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ACE & Interoception: Mindful Awareness in Body Psychotherapy

Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
This chapter presents the Introduction, Background of the Study, Rationale,
the Statement of the Problem, Hypotheses, Conceptual Framework, Significance of
the Study, the Scope and Limitation, Definition of Terms, Review of Related
Literature, and Synthesis.
The consequences of childhood traumas represent a gamut of different forms
of distressing experiences from confronting domestic or community violence or
bullying to neglect or grappling with feelings of being unwanted or disowned,
belongingness issues to the feeling of being given up. It can also be events where
development needs are not met consistently or an atmosphere where the sense of
freedom and curiosity to understand the world is unrecognized and belittled. It is
equally traumatizing to grow up in an environment where the parents also have had
their history of abuse and trauma which compromised their ability to address the
needs of their children. In turn, these children suffer the gravest epigenetic
consequence of early-life adversities as well. Adverse childhood experiences (ACE)
such as sexual, verbal, and physical abuse or physical and emotional neglect, are
recurrent in childhood and represent a considerable stressor with chronic adverse
effects on the brain, mental and physical health.
Recovery from the consequences of adverse childhood experiences begins in
the brain and body-based orientation. The necessity to understand neuroscience
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
concepts such as the neurobiology of trauma, polyvagal theory, neuroception,
interoception, and self-regulation provides an avenue where we can identify
psychotherapy interventions, which is an umbrella term that covers a wide range of
practices particularly involving body and mind techniques together to strengthen the
communication between the two (Bloch-Atefi & Melbourne, n.d.). Having strategies
like the use of somatic work and mindfulness activities are essential in improving
interoceptive awareness and ability which helps trauma survivors start to feel
grounded and connected to self as one of the core goals of many mental health
Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Psychotherapy (MABT) is an intervention
that focuses on educating people on the importance of becoming bodily aware. This
helps clients to practice recognition of inner bodily cues and sensations which in turn
develop interoceptive awareness skills that facilitate regulation and leads to a healthy
sense of self and well-being (Price, 2016). For this research, MABT is adapted as
The Coming Home Program (see Appendix A), which is a combination of
psychoeducation and mind-body approaches and other key concepts such as selfcare tools for emotion management. It is localized to the Philippine setting, with
exercises and practices rooted in the original MABT program. The first stage is about
identifying body sensations. The second stage is learning strategies for interoceptive
awareness. The last stage is about developing the ability to maintain interoceptive
awareness as a mindful process to promote acceptance, gain insight, and value
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
interoceptive experiences. All sessions include explanations specific to body
awareness and self-management activities in daily life. It also incorporates
experiential learning which is aimed at practicing interoceptive skills. (Price,
Thompson, Crowell, Pike, 2019; Mahler, K. (2019). One of the enduring effects of
adverse childhood experiences on the brain and body is the difficulty of processing
bodily signals (interoception) that contributes to emotional and behavioral
dysregulation in adulthood. (Schaan et al, 2019)
Interoception is the perception of the state of the body (Pollatos, 2016) and
represents the process of how the nervous system makes sense of, interprets and
integrates indicators coming from within the body. It also provides a moment-bymoment mapping of the internal landscape of the body across conscious and
unconscious stages. The important component of interoceptive signaling is the
processing of feelings, urges, reflexes, drives, and cognitive and affective
experiences; and the maintenance of homeostatic functioning, body regulation, and
survival (Khalsa, 2018). However, early life challenges, prolonged stress, or major
hostile events contribute to the development of mental disorders, cardiovascular
diseases, somatic symptom disorders, and auto-immune disorders. Stress modifies
the chief representation of bodily processes (Schulz & Vogele, 2017); which includes
dysfunction of interoception (Khalsa, 2018).
The researcher pursued this topic of study due to her years of practicing mindbody therapy for her clients who had adverse childhood experiences. With this in
mind, the researcher examined the Effectiveness of Mindful Awareness in Body
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Oriented Group Psychotherapy on Interoceptive Awareness of Young Adults with
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) that intently address mindful adverse
childhood experiences and decrease them through the adapted program.
Background of the Study
The moment we are born, our nervous systems have been censoring the
environment relentlessly for safety and connection. According to Porges (2018),
“Polyvagal Theory provides a neurobiological narrative that focuses on the
importance of ‘safety’ and the adaptive consequences of detecting risk on
physiological state, social behavior, psychological experience, and health. Safety
from an adaptive survival perspective means the ‘wisdom’ resides in our body and in
the structures of our nervous system that function out of the realm of awareness”.
Furthermore, our ability to gauge threats in the environment using our cognitive
functions is only subordinate to our instinctive reactions to people and places
(Porges, 2018). What is imperative to recovery from trauma is to guide clients to
navigate their ways to move out of a dysregulated state—either a floating or detached
“dorsal vagal” condition or a hyper-aroused “sympathetic” one—and revert to “ventral
vagal,” where we feel safe and connected. It is essential to correctly identify which
state of the nervous system the person is in at any point in time to start the journey
back to calm and connection (Dana, 2019).
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Therefore, when our subconscious system of threat is activated, our body
needs to physiologically and psychologically respond to stress by using the fight,
flight, or freeze response. This enables us to react quickly as the body prepares itself
for danger, usually in the form of behavioral challenges. When the activation of this
survival mechanism is prolonged and becomes chronic, our mental, emotional, and
physical health is compromised (“Understanding the Stress Response”, 2018). Now
the feeling of being safe and connected is exposed yet jeopardized. Our body can
only do so much in managing small doses of daily stress in life for us to get our act
together such as staying grounded and feeling safe in our environment.
Effective emotion management involves the ability to accurately recognize and
evaluate signals and cues relating to biological reactions to stressful events. On the
other hand, disorganized awareness of interoception or perception of bodily signals
indicates poor emotion regulation; and that is why interoceptive awareness is crucial
to identifying inner physiological processes that facilitate integrating bodily
sensations, cognitive processes, and emotional feeling. Interoceptive awareness is
an essential component in emotion regulation (Price & Hooven, 2018).
The participants of the study were young adults who have been exposed to
adverse childhood experiences. Daniel Levinson’s theory stresses that 18-40-year-old
individuals are in their early adulthood development, which is considered to be the
greatest area of contradiction and stress (Aktu & Ihan, 2017). Kolk (2015), stresses
that early exposures to adverse conditions may have produced relentless fear and
prolonged anxiety that have a long-lasting consequence on a person’s physical,
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
emotional, and mental well-being by disrupting the developing architecture of the
The main purpose of this paper was to evaluate the immediate pre-post effects
of Mindful Awareness in Body Oriented group psychotherapy on interoceptive
awareness with young adults with adverse childhood experiences using the adopted
version, Coming Home Program: Mind and Body Awareness Group Therapy for
Young Adults with Adverse Childhood Experience. The self-care techniques taught in
the program, like mindfulness training, helped develop the ability to successfully
regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in a different state of affairs—
capably dealing with stress, managing impulses, building attention, improving focus,
and empowering oneself. Accordingly, the program would then be used to establish
guidelines for other programs to deliver community mental health services that help
build self-management skills that promote recovery from adverse childhood
Conceptual Framework
Adverse Childhood
Experiences of
Young Adults
Low Levels of
Awareness in Body
Oriented Group
Average Levels of
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Figure 1. Effects of Mindful Awareness in Body Oriented Group Psychotherapy
on the Interoceptive Awareness with Young Adults with Adverse
Childhood Exposures
Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. The respondents are
young adults, ages 19 years to 39 years old and who were exposed to Adverse
Childhood Experiences. Before the intervention, the subjects were tasked to take the
pre-test on Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA) to get
their baseline average on Interoceptive Awareness. After undergoing eight sessions,
the subjects were given a post-test using the same tool (Tagalog version) on
Interoceptive Awareness to determine the effectiveness of the program. The
participants of the study were young adults, with the age range of 19 to 39 years, who
have been exposed to adverse childhood experiences and residents of Shepherd’s
Home Foundation Inc. in Antipolo Rizal, a temporary shelter for marginalized women
and children.
There were only seven (7) participants, who were referred by the
Director of Shepherd’s Home, who had at least three (3) experiences from the
Adverse Childhood Experience Questionnaire (qualifying tool) participated in the
program. All participants are single parents, poorly educated, and belong to the lower
socioeconomic strata.
The researcher incorporated mindfulness activities such as belly breathing and
body scanning (Werbalowksy, 2019) (GoodTherapy, 2018) (Walling, 2017) (Levine,
2019) (Ronchi, 2018) as adjunctive treatments used to co-regulate with the
participants especially when they got triggered or hyper or hypoaroused in the middle
of the session. The program was delivered in a group format, with each session
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
having a maximum of 2 hours for 8 sessions based upon the adapted version of the
Mindful Awareness in Body Oriented Program as prepared by this researcher. The
whole duration of the program was conducted at Shepherd’s Home in Taytay, Rizal.
The researcher utilized the narratives accounts of the participants from the debriefing
process after each session to determine the effects of each activity of the Coming
Home Program on the participants. The debriefing process happens towards the end
of the session. The researcher wanted to assure that there was integration in the
processing and that the participants were able to embody the exercises. Krogh et al
(2016) explain that immersive simulations consist of a debriefing where the facilitator
manages a group dialogue that appraises the simulation experiences and is
responsible for giving feedback to the participants.
After the completion of the
program, on the last session, participants were given the Multidimensional
Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness questionnaire as a posttest.
Statement of the Problem
This research will focus on finding the answer to the following problems:
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of ACEs score?
2. Is there a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test levels of
interoceptive scores of the participants before and after the intervention?
This study attempted to accept or reject the following hypothesis:
Ha: There is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test levels of
interoceptive scores of the experimental group.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Scope and Limitation
The research study aimed to determine the effect of Mindful Awareness in
Body Oriented group psychotherapy on interoceptive awareness in young adults with
adverse childhood experiences exposure. The objective of the intervention program is
to help the participants change their negative learned behaviors and patterns—
resulting from the consequences of adverse childhood experiences—into the adaptive
and intentional tuning of their autonomic nervous system. With this, they can
positively direct their quest for safety and connection.
However, the researcher did not conduct any formal psychological diagnostic
test or evaluation to assess mental health disorders (e.g. PTSD). There was no
intelligence test, cognitive and clinical measures administered to determine the range
of cognitive abilities, potential, or functioning (e.g. reading comprehension
assessment). The researcher only computed the number of exposures to ten types of
maltreatment up to age 18 and did not determine the length of the trauma each
participant had experienced. According to Zarse et al, (2019), the Adverse Childhood
Experiences Questionnaire does not measure the degree, duration, severity, timing,
and quality of each of the Adverse Childhood Experience classifications. The ACE-Q
is a tool to quantify the total degree of merging of different ACEs and circumstances
onto one individual. Furthermore, The MAIA scale is a self-report tool that is intended
to assess different psychological aspects of the perception and appraisal of body
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Exclusions identified are the sample size and measures of biomarkers. The
researcher had difficulty looking for participants to join the program, thus the sample
size was inadequate. Initially, there were seven (7) participants who qualified to join
the program. In the middle of the first session, some of the participants reacted
strongly to the discussion about trauma and abuse. One of the participants was highly
dysregulated to the point of walking out of the session. Another participant also
decided not to join the remaining seven (7) sessions. The total number of participants
who finished the eight (8) sessions was five (5). Additionally, the researcher did not
use any quantified behavioral measures or measures of biomarkers like heart rate,
cortisol, neuroimaging, and airway resistance detection tasks or changes in brain
activities to validate the evaluation of body sensations limiting the ability to assess
other potential biological or neurological mechanism.
Significance of the Study
The study will be valuable to the following:
Participants of the study. Participants were able to develop new sets of
healthy coping skills to help them become regulated, connected, and grounded to
themselves as part of emotional stabilization in their healing journey.
Family members of the participants. Participants’ family members can
benefit from the findings of the study in terms of becoming educated about adverse
childhood experiences and how ACE affects personality development. They can use
the findings of the study as a springboard to the conversation with their loved ones
and foster a safe environment at home.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Director of Institution. The findings of this study can be beneficial to the
Director of the Institution in crafting thorough and appropriate interventions suited for
the needs of the participants.
Local citizens. The program’s mission is to utilize preventive and interventive
Trauma-Informed Care practices that can be applied in community settings (e.g.
schools) to help people develop proper ways to manage stress.
Non-Government Organizations. Non-government organizations may use
the findings of the study for educational and research purposes, as well as to aid in
advocacy for the participants.
Local Community. Disseminating the information and results gathered in this
study will be helpful for local communities in fostering a safe space for adolescents
with adverse childhood experiences.
Government Welfare Departments. The findings of the study may be useful
for government welfare departments such as the Department of Social Welfare and
Development in coming up with policies for the protection of adolescents with adverse
childhood experiences.
Youth-Led Advocacy Center Organization. Youth-led advocacy centers may
use the findings of the study as an advocacy tool in giving adolescents with adverse
childhood experiences the freedom to voice out their experiences and thoughts.
Other Psychologists. This study will be of help to fellow psychologists in
gaining more skills and learning tools for mindful awareness in body-oriented
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
interventions especially in handling clients with adverse childhood experiences
Future researchers. This study can contribute additional information and facts
about neuroscience and polyvagal theory in therapy to future researchers since
literature and similar studies on this field are limited in the Philippines.
Definition of Terms
The following terms are explained conceptually and operationally as used in the
Emotion Dysregulation is the lack of ability to manage the intensity and duration of
strong emotions such as fear, sadness, or anger which affects daily functioning.
Interoceptive awareness is the awareness and processing of inner body sensations
where we can detect and connect internal information which is essential for selfregulation.
Young Adults with Adverse Childhood Exposures are individuals who have
suffered childhood adversity and its impact on mental health persists into
Adverse Childhood experiences are traumatic events that occur in childhood
between zero to seventeen years old. Some of the adverse experiences include
a child who has experienced violence, abuse, or neglect. These early life
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
adversities are closely associated with chronic health problems, mental illness,
and substance misuse in adulthood.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are very disturbing and distressing
incidents occurring before age 18. ACEs comprise all types or forms of abuses
(physical, verbal and sexual) and neglect (physical and emotional) in addition
to parental mental illness, substance use, divorce, incarceration, and domestic
violence (What is ACEs science, n.d.)
This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, articles, generalizations
or conclusions, methodologies, and others that are relevant to the variable and
similar to the present study: Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Group Therapy,
Interoceptive Awareness, and Young Adults with Adverse Childhood Experience
Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Group Psychotherapy
Interoceptive Awareness Skills for Emotion Regulation: Theory and Approach
of Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Therapy (MABT)
Price & Hooven (2018) delved into the relationships between interoceptive
awareness and emotion regulation. Effective emotion management requires the
capacity to accurately identify and assess signals and cues about physiological
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
reactions to stressful events.
Disrupted awareness of interoception or sensory
information leads to poor emotion regulation. Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented
Therapy (MABT), a mind-body therapeutic intervention, is developed to improve the
sense of self and regulation of emotions. Furthermore, MABT is distinctively designed
to facilitate interoceptive awareness skills to learn how to identify, access, and
appraise internal bodily cues that are relevant components of interoception for
emotion regulation (Price & Hooven, 2018). Below is a diagram that describes the
phases involved in the individualized procedure for scaffolding interoceptive
awareness. This is done with a combination of psychoeducation and somatic
approaches directly attending to the difficulties with interoceptive processing (Price &
Hooven, 2018).
The MBTI Key Interoceptive Training Process has three stages. Stage 1 is all
about awareness and body literacy, where participants learn to identify their body
sensations and articulate them. Stage 2 deals with accessing interoceptive
awareness through breath flow exercises, tissue softening exercises, and internal
body attention practices. For the last stage, Stage 3 tackles Appraisal and Mindful
Body Awareness practice by developing their capacity to sustain awareness. In this
stage, participants are taught to notice internal shifts and learn appraisal based on
experiential awareness and insight. All stages include take-home practices.
A Pilot Study of Mindful Body Awareness Training as an Adjunct to OfficeBased Medication Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder
Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT) is designed to improve
self-care and emotion regulation through interoceptive awareness skills (Price, Merrill,
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Mccarty, Pike, & Tsui, 2020). The researchers facilitated MABT to individuals with
opioid use disorder (OUD) who were undergoing buprenorphine treatment. The
participants were divided into those who received Treatment as Usual (TAU) and
those who received TAU + MABT. The results revealed that those who underwent
MABT demonstrated an increase in interoceptive awareness skills in contrast to the
control group who did not (Price, Merrill, et al., 2020). In addition, the participants who
underwent MABT reported being satisfied with the intervention. The researchers
recommend further studies on a larger scale.
Immediate effects of interoceptive awareness training through Mindful
Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT) for women in substance use
disorder treatment
Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT) as a means of
increasing interoceptive awareness was employed to examine its effects on the selfcare and emotion regulation of women in substance use disorder treatment (Price,
Thompson, et al., 2020). The researchers examined its immediate effects on women
in intensive treatment across clinics in the north-western United States. The women
were assigned to three conditions at random. These are Treatment as Usual (TAU),
MABT + TAU, and Women’s Health Education (WHE) + TAU). Compared to the other
conditions, those assigned to MABT + TAU showed significant improvements in
interoceptive awareness, mindfulness, emotion dysregulation, and drug abstinence.
Furthermore, depressive symptoms and cravings for substances were lessened
(Price, Thompson, et al., 2020). The researchers found results that are consistent
with the models connecting interoception to SUD treatment.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Interoceptive Awareness is Important for Relapse Prevention: Perceptions of
Women who Received Mindful Body Awareness in Substance Use Disorder
Price & Smith-DiJulio (2017) investigated interoceptive awareness and its
effects on the regulation and treatment of women with substance use disorder. The
researchers used a focus group discussion to interview several participants from a
study where they underwent Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT) to
improve their interoceptive skills. The results showed that the participants applied the
strategies of MABT consistently. The women saw the importance of using the skills
every day to aid in relapse prevention. For future studies, it is recommended that
more programs on interoceptive awareness should be developed and studied
throughout various medical disciplines and continued among those with SUDs to
prevent relapses (Price & Smith-DiJulio, 2017).
Longitudinal effects of interoceptive awareness training through mindful
awareness in body-oriented therapy (MABT) as an adjunct to women’s
substance use disorder treatment: A randomized controlled trial
Mindful awareness in body-oriented therapy (MABT) as a means of training the
interoceptive awareness was said to aid the treatment of substance use disorder
(Price, Adams Thompson, Crowell, & Pike, 2019). The goal of MABT is to improve
regulating one’s emotions and boost one’s self-care. The researchers conducted a
longitudinal study that examined women who were undergoing treatment for SUD at
different clinics. The participants were divided into three groups, particularly
Treatment as Usual (TAU), TAU + MABT, and TAU + Women's Health Education
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
(WHE). After a series of assessments, the results showed a significant improvement
in substance use for MABT vs. TAU. Furthermore, MABT revealed positive long-term
effects for various secondary outcomes and interoceptive awareness. Price et al.
(2019) concluded that MABT aids women who are undergoing SUD treatment in their
longitudinal health.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy as an Adjunct to Women’s
Substance Use Disorder Treatment
This research investigated Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy
(MABT) as an adjunct intervention to women’s substance use disorder treatment. The
individualized MABT therapy used in this study combined manual (touch therapy) and
mind-body approaches for emotional regulation. It used a 2-group randomized
controlled trial (RCT) repeated measures design where the MABT condition was
compared with treatment-as-usual (TAU). Participants on the MABT condition
received an eight-weekly-sessions. The primary components of the MABT program
were: Massage with attention to developing body literacy, Interoceptive skills training,
and Mindful awareness practice. The TAU program consisted of twelve-step
abstinence approaches utilizing cognitive behavior therapy and psycho-educational
therapy. Participants in the TAU condition received a three-to-five weekly inpatient
with continuing outpatient TAU sessions. Results revealed average to significantly
substantial outcomes for MABT compared to TAU on the primary outcomes (e.g.
awareness, interoception, and regulation related to behavioral control and brain
function abnormalities in drug-addicted individuals). The MABT condition also yielded
promising secondary outcomes (e.g. eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and
dissociation) compared to TAU conditions. Thus, the researchers concluded that
MABT may be implemented in women’s substance use disorder treatment programs
as the results of their study suggested that MABT is an effective and promising
intervention (Price, 2011).
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Breathing Life into Life: A Literature Review Supporting Body-Based
Interventions in the Treatment of Trauma
Werbalowksy (2019) examined the gap between trauma as a “somatic
experience” and the treatment used to address it by reviewing the literature. The
researcher finds that Polyvagal Theory by Stephen Porges can be a body-oriented
therapy to address trauma. Also, the researcher further reviews other body-based
treatments and interventions, such as expressive arts. The researcher concludes by
advocating the exploration of body-oriented therapies in trauma intervention after forty
years since its pioneering research.
Body-Mind Psychotherapy
GoodTherapy (2018) provides a discussion on body-mind psychotherapy
(BMP)—an intervention that enables a person to attune oneself to their bodily
experiences. Humans tend to focus on the environment too much to the point that
bodily needs are neglected. Aside from embodiment, BMP uses developmental
milestones and energetic mapping throughout the therapy sessions. However, BMP
needs further research and evidence on its effectiveness (GoodTherapy, 2018).
Psychotherapy for Your Body: The Role of Somatic Psychology Today
Psychotherapy has been used as an intervention to help people cope with
mental health conditions, but a body-centered technique has been explored—somatic
psychotherapy (Walling, 2017). The researcher states that somatic psychotherapy
comes from the assumption that people interact with the world through moving,
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
expressing, and sensing. Physical and emotional stresses are what somatic
psychotherapy aims to alleviate, and the goal is to find out where the trauma is felt
physically and release the “energy” (Walling, 2017). According to the author, the main
schemes employed in somatic psychotherapy include resourcing, titration, and
pendulation, wherein a state of biological completion is aimed to achieve.
An Interview with Peter Levine Turning Psychotherapy Bottom Up
Rich Simon interviewed Somatic Experiencing founder, Peter Levine, to
discuss the process of the therapy. According to Levine (2019), talk therapy alone is
lacking since the conversation can regress in trying to solely explain one’s emotions,
which is why the bodily dimension was added to the therapy. During sessions, the
pain is briefly discussed then tensions are consciously transferred from a certain part
of the body, such as the jaw or the neck, to the forearm of the therapist. Displacing
the anger must be done slowly so as not to be cathartic (Levine, 2019). Furthermore,
Levine emphasized being present within the body rather than forcing to walk or move
the body outwardly.
Healing Trauma’s Wounds: The Need for Safety in Therapy, Part 1, How to
Rebuild your Client’s Senses of Empowerment and Control
Ferentz (2015) points out that providing an atmosphere where emotional
and physical safety during therapy sessions is very crucial in building a trusting
therapeutic relationship that assures reparation and at the same time, no retraumatization. She further adds that internal safety is associated with the client's
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
"felt sense" and subjective internal processes that are used as an emotional
barometer for them to gauge what is happening inside throughout the process.
Interoceptive Awareness
On the Origin of Interoception
Ceunen, Vlaeyen, & Diest (2016) present a definition of interoception because
it has shifted over time, and it encompasses physical sensations. The researchers
propose to use words that pertain to the viscera and homeostasis with words that are
similar in their linguistics, rather than use the term interoception, which should be
reserved for higher-order cognition. Ceunen et al. (2016) conclude that interoception
refers to the perception of bodily sensations, where it is located in CNS, which is
ultimately subjective.
The body responds to real or imagined stress (Kraybill, 2018). Consequently,
the brain does not just react to stimuli from the world outside (Barrett 2019). It also
generates sensations from imagined stimuli. This is because the brain did not evolve
to react to the outside world. It evolved to predict or anticipate what comes next.
Further, Barrett explained that the brain did not change for rationality. Furthermore, it
did not evolve to enable humans to think or to perceive the world accurately, nor to
feel, hear or see. Further still, it evolved to regulate a body so that it could move
efficiently about the world. Barrett underscored the core task of the brain is allostasis
(or homeostasis). Allostasis is the process of attaining equilibrium by way of
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
regulating the body’s internal systems by anticipating needs before these needs even
arise, and the sensory result of this activity is interoception.
Interoception is vital to everything – from thinking, feeling, decision making,
and even to an individual’s sense of self. To maintain allostasis, the brain must
constantly create concepts that guide the body, and integrate sensory inputs with
memory. This predictive process of generating an internal model of the body permits
the brain to infer the cause of the stimuli it receives through the eyes and other
sensory organs. Thru this process, the brain navigates in the world and guides
actions and puts together experiences. Differences in this predictive process
(supported by interoception) may contribute to psychopathology (Paulus, 2014).
Maintaining allostasis requires efficient management of biological compounds
(like glucose, water, and salt) for the body. Forcing the body to function despite
allostatic disruption (i.e. deficiency on any of the biological compounds) is called a
metabolic deficiency.
Metabolic deficiency results in fatigue, confusion, and
anhedonia. Prolonged allostatic disruption (i.e. prolonged metabolic deficiency) will
eventually lead to depression (Barrett, 2019). According to Barrett (2019) sometimes,
depressed individuals feel worthless for physical reasons not for negative thoughts
(psychological reasons).
The researchers Paulus, Stein, and Feinstein (2004) investigated interoceptive
prediction schemas through an fMRI study. The results of their study revealed that the
anterior cingulate region of the brain of highly anxious individuals demonstrated more
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
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activity, suggesting anxiety-prone individuals require more processing to be able to
distinguish ordinary fluctuations from signals that predict potential threats. The
researchers also added that individuals with faulty predictive coding (e.g. depressed
or anxious individuals) will not alter their irrational thoughts/beliefs even if evidence
challenging their current understanding is proven to be incorrect (Paulus, Stein and
Feinstein, 2004).
Paulus, Stein, and Feinstein’s (2004) research also revealed how context
rigidity can lead individuals to incorrectly relate their experience to unrelated
Paulo et al. also underscored how inaccurate interoceptive signals
negatively impact decision making (e.g. when body signals ran counter with the best
interest). The researchers concluded how falling short in the predictive processes that
draw on interoception contributes to psychopathology (Paulus, Stein, and Feinstein’s,
The article concludes with the research of Tallon-Baudry, et al., (2016) which
emphasized that it is the body that controls the brain (not the brain that controls the
body). One indication of this is how information is relayed. The majority of the vagus
nerve’s fibers ascend from organs to the brain – only 20% of the vagus nerve fibers
descend from the brain to the organs (Babo-Rebelo et al., 2016).
Bilateral Rolandic Operculum Processing Underlying Heartbeat Awareness
Reflects Changes in Bodily Self-Consciousness
Signals from external sensations are vital information that contributes to selfconsciousness. Extant literature on neuroimaging researches has established regions
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of the brain (such as the premotor cortex, angular gyrus, supramarginal gyrus, and
extrastriate body area) that process signals related to bodily self-consciousness.
These studies have also demonstrated that another brain region – the insula
operculum, also processes signals critical to self-awareness; this proves the
integration of interception and exteroception bodily signals (Blefari et al., 2017).
Contemporary behavioral experiments have validated that the manipulation of both
interoceptive and exteroceptive signals modulates bodily self-consciousness. The
researchers of this study were interested in whether the integration (of interoceptive
and exteroceptive signals) occurred inside or outside the aforementioned brain
regions. Thus, they designed a cardio-visual stimulation that induces altered states of
bodily self-consciousness to fMRI. They likewise measured neural activity during the
interoceptive task. They found that the highest selectivity for bodily selfconsciousness was found in the Rolandic operculum. Given this, they concluded that
Rolandic operculum/central sulcus (i.e. the fold in the cerebral cortex separating the
frontal lobe from the parietal lobe) also processes integrated exteroceptiveinteroceptive signals which are necessary for: (1) interoceptive awareness, and (2)
bodily self-consciousness (Blefari et al., 2017).
What the heart forgets: Cardiac timing influences memory for words and is
modulated by metacognition and interoceptive sensitivity.
The process of being alerted to sensory stimuli outside the body through the
sense of touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound is exteroception. Conversely, the
process of perceiving, interpreting, and analyzing sensory stimuli coming from inside
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the body is interoception. Cognizance of “butterflies in the stomach” or tightness of
breath is an example of the interoception process. Interoception is a conversation
between the brain and the body. For instance, when the body needs a respite from an
extraneous activity, the inner sensation of fatigue signals the brain to command the
need for rest; that is interoception. However, Interoception is more than a
conversation between mind and body. It is the root of an individual’s urges, drives,
feelings, and emotional reactions.
The relationship between mental health and interoceptive ability is now being
investigated. Of particular interest to researchers is an individual’s ability to detect
their heartbeat. Researchers believe that individuals who are more cognizant of their
heartbeats are more likely to experience increased emotional intensity. Garfinkel et
al., (2018) were able to show that high-frequency traders at London’s stock market
were better at interoception (at London’s stock market). The intuition (i.e. gut feeling,
or instincts) which the traders claim to be the source of their success was a
heightened capacity to perceive information from internal bodily signals.
Researches on interoception are still in its infancy. Consequently, scientists
have not reached any consensus on how to study the concept. Hence, there is still a
vast area to explore subjective experience. It is best approached through an open
mind sans judgment and labels (Pikorn, n.d.)
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Body Influences on Social Cognition Through Interoception.
This research is a general exploration of interoception. It reviews studies on
proprioception and interoception (including related brain regions) and concludes with
a summary of relevant studies exhibiting the link between social cognition and
This study demonstrated how interoception can influence social cognition,
specifically, how the body can influence an individual’s social cognition through
interoception. More specifically, how improving an individual’s interoceptive sensitivity
or interoceptive accuracy can improve their social cognition.
Furthermore, the authors proposed that future researchers recruit children as
participants for their study. The authors believe that it is more convenient to improve
children’s social cognition through interoception (Gao et al., 2019).
Sex-specific relationships between interoceptive accuracy and emotion
Lischke, Pahnke, Mau-moeller, & Jacksteit (2020) sought to examine how
interoception affects emotion regulation on 84 healthy individuals. The results found
that male individuals with high interoceptive accuracy were more likely to suppress as
a means of emotional regulation compared to males with low interoceptive accuracy.
On the other hand, female scores showed no correlation between interoceptive
accuracy and suppression and reappraisal as means of emotional regulation (Lischke
et al., 2020). The researchers advocate that interoception and emotion regulation
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require more in-depth studies, but assert that the results support the essentiality of
interoception in emotional experience and regulation.
Functional neuroanatomy of interoceptive
processing in children and
Extant literature underscores the influence of interoception in emotional
processing, cognition, behavior, and many somatic as well as mental health maladies
in adults. Also, mature individuals have demonstrated brain activity (e.g. frontalinsula-parietal-anterior cingulate cortex) during heartbeat tasks (i.e. subjects are
required to indicate each time they felt their heartbeat). However, there appears to be
a dearth of investigation about the functional neuroanatomy of interoception among
children. Thus, the current study endeavored to examine children's and adolescent’s
interoceptive processing using fMRI during a heartbeat detection task.
Results revealed that children beginning the age of six up to adolescent years
activate their left insula, cuneus, inferior parietal lobule, and prefrontal regions. These
findings run similar to adults in heartbeat and tone detection conditions. The results
further revealed that age was related to increased activation in the orbital frontal
cortex and the mid-inferior frontal gyri. Thus, the current study provided vital
information about the neurodevelopment of interoception among children (Klabunde
et. al., 2019).
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Interoception and Social Connection
Interoception has roused the interest of the psychological research community
because of the role it plays in physical and mental well-being. The association
between interoception and social cognition, however, remains a novel subject to be
explored. Given this, the current research investigated the functional (role) of
interoception in social cognition and discussed probable mechanisms on how
interoception influences social connection. They also reviewed the concept of
loneliness and suggested that interoceptive dysregulation is interconnected with
loneliness. Furthermore, they opined that interventions designed to improve
interoceptive skills like mindfulness-based meditation may be crucial to alleviating
loneliness and improving social connection (Winkielman et al., 2020).
Interoception and stress
Interoception processes information on the ascending branch of the brain-body
axis, while stress, on the other hand, communicates information on the descending
branch (Schulz & Vögele, 2015). The researchers point out that the association of
interoception and stress through the brain-body axis could assert that when stress
activates the neural circuits excessively, a malfunction can alter interoception.
Furthermore, this alteration in the neural circuits can affect the physical aspect of a
person, such as an emerging or worsening of body-related mental disorders (Schulz
& Vögele, 2015). The researchers conclude with a positive feedback model to aid in
further research of the mind-body connection.
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The role of mid-insula in the relationship between cardiac interoceptive
attention and anxiety
Recent interoception studies focused mostly on the function of the insula in
interoception and subjective experience of anxiety. The current study delved more
deeply into the relationship between interoception-related insular activity (I-RIA),
interoceptive accuracy (IAc), and anxiety. The association between I-RIA, IAc, and
anxiety was performed using functional magnetic resonance imaging or fMRI. The
experiment used 40 volunteers. Study subjects were tasked to focus on their
heartbeat and anxious events. IAc and anxiety were measured using a heartbeat
perception task and state-trait anxiety inventory.
The results showed: (1) posterior, anterior, and mid insular activity for cardiac
interoception, and (2) anterior insular activity for anxiety-related stimulation, (3) the
mid-insula in the cardiac attention condition relates to an individual’s IAc a well as
their levels of trait and state of anxiety. The findings confirmed that there are distinct
neural representations of heartbeat attention and anxious experience in the insula
region of the brain. Further, it also implied that the mid-insula serves as a vital
connection between cardiac interoception and anxiety (Tan et. al., 2018).
Bodily self-consciousness and its disorders
Neuroscience research has pointed out that key brain mechanisms on selfconsciousness are centered on the integration of multisensory bodily signals coming
from the inside as well as those coming from outside the body.
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Moreover, in this article, the researchers examined behavioral and
neuroimaging studies on how multisensory integration generated and modulated
bodily self-consciousness in humans. The researchers also reviewed the neurology of
disorders of bodily self-consciousness of brain-damaged individuals as well as
individuals with dysfunctional brains, from attention disorders to delusional and
illusory deficiency, associated with the breakdown of the connection between body
and the self (Ronchi, 2018).
Links among emotional awareness, somatic awareness, and autonomic
homeostatic processing
Kanbara & Fukunaga (2016) evaluate the connections between emotional
awareness, somatic awareness, and autonomic homeostatic processing and
hypothesized that autonomic dysfunction is related to the dysfunction in emotional
and interoceptive or somatic awareness. These three functions perform in a parallel
manner, but the pathologies between the three coexist (Kanbara & Fukunaga, 2016).
The researchers also note that alexithymia is the lack of emotional awareness
concerning psychosomatic symptoms and alexisomia is the lack of somatic
awareness. Because of the involvement of the autonomic homeostatic process with
emotional and somatic awareness, the researchers recommend further studies
through neuroimaging to deeply explore their correlation.
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When the brain does not adequately feel the body: Links between low resilience
and interoception
Haase et al. (2016) studied the connection between resilience and the levels of
interoceptive processing. The participants were divided into high, normal, and low
resilience and then completed breathing exercises while undergoing functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) recording). The results showed that the
individuals from the low resilience group exhibited lower levels of interoceptive
awareness but higher neural processing bodily disturbances (Haase et al., 2016). The
researchers conclude that individuals who have low resilience may adapt poorly to
the adverse situation due to the disconnect between attention and interoceptive
Childhood Trauma Affects Stress-Related Interoceptive Accuracy
Childhood adversity may lead to emotional dysregulation and other physical
symptoms in adulthood (Schaan et al., 2019). The accuracy of understanding bodily
sensations, or interoceptive accuracy (IAc), was examined by the researchers who
experienced childhood trauma. The participants were administered a questionnaire to
assess their perception of their bodies, followed by several laboratory tests (Schaan
et al., 2019). The results show that childhood trauma negatively affected to IAc. The
researchers recommend that children who experience trauma must receive
interventions on interoception to improve emotional regulation.
