associated with behavioral difficulties than with emotional disorders. A recent meta-analysis by Miller and colleagues (2007) highlights the complex nature of the stress-response system. It appears that chronic stress has the capacity to increase or decrease HPA activity, with the resulting pattern of activity dependent on features of the stress itself and the individual exposed. The timing and nature of the stressor appears to impact on findings, as does the controllability and individual psychiatric response (Dickerson & Kemeny, 2004; Fries, Hesse, Hellhammer, & Hellhammer, 2005; Miller et al., 2007; Sapolsky, 1996). Despite these findings, uncertainty remains as to whether changes in the HPA axis do in fact mediate the effects of environmental stressors on psychological outcomes. Furthermore, evidence is lacking in whether or not there are differential effects on the HPA system among those who display resilient functioning in the face of adversity. The findings do, however, suggest important features of both exposures and outcomes that may be important to consider in studies of resilience, including the nature and timing of the stressor, the degree to which it may be ‘‘controllable’’ and the psychiatric outcome in question. Exposure to Mild Stress: Stress Inoculation and ‘‘Steeling’’ Effects Exposure to stress does not always result in damaging physiological or neurological deficits however. Evidence from animal studies indicates that exposure to lower levels of stress may result in adaptive biological changes, known in the literature as ‘‘stress innoculation.’’ For example, squirrel monkeys exposed to repeated, relatively short (i.e., 1- to 6-hr separations) maternal separations show temporary species-typical signs of distress (locomotor agitation, distress peep calls, and acute elevations in plasma cortisol levels). After each maternal reunion, measures return to baseline (Coe, Glass, Wiener, & Levine, 1983; Stanton & Levine, 1985). The outcome of these repeated separations is that these ‘‘stress-innoculated’’ monkeys show diminished HPA axis activation in response to subsequent Bowes and Jaffee acute stressors and are better able to regulate negative emotional arousal in response to later, acute stressors (Parker & Maestripieri, 2011). Upon being placed in a novel environment, stress-inoculated monkeys appear less anxious; they are more likely to explore novel objects, display decreased clinging to their mothers, and are better able to use their mothers as a secure base from which to explore relative to noninoculated monkeys. Such adaptive responses appear to be associated with the degree of behavioral control an animal has when confronted with stress; early experiments with rodents showed that prior experience of controllable shock blocks the typical behavioral responses to subsequent uncontrollable shock (Maier, Amat, Baratta, Paul, & Watkins, 2006; Williams & Maier, 1977). Whether such effects persist across the life course remains to be tested (Parker & Maestripieri, 2011). The extent to which an environmental risk is ‘‘controllable’’ is suggested as a key aspect of what makes a situation stressful (Heim, Ehlert, & Hellhammer, 2000; Sapolsky, 1998). The concept of ‘‘stress inoculation’’ in the animal literature closely parallels what has been referred to in human studies of resilience as steeling effects (Rutter, 1981). Very few human studies have looked at potentially beneficial physiological changes following exposure to mild or controlled levels of stress, but behavioral findings indicate that such differences may be expected. In longitudinal studies investigating children in California who lived through the great economic depression of the 1920s and 1930s, it was found that while the social and behavioral development of younger children tended to be impaired, older children were sometimes strengthened by the experience. Elder and colleagues interpreted this finding as showing that older children who were better able to cope successfully with the increased social and economic responsibilities learned from and were strengthened by the experience (Elder, 1974). The study of how individuals cope with a stressful encounter at the cognitive and behavioral level has been the subject of a great deal of research (e.g., Folkman, Lazarus, Dunkel-Schetter, DeLongis, & Gruen, 1986; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984; Skinner, Edge, Altman, & Sherwood, 2003). Key factors that help determine whether an experience is associated with severe symptoms or recovery include appraisal of the situation and considering what is potentially at stake, and the choice of coping strategies individuals use in order to either change the stressful situation or modify their emotional response (Lazarus, 1996). At the physiological level, there is evidence to suggest that individual differences in coping strategies are associated with differences in neuroendocrine response to both acute and chronic stress (Olff, 1999). The ways in which individuals cope with stress clearly plays an essential role in the process of resilient adaptation. Constraints to Resilience: Damaged Beyond Repair? Although successful coping with mild or even moderate stressor may be associated with beneficial outcomes, in cases of exposure to extreme stress there may be constraints on resilient adaptation. For example, in a famous study of children adopted 199 from profoundly depriving institutions in Romania, it