SCHEME BOOK FACILITATOR MR KAROMBE .S SUBJECT COMMERCE SCHOOL MZILIKAZI HIGH CLASS 3 P.T.C.E AIMS The syllabus enables learners to: develop an appreciation of the environment within which commercial activities take place. acquire knowledge and understanding of the language, concepts and decision-making procedures of commercial activities. develop knowledge and understanding of the impact of information technology in commercial activities . develop knowledge and understanding of the nature and significance of innovation and change on commercial activities. prepare for life and work in an indigenised economy and increasingly globalised and competitive environment. demonstrate desirable financial literacy and numeracy skills including practical competencies necessary to run a business. acquire lifelong business management skills in line with emerging opportunities and challenges of the local, national and globalsociety. participatein voluntary service and leadership as well as contribute meaningfully to the development of the cou OBJECTIVES OF THE SCHEMES By the end of four years of secondary education, learners should be able to: demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the purposes and functions of commercial activities and commercial institutions. describe the environment in which commercial activities take place explain relevant terms used in business interpret information from graphs, charts and tables analyse significant factors to consider in a commercial situation apply knowledge and skills to solve problems in commercial situations make accurate judgments on commercial issues assess the impact of ICTs on commercial activities communicate commercial information in writing, verbally, diagrammatically and graphically in a coherent and logical manner carry out self-reliance project Cycle Topic / endin content objectives Methodology/ Competences References Media/resourc evaluation activities (skills ,knowledge /source of matter es COMMERCE SYLLABUS 2017-2022 pp 37 Step ahead Commerce pp 30-34 O’ level Commerce revision pp Newspaper g 29/09/ Consumer Protection 17 and attitudes ) By of the end of the cycle learners should be able to : Describe methods of protecting the consumer Explain role of Government in protecting consumers Identify how consumers can protect themselves Discussing methods of protecting consumers Researching on legislation protecting consumers Discussing ways by which consumers can protect themselves Selfinitiative and enterprising Problem solving Business and financial literacy Chalkboard Work cards 29/09/ Incorporated Business 17 State the types of incorporated business units Units Describe the formation, ownership and control of Incorporated business units Distinguish between Private Limited companies and Public Limited Companies Listing the types of Incorporated business units Entrepreneu r Problem Explaining the formation, ownership and control of Incorporated business units Comparing Private Limited companies and Public limited companies solving skills Business literacy O’Level commerc e revision pp COMMER CE SYLLABUS 20172022 pp 37 Step ahead Commerc e pp 3540 Newspaper Chalkboard Charts -Memorandum of association -Certificate of incorporation -Trading certificate 10/10/ Multinationa 17 l companies Outline advantages and disadvantages of Incorporated business units Explain the features, advantages and disadvantages of multinational companies Assess the impact of multinational corporations to the host and parent country Describing the advantages and disadvantages of Incorporated business units Listing the features, advantages and disadvantages of multinational companies Discussing the impact of multinational corporations to the host and parent country Self-initiative and enterprising Integrity Business and financial literacy Patriotism SUCCESS IN COMMER CE pp49 O’Level commerc e revision pp COMMER CE SYLLABUS 20172022 pp 38 Step ahead Commerc e pp 41 Chalkboard Newspaper magazine 19/10/ Public sector 17 Units Give reasons for the formation of Public enterprises State the functions of Public enterprises Outline the merits and demerits of Public sector enterprises Explaining the formation of Public enterprise Visiting local public sector businesses Listing the functions of Public enterprises Identifying the merits and demerits of public sector enterprises ability to plan and organize self-initiative and enterprising integrity patriotism SUCCESS IN COMMER CE pp49 O’Level commerc e revision pp COMMER CE SYLLABUS 20172022 pp 39 Step ahead Commerc e pp 4247 ICT tool Chalkboard Flyers 30/10/ Intellectual 17 Property Identify different types of Intellectual Property Explain different types of Intellectual Property Listing different types of Intellectual Property Discuss the importance of protecting Intellectual Property Describing types of Intellectual Property Suggest solutions to Intellectual Property infringements Proposing solutions to IP infringements Describe functions of the Zimbabwe Patents Office Explaining functions of Zimbabwe Patents office Integrity Ability to plan and organize Critical thinking Business and financial literacy COMMER CE SYLLABUS 20172022 pp 47 Step ahead Commerc e pp 51 News paper Magazine whiteboard 08/11/ ENTERPRIS 17 E Business plan Identify contents of a business plan Explain contents of a business plan Design a business plan Listing contents of business a plan Describing business plan ability to plan and organize self-initiative and enterprising Crafting a business plan Discussing business ideas integrity patriotism SUCCESS IN COMMER CE pp 55 O’Level commerc e revision pp COMMER CE SYLLABUS 20172022 pp 38 Step ahead Commerc e pp 43 Chalkboard Sample of a business plan projector Intellectu al Property COMMER CE SYLLABUS 20172022 pp 39 Step ahead Commerc e pp 4247