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Interoception is the awareness of bodily conditions such as hunger,
temperature, and heart rate (Murphy, Brewer, Catmur, & Bird, 2016). The researchers
acknowledge that interoception is necessary for higher-order cognition, which places
a need to examine it across the lifespan. The researchers acknowledge the need to
study psychopathology in interoception awareness and bank on the existing research
of alexithymia as its indicator. The importance of interoception lies in the theory that
the atypical manifests through high-risk actions in adolescence and a lack of socioemotional skills in adulthood (Murphy et al., 2016).
Do You Feel Alright? Attenuated Neural Processing of Aversive Interoceptive
Stimuli in Current Stimulant Users Psychophysiology.
Stewart et al., (2015) investigated whether the interoceptive processing of
young adults with stimulating substance use disorder differs from those who did not
develop problems with stimulants. The researchers postulated that problem stimulant
users (PSU) will exhibit lower activation in brain regions that involved cognitive control
and interoception when compared with desisted stimulant users (DSU) and healthy
unfavorable/repulsive interoceptive experience. The results supported the hypothesis.
Further, the findings suggested that (1) PSU fails to appropriately recognize threat
signals, and (2) this is independent of the drug quantity (Stewart et al., 2015).
Furthermore, PSU displayed lower left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and inferior
frontal gyrus (IFG) activation compared to healthy subjects and desisted stimulant
users. PSU also showed IFG and lower left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activation
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compared to DSU. Also, PSU showed insula and lower right IFG activation during
breathing compared to CTL and DSU. This suggests that a weakened attentional
salience of aversion marks the transition to stimulating substance use disorders
(Stewart et al., 2015).
The Contributions of Interoceptive Awareness to Cognitive and Affective Facets
of Body Experience
Duschek, Reyes Del Paso & Schandry (2015) examined the impact of
interoceptive awareness on the cognitive and emotional aspects of bodily
Consciousness Questionnaire and the Body Appraisal Inventory to those two
groups—accurate and poor cardiac interoceptive awareness. The researchers chose
participants who had the same emotional state, yet the results showed that
individuals who had accurate cardiac interoceptive awareness had a higher
interoceptive awareness and a positive body image compared to those who had a
poor level of awareness. Therefore, interoceptive awareness affects one’s perception
of the body, both in cognition and in effect (Duschek et al., 2015).
Emotional Response Coherence and Interoceptive Awareness: Development
and Validation of a Novel Assessment Method.
This dissertation provided a new method for assessing Interoceptive
Awareness (IA). Interoceptive awareness, which is the conscious perception of
stimulus originating within the body is a basic component of an individual’s subjective
experience of emotion and possibly its proximate cause. IA is fundamental and
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central to processes that are essential to survival and well-being. These pertain to
attention, motivation, emotion regulation, and decision-making. Understanding of IA is
hindered by current assessment limitations (such as self-report questionnaires, and
tasks like heartbeat perception), whose reliability and validity are doubtful because
they fail to fully capture individual variability, and disregard emotional contexts. Fiftysix men and women aged 18-50 participated in this research. The study subjects
were tasked to watch an evocative film that captured a range of emotions. They were
made to complete a coherence task (i.e. rate their subjective experience on valence
and arousal dimension) which were spaced two weeks apart. The subject’s
physiology was continuously recorded.
Coherence Scores obtained from valence-based ratings of subjective
experience and heart period demonstrated significant temporal stability. Further, the
scores were positively associated with convergent validity. Furthermore, the scores
were also found to negatively associate with a composite measure of distress and
positively associate with empathy. Further still, the Coherence Task demonstrated
promise as an empirically grounded assessment of individual differences in IA; this
would permit the researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions that target
interoceptive awareness for health and well-being (Muhtadie, L., 2017).
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Building the Bodily Self-Awareness: Evidence for The Convergence Between
Interoceptive And Exteroceptive Information in A Multilevel Kernel Density
Analysis Study.
Exteroceptive and interoceptive stimuli form and maintain bodily self‐
awareness. Extant literature on exteroception and interoception in building bodily
awareness has been postulated but remains limited. Given this, the researchers
purposely conducted a study to uncover where in the brain interoceptive and
exteroceptive stimuli come together. The researchers performed a systematic
qualitative and quantitative study of data on imaging studies (e.g. MRI, ultrasound,
and PET) of the sense of body ownership, and found that the processing of stimuli in
both exteroception and interoception converges in the supramarginal gyrus bilaterally,
the right-lateralized set of areas (such as precentral and postcentral) and superior
temporal gyri; these brain areas are involved in blending several physiological
sensory signals and align again information from diverse channels and frames of
reference (Salvato, et al., 2020).
Differential changes in self-reported aspects of interoceptive awareness
through 3 months of contemplative training
Bornemann, Herbert, Mehling, & Singer (2015) stressed the importance of a
multi-dimensional approach in assessing interoceptive body awareness (IA). Using
researchers tested the effects of IA skills, particularly body scanning and breath
meditation. After a three-month interval, the 148 participants showed a significant
improvement in five of the eight subscales in the MAIA compared to the control group
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(Bornemann et al., 2015). The researchers also note that across the subscales, the
changes that took place were varied, which validates the need to test IA on a multidimensional scale.
Mindfulness, Interoception, and the Body: A Contemporary Perspective
Interoception is considered to be fundamental in mindfulness, but the
vagueness of the definitions makes them deemed to be imprecise by critics (Gibson,
2019). The researcher cites that as interoception is increased, the insula further
develops to cultivate mindfulness. The researcher proposes that given the promising
studies on the topics, an attentional style must be used to delineate mindfulness,
interoception, and meditation since the different techniques modulate the insula.
Attentional styles will concretize and streamline the investigation on the interplay
between mindfulness, interoception, and meditation (Gibson, 2019).
Can Interoception Improve the Pragmatic Search for Biomarkers in Psychiatry?
The researchers Khalsa and Lapidus identified and screened individually every
article written about interoception in Pubmed, PsycINFO, and ISI Web of knowledge
and found that interoception is a multifaceted process that is increasingly being
investigated in the fields of psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience, and biochemical
science. To underscore the multifaceted nature of interoception, the authors
performed a focused review of the cardiovascular system, panic disorder, depression,
somatic symptom disorder, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia. They concluded that
interoception characterizes a possible avenue for clinical research in the fields of
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psychiatry for understanding and improving mental health outcomes (Khalsa, S.S.,
Lapidus, R.C., 2016).
Unconscious integration of multisensory bodily inputs in the peri personal
space shapes bodily self-consciousness.
Extant researches have underscored the function of various sensory modality
integration as a key process to self-consciousness. Further, the integration of bodily
signals within peripersonal space brings about self-identification as experienced in
self-location. Investigations on the impact of multisensory integration on bodily selfconsciousness have employed sensory stimuli but often neglect the role of
unconscious sensory signals on bodily self-consciousness. The researchers of this
study used psychophysical methods in four experiments. Their results revealed visual
stimuli boost the processing of touch stimuli on the body; it also heightens the
awareness of near-threshold touch stimuli but only if the stimuli have entered
peripersonal space. To manipulate bodily self-consciousness, the researchers used
unconscious multisensory stimulation. They presented subjects with tactile stimulation
and with visual stimuli on a virtual body. Their results showed that subjects reported
higher self-identification with the virtual body even though the stimuli are fully
invisible; these results imply that multisensory inputs are integrated and impact the
phenomenological content of self-consciousness (Salomon, 2017).
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Where Is an Emotion? Using Targeted Visceroception As Method of Improving
Emotion Regulation in Healthy Participants to Inform Suicide Prevention
The research “What is emotion?” (James, 1884) engendered much interest in
affective science relative to somatic contributions to emotion. Extant literature on
interoception (1) implied that awareness of specific parts of the body contributes to
the production of emotion, and (2) associated interoception with emotion regulation.
Consequent to the 1884 research study: “What is emotion?” the researchers instead
inquire “where is emotion?” Further, the researchers also aimed to investigate if
interoception or misperception improves emotion regulation with the overall aim of
preventing suicide.
The research trials utilized a pre-test/post-test control group design, using two
experimental groups for misperception interventions and a control group. They
conducted the study in 8 weeks.
Visceroceptive ability was monitored using a
heartbeat estimation task, water lead test, and a questionnaire. The subjects were
healthcare professionals and healthcare students (Davey et. al, 2020).
This research will be the first to investigate if both physical sensations and
emotional experiences (i.e. emotional feelings) are a localized body phenomenon.
Further, it will also investigate if trained emotional awareness improves its regulation.
Furthermore, it will likewise determine if interoception leads to a temporary loss of
inhibition of bodily sensations. The findings of this research may be used to help
prevent suicide (Davey et al., 2020).
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Improvement of interoceptive Processes after 8-week Body Scan Intervention.
This research aimed to investigate the effects of body scan intervention (BS)
on various interoceptive subdomains between two different samples. The researchers
endeavored to investigate in 8 weeks. Study 1 consisted of 25 subjects in the BS
intervention group while 24 subjects comprised the control group. Study 2 consisted
of 18 subjects in the BS group and another 18 comprised the inactive control group.
In the two studies three measurement points were actualized and interoceptive
accuracy and interoceptive sensibility were evaluated. The results of study 1
revealed: (1) interoceptive accuracy and confidence ratings increases regardless of
condition (2) marked improvement in interceptive accuracy between test 1 and test 3
were significant in the body scan intervention only, and (3) interoceptive sensibility
was not influenced by the intervention. Study 2 revealed, (1) the body scan
intervention positively impacted interoceptive accuracy and confidence rating
compared to the inactive controls (Fisher, 2017).
Research on Interoceptive Awareness Training: An innovative approach to
develop awareness and body connection.
The author, Dr. Price (Ph.D., M.A., L.M.T.), is a researcher who has
extensively investigated and studied how interoceptive awareness contributes to
health and well-being through Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT).
In this study, Dr. Price explained that MABT therapy is a staged learning process. In
MABT, the therapist assists clients to name and verbalize physical sensations (e.g.
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tense muscle) and from thence, clients are given exercises aimed at learning to focus
attention on these sensations in the internal body. This individualized program helps
clients to learn the essential and basic skills of interoceptive awareness. Price refers
to interoceptive awareness as cognizance of inner body sensations particularly that
which involves sensory processes such as receiving, accessing, and appraising
bodily signals (Craig, 2009).
In this study, the author also underscored the fundamental role of mindfulness
in interoceptive awareness and stressed that mindfulness-based approaches and
interoceptive awareness skills improve individual well-being. It also enhances the
capacity for emotional regulation (Price, et al., 2018). Mindfulness on inner body
experience is difficult for certain individuals particularly those who are unfamiliar with
the practice (of mindful attention on inner body experience), those who are highly
stressed, and those who avoid awareness of inner body sensations owing to physical
or emotional pain. Priced accentuated that it is these individuals who benefit from
Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy.
Doctor Price, likewise emphasized that their research findings highlighted how
beneficial MABT can be for acquiring interoceptive awareness skills, for increasing
the ability to effectively manage and respond to an emotional experience, and for
reducing symptoms of acute physical or mental suffering (Price, 2019).
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The Interoception Curriculum: A Step by Step Framework for Developing
Mindful Regulation. USA
The author provided a comprehensive and detailed outline for developing
mindful regulation. The framework espoused the student to be cognizant of body
signals, to connect these body signals with emotions, and to determine what action to
take to promote from within body comfort. The framework is composed of twenty-five
lessons which are divided into three segments: Body lessons (1-16), Emotion lessons
(17-20), Actions lessons (21-25). The body lessons are designed to encourage the
learner to be aware of body signals and describe these internal body signals. The
lessons provide many opportunities for the learner to practice the numerous
strategies provided. The lessons on emotions teach the student to connect body
signals with emotions. There are again many strategies provided and again there are
many opportunities given the learner to practice connecting the body signals with
emotions. The action segment was framed to impart the use of actions to regulate.
The focal point of this segment is for the learner to find individualized feel-good
strategies to complete the body-emotion-action connection. The framework also
focused on promoting positive feelings (Mahler, K., 2019).
What Are the Benefits of Hugging?
According to Cirino (2018), researchers affirmed that some parts of women’s
brains are linked to reduced activity when experiencing stress, while the areas
connected to the rewards of maternal behavior generated more neural activity. A
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similar response is seen when an individual is hugging another person to give
Hugging for 20 seconds a day may reduce your stress
According to Das (2019), a lengthy embrace or a 20-second hug excretes the
bonding hormone oxytocin, which can help tone down blood pressure, reduces your
heart rate, and promote a good mood.
The Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA)
Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness was developed to
distinguish attention styles in measuring interoceptive cues. The interoception
process has become a key investigative subject of psychological well-being and in
mind-body mediations.
In this study, interoceptive consciousness is defined as
cognizance of interoception with its numerous facets. The MAIA scale is a self-report
scale that is susceptible to response biases such as social desirability (Mehling,
The assessment test under scrutiny (here) is the multidimensional assessment of
the interoceptive test. It is an 8-scale trait format with 37 test constructs that measure
many interoceptive dimensions. It is in self-report form and was circulated for use in
2012 in November. Scrutiny of the English and other language applications showed
that it had low reliability.
The objective of this study was to correct/enhance the MAIA’s two
psychometrics scales by adding 3 new item constructs and appraise these (item
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constructs for both two-scale) in the new experimental group. Data were collected at
the Science Museum in London. The group sample was 1090, 47% were female,
53% were male. The subject’s average age was 30.6 years old. Factor analysis was
used to determine the new test’s reliability and validity. The results showed that the
new 8-factor test’s validity and reliability improved (Mehling, 2018).
Differentiating attention styles and regulatory aspects of self-reported
interoceptive sensibility
The Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness was developed
to discriminate attention styles. The self-report tool has been translated into sixteen
languages and utilized in prevalence and longitudinal studies. Results from these
concerted efforts propose that distinguishing interoceptive sensibility with regards to
attention styles and regulatory aspects offers understanding into the psychology of
interoceptive awareness, recognizes the difference between clinically maladaptive
and adaptive interoceptive attention, and assists in determining which therapeutic
interventions and practices can deliver health benefits under mind and body
awareness training (Mehling, 2016).
Mehling (2016) further states that the main limitation of the MAIA is its
dependence on self-report. The various MAIA translations tool has been used with
healthy volunteers and there was only one was assessed in a clinical population
specifically suffering from low back pain. To further evaluate patients with the
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particular condition for clinical applications, confirmatory factor analyses are very
much encouraged (Mehling, 2016).
Adverse Childhood Experiences
ACEs Science 101: What are ACEs?
ACEs are adverse childhood experiences that are detrimental to the
development of children’s brains which can negatively affect their immune systems
and how they respond to stress. The adverse consequences become evident
decades later. Adverse Childhood Experiences are linked to poor mental and physical
health, impaired functioning, and increased substance abuse and are at the root of
most violence (What is ACEs science, n.d.). “ACEs” derives from the CDC-Kaiser
Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, a revolutionary public health study that
revealed that trauma is associated with the adult onset of chronic diseases, mental
disorders, domestic and community violence, as well as social and economic issues.
The ACE study has issued 70 scientific papers since 1998.
Following the ACE Study, other ACE studies have stretched out the
categories of ACEs to include: “racialism, gender or sexual discrimination, witnessing
a sibling being abused, witnessing violence outside the home, witnessing a father
being abused by a mother, being bullied by a peer or adult, involvement with the
foster care system, living in a war zone, living in an unsafe neighborhood, losing a
family member to deportation, etc” (What is ACEs science, n.d.).
What is ACEs science?
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ACEs science confers to the research on the occurrence and consequences
of adverse childhood experiences. It states that people with four adverse childhood
experiences (i.e living with a member of a family who is struggling with substance
abuse, discrimination, witnessing violence outside the home, physical and sexual
abuse, and losing a parent to separation/divorce) are at risk of having the adult onset
of chronic short and long term health problems like heart disease, cancer,
autoimmune disease, mental disorders, suicide and substance abuse (What is ACEs
science, n.d.) (Past Trauma, 2019). It further indicates that toxic stress brought about
by ACEs impairs the structure and function of children’s developing brains. It can also
modify our DNA functions and the historical and generational trauma can be passed
on from generation to generation (What is ACEs science, n.d.).
Moreover, “What is ACEs science” (n.d.) explains that the ACE study has
made six (6) major discoveries concerning adverse childhood experiences which are:
Adverse Childhood Experiences are commonplace and many people may
have experienced at least one ACE in childhood. ACEs contribute to adultonset of chronic diseases such as ischemic heart disease, liver disease,
mental illness (chronic anxiety, chronic depression, OCD, bipolar disorder),
obesity, alcoholism, drug addiction and early death, violence, and being a
victim of violence.
Adverse Childhood Experiences do not happen alone. If an individual
experiences one, there is an 87% likelihood that the individual has two or
more. The higher the ratio of adverse childhood experiences, the more harmful
and damaging (psychologically, mentally, and emotionally) the effect on an
individual will be over a lifetime.
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The ACE score ranges from 0 to 10. Every type of trauma counts as one,
regardless of how many times it happens. Individuals with an ACE score of 4
are times more to be smokers and seven times more likely to be suffering from
alcoholism. Someone whose ACE score is 4 increased the chance of
developing emphysema/chronic bronchitis by 400% and suicidal behaviors by
Individuals with high ACE scores are more prone to addiction, depression,
violence, have tumultuous relationships and multiple marriages, develop
autoimmune diseases. An ACE score of 6 or higher posts a risk of having a
lifespan shortened by 20 years.
Early life adversities contribute to leading physical health, psychological health,
financial health, and social health issues that are responsible for workplace
absenteeism, costs in health care and mental health, emergency responses,
and criminal justice.
Any type of chronic or toxic stress has the same harmful impact on the overall
health of a person.
The adverse childhood experiences questionnaire: Two decades of research on
childhood trauma as a primary cause of adult mental illness, addiction, and
medical diseases.
According to Zarse et al, (2019), the Adverse Childhood Experiences
Questionnaire does not measure the degree, duration, severity, timing, and quality of
each of the Adverse Childhood Experience classifications. The ACE-Q is a tool to
quantify the total degree of merging of different ACEs and circumstances onto one
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World Health Organization. Adverse Childhood Experiences International
WHO (2018) defined Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) as a source of
repeated toxic stress which is very debilitating to the brain development of children
who suffer early in life; which can also compromise the functioning of the nervous and
immune system. These multiple types of abuse are neglect; violence between parents
or caregivers; other kinds of serious household dysfunction such as alcohol and
substance abuse; and peer, community, and collective violence. Consequently, the
prolonged exposure to toxic stress in childhood has incapacitating consequences for
a person’s health and well-being. People who have a history of ACE have fostered
unhealthy coping ways to adapt to stressful experiences that have led to serious
problems such as alcoholism, depression, eating disorders, unsafe sex, HIV/AIDS,
heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases.
Understanding the Impact of Trauma
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (2014) and United Nation Human
Rights (n.d.), and Wiet (2015) explain that trauma affects people in different ways and
this includes one-time, multiple, or long-lasting repetitive events.
The traumatic
consequences are also manifested differently. Some individuals may clearly show
symptoms connected with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but many more
affected individuals will demonstrate resilient responses or fleeting subclinical
indicators that fall outside of diagnostic norms. The influence of trauma can be
indirect, scheming, or outright damaging. How an incident impacts an individual
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depends on many factors, including traits and attributes of the individual, the type and
features of the event(s), developmental processes, the implication of the trauma, and
sociocultural factors. Furthermore, according to Bethell, Carle, Hudziak, Gombojav,
Powers, Wade, & Braveman (2017), when an individual is exposed to a traumatic
event, there would be various psychological and physiological reactions and
manifestations in response to reminders of the event immediately followed by the
exposure or for many, the incident may cause prolonged distress heading to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Past Trauma May Haunt Your Future Health: Adverse Childhood Experiences,
in Particular, are linked to Chronic Health Conditions
“Past Trauma” (2019) explains that behavioral changes are happening as a
result of trauma. Individuals who have been suffering from traumatic memories may
likely opt to get involved in risky behaviors such as drinking, smoking, drug use, or
even overeating for comfort to escape from pain; which are used as a coping
mechanism. It is a way to deal with when they are emotionally dysregulated. These
maladaptive behavioral manifestations become habits, which in turn, lead to health
problems. Moreover, “Past Trauma” (2019) elucidates that there is a direct biological
impact that happens when our body experiences extreme or chronic stress. Our
stress response gets stimulated when we go through something anxiety-provoking.
Our body generates more adrenaline, the heart races, and our body prepares itself to
survive. Those individuals who have experienced trauma may have tougher surges of
adrenaline and endure them more regularly. “Past Trauma” (2019) further indicates
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that every time our body experiences extreme stress, it has a direct biological effect
on it. When an individual goes through something anxiety-provoking, the stress
response gets activated. The body creates more adrenaline, the heart beats fast, and
it prepares itself to react. A trauma survivor may have stronger surges of adrenaline
and endures them frequently than someone who has not had the same history. This
results to wear and tear on the body. The stress response may cause us to age our
system faster since extreme stress increases the chance of inflammation in the body.
Inflammation has been connected to an extensive variety of illnesses, such as
cardiovascular disease and autoimmune diseases. Consequently, early trauma
upsets the inflammatory system. The body system can experience long-term
abnormalities and enduring health problems initiated by constant inflammation. More
often than not, the more trauma an individual has experienced, the worse the health
The Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Executive
Functions in High School Aged Students
According to Barta (2018), children who are suffering from dissociative
symptoms after maltreatment are prone to develop a lack of sense of school
membership which affects academic competence. Abused children with dissociative
attributes may find it challenging in sustaining focus and attention thus carry out tasks
more poorly on academic measures. Furthermore, Barta (2018) states that learning
and behavioral issues are manifested higher in medical students with four or more
ACEs compared with those who have zero ACEs.
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The Effect of Trauma on the Brain Development of Children: Evidence-Based
Principles for Supporting the Recovery of Children in Care
According to Mclean (2016), complex developmental trauma refers to the
influence of children's exposure to disturbing incidents on their development and
lasting outcomes, concerning the interpersonal connections with caregivers.
neurological development of the brain distorts the way the brain and body function.
The brain’s and body’s "survival" mechanisms are overbearing than the "learning"
mechanisms that have resulted in widespread deficits in stimulation/arousals,
cognitive, emotional, and social functioning. Mclean (2016) further explains one very
important concept about the magnitude of the consequences of early adversity and
complex trauma in the context of neglect and abuse is the prolonged disturbance of
the child's stress hormones. This steers the way to chronic hyper-arousal and
constant sensitivity to stress which affects the development of the brain’s functioning
and structures. Many findings propose that the stress response system can result in
an individual being more chronically over-activated or under-responsive over time.
On the brighter side, Mclean (2016) also underscores the significance of
having a consistent and intensive intervention that can facilitate the regulation of the
more “primitive” regions of the brain which is done through regular and rhythmic
activities in a safe and therapeutic environment.
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Developmental differences in children who have experienced adversity:
Emotional dysregulation (practice guide 1 of 4)
Mclean (2018) points up that one of the consequences of maltreatment in
childhood that makes the developing mental health more vulnerable is the constant
difficulties with emotional regulation. The challenges facing play a crucial role in the
development of later social, behavioral, and emotional disorders such as over and
under emotional reactivity.
Relationships between adverse childhood experiences and adult mental wellbeing: results from an English national household survey
Hughes et al (2016) expressed that childhood adversity has a strong
connection to adult mental well-being and needed to develop comprehensive mental
health strategies and interventions to prevent ACEs and curb their impressions from
the very primary stages of life.
Symptoms of Trauma and Post-Traumatic Disorder
Hyperarousal is the state of increased sensitivity where individuals
experiencing it are more sensitive and overly responsive to stimuli and events in the
world around them (Burgess, 2017).
National Institute of Mental Health (2019),
explains that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that develops in
some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. “The
National Institute of Mental Health” (2019), explains that some people experience a
wide variety of reactions after a traumatic event and sometimes they recover from
early symptoms. Nearly everyone will experience a range of reactions after trauma,
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yet most people pull through from initial symptoms naturally. However, some remain
affected and probably be diagnosed with PTSD. They get triggered easily even when
they are not in danger. Manifestations of symptoms normally start within 3 months of
exposure to trauma. For others, they start years after. Symptoms should show up
more than a month and negatively affecting daily functioning that interferes with
relationships or work. The duration of the mental disorder varies from person to
person. Some would get better within 6 months, on the other hand, others would still
be affected much longer which be considered chronic.
The adverse childhood experiences questionnaire: Two decades of research on
childhood trauma as a primary cause of adult mental illness, addiction, and
medical diseases.
Based on the nearly two decades of research using the ACE-Q, Zarze et al
(2019) strongly stressed that adverse childhood experiences may create public health
burden and thus need healthcare reforms as a preventive healthcare intervention to
help strengthen brain-behavioral health.
Neurobiology of Trauma and Abuse
Distinct midbrain and habenula pathways are involved in processing aversive
events in humans
Growing evidence points to the midbrain dopamine system and its interactions
with the lateral habenula in dealing with avoidance for punishing information and
avoidance for negative consequences.
The current study investigated neural
responses to unforeseen, noxious events using devices for imaging the midbrain, and
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habenula in humans. Strong stimulation to noxious events was observed in the
habenula and the ventral midbrain. Also, aversive processing improved functional
connectivity between the ventral tegmental area and the habenula putamen and
medial prefrontal cortex. However, the substantia nigra showed a different functional
connectivity pattern.
These findings give evidence that the habenula, ventral
tegmental area, and substantia nigra assist in the processing of aversive events in
humans (Hennigan et. al., 2015).
The Habenula Encodes Negative Motivational Value Associated with Primary
Punishment in Humans
Organisms must learn to adapt to their environment to survive. Adaptation
necessitates learning what to avoid and what to approach. This entails the
assignment of values to environmental cues that predict rewarding and punishing
events. Studies on nonhuman primates suggest that the habenula, a small
phylogenetically conserved brain structure, encodes cues previously paired with
noxious events. The role of the habenula has not been established in humans; it
remains unmeasured. The current study proved that the habenula encodes cues
associated with noxious events in humans. More specifically, the current study has
shown that the habenula keeps track of the dynamically varying negative values of
cues paired with traumatic painful experiences (e.g. primary punishment). More
significantly, it has shown that habenula responses calculated the degree by which
individuals move towards or away from negative and positive cues. The results imply
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that the habenula performs a critical role in driving aversely motivated learning and
behavior in humans (Lawson, et. al., 2014).
Increased anterior insula activity in anxious individuals is linked to diminished
perceived control
Anxious individuals often report decreased perceived control; whether these
processes are initiated at a neural level remains uncertain. Extant and earlier
research implies that anxiety-prone individuals could have heightened activity in the
anterior insula and modified activity in the cingulate cortex during the expectancy of
traumatic events. The researchers of this study hypothesized that proneness to
anxiety influences the anterior insula activation during the expectancy of
unforeseeable threat through decreased perceived control. They subjected 40
subjects to neuroimaging, while the subjects explored computer-simulated contexts
(with or without the threat of unpredicted shock). Skin conductance, fMRI, anxiety
control questionnaires, anxiety rating, and blood oxygenation level-dependent were
used to assess responses. Mediation analysis was used to investigate the influence
of anxiety proneness on blood oxygenation level dependence. Results showed that
highly anxious individuals with less perceived control displayed heightened activity in
the dorsal anterior insula. Also, perceived control facilitated the relationship between
anxiety proneness and dorsal anterior insula. Moreover, increased dorsal anterior
insula activity was linked with increased activity in the anterior midcingulate cortex.
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These results give evidence that heightened insula activation during threat is directly
related to low perceived control in anxious prone individuals (Alvarez, 2015).
The Habenula’s Role in Adaptive Behaviors: Contributions from Neuroimaging
The habenula assists and facilitates the everyday performance of tasks
required to fulfill social and personal responsibility (i.e. adaptive behavior). The
central role of the habenula is to label experiences that is whether an experience is
rewarding or unsatisfying. It is tasked with providing signals to the brain pertinent to
changes in the environment so the body can adjust/adapt to changes in the
environment. Thus, the habenula is crucial for survival given that it is the habenula
that signals and guides behavior towards adjustment. Further, a dysfunctional
habenula may be the cause of some psychiatric disorders particularly those related to
mood dysregulation (like bipolar disorder, autism disorder, personality disorder).
The habenula is a small structure with a volume of 15-36 mm and a measuring
5-9mm. It lies between the pineal gland and the medial dorsal thalamus. The
habenula is divided into the lateral and medial divisions. The lateral division is larger
than the medial division. In mammals (which includes humans), the habenula
functions as a conduction system between the forebrain and the brainstem nuclei
(that which modulates functions such as effect, rewards, and defense). Some studies
have shown the habenula to have connections with dopaminergic, cholinergic,
serotoninergic systems, and functional connectivity with cortical areas.
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Previous studies on the habenula have shown that it is involved in the adaptive
behavior or performance of tasks such as feeding, learning, mating. However, the
core function of the habenula is to signal a negative/positive event is about to occur. It
integrates information so that the body can adapt to its environment. For instance, in
response to negative stimuli like stressful events, physical pain, or potential threats,
the habenula increases activity. Conversely, in response to pleasurable events and
leisure activities, the habenula decreases activity.
Summarily, the habenula is that part of the brain known to impact adaptive behaviors
and choices that favors rewarding events and evades negative events (Epatein,
Evidence and Explanation for the Involvement of the Nucleus Accumbens In
Pain Processing
This article scrutinized the Nucleus Accumbens (NAc) to determine its role in
the cognitive processing of reward, motivational salience, and positive reinforcement.
It was written to provide a better understanding of the NAc and pain processing. It
was also written to explain the function performed by the NAc in pain processing and
pain modulation.
According to Harris et al., (2020), the NAc is that part of the brain known
mostly for its role in addiction, pleasure, and reward. Consequently, it is a region
dismissed to be nothing but a pleasure center. This is because few studies have
investigated the NAC's role in pain processing and pain signaling. The NAC also
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plays a functional role in moderating pain. It is a source of analgesia (i.e. pain
Harris et al., (2020) concluded this article review by emphasizing the role of the
NAc in positive reinforcement and the desire for avoiding pain. The researchers also
opined that it is highly probable that the NAc also plays a role in pleasure and pain so
it can help establish the motivational salience of positive and negative experiences
(Harris, & Peng, 2020).
A Hypothalamus-Habenula Circuit Controls Aversion Mol Psychiatry
According to Landis et al., (2019), the modulation of neuromodulators (1)
dopamine (hormones), and (2) serotonin (neurotransmitters) have been linked with
the lateral habenula (LHb). In this study, the researchers identified and defined the
function of the glutamatergic agent (a chemical involved in the modulation of
excitatory amino acids in the brain) control of the lateral habenula. Also, they found
that lateral habenula-projecting neurons were responsible for encoding negative
values. Further, they found that LHb neurons encode negative valence and develop
predictive signals for negative consequences. These results are relevant for
comprehending the pathophysiology of anxiety disorders since the disorder results
from dysfunctional fear consolidation. The researchers opined that understanding the
function of the lateral hypothalamic area and lateral habenula circuitry and
mechanisms that underlie fear and prediction of negative events, will permit the
construction of interventions and therapies for pathological fears (Landis, 2019).
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The Body Keeps the Score
Traumatic experiences make lasting impressions on our minds, emotions,
and biology both on those who suffer and those who witness the suffering.
Recent studies have realized that trauma generates physiological changes thus
leaves victims of trauma altered brain structures and functions. What happens is
it changes the biological wiring of the brain. Survivors’ everyday experiences are
somehow tainted by their past since their bodies closely pay attention to the inner
struggles they are living through that cause fatigue, autoimmune diseases, and
other physical symptoms.
This happens when the brain relays an alarm
message to the body, the conscious mind to some extent shuts down and so the
brain prompts automatically makes the body avoid the threat. Traumatic stress
occurs when the normal response is blocked which makes the brain keeps firing
off stress chemicals. (Kolk, cite in Readtreprenuer Publishing, 2018).
Childhood Trauma Leads to Brains Wired for Fear
Kolk (2015), stresses that early exposures to adverse conditions may have
produced relentless fear and prolonged anxiety that have a long-lasting
consequence on a person’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being by
disrupting the developing architecture of the brain.
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The relationship between childhood adversity and adult personality
revealed by network analysis
Schouw, Verkes, Schene, & Schellekens (2020) studied the interplay of the
various childhood adversities and dimensions of personality. The researchers
interviewed and administered tests to alcohol-dependent individuals and a control
group. The results showed strong associations between personalities and childhood
adversities, especially physical abuse and maternal rejection. Schouw et al. (2020)
conclude that various adversities during childhood might be crucial in personality
Trauma is playing out in the theatre of the body: Kal Kseib meets Dr. Peter
Levine, the founder of the ‘Somatic Experiencing’ approach to trauma.
Somatic Experiencing (SE) founder, Dr. Peter Levine, discussed his approach
with Kal Kseib (2019) in an in-depth interview. Levine argues that, unlike the usual
stress people face daily, trauma lingers and haunts. However, trauma does not
always come in the form of flashbacks. Our body expresses it through different bodily
pains in response to a traumatic event (Levine, 2019). SE aims to go against the fear
and helplessness brought by a traumatic event by allowing the body to experience
changes because most of the traumatic memories lie in the body. Also, Levine
discussed how SE continues to be validated by various studies and journals,
especially in treating post-traumatic stress disorder.
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Editorial: Dysregulation of Autonomic Cardiac Control by Traumatic Stress and
Ginsberg (2016) presents that trauma and anxiety, through the autonomic
nervous system, largely affect the cardiovascular system and mental well-being.
Some of the consequences brought by the dysregulation of autonomic control include
dysfunctions in blood pressure, heart rate, etc. (Ginsberg, 2016). The researcher
states another alarming consequence of cardiovascular abnormalities, which is
allostatic load—repeated autonomic imbalance due to chronic stress. Ginsberg
(2016) cites several studies that show how psychotherapy clients exhibited higher
blood pressure and heart rate when under clinically significant levels of stress.
Maladaptive autonomic regulation in PTSD accelerates physiological aging
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) exhibits itself through a disjunct
between the physiological and the psychological in response to the environment
(Williamson, Porges, Lamb, & Porges, 2015). So much so that patients behave in
ways appropriate for life-threatening situations, but these behaviors may cause
damage in typical day-to-day contexts. The researchers suggest that dysfunctional
behaviors may lead to other comorbidities, such as depression, and thus affecting
other bodily systems (i.e. cardiovascular, endocrine, etc.). These changes in the
bodily systems consequently lead to deteriorating health (Williamson et al., 2015).
Some treatment approaches that the researchers recommend include mindfulnessbased stress reduction.
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Early neglect is a key determinant of adult hair cortisol concentration and
is associated with increased vulnerability to trauma in a transdiagnostic
According to Schalinski, Teicher, & Rockstroh (2019), there is a known
correlation between the dysregulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal
(HPA) axis and symptoms of trauma that are present in adulthood. The
researchers decided to investigate if there is a possible correlation between
these symptoms of trauma and hair cortisol concentration (HCC). Determining
such would lead to further evidence on the negative biological effects of trauma
brought by adverse childhood experiences.
The results show that increased neglect at an early age predicted a lower
adult HCC, which confirms that there is an increase in symptoms of trauma upon
exposure. Schalinski et al. (2019) conclude that neglect during crucial periods of
development changes the regulation of the HPA axis, and thus lessening cortisol
which is found to affect symptoms of trauma. The researchers recommend
longitudinal assessments to further validate their findings.
Adverse childhood experiences lead to trans-generational transmission of
early maladaptive schemas
The schema theory suggests that when core emotional needs are unmet
at an early age, early maladaptive schemas (EMSs) are developed. Zeynel &
Uzer (2020) examined the relationship between the EMSs of parents and their
children by conducting surveys for mothers and adolescents. The role of the
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father was taken into consideration in the study through a survey regarding their
involvement in the life of the child.