was found that children adopted prior to the age of 6 months showed no persisting deficits, whereas children who spent longer than 6 months in the institutions showed persistent adverse sequelae even up to age 15, despite many years living with well-functioning families in the United Kingdom. No increase in risk was observed beyond the 6-month period, suggesting that long-lasting physiological or neurological damage may have occurred by this time (Kreppner et al., 2007). In two recent follow-up studies, it was shown that individuals who had spent more than 6 months in the Romanian institutions showed differences in their brain structure (notably in the amygdala) and in their brain reward systems compared to a noninstitutionalized comparison group (Mehta et al., 2009, 2010). It remains to be tested whether the same structural and functional differences may be observed between adopted individuals who spent less than 6 months versus more than 6 months in the institutions. Thus, there is some indication that there may be a limit to the possibility of resilient functioning following exposure to stressful or traumatic experiences. Such studies suggest there may be ‘‘windows of opportunity’’ for offsetting the pathological consequences of risk exposure, and emphasize the need to consider timing of risk in studies of resilience. It remains the case that some exposures may be so damaging to an individual that the chances of a resilient outcome are slim. Establishing Causality: How Genetically Informed Studies Inform Resilience Research Exposure to stressful experiences has been shown to impact on biological development in ways that may often confer longterm risk. However, the relationship between exposure to environmental stress and individual development is bidirectional. Just as certain environments can result in long-term biological changes, an individual’s biological and genetic makeup can also alter the types of environment that are experienced, and the ways in which these experiences are processed. To a certain extent, individuals self-select themselves into different environments; those who are shy and introverted by nature are likely to seek out different social experiences than those who are more extroverted, for example. Genetically influenced behaviors or characteristics may also influence the reaction of others. For example, children who show more withdrawn, depressive-type behaviors are more likely to be targeted by bullies (Arseneault et al., 2008). Such internalizing behaviors have been shown to be at least partly heritable (Bartels et al., 2004; Haberstick, Schmitz, Young, & Hewitt, 2005; Happonen et al., 2002), and thus it is perhaps not surprising that exposure to peer victimization has been found to be partially influenced by genetic factors (Ball et al., 2008; Bowes et al., 2013). The impact of the family ‘‘environment’’ on children’s development may also be confounded by genetic factors. For example, experience of maltreatment has long been shown to be associated with conduct problems in children (Dodge et al., 1990; Lansford et al., 2002; Widom, 1989); however, parents who maltreat their children are more likely to have a history of 200 antisocial behavior, which in itself is moderately heritable (Rhee & Waldman, 2002). Thus, it has been argued that maltreatment may be a marker for genetic risk that parents transmit to children rather than a causal risk factor for children’s conduct problems (DiLalla & Gottesman, 1991; Jaffee & Price, 2007). If the influence of a particular exposure on a behavioral outcome is genetically mediated, interventions may be better targeted at changing children’s behavior rather than the risk exposure itself. In the case of both childhood maltreatment and peer victimization, research using pairs of genetically identical twins has indicated that the risk is environmentally mediated and not simply confounded by shared genetic factors. In instances where only one twin in a pair has been exposed to victimization, there is a higher rate of psychopathology in the exposed twin, despite both twins having the same levels of genetic risk (Arseneault et al., 2008). Thus, targeting exposure to victimization can be expected to reduce children’s likelihood of developing emotional and behavioral problems. Such examples highlight why it is important to determine in studies of resilience that the exposure variable is in fact ‘‘risky,’’ with the risk being environmentally, rather than genetically, mediated (Rutter, 2006c). Gene–Environment Interactions One of the key reasons why genetically informative research will enrich the field of resilience is that such studies help elucidate the causal processes that underlie individual variability in response to stress. It is assumed that knowledge about the causal mechanisms of stress vulnerability can help guide intervention efforts and help promote resilience in the face of adversity. As described above, genetically informative research can be used to test for environmental mediation, a prerequisite for causal pathways between risk exposure and outcome. Genetically informative research is also used to examine the individual variability in response to stress that is at the core of resilience research, in particular through the study of gene– environment (G E) interactions. A gene–environment interaction or ‘‘GE’’ is said to occur when the effect of exposure to an environmental risk factor on health and behavior is