CORE COURSE PROPOSAL (To be submitted with a Course Update Form that is requesting inclusion as a general education core option for the first time) CORE REQUIREMENT: PROPOSED COURSE: CATALOG DESCRIPTION AND PREREQUISITE: RATIONALE: (Please also attach a syllabus) In discussing this course proposal, address the following questions: How does this course fit the objectives identified for the core area? How will the course be evaluated generally and for effectiveness in meeting objectives? Are statutory requirements relevant for the course? How does it meet those requirements? Are there prerequisites stated or implied for the course? Is the course more or less suited to a particular level of students? Are there elements of the course which also address the general objectives of a core curriculum, such as basic intellectual competencies (reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking), deeper understanding of the individual and the world in which she or he lives, intellectual flexibility, and creativity? University Curriculum Committee Form 2003 – VPAA