The results show that the EMSs of mothers predicted the EMSs of their
adolescent children (Zeynel & Uzer, 2020). This transmission from mother to
child was significantly affected by adverse experiences in childhood, but the
involvement of fathers weakened the transmission. The researchers conclude
that paternal support in childcare is crucial in the transference of EMSs from
mother to child.
Keeping it together for the kids: New mothers’ descriptions of the impact of
intimate partner violence on parenting
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is trans-generational in terms of effects,
Herbell, Li, Bloom, Sharps, & Bullock (2020) sought to examine the maternal
perspective. The researchers examined expectant mothers of their history of IPV
and their parenting and safety practices. While the women initially stayed in their
abusive relationships for the sake of their children, further interviews suggested
that ending these relationships benefited the overall wellbeing of the mothers and
their children.
Linking childhood emotional abuse and adult depressive symptoms: The
role of mentalizing incapacity
Li, Carracher, & Bird (2020) sought to examine depressive symptoms in
adulthood as a result of childhood emotional abuse. This was conducted by
focusing on mentalizing incapacity and controlling other symptoms. The results
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revealed that emotional abuse significantly affects depressive symptoms in
adulthood. Furthermore, the results show that both hypermentalizing and
hypomentalizing in mentalizing incapacity are means that show how depression
can stem from emotional abuse.
Psychological treatments can aim to address low levels of mentalizing incapacity
to address depression that results from childhood maltreatment (Li et al., 2020).
Nightmares and flashbacks: The impact of commercial sexual exploitation
of children among female adolescents placed in residential care
Lanctôt, Reid, & Laurier (2019) examined the differences between the
post-traumatic symptom levels of female adolescents who faced commercial
sexual exploitation of children (CESC) and those who did not. The participants of
this longitudinal study consisted of 125 females who spent their adolescence in
residential centers.
The results show that the female adolescents who experienced CESC
were likely to have higher levels of various post-traumatic symptoms compared to
those who did not experience it. Lanctôt, Reid, & Laurier (2019) conclude that
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Developmental timing of trauma exposure and emotion dysregulation in
adulthood: Are there sensitive periods when trauma is most harmful?
Dunn et al. (2017) focused on the timing of exposure to trauma among
adults with emotional dysregulation. Adults from urban Atlanta, Georgia, were
administered the Traumatic Events Inventory (TEI). The age of first exposure to
trauma was categorized into early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, and
adulthood. These adults along with a control group of those unexposed to trauma
were administered the Emotion Dysregulation Scale. The results show that
emotional dysregulation scores were higher among those who had a history of
trauma compared to their counterparts with no exposure. Furthermore, those
who had significantly higher emotional dysregulation scores belonged to the
middle childhood category. Dunn et al. (2017) recommend focusing on the
severity and length of trauma exposure for future studies to validate the
significance of the timing of trauma on emotional dysregulation.
Child maltreatment and the risk of antisocial behavior: A population-based
cohort study spanning 50 years
There is a relationship between child maltreatment and an increased
likelihood of antisocial behavior (Degli, Pinto, Humphreys, Sale, & Bowes, 2020).
The researchers aimed to study the relationship between the variables in a
longer time frame. Using the data of 8,088 British by birth, child neglect and
abuse and lifelong antisocial behavior were examined using latent growth curve
models. The results show that child maltreatment was related to increased levels
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of antisocial behavior across a 7 to 50-year time frame. Those who were most at
risk of antisocial behaviors were the ones exposed to numerous types of
maltreatment. Regardless of a melding of other factors, there was an increase in
antisocial behavior both in childhood and adulthood (Degli et al., 2020). The
researchers also found that the increased possibility of antisocial behavior
remained stable from childhood to adulthood. It is highly recommended by the
researchers to maintain crucial long-term assistance for those exposed to
childhood maltreatment.
Measuring Adverse Child Experiences Among Young Adolescents
Globally: Relationships with Depressive Symptoms and Violence
Research on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) is limited in middle to
low-income nations and across countries (Naranjo-rivera, 2019). This study
focused on depressive symptoms and violence perpetration as consequences of
ACEs on a multinational scale. A survey was administered to young adolescents,
aged 10 to 14, from urban localities in middle to low-income nations. The results
yielded strong relationships between ACEs and depressive symptoms as well as
violence perpetration. Naranjo-rivera (2019) deduces that ACEs can be a focus
of intervention as it precedes depressive symptoms and violence perpetration.
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Mental Health Services in the Philippines
De Guzman (2018) cited that the Philippines has the largest number of people
who are depressed across Southeast Asia and mental illness ranks the third most
common type of health problem in the country especially among the youth.
Furthermore, a report from the Philippines Statistics Authority showed that 14% of the
population of 1.4 million Filipinos with disabilities were classified as having a mental
disorder. In 2015, a study conducted by the Global Burden of Disease gave an
account that there were 3.3 million Filipinos suffer from depressive disorders and the
rate of suicide is 2.5 males and 1.7 females per 100, 000 (PSA & WHO as cited in
Samaniego, R., & Tully, J. (2019).
Regrettably, addressing mental health issues is not prioritized by the
Government. Samaniego et al (2019) indicated that “only 3–5% of the total health
budget is spent on mental health, and 70% of this is spent on hospital care (WHO &
Department of Health, 2006). Accordingly, the majority of mental healthcare is
provided in hospital settings and there are underdeveloped community mental health
services”. Moreover, the report from WHO and the Department of Health pointed out
that the number of mental health workers is low which comprises of 2-3 workers per
100,000 of the population. These figures highly suggest that there is serious
unavailability of mental health specialists in the Philippines (Samaniego, R., & Tully,
J., 2019).
Child Protection and Maltreatment in the Philippines: A Systematic Review
of the Literature
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There is evidence of child maltreatment in the Philippines, and policies are
made to address these issues (Roche, 2017). The researcher investigated
existing literature by appraising 31 peer-reviewed articles. The review indicates
that diverse types of maltreatment affect the well-being of a child even until
adulthood. Further studies on the influences of child maltreatment in various
socio-cultural contexts are recommended to develop more policies and programs
to address this pressing issue.
The developmental status of abused and neglected children in the
Bengwasan & Bancual (2020) investigated the development of children of
various ages and genders who were maltreated in a psychological center in the
Philippines. The aim was to study the experiences of children who were
neglected and abused outside their homes. The results showed that the
development of children as a whole and in different areas (adaptive behavior,
social-emotional, cognitive, and communication) were lower than average.
However, the other variables—age, gender, and type of abuse—that were
investigated showed only subtle differences.
A Systematic Review of the Drivers of Violence Affecting Children in the
Philippines: the Philippines Executive Summary
Fry et al. (2016) studied the types of violence in the Philippines and the
pressing issues that aggravate them among children. These types include
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physical violence, sexual violence, emotional violence, and neglect. While the
home and the school are venues of violence, the study suggests that it usually
begins at home. In the community, some children conflict with the law and are
forced into labor. Some issues that need to be addressed as avenues of violence
are online sex trafficking and exploitation, migration, and disaster (Fry et al.,
2016). The researchers advocate strengthening the implementation of systems,
laws, and policies that are already in place in the home and the community.
Introduction to the special issue of Child Abuse and Neglect: Global child
trafficking and health
Greenbaum, Albright, & Tsai (2020) stress the importance of meeting the
physical and mental health needs of persons who were exposed to human
trafficking. Some of the means of exploitation through child trafficking include
slavery, forced labor, and sexual and physical utilization. The researchers
collaborated with others who studied the factors and impact of child trafficking
and who developed various programs to address the issues of trafficked children.
Polyvagal Theory
Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory: The Emergence of Polyvagal
Informed Therapies
The Polyvagal Theory was developed by Dr. Stephen Porges out of his
experiment with the vagus nerve. The theory describes an automatic nervous system
that is maneuvered by the central nervous system and reacts to internal and external
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stimuli and the one that involuntarily regulates the internal body functions (Porges,
2018). Porges (2018) furthers states that the autonomic nervous system has two
main divisions. The parasympathetic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous
system. Both divisions govern the same group of body functions, however, they have
a contrasting influence on the functions that they control. The sympathetic nervous
system makes the body ready for intense physical activity which makes use of the
fight or flight response. On the other hand, the parasympathetic nervous system is the
one in charge of making the body relax and slowing it from using too much energy
functions where it is termed as the 'rest and digest’. The vagus nerve, the 10th cranial
nerve, is heavily involved in the mechanics of the parasympathetic nervous system
where it helps with calmness, relaxation, and digestion (Porges, 2018).
Polyvagal Theory in Therapy: Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation
According to Dana (2018), Polyvagal Theory explains well the neurobiological
and psychological interplay of how and why people navigate through a recurring cycle
of mobilization, disconnection, and engagement.
Furthermore, she adds that the
autonomic nervous system plays a huge role in determining the client’s experience of
safety and safeguarding the need for connection. It is always a priority for the ANS to
respond to how a person faces challenges of daily life where it supervises risks and
establishes patterns of connection by altering bodily states. Lastly, Dana (2018)
underscores the relevance of using Polyvagal Theory in therapy to understand better
that the behaviors the clients manifest are autonomic actions in service of survival
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which means that these behaviors are the way of adapting naturally and automatic
response to either challenges or safety.
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Vagus Nerve and Vagus Nerve Stimulation, a Comprehensive Review
According to Silberstein (2015), “the vagus nerve (VN), which also called
“great wondering protector” of the body, encompasses an intricate neuro-endocrineimmune network that conserves homeostasis. The heightened vagal activity
demonstrates heart rate and helps turns off inflammation, in part by activating the
release of immune system calming chemicals. The vagus nerve acts as a control
center that incorporates interoceptive information and acts in response to suitable
adaptive modulatory feedbacks. The recent studies showed that VN is also engaged
in inflammation, mood, and pain regulation which
can be regulated by vagus nerve stimulation (VNS).
Chronic Diffuse Pain and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders After Traumatic
Stress: Pathophysiology Through a Polyvagal Perspective
There is a gap in the understanding of chronic diffuse pain disorders and
functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) despite the sizeable impact these have
on the patients (Kolacz & Porges, 2018). The researchers presented the Polyvagal
Theory to explain the pathophysiology as indicated by respiratory sinus arrhythmia
(RSA). This proposal by the researchers is evidenced by the pathology that stems
from brain-body feedback loops that provide a biopsychosocial model of these
disorders, which then opens possible interventions that are non-pharmacological.
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A Vagus Nerve Survival Guide to Combat Fight-or-Flight Urges
The vagus nerve drives the parasympathetic nervous system and serves as
the counterpart of the fight or flight response of the sympathetic nervous system
(Bergland, 2017). Given the overstimulation that humans face daily, the researcher
provides ways to stimulate the vagus nerve. Some of these interventions include
breathing exercises, journaling, meditation, etc.
Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercises and Your Vagus Nerve
Bergland (2017) emphasizes the importance of the parasympathetic nervous
system through stimulating the vagus nerve through diaphragmatic breathing. This
can be done by breathing slowly and deeply through the nose, mouth, or both
(Bergland, 2017). The researcher cites studies wherein cardiovascular response,
cognitive function, and stress showed favorable improvement after the participants
from different fields practiced diaphragmatic breathing.
Longer Exhalations are an Easy Way to Hack Your Vagus Nerve
Bergland (2017) discusses how longer exhalations positively affect heart rate
variability (HRV). According to the researcher, HRV is related to the lower chronic
stress level, stronger vagus nerve function, and better overall health. This statement
is backed by studies cited by the author, wherein various techniques and timing were
used yet yielded results that favored longer exhalations and deep breathing to lower
stress levels.
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Yoga Therapy and Polyvagal Theory: The Convergence of Traditional Wisdom
and Contemporary Neuroscience for Self-Regulation and Resilience
Yoga is known for its standards in professionalization, practice, and research
as it continues to arise in the healthcare industry as complementary and integrative
(Sullivan et al., 2018). However, there are some limitations in the research through
clinical applications, which is why various neurocognitive and neurophysiological
methods are proposed. The researchers devised a type of yoga therapy that merges
with Polyvagal Theory (PVT). With the merging of Polyvagal Theory, the gap in
clinical research is addressed as it connects yoga to the autonomic regulation and
social and emotional behaviors concerning stress and illness (Sullivan et al., 2018).
The Touch Taboo
Dana (2019) discusses how touch has decreased in frequency in the west,
thus undermining its importance, especially in its role with the parasympathetic
system. The author discusses how touch can be incorporated in therapy through
Polyvagal-Informed Therapy, where the goal is to move from a dysregulated state to
a regulated one. According to Dana (2019), it is crucial to be aware of one’s polyvagal
map by understanding the nervous system. Also, the author states that touch is
incorporated through offering a hand while determining the source of trauma or pain.
Overall, the goal is to achieve healing through the autonomic nervous system through
therapeutic touch.
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Neuroscience is the systematic study of the central nervous system. To fully
grasp the fundamental and developing properties of neurons and neural circuits, a
multidisciplinary science brings anatomy, mathematical modeling, physiology,
developmental biology, molecular biology, cytology, and psychology together. It is the
physiological understanding of how learning, behavior, perceptions, consciousness,
and learning interact with one another (“Neuroscience,” 2021).
The Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences And Executive
Functions in High School Aged Students
Barta (2018) explains neuroplasticity as the ability of the brain to change either
adaptively or maladaptively dependent on the situations; a “use or lose it” ideology.
The use of our senses such as sight, sound, taste, touch, smell as information for the
brain to acquire information (learn behavior). Once the sensory information is
collected, cellular and molecular processes start modifying neuronal neurochemistry
and structural arrangement of neurons within the brain that leads to changing the
structure and function of the brain. The modifications or changes are entirely reliant
on the intensity, repetition, and regularity or frequency of incidence (experiences) and
generate a blueprint to where the individual can turn to instantly with or without
consciousness. This happens to direct the challenges and requirements of the
environment around the person. The more often a pattern or repetition is felt, the
more embodied that blueprint grows into, and the more the brain architects become a
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default reference. This important explanation of neuroplasticity is also termed as
“states become traits”. This is crucial to the understanding of the relationship between
the developing brain and adversity exposure (Barta, 2018).
Barta (2018) asserts that neuroplasticity can be put into application to manage
and treat anxiety. She cites other literature (Cleary, 2015) stating that through recall,
breathing exercises, focusing on body awareness, attending sensory perception,
memory, and eye patterning, becoming accustomed to and changing thought patterns
can make long-lasting changes in the brain structure and functions
What is Neuroplasticity? A Psychologist Explains
Are New Neural Connections Formed When We Learn? Neuroplasticity &
As Ackerman (2020) mentioned what Campbell (n.d.) said neuroplasticity that it
speaks of the biological changes in the brain that occur resulting from our interaction
with our environment. From the moment our brain starts to grow in utero until the time
we die, the interactions among neurons regroup as a way to address our changing
needs. This active process makes us learn from and familiarize ourselves with a
variety of experiences. Moreover, plasticity reinstates old and lost networks and
operations that have not been utilized in some time, improve memory, and even
enrich general cognitive performance. The possibility is not too promising for older
adults as compared to children and young adults, nevertheless, with consistency and
sustained effort or determination, and a healthy lifestyle, older adults have more or
less the same opportunity to make positive change and growth in their brains.
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Ackerman (2020) further states that acquiring a new skill or re-learning an old
activity through particular and consistent practice can result in substantial changes in
the brain. Shukla (2020) excellently explains that our hippocampus or memory
storage or what we call learning establishes many factors. Molecular changes in
neurons transpire at the minutest level. On the other hand, at the topmost level of
new learning, changes in the activity happen when it recruits brain cells. Not all newly
acquired facts could alter or modify the brain structure, but small molecular changes
within prevailing neural circuits could be enough for it.
Ackerman (2020) affirms that literature on neuroplasticity has proved that daily
routine behaviors can have significant and quantifiable effects on the function and
structure of the brain. This is can provide healing and recovery from mental illnesses.
This is true to some treatments for depression and anxiety.
Erickson’s Psychosocial Development
Young Adults
Improving the Health, Safety, and Well-Being of Young Adults; Board on
Children, Youth, and Families; Institute of Medicine; National Research
According to Bonnie, Stroud, Breiner (2015), young adulthood is a period of intense
physiological and psychological change and maturation where the transition from
adolescence into adulthood takes a gradual transformation yet fundamental. The
demand to keep up with the new roles and responsibilities is correlated with basic
psychosocial developmental tasks. Moreover, Bonnie, Stroud, and Breiner (2015)
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state that social, emotional, and cognitive maturation is expected to happen before
adolescents can take on adult obligations where behavioral risks are reduced to
adult-like levels. The ongoing changes and development that take place during young
adulthood demonstrate the gradual transition from adolescence to adulthood. These
are some of the new behavioral developments that young adults present describe:
they take time to think through before making a decision, they can delay gratification,
they weigh consequences, and they are more able to regulate impulses (Bonnie,
Stroud, and Breiner (2015).
Intimacy vs. Isolation: Psychosocial Stage 6: Forming intimate relationships
with others
Cherry (2019) and Orenstein & Lewis (2020)
describe one of the stages of
Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development which is Intimacy versus Isolation
where this period is about major conflicts in young adulthood between the ages of 19
and 40. It centers on forming an intimate, loving, and lasting relationship with other
people. Holland (2019) and Orenstein & Lewis (2020)
stipulate that each stage
describes two opposing psychological predispositions – one positive, and the other
being negative. Being able to address this stage leads to meaningful and healthy
relationships. Chery (2019) and Holland (2015) further explain that failure to meet this
stage can cause feelings of loneliness and isolation. Young adults who experience
difficulty during this stage suffer intimacy issues. The psychosocial theory presents a
series of successive stages where each stage contributes to the next. That is why it is
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important to have the needs met adequately in each stage to be able to go the next
successfully. People with a poor sense of self resulting in not being able to address
the needs from the previous psychosocial stage, tend to have fewer committed
relationships and are more probable to endure emotional isolation, loneliness, and
depression (Cherry, 2019).
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Trauma has many implications on a person’s mental and emotional health.
Other than being compulsively reliving painful memories, these unwanted memories
become closely connected to emotions and physical sensations which serve as
disruptive physical reactions manifested in the present. As such, normal daily living is
continuously disrupted by the effects of trauma on the person (Kolk, 2014). Price and
Hooven (2018) explained that the person’s capacity to sense interoceptive signals
may be affected by stress and adverse life experiences. This undesirably influences
the tolerance, interest, and the way an individual attends to body language and
internal physical cues, thus making it challenging to manage an emotional response.
The core of therapy should be an approach where calming and stabilizing the
limbic system is prioritized first and foremost. This is done by regulating
the sympathetic nervous system when it is activated by an imagined or real threat. To
do so, there is a need to stimulate the medial prefrontal cortex that is typically
interoception for the conservation of homeostatic functioning, body regulation, and
survival will help mitigate and obstruct the development of numerous psychiatric
disorders such as depression and anxiety (Khalsa & Lapidus, 2016).
The study of Price and Hooven (2018) described the importance of
interoceptive awareness skills for emotion regulation using Mindful Awareness in
Body-Oriented Therapy (MABT). The focus of MABT is on mindful attention to inner
body awareness. This empowers the individual to make the necessary therapeutic
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steps to connect to deep bodily states of equilibrium that can help outweigh and
rescript maladaptive stress responses and habitual patterns. The comprehensive
approaches employed in MABT combining mindfulness practices with the dynamic
involvement of a therapist coaching clients to tune in to the intricacies of physiological
sensation and increase interoceptive awareness skills promote well-rounded emotion
management. This gives the individual the ability to process and interpret feelings
leading to strategic ways to behave adaptively. This is especially true at the onset of
insignificant cues before any alarming, overwhelming or unmanageable situation
takes place.
Furthermore, another study by Price, et. al. (2019) stresses that Mindful
Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy has proven to be valuable especially to people
who are undergoing treatment for substance abuse disorder. The study group who
received MABT measured an increase in their interoception ability and emotion
regulation skills which helped in attenuating depressive symptoms and substance
These combinations of studies show the impact of adverse childhood
experience (ACE) on mental and physical health. There are also emerging bodies of
sources that provide evidence-based interventions that assist in the treatment and
recovery of trauma survivors specifically centering on the involvement of interoception
in trauma management. Moreover, there are many existing types of research on
handling cases of adverse childhood experiences using various theoretical
approaches. Also, writings on the impact of ACEs on interoception alongside
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treatment modalities using MABT have just started gaining momentum in the
academic circle.
While all these are happening with mind and body training abroad, there is no
single study of interoceptive awareness for Filipino young adults using this modified
program. This study has focused on the creation of a program that is entirely set up
for Filipinos within its context and setting. The program facilitates interoceptive
awareness skills that can help Filipino clients, especially those who were exposed to
early life adversities, learn how to identify, access, and appraise internal bodily cues
that are relevant components of interoception for emotion regulation.
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This chapter contains the research design that is used in the study, the
participants that are involved, and the method of data analysis that is used for the
study, the procedures that the researcher utilized, and the instruments that are used
to complete this study.
Research Design
This study employed a quasi-experimental research design (Privitera & Delzell,
2018) and supervised a group with members selected through purposive sampling.
Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire was used as the qualifying tool to
screen and determine the potential candidates for the program. Pre-test and post-test
were administered before the start of the intervention and at the end of the same
intervention respectively. Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness
tool (Mehling et al, 2018) was used for the pre and post-test (Glen, ND). Both results
were analyzed and compared.
Two variables were utilized in this study. Coming Home Program: Mind and
Body Awareness Group Therapy for Young Adults with Adverse Childhood
Experiences (Appendix A) was the independent variable. The dependent variable
refers to the different dimensions of interoception (Mehling et al, 2018). The intention
was to make a comparison of the participants’ conditions, before and after the group’s
participation (Glen, ND) in the program (see Appendix A).
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Participants of the Study
The participants of the study were selected through purposive sampling
They are residents of Shepherd’s Home Foundation Inc. in Antipolo
Rizal, a temporary shelter for marginalized women and children.
The seven (7)
participants were referred by the Director of Shepherd’s Home but only five (5)
participants remained to finish the program, as two participants withdrew their
participation. One of the participants was highly dysregulated to the point of walking
out of the session. Another participant also decided not to join the remaining seven
(7) sessions. The total number of participants who finished the eight (8) sessions was
five (5).
The participants of the study were young adults, with an age range of 19 to 39
years. All participants are female, from a single-parent family, and of lower
socioeconomic class. Additionally, eighty percent (80%) of the participants have
experienced Abuse (physical, verbal, and sexual abuse) and Neglect (physical and
emotional neglect). Finally, sixty percent (60%) of the participants have experienced
Household Dysfunction (growing up with household incarceration, mental illness,
substance dependence, parental separation or divorce, or intimate partner violence).
(See Appendix B)
Research Instruments
The tool that was used in the gathering of data for this research was the profile
sheet of the participants, including information such as gender, civil status, and
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socioeconomic status. To supply the prerequisite data for this study, the researcher
administered two standardized tests: Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire
was used as the qualifying tool, and Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive
Awareness was used for the pre and post-test; both are self-report questionnaires.
ACE Questionnaire
The ACE International Questionnaire (ACE-IQ) is intended to measure ACEs
in all countries, and the association between them and risk behaviors in later life.
ACE-IQ is designed for administration to people aged 18 years and older. Questions
cover family dysfunction; physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and neglect by
parents or caregivers; peer violence; witnessing community violence, and exposure to
collective violence (WHO, 2018).
The Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness, Version 2
According to Mehling We et al (2018), “the Multidimensional Assessment of
Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA) is a 37-item state-trait questionnaire to measure
multiple dimensions of interoception by self-report. It consists of eight scales
corresponding to its 8-factor structure including Noticing, Not-Distracting, NotWorrying, Attention Regulation, Emotional Awareness, Self-Regulation, Body
Listening, and Trust. The Non-Distracting scale indicates the tendency to ignore or
distract oneself from sensations of pain or discomfort. The Not-Worrying Scale
indicates emotional distress or worries with sensations of pain or discomfort. The
Attention Regulation scale identifies the capacity to regulate attention when multiple
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sensory stimuli compete. The Emotional Awareness scale explores the ability to be
aware of the relationship between bodily states and emotional ones. The SelfRegulation scale identifies their ability to use attention to bodily states to regulate
psychological distress. The Body Listening scale identifies their ability to attend to
bodily sensations for psychological insight. Lastly, the Trusting scale measures the
degree to which the participants experience their body as safe and trustworthy. Each
scale is scored by taking the average of the items on each scale. Items 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
and 10 on the Not-Distracting subscale and items 11, 12, and 15 on the Not-Worrying
subscale are reverse-scored. Higher scores indicate higher
The Cronbach Alpha for each subscale are the following: .719 (Noticing
subscale); .829 (Not Distracting subscale); .875 (Attention Regulation subscale); .862
(Emotional Awareness Subscale); .881 (Self-Regulation subscale); .876 (Body
Listening subscale); and, .955 (Trusting subscale) (See Appendix F). These scores
indicate that the Cronbach Alpha was more than the acceptable value of 0.7.
Meanwhile, Mindful Awareness in Body Oriented Group Psychotherapy was
deployed through the adapted program, COMING HOME PROGRAM: MIND and
CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES. It is a combination of psychoeducation and mind-body
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approaches with the adapted program inspired by concepts from MABT co-author
Cynthia Price and key concepts from the Interoception Curriculum that is developed
by Kelly Mahler which aims to develop interoception and self-care tools for emotion
management (see Appendix A). The Coming Home Program has three distinguishing
phases for teaching interoceptive awareness and take-home skills. The stages are
divided into three components which are processed sequentially. The first stage is
about identifying body sensations. The second stage is learning strategies for
interoceptive awareness. The last stage is about developing the ability to maintain
interoceptive awareness as a mindful process to promote acceptance, gain insight,
and value interoceptive experiences. All sessions include explanations specific to
body awareness and self-management activities in daily life. It also incorporates
experiential learning which is aimed at practicing interoceptive skills. Each session
ends with 15 minutes of debriefing and processing of content. Take-home exercises
are based on the session experience which is strongly encouraged to carry on (Price,
Thompson, Crowell, Pike, 2019; Mahler, K. (2019).
The Coming Home Program is designed to improve emotion regulation skills in
young adults suffering from Adverse Childhood Experiences. It is catered to young
adults whose age range is from 18 to 40 years old who had adverse childhood
experiences exposure.
This program is designed to be delivered using a group
format. Each group session will take 2 hours for 8 weekly sessions based upon Kelly
Mahler’s Interoception Curriculum (2019) Measurement to be used is the
Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness scale (MAIA).
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The researcher utilized the narratives accounts of the participants from the
debriefing process after each session to determine the effects of each activity of the
Coming Home Program on the participants. Debriefing is part of each session. The
debriefing process happens towards the end of the session. The researcher wanted
to assure that there was integration in the processing and that the participants were
able to embody the exercises. Immersive simulations consist of a debriefing where
the facilitator manages a group dialogue that appraises the simulation experiences
and is responsible for giving feedback to the participants. Krogh et al (2016) have
used Cheng et al definition of debriefing, “as a discussion between two or more
individuals in which aspects of a performance are explored and analyzed to gain
insights that impact the quality of future clinical practice”. They further attest that
simulation-based education collected works or related literature indicate the
importance of debriefing in participants’ learning; since debriefing encourages the
integration of participants’ contributions and participation through reflection and
contemplation that has a likelihood of improving clinical practice (Krogh Bearman,
Nestel, 2016).
Validation of the Tools
The Coming Home Program (see Appendix A) was given to two (2) evaluators,
for the content and application of different activities: a licensed clinician with 10 years
of service in West Central Mental Health Center from Los Angeles, United States,
with experience in play therapy supervision, EMDR therapy working with children,
adolescents, families, and adults. And, the Center Director of the Center for Mindful
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Body Awareness, who is also an Associate Research Professor at the University of
Washington with expertise on the development of body awareness to improve health
and well-being. (See Appendix E)
Recommendations and comments by the experts were given utmost
consideration for the improvement of the program. Well-founded suggestions and
contributions provided were employed to help build the structure and format of the
intervention before the implementation of said program.
Ethical Consideration
The objectives of the study are to determine the effectiveness of the Coming
Home Program; Mind and Body Awareness Group Therapy for Young Adults with
Adverse Childhood Experiences. In line with this, the researcher has made sure that
the rights of the participants are secure as they were given informed consent which
was reviewed and signed in advance (Appendix H). The participants were advised
that they have the right to decline or withdraw at any time without condition. The
researcher also explained properly that their stories of trauma and abuse would not
be discussed in the sessions, since the focus of treatment was teaching them about
interoceptive awareness skills. The data collection protocol was explained to the
participants before the commencement of the program. Confidentiality of information
was highly exercised. The participants were informed that the material gathered in the
sessions would not be shared with anyone else who was not part of the program to
ensure the subjects’ interests and future well-being.
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All of the participants are survivors of human rights violations. According to
“What is Ace Science” (n.d.), an individual who has been chronically stressed and has
experienced an additional traumatic event, consequently the body would have
difficulty returning to a normal state. What happens now is that over time, the
survivors will become more sensitive to trauma or stress, developing a hair-trigger
response to affairs that other people dismiss.
To help manage the participants’
physiological and emotional arousal levels due to triggers that were activated during
the sessions, the researcher constantly co-regulated with them to manage arousals
Data Gathering Procedures
The following steps were assumed in gathering the necessary data for the
The search for participants was obtained through purposive sampling. The
researcher was assisted by the Director of Shepherd’s Home Taytay Rizal, in
providing the referrals. Those who were referred were asked to answer the qualifying
tool, Adverse Childhood Experience Questionnaire, to determine their qualifications.
All referrals got a score of at least three in the Adverse Childhood Experience
Questionnaire and were accepted into the program.
The next step for the members of the controlled group was to fill out the Letter
to the Respondents (Appendix B), Profile Form, Informed Consent (Appendix C), and
the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness Version 2 (MAIA-2).
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The program was initiated as soon as the prequalification of candidates was
finalized. A total of eight (8) sessions were conducted in a conducive location where
it is relatively interruption-free and distractions are kept to a minimum, except for 2 (2)
participants withdrawing after the first session that focused on getting acquainted with
the program, familiarizing with the roles and duties of the participant and facilitator,
sharing about themselves, and psychoeducation. Consequently, the three (3) phases
of the adapted version of MABT were deployed. Phase One was conducted through
the second and third sessions. Phase Two was conducted through the fourth and fifth
sessions. Phase Three was conducted through the sixth, seventh, and eighth
sessions. A post-test using the MAIA-2 was administered at the second part of the
The first session introduced the theme of safety and connection. The session
is divided into two parts, the first being about group orientation as the participants
familiarize themselves with their roles and duties as participants and of the facilitator,
the objectives of the study and the program, and expectations they have of the said
program. Participants were invited to talk about themselves. In the second part,
participants were given psychoeducation and mapping about the nervous system.
The second session had a theme of befriending one’s body following the task:
Getting to Know Your Hand and Fingers, Feet, Toes, and Voice. It aimed to develop
techniques on body signals of a single body part and improve emotion and cognitive
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The third session shared the theme of body literacy, with the task: Getting to
Know Your Brain and Head, Lungs, Whole Body. The session continually built up the
techniques learned from the last session such as developing awareness of body
signals of a single body part, emotion, and cognitive procession, as well as learning
mindfulness exercises.
The fourth session had the theme: My Body Signals are Clues to My Emotions
and Each Emotion has Different Body Signals. Participants are reinforced with
techniques on mindfulness exercises and developing a connection between Body and
Emotion, as well as processing emotions and cognition.
The fifth session revolved around understanding the cause of body signals and
creating a body-emotion chart. Participants were tasked to focus and attend on bodyemotion connecting through interoceptive awareness exercises.
The sixth session talked about the body being comfortable or uncomfortable
and how participants can change the way their body feels. They were tasked to work
on their mindsight, which means mindful body awareness practice.
The seventh session dealt with changing the way the participants’ bodies feel
when they are uncomfortable and discovering new feel-good actions. The session
reinforced learnings from the last session on mindsight.
Lastly, the eight-session were divided into two parts. The first part of the
session had a theme of making a Feel-Good Menu and Discovering New Feel-Good
Actions, continually reinforcing mindsight, mindfulness exercises, and providing tools
such as the Body Check Chart for participants to use. The second part was used to
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administer the MAIA and for the Focused Group Discussion. These were conducted
to determine if the program was effective, as well as to receive feedback from the
participants if their expectations were met. The researcher was grateful and thanked
the participants for their participation.
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MAP Student (Researcher)
Search of the participants through the use of purposive sampling
Possible candidates were referred by Ms. Sharon Agnew and an initial screening was
8 women prequalified to join the Program
These now 8 participants were tasked to answer the pre-test MAIA-2
Deployment of MIND and BODY Awareness Group Therapy for Young Adults with
Adverse Childhood Experiences
The participants were met twice a week for 4 weeks intervention, a total of
8 sessions
2 participants left the program after the first session
The remaining 6 participants finished the program and took the Post Test
Figure 2: Flow Chart of the Date Gathering Procedure
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Control of Extraneous Variables
In every experimental study, it is inevitable to come across some extraneous
variables that might create an influence on the outcome of the study. To control the
factors and situational variables that could sway the result of the intervention, the
following approaches will be assumed:
1. Purposive Sampling
The participants were selected thru purposive sampling with the assistance of Ms.
Sharon Agnew, Director of Shepherd’s Home, who provided the leads/referrals.
2. Group Homogeneity
The method was carried out through the following methodologies:
a. The Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire was used as a
qualifying scale to establish who would be accepted into the program. A
candidate with at least a score of three or four is indicative that the
participant is accepted into the program.
b. A consistent environment also affects the validity of the study. To
control it, therapy will be conducted 2x weekly for a total of 4 weeks in
the same place in Taytay Rizal and time (Monday 10 am to 12 noon and
Friday 2:30 to 4:30 pm). The participants are residents of Shepherd’s
Home Foundation Inc. in Antipolo Rizal, a temporary shelter for
marginalized women and children
Statistical Treatment
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The data that were acquired from the participants were gathered, tallied,
tabulated, and summarized by the researcher. In-depth analysis and interpretation in
line with the problem and objectives were formulated. The following statistical tools
were used:
1. Mean was used to measure the central tendency that helped determine the
difference between variation on the group’s interoceptive awareness levels
based on pre and post-test scores. The values were exploited from the
collected data with further statistical analysis to establish any significant
difference between pre-test and post-test scores.
2. The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test is a non-parametric analysis that was used
to take the average of two dependent samples and checks for significant
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This chapter discusses all the results presented in tabular form, based on
computation and statistical treatment employed, along with the corresponding
interpretation and analysis.
1. What is the profile of the participants in terms of ACEs Scores?
The following table shows the profile of the participants in terms of their
Adverse Childhood Experiences’ Scores.
Table 1.1: Profile of the participants in terms of ACEs Scores
Not Distracting
Self Regulation
Body Listening
Overall Mean
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Table 1.1 showed the ACE profile of the five (5) participants. It showed that,
in the pretest phase, most of the participants rated themselves generally low to
average in all seven subscales. Two of those subscales were appraised as low:
Attention Regulation and Emotional Awareness. On the other hand, for the post-test
phase, the only subscale that has an interpretation of low was Not Distracting. The
Subscales: Noticing, Attention Regulation, and Body Listening obtained an average
interpretation, and the remaining subscales: Emotional Awareness, Self Regulation,
and Trusting procured a high interpretation. This indicates that based on the profile of
the participants, the intervention varied in results.
Based on the table above, it demonstrated that the intervention used with the
participants with adverse childhood experience exposure made improvements in
terms: Noticing, where they have developed the ability to become aware of the
uncomfortable, comfortable, and neutral body sensations; Attention Regulation
where they have developed the ability to maintain and control attention to body
sensation; Emotional Awareness where they have developed the ability to become
aware of the connection between body sensations and emotional states; SelfRegulation where they have developed the ability to regulate psychological distress
by attention to body sensations; Body Listening where they have developed the
ability to actively listens to the body for insight; and Trusting where they have
developed the ability to experience one’s body as safe and trustworthy. This has
proved that there was an increase in their body awareness skills or interoceptive
awareness skills. On the other hand, the subscale Not Distracting, which is the
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ability to disregard or sidetrack oneself from sensations of pain or discomfort, did not
change before and after the intervention.