moderated by variation in specific genes (or conversely, when the effect of specific genes is moderated by the environment; Moffitt, Caspi, & Rutter, 2005). When similarly exposed to a specific environmental risk, individuals who carry the ‘‘protective’’ version (or allele) of the gene have been reported to show a reduced risk of susceptibility to psychopathology compared to individuals with the ‘‘vulnerable’’ allele (Kim-Cohen & Gold, 2009; Kim-Cohen & Turkewitz, 2012). Importantly, the genes in themselves do not operate as a risk or protective factors and appear to have little or no effect in the absence of the environmental risk (Rutter, 2006b). The first reported finding of a candidate G E influencing risk for psychopathology in humans came from a study by Caspi and colleagues in 2002. It had long been known that boys who experienced maltreatment were at increased risk of antisocial behavior in childhood and adolescence (Widom, 1989), TRAUMA, VIOLENCE, & ABUSE 14(3) with some indication that the earlier they were exposed to maltreatment, the greater the risk of behavioral problems (Keiley, Howe, Dodge, Bates, & Pettit, 2001). It was also noted that there was a great deal of individual variation in how children were affected by the experience and that most children did not go on to become delinquents or criminals (Widom, 1997). Caspi and colleagues proposed that at least some of this variability in response may be due to genetic ‘‘susceptibility factors’’ that moderate the influence of maltreatment on the developing child. In particular, deficiencies in the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene had been reported to be associated with aggression in rodent studies, with one human case study of a Dutch kindred finding a similar association with aggression among males with a rare null allele at the MAOA locus (Brunner, Nelen, Breakefield, Ropers, & van Oost, 1993). Findings were mixed as to whether MAOA was associated with aggression in the general population however, although childhood maltreatment was known to correlate with lasting neurochemical changes in neurotransmitter systems affected by MAOA activity. Caspi and colleagues therefore tested the hypothesis that MAOA genotype moderates the influence of childhood maltreatment on neural systems implicated in antisocial behavior by testing for an interaction between MAOA genotype and maltreatment using a longitudinal study design. Maltreated boys whose genotype conferred relatively low levels of MAOA expression were found to have significantly higher levels of antisocial behavior in adolescence and adulthood compared to maltreated children who had the highactivity version of the MAOA gene. Importantly, there was no difference in MAOA genotype between maltreated and nonmaltreated groups, suggesting that MAOA genotype did not influence exposure to maltreatment. A year later, Caspi and colleagues reported a second G E, this time involving variants of the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene (Caspi et al., 2003). When exposed to four or more stressful life events, individuals with one or two copies of the 5-HTT ‘‘short’’ allele were found to have more symptoms of depression, increased incidence of clinical depression, and increased suicidality compared to individuals with two copies of the ‘‘long’’ allele. A similar interaction with the 5-HTT gene was observed with exposure to childhood maltreatment. In both studies, there was little or no direct main effect of the genotype on the outcome under investigation, and a relatively small main effect of the environmental hazard. The largest effect was observed with the interaction between the ‘‘susceptibility gene’’ and the hazard (Rutter, 2006a). The genes therefore appear to influence vulnerability to environmental stressors and cannot be thought of as risk or protective factors in themselves—this is clearly not a case of ‘‘good’’ genes and ‘‘bad’’ genes. G E interactions have been the subject of a great deal of controversy of late. It has been suggested that the many positive replications in the literature have been biased by the existence of publication bias, low statistical power, and a high false discovery rate—particularly among novel G E studies and indirect replications, including studies that fail to report whether they are testing for an additive or multiplicative Bowes and Jaffee interaction (Duncan & Keller, 2011). There have been several meta-analyses examining G E with the polymorphism in the serotonin transporter gene; however, differences in inclusion and exclusion criteria have resulted in divergent findings (Brown & Harris, 2008; Munafo, Durrant, Lewis, & Flint, 2009; Munafo & Flint, 2009; Risch et al., 2009; Uher & McGuffin, 2008). The heterogeneity in the methods used to detect G E interactions has impacted the ability of researchers to make an assessment of the overall effect. Specifying features of the environmental pathogen that interact with genes to predict vulnerability and resilience may be important (KimCohen & Gold, 2009). For example, Brown and Harris (2008) noted that studies that have failed to replicate the G E between 5-HTT and life events have measured the occurrence of stressful life events in the months immediately preceding the depressive outcomes (Brown & Harris, 2008). In contrast, most of the positive replications have been in keeping with the original study by Caspi and colleagues in measuring life events in the 5 years previous to the outcome. If replicated, this finding could have important implications for understanding timing effects for how stress ‘‘gets under the skin’’ to predict depression or resilience. It is also possible that this observation may be the result of composite measures of life events being more psychometrically reliable. The observation highlights the need for resilience studies to use a longitudinal approach; individuals may appear resilient at one time point, but may develop problems later on (Jaffee & Gallop, 2007; Luthar et al., 2000; Rutter, 2006b). Differential Susceptibility to the Environment One recent theory that is of relevance to resilience research and the need to include genetic measures is differential susceptibility to the environment. This theory posits that certain individuals may be more affected by their environment—both for better and for worse—as a result of their genes (Belsky, Bakermans-Kranenburg, & van IJzendoorn, 2007; Boyce & Ellis, 2005). While G E findings have indicated that certain individuals may be especially vulnerable to the effects of early stressors according to their genotype, there is also evidence that under positive rearing conditions, these same children fare better than children with the ‘‘protective’’ allele (BakermansKranenburg, Van, Pijlman, Mesman, & Juffer, 2008; Pluess, Belsky, Way, & Taylor, 2010). Thus, rather than thinking of certain genotypes as conferring vulnerability in the context of environmental stressors, it may be better to think of these genotypes as conferring plasticity, rendering some individuals more susceptible than others to both negative and positive environmental influences (Belsky & Pluess, 2009). The theory has important implications for intervention efforts; children who are at the greatest risk of developing behavioral problems may prove to benefit most from prevention and intervention efforts (Kim-Cohen & Turkewitz, 2012). Emerging experimental evidence provide support for this interesting hypothesis. Compared to children at moderate risk only, children at high risk of developing conduct problems were more likely to benefit 201 from a multicomponent intervention program targeting key risk factors (Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group, 2011). Such findings suggest that the ‘‘life-course persistence’’ of conduct disorders may in fact be malleable, given suitable multifaced intervention efforts. The same genetic variants that increase risk of psychopathology in adverse circumstances appear to make individuals more likely to benefit from positive environmental factors such as social support (Kaufman et al., 2006; Wilhelm et al., 2006). These studies suggest that, once identified, targeting those at highest risk may be the most effective (and cost-effective) strategy for prevention and intervention efforts. On the other hand, these findings provide tentative evidence to suggest that targeting those at low-tomoderate risk may in some cases be less effective or even ineffective. Thus, it may be that ‘‘one-size-fits-all’’ changes to the environment may not benefit everyone. The Dynamic Genome: Epigenetics and Resilience G E interactions are one example of how genetic factors may influence resilient responses to stressors. Static differences in DNA sequence may not be the only way in which genes influence individual differences in response to stress. Although the string of nucleotides that comprise DNA remain stable throughout life, the patterns of gene expression and regulation that result from the DNA is highly dynamic. The ‘‘epigenome’’ provides a further layer of genetic information to the DNA code. The epigenome regulates genomic functions such as when and where genes are turned on or off. The term epigenetics is defined in the research literature as the reversible regulation of gene expression, mediated primarily through changes in DNA methylation and chromatin structure (Jaenisch & Bird, 2003). Perhaps, the key part of this definition for resilience research is that epigenetics refers to reversible changes in gene expression. Although DNA sequences and the genes for which they encode are fixed, the actual expression of genes in the body is not. There is increasing evidence that epigenetic processes may be induced following exposure to different environmental insults. For example, changes in diet, hormonal exposures, or experience of maltreatment have all been shown to influence patterns of DNA methylation (Zhang & Meaney, 2010), leading to changes in gene expression. These epigenetic changes are transmitted during mitosis, the normal process of cell duplication in nonsex cells that occurs throughout the life course, and thus may provide a mechanism by which certain environments have long-lasting influences on an individual (Mill, 2011). Among adults with and without a history of maltreatment, methylation differences have been observed in glucocorticoid genes (McGowan et al., 2009; Zhang, Labonte, Wen, Turecki, & Meaney, 2012) and in the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4; Beach, Brody, Todorov, Gunter, & Philibert, 2010). In the latter sample, SLC6A4 methylation levels accounted for the association between a childhood history of sexual abuse and adult antisocial personality disorder in women (Beach, Brody, Todorov, Gunter, & Philibert, 2011). 