Recovery from the consequences of adverse childhood experiences begins in
the brain and body-based orientation. Having strategies like the use of somatic work
and mindfulness activities are essential in improving interoceptive awareness and
ability which helps trauma survivors start to feel grounded and connected to self as
one of the core goals of the COMING HOME Program. The important component of
interoceptive signaling is the processing of feelings, urges, reflexes, drives, and
cognitive and affective experiences; and the maintenance of homeostatic functioning,
body regulation, and survival (Khalsa, 2018). But to account for the varied results
after the intervention, Schaan and his colleagues (2019) shared how adverse
childhood experiences play a huge contributory role in the formation of disruptions in
how the brain and body work together and one of the enduring effects on the brain
and body is the difficulty of processing bodily signals (interoception) that contributes
to emotional and behavioral dysregulation in adulthood. In response, it is intensely
difficult for individuals to process and manage their emotional reactivity. This can also
account for the individual ability of each participant to process new learnings and
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2. Is there a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test interoceptive
scores of the participants after the intervention?
Table 2.1 Significant Difference in the Pre-test and Post-test Interoceptive
Scores on Noticing
p value
Accept Ho
The p-value is equal to .042 which is less than the significance level of .05,
suggesting that there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test
scores on noticing before and after the intervention. These indicate that the
intervention heightened the noticing ability of participants.
Noticing is the ability to become aware of the uncomfortable, comfortable, and
neutral body sensations (Mehling, 2018). The following accounts were taken from
session three. At the start of the session, the researcher asked the participants what
they have been observing from themselves since the start of the program.
One of the participants stated that they were able to notice when they feel
angry through their body sensations. The importance of developing the ability to
notice uncomfortable, comfortable, and neutral body sensations helped the
participants regulate strong emotions and gain a sense of empowerment. The
consistency to guide the participants in attending to their bodily sensations or
interoceptive cues associated with specific feelings facilitated neurological growth.
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The result showed that learning effective emotion regulation techniques employed in
the Coming Home Program can considerably improve attention on bodily sensations
that help manage arousals (Werbalowksy, 2019) (GoodTherapy, 2018). (Gao et al., 2019).
Interoceptive awareness affects one’s perception of the body, both in cognition and in
effect (Duschek et al., 2015). Physiologically, when we pay attention to our bodily
cues, there is an integration happening inside our brain. In the study conducted by
Salvato, et al., (2020), they found that the processing of stimuli in both exteroception
and interoception converges in the supramarginal gyrus bilaterally, the rightlateralized set of areas (such as precentral and postcentral) and superior temporal
gyri; these brain areas are involved in blending together several physiological sensory
signals and align again information from diverse channels and frames of reference.
The results of the study affirm the study of Bornemann, Herbert, Mehling, &
Singer (2015) which proved that body scanning and breath meditation showed a
significant improvement in five of the eight subscales in the MAIA compared to the
control group.
The process of being alerted to sensory stimuli outside the body through the
sense of touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound is exteroception. Conversely, the
process of perceiving, interpreting, and analyzing sensory stimuli coming from inside
the body is interoception. Cognizance of “butterflies in the stomach” or tightness of
breath is an example of the interoception process. Interoception is a conversation
between the brain and the body. For instance, when the body needs a respite from an
extraneous activity, the inner sensation of fatigue signals the brain to command the
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need for rest; that is interoception. However, Interoception is more than a
conversation between mind and body. It is the root of an individual’s urges, drives,
feelings, and emotional reactions.
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Table 2.2 Significant Difference in the Pre-test and Post-test Interoceptive
Scores on Not Distracting
p value
Reject Ho
Not Significant
Based on the result, the Not Distracting subscale has a p-value equal to .715
which is greater than the significance level of .05 suggests that there is no significant
difference between the pre-test and post-test interoceptive scores on not distracting
before and after the intervention.
Not Distracting is the ability to disregard or sidetrack oneself from sensations
of pain or discomfort (Mehling, 2018). The participants were experiencing
dysregulation in between sessions and it can be inferred that this may have had a
factor in the nonsignificant result. During one of the processing in the 3rd session, the
participants shared their feelings in connection to their body sensations (See
Appendix E). According to Schann et al (2019), childhood adversity leads to
emotional dysregulation and other physical symptoms in adulthood. “Past Trauma”
(2019) further indicates that every time our body experiences extreme stress, it has a
direct biological effect on it. When an individual goes through something anxietyprovoking, the stress response gets activated. The body creates more adrenaline, the
heart beats fast, and it prepares itself to react. A trauma survivor may have stronger
surges of adrenaline and endures them frequently than someone who has not had the
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same history. This results to wear and tear on the body. Mclean (2016) explains that
the brain’s and body’s "survival" mechanisms are overbearing than the "learning"
mechanisms that have resulted in widespread deficits in stimulation/arousals,
cognitive, emotional, and social functioning This steers the way to chronic hyperarousal and constant sensitivity to stress which affects the development of the brain’s
functioning and structures. Many findings propose that the stress response system
can result in an individual being more chronically over-activated or underresponsive over time.
Table 2.3 Significant Difference In The Pre-Test And Post-Test Interoceptive
Scores On Attention Regulation
Reject Ho
Not Significant
The p-value equal to .176 which is greater than the significance level of .05
suggests that there is no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test
interoceptive scores on attention regulation before and after the intervention.
Attention Regulation is the ability to maintain and control attention to body
sensation. Throughout the sessions (Session 1 to Session 8), the participants were
consistently guided to direct their attention towards their bodies (Attention Regulation)
nonsignificance results may be accounted for by constant difficulties with emotional
regulation that possibly hampered their ability in attention regulation, which is said to
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be a consequence of maltreatment in childhood (Mclean, 2018). Additionally, Haase
et al. (2016) explained that individuals from the low resilience group exhibited lower
levels of interoceptive awareness but higher neural processing bodily disturbances.
The researchers conclude that individuals who have low resilience may adapt poorly
to the adverse situation due to the disconnect between attention and interoceptive
Table 2.4 Significant Difference In The Pre-Test And Post-Test Interoceptive
Scores On Emotional Awareness
Reject Ho
Not Significant
The p-value equal to .345 which is greater than the significance level of .05
suggests that there is no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test
interoceptive scores on emotional awareness before and after the intervention.
Emotional Awareness is the ability to become aware of the connection between body
sensations and emotional states.
Right from the beginning, the participants were guided on how to become
aware of their body signals and how to process them.
Each activity in each of the sessions was always directed to the participants
to be more mindful of their interoceptive sensations and associate the bodily cues to
feelings and then take actions by addressing the needs.
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Again, the nonsignificant result may be connected to the impact of trauma on
their cognitive performance and interoceptive awareness. Childhood adversity may
lead to emotional dysregulation and other physical symptoms in adulthood (Schaan et
al., 2019). The accuracy of understanding bodily sensations, or interoceptive
accuracy (IAC), was examined by the researchers who experienced childhood
trauma. The participants were administered a questionnaire to assess their
perception of their bodies, followed by several laboratory tests (Schaan et al., 2019).
The results show that childhood trauma negatively affected IAC. The researchers
recommend that children who experience trauma must receive interventions on
interoception to improve emotional regulation.
Accept Ho
The p-value equal to .042 which is less than the significance level of .05
suggests that there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test
interoceptive scores on self–regulation before and after the intervention.
Self- Regulation is the ability to regulate psychological distress by attention to
body sensations. The framework of the program was to guide the participants to be
cognizant of body signals, to connect these body signals with emotions, and to
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determine what action to take to promote from within body comfort (Mahler, 2018). So
far in three sessions alone, the participants were able to apply these specific skills,
thus improved mental health.
“Center for Substance Abuse Treatment” (2014) and “United Nation Human
Rights” (n.d.), and Wiet (2015) explain that trauma affects people in different ways
and this includes one-time, multiple, or long-lasting repetitive events. The traumatic
consequences are also manifested differently. Some individuals may clearly show
symptoms connected with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
according to Bethell, Carle, Hudziak, Gombojav, Powers, Wade, & Braveman (2017),
when an individual is exposed to a traumatic event, there would be various
psychological and physiological reactions and manifestations in response to
reminders of the event immediately followed by the exposure or for many, the incident
may cause prolonged distress heading to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This
is a case of the participant that can be connected to the result.
Table 2.6 Significant Difference In The Pre-Test And Post-Test Interoceptive
Scores On Body Listening
Reject Ho
Not Significant
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The p-value equal to .066 which is greater than the significance level of .05
suggests that there is no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test
interoceptive scores on body listening before and after the intervention.
Body Listening is actively listening to the body for insight. Body listening is one
of the major core actions of the program. The skills and activities employed are
specifically geared towards the concept of facilitating the creation of new neurons
(neurogenesis) and the reinforcement of the new neural pathway (neuroplasticity) in
response to the stimulation of learning and experience that transpired in the sessions.
Body listening was used from the beginning up to the end of the program.
Muhtadie (2017) conducted a study using a new method for assessing
Interoceptive Awareness (IA). Interoceptive awareness, which is the conscious
perception of stimulus originating within the body is a basic component of an
individual’s subjective experience of emotion and possibly its proximate cause. IA is
fundamental and central to processes that are essential to survival and well-being.
These pertain to attention, motivation, emotion regulation, and decision-making.
Understanding of IA is hindered by current assessment limitations (such as self-report
questionnaires, and tasks like heartbeat perception), whose reliability and validity are
doubtful because they fail to fully capture individual variability, and disregard
emotional contexts. Fifty-six men and women aged 18-50 participated in this
research. The study subjects were tasked to watch an evocative film that captured a
range of emotions. They were made to complete a coherence task (i.e. rate their
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subjective experience on valence and arousal dimension) which were spaced two
weeks apart. The subject’s physiology was continuously recorded.
Coherence Scores obtained from valence-based ratings of subjective
experience and heart period demonstrated significant temporal stability. Further, the
scores were positively associated with convergent validity. Furthermore, the scores
were also found to negatively associate with a composite measure of distress and
positively associate with empathy. Further still, the Coherence Task demonstrated
promise as an empirically grounded assessment of individual differences in IA this
would permit the researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions that target
interoceptive awareness for health and well-being (Muhtadie, L., 2017).
Table 2.7 Significant Difference In The Pre-Test And Post-Test Interoceptive
Scores On Trusting
p value
Reject Ho
Not Significant
The p-value equal to .066 which is greater than the significance level of .05
suggests that there is no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test
interoceptive scores on trusting before and after the intervention. Trusting is the
experiences one’s body as safe and trustworthy.
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Childhood adversity may lead to emotional dysregulation and other physical
symptoms in adulthood (Schaan et al., 2019). The accuracy of understanding bodily
sensations, or interoceptive accuracy (IAC), was examined by the researchers who
experienced childhood trauma. The participants were administered a questionnaire to
assess their perception of their bodies, followed by several laboratory tests (Schaan
et al., 2019). The results show that childhood trauma negatively affected IAC. The
researchers recommend that children who experience trauma must receive
interventions on interoception to improve emotional regulation.
Kanbara & Fukunaga (2016) evaluate the connections between emotional
awareness, somatic awareness, and autonomic homeostatic processing and
hypothesized that autonomic dysfunction is related to the dysfunction in emotional
and interoceptive or somatic awareness. These three functions perform in a parallel
manner, but the pathologies between the three coexist (Kanbara & Fukunaga, 2016).
The researchers also note that alexithymia is the lack of emotional awareness for
psychosomatic symptoms, and alexisomia is the lack of somatic awareness. This may
be the factor why the result is not significant.
Reject Ho
Not Significant
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According to the statistical analysis, the p-value equal to .080 which is greater
than the significance level of .05 suggests that there is no significant difference
between the pre-test and post-test interoceptive scores before and after the
The results indicate that while the mean scores increased during the post-test,
these scores are not significantly different. According to Goldenson, Kitollari, and
Lehman (2020), participants experience difficulty in strengthening new pathways,
because of the impact of adverse childhood experiences on their mental health. In the
middle of the first session, some of the participants reacted strongly to the discussion
about trauma and abuse. One of the participants was highly dysregulated to the point
of walking out of the session. Another participant also decided not to join the
remaining seven (7) sessions. P1, P3, P4 have more than 4 ACE scores. They also
had difficulty applying the new skills regularly.
In short, the participants were experiencing dysregulation in between
symptomology, and Psychological functioning, conducted by Goldenson, Kitollari &
Lehman (2020), using the Child Youth Resiliency Measure to evaluate the importance
of resiliency in buffering the effect of ACEs, they found out that there is a close
symptomology. The study further states that 4 or more ACEs a person has, the more
psychopathology the individuals will have and have less resiliency than those who
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score below 4.
The more resiliency the person has, the less trauma-related
symptomology was reported.
Further study on resiliency factors among this
population is recommended.
One of the effects of trauma is when an individual experiences a traumatic
event, that person’s perception of the environment is rewired now for negativity to
protect oneself from further pain. Kolk (2015), stresses that early exposures to
adverse conditions may have produced relentless fear and prolonged anxiety that
have a long-lasting consequence on a person’s physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing by disrupting the developing architecture of the brain. Traumatic experiences
make lasting impressions on our minds, emotions, and biology both on those who
suffer and those who witness the suffering. Recent studies have realized that trauma
generates physiological changes thus leaves victims of trauma altered brain
structures and functions. What happens is it changes the biological wiring of the
brain. Survivors’ everyday experiences are somehow tainted by their past since their
bodies closely pay attention to the inner struggles they are living through that cause
fatigue, autoimmune diseases, and other physical symptoms. This happens when the
brain relays an alarm message to the body, the conscious mind to some extent shuts
down and so the brain prompts automatically makes the body avoid the threat.
Traumatic stress occurs when the normal response is blocked which makes the brain
keeps firing off stress chemicals. (Kolk, cite in Readtreprenuer Publishing, 2018).
Throughout each session, all of the participants got triggered at some point.
One participant was suffering from flashbacks. There was a need to stop the activity
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and the researcher co-regulated with them to normalize the emotional state to bring
them back to their optimal nervous system state. This was crucial to their learning. It
will be hard for them to understand what was done in the session if they were feeling
hyper or hypo aroused. From the lens of Polyvagal Theory, what is imperative to
recovery from trauma is to guide clients to navigate their ways to move out of a
dysregulated state—either a floating or detached “dorsal vagal” condition or a hyperaroused “sympathetic” one—and revert to “ventral vagal,” where we feel safe and
connected. It is essential to correctly identify which state of the nervous system the
person is in at any point in time to start the journey back to calm and connection
(Dana, 2019).
Based on the participants’ profile, participants 2,3,4,5 made changes but were
not that too emphasized or remarkable. However, the narrative accounts of the
participants confirmed that they have benefited from the program and helped them
learn self-regulation skills to manage their arousals. The participants had a better
understanding of their arousals or different nervous system states. They learned
effective coping skills to deal with everyday challenges such as reducing impulses or
aggression. They established new healthy habits and behaviors. They realized that
they had the power to choose behaviors that can result in a more satisfying
relationship at home and work. They learned to be more mindful and more relaxed in
their body.
The researcher had been coaching the participants to focus on their bodily
cues and process them at the start of the session, in the middle of the session, and
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towards the end of the session. The goal was to strengthen the newly formed neural
pathway in their brain and nervous system (Ronchi, 2018 ) (Klabunde et. al., 2019)
(Gao et al., 2019) (Pikorn, n.d.) (Blefari et al., 2017).
Every activity they were
engaged in facilitated neurogenesis and neuroplasticity in action. The participants’
habenula, which is the part of the brain known to impact adaptive behaviors and
choices that favors rewarding events and evades negative events (Epatein, 2018),
was also operational.
It can be inferred then that the activities made an impact on the nervous
system and brain of the participants. Each session was an embodied learning
experience that had probably made some transformation in their mental health and
the way they respond to their bodies. This is in line with the research by Fisher (2017)
who investigated the effects of body scan intervention (BS) on various interoceptive
subdomains between two different samples. The therapeutic tools that were designed
and used in the program for the participants re-shaped their behavioral responses to
environmental cues to support their physiologic responses that were more adaptive
and helpful in regulation. It aided the participants to adjust their ‘set points’ in ways
that have facilitated their optimal emotional responding to environmental challenges.
Lastly, Malhotra & Sahoo (2017) underscore what Kandel, the well-known
American neuropsychiatrist, has stipulated concerning the five major tenets of the
connection between neuroscience and psychotherapy. Every mental process involves
the functions and operation of the brain even the most complicated psychological
processes. Neural connections are determined by the interrelationship between
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neurons in the brain and its specific functions Gene expressions are modified by
experiences. Social and developmental areas play a huge role in this process. Neural
connections are affected by learning. The modifications involved in neural functions
are generated by experience. Learning and behavior make changes in the
configurations of neural connections. This happens with the changes in gene
expression. Psychotherapy modifies the intensity of synaptic connections and
structural changes. The synaptic connections and structural changes now amend the
anatomical pattern of association between nerve cells of the brain. Psychotherapy
amends gene expression. It generates long-term modifications and changes in
behavior, which the Coming Home Program has initiated and facilitated to provide the
participants with self-care skills that are foundational and critical for emotion
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Detailed Outline of the Sessions
Session 1:
Group Orientation
The session started with the orientation of the rights of the participants and the
program. The researcher assured them that deeper discussion of the content of their
history of trauma or abuse would not be encouraged. The goal of the program was to
teach them self-regulation skills that they can apply in times of their dysregulation and
raise their awareness of themselves. Self-regulation was also explained in detail and
how can this benefit their mental health. The house rule and schedules of the
program were also pointed out. A brief explanation of each session was also
presented. To create a perception of safety at the start of the session, the researcher
used mindful laughter exercises to initiate the stabilization of feelings (Ferentz (2015)
(Barta, 2018) (Ackerman 2020).
Mindful Laughter and Gratitude Log
After the mindful laughter activity, the participants were asked to journal their
experiences. The researcher processed the activity with them especially their body
sensations and feelings. After the processing, they were asked to list three things that
they were grateful for. Then they embodied the experience again, especially how their
bodies responded to feeling grateful. The activity was also explained why expressing
gratitude helps improve their mental health (Brown & Wong, 2017), The participants
stated feelings of gratefulness because they realize how helpful the session is to each
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one of them in terms of dealing with what they are going through in life (See Appendix
Laying the Cornerstone: Goal Setting using Scaling Question
Next was the goal-setting activity which they were asked to align their focus to
get a sense of self-mastery. The researcher asked the participants to rate themselves
if they have changed by applying the skills they learned through the session.
Participants shared that they were having some difficulties but they prefer to look on
the positive side, instead of dwelling on their challenges. They were then tasked to list
down the thoughts that had been bothering them, in which their feelings and body
sensations were processed. They shared that they felt lighter in the chest and the
mind, as well as gaining awareness about their ability to handle things (See Appendix
Psychoeducation: How the Brain Works in Managing Stress
The objective of this section was to be able to understand the neurological
concepts to gain appreciation in their perceptions, impulses, emotions, and behaviors.
The topics covered: Neurobiology of Trauma, Hierarchy of Nervous System,
Nueroception, Self- Regulation, and Interoception and Interoception Awareness
Part of the first session was neuroscience-informed psychoeducation to
promote awareness of the structure and functions of the brain, especially when
experiencing trauma and abuse, and what happens when we use self-regulation skills
to combat the effects of trauma. The participants started to feel anxious and agitated
when the researcher was discussing trauma and abuse.
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Grounding Exercises
By this time, Participant 6 has left the session. The remaining
participants were co-regulated using Grounding exercises. They were guided
to feel the sensation and process it especially how it felt after they were
mindful of their interoceptive cues. There were reminded again of the goal of
the program which was to learn to regulate themselves in the middle of their
dysregulation. This was already facilitating the participants how to rewire their
nervous system and replace them with adaptive coping ways, thus cutting old
neural patterns (Ackerman, 2020) (Werbalowksy, 2019) (GoodTherapy, 2018)
(Walling, 2017) (Levine, 2019) Malhotra & Sahoo (2017).
Participants shared feeling hurt in the waist, the head, and the foot. The
researcher explained that mindfulness will allow them to focus on feelings to
combat heavy feelings in the body through deep breathing, bringing back their
attention, as well as validating the self that things will be okay. (See Appendix
I, pp. 341.)
Mindfulness and Body Scanning: Yakapsule Activity
After the neuroeducation, some participants have triggered again. They
were co-regulated again and processed the body sensations and feelings.
They were asked to hug each other. The goal was to manage the current
emotional state. This is to affirm what Winkielman et al., (2020) stated in their
study, that interventions designed to improve interoceptive skills like
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mindfulness-based meditation may be crucial to alleviating loneliness and
improving social connection The researcher explained ways how to regulate
one’s self immediately to induce feelings of safety (See Appendix I).
Mapping the Nervous System
Towards the end of the first session, the researcher explained the
homework and its benefits. The homework was about MAPPING THEIR
NERVOUS SYSTEM (Dana, 2018). They were asked to identify the different
states they were in and recognize the triggers and glimmers are for that state.
The goal was to rewire their nervous system to have a profound difference in
their nervous system states. They were reminded that they can take
responsibility for what’s happening to their body, and can tune in to what’s
happening, thus know how to regulate emotions and respond to stress
adaptively. This was their way of monitoring their different states to develop
resilience. This knowledge helped them respond adaptively to life’s challenges
where they could also go to the fight or flight state but for a short period, and
the goal was to return to the state of social engagement (Dana, 2018).
The researcher explained the regulating resource map as a way to figure
out what the participants’ resources are to help redirecting themselves to the
ventral vagal. The first objective was to “thicken” or reinforce the habit as a
helpful way to return to the ventral vagal. The second objective is to have an
available skillset to sustain calm feelings when the participants go through life’s
challenges. (See Appendix I, pp. 359.)
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Debriefing and closing
Before the end of the session was the debriefing process. Each participant
was asked to share what they have learned in the session (Krogh et al, 2016).
Debriefing was very important so that the researcher would know how to gauge the
participants’ progress from each session.
The participants stated feelings of heaviness as they remember their past,
but the breathing exercises and their knowledge of the ventral vagal help them
return to feeling normal and stable (See Appendix I).
Session 2: PHASE 1: Befriending your Body
Follow-up on the take-home exercises: Neuroception and the Window of
At the start of the second session, the researcher followed up on the
homework. Processing of content and feelings (such as what is the felt sensation,
locate in the body where the felt sensation is, receive the message and address the
need, use Body scanning drawing) The researcher looked into the participants’
responses and processed it with them again.
They talked about their different
responses from the identified words they chose from the list that were correlated with
each of their nervous system states. This would help them tune into their body and
understand how they felt in that particular state. The participants shared feeling
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restless and tense, as well as anger and panic as they tuned in their bodies (See
Appendix I).
Mapping and tracking of the Nervous System
They had the opportunity to become aware of the different states of their
nervous system especially when they were in their window of tolerance. Glimmers
were the things that guided them to be at their optimal nervous system state. The
participants learned from this session that despite irritable emotions they may have,
they can come back to their window of tolerance and come up with solutions to their
problems (See Appendix I).
Pendulation Technique
Before proceeding to the session properly, the researcher made use of the
Pendulation technique and Deep Breathing exercises. The researcher instructed the
participants to close their eyes, take a deep breath and put their hand on their
stomach, counting up to three, pausing, then to five counts. The respondents shared
that they felt relaxed, and even felt more aware of their body sensations. These
results confound with Walling and Bergland’s study (2017), in which they found the
pendulation technique useful in developing skills on self-regulation (i.e. feeling
stable), and at the same time, strengthening the new neural pathway of becoming
more aware of their body sensations and how to process them.
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The objectives are to develop interoceptive awareness by increasing the ability
to notice body signals, targeting the first part of the body-emotion-action connection
(Mahler, 2019), and increasing the ability to match descriptor words to each of the
body signals noticed, thus building interoception-related vocabulary important for
conceptual understanding as well as communication skills (Mahler, 2019).
In this phase, participants employed tools for developing body connection and
improving sensory awareness. In the session, the researcher facilitator used activities
such as touch and physical movements to facilitate how the internal workings of the
body and nervous system can support the regulation of tough emotions that block
recovery. Part of the process was stopping and pausing to check on the participants’
current emotional and bodily states as seen in many studies in befriending the body
(Mahler, 2018; Barta, 2018; GoodTherapy, 2018).
The lesson was designed to teach participants to notice the different ways the
hands and fingers can feel. One of the activities for Befriending your Body was
focused on the hands and their sensations after doing some exercises. The
participants verbalized their reactions as trembling, hurting, hot, and feeling like
wanting to punch something (See Appendix I, pp. 381) The participants were able to
appreciate the sensation of their hands and how it can be connected to their feelings.
Some of them connected the sensation of their hands to angry feelings. One
participant said that when she was able to learn the different sensations of her hands
when doing different hand activities (e.g. clapping for 20 seconds), she realized that
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there was a connection to her anger feeling. What was amazing was that she also
realized that she could control her tendency to hit when she gets angry. This new
experience for her had created a new neural pathway in her brain already (Malhotra &
Sahoo, 2017). Through this exercise, the participants were also able to concretely
build interoception vocabulary that can be used to describe the body signals noticed
in the hands and fingers (Mahler, 2019).
Mindfulness Exercises: Body Scanning
After the activities for Befriending your Body, the participants were guided to
do a mindfulness exercise with deep breathing. The researcher instructed the
participants to go to the part of their body where they feel happy. From there, they
can begin accepting their entire self wholeheartedly, releasing their breath at the
same time. While inhaling, they’re instructed to give love to their whole body, feel the
love from head to toe, and feel the hotness from said lovingness. The participants
shared feeling a sense of warmth from their bodies, which is typical responses for
participants who undergo body scanning (Bergland, 2017).
Processing and Gratitude Log
After the processing, the participants were asked to affirm each other, as part of
strengthening the pathway of expressing gratitude (Brown & Wong, 2017). They also
had the hugging activity to strengthen the social connection and safety.
Take home tasks: Tracking their Arousals
The researcher reminded them that they could continue using the Befriending
Your Body: Hands and Feet activity to reinforce the new neural pathway. This was
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part of their homework. Another take-home task was tracking their arousals. The
objective was for the participants to be more familiar with arousals experienced
throughout the day and the fluctuations of arousals at specific intervals each day
(Odgen & Fisher, 2014).
Debriefing and closing: Reflective Sharing
Then the session was closed with debriefing. One participant shared that the
session helped her get to know the parts of her body that can give her peace of mind
and resilience to cope with situations and trust herself. (See Appendix I.) Through the
debriefing process, participants share what they have learned and process thoughts
and emotions they have during the session (Kroght et al, 2016; Malhotra & Sahoo,
2017). The second session also ended with more awareness of their bodily
sensations and how it was connected to their feelings. The session alone also helped
the participants feel hopeful and empowered. Research from neurogenesis and
neural plasticity affirmed that psychotherapy and its interventions expand our ability
to change the neural structure of our brain. Experience can alter the actual make-up
of our brain. The development of the brain is dependent on the experience, “activitydependent” process. Each experience stimulates some neural circuits and dumps
others. Neural circuits that are utilized repeatedly get reinforced and others that are
not exercised are ditched off; the “pruning” process (Malhotra & Sahoo, 2017).
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Session 3: Continuation of PHASE 1 (Befriending your Body)
Assessing Progress by Processing of Content and Feelings
At the start of the third session, the researcher asked the participants the
observations they made in terms of the changes happening since the start of the
session. The participants acknowledged that they were still having a hard time
especially every time they felt hyper-aroused. They had difficulty doing the take-home
tasks. One participant said that she was able to do the tasks but was not able to write
down the experience (See Appendix I).
Hyperarousal and Hypoarousal States (manifestations)
The participants were experiencing dysregulation in between sessions.
According to Schann et al (2019), childhood adversity leads to emotional
dysregulation and other physical symptoms in adulthood. Participants shared feelings
of sadness, feeling like they are scared and anxious, or absent-minded. (See
Appendix I). Mclean (2016) explains that the brain’s and body’s "survival"
mechanisms are overbearing than the "learning" mechanisms that have resulted in
widespread deficits in stimulation/arousals, cognitive, emotional, and social
functioning This steers the way to chronic hyper-arousal and constant sensitivity to
stress which affects the development of the brain’s functioning and structures. Many
findings propose that the stress response system can result in an individual being
more chronically over-activated or under-responsive over time.
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Use of Pendulation Technique to Process the Content and Feeling
However, when the participants focused on the changes transpiring in their
mental health, they experienced a sudden shift from their nervous system states;
from feeling hyper or hypo aroused to the optimal nervous system state. They
embodied their breakthroughs. Interoceptive awareness affects one’s perception of
the body, both in cognition and in effect (Duschek et al., 2015). Malhotra & Sahoo
triggers/stimulates a chain of functional alterations. The experiences initiated by
psychotherapy reinforce neural integration, a rebirth of new brain cells, and new
learning that result in the brain-altering its structure and functions. The components of
psychotherapy managing the modifications or changes in the brain of an individual
are healing and therapeutic. This not only happens within psychotherapy sessions but
also in the long-term with a lasting impact.
Pendulation Technique and Processing of content and Feeling
The participants were guided to apply the Pendulation technique as a regulation
tool to realize different states of the nervous system This further helped the
participants to be more familiar with the movements of the feelings. Participants were
asked to notice a feeling in the body and how the feeling changes across the body.
The objective of the activity was for the participants to appreciate that they could take
control of what they want to feel and help themselves return to their state of social
engagement or optimal nervous system state.
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They were asked how it made them feel that they were capable of shifting their
nervous system states from feeling hypo or hyper-aroused to the optimal zone of
arousal or window of tolerance. The participants were reminded that the activities
were there to assist in rewiring their nervous system and they had choices in terms of
managing their arousal states.
During this exercise, the respondents pointed out
feeling hope in their hearts and mind, as if they are beginning to gain control of what
they feel (See Appendix I). Dana’s study confirms these results, in which the
participants learn to have the awareness of helping themselves by managing their
arousal states (Dana, 2018).
Gratitude Log and Processing content and Feeling
Afterward, they were guided to do their gratitude log and processed the
experienced again. Next was the session proper. The theme was still Befriending
your Body. The body parts that were included in the processing were: Brain and
Head; Lungs and Whole Body. Participants shared that they learned new vocabulary
to understand the signs the brain, head, and other parts of the body convey about
their states or feelings. Mahler (2019) describes that these results enable participants
to notice the different ways the head and brain can feel, building their interoception
vocabulary to describe the body signals.
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The activity guided them to address the messages of their bodies. While
processing the material with the participants, one of them got triggered. She started
crying silently. The researcher needed to stop the activity and addressed the
participant’s emotional response to normalize the feelings thus moved on to the
activity properly. Dysregulation was needed to be processed, as studies show how
the stress response system, when learning new things, can lead to chronic hyperarousal, affecting the brain’s functioning (Mclean, 2016).
Befriending your Body: Head, Lungs, and Whole Body
After the participant’s feelings were processed and felt she was ready to go
back, we resumed our activity. The participants took part in different exercises that
were focused on the head, lungs, and whole body. Participants shared feeling heavy
and their breathing becoming faster. As it turns out, the participants were once again,
feeling dysregulated.
Dysregulated Participants
Some participants were again feeling agitated. One participant was feeling
distracted because she was thinking of other things that had been triggering her. The
researcher attended to their client’s emotional experience and assisted her to focus
on her body sensations and what she needed to do to address her own need at that
moment. Eventually, the participants were able to manage their hyper-arousals and
felt calm, urging the researcher to proceed (See Appendix I).
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Processing of content and feelings and Reflecting sharing
The third session ended with the same format where the participants were
processed and debriefed. Participant 1 was in a state of hyperarousal. She was trying
to manage overwhelming emotions by engaging in avoidance behaviors. The
researcher again focused on her emotional needs and processed the feelings and
body sensations connected to her needs. Before the session finally ended, she was
able to shift her focus from hyperarousal state to her optimal nervous system state
(Dana, 2018).
The framework of the program guided the participants to be cognizant of body
signals, to connect these body signals with emotions, and to determine what action to
take to promote from within body comfort. So far in three sessions, the participants
were able to apply these specific skills, thus improved mental health (Mahler,
Session 4: PHASE 2: Emotion
Orientation of the Flow and Activities
At the start of the fourth session, the researcher explained to the participants
again the objectives of the program, reviewed what happened during the first three
sessions, and the theme of session 4.
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Focusing and Attending to Body-Emotion Connection.
In the second phase, the main activities would be helping participants increase
more awareness of the inner body sensations using somatic awareness and
embodied practices. The participants shared how they felt their emotions of tiredness
and connected them in their body parts, such as their head (See Appendix I). This
processing is more about the relationship between bodily expressions of emotion and
how the emotional messages are managed consciously (Mahler, 2018).
Assessment of Progress and Processing Participants’ Hyper-arousal
At the start of the fourth session, the researcher asked the participants what
they have been noticing or observing regarding the changes that were taking place in
the last 3 sessions. Participant 4 (P4) and Participant (P1) were feeling numb and
probably in a state of hyperarousal. P4 admitted that she is used to thinking about
past issues that were traumatic for her. (See Appendix I).
Individuals with high ACE scores are more prone to addiction, depression,
violence, have tumultuous relationships and multiple marriages, develop autoimmune
diseases “What is ACEs science” (n.d.). WHO (2018) explains that the prolonged
exposure to toxic stress in childhood has incapacitating consequences for a person’s
health and well-being. People who have a history of ACE have fostered unhealthy
coping ways to adapt to stressful experiences that have led to serious problems such
as alcoholism, depression, eating disorders, unsafe sex, HIV/AIDS, heart disease,
cancer, and other chronic diseases. “Center for Substance Abuse Treatment” (2014)
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and “United Nation Human Rights” (n.d.), and Wiet (2015) explain that trauma affects
people in different ways and this includes one-time, multiple, or long-lasting repetitive
The traumatic consequences are also manifested differently.
individuals may clearly show symptoms connected with posttraumatic stress disorder
Furthermore, according to Bethell, Carle, Hudziak, Gombojav, Powers,
Wade, & Braveman (2017), when an individual is exposed to a traumatic event, there
would be various psychological and physiological reactions and manifestations in
response to reminders of the event immediately followed by the exposure or for
many, the incident may cause prolonged distress heading to post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) which is the case for P4 and P1.
Participant four (P4) and Participant 1 (P1) were processed accordingly. On
the other hand, other participants acknowledged the positive changes happening so
far in terms of managing stress arousals.
Follow-up on the Take-Home Tasks
The researcher asked them about the take-home tasks. Until the fourth
session, the participants were still having a hard time doing the homework. For
them, it was extra work and needed much time to ponder on it. When we were
doing the Pendulation technique, where they needed to acknowledge the
uncomfortable feelings, all of them confessed that they were feeling heavy and
feel like “floating”. They were processed and moved on to the next activity
which was explained to them again.
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The researcher also instructed the participants on the task about “My
Body Signals Are Clues to My Emotions”, with the goal being to help the
participants learn about the signs of their feelings and how it connects with
their bodies. (See Appendix I).
Experiment: Squeeze your hand in a fist and hold 15 seconds,
Processing the Feeling and Content
The goal of the next lesson was to learn ways to be more familiar with the
body signals and how to address its needs which is important in self-regulation. The
participants were asked to do some experiments like squeezing their hands tightly for
15 seconds. Afterward, they would immediately describe the physical sensations of
their hands and then connect them to a feeling. It was an ongoing embodiment
experience for the participants for them to reinforce their newly formed neural
pathways (Malhotra & Sahoo, 2017).
Dysregulated Participant (2), Processing Content, Feeling and Body Sensations
During the processing of the activity, another participant was dysregulated.
Participant two (P2) looked emotionally flooded and spaced out. She was in a state of
hyperarousal. So the researcher attended to her emotional responses and processed
the feelings and body sensations (See Appendix I).
Another participant was also dysregulated. So they were asked to take a deep
breath to normalize their emotional experience and processed it again (See Appendix
I). What was happening in every session was the reinforcement of the repetition of
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skills they were applying in the sessions. This is especially true when they got
dysregulated. The more and more recurrence in doing the processing where they
were guided to process their feelings and body sensations, the new manner,
especially how they approached different states of arousals, had strengthened
that new pathway. However, what was challenging for the participants to reinforce the
new pathway was the ongoing exposure to stress or triggers (Mahler, 2018)
Brief Assessment of Ongoing Progress
Next was the researcher asked the participants where were they currently in
terms of their Interoceptive awareness. The goal was for the researcher to determine
the impact of the skills they were employing and to gauge their progress. The
researcher used a scale of 1 to 10 to find out measurably where they were. Obtaining
a 10 meant they were applying the skills regularly. All of them answered between 3
and 6. The researcher affirmed their ability to appreciate the changes happening in
their mental health. P1 (with 8 ACE) was realizing that she had the power to take
control of her reactions and she had the choice on what to do with her reactions (See
Appendix I).
This was toward the end of the session that they were more connected to their
bodies and they were on their window of tolerance state. The researcher guided them
to make sense of what they were feeling when they were calm and regulated. This
was another way to do mindfulness. They were paying attention to their body when it
was relaxed.
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Debriefing and closing: Reflective Sharing
Then, the researcher and participants moved on to debriefing processes.
They were asked again what they have learned about themselves and what made it
so relevant to them. The goal was to appreciate more the changes happening in the
way they related to their body signals and the choice on how to address their
emotional needs. One participant shared the importance of her learnings as they cut
her off from what she is used to. Another participant shared that she can dispel the
negative feelings and go back to her happy self. They felt the relaxation in their
brains because they felt that they can first think about what to do, which their body
will soon follow suit (See Appendix I). The polyvagal theory describes how the
participants’ feelings of relaxation in the brain can be explained by the activation of
the vagus nerve, which helps in relaxation and calmness. (Porges, 2018)
Session 5: Continuation of PHASE 2 (Body-Emotion Connection)
Follow-up on the Homework
The fifth session started with following up on the take-home tasks. The
participants were not consistent with using the materials. One reason was they had
difficulty doing it. Then the researcher noticed Participant 1 was in a state of
hyperarousal again. Before the start of the routine, the researcher assisted P1 in
addressing her emotional state. P1 shared feelings of being angry all the time,
connecting their anger in their heart and brain. The researcher processed her feelings
of anger by guiding her to come up with solutions to her anger and how to manage
them (See Appendix I). This process was recommended by Dr. Peter Levine (2019)
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who stated that tensions like anger can transfer to a certain part of the body, thus
noticing this connection and processing it is crucial in the process of therapy.
Processing of Content, Feeling, and Body Sensation
After P1 had managed her stress arousals, other participants also expressed
feeling hypo aroused. Participant 4 shared her challenges when trying to apply the
skills. It was hard for her to use the tools since she is used to reacting very quickly
when she gets triggered. Participant 3 also expressed the same sentiment. She also
had difficulty using the skills regularly, but at the same time, mindful of the small
changes happening (See Appendix I).
Meanwhile, Participant 2 shared her observations in terms of how she related
with people at the shelter. She explained that she is used to not seeking help from
people when she is facing problems, but she realized that the skills were helping her
to gain confidence in herself and be more assertive when she needs to ask for help
(See Appendix I).
The varied changes represent differences common in receptive awareness
training (Bornermann et al., 2015). Changes may become difficult for trauma victims
as their past trauma may have altered their brain structures and functions which
makes it difficult to enable the neuroplasticity process (Kolk, 2018). Nevertheless,
some participants who reported changes represent how neuroplasticity can begin
through the daily routine (Ackerman, 2020).
The researcher reminded the participants again of the concept of
neuroplasticity that the new neural pathway they had created relating to the skills they
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were applying was not that strong yet compared to the old coping habits that they
were used to. The researcher encouraged them to use the skills as regularly as
possible, if not it would gradually start to deteriorate and get lost over time Ackerman
(2020) (Barta 2018).
The researcher reiterated that the current learnings the participants have had created
new pathways in their brains. They were encouraged to continue using their new knowledge
so that they do not lose it even if the program ends. (See Appendix I, pp. 460.)
Pendulation Technique and Yakapsule
After the processing, the participants did the Pendulation exercise with deep
breathing. Then they acknowledged the dysregulation and shared their emotional
experience. Expressing gratitude was next to the activity. To expand more the optimal
feeling when at the window tolerance, they were asked to hug each other again for 20
seconds (Cirino, 2018).
Focusing and Attending to Body-Emotion Connection (Training Interoceptive
awareness exercises)
The main tasks for Session five (5) were: Focusing and Attending to BodyEmotion Connection (Training Interoceptive awareness exercises). The objective was
to increase the ability to give meaning to the body signals noticed – to begin
connecting body to emotion, forming solid body connections (Mahler, 2019) and
What’s the Cause of My Body Signals? (Creating My Body-Emotion Chart). The
lesson was designed to expand the participant’s ability to determine the cause of
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body signals to help bridge the connection between body signals and emotions
(Mahler, 2019).
Processing of Content, Feeling, and Body Sensation
After doing some activities and exercises from the current lesson, the
researcher would process the understandings and perceptions with them so that
learning would be strengthened and would allow the participants to pay more
attention to the positive experiences. Participant 2 and Participant 5 both recognized
that they were getting more familiar with how to address the needs of their feelings
and body (See Appendix I). Participant's perceived feelings represent how the
interoception process is consistently being integrated into their daily lives (Gao et al.,
Along with the processing, Participant 4 was triggered. She could not stop
crying. The researcher asked the other participants if they were affected. They
recognized the heaviness and overwhelming feelings surrounding the place. The
researcher utilized a mindful activity using the senses to pay close attention to the
sensory inputs around the environment (See Appendix I). According to Price and
Smith-DiJulio (2017), women who may be triggered need to be guided through
mindful activities, increasing their interoceptive awareness and improving their sense
of being present to avoid relapses.
Debriefing Processing and Mindfulness Activity
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The session ended using the mindfulness activity and the experiences were
processed again. Being mindful of the sensory inputs helped the participants to be
grounded since everyone was affected by Participant 2 (See Appendix I). Winkielman
and his colleagues (2020) elaborated the need for mindfulness activities in debriefing
to alleviate loneliness and improve social connection, while Gibson (2019) affirms that
mindfulness activity fundamentally improves the process of interoceptive awareness
in trauma victims.
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Session 6: PHASE 3: Action
The shelter is run by a Christian organization, saying a prayer before or after a
session was also part of the program. After the prayer, the researcher oriented the
participants again about the flow of the program and its objectives. The researcher
also reassured the participants of what they have been learning and applying so far.
PHASE 3: Mind and Body Awareness Training.
In this last phase, the core activities were more on concentrating on building the
competence to sustain interoceptive awareness. Doing the exercise while maintaining
awareness for a long time would help promote acceptance, mindful insight, and
appraisal of interoceptive experiences of the participants. Participants shared how
they have become more aware of their body signals and emotions, and learned how
to connect such states to their bodies. Through this knowledge, they are equipped in
learning how to regulate their body and mind’s needs. (See Appendix I). Their
reflections mirror the core of Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Therapy, in which
they are regulating their body and mind’s needs through the use of interoception
(Khalsa & Lapidus, 2016).
Brief Assessment on the Progress
Before the session proper, the researcher asked the participants about their
observations on their progress. Participant 4, who was emotionally flooded during the
end of the 5th session, shared her experience since she was not able to verbalize the
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experience last time. Last week's session was a big breakthrough for Participant 4.
She grew up in an environment where she was not allowed to cry (What is Ace
Science, n.d.). She started allowing herself to shed tears just last year, but when she
cried last week, she could not stop her wailing. The experience was different
compared to the other times she cried (See Appendix I). The mindfulness activity
where the participants made of use their senses helped her stay grounded and
appreciate the here and now moment at that specific instant. Price and SmithDiJulio’s (2017) study affirms this, as women who may be triggered a need to be
guided through mindful activities, increasing their interoceptive awareness and
improving their sense of being present to avoid relapses.
Meanwhile, Participant 5 presented issues of anger management that have affected her
relationship with her child. P5 suffered sexual Abuse and emotional neglect. She became
orphaned at a young age. She was transferred from one institution to another. One of the
biggest changes that happened to P5 was she has started gaining some control of her
aggression. She was using her body signals in containing her anger so that she would not
physically hurt her daughter (See Appendix I). Mahler (2019) reaffirms the participants’
experience with her research on how connecting body signals with emotions can help one to
determine what action to take. From there, they can choose how to promote body comfort
from within.
Pendulation Exercise
During the Pendulation exercise, when the researcher asked how Participant 1
was experiencing, P1 recognized that she was feeling disconnected again. She
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sensed the feeling of confusion in her heart and mind. The researcher guided her in
processing the hyperarousal and hypo arousal states. At first, she had a hard time
connecting to herself. It was difficult for her to get the message of her confusion. The
researcher assisted her proper way to take a deep breath to manage her arousal.
She admitted that she was used to taking shallow breaths which did not help regulate
her sympathetic states. Then the researcher asked her to use the elastic band to do
some stretches mindfully. She was assisted to pay attention to her body sensations
as she stretched the band. Consequently, she was able to connect to her body and
feel grounded. (See Appendix I). Studies in the past show how connecting the body
sensations can help in grounding and regulating trauma victims (Mehling, 2018).
Processing of Content, Feeling, and Body Sensation
After P1 was co-regulated, the processing of the activities continued.
However, while they were paying attention to their body signals, the feelings
associated with the interoceptive cues were more or less connected to hyperarousal
states. The more they became aware of their bodily sensations, the more their hyper
and hypo arousal states surfaced. The lessons employed allowed them to express
themselves in a non-judgmental way. The experience was therapeutic and healing for
them. This harkens back to Mahler’s study (2019), where they deployed feel-good
strategies in their program to complete the body-emotion-action connection.
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My Body Can Feel Comfortable, My Body Can Feel Uncomfortable: I Can
Change the Way My Body Feels
One of the goals of Phase 3 was to acknowledge both comfortable and
uncomfortable emotions and what to do with them accordingly. The behavioral
response when using the Pendulatin technique facilitated the reinforcement of
knowing the difference between feeling okay and not feeling okay for them. The
researcher asked the participants to recall the events that happened during the week
that made them feel comfortable and uncomfortable (See Appendix I).
The activity guided them to appreciate the differences and that they
were able to validate their positive experiences. This aided them to expand
their perception and not only pay attention to negative details. P2 has been
learning to set proper interpersonal boundaries by honoring her needs at the
moment. One of the issues raised by P2 was the issue of loose boundaries.
She has difficulty asserting her needs and rights. Through the activities, it was
helping her to validate her needs without feeling guilty. Adverse childhood
experiences typically leave trauma victims with feelings of guilt and difficulties
in setting boundaries and validating their needs and crucial in the change
process (Zeynel and Uzer, 2020).
One of the highlights of Session 6 was the realization of the participants that
they have the power to focus on the bodily responses that helped them listen to their
needs without judgment and then attended to their own needs (See Appendix I).
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These breakthroughs are similar to another study where they were able to hone in on
their body signals with full acceptance and approach their needs with non-judgmental
ness (Price et al., 2020).
Processing the Content, Feeling, and Body Sensation
After the activities, the researcher processed the experience with the
participants and asked them what they have learned in the process.
What was
interesting was that this particular activity created a huge impact on Participant 1. She
realized that she has the power to shift her perception and change the status of her
nervous system state by choosing activities that could help her regulate. Drinking a
glass of cold water in the middle of dysregulation was therapeutic for her. Participant
4 also affirmed Participant 1’s realization, sharing that there is always a solution and
that one should give value to what their body is feeling. She felt happy and willing to
learn more. Additionally, Participant 5 reported feeling secure and safe (See
Appendix I). The participant's reflections represent a change in their nervous
system—from relying on the sympathetic nervous system which prepares them for
survival and causes their brain to shut down, to relying on the vagus nerve of the
parasympathetic nervous system. This nerve in the parasympathetic nervous system
plays a huge role in client experiences of calmness, safety, and learning (Dana,
The activity guided them to appreciate the differences and that they were able
to validate their positive experiences. This aided them to expand their perception and
not only pay attention to negative details. Participant 2, in particular, has been
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learning to set proper interpersonal boundaries by honoring her needs at the moment.
One of the issues raised by P2 was the issue of loose boundaries. She has difficulty
asserting her needs and rights. She grew up in an environment where her primary
caregivers made her feel not loved and valued, unimportant which was toughened by
her mother who used to compare her with other siblings. Her worth has been
invalidated. Through the activities, it was helping her to validate her needs without
feeling guilty. Her confidence in listening to her needs was increasing. She has
learned to set healthy boundaries when she finally learned to get connected to her
body’s needs (See Appendix I).
The session ended with a hugging activity (Cirino, 2018) that made everyone
felt more grounded and relaxed.
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Session 7: PHASE 3: Action
Brief Assessment on the Progress and Follow-up on the Homework
The seventh session started with the usual routine of the program. They were
asked to reflect again on the progress they were making. The home works were also
followed up; however, they were not doing the take-home tasks consistently. The goal
of the assignment was to apply the skills outside the session and journal the
experience. They were able to apply the skills, but not able to document the
Participant 4’s Breakthrough
Before the activity proper, P4 shared an incident that surprised her. She said
that every time she got tired physically, she all the more exhausted herself and kept
doing what she was doing regardless of how tired she felt. She never listed the
messages of her body. During the weekend, she stated that she just felt tired and
lazy, but she did not do anything strenuous before that feeling. She was supposed to
go to the grocery store and run some errands, but what happened was she just
stayed at home and did nothing. The breakthrough was she was not feeling guilty and
was more appreciative of herself that she did not go out. She listened to her body
signals and honored her need to rest at that moment. (See Appendix I). Once again,
this breakthrough represents an active channeling of the vagus nerve, in which it
establishes patterns from body signals to thoughts and action (Dana, 2018).
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Pendulation Technique
Moving forward the session was the pendulation technique. During the
Pendulation technique, P1 was again feeling hyperaroused. She was assisted to do
breathing exercises while paying attention to the sensory input. (See Appendix I).
Bergland (2017) explained how breathing exercises help participants lower their
stress levels and Participant 1 returned to a normal state after doing breathing
Summarizing Phases 1 and 2; Connecting to Phase 3
The researcher acquainted the participants with activities in Phase 3 and
summarized what transpired from Phase 1 and Phase 2 and how it was leading to
Phase 3: I Can Change the Way My Body Feels When it is Uncomfortable (Mahler,
2019). The goal is to teach the participants how to change the way the body feels too
specific uncomfortable-feeling body signals and/or emotions through the use of
various actions (Mahler, 2019). The direction of the lesson was discussed again. The
researcher affirmed the learnings the participants were obtaining.
One of the tasks of the lesson was to assess where in the body they felt the
uncomfortable feeling. Then they would process the feelings and body sensations.
Afterward, they needed to come up with a good feeling activity to regulate
themselves. Most of them chose the anger feeling to process. (See Appendix I) One
of the feel-good actions they chose was using deep breathing exercises. Anger can
be seen as a response towards chronic stress and deep breathing exercises used as
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a feel-good action are typically associated with lower chronic stress levels, stronger
vagus nerve function, and better overall health (Bergland, 2017).
Journaling and Arts as Regulation Tools
One good feeling action they used was to write or draw what they wanted to
express which surprisingly a powerful tool that they found extremely therapeutic.
Werbalowsky (2019) recommended these interventions as they allow clients to
express and explore their somatic experiences. Such exploration typically leads to
feelings of empowerment. The activity helped the participants to learn more about
themselves and feel more empowered and resilient. The session ended with
participants hugging each other.
Session 8: Continuation of PHASE 3 and Closing Remarks
The main task of Session 8: Mind and Body Awareness Training
The session started with the follow-up of the take-home tasks, Pendulation
technique, and Gratitude log. This was the first part of session 8. The main task was:
Mind and Body Awareness Training. The objective was to increase the participants’
ability to use feel-good actions that can be used to promote comfortable bodyemotion experiences (Mahler, 2019) and to enable the participants to combine
findings from the individual Feel-Good Menus (from Lesson 24) into one master list,
thus giving the big picture of their feel-good actions. The participants would have a
self-discovered and self-created master list that contains a variety of feel-good
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actions they could use to maximize feeling good during daily life (Mahler, 2019).
Some lists identified were: listening to Christian songs, journaling, prayer, and sharing
feelings with others. Meditation, reading Bible and belly breathing was also part of the
list (See Appendix I). Individualized feel-good activities allow participants to use
different methods to establish a body-emotion-action connection to promote positive
feelings (Mahler, 2019).
Neuroplasticity in Action
All of the participants affirmed that knowing the body signals played a huge
role in coping with challenges adaptively (See Appendix I). People who have a history
of adverse childhood experiences typically foster unhealthy coping ways to adjust to
their circumstances (WHO, 2018), but the program has offered the participants with
various opportunities to know their body signals and apply actions to self-regulate
their emotions (Mahler, 2019).
Belly Breathing Exercise and Ending of Session 8: First Part
After the processing of what they have learned, the participants were guided to
practice the belly breathing exercise before ending the first part of session 8. The next
task was taking the post-test using the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive
Awareness. Then the participants were asked to identify their progress in line with
the goals they set during the first session.
The remaining narrative accounts underscored the highlights of the
breakthroughs the participants made before and after using the Coming Home
Program. (See Appendix I). For example, one participant shared that before the
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program, they didn’t notice their body trembling whenever they were angry. Now they
are aware of their body signals and this knowledge has proven to be useful in
avoiding conflicts. This result can be expected when integrating interoception into the
therapeutic program (Mahler, 2019).
The feedbacks of comments on the material were also discussed. The
participants said that the materials used were in English, and they needed more time
to reflect before answering and moving on to the next questions. The session ended
with a prayer and a group hug.
The program helped them understand the causes or reasons why they
responded to certain things, thus not react negatively but to be more compassionate
to oneself. It helped them to realize that they can get answers from themselves, from
their body signals, and their feelings, thus helped them learn to set healthy
interpersonal boundaries. It helped them learn that attending or addressing their
body’s needs or emotional needs were valid and important. Lastly, the program
helped them to be more authentic to their true self.
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In this chapter, the summary and conclusions are considered founded on the
results completed in accomplishing the study. The researcher as well takes account
of recommendations for future research to be done related to the present study.
The research study aims to determine the effect of Mindful Awareness in Body
Oriented group psychotherapy on interoceptive awareness in young adults with
adverse childhood experiences exposure. The objective of the intervention program is
to help the participants learn to change from the maladaptive ways of coping and
negative learned behaviors and patterns resulting from the consequences of adverse
childhood experiences to intentionally tune and tone their autonomic nervous system
adaptively. With this, they can positively direct their quest for safety and connection.
The participants of the study were young adults, with the age range of 19 to 39
years, who have been exposed to adverse childhood experiences and residents of
Shepherd’s Home Foundation Inc. in Antipolo Rizal, a temporary shelter for
marginalized women and children. There were only seven (7) participants, who were
referred by the Director of Shepherd’s Home, who had at least three (3) experiences
from the Adverse Childhood Experience Questionnaire (qualifying tool) participated in
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the program. All participants are female, single parents, poorly educated, and belong
to the lower socioeconomic strata.
The statistical treatments used in this study were Arithmetic mean, which was
used to determine the demographic profile of the participants, and Wilcoxon
determined the difference between the pre and post-test scores of interoceptive
awareness scores of young adults with adverse childhood experience.
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Major Findings
Based on the gathered data, the following are the major findings:
1. Based on the participants’ profiles, participants 2,3, and 4 made
changes but were not that too emphasized or remarkable. However,
the narrative accounts from the participants also confirmed that they
have benefited from the program and helped them learn selfregulation skills to manage their arousals. They became aware of
how to understand and feel what was going on inside their body, thus
choose behavioral responses which were more adaptive.
2. There is a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test
interoceptive scores on noticing, self-regulation
3. There was no significant difference in the pre-test and post-test
interoceptive scores on not distracting, attention regulation, emotional
awareness, body listening, trusting
4. Based on the result of statistical analysis, the study did not have a
significant difference between the pre-test and post-test overall
interoceptive scores. The results indicate while the mean scores
increased during the post-test, these scores are not significantly
different, suggesting that the participants are knowledgeable with the
skills taught through the intervention but faced struggles in
strengthening new pathways because of the impact of adverse
childhood experiences on their mental health.
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Founded on the major findings, the following was concluded:
1. Despite verbalizing how the program has benefited the participants, the
participants made changes that were not too emphasized or
2. The
awareness for young adults with adverse childhood experiences.
However, there were significant changes found in the noticing and selfregulation subscale.
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Based on the results presented, the following suggestions are
recommended for future researchers:
1. Although it was found that the adapted program based on the
Mindful Awareness in Body Oriented Group Psychotherapy was
ineffective, there is a need to consider replicating the current
study as a longitudinal study to further guide the participants
and continually reinforce strategies and skills learned during
sessions. A more comprehensive way of replicating the study is
strongly encouraged, with a focus on contextualizing the
program in the Filipino setting.
2. The number of sessions can be increased to give enough time
to the participants to strengthen the new and healthier formed
neural pathway in managing stress arousals.
3. The materials in the program can be toned down but not to the
extent of compromising the necessary aid in helping strengthen
the newly formed neural pathway in managing stress arousals.
4. The materials used especially the take-home assignments were
in English. It is highly recommended to contextualize the
material to avoid language barrier issues.
5. Revisions of the program are recommended to take into account
the effectiveness of the noticing and self-regulation subscales.
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6. Providing a comprehensive and tailored therapeutic intervention
program for ACE survivors that is designed to increase selfmanagement
management is a daunting task when considering the impact on
one’s mental health in terms of obtaining immediate, significant,
and positive yet sustained effects. The COMING HOME
Program may be used with the general public, NGO
beneficiaries, and communities to further adapt and revise the
program and determine the effect of Mindful Awareness in Body
Oriented group psychotherapy on interoceptive awareness with
young adults with adverse childhood experiences exposure.
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Mindful Awareness in
Body-Oriented and Interoceptive Awareness Group Therapy
Main Focus
Main Activities
2:30 to
First Part of
Session 1:
Introduction to the
Profile Form
Informed Consent
Administration of
Theme: Safety
and Connection
acquainted with
Second Part of with the roles
Session 1:
and duties of
each participant
Group Orientation
of the Program
10:00 am
to 12nn
Establishing initial
rapport between
and among each
other through a
the warm-up game
Overview of
Expectations and
House Rules
Other Items
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with each other
To talk about
expectations of
Initial sharing
Scaling Question
Goal-Setting and
Mapping the
Nervous System
Mapping the
Nervous System
(Dana, 2018)
Mindfulness and
Body Scanning
Phase 1
(Mahler, 2018)
Session 2
Task:: Getting
to Know Your
and Developing
Gratitude Log
Body Signals of a
format: Single Body Part
(Mahler, 2018)
Southville International School and Colleges
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Fingers, Feet,
Voice (Mahler,
1. Introduce
Fingers as the
Body Part of
g Body Part
Icons to the
Body Check
Practice Using
Check Chart
Phase 1
Theme: Body
Literacy (Mahler,
10:00 am
– 12nn
Session 3
Task: Getting
to Know Your
and exercises
Gratitude Log
format: Awareness
(Mahler, 2018)
Body Signals of a
6. Introduce
Single Body Part
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Head, Lungs,
(Mahler, 2018)
Fingers as the
Body Part of
7. Create
8. Complete
9. Add
g Body Part
Icons to the
Body Check
10. Provide
Practice Using
Check Chart
Phase 2
Session 4
Body Signals
are Clues to My
Different Body
(Mahler, 2018)
2:30 pm –
4:30 pm
and exercises
Gratitude Log
Format: Connection
(Mahler, 2018)
and Emotion
the Topic: My
Body Gives Me Emotion
Clues About My Cognitive
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Task: Focusing
and Attending
(Mahler, 2018)
Quick Story and
Game: My Body
Signals Are Clued
to My Emotions
Experiment for my
Body Signals are
4. Add Emotion
List or Emotion
Icons to the Body
Check Chart
Phase 2
Session 5
Theme: What’s
the Cause of
Signals? And
Chart (Mahler,
Task: Focusing
and Attending
Gratitude Log
10:00 am
– 12nn
(Mahler, 2018)
the Topic: Cause
of Body Signals
and Emotions
Play What’s
the Cause? Game.
and Emotion
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(Mahler, 2018)
Pendulation and
Gratitude Log
Phase 3
Session 6
Body Can Feel
My Body Can
Way My Body
Task: Mindsight
(Mindful body
(Mahler, 2018)
2:30 pm –
4:30 pm
(Mahler, 2018)
the Topic: Feeling
Okay vs. Feeling
repeating steps 13 until all Body
Outline Drawings
have been played
feel-good actions
Phase 3
Theme: I Can
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Session 7
Way My Body
Feels When it
New Feel-Good
(Mahler, 2018)
10:00 am
– 12nn
Task: Mindsight
(Mindful body
Pendulation and
Gratitude Log
Format between
(Mahler, 2018)
Read I can emotions,
Change the Way feel-good actions
My Body Feels
is Emotion
Guide the Processing
Action section on
the Body-EmotionAction Chart
Phase 3
First Part of
Session 8
Theme: Making
My Own FeelGood Menu and
New Feel-Good
Task: Mindsight
(Mindful body
(Mahler, 2018)
Pendulation and Mindfulness
Gratitude Log
2:30 pm –
4:30 pm
(Mahler, 2018)
1. Create
2. Provide
Instruction and
Completing a
feel-good actions
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Second Part of
Session 8
Administer Post
Test – MAIA
Debriefing and
10:00 am
– 12nn
The Coming Home Program is designed to improve emotion regulation skills in
young adults suffering from Adverse Childhood Experiences. It is catered to young
adults whose age range is from 18 to 40 years old who had adverse childhood
experiences exposure.
This program is designed to be delivered using a group format. Each group
session will take 2 hours for 8 weekly sessions based upon Kelly Mahler’s
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Interoception Curriculum (2019) Measurement to be used is the Multidimensional
Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness scale (MAIA).
● To improve the ability to discern interoceptive physical and emotional
● To promote self-care behaviors and healthy well-being by learning how
to manage emotions adaptively such as directly processing and
managing them.
Methodology and Session Format
There will be short lectures, participatory discussions, movement activities, and
The pre-session is an individual session that will last for an hour and will cover
personal interviews regarding the history of adverse childhood experiences, program
introduction, explanation, and administration of test instruments. It also includes
agreement on Data Privacy Act and Informed Consent.
Sessions 1 – 8 will be in a group format and will have the following
Warm-up exercises that help group cohesion and establishment of
Use of different activities like movements and arts to aid in the
facilitation of interoceptive awareness skill
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Open sharing about the experiences within the group. As a house rule,
participants are encouraged to express what resonates with them during the
exercises and processing.
Debriefing where the facilitator will recap and process what transpired
within the last 1 hour and 45 minutes and give instructions and guidelines
concerning triggers and take-home skills.
Schedule and Location
The group sessions will be conducted in Antipolo on a twice a week basis.
Specific dates and times will be agreed upon by the group.
The Core Content and Processes of the Coming Home Program. The structure
and format use key concepts from the Interoception Curriculum developed by Kelly
Mahler (2019). These key concepts are the following:
PHASE I. Befriending your Body. In this phase, participants will employ tools
for developing body connection and improving sensory awareness. In the
session, the researcher facilitator will use activities such as touch and physical
movements to facilitate how the internal workings of the body and nervous
system can support the regulation of tough emotions that block recovery. Part of
the process is stopping and pausing to check on the participants’ current
emotional and bodily states. This will be tackled in Sessions 2 – 3.
PHASE 2. Focusing and Attending to Body-Emotion Connection. In the
second phase, the main activities will be helping participants increase more
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awareness of the inner body sensations using somatic awareness and
embodied practices. The processing is more about the relationship between
bodily expressions of emotion and how the emotional messages are managed
consciously. This will be covered in sessions 4 and 5.
PHASE 3. Mind and Body Awareness Training. In the last phase, the core
activities will be concentrating on building the competence to sustain
interoceptive awareness. Doing the exercise while maintaining awareness for a
long time will help promote acceptance, mindful insight, and appraisal of
interoceptive experiences. This will be tacked in sessions 6 to 8.
Each participant will have an individual interview and orientation session where
the following items will be explained:
a.) Introduction of the program and asking for commitment and participation for
the entire length of the program as per schedule;
b.) Informing participants of their rights in therapy;
a. The signing of an informed consent form
b. Explanation of the questions and Answering the Multidimensional
Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness scale
c. Discussion of issues on the Data Privacy Act.
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A. The facilitator discusses with the participants the expectations from them
as members of the program.
1. Commitment. The members will join each session and participate in all
exercises and activities.
2. Honestly and Transparency. The facilitator will make sure that the
members feel safe enough, to be honest with themselves and with others.
3. Freedom. Members are encouraged to express themselves especially
when they have questions and/or reactions to any of the group
4. Respect. Members are strongly advised to value and show consideration
to the feelings of themselves and others especially when other members
are sharing their emotional experiences. Further points are discussed
a. Use the “I” Statement.
a. Stay on topic.
b. Be punctual.
c. Do not dominate the group discussion. Each one can only speak
for a maximum of 2-3 minutes. We will give gentle reminders when
the time taken becomes too long. Please allow others to speak as
d. Confidentiality – Anything that is said and heard in the room will
not be shared with anyone who is not part of the program.
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5. The facilitator will give an overview of the whole program. Each session
will be briefly discussed. The schedules of group meetings will also be
Session 1 Part Two: PHASE I. Befriending your Body
Theme: Safety and Connection
To establish safety and group cohesion
Activity: Mindful Laughter and Gratitude Log
Laying the Cornerstone: Goal Setting using Scaling Question
● Recognize and validate what they want and what is most important to
Increase their motivation and confidence to change
Participate in the agreement among participants and facilitators in the
● Scaling question: On a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the desired person that
you can be, how would you rate how you are doing now?
● What does the figure mean to you?
How would it look like if you were higher on the scale?
How would you see yourself differently?
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● How would you help yourself to get to the next level? What is stopping
Psychoeducation: How the Brain Works in Managing Stress
● To be able to understand the neurological concepts to gain appreciation
in their perceptions, impulses, emotions, and behaviors.
● Topics to be covered:
i. Neurobiology of Trauma
ii. Hierarchy of Nervous System
iii. Perception
iv. Self- Regulation
v. Interoception and Interoception Awareness
Mindfulness and Body Scanning
● Purpose: To be able to pay attention to parts of the body and bodily
sensations from head to toe.
Mapping the Nervous System (Dana, 2019)
● Personal Profile Map
i. Art Maps
Goal: To bring awareness to the interaction and
relationship between states
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a. Illustrate each state of the autonomic nervous
system hierarchy
b. Story-telling of the map
c. Processing of content and feelings
● What is the felt sensation
● Locate in the body where the felt sensation is
● Receive the message and address the need
● Use Body scanning drawing
● Neuroception and the Window of Tolerance Map (Odgen & Fisher,
i. Purpose: To determine the internal cues when arousal is a
little high and hyperarousal or the sympathetic nervous system
is activated; when arousal is a little low and hypo arousal or
dorsal vagal is triggered; and when the arousal is within the
window of tolerance or it is in the state of ventral vagal (Odgen
& Fisher, 2019)
ii. Task:
a. Circle any internal cues of high or hyperarousal, low or
hyperarousal, and cues within the window of tolerance
(Odgen & Fisher, 2019). s
iii. Processing of content and feelings
● What is the felt sensation
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● Locate in the body where the felt sensation is
● Receive the message and address the need
● Use Body scanning drawing
● The Regulating Resources Map
i. Purpose:
To gain awareness of the patterns of the regulation
(Deb, 2019)
To identify individual and interactive resources that lead
the participants out of dorsal vagal and sympathetic
states and activities and behaviors that maintain a
ventral vagal state (Deb, 2019).
● Task:
o Fill in the self and interactive resources for each state
(Deb, 2019).
Debriefing and closing
● Task:
Reflective Sharing
“What have you learned in the session?
o To Go (Homework)
Members will be provided activity worksheet as takehome exercises
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Neuroception and the Window of Tolerance:
● Purpose: To be more familiar with how
arousals are experienced throughout the day
● Directions: Every day, try to track down and
document the fluctuations of arousal at
specific intervals of each day.
● Journal the experience.
o Reminder: Clients are encouraged to apply what they will
learn in the session and then journal the experience.
Session 2: PHASE 1: Befriending your Body
● Follow-up on the take-home exercises
o Process the experience
● Task:
o Pendulation Technique – this further helps clients to be more
familiar with the movements of the feelings. Clients will be asked to
notice a feeling in the body and how the feeling changes across
the body.
Process the experience
o Gratitude Log
What are you thankful for?
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● Start with Session 2
o Theme: Befriending your Body
o Goal:
● To develop interoceptive awareness
o To increase the ability to notice body signals,
targeting the first part of the body-emotionaction connection (Mahler, 2019)
o To increase the ability to match descriptor
words to each of the body signals noticed,
thus building interoception-related vocabulary
important for conceptual understanding as
well as communication skills (Mahler, 2019).
o Task: Getting to Know Your Hand and Fingers
discussed in Session 2)
Objective: This lesson is designed to teach learners
to notice the different ways the hands and fingers can
feel. It also concretely builds interoception vocabulary
that can be used to describe the body signals noticed
by the participant in the hands and fingers (Mahler,
Lesson Format (Mahler, 2019)
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1. Introduce Hands and Fingers as the Body Part of
Focus (Mahler, 2019)
2. Create a Descriptor Menu (Mahler, 2019)
o Descriptor Menu is a visual list of words that
can be used to describe the way a specific
body part can feel. The list helps the learner
visually organize and categorize body signals
by body part.
Body Part
My Hands and Fingers Can Feel______
Feet and
3. Complete Focus Area Experiment (Mahler, 2019)
o The focus area experiment is a series of
carefully selected, fun activities designed to
evoke a body signal within the body parts of
Makes My Hands
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and Fingers Feel
Put your hands in cold water
for 15 minutes
Shake your hands fast for 15
Smear lotion on your hands,
but do not fully rub into skin
for 10 seconds
4. Add corresponding body part icons to the Body
Check Chart (Mahler, 2019)
o A visual chart that provides a structure,
concrete method for “checking” or noticing how
a specific body part feels in the moment
5. Provide instruction and structured practice using
the Body Check Chart (Mahler, 2019)
Mindfulness Exercises
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● Body Scanning
Debriefing and closing
● Task:
Reflective Sharing
“What have you learned in the session?
o To Go (Homework)
Members will be provided activity worksheet as takehome exercises
● Positive Practice Strategies (Mahler, 2019)
o Body Check Chart
Practice body checks multiple
times per day (Mahler, 2019).
Neuroception and the Window of Tolerance:
● Purpose: To be more familiar with how
arousals are experienced throughout the day
● Directions: Every day, try to track down and
document the fluctuations of arousal at
specific intervals of each day.
● Journal the experience.
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
o Reminder: Clients are encouraged to apply what they will
learn in the session and then journal the experience.
● Session 3 PHASE 1: Befriending your Body
o Follow-up on the take-home exercises
Process the experience
● Task:
o Pendulation Technique – this further helps clients to be
more familiar with the movements of the feelings. Clients will
be asked to notice a feeling in the body and how the feeling
changes across the body.
● Process the experience
o Gratitude Log
● What are you thankful for?
o Theme: Befriending your Body
o Goal:
To develop interoceptive awareness
o Task: Getting to Know Your Brain and Head
( Lungs, Whole Body will also be discussed
in Session 3)
Objective: This lesson is designed to teach learners
to notice the different ways the head and brain can
feel. It also concretely builds interoception vocabulary
that can be used to describe the body signals noticed
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
by the participant in the head and brain (Mahler,
Lesson Format (Mahler, 2019)
1. Introduce Brain as the Body Part of Focus (Mahler,
2. Create a Descriptor Menu (Mahler, 2019)
o Descriptor Menu is a visual list of words that
can be used to describe the way a specific
body part can feel. The list helps the learner
visually organize and categorize body signals
by body part.
Body Part
My Hands and Fingers Can Feel______
Brain and Distracted Too much
3. Complete Focus Area Experiment
o The focus area experiment is a series of
carefully selected, fun activities designed to
evoke a body signal within the body parts of
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Makes My Brain and
Give yourself a scalp
massage with your fingers or
a scalp massager.
Stand and bend over until
your head is upside down.
Remain in this position for 30
4. Add corresponding body part icons to the Body
Check Chart (Mahler, 2019)
o A visual chart that provides a structured,
concrete method for “checking” or noticing how
a specific body part feels in the moment
5. Provide instruction and structured practice using
the Body Check Chart (Mahler, 2019)
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
● Mindfulness Exercises
● Body Scanning
Debriefing and closing
● Task:
Reflective Sharing
“What have you learned in the session?
o To Go (Homework)
Members will be provided activity worksheet as takehome exercises
● Positive Practice Strategies (Mahler, 2019)
o Body Check Chart
Practice body checks multiple
times per day (Mahler, 2019).
Neuroception and the Window of Tolerance:
● Purpose: To be more familiar with how
arousals are experienced throughout the day
● Directions: Every day, try to track down and
document the fluctuations of arousal at
specific intervals of each day.
● Journal the experience.
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
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o Reminder: Clients are encouraged to apply what they will
learn in the session and then journal the experience.
Session 4: PHASE 2: Emotion
o Follow-up on the take-home exercises
Process the experience
● Task:
o Pendulation Technique – this further helps clients to be
more familiar with the movements of the feelings. Clients will
be asked to notice a feeling in the body and how the feeling
changes across the body.
● Process the experience
o Gratitude Log
● What are you thankful for?
● Start with Session 4
o Task: Focusing and Attending to Body-Emotion Connection
(Training Interoceptive awareness exercises)
To increase the ability to give meaning to the
body signals noticed – to begin connecting body to emotion,
forming solid body connections (Mahler, 2019)
o Theme: My Body Signals are Clues to My Emotions
(Each Emotion Has Different Body Signals will also be
discussed in Session 4)
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
o Goal: This lesson is designed to concretely teach learners
to begin connecting body signals to emotions. This session also
begins to give concrete meaning to emotion words through the
process of linking body signal to emotion (Mahler, 2019),
Lesson Format (Mahler, 2019)
1. Introduce the Topic: My Body Gives Me Clues
About My Emotions
2. Read a Quick Story and Game: My Body Signals
Are Clued to My Emotions (Mahler, 2019)
3. C
lete Focus Area Experiment for my Body Signals
are Clues to My Emotions
o The focus area experiment is a series of
carefully selected, fun activities designed to
evoke a body signal within the body parts of
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Makes My Body Feel
When My Body
Feels Like This,
What Emotion(s)
Could it Be?
Squeeze your
hand in a fist
and hold 15
Hold your eyes
wide open
without blinking
for 15 seconds
Do 25 jumping
4. Add Emotion List or Emotion Icons to the Body
Check Chart.
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rovide Instructions and Structured Practice on
Completing a Body-Emotion Check with the New
Emotion List or Icons Added.
● Mindfulness Exercises
● Body Scanning
Debriefing and closing
● Task:
Reflective Sharing
“What have you learned in the session?
o To Go (Homework)
Members will be provided activity worksheet as takehome exercises
● Positive Practice Strategies (Mahler, 2019)
o Body Check Chart
Practice body checks multiple
times per day (Mahler, 2019).
Neuroception and the Window of Tolerance:
● Purpose: To be more familiar with how
arousals are experienced throughout the day
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
● Directions: Every day, try to track down and
document the fluctuations of arousal at
specific intervals of each day.
● Journal the experience.
o Reminder: Clients are encouraged to apply what they will
learn in the session and then journal the experience.
Session 5: PHASE 2: Emotion
● Follow-up on the take-home exercises
o Process the experience
● Task:
o Pendulation Technique – this further helps clients to be more
familiar with the movements of the feelings. Clients will be asked to
notice a feeling in the body and how the feeling changes across
the body.
Process the experience
o Gratitude Log
What are you thankful for?
● Start with Session 5
o Task: Focusing and Attending to Body-Emotion Connection
(Training Interoceptive awareness exercises)
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
To increase the ability to give meaning to the
body signals noticed – to begin connecting body to emotion,
forming solid body connections (Mahler, 2019)
o Theme: What’s the Cause of My Body Signals?
discussed in Session 5)
o Goal: This lesson is designed to expand the learner’s
ability to determine the cause of body signals to help bridge the
connection between body signals and emotions (Mahler, 2019),
Lesson Format (Mahler, 2019)
1. Introduce the Topic: Cause of Body Signals and
Emotions (Mahler, 2019).
2. Complete Focus Area Experiments for What’s the
Cause? (Mahler, 2019)
Look into a
bright flashlight
for one second
Suck on an ice
Makes My Body Feel
What is making
my body feel this
way? What is the
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Sit like a statue
for 60 seconds
3. Play What’s the Cause? Game.
o This game is used to continue teaching how to
use the Body-Cause-Emotion Practice Form.
Each card contains a hypothetical situation.
Have the learner pick a card and read it aloud.
Then, using the Body-Cause-Emotion Practice
Form, assist the learner in answering the
What is the body signal noticed?
What is the cause of the body signal?
What could the emotion be?
● Mindfulness Exercises
● Body Scanning
Debriefing and closing
● Task:
Reflective Sharing
“What have you learned in the session?
o To Go (Homework)
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Members will be provided activity worksheet as takehome exercises
● Positive Practice Strategies (Mahler, 2019)
o Body Check Chart
Practice body checks multiple
times per day (Mahler, 2019).
Neuroception and the Window of Tolerance:
● Purpose: To be more familiar with how
arousals are experienced throughout the day
● Directions: Every day, try to track down and
document the fluctuations of arousal at
specific intervals of each day.
● Journal the experience.
Reminder: Clients are encouraged to apply
what they will learn in the session and then
journal the experience.
Session 6: PHASE 3: Action
● Follow-up on the take-home exercises
o Process the experience
● Task:
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
o Pendulation Technique – this further helps clients to be more
familiar with the movements of the feelings. Clients will be asked to
notice a feeling in the body and how the feeling changes across
the body.
Process the experience
o Gratitude Log
What are you thankful for?
● Start with Session 6
o Task: Mind and Body Awareness Training
To increase the learner’s ability to use feel-
good actions that can be used to promote comfortable
body-emotion experiences (Mahler, 2019).
o Theme: My Body Can Feel Comfortable, My Body Can Feel
Uncomfortable (Mahler, 2019)
(I Can Change the Way My Body Feels will also be
discussed in Session 6)
o Goal: To teach the learner to recognize the difference
between when the body feels comfortable and when the body feels
uncomfortable (Mahler, 2019),
Lesson Format (Mahler, 2019)
1. Introduce the Topic: Feeling Okay vs. Feeling
Uncomfortable (Mahler, 2019).
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
2. Play the Feeling Okay, Feeling Uncomfortable
Game (Mahler, 2019)
Feeling Okay, Feeling Uncomfortable Game Board
Feels Okay
Feels Uncomfortable
3. Play the Body Outline Game (Mahler, 2019)
4. Continue the game, repeating steps 1-3 until all
Body Outline Drawings have been played (Mahler,
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
● Mindfulness Exercises
● Body Scanning
Debriefing and closing
● Task:
Reflective Sharing
“What have you learned in the session?
o To Go (Homework)
Members will be provided activity worksheet as takehome exercises
● Positive Practice Strategies (Mahler, 2019)
o Body Check Chart
Practice body checks multiple
times per day (Mahler, 2019).
Neuroception and the Window of Tolerance:
● Purpose: To be more familiar with how
arousals are experienced throughout the day
● Directions: Every day, try to track down and
document the fluctuations of arousal at
specific intervals of each day.
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
● Journal the experience.
Reminder: Clients are encouraged to apply
what they will learn in the session and then
journal the experience.
Session 7: PHASE 3: Action
● Follow-up on the take-home exercises
o Process the experience
● Task:
o Pendulation Technique – this further helps clients to be more
familiar with the movements of the feelings. Clients will be asked to
notice a feeling in the body and how the feeling changes across
the body.
Process the experience
o Gratitude Log
What are you thankful for?
● Start with Session 7
o Task: Mind and Body Awareness Training
To increase the learner’s ability to use feel-
good actions that can be used to promote comfortable
body-emotion experiences (Mahler, 2019).
o Theme: I Can Change the Way My Body Feels When it is
Uncomfortable (Mahler, 2019)
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
(Discovering New Feel-Good Actions will also be
discussed in Session 6)
o Goal: To teach the learner how to change the way the
body feels about specific uncomfortable-feeling body signals
and/or emotions through the use of various actions (Mahler, 2019),
Lesson Format (Mahler, 2019)
1. Read I can Change the Way My Body Feels When
It is Uncomfortable (Mahler, 2019).
2. Guide the learner in completing the Action section
e Body-Emotion-Action Chart (Mahler, 2019)
● Mindfulness Exercises
● Body Scanning
Debriefing and closing
● Task:
Reflective Sharing
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
“What have you learned in the session?
o To Go (Homework)
Members will be provided activity worksheet as takehome exercises
● Positive Practice Strategies (Mahler, 2019)
o Body Check Chart
Practice body checks multiple
times per day (Mahler, 2019).
Neuroception and the Window of Tolerance:
● Purpose: To be more familiar with how
arousals are experienced throughout the day
● Directions: Every day, try to track down and
document the fluctuations of arousal at
specific intervals of each day.
● Journal the experience.
Reminder: Clients are encouraged to apply
what they will learn in the session and then
journal the experience.
Session 8: PHASE 3: Action
● Follow-up on the take-home exercises
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
o Process the experience
● Task:
o Pendulation Technique – this further helps clients to be more
familiar with the movements of the feelings. Clients will be asked to
notice a feeling in the body and how the feeling changes across
the body.
Process the experience
o Gratitude Log
What are you thankful for?
● Start with Session 8
o Task: Mind and Body Awareness Training
To increase the learner’s ability to use feel-
good actions that can be used to promote comfortable
body-emotion experiences (Mahler, 2019).
o Theme: Making My Own Feel-Good Menu (Mahler, 2019)
(Discovering New Feel-Good Actions will also be
discussed in Session 6)
o Goal: To enable the learner to combine findings from the
individual Feel-Good Menus (from Lesson 24) into one master list,
thus giving the big picture of her feel-good actions. The learner will
have a self-discovered and self-created master list that contains a
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
variety of feel-good actions she can use to maximize feeling good
during daily life (Mahler, 2019),
Lesson Format (Mahler, 2019)
1. Create My Feel-Good Menu (Mahler, 2019).
2. Provide Instruction and Structured Practice on
Completing a Body Check Chart (Mahler, 2019).
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
● Mindfulness Exercises
● Body Scanning
Debriefing and closing
● Task:
Reflective Sharing
“What have you learned in the session?
o To Go (Homework)
Members will be provided activity worksheet as takehome exercises
● Positive Practice Strategies (Mahler, 2019)
o Body Check Chart
Practice body checks multiple
times per day (Mahler, 2019).
Neuroception and the Window of Tolerance:
● Purpose: To be more familiar with how
arousals are experienced throughout the day
● Directions: Every day, try to track down and
document the fluctuations of arousal at
specific intervals of each day.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
● Journal the experience.
Reminder: Clients are encouraged to apply
what they will learn in the session and then
journal the experience.
● Administer Post Test – MAIA
● Debriefing and Closing
o Focused Group Discussion
Participants are encouraged to think back and review what
has happened in group therapy, emphasizing the following
Personal Changes and difficulties
Feedback on the methods and techniques
Review of Expectations
Suggestions and improvements
Saying Goodbye (Each one will be given 3 minutes
to say goodbye to each other and give tokens)
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Profile of the participants
Participant 1
39 years old
She scored 8 on her Adverse Childhood Experience
She had experienced 3 types of ACEs:
Physical, Verbal, and Sexual Abuse
Physical and Emotional Neglect
Household Dysfunction
Single parent with one child
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant 3
19 years old
She scored 6 on her Adverse Childhood Experience
She had experienced 2 types of ACEs:
Physical and Sexual Abuse
Household Dysfunction
Single Parent with one child
39 years old
She scored 5 on her Adverse Childhood Experience
Participant 4
She had experienced 3 types of ACEs:
Physical, Verbal, and Physical Abuse
Household dysfunction
Emotional Neglect
Single Parent with two children
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant 2
28 years old
She scored 3 on her Adverse Childhood Experience Questionnaire
What is ACEs science (n.d.) reveals from the Adverse
Childhood Experience study that “ACEs don’t occur
alone….if you have one, there’s an 87% chance that you
have two or more.”
She had experienced 2 types of ACEs:
Verbal Abuse and Emotional Neglect
Household Dysfunction
Single Parent with three children
Participant 5
35 years old
She scored 3 on her Adverse Childhood Experience Questionnaire
She had experienced 3 types of ACEs:
Sexual Abuse
Household dysfunction
Emotional Neglect
Single Parent with one child
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Cynthia Price, PhD, MA
Research Professor at the UW; Research Assoc. Director, UW Osher Center
for Integrative Medicine; Director, Center for Mindful Body Awareness
Clinical and research expertise in body-oriented therapy. Developed Mindful
Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT), a mind-body and manual
approach designed to teach interoceptive awareness and to develop
interoceptive awareness skills for self-care and regulation. Directs Center for
Mindful Body Awareness http://www.cmbaware.org/
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Cronbach Result for Adverse Childhood Experience
Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardized
N of Items
The Cronbach Alpha equal to .581 is below the acceptable value of 0.7.
Cronbach Results for Multidimensional Assessment
Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardized
N of Items
The Cronbach Alpha equal to .719 is more than the acceptable value of 0.9.7.
Not Distracting
Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardized
N of Items
The Cronbach Alpha equal to .829 is way above the acceptable value of 0.7
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Attention Regulation
Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardized
N of Items
The Cronbach Alpha equal to .875 is way above the acceptable value of 0.7.
Emotional Awareness
Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardized
N of Items
The Cronbach Alpha equal to .862 is way above the acceptable value of 0.7.
Self – Regulation
Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardized
N of Items
The Cronbach Alpha equal to .881 is way above the acceptable value of 0.7.
Body Listening
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardized
N of Items
The Cronbach Alpha equal to .876 is way above the acceptable value of 0.7.
Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardized
N of Items
The Cronbach Alpha equal to .955 is way above the acceptable value of 0.7.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Cronbach Result for Noticing
Reliability Statistics
Based on
Cronbach's Standardize
N of
d Items
The Cronbach’s Alpha equal to .829 is way above the acceptable value of 0.7
Cronbach Result for Not Distracting
Reliability Statistics
Based on
Cronbach's Standardize
N of
d Items
The Cronbach’s Alpha equal to .732 is more than the acceptable value of 0.7
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Cronbach Result for Attention Regulation
Reliability Statistics
Based on
Cronbach's Standardize
N of
d Items
The Cronbach’s Alpha equal to .775 is more than the acceptable value of 0.7
Cronbach Result for Emotional Awareness
Reliability Statistics
Based on
Cronbach's Standardize
N of
d Items
The Cronbach’s Alpha equal to .887 is way above the acceptable value of 0.7
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Cronbach Result for Self–Regulation
Reliability Statistics
Based on
Cronbach's Standardize
N of
d Items
The Cronbach’s Alpha equal to .803 is more than the acceptable value of 0.7
Cronbach Result for Body Listening
Reliability Statistics
Based on
Cronbach's Standardize
N of
d Items
The Cronbach’s Alpha equal to .732 is more than the acceptable value of 0.7
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Cronbach Result for Trusting
Reliability Statistics
Based on
Cronbach's Standardize
N of
d Items
The Cronbach’s Alpha equal to .855 is way above the acceptable value of 0.7
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness
Version 2
Scoring Instructions
Take the average of the items on each scale.
Note: (R): reverse-score (5 – x) items 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 on Not-Distracting
Noticing: Awareness of uncomfortable, comfortable, and neutral
body sensations Q1______ + Q2______ + Q3______ + Q4______ / 4 =
Not-Distracting: Tendency not to ignore or distract oneself from
sensations of pain or discomfort Q5(R)____ + Q6(R)____+ Q7(R)____+
Q8(R)____+Q9(R)____+Q10(R) / 6 = ___________
Attention Regulation: Ability to sustain and control attention to
body sensations
Q16_____ + Q17_____ + Q18_____ + Q19_____ + Q20_____ + Q21_____ + Q22_____ / 7 =
Emotional Awareness: Awareness of the connection between
body sensations and emotional states Q23_____ + Q24_____ +
Q25_____ + Q26_____ + Q27_____ / 5 = ___________
Self-Regulation: Ability to regulate distress by attention to body
sensations Q28_____ + Q29_____ + Q30_____ + Q31_____ / 4=
Body Listening: Active listening to the body for insight
Q32_____ + Q33_____ + Q34_____ / 3= ___________
Trusting: Experience of one’s body as safe and trustworthy
Q35_____ + Q36_____ + Q37_____ / 3= ___________
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
on 2
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Pangalan: ____________________
Edad: _____________________
Petsa: _______________
Kasarian: _____________
Panuto: Makikita sa ibaba ang listahan ng mga pahayag patungkol sa pagkakaroon ng
kamalayan sa kllll, .sensasyong-pangkatawan. Ilagay kung gaano kadalas nalalapat ang
bawat pahayag sa iyo sa araw-araw gamit ang iskala:
Bilugan ang numero sa bawat bilang
1. Kapag ako ay nababahala, alam
ko kung saang bahagi ng katawan
ko ito nagmumula.
2. Napapansin ko kapag hindi ako
komportable sa aking katawan.
3. Napapansin ko kung saang bahagi
ng aking katawan, ako
4. Napapansin ko ang pagbabago sa
aking paghinga gaya ng pagbagal
at pagbilis nito.
5. Binabalewala ko ang pisikal na
tensiyon o sakit sa aking katawan
hanggang sa maging mas matindi
6. Nililibang ko ang aking sarili mula
sa pakiramdam ng pagkabalisa sa
aking katawan.
7. Sa tuwing ako ay nakararamdam
ng sakit o pagkabalisa, pinipilit ko
na labanan ito.
8. Sinusubukan kong balewalain ang
mga sakit na nagmumula sa aking
9. Hindi ko iniinda ang mga sakit o
pagkabalisa sa aking katawan sa
pamamagitan ng pagbibigay
atensiyon sa ibang bagay.
10. Kapag hindi na maganda ang
aking pakiramdam sa katawan,
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
nililibang ko ang aking sarili
upang mawala ito.
Sa tuwing ako ay may
nararamdamang pisikal na sakit,
naiinis ako.
Kinakabahan ako sa tuwing may
nararamdaman akong kakaiba sa
aking katawan.
Hindi ako nag-aalala sa tuwing
napapansin kong hindi maganda
ang pakiramdam ng aking
Kaya kong maging kalmado at
kampante sa tuwing
nakararamdam ng sakit sa aking
Kapag hindi ako komportable o
may sakit na nararamdaman,
hindi ito mawala sa aking isipan.
Kaya kong ituon ang buong
atensiyon sa aking paghinga nang
hindi naaabala sa mga bagay na
nangyayari sa aking paligid.
Napananatili ko ang kamalayan
sa mga nangyayari sa loob ng
aking katawan kahit na maraming
nangyayari sa aking paligid.
Kapag ako ay may kausap, kaya
kong ituon ang atensiyon sa aking
Kaya kong ibalik ang kamalayan
sa aking katawan kahit na ako ay
Kaya kong ibalik muli ang aking
atensiyon na nagmumula sa pagiisip papunta sa pakiramdaman
ng ang aking katawan.
Kaya kong mapanatili ang
pakiramdam/kamalayan ng aking
buong katawan kahit ang ilang
bahagi nito ay nasasaktan o hindi
Kaya kong bigyang pansin ang
kabuuan ng aking katawan.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
23. Napapansin ko ang pagbabago sa
aking katawan sa tuwing ako ay
24. Sa tuwing may mali sa aking
buhay, nararamdaman ko ito sa
aking katawan.
25. Napapansin ko ang pagbabago sa
aking katawan matapos ang
mapayapang karanasan.
26. Kapag ako ay nakararamdam ng
pagiging komportable,
napapansin ko na ang aking
paghinga ay nagiging maayos.
27. Kapag ako ay masaya,
napapansin ko ang pagbabago sa
aking katawan.
28. Sa tuwing ako ay napupuno sa
aking nararamdaman, kaya ko
humanap ng kapayapaan sa loob
ng aking katawan.
29. Sa tuwing ako ay nagkakaroon ng
kamalayan sa aking katawan, ako
ay nagiging kalmado.
30. Kaya kong gamitin ang aking
paghinga upang mabawasan ang
tensiyong namumuo sa aking
31. Kapag ako ay napupuno ng labis
na pag-iisip, kaya kong
pakalmahin ang aking isip sa
pamamagitan ng pagtuon sa
aking katawan/paghinga.
32. Pinapakinggan ko ang mga
mensahe mula sa aking katawan
patungkol sa aking emosyon.
33. Sa tuwing ako ay naiinis,
binibigyang oras ko ang aking
sarili upang matukoy ang
nararamdaman ng aking
34. Pinapakinggan ko ang aking
katawan, upang malaman ang
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
aking gagawin.
35. Komportable ako (“at home”) sa
aking katawan
36. Nararamdaman ko na ang aking
katawan ay isang ligtas na lugar.
37. Nagtitiwala ako sa aking mga
nararamdaman sa katawan.
Pagpuntos: Kuhanin ang kabuuang bilang ng mga aytem sa bawat iskala: Tandaan (R):
Baliktarin – iskor (5-x) ang mga aytem sa 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 para sa Hindi-Naaabala, at ang mga
aytem sa 11, 12 at 15, para sa Hindi-Pag-aalala
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Descriptive Statistics
Std. Deviation
Test Statistics
Asymp. Sig.
ctPOST -
a. Based on negative ranks.
b. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test
Test Statistics
RegPOST EmoAwar
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
a. Based on negative ranks.
b. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Introduction Meeting (Recording Part 1)
1st Session
Researcher: Hanggat maari, kailangan, protektahan ang inyong identity. So lahat ng
pag uusapan natin dito ngayon, ay hindi sa makakalabas. So, unless
bibigyan niyo ko ng permission kung sino man magtanong, pero kung
wala, sa atin lang walo, confidential. Okay, kaya meron tayo dung ano
dun sa papel niyo na informed consent, nakalagay din diyan na hanggat
maari, pinoprotektahan ang inyong identity so hindi ito mapag uusapan sa
labas. So hindi gagamitin ang inyong pangalanpara mag disxuss sa labas
o dun sa school ko, be rest assured. So salamat po sa tanong. May iba pa
po bang tanong tungkol dun?
Unidentified Participant (IP): Yun lang
Researcher: Okay sige, so introduction signing so explanations ng questions, nagawa
ko namn yun. So, data privacy act, yun yung sinasabi niyo po. So ako
yung facilitator so aalamin ko po kung ano ang inyong expectation. Ano
po ba yung pagkakaintindi niyo kung bakit kayo nandito sa grupo. Para
atleast magkaroon po ako ng idea. Yung oras po two hours, Tuesday and
Saturday, for 8 sessions tayo so yun ang magiging oras natin. Meron po
bang violent reaction.
makakatulong, maganda yung sinabi mo na yung pag uusapan ay hindi na
lalalabas. Para malabanan ba namin yung aming galit kasama yung
istress. Kasi para sa akin, makakatulong talaga sakin yun excited ako
atleast sa sarili ko para malalaban.
Researcher: Pero ngayon may nararamdaman kang kakaiba
Participant: Kakaiba
Interviewer: Yun nga pala since may history kayo ng trauma and abuse, hindi natin pag
uusapan yun na hahalukayin okay, ang gagawin natin pala is yung programa ko na
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
sinabi mo ate, mga kaparaanan na kumbaga stress management siya eh. Papaano niyo
tutulungan yung sarili niyo Pag kayo any may mga pagradaanan so di natin pag
uusapan ang kaniya kaniya niyong trauma. So ang pag uusapan natin dito is yung
katawan niyo at nararamdaman. Pero kung yung nararamdaman niyo is konektado dun
sa nakaraan, pwede pa rin yn pero hindi na natin siya tututukan talaga na hahalukayin.
So yung gagawin natin dito is para yung madevelop yung self regulation niyo. Ibig
sabihin nung self regulation is miski may pinagdadaanan kayo or pinagdaan kayo sa
nalaran andun pa rin yung pakirmdm niyo na connected panrin kayo sa sarili. Kasi
minsan pag may pinagdadaanan tayo minsan wala na tyo sa sarili eh so yung itong
program na ito, kaparaanan na matutulungan niyo yung sarili ninyo na miski mahihirap
yung pingdadaanan niyo is grounded pa rin kayo. Ibig sabihin ng grounded is alam mo
yun nak a attach pa rin sa realidad na di kayo sobrang naooverwhelmed o npupuna sa
mga pinagdadaanan. Kung ano man yung mga narramdaman niyo, medyo aligaga
hindi komportable medyo nasesense ko yun. So ang gusto ko lang sabihin sa inyo is
okay lng yan pwede niyo danin s pvhinga okay so ng importante dito is yung
commitment ng bawat isa okay at yung respeto. So kung may gusto magsalito so yung
iba siyempre kailangan makinig. So respeto, commitment at honesty and trnsparency
ibig sbihin kung ano tlaga yung nararmdaman niya mas maganda kasi diyan din
papasok yung stress management eh kasi kung di tayo totoo sa sarili,mas mahibirpn
natin iapply yung nga skills kasi di natutugunan yung kailangan tugunan. So tapos
yung freedom. So member kayo ay, kung meron kayong mga katanungan, onreaksyon
eh pwede niyo o akong sabihan sa grupo ng walng onag huhusga. So hanggat maari
gusto ko iparamdam sa inyo na ligtas kayo. So kung may feeling kayo na parang di
kayo ligtas o feeling niyo meron ako nasabi na di maganda, mas maapreciate ko
sabihan niyo lang ako, ok lang ba yun. At kung may at kung kanina di tayo gagamit ng
mga salit na makakasakit sa bawat isa okay sige tapos yun nga respect. So kung may
pag uusapan tayo, gagamit tayo ng statement na I, ibig sabihin tayo nakakakramdam
ako hindi yung ikaw kasi ganiyan ganiyan okay para di tayo maging defensive. Tapos
stay on topic. So hanggat maari 2 to 3 minutes lang so pag humaba medyo puputulin
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
ko na par nasa oras tayo, taposyung confidentiality like yung sinabi ni ate na kung ano
man yung pinag uuspan natin dito ay di siya sasabihin sa labas o sa mg tao na di parte
ng grupo. So as a facilitator sinabi ko yung whole program. Tapos bawat session natin,
explain ko naman kung ano yung gagawin natin. So the schedule ayan okay so
schedule natin nasabi ko na. So yung situation natin is more on foundational. So ibig
sabihin dito papasok yung first session natin na meron kayo matututunan tungkol sa
utak at yung mga binigay ko sainyo na ano kasi meron din tayong assignments.
Importante dito sa program na to yung assignments. So yung assignments na to is
tungkol sa inyong sarili. Oky ng sa gayon mas mapapabilis ng inyong skills, yung
application. So kung di niyo gagawin yan eh mas tatagal yung application niyo sa
skills. So on topic, be punctual.
Interviewer: So ang unang session natin, ay tungkol sa befriending your feelings or
befriending your body pala. Body needed receive. So ang ibig sabing ng body literacy.
Ano yung literacy s school niyo abc diba yung literacy dito namn yung pano natin
makikilala ang ating katawan. Dahil s ating katawan dito natin makakakuha ng sagot at
tulong llao na pag meron tayong mga pinagdadaanang di maganda kasi nga dahil sa
pinagdadaanan natin, minsan, nawawala n yung alam mo yun kompiyansa natin sa
sarili, nawawala na yung pagmmaahal natin sa sarili diba minsan nawawala na pag
So number, ang gagawin natin sa session na to ay para mag create tayo ng pakirmdam
na ligtas at maging buo ang grupo. So ang gagawin natin ito yung tinuro ng asawa ko
so firat time konlang to gagamitin. So gagawin natin, sige lagay niyo po muna yung
mga gamit niyo sa baba o s ilalim. Yan so ng unang activity natin pang ano yun, okay
so mindful laughter. Alm niyo yung mindful laughter?
Interviewer: May idea ba kayo?
Participant: Tawa ng tawa,
Interviewer: So Ganto gagawin natin pag tinaas natin yung kamay na ganiyan, taas,
ganyan diba Interviewer: inhale, then pagbaba, pag exhale, tatawa tayo ha ha ha ok.
Gawin natin to for atleast two minutes.
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
So Okay, inhale, exhale hahaha
Interviewer: Inhale labas niyo lahat, tawa hahaha
Inhale hahaha
Okay good, good,
Interviewer: Kunwari, ano yung paborito niyong animal
Interviewer: Kunwari aso, ikaw ate,
Participant: Pusa
Participant: Ako unggoy
So isipin niyo kayo yung unnggoy na tumatawa
(Imitates laughter of animals)
Pwede butiki o kay elepante
Hindi ano na lang, tuko..
Sige pass muna ate
Participant: No ba yung tunog ng duck quack quack
Participant: Pusa meow (Imitates laughing cat)
Pwede aso uli, pusa, o unggoy, baka
Kambing (imitates laughing goat)
Nice one nice one, oh kayo nalang dalawa
Participant: IIbon (imitates)
Pwede na ko dun sige ate
Participant: Horse (imitates)
Interviewer: Nice one. Okay good. May binigay ako sainyong, tamang tamang kunin
niyo yung parang may drawing na arrow o parang tao
Interviewer: Yan okay may drawing na tao, diyanns may drawing na to gusto ko
idrawing ninyo ano yung nararamdamab ng katawan ninyo tas ipopoint niyo saang
parte. Kunwari nakakaramdm kayo ng maluwag, maluwag nararamdaman niyo s
dibdib so lalagyan niyo lang ng mark yun. So ipopoint niyo kung nasaan, lagyan niyo
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
ng point tapos lagyan niyo ng pnagalan yung nararmdaman niyo. Pwedeng maluwag,
pwedeng masaya. Right now, balik kayo sa sarili ninyo, ano yung nararmdaman ninyo.
Pwedeng yang parang mark lang yang tapos lagyan niyo lang ng pangalan. Yan..
Interviewer: Yan si ate tawa ng tawa, pwede ilagay diyan, isa lang, isa lang muna. So
nag uumpis na tayo sa ating body awareness okay kasi yaan ang ating goal. Share niyo
nga so far ano yung naramdamn niyo, pero bago niyo sabihin, ito nalng muna tas after
nun dun natin ipprocess. Tatlong bagay na pinapasalamatan niyo. Ano ano yung mga
bagay na yun. Kunwri ako, pinapasalamatan ko kasi nakapag strt na akonng session ko
sa inyo at nagpapasalamat ako sa Diyos kasi hindi malayo yun, at safe kasi yung ibang
nag tthesis ginagawa nila online eh pag ginawa kong online to ang hirap so malaking
pasasalamat sa akin na eto yung dito ko dinala ng Diyos. So Interviewer: Tapos, sa
opportunity na maibabahagi ko sainyo. Ikaw ate?
Pinagpapasalamat ko na nagka tipon tipon kami na magkakaroon kami ng session na
katulad nito. Malalaman namin kung ano yung nararamdaman namin.
Ngayong araw lang ba na ito, o nung nakaraan? Yan yung ngayon at yung nakaraan,
isa hangang tatlo.
Participant: Ipinagpapasalamat ko na safe kami lahat s naggaganap ngayon na
nagkaron ng virus at saka yung nakakadalaw kami ditonsa Shepherds Home at may
time ako na ngayon na magawa namin na mag iina. Ipinagpapasalamat ko din na
siyenpre wala kaming sakit, di kami naapektuhan ng ano ngayon pandemic, safe pa rin
kami dito. Pinagpapasalamat ko pa din na di kami nagugitom yun tas yung pamilya ko
saka pinagpapasalamat ko din po na katulad nito na natutulungan yung mga
nararamdaman namin na mabago kasi mabigat eh.
Interviewer: Good thank you. See, nakalimutan ko na uli agad pangalan niyo.
Participant: Bevs po.
Interviewer: Sige Bevs.
Participant: Sakin po pinagpapasalamat ko po yung safe kami dito kahot malayo kami
sa pamilya namin tapos kumpleto yung talagang kumpleto lahat ng kailangan namin sa
buhay, wala na kong iniisip.
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Interviewer: Very good. Thank you.
Participant: Nagpapasalamat ako kasi masaya tapos may natutunan.
Interviewer: Good.
Participant: Nagpapasalamat ako kasi, first time uli nangyari na nagtitipon kami kasi
dati kay Ate Bevs at saka kay At Dulce. Tapos ngayon pangalawa nagpapasalamat ako
kasi magling na kaming dalawa kasi nagkaron kami ng sakit. Tapos pangatlo, siyempre
pagkain namin di namin iniisip kung ano yung mga kakainin tapos siyempre sumunod
is kahit papaano ay may trabaho po ako.
Interviewer: Ok good.
Participant: AKo nagpapasalamat ako ksi itong session na ito eh makakatulong sa
bawat isa sa amin, na bawat is sa amin, maktulong sa amin gabay kung paano
malabanan yung mga pinagdadaanan namin sa buhay. Big help talaga.
Interviewer: So good. Maraming salamat sa mga sagot niyo kasi sabi diba sa Bible s
lahat ng pagkakataon kailangan tayo mag pasalamat which is yung science, yung
siyensiya, science, sinasabi rin niya na diba science nag eexpeeiment sila na sstudies
din. So sabi nila sa mga studies nila ang tao daw na gratefulful, nagpapasalamat,
nagbibigay ng mgandang epekto s pag iisip. So nakakatulong talaga siya. So simula't
simula palang na ginawa natin yung Mindful Laughter dito, eto na yung mga skills na
para mkatulong sainyo na matulungan niyo na mabalanse yung pinagdadadaanan niyo
at mamaya mas matututunan niyo kung bakit siya importante okay. So dahil diyan dun
sa likod nung, ay ano muna diba nag ano kayo nag pasalamat, anong pkiramdam ng
katawan niyo nung nagpapasalamat kayo? Ganun uli, lagay niyo uli. Kasi ang
ginagawa niyo dito is Journaling. So inoobserve niyo na agad. San sa buong katawan
niyo nararamdaman yung magandang pakiramdam dahil nagpasalamat. Balikan niyo
yung buong katawan niyo. Mula ulo hangang paa then pangalanan niyo ang inyong
Paano ba yun pag buong katawan?
Interviewer: Pwede, pwede buong katawan. First-time niyo ba mag ganto?
Participant: First time.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Interviewer: Ok first time good. So sana since first time, ang susi kasi dito is kailangan
tuloy tuloy. Miski sa bahay niyo kayanin niyonsiya gawin so okay, dun sa likod ng
inyong papel ay mayroong goal setting tayo. From 0-10 ang nakalagay lang diyan, 110 pero ito yung goal niyo katulad nung sabi ni, next time magdadala tayo, gagawan
ko kayo ng nameplate. Nakalimutan ko na, sabi ni Ate Vangie, na yun nga gusto
matulungan yung sarili mo diba so sabihin natin na ang goal mo is 10. So paano natin
masasabing natulungan mo na yung sarili mo. Ano yung kumbaga kunwari, ngayon
may miracle question na paggising mo bukas, kunwari tulog ka ngayon, paggising mo
bulas eh may pagbabago na s sarili mo. Ano yung specific na yun na malalaman mo na
masasbi mo na may nagbago na sayo. Mahirap pag generel eh. Ay ah maging okay ko.
So gawin natin na mas ano parang specific. Pano niyo masasabi na okay kayo yun
yung ibig sabihin ng 10. So lalagay niyo dun kung ano ang ibig sabihin ng 10 niyo. So
ano yung ibig sabihij ng 10 sa inyo. So dahil sa session na ito sa programang ito, sa
likod..sorry ate ah madami..Sa 10 ano ang gusto niyo pagbabago na nakikita niyo sa
sarili niyo. So sabihin natin na sa pagkatapos ng session na toh, ano yung ineexpect
niyo na mangyayari sa inyo. Specific ah dun mismo sa 10 susulat niyo. So ano yung
gusto niyo na pagbabago. Anonyung nakikita niyo na pagbabago. Sabihin natin may
problema kayo, di na kayo yung react ng react na mas nakakapag isip na kayo ng
maayos. Na pag may mga conflict kayo sa mga kasama niyo, di niyo agad susuntukin,
mga ganon. Sasabunutan nalang. Si dati naninipa kayo, ngayon nananampal na lang,
mga ganon. Hindi, ano yung 10 para sa inyo, ano yung nakikuta niyo sa sarili niyo na
paggsing niyo, ibang tao na kayo.
Interviewer: Ate, paano kung kunwari diba sabi mo paggising mo paano kunga sa
paggising mo eh ganon.
Interviewer: Hindi, ito yung goal. Ano yung gusto mong mangyari sayo. So ito yung
pagbabago. Ito na ko ngayon, ito yumg gusto mo mangyari ngayon. Changes sa pag
iisip ba, sa sarili in terms of behaviors sa kilos yun nga pag may mga problema, di na
tayo magrereact, mas kalmado na kayo. Mas nakakapag isip na kayo agad ng maayos
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
yung di niyo tinatakasan yung problema n kapag mabigat yung nararamdaman niyo di
niyo siya tatakasan, haharapin, gagwin kung ano yung pwedeng gawin.
Interviewer: Tapos, ilagay niyo rin diyan kung asan na kayo ngayon. Yan, sa 1 ba o
nasa 0. Kung yung 10 eh di na ko ngrereact, mas kalmado na ko, ngayon nasaan na
kayo, nasa 0 na palagi kayong react ng react pag may problema o nasa 5 na di naman
gaanonreact ng react, paminsan minsan nagrerect peeo siyempre ang goal niyo is di
talaga mag react. So nasaan kayo from 1 to 9.
Interviewer: Anong ibig sabihin nun, kunwari nasa 4, ano ibig sabihin nun kasi sa
ikahuling session natin bbalikan niyo yan eh. Dun niyo malalaman kung asaan na
kayono nareach niyo ba yung 10 o ano pa yung mga steps niyo na kailangan gawin
para mareach niyo yung 10. So nasan step na kayo nasa 1st step palang ba na
magsisimula palang o alam niyo naman na meron na kayong nagagawa par ma reach
niyo yung 10. So siguro nasa 7 na kayo, ano ibig sabihin nung 7. Diba anonpa yung
kailangan niyong gawin para maging 10. Malinaw po ba yung instructions?
For example nasa 5 ka, gusto mo ba ishare Ate yung goal mo, ano yung goal mo.
Yung sakin, yung goal ko na yung pagbabago sa sarili ko na kaya ko harapin yung
bawat araw na kinakaharap sa buhay like, problema, galit tas yun nga yung action
konsa sarili ko.
So dapat specific. So dapag kunwari pag hinaharap mo yung problema mo, sumasabog
ka ba agad?
O parang nagrereactvna sumisigaw. So for example is pang 10 eh yung di ka na
sumisigaw pag may problema ka. Okay lang magalit pero di pasabog.
Participant: So minsan nagagalit din ako pero di nananakit. So halimbawa nag uusap
tayo tas parang naiinis ako, nagagalit pag di nagkakasundo tas bigla akong aalis.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Interviewer: So yan ang gusto mong baguhin, so asan ka na dun, nasa 8 na ba na
minsam nagagawa mo na di umalis sa sitwasyon pero hinaharap mo pa rin o hindi mo
talaga hingarapm so pwedeng nasa 2 o nasa 1 kasi never mo talaga siya ginagawa or
ginagawa mo naman siya na minsan kahit mahirap kakakusapin mo pa rin kahit galit
ka. So nasan na kayo dun ngayon.
Ang importante kasi nito is malalaman niyo kung nasan na kayo, atleast alam niyo
kung ano panying mga steps na kailangan niyo gawin para mapunta kayo dun sa 10.
Pano po kung yung nagalit ka tas ayaw mo muna siya kausapin tapos gusto mo muna
bigyan yung sarili mo na time pero willing ka naman makipag usap. Wala namang
problema dun lalo nankung yun yung paraan para mas maayos yung problema. So sa
tingin mo ba my kailangan ka pa iwork out dun para maging 10 o alam mong okay ka
na diyan. Okay I'll give you one more minute para makastart na tayo din.
Participant: Ang hirap kapag sarili, yung sakin naman kasi ayaw ko na mag isip ng
sabay sabay na problema kumbaga yung positive nalang yung isipin.
So yun yung 10 niyo, so nasan na kayo ngayon at 1 talagang wala pa ibig sabihin nun
affected pa
Hlimbawa ngayon pag ka may problema ko, kunwari isang problema pero bumabaluk
yung ipon ipon sabay sabay na talagang sabay na
Participant: Parang pattern po, so baka nasa 1
Participant: Opo ganun po
O kaya minsan nakakahawa naman kayo ng paraan para makarect kasi sabinniyo
nagppile up so ibig sabihin nakasanyan na siya, so baka ang gusto niyo goal is maputol
yung ganun, so yun yung 10 niyo
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Oo yun yung 10 ko na parang ayoko natalagang mag isip ng sabay sabay.
10 yun, tapos nasan na kayo ngayon. Importante kasi na maging, totoo kayo sa isasagot
Participant: Eh paano kung ganun pa rin nasa 1 ako
Nasa 1 pa rin ung pattern siya eh, at walang masama kung nasa 1 kasi itong yung area
na gusto niyong tutukan para mabago
Kasi sinasabi ko ok lang pero sa ano ko naman di ako okay. Parang ok ka lang ba pero
deep inside na meron ka talagang ano na hindi ka pa dun sa 10 na gusto ko.
Yun po yung ano natin dun pwede siyang nasa 1 o nasa 2 kumbaga mababa kasi paulit
ulit siyang nangyayari. Pero di ibig sabihin niyan na masama, di ganun yun kumbaga
nakasanayan. Mamaya mas maiintindihan niyonkung anong ibig sabihin nun okay.
Kung ano yung feel niyo, wag niyo isipin na may mali sa inyo, hindi, walang pang
huhusga dito. Wag niyong husgahan yung sarili niyo. So ano lang bigyan niyo ng
permiso yung sarili niyo kung ano yung totoo talaga kasi yun yung mas makakatulong
satin kasi kung nilagay niyo diyan ay mataas pero ang katotohanan talaga ay mas
mababa mas mahihirapan tayo ma reach yung 10. At ngayon pa lang maganda yung
struggle na yan. So ibig sabihin, may struggle dun. Sabihin mo ngayon sa sarili mo Ate
Vangie na hindi mo hinuhusgahan sarili mo. Hindi ibig sabihin nilagay mo 0 o 1 eh
masama kang tao, hindi. Ito lang yung nakasanayan.
Participant: Ano yung steps, gagawin ko pa?
Yun yung kung nasan ka ngayon, tapos explain niyo ah kung ano yun. Kasi yung end
nung session natin, malalaman niyo yung difference. So hindi to para sakin, para to
sainyo. Makikita niyo, ay ito yung ginawa ko, okay sige.
Tapos, sige iwan ko nalng iwan ko yan para pag isipan niyo, kumbaga assignement
niyo, kunwari nasa 2 kayo diva ngayon may na apply kayong skills so pag inaapply
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
niyo yung skills, lalagay niyondyan kung umuusad kayo, kunwari nasa 3 kayo eh
inaapply niyo yung skills na natutunan niyo, so papakiramdaman niyo yung sarili niyo
na ay nagbabago na ko ah, baka nasa 4 na ko. Tapos, explain niyo kung bakit kayo
nasa 4. Okay ba yun, ok sige.
(Indistinct sound)
Short lang, sulat niyo lang dito para makatulong satin sa pagpproseso so we do this
habang tinatapos ni ate. So sulat niyo dito yung mga bagay na gumugulo sa inyong pag
iisip ngayon. So takot man yan, aligaga, napupuno, ayan sulat niyo ano lang yung
isang bagay dalawa, tatlo na nagpapa nag ooccupy ng ng inyong pag iisip ngayon. So
sulat niyo lang yung mga bagay na kinakatakutan niyo, di kayo mapkali yan. Sulat
lang, sulat sige. Kunwari iniisip niyo ngayon eh ayun sabi ni Ate Vanj, yung mga
pinagdadaanan di ba nga sabi natin na punong puno so ano yung mga yun kahit isa o
So pagkatpos niyo magsulat, babalikan konyung sa drawing na tao at pakiramdaman
niyo yung sarili niyo, ano yung naramdaman ng katawan niyo nung sinulat niyo yan.
So diba binasa niyo yung sinulat niyo, ano gad yung naramdaman ng katawan niyo so
ipoint uli. Okay.
After sulat ilagay agad yung nararamdaman sa katawan.
So habang sinusulat niyo yan ramdamin niyo lang yung, so diba habng sinusulat niyo
ifeel niyo lng yung buong katawan niyo. Bigyan niyo ng permiso yung katawan niyo
na maramdaman yung sakit , yung takot na yun sa katawan ok lang yun. Walang
masama sa mga nararandaman niyo ngayon. Tapos isulat ilagay dun sa drawing kung
ano yung pakiramdam nung katawan nung maisulat niyo yung nararmdaman niyo.
Nasan siya sa katawan niyo. Ilang minute nalang. Okay so kunin niyo yung sinulat
niyo, diba tapos na kayong ilagay dun sa drawing diba kunin niyo yung papel niyo
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
kung san niyo sinulat, pikit niyo mata niyo, isipin niyo kung sang parte ng katawan
niyo sinulat to.
Sa ulo, sa mukha, sa paa, sa tyan, sa kung saan mang parte ng katawan tapos habang
nakapikit ang inyong mata at iniisip niyo kung nasan yun, unti unti niyong tanggalin sa
mga pag iisip niyonyung sinulat niyo. So owede niyong punitin, habang ounupunit
niyo, diyan sa oag iisip niyo nawawala din, nawawala, wala na ksi binubura niyo na sa
isip yan. Nattanggal na sa isip niyo, so tanggal na. At nung binura niyo siya, balik kayo
dun sa drawing, ano yung naramdaman ng katawan niyo nung tinanggal niyo.
Ano agad ang pakiramdam niyo nung tinanggal niyo siya sa pag iisip.
Sige sabihin diyan, nakaramdam ng luwag, o ng payapa. So ngayon, group sharing
lang tayo for one minute. Dun sa naging experience. So ang isasagot niyo 'I feel'
nakaramdam ako ng umpisa takot, pero nung pinunit ko, tinanggal konsa pg iisip ko,
nawala. Nasan siya sa katawan ko 'nung una naramdaman ko bumigat yung loob
konpero nung binura ko natanggal siya'. Ano ang kailangan ko gawin para tuloy tuloy
yung ganoong pakiramdam 'hindi na isipin ang mga pinopoblema ko noon
Okay sige ate, start, ikaw ano yung naramdaman mo.
Participant: Takot
Takot nung una, then nung pinunit mo na siya, tinanggal mo na siya?
Participant: Ginhawaan ako medyo sa dibdib saka sa isip
Ano yung mga kailangan mo na gawin para tuloy tuloy na mabawasan?
Participant: Isipin na di na mangyayari, ano yung isipin na di na mangyayari yung
Then anong naramdaman mo ngayon na narinig mo yung sarili mo?
Participant: Ano parang naano ko yung para sa sarili ko na pwede ko gawin sa sarili ko
na kaya pala
So good. Thank you.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Nakaramdam ako ng bigat tapos siyempre habang naisip ko siya
naramdaman konyung bigat s an dibdib ko pero nung pagkapunit ko lumuwag na.
So anong part mo naramdaman?
Participant: Sa dibdib
So ano na yung kailangan mo na gawin parantuloy tuloy na na gumaan?
Masubukan yung ganong proseso
So ano yung pakiramdam na yun na kailangan pala gawin
Participant: Noong una mabigat sa dibdib tapos gumaan naman ng konti.
So ano yung kailangan gan gawin sa dibdib pa rin para gumaan para mas lumuwag pa
Participant: Focus nalang sa iba
Ano yung naramdaman mo sa sarili mo nung narinig mo
Participant: Mas magiging okay.
Ok next,
Ako po nung una parang bunigatvyung dibdib ko kasi nung isusulat tas yun pero nung
pinunit ko parang lumuwag
Saan siyang parte ng katawan?
Participant: Sa dibdib ko ponsaka sa isip ko kasi para siya nawala
Anong kailangan mo gawin para mabawasan
Participant: Siguro po wag mag isip noong mga bad memories, maging kalmado lang
So ano ngayon naramdaman mo na kaya mo palang gawin yun
Yun parang masaya, magagawa.
Naiinis at nagagalit sa sarili.
Noong una? Saan siya sa katawan? Nung pinunit mo na siya?
Nawala na yung inis, dito din sa dibdib?
Ano daw yung kailangan mo gawin ate para matuluyan ng maalis mo
Participant: Wag ka magpapatangay sa iisipin
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Ano yung naramdaman mo ate Trixia na napakinggan mo yung sarili mo
Participant: Mahirap po ipaliwanag
Pero mas nakatulong ba sayo?
Participant: Opo
Okay good.
Participant: Sa akin po ngayon, una sinusulat ko, sa kin po kasi, siyempre mabigat sa
loob na sumulat ng ganito
Tapos nung pinunit mo siya, nung tinaggal mo siya sa pag iisip mo ngayon?
Nung sa ngayon kasi medyo mahirap pang tanggalin sa isip mo yung mga bagay bagay
Sige hinga muna tayo ng malalim
Yung paghinga dapat hangang tiyan, kasi kapag hangang dito lang lalo tayo
magpapanic kasi nasa exhalation yung susi para tayo kumalma agad. So ilagay natin
yung kamay so dapat maramdan natin na tumataas yung tiyan at naka focus tayo sa
paghinga, magccount ako ng 1-2-3 na inhalation pause tas exhalation is 5. So 1-2-3-4-5
kailangan dahan dahan siya kasi yun ang susi. Okay gawin natin dalawang counts
inhale, pause then exhale slowly 1-2-3-4-5. Kailangan dahan dahana ng nilalabas.
Inhale pause tas dahan dahan lang ilabas lahat. Okay anong pakirmdam? Mas okay
right? Kasi yun yung pinakamabilis na paraam na pampakalma at dapar lahat ng iniisip
niyo eh andun lang sa hininga so ikaw ate ano naramdaman mo?
Medyo okay naman.
Gumaan. So ano daw kailangan mo gawin para gumaan?
Participant: Siguro ifocus nalang yung sarili konsa ibang bagay.
Ate Vanj?
Participant: Ako yung nararamdaman ko is yung natetense ako. Tapos nung pinunit
konsiya sa isip ko kasi nag iisip ako mas more yung nag iisip ako kung pano ba pero
wala naman nangyayari. Parang isip lang ako ng isip tapos di ko na dapat isipin yun
Ano naramdaman mo na kaya mo pala gawin yun na di mo na iisipin?
Participant: Kung di ko iisipin, gagaan yung pakiramdam ko, nakakapag isip ako ng
mas maluwag.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
So hjnga tayo uli ng mas malalim, owede tayo mag stretch, ayan good. Sige nasa part
tayo ng psycho education.
So how the brain works in managing stress. So pag uusapan natin kaya siya tinawag na
neuro biology diba biology tungkol sa katawan no yung kunwari biology kasama diyan
yung puso, yung lungs, mga oarte ng katawan. Neuro, tungkol sa nerves so ano ang
nangyayarinsa ting katawan sa ating nerves pag tayo ay nakaka experience ng trauma o
abuse okay. So sinasabj dito, pag tayo ay merong pag iintindi kung paano kumilos ang
ating utak, ang ating nervous system. Pag sinasabig nervous system, ito yung ayan
yung mga nerves sa katawan, kasama yan diyan.
Pag uusapan natin kung papano, kung ano ang nangyayari sa katawan natin sa utak sa
mga nerves, mas magkakaron tayo ng pagreresponde sa ating sarili. So yung mg
oinagdadaanan niyo ngayon na medyo mabigat normal yan lalo na dahil sa base score
niyo mababa kanina diba merong 1 to 8 so ibig sabihin matitindi ang mga
pinagdadaanan niyo n galing pa doon sa nakaraan at hangang ngayon, dala niyo siya.
Kaya ngayon kapag may pinag uusapan tayo na medyo oops nareremind kayo nandun
agad kayo sa bigat eh kasi nga sumabog sa inyong katawan. So normal lahat ng
pinagdadaanan niyo, walang malinkaya dito sa session natin ngayon mas makikilala
niyk ang inyong sarili na ay ganto pala akonkaya pala okay. So ano ba ang ibig sabihin
ng trauma? Ang trauma ay isang emosyon pang respknde ng ating emosyon sa di
magagandang mga nangyari sa ating buhay katulad ng aksidentex paglamatay ng ating
mga mahal sa buhay, minsan may rape o child abuse o kaya natural calamity o kaya
tulad ngayon COVID nakaka traumatoze yan ksi siyempre first time tapos
nakalockdown tapos di monalam kung sinonyung mga may sakit pala sa labas so nag
ccause talaga siya ng trauma. At ito ay isang reaksyon din ng mga tao na nakakita. So
for example tayong dalawa nakamita nagpapatayan tapos nakita mo, nagccause din
yun ng trauma sayo. Tapos minsan ito ay ang trauma minsan pagkamatay ontungkol sa
pagkamatay o kaya threat to to the physical integrity o miski yung for example may
nakita ka lang na aso na kakagatin ka, nakaka trauma lang talaga yun o kaya yung, ano
ba yung mga kinakatakutan niyo na pisikal? Yung covid medyoniba yung pakiramdam
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
natin ngayon diba, na di niyo alam mamaya pag labas may sakit tas pag nagkasakit
sentinsyadi na pala ang buhay kaya maraming gumgumulo, pagpsom nv trabaho di mo
alm na dala dala mo pala tapos maapektuhan pala yung pamilya. So alam mo yun, sa
mga ganting mga pinagdadaanan nayin ang bigat na kasi tayo komportable na
gantoyung mga nangyayari eh diba. So trauma din yun tapos ang trauma di lang siya
pisikal eh. Kunwari yung nangyayari sa COVID ano rin siya psychological kalbn mo
takaga pag iisip, tapos dahil dun iba yung nararmdaman mo. At ito ay sumasabog sa
katawan kaya nga yung iba walang sakit pero ng daming sakit sa katawan. Nagpunta
kami ng doctor wala naman mkaitang sakit kasi nga yung trauma na pinagdaanan
nayin maliit man yan o malaki pero pag di monyan hinarap meaning hindi mo
niramdam yung nangyari nung natraumatize ka, yung matinding takot, yung matinding
sakit di mo siya hinarap eh, alam mo yun pinabayaan mo lang. Ang nangyari,
sumsabog siya sa katawan mo. Ang mga Pilipino pa naman ang kultura natin pav may
problema, ano ginagawa? Tinatawanan di ba o kaya di sineseryoso kaya dinadaan sa
hugot. So ibig sabihin yang mga hugog iyan yung kaya ka may pinag uugatan, meron
kang pjnag lalagyan na di mo hinaharap okay.
Participant: Pero okay lang yun o merong mali dun?
Yun ang sinasabi ko na walang mali doon. Normal yun.
Eh kung magpaparinig ka?
Ang mangyayari niyan, hindi natin siya, normal na reaksyon pero hindi siya healthy.
So magkaiba yun. Kasi lahat ng nangyayarinsa ating realsyon pag tayo
nakakaexperience nv trauma o isang bagay na para tayong nagulantang o isang bagay
na wala tayong control, ano skya eh normal na reaksyon talaga natin yung mga ganung
pakiramdam. Mamaya mas maintindihan niyo kung bakit. So ang pinaka malalang
trauma pala is yung Interpersonal Violence, hindi yung kalamidad eh. Kasi yung
kalamidad, wlang sisisihin eh, pero pag interpersonal violence eh lalo na mismong
malapit sayo ang nakagawa ng abuse mas matindi yun lalo na kung gank siya kadalas
at kung ms early as bata ka pa tapos tuloy tuloy. Yun ang tumatatak sa utak eh. Okay
so so far hinga tayo ng malalim dahil mukhang kung san san na kayo nakapunta. Nd
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
again, normal yan, walanv panghuhusga, kung minsan ay lumilipad ang ating pag iisip.
Okay, ang trauma ay prolonged exposure meaning yung paulit ulit na nararanasan
monk kaya onmatitinding experience katulad ng child abuse ay nagccause ng severe at
lasting effect ibig sabihin malilim ang epekto nito sa atin. So yung mga traumatic
experience like yung neglect, di ba yung sa ACE questionnare yung pinaramdam sa tin
n adi tayo kamahal mahal, parang pinaramdam satin na wala tayong kwenta, wala
tayong halaga, pag lalo na nung bata tayo takot na takot tayo pag may nangyayari
walaan lang nagkakalinga, wala man lang nagsasabi na uy okay ka lang ba. Na parang
pinabayaan ka lang na wala pakialam yun yung nagccause ng matinding sugat sa pag
iisip kasi nga na trauma ka nashock ka na wala mn lang kumakalinga na uy okay lang
yang pinagdadaanan mo.
Sense tension…
Ang right now mukhang ito yung mga lumalabas. So ang gusto ko lang sabihin sa
inyo, normal lahat. Normal. Walang mali sa mga nararmdaman niyo. Malalim ang
sugat niyo. Sobrang lalim na ang nagyayari na parang mismong ngayon parang andun
ka sa nakaraan. Okay so right now ang gusto kong gawin niyo yung oaa niyo lagay
niyo ditonifeel niyo yung floor. So kailagan ang oaa parang ipush niyo ang goal ditk is
para umakyat yung pressure. So kailangan ate focus lang on your feet ititulak niyo,
tulak niyo. Kailangan niyo itulak ng paa yung floor kumbaga parang masahe so sige
kailangan niyo maramdaman yung floor. Makakatulong..
Indistinct crying sound
Kailangan mo muna lumabas, labas muna..
Right now anong pakiramdam niyo, kailangan habang ginaganyan niyo, mag
nararmdaman ba kayong pressure, yang tense. Lahat kayo focus lang dun sa paa. Wala
kayong ibang iisipin kundj yung paa lang at sahig, paa at sahig lang ok.
Nararamdaman niyo ba yung paa niyo?
Ano pong pangalan niyo ulit?
Participant: Josie
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Ate Josie, nararamdaman mo ba yung paa saka yung sahig, ano pakiramdam. Ipush mo
siya, kailangan mo siya ipush, ang goal dito yung sakit, yung ngawit, kailangan
umakyat hangang ulo. So kailangan niyo sakin sabihin kapag umakyat na sa ulo. Wala
kaying ibang iisipin kundi yung ngawit sige focus lang sa ngawit, focus sa ngawit at sa
floor. Hinga ng malalim. Again, nasan ang ngawit ngayon ate?
Ako yung ngawit andito na sa legs ko, kayo nasan?
Kailangan siya umabot ng ulo so ibig sabihin lahat ng atensyon natin ay nandon dpat
sa ngawitvat kailangan siya umakyat sa ulo. Sige push niyo, push harder, nasan na sige
isa isa.
Umaakyat ba siya?
Participant: Sa binti
Ate kailangan mo talaga siya ipush, kailangan mo itulak kailangan itutulak mo talaga
siya kasj kungganiyan lang di mo mararamdaman yung ngawit. May nararamdaman ka
na ngawit? Then kailngan mo pa soya ipush. Itutulak mo talaga siya, nasan na nasan na
yung ngawit. Walang ngawit, ang gingawa natin ngayon js grounding, ibiv sabihin
pinupull down kayo pababa kasi yung isip niyo ngayon nawawala. So ang ginagawa
natin sainyo ngayonz hinhila kayo pababa
So ang responsibility niyo ngayon sa sarili jiyo is kailangan niyo hilahin at tumingin at
ramdamin ang floor kayo ang makakagawa niyan hindi ako. So kailangan, naka focus
lang kayo sa boses ko at sa pinapagawa ko. Ng oinapagawa konsainyo ngayon is
tutukan so kailangan maramdaman niyonyung floor. Anonyung nararamdaman niyo sa
floor? Sige pakiramdaman niyo yung floor.
Anong narararamdaman niyo sa floor.
Participant: Matigas
Pag pinupush niyo yung floor anknpakiramdam
Umaangat yung parang gumaganon
Tapos masakit na nasan na, ako nasa bewang ko na. Yung iba asana na, ang goal is
umakyat sa ulo. Ate Trixia asan na. Good.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
So ang goal dito is pinuputil natin ang patterns niyo, ang patterns niyo is pag may
nagreremind sainyo ng nakaraan niyo, kaya niyo agad siyang putulin. So ang ibig
sabihin nun, dahil lahat tayo naka focus sa paa, sa nararamdaman ng ating katawan,
yung atensyon natin so pinputulo natin. At may nangyayaei nang pagbabago sa atin.
Okay kaya na ba kaya?
Sit down. Inhale. Sakit?
Sino dito ang nakatulong? Nakatulong dahil mas nagkaroon ng atensyon sa
Sige short lang ano yung mga pakiramdam
Participant: Sakit sa ulo
Participant: Sakit sa katawan
Participant: Sakit sa paa
Pero ang maganda nun, mindfulness, naka focus agad kayo sa nararamdaman. So pg
may nararamdaman kayo agad na bigat bumalik kayo agad sa katawan ninyo, hinga
lang ng malalim, so lahat ng atensyon niyo ibalik niyo palagi sa nararamdaman.
Nakakrandam kayo ng aligaga ng inis, sabihin niyo sa sarili niyo okay lang yan. Okag
so okay lang bang ituloy ko na?
Okay so ang ano ba ang mga commmin na reaksyon natin pag tayo ay nakakaeperience
ng disaster, ng trauma? Yung strong and unpredictable feelings yung parang minsan
naiinis minsan nababaliw na tapos gantan, may ganong pakiramdam. Yun nga minsan
na ooverwhelmed, minsan punong puno na tas minsan sasabog tas minsan nababaliw
ka na lang na minsan di mo na alam yung gagagwin. Ito yung mga common reactions
okay tapos meron ding pagbabago sa isip at sa kilos. Yung kunwari mga flasbacks,
PTSD, dahil sa nangyari before parang oalagi na lang may pumpasom sa isip natin na
hindi magaganda. Kasama sa reaksyin sa trauma natin na this memories may occus for
no reason na bigla bigla na lang siyang maalala konlalao na pag may reminders. Yung
reminders na yun yung mismong pinag uusapan natinnna trauma. Kaya si Ate hindi
nakayanan kasi naremind siya ng nakaraan. Kaya yung sa iba na naapektuhan katulad
monate mukhang meron din natrigger, may naremind. Kaya pualit ulit ako na
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
pinapaalala sa inyo na hinga. Take a deep breath okay dhil totoo lahat ng
pinagdadaanan natin na di maganda. So katulad nun part ng effect nito is yung sa
pagtulog. Hindi maayos yung pagtulog diba kasi minsan di ka makatulog.
Ate, ako kasi ate madalas akong nananaginip ng alam mo yung panaginip mo parang
nasa iisang lugar ka paulit ulit. Kunwari nananginip ako ngayon andun ako sa kung
saan ako nanggaling. Nanggaling kasi ako may ampunan sa may Maynila, ngayon pag
nananaginip ako ibang tao o siguro ibang tao pero iisa ang lugar ng panaginip ko.
Minsan naman nananaginip ako ng tulog ka alam mo sa katawan mo na tulog ka pero
yung sa katawan mo yung spirit mo parang gising pero alam mo na tulog ka perk gusto
mo gumalaw na di ka makahinga. Tas yung sarili mo parang kinakapos ka sa hininga.
Or parang minsan nannginip ako na seconds na lang eh na parmg kinakapos ka na
parang naalala mo na hindi pa to yung time, na pwede pa, na naisip konpank yung
anak ko, pano.
Ate mukhang isa yan sa epekto ng pinagdaanan mo mukhang sobrang lali pero di natin
hahalukayin muna okay kasi gusto ko myna matutunan mo yung skills kasi may na
trigger sayo. So ang kailagan natin gawin sayonis putulin yung patterns mo so right
now hinga lang ng malalim. Josie, hinga lang ng malalim. Medyo malalim yung ugat
na pinagdadaanan mo pero hindi muna natin haharapin ngayon okay. Ang gusto ko
mangyari sayo is puputulin ang patterns okay so ibig sabibin nun gisto konuli humarap
ka sa sarili mo ofeel mknlang yung floor na andito ako sa Shepherds.
Sabihin niyo nga sa sarili niyo
Andito ako sa Shepherds
Ano yung nakikita mo, ano yung naririnig mo?
Parang wala naman
Boses ko di mo naririnig?
Participant: Boses mo lang pero yung iba parang ang hirap ano
Sige nga ano yung pakiramdam nv hinahawakan niyo. Focus lang. Kasi ramdam na
ramdam ko yung hindi mapakali okay at ang pangit ng ganiyang pakiramdam. Hindi
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
maganda gung ganiyang pakiramdam pero ito yung makakatulong satin. Anknyung
nararamdaman ng kamay?
Sige hawak and lahat ng atensyon andun sa hinahawakan, yun lang. Idescribe niyo
sakin yung atensyon, ay yung pakiramdam.
Madulas na magaspang, sainyo?
Matigas na matigas
Matigas din, malamig
So anong pakiramdam na kahit 1 to 2 seconds nawala
So ibig sabihin, kaya, kaya, okay, kaya kaya kaya safe kayo dito safe. Wala kayo sa
nakaraan. Andito kayo sa Shepherd kausap niyo ko at naririnig ang boses, okay.
Nasan ka ate, ano uling pangalan mo?
Participant: Reena po
Nasan, tingin dito sakin. Ang isng makakatulong sa inyo ay pag upo diretso. So may
pagbabago sa pag iisip at sa kilos. Yung mga nararanasan niyo ngayon na pag abago
yun nga, iba iba yung mga iniisio niyo, dahil dun sa result niyo dun sa haze. Grabe
yung pinagdaanan niyo so kailangan tayong magsama sama dito para magtulungan
okay. Matulungan natin yun isat isa na maramdaman na kaya. Kasi nung una palng,
kaya na eh. Kaya medyo mahirap, malalaman niyo kung bakit, okay? Okay.
So meron din sensitivity to environmental factors. So madaling ano, kunwari sa ilaw
madaling mano sa noise onkaya yung mga nakadikit, so may epekto ang trauma sa
kunwari yung sa smell eh may nagyari dati na naremind sayo kaya fayo sensitive. May
rason kung bakit ito ang nangyari sa atin. Kung bakit tayo ang nakaranas ng matindi at
nagkakaroon ito ng epekto din sa relasyon. At ito ay mga epekto ng common reaction
pag tayonay nakakaranas ng trauma at mga physical symptoms lalo na ng migrane diba
minsan may kung ano anong sakit so minsan kasama talaga siya sa sintomas.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
So ang trauma daw sabi ni Stephen Forges ay disruption kumbaga ang dating buo nang
dahil sa trauma, nawala yung pagkabuo niya. So ganoon yung pagkakaintindi niya
tungkol sa trauma. At yung trauuma na iyin ay nagstay sa ating katawan kaya yun
yung mga pinagdadaanan niyo ngayon. Kaya nagiging emosyonal kayo ngayon is kasi
nareremind kayo ng mga lalim na pinagdaanan ninyo.
So ito na, kung bakit ganon ang reaksyon okay. So sa ating nervous system, may
tinatawag na sypathetic at parasympathetic. So ang ibig sabihin lang niyan, mukhang
medyo nakakatakot ano kasi nakakatakot siya kasi parang ang hirap naman intindihin
niyan. Pero amg ibig lang sabihin niyan yung isang partvsa utak natin ang autonomic
nervous system, ibig sabihin, siya ang may hawak ng mga nangyayari sa katawan ng di
mo iniisip. Ano ba yung mga nangyayari sa katawan monna di mo iniisip na dpat
mangyari, yung heartbeat diba. Inisip mo ba na kailangan tumibok ang ating puso?
Ano pa yung mga automatic natin sa katawan?
Kailangan mo ba isipin na 'hoy huminga ka', hindi diba so ano pa?
So lahat ng mga ito ang may hawak niyan ay yung autonomic nervous system. At
meron din siyang hawak, yung sympathetic nervous system. Ang hawak niya is, ang
ibig sabihin niyan may parte sa ating katawan na nagsasabi na kunwari si ate pag tayo
ay nakakarandam ng hindi ligtas at natatakot, ang ibig sabihin nitong sympathetic
nervous system ang reaksyon niya ay fight, flight, or freeze. Ibig sabihin itonyung mga
reaksyon ng mga nanlalaban. So kunwari sinasabi mo yung sa pag nagagalit, ako pag
ako nagagalit, kasi galing din ako sa di magandang karanasan eh so nadadala ko siya
ngayon sa mga anak ko. Eh ang tatay ko kasi magagaliting tao, mahilig
magbubunganga so ang nagyayari sakin, nagagawa konsa mga anak ko. So ngiging
reactive ko. So dahil may isang oart oa sakin na di pa talaga proseso, pero aware na ko
ngayon yun yung importante dun eh, aware na konsonpv ako ay nakakaramdam na ako
ay di ligtas, ang nangyayari sakin, nagrereact ako. Nagffight ako, nanlalaban ako.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Freeze yung parang numb parang manhid o kaya flight, ibig sabihin umaalis sa
sitwasyon. Yung umaalis sa sitwasyon para ano yan pwedeng addiction. Di ba yung
mga drugs, di ba imbes na harapin monyung problema ano nangyayari, dinadaan mo
nalang sa minsan sa kain diba. Ang sarap kumain di ba lalo na kapag may problema. O
kaya manonood nalang yung mga nobela, mga tv series. Kinakailangan natin yung
mga ganitong reactions kasi yun ang tanging oaraan natin para mabuhay. Kasi ang utak
po natin, ayaw natin ng sakit, ayaw natin maramdam ng sakit. Gusto natin
makaramdam ng palaging masaya. Kaya nga mga Pilipino laging diba sabi niyo kanina
mga Pilipino hindi hinaharap yung problema, dinadaan lang sa tawa kasi nga pag
ginawa mong seryoso yan ano mangyayari?
Ayun yan ang ayaw na ayaw ng ating utak. Na sobra sobra. Kaya ko sinasabinna
normal yung ganoong reaksyon. So meron namang isa yung Parasympathetic merong
dalawang sistema yan. Yung isang sistema, anong nararamdaman niyo kanina nung
tumatawa kayo?
Masaya lang, walang iniiisip, happy lang.
Yun yung pakiramdam ng Nervous System natin pag tayo ay di natin nasesense na
nasa danger tayo o panganib. Peeo nung pinag usapan na natin, anonyung nagtrigger
sainyo nung naramdaman niyo. Ano yung nasabi ko kaya bumabalik kayo?
My nasabi ba ko kanina? So nung pinag uusapan nayin yung tungkol s expeeiences,
ano nangyari sainyo?
Participant: Bumalik
Bumalik, so ng nasa Nervous System niyo. Bumalik kayo, ibig sabibin nag react siya.
Na trigger soya. Kumbaga lahat ng nangyayari sa inyo, walang mali. Kasi normal lahat
ng mga nararamdaman niyo. Kaya lang ito nangyayari sainyo kasi na stock sa katawan.
Kay react kayo ng react ngayon. Kala niyo andun pa rin kayo sa nakaraan. So yung
sinasabing ventral vagal masyado nang teknikal, ang point lang nito kayo ko
pinapaintindi sa atin is para maintindihan natin na walang mali. Kasi nva yung iba
sasabihin 'masyado ka naman nag eemote, sobra mo naman sensitive' diba ikaw pa
yung huhusgahan dahil may pinagdadaanan ka. So mali yun kasi lahat nga ng
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
pinagdadaanan natin na matitindi, meron tayong kanita kaniyang reaksyon at yung
reaksyon na yun is biological meaning ito yung katawan natin kung papano magreact
sa sitwasyon. Ibig sabihin di tayo nakakaramdam ng ligtas. Kung yung karanasan niyo
ay konektado sa nakaraan diba matindi Ibig sabihin simulat simula pa nung kayo ay
bata yung utak niyo ibig sabihin naka focus lang para mabuhay. Ibig sabihin yung
utak niyonsimulat simula hindi siya ligtas. Di kayo nakarans ng ligtas so ibig sabihin
hangang sa pagtanda niyo ngayo kayo react ng react feeling ng utal niyo di kayo ligtas
kasi nakaranas kayo ng sakit. At dahil na stock sa katawan yung sakit yun yung may
nakikita tayo o nararamdaman kala natin umuulit yung nakaraan kasi nga na stock sa
katawan natin yung trauma. Hindi siya lumalabas eh so react lang tayo ng react kasi
may isang oart sa utak natin na nagsasabi na 'oh nako baka masaktan ka na naman'
kumbaga yung araw araw yung sinasabi mo na oati panaginip mo lumalabas kasi
simulat simula di mo naramdaman na ligtas ka kaya react ka ng reactm yung isang part
nato, dito pumapasok yung mga taong may suicidal tendencies. Meron ba dito may
So ibig sabihin yung part ma nangyari sayo Ate Trixia is gusto mo wala ka na,
kumbaga dead end. Dahil ayaw ng utak natin nv sakit, ng pain. Gusto natin mawala eh.
Kasi alam natin pag namatay na tayo, wala na yung sakit.
Feeling mo tapos na.
Yes. Kasi ng gusto natin ayaw natin masaktan, ayoko masaktan. So oara mawala talaga
yung sakit, so feeling mo ginawa mo na lahat pero andun pa rin yung sakit, parang
nagiging solusyon is mawala na lang. Pero yung pinagdadaanan natin normal din yun
walmg mali dunm so ang gingawa ko saintonngayon ay tinutulungan ko kayo pumunta
doon sa ventral vagal. Itonyung feeling niyo noon nung tumawa kayo eto yung feeling
kanina na pag humihinga kayo, kumakalma, siya yun. Eh ang nagyayarinoala pwede
pala natin gawin yun na bumalik sa ganun. Eh kaya lang kasi nasanay na tayo sa
oakiramdam na di tayo ligtas. So dahil nasanay na makapal na makapal na sobra yung
nakasanayan so yung sinsabi ninate kanina na dinkonkaya kasi nasanay sa ganoong
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
sistema. Hindi agad nakakabalik kasi ayun yung nasanay. So ang ginagawa natin
bgayon is since first tiem na gingawa to nakapagvreat kayo ng bagong kaparaan para
matulungan ninyo ang sarili ninyo. Ang susi dito is consistency. Ano ba yung ibig
sabihin ng consistency, tuloy tuloy. Kasi kung ginawa niyo lang to once, malaki yung
tyansa na babalik kayo dun sa nakasanayn niyo. Kay ng dun sa umpisa, hinga ng
malalim, kaya sa umpisa mahirao kasi nga nasanay n tayo dun sa nakasanayan eh kaya
ngayon mahirap gumawa ng bago. Pero since nagawa niyo na, ibig sabihin kaya pala,
kaya. Yung yung tinatawag na pag – asa.Mamaya dun niyo mas malalaman yung
kabutihan ng Diyos. Kasinyun yung grasya ng Diyos. Gagawin konlang biblical ah. Di
ba bago ang kasalanan ano ang meron. Bago magkasala si adan at eba ano ang meron?
Yung kumpleto sa lahat, sagana.
Lahat mabuti, walang mali, walang malisya
Pero dahil sa kasalanan ano nangyari
Nagkaron sila ng isip, na hubad sila.
Hindi lang yun, dun tayo nagkaron ng shame ng mali. Kaya tayo nahihiraoan ngayon
kasi nga diba originally di sanay sa pain. Kasi originally walang pain eh. Pero nung
nagkasala, anonnangyari, lahat nagkamali mali na. So yung utak natin, di siya sanay
originally na msakit so pilit natin na binabalik pero dahil sa kasalanan na stock na tayo
don. Pero mamaya mas malalaman niyo yung importansya kung bakit natin kinikilala
yung sarili natin. Dito pumapasok si Satan. Kasi alam ni Satan kung papano tayo, kung
san ka mahina. So ang gagawin niya papabalikin niya dun sa nakaraan na alam niya na
tapos na. Eh kaya lang nakastock siya sa katawan mo, di siya lumalabas. So ang
nangyayari sayo, para kang nabubuhay sa nakaraan. So ang ginagawa natin ngayon is
kaya ko kayo pinapabalik kaya ko kayo pinapahinga, breath, take deep breath, kasi ito
yung responsibility niyo sa sarili niyo. Pag humihinga kayo, dun kayo bumabalik sa
pagkakalma. Pero pag shallow lang ang inyong paghinga, kailangan yung isip niyo
nasa hininga, focus lang sa hininga yun yun makakatulong. Ngayon medyo nakakainis
yung di mapakali. Ang sakit sakit ng ganong pakiramdam, nakakainis kasi may mga
pinuputol tayong patterns ngayon kaya nakakainis siya.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Okay so ang kailangan natin is yung neurosception.
Sabihin niyo nga 'Ibig sabihin niyan sa loob palang ng katawan natin mayroong
nakikinig sa loob at labas at relasyon natin sa labas. So itong neurosception siya ang
nakakaalm aiya ng nagsasabi kung tayo y nasa danger o nasa safety. Ano ba ang
danger sa tagalog?
O threat nasa delikado
So yung neurosception nangyayari siya, alam niyo yung unconscious yung walang
malay, so yung neuroaceptionnsa loob nv ating katawan yung nervous system, hindi
mo namamlayan meeon kang security guard sa loob mo na nagmamasid kung ikaw ay
ligtas o hindi. So nung pinag usapan natin yung sa experiences niyo, biglang nagreact
yung nervous system at sinabing hindi kayo ligtas. Kasi bumalik yung utak niyo sa
nakaraan. So ang nangyari ngayon, feeling niyo, di na ligtas. Kaya ang ginagawa ko,
inhale, para makabalik kayo sa sarili niyo kasi pav nakabalik kayo sa sarili niyo dun
lang kayo mkkabalik ng maayos. Peeo pag naka stock kayo dito, utak niyo andun lang
sa nakaraan nakapag isip ba kayo ng maayos? So miski mag isip kayo ng mag isip pero
pag may pinagdadaanan kayo di kayonmakakakhanao ng tamang solusyon so inhale.
Pasensya na kung paulit ulit akonsa inhale kasi ramdam ko kayong dalwa na
masyadong na trigger dun sa pinag uusapan okay. Hindi siguro ganun kadali yung mga
iniisip niyo ngayon kasi masyadong mabigat.
Okay lang ba right now, ivalidate niyo lang. Ibig sabihin kayo mismo anong
pakiramdam mo Ate?
Mabigat? Sa buong katawan? Ang hirao ng ganiyang pakiramdam
Anong pakiramdam mo ate?
Nawawala sa focus
Participant: Mabigat
Participant: Natatakot
Participant: Ako mas okay na
So totoo yung takot, so gusto ko iparamdam sainyo na okay lang ba maghawak tayo?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Tapos ang kailangan dito ang focus niyo ay nandoon sa pisil.
Konting pisil lang, massage. Kasi gusto ko naka focus kayo. Focus lang, focus dun sa
pisil. Kaya niyo to ginagawa kasi mahal niyo sarili niyo. Sabihin niyo nga sa sarili niyo
'mahal konsarili ko, walang mali sakin, walmg mali sakin, mahalaga ako' paulit ulit
habang nararamdaman niyo yong massage sabihan niyo sarili niyo mahalaga ako.
Importante ako, wlamg mali sakin, okay lang matakot, okay lang mabigat, walang
malinsa nararamdaman ko sige
Anong pakiramdam?
Participant: Masakit
Good, ibig sabihin nadistract ka.
Participant: Masarap
Ikaw Ate Trixia
Yan ang grasya ng Diyos, gusto ko lang paramdam sainyo may pag – asa. May
nangyayari na eh mamaya papakita ko sainyo.
So dito sa neuruception importante na aware kayo sa sarili, kasi pag alm niyo na
palnag mabigat, may responsibilidad na tayong sarili natin na bumalik dun sa ventral
vagal. Yung yung feeling na naramdaman niyo kanina na tumatawa yun yun. Okay?
Nakabalik ka ba Ate Trixia? Okay. Sige intayin natin si Ate. Ayan stretch lang.
Lahatng ginagawa natin dito ay smills na kailangan niyo iapply okay mahirap siya sa
umpisa. So mangyayari sa umpisa malaking tyansa bbaalk kayo dun sa nakasanayan
niyo so yun yung medyo susi ops kailangn konbunalik dun sa bago. Itonyung bago,
yung bago is napuputol niyo yung mga nakasanayan. Kasi sa utak natin, ito mas
makapal kesa dito. Yung nangyari sa inyo kasi first time niyo. Eto yung utak kasi,
neurons yan so ibig sabihin nito, yung tinatawag na neuroception kumbaga siya yung
nagmamasid satin kung tayo ay ligtas o hindi. So kung may mangyari sa loob ng
katawan, sa labas, at sa relasyon natin. So 24/7 yan nagmamasid kung tayo ay ligtas o
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
hindi. Yung ligtas na yun o yung hindi yung danger na yun miski iniimagine mo lang,
iniisip mo lang, na hindi namn talaga nangyayari sa atin kaya tayo nagrereact.
So ibig sabihin so far sige, naiintindihan naman yung ineexplain ko sa utak? Malinaw
o medyo magulo
Participant: Magulo
San dun ang magulo kasi gusto ko maintindihan niyo eh para mas alam niyo yung
gagawin para sa sarili niyo. San pa yung medyo naguguluhan kasi wala pa tayo sa
gitna. Dalian na natin medyo 30 minutes na lang. So yung utak natin, yung nervous
system natin siya ang humahawak sa pag iisip natin sa nararamdamanq, sa kinikilos
natin at komunikasyon. So right now, lahat ng nagyayarinsa inyo malaking part diyan
ang utak at nervous system natin. So sanervous system natin, yung pre frontal cortex,
ito yung tinatawag natin na thinking brain. Etong gitna emotional brain lalao na si
amygdala, diba pag may sunog ano yung nagsesend ng smoke detector diba siya yung
nagsasabi na maybsunog pag naamoy, sa utal natin, si amygdala, yung nakak sense ng
threat detector.Siya yung nakaka sense kung tayo ay nasa panganib, mabilis ang travel
time nito bagonka pa makatapos ng 123 nagreact ka na, so yan yung nangyayari sainyo
ngayon, kala niyo ngayon di kayo ligtas kasi nga may nagremind sainyontungkol sa
nakaraan at nung na sense na amygdala na uy may panganib, maski yung panganib eh
nagsalita lang ako sa nakaraan sa utak niyo panganib na siya at nung sinabi na may
panganib, nagpadala siya ng mensahe dito kay brain stem hawakan niyo yung dito
yung spinal cord siya yung sympathetic or a sympathetic, flight or fight, ibig sabihin,
siya yung nagsesend, sinend ni amygdala kay brain stem na nasa panganib at nung
nasa panganib kailangan nasa survival response. So ibig sabihin nito kapag tayo ay.
Nagrereact yung thinking part of the brain, eto yung dito tayo nakakapag isip ng
solusyon sa problema ito yung creative, dito tayo nagbibigay ng pagmamahal, dito
tayo nagbibigay ng alam monyun care yung binibigay mong pagkalinga sa ibang tao,
dito nangyayari yun.
Sige hinga lang tayo, pagod na? Malapit na tayo, so gusto ko lang to mas maintindihan
kasi ito yung oundasyon natin eh so nung pag nagrereact to, ito shut down. Kaya ano
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
sabi mo kanina, wala sa atensyon kasi wala na ti kasi nagrereact wala na atensyon pero
pag humihinga, pinapakalma natin ito. At pag kumalma na siya, umaakyat, at pag
umakyat, yun yung may koneksyon na tayo sa sarili natin, at kung may koneksyon na
tayo sa sarili natin, mas nakakapag isip na tayo ng maayos. Di na tayo aligaga, medyo
aligaga pero di na tayo naka stock sa nakaraan na apektado ngmga bagay bagay. So
ang ginagawa natin, pag pinahinga ko kayo pinuputol natin kung ano yung nasanay sa
inyo. Na pag may pinagdadaanan kayo, ito yung reaksyon, yung normal na reaksyon
niyo kasi makapal siya eh. Diba pag nagpuputol ng ouno, mabilis lang ba yun?
Matagal, so ganun din sa utak di siya one time lang mwawala yung pano niyo
mahaharap yung problema. So yung nararamdaman niyo ngayon, nandyan yan na
oarang wala na solusyon sa problema kasi nga nasanay na kayo na ganun yung
relasyon niyo sa latawan niyo, pero yung pinapagawa ko sainyo pagpuputal at yung
mga ginagawa niyo ngayon, nakaka create na kayo ng bagong daan sa utak niyo. Pero
anong kailangan gawin para kumpal din to?
Kelangan tuloy tuloy sa pano niyo gawin para tuloy tuloy
Kelangan gawin ng paulot ulit para kumapal din siya. Yan yung sinasabi ko sainyo sa
umpisa, mahirap baguhin. Again, ang susi sa paghinga, yung mabagal, at longer mas
mahaba kasi pag ganto lang lalong magrereact si amygdala lalo kayo magiging aligaga.
So ang tulong niyo sa sarili niyo, responsibilidad niyo, kayanin yung mga nakakainis
maramdaman na kahit mahirap kakayanin paunti unti, which is nangyayari sa inyo,
okay ba yun?
Interviewer: So yung si brain stem, so sinsabi dito kahit anong klaseng panganib, kahit
iniisip mo lang yan, nagrereact si amygdala, Diba nagsulat lang kayo kanina pero
feeling niyo bumalik kayo sa nakaraan, kasi nattrigger niyo si amygdala eh at hangang
ngayon nattrigger niyo kaya kanina konpa kayo pinapaganyan kasi kailangan niyo
bumalik sa realidad sa ground. Kaya ang tawag dun is grounding ibig sabihin hinihila
niyo pababa ang sarili niyo kasi lag nagrereact kaya ang utak niyo kung san san kasi
yun yung nasanay. So sa umpisahan pahirapahan kailangan ibalik mo uli sarili mo.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Ang unang nakakatanggap ng impormasyon galing sa labas ay ating mga senses.
Nakikita, naritinig nalalasahan, and narinig niyo sakin na eto yung trauma so pano
bumalik uli at kumalma si amygdala, gamitin uli natin ang senses kaya kanina kanina
ko pa sinsabi ano yung pakiramdam kasi yun yung makakapagbalik sa inyo at walang
makakagawa lalo na ako kasi kayo lang makakgawa nun sa sarili niyo, hindi ako. So
kailangan niyo gawin sa sarili niyo, inhale. Pag ginagawa niyo yung breathing, ano
Mlauwag, see yun lang yun. Okay, kaya, so bukod sa fight, flight response diba,
physically, kaya pag may stress tayo at may sakit tayo na katabihan, madali tayo
magkasakit, dib a nga shut down ito at pati yung ibang functions ng katawan natin,
shut down. Maski yung immune system natin yung lumalaban sam ga sakit, di siya
nagwwork kapag tayo ay stressed, Di ba yung digestion natin yung sa pag tunaw. Di
ban ga pag stress tayo, yung panunaw di rin siya nagwwork kasi nga lahat ng energy
eh nandun sa kelangan mabuhay. Yung fight, flight, kelangan mabuhay, so nandun
yung, tayo naka sentro na kelangan ko manuhay so kaya lahat ng obligasyon ng ating
katawan ay di nagagawa kapag tayo ay stressed. So mamaya may meron kayong
assignment na makakagulong para ma monitor niyo yung sarili niyo. So katulad niyan,
nakakita ka ng sawa dibaso si amygdala nagreact agad, so pag nagreact agad yan yung
thinking brain natin ay di gumagana. So pag di gumagana si thinking brain, yung
atensyon niyo 50 50. So normal yang lahat ng ginagawa niyo, di niyo naiintindihan
yung mga sinasabi ko.
Participant: Yung experience namin sa ahas pumasok sa bahay
Interviewer: Gaano kalaki
Participant: Malaki na rin po, so siya imbes na tulungan niya ko..
Interviewer: Ah normal yung reaksyon, nag freeze
Pero sinigawan ko siya
Interviewer: Ikaw yung nag fight, siya nag freeze
Interviewer: Yan ang nangyayari so makakita ka man ng sawa o maisip mo yung
nakaraan mo, parehong reaksyon lang. Eh papano yong wala naman talaga panganib,
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
nasa Shepherd ka sobra kang safe pero yung utak mo andun ka sa nakaraan
nakakatakot nun kasi pag palaginkang stressed nagrerelease ka ng stress hormone yung
cortisol. At yung stress hormone literally nakakdamage siya ng utak kaya nga pag
stress ka, makaklimutin ka diba, kasi pumapatay siya ng mga brain cells. Inig sabihin
yung utak mo lumiliit, at di lang sa utak, dib a kaya nga nagkakatoon ng cancer, heart
attack kasi lag nagrrelease ka ng stress hormone di siya nakakbuti sa katawan, So
kunwari na stress ka, yung cortisol, yung stress hormone na yun, nagsstay sa katawan
ng ilang oras. Eh papano kung palagi ka nattrigger? Nagrerelease nagrereact ano
mangyayati magkakasakit talaga kasi pag stress tayo kelangan may extra energy ka,
adrenalin. Eh papano kung wala na talaga g danger di yung puso mo bibilis yung tibok
kasi kala niya may danger, so palagi siya on the go. Do ba pag nalindol o kaya sa
bulkan lagi nagkakagulo yun palagi yung oakiramdam natinpag tayo ay stress so sino
nahirapan dun, yung katawan diba. So buti nalang yung grasya ng Diyos, may
kaparaanan yung paghinga lang, isang malaking bagay na yun, yung maramdaman mo
lang onkaya ang ganda nga ng lugar niyo, yung trees tignan mo lang, pampakalma na
siya. So ang goal natin, is mapunta dun sa gitna. Pag hyper arouse ito yung nagrereact
yung amygdala eh hyper and hypo so ito yung magiging assignment niyo na identify
niyo araw araw, explain ko patingin nga, yan so eto yung ventral vagal yung tumawa
kayo yung ganung pakiramdam okay so ganto yan yung ventral vagal yan yung
pakiramdam na kalmado, pag humihinga kayo, nagkakaton kayo ng koneksyon sa satili
tas yung sympathetic mobilize ito yung nakakita ka ng sawa yun yung oakiramdam na
yan okay, Yung dorsal vagal, yung immobilize yung nanginginig ka lang na oarang
malayong malayo ka na sa sarili mo yung lutang tulala yan yun, ito ba palagi
nararamdaman ito, ang importansya nito is mamonitor niyo yung sarili niyo ang goal
niyan is magkaron kayo ng awareness kasi pag alam niyo na pala na uy para kong
nakakita ng sawa eh wala naman talaga kelangan niyo lang gawin is yung skills na
pampakalma. Ang self regulation is collection niyo sa sarili pag a sympathetic at dorsal
vagal, nawawala yung koneksyon natin sa sarili pero pag ansa ventral vagal tayo
nagkakaron tayo ng koneksyon sa sarili. Walang mali na minsanmag feeling tulala
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
walang masama kasi nga yun yung normal na reaksyon eh yun yung creation satin ni
God, kaya lang tayo ganto kasi nga dahil sa sin.
So part ng restoration, dib a lahat tayo nakapatanggap na kay Kristo, ibig sabihin kaya
nga gusto yung tungkol sa brain dun mo marealize na wow lahat ng bagay may sagot
eh so yung grasya ng Diyos dun ibig sabihin any minute pede ka magbago. Di ba sabi
ni Paul yung old self to new self, dib a yung old self kung ano yung nasanay na so
ngayon kaya ang hirap, sabi ba sa bible makaranasa ka ng hirap, yung mga nasanay mo
yun yung kelangan tanggalin kasi di na nakakabuti. So gagawin niyo assignment
imomonito niyo sarili niyo araw araw, igph gantong araw nakadama ko ng masayo o
relax o maya ngayong araw, naging aligaga ako di ako mapakali di komportable kasi
feeling ko nalulunod na ko sa nararamdaman ko. So sa dorsal vagal ito yan tama ito
yung dito kayo pwede kumuha ng sagot okay from here diba nakalagay ventral vagal,
nandito siya oh dito sa gitna ang nakakapag isip kayo ng maayos, nagkakaroon ng eye
contact tapos napapansin yung hininga, napapansin niyo, yun yung ventral vagal. Yung
sympathetic ito yung sa kanan yung hyper alert, yung miski wala problema pero
feelingnoaranoid, ito yung yung hypervigilant na lagi nagmamasid na defensive yung
anxious, aggressive yung oag galit nagmumjra, namamalo, sumisigaw ayan yung
sympathetic. Yung nasa dulo yan yung dorsal vagal immobilize nasa kaliwa ito yung
feeling mo helpless wala magawa, lunod sa problema, wala ka na magawa sa
sitwasyon tapos sobrang manhid ka na na ayaw mo na maramdaman isipin mo wala na
pag asa, deppression, gusto mag isa ayaw na ng tao, yung nasa likod niya, ito yung
mga paraan para mag self regulate, kunwari uminom ng tubig gamit ang straw, so
every time na may gingawa kayo, ang susi dito is emosyon na sanay kayo yung utak
niyo san napupunta so lahat ng ginagawa niyo ay nasa here and now ang tawag doon
ay mindfulness ibig sabihin kahat ng ginagawa niyo atensyon niyo nasan dapat nasa
ngayon nakukuha ako, ngayon so gawin niyo araw araw tapos lalagay niyo kung ano
napapansin niyo sa sarili niyo. Kasi isa lang binibay ko na gango, kung may papel
kayo gawin niyo pansinin niyo lang kung buong araw bago matulog kung buong araw
eh dito kayo nagstay o naging kalmado kayo eto palak o lagi ko nandito so kelangan
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
mo tulungan sarili ko na maging kalmado so dito rin pala, inexplain ko to yung grace
ni God grasyo ng Dyis kasi ang utak natin ay pkastic ibig sabihin nun di lahat ng
nangyare sainyo permanente na diy un forever walang forever kasi ang grasya ng
Diyos, positive man yan o negative yung ginawa niyo mismo sa session positive to so
kung ano man yung napag daanan niyo dati, ang grasyo ng Diyos eh may lag asa kala
niyo lang wala nangyayari kay di niyo maramdaman ng buo yung 10 na yun kasi nga
manipis pa eh kaya ang goal natin is kumapal siya pero di ako gagawa nun sino
gagawa at di kang isang beses kasi gango lang siya, sabi sa oarable lag di mo ginamit
talento mo, nawawala.
Sa utak natin, nakaklimutan kasi may nangyayari sa utak yung neurons yun yung utak
natin so sa loob ng utak maraming neurons, pag di o ginagamit, mawawala na siya.
Ang tricky diyan is yung akapal na ya nang hitap tanggalin so para mawala kelangan
dito ka pumunta importante diyan yung mindfulness, kung ano yung merin ka ngayon.
Akais sa ngayon, nandun yung ating kapangyarihan na magbago kasi wala na tayo
magagawa sa kanina eh at wala tayo magagawa sa kinabukasan kasi di pa nangyayari
eh, so san ka meron, sa ngayon so importante mindfulness so pag bumibigat na
pakiramdam hinga lang importante kilala natin sarili natin pag bumibigat na
pakiramdam ibig sabihin ang dami ko na iniisip na di maganda somkelangan ko pala
mag regulate, gamitin ang senses ano yung nakikita atensyon buing buo sa ngayon
kaya plastic an gating utak si eto na.
Yung self regulation yung pano mo minamanage yung sarili mo ang ibig sabihin ng
regulation is yung bumabalik k asa sarili mo para di na magshut down kelangan mo
iregulate like tawa diba right yun yung grace ni God hope ni God, ayaw ni Satan gusto
niya tayo naka shut down ayaw ni satan ginagamit utak natin, kasi every time na
trigger tayo, ang iniiso lang natin palagi sarili lang kasi normal na kelangan mo
mabuhay eh diba flight or flight kelangan mo mabuhay so pag aligagaga kawala na
pagod ka na naapektuhan na yung ganun eh na na ginagamit ang utak kasi dito natin
kinakausap ang Diyos, so ginagawa ni Satan, kaya may mga lies para madali ma
trigger si amygdala, wala naman ginagawa masam si amygdala kasi siya yung
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
nagsasabi na tayo ay nasa panganib, eh kaya lang kung walang totoong panganib lagi
na lang tayo pagod, right so iregulate natin ang sarili natin. So ang pwede natin gawin
pag regulate, gawa tayo ng paraan para maregulate uli. Kelangan makaramdam tayo na
safe tayo. Kasi ngayon mismo may problema ba kayo, wala. Pag naglalabas ng love
hormone, si oxytocin, love hormone, maganda sa katawan yan, isa si cortisol, stress
Interviewer: So find a partner, yakap lang tayo eto muna, excited ah. So wala kayong
ibang iisipin kundi yung sa harap mo na nagbibigay ng yakap. Gusto ko bigyan niyo
ng regalo niyo yung sarili niyo, ramdamin niyo yung yakap. Gawin niyo for 20
seconds ah, yakap, pikit ang mata tapos ganun lang ramdamin niyo lang yung bawat
isa, yung comfort, tapos pag medyo nasstress kayo ibig sabihin may naiisip kayong iba
balikan niyo lang uli yung pakiramdam ng katawan niyo, tanggapin niyo yung
pagmamahal kasi grasya yan ng Diyos, may halaga kayo, deserve niyo tong gantong
pakiramdam so tanggapin niyo ng buong buo kasi ito yung regalo sa inyo mismo.
Gayon na pinaparamdam sainyo ng Diyos na walang masama sa inyo, na nagssurvive
lang kayo so tanggapin niyo tong grasya ng Diyos. Tanggapin niyo yung pagmamahal
na nararamdaman niyo sa bawat isa ngayon at buong buo niyo tong tanggapin na
walang panghuhusga na kelangan niyo to na to ang binigay ng Diyos, sa mga
pinagdadaanan natin, sa mga simpleng bagay na nararanasan natin, mararamdaman
natin na ok lang tayo. Na may buhay, may halaga, tapos sabihin niyo nang sa kasama
niyo na pabulong na may halaga ka. Walang mali sayo, mahal ka ng Diyos. Ok sige,
thank you.
Interviewer: Again, ano naramdaman niyo ngayon baka naging emosyonal kayo
Participant: May kasama
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Andyan, umakyat kayo, yan yung pakiramdam na ifeel niyo ngayon. Hinga ng
malalim, namnamin niyo yung experience, ang sarap right Ate Trixia, namnamin niyo
yan. Tanggapin niyo ng buong buo, deserve niyo yang ganyang pakiramdam,
pinaramdam sainyo ng Diyos yan. May pag – asa okay. Yung sa Oxytocin din para
kumalma si Amygdala yung tono ng boses, kasi pag nagging ang boses nagrereact
agad yan. So yung ganto pagyumayakap, kumakalma yan kaya nagkakaroon kayo ng
control sa sarili niyo ngayon mas maluwag okay tapos ano pa yun, warm touch, warm
face, and warm voice so nakuha niyo bat ganyan, so nagrereact yan, kaya yung
laughter yung nagbibigay ng ligtas na pakiramdam so everyday make a goal san kayo
ligtas okay. So yun yung ginawa natin yung hug, mindfulness sige malapit na tayo
matapos, don’t worry so ngayon upo kayo ng maayos mag mimindfulness activity
lahat ng iniisip niyo ay teka lang ah.
So yung mindfulness ibig sabihin lahat ng iniisip niyo nasa ngayon okay so yan hot
cocoa so hihigop tayo ng hot cocoa. Sino na sainyo nakahigop ng hot cocoa, kale
nalang sige. So lahat n gating atensyon nasa kape. Pikit niyo ang mata tapos sa harapan
niyo meron kayo hawak hawak na kape, meron kayong mug, tas hawak hawak niyo
siya tapos ilagay niyo sa ilong niyo, wag masyado malapit kasi mamaya mapaso yung
ilong so medyo anonlang malayo ng onti tapo close your eyes tapos ilagay yung kape
sa may ilong tas singhotin ng mabagal. Anong pakiramdam ng singhot, ano yung amoy
nung kape, tuloy tuloy lang amuyin niyo yung kape tapos unti unti niyong higupin.
Mainit, ano pakiramdam ng kape?
Sarap, mainit init at nararamdaman ng tiyan niyo yung init at yung sarap nung kale,
unti unti yung buong katawan niyo, mula sa ulo tapos ramdam niyo yung init na
nagcocover sa buong mukha niyo tas pababa sa may throat ramdam niyo yung init ng
kape pababa sa chest, sa dibdib at ramdam ng inyong braso at kamay yung arom yung
amoy ng kape pababa sa tyan at sa tyan niyo ramdamna ramdam niyo yung init at yung
sarap ng kape at umaabkt yung init pababa hangang sa inyong legs na nararamdaman
papunta sa inyong tuhod at umaabot hangang paa at daliri sa paa, so hinga ng malalim
hipan niyo yung kape, higupin niyo ng konti yung kape. At nararamdaman niyo na sa
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
lalamunan yung init unti unting bumaba sa may tyan at nararamdaman niyo ang init ng
inyong katawan. Okay open your eyes. Anong lasa?
Participant: Mapait. Masarap na kape kasi barako.
Pero ano pakiramdam ng katawan niyo? Kalma.
Pwede niyo bang ituloy yung drawing niyo tapos imark niyo lang kung anong
pakiramdam niyo ngayon. Okay at ididiscuss ko na ang inyong assignment tas
magshshare lang tayo ng short. Okay sa lagay niyo sa likod, kunin niyo yung ganto
tapos lagay sa likod. So naiintindihan niyo ba yung dito yan so ngayon may ddrawing
kayo dyan yung tatawag na profile map yan sa likod baliktarin niyo lang, art map.
Ngayon, drawing lang kayo ng itsura niyo pag kayo ay nasa sympathetic response
yung pakiramdam na nakakita kayo ng sawa. So yung drawing basta kung ano lang
madrawing niyo, so drawing niyo yung pakiramdam niyo na nasa sympathetic yung
nakakita ng sawa o kaya pag kayo ay nagaga,it ano yung iddrawing niyo pag andun
kayo pag andun kayo sa state oo drawing.
Ako napapatalon ako eh.
Interviewer: Ayan pwede dyan napapatalon. So gusto ko lang malaman dito kung ano
yung pagkakaintindi niyo sa sarili niyo pag nandun kayo sa ganung state nasa
sympathetic response ito yung natatandaan niyo na ganto yung itsura. Yan diba pag
sympathetic response siya yung palaging magagalitin diba, palaging aligaga, palaging
hyper alert parang security guard tapos defensive palaging heart rate tibok ng tibok
tapos may tumitibok din sa utak sa ulo tapos anxious di mapakali tapos aligaga nga
yung overwhelmed, larang nalulunod highly irritable. Tapos napapsigaw di biyo
makontrol ang sigaw, aggressive nananakit na. Dissociation yung parang malayo na
kayo sa sarili niyo. Yan pag kayo ay nasa sympathetic response yung freeze flight and
fight somibig sabihin niyan alam niyong palaging may danger.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
So pag palaging may danger, feeling niyo di kayo palagi ligtas, ano yung pakiramdam
niyo, ano pinpakita niyo pag kayo ay di ligtas. Tapos yung parasympathetic ventral
vagal ito yung naramdaman niyo nung nag hug kayo, nung tumawa kayo, nung nag
breathing kayo. At dahil ganun yung pakiramdam niyo mas connected kayo sa safili
mas nakakapag isip ng maayos, mas may eye contact mas naeexpress niyo ang inyong
sarili, mas grounded kayo meaning nararamdaman niyo yung realidad, ramdam niyo
yung sarili niyo na namumuhay kayo ngayon hindi nung nakaraan na nararamdaman
niyo ang inyong pag hinga. At naexpress niyo yung sarili niyo, ya nang ventral vagal.
Pag parasympathetic dorsal vagal, eto yung naka collapse yung sobrang helpless na
walang magawa sa sitwasyon na manhid walang motivation wala na pag asa sa buhay,
sobrang pagod na, sobrang tinatamad walang pag asa depress na gusto na mag isa wala
pakialam sa mundo.
Interviewer: After nun, balik kayo dun sa drawing niyo anong nararmdaman niyo na
mas nagiging aware mayo sa nangyayari sa inyo sa loob nakapag drawing kayo ngayon
diba mas nakikilala niyo yung sarili niyo at reactions niyo sa bawat state n gating
nervous system. Yung drawing, ano yung pakiramdam niyo ngayon, balik sa sarili, ano
yung nararamdaman ng sarili niyo na mas nakikilala niyo yung sarili niyo.
Interviewer: Walang mali diyan sa drawing niyo ah kahit ano pa itsura niyan. Okay
lang yan, walang pangit diyan. Ang importante nailalabas niyo kahit anong drawing
kunwari pedeng araw sa ventral vagal kasi kalmado kayo o kaya sawa pag
sympathetic. Okay. Tapos diyan mismo sa bawat state kunwari pag ventral vagal ano
yung kelangan niyo gawin para tumagal kayo sa ganyang state tulad kanina hug diba
so para tuloy tuloy yung ganong pakiramdam pakinggan niyo satili niyo ano kelangan
niyo gawin sa sarili niyo para bumalik sa mas kalmado, na mas maluwag, sige sulat
niyo dyan katabi. Yung una niyo ba ventral vagal? Sa sympathetic ano yung kelangan
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
niyo gawin para umalis dyan sa ganyang state so pag kayo pala ay aligaga di mapakali,
naooverwhelm ano yung mga kelangan niyo gawin para matulungan niyo satili niyo na
mapunta dun sa ventral vagal. Pwede diyan yung, asan na yung isa, pwede kayo
makakuha ng sagot sa second page niyan may mga andyan yung uminom ng tubig o
kaya tumawa mag isa.
O kaya tumalon diba ano yung mga kelangan niyo gawin para makaalis kayo dyan sa
sympathetic. So pag nilagay niyo diyan, ibig sabihin, gagawin niyo siya, miski
mahirap gagawin niyo. Tapos dun sa dorsal vagal ano ang kelangan gawin para
makapunta dun sa ventral vagal lag nasa ventral vagal naman ano kelangan niyo gawin
para mag stay dun. So lara maalis pala kayo dun sa dorsal vagal baka deep breathing o
kaya hinginkayo ng yakap sa isat isa baka kelangan niyo lang ng yakap. Focus lang sa
gingawa niyo, lahat ng pipiliin niyo ibig sabihin yun ang gagawin niyo. Baka
kinakailangan yung ginawa niyong kape baka makatulong yun para makaalis kayo sa
sympathetic. Okay two more minutes. So ang tawag sa ginagawa niyo ngayon is
regulating resource map, ibig sabihin ano yung