202 Epigenetic mechanisms may help elucidate pathways from risk to resilience as we begin to understand how environmental stressors affect the body at the level of the genome. The epigenetic modifications brought about by adverse childhood experiences may modify the expression of functionally relevant genes involved in the HPA axis (Heim, Newport, Miller, & Nemeroff, 2000; Weaver et al., 2004), immune system (Danese, Pariante, Caspi, Taylor, & Poulton, 2007), and serotonin transporter gene (Beach et al., 2010), influencing future stress responses and vulnerability to depression (Uher, 2008). The dynamic nature of epigenetic processes demonstrates that genetic influences on behavior are not fixed or unchangeable, but rather are responsive to the surrounding environment. Environmental protective factors may serve to alter gene expression and help set in motion a cascade of positive adaptation to stress. For example, regular aerobic exercise appears to reduce risk of anxiety and depression, in addition to improving cognition and brain function (Rimer et al., 2012 ; Smith et al., 2010). There is evidence that regular exercise may induce the expression of genes associated with neuroplasticity and neurogenesis in the hippocampal region (Collins et al., 2009), as well as helping to regulate HPA axis response to stress. This suggests that the beneficial effects of physical exercise might be at least in part a consequence of epigenetic mechanisms (Dudley, Li, Kobor, Kippin, & Bredy, 2011). Environmentally driven changes in gene expression may provide a mechanism through which the impact of earlier risk exposure can be altered and resilience promoted. The field of epigenetics research is in its infancy however, and caution must be used in interpreting findings. In addition to being highly dynamic, epigenetic profiles are largely tissue-specific, and it is not clear whether methylation profiles identified in peripheral tissues (commonly sampled in human epigenetic studies) will be identified in brain tissue (Heijeman & Mill, 2012). Genetically Informative Research and Clinical Utility One important argument by resilience researchers against the use of genetic measures in studies of resilience is that there is little clinical utility; researchers have argued that as genes are not malleable to change, they offer little help in the development of prevention and interventions aiming to promote resilience among at-risk individuals. The potential impact of G E interactions on an individual’s vulnerability or resilience to an environmental stressor is clearly an area warranting further research; however, such findings are not deterministic; simply because an individual with a particular genotype is exposed to a particular environment does not mean that psychopathology is inevitable. Rather, such individuals may be at increased risk and could be important candidates for intervention efforts. Thus, G E research attempts to tackle the question as to who is at most—and least—risk from an environmental pathogen, rather than simply the average effect of the risk across all exposed individuals (Moffitt et al., 2006). G E findings may also help elucidate how certain environmental pathogens ‘‘get under the skin’’ to influence vulnerability to psychopathology. TRAUMA, VIOLENCE, & ABUSE 14(3) It has been argued that evidence of a specific functional gene interacting with an environmental stressor brings us closer to determining the underlying causal pathways of risk and resilience (Moffitt et al., 2006). At present, G E interactions remain statistical in nature; uncovering the molecular mechanisms by which G E interactions operate is of crucial importance if the knowledge is to aid intervention efforts (Mill, 2011). Even where G E interactions are identified, negative sequelae associated with early stress and genetic vulnerability are not inevitable. Pyschosocial factors can promote resilience in children exposed to stressful experiences even in the context of genotypes expected to predispose children to negative outcomes (Kaufman et al., 2006). Recent research indicates that access to adequate social support promotes emotional resilience in ‘‘genetically vulnerable’’ children with a documented history of parental abuse (Kaufman et al., 2004, 2006). Specifically, maltreated children with the short allele of the serotonin transporter gene who received adequate social support were found to have depression scores that were similar to those of non-maltreated children. Protective factors may also have differential effects for children exposed to the same stressors but who have different genotypes in specific, measured genes. Protective factors relating to self-coping styles have been identified that promote emotional resilience in maltreated adolescents with a ‘‘low-risk’’ genotype (in this instance, high MAOA activity) but not for ‘‘genetically vulnerable’’ adolescents with low MAOA activity (Cicchetti, Rogosch, & Sturge-Apple, 2007). The effects of family interventions targeting adverse parenting and disadvantage have been shown to have genotype-dependent preventative effects on children’s behavioral problems (Bakermans-Kranenburg & van Ijzendoorn, 2006; Bakermans-Kranenburg et al., 2008). Furthermore, responsivity to psychological treatment for anxiety has been shown to be greater among carriers of the 5HTTLPR SS genotype compared to those with the SL/LL genotype in children with anxiety disorders (Eley et al., 2012). Thus, genetic research may help elucidate why ‘‘one-size-fits-all’’ changes to the environment may not benefit all individuals. Through the consideration of biological mechanisms in prevention science, it is hoped that program efficiency will be increased (Beauchaine, Neuhaus, Brenner, & Gatzke-Kopp, 2008). Biological indicators of risk have already been used to identify those most in need of prevention and intervention efforts for certain disorders, helping to direct limited resources to where they are most needed. Knowledge of underlying biological vulnerability and the ways in which it may moderate treatment response will also help ensure a better match between individuals and treatments (Beauchaine et al., 2008; Uher, 2008). Neurobiological studies have also indicated that there may be physical constraints on resilience, and suggest windows of opportunity for treatment. The Biology of Resilience: Future Directions This review highlights key areas in which knowledge of genetic predisposition and biological processes will aid studies of Bowes and Jaffee resilience. New technologies such as microarrays, genomewide sequencing, and genome-wide associations studies are expanding our knowledge of the human genome. We are still a long way from understanding the complex person–environment interactions that underscore resilient adaptation to stress, however. If it were the case that researchers need only to discover ‘‘protective’’ or ‘‘vulnerability’’ genes that moderate the impact of specific environmental exposures, one would expect that rates of psychopathology would be higher in carriers of the latter genes, given the high rates of environmental exposures such as maltreatment or life events (Uher, 2011). This is not the case, suggesting that such a simplistic view of genes is misguided. It is clear that there are multiple sources of vulnerability to disease that unfold over time. The process involves a complex interplay between biological and psychological vulnerabilities and environmental risk. It will take time and cross-disciplinary effort to uncover mechanisms of resilience and vulnerability to disease. Key questions that remain largely unanswered in the field of resilience research are how biological factors may be protective against stress and how such factors may be harnessed in intervention research. While there is a large body of research focusing on the mechanisms by which risky environments ‘‘get under the skin’’ to increase vulnerability to psychopathology, very little is known about the mechanisms by which positive, socially supportive environments ‘‘get under the skin’’ to promote resilience. The few studies that have started to address this important question suggest that there may be genotype-dependent protective effects of psychological and pharmacological interventions (BakermansKranenburg & van Ijzendoorn, 2006; Bakermans-Kranenburg et al., 2008; Cicchetti et al., 2007; Huezo-Diaz et al., 2009; Serretti, Kato, De Ronchi, & Kinoshita, 2007), although the biological mechanisms themselves remain unclear. Overall, these early findings lend support to the suggestion that ‘‘one-sizefits-all’’ prevention and intervention efforts are unlikely to benefit all individuals. Summary Development occurs through a complex interplay between genetic predisposition and environmental exposures, and genetically informed research designs are needed to uncover the processes that lead to resilience. Genetically informative studies can be used to test for environmental mediation of measured stressors, bringing us closer to identifying stressors that have a causal role in the development of psychopathology. An understanding of genetic predisposition will also give insight into which individuals may be particularly at risk from specific stressors, and may facilitate a better understanding of which children will respond to which types of intervention (Beauchaine et al., 2008), thus increasing efficiency for intervention programs. Understanding the genetic and biological mechanisms that underlie individual variation in response to stress may help elucidate why ‘‘one-size-fits-all’’ changes to the environment may not benefit all individuals. Knowledge of epigenetic changes resulting from previous stress exposure 203 may also help identify at-risk individuals and may provide evidence as to which protective factors may reverse changes in gene expression that have occurred as a response to stress. Resilient adaptation to environmental insults arises from complex person–environment interactions that can and should be explored on multiple levels, from distal cultural influences down to the subcellular level. Understanding the causal processes through which distal and proximal environmental influences affect health and behavior is crucial to the study of resilience. Declaration of Conflicting Interests The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. Funding The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Lucy Bowes is supported by the Jacobs Foundation. 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Her research focuses on the genetic and environmental influences on resilience to early life stress, with a particular focus on the role of peer victimization. Sara R. Jaffee is Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and Reader in Gene-Environment Interplay at King’s College London. She is interested in how stressful environments exacerbate underlying genetic vulnerabilities to affect children’s development, with a special interest in children’s antisocial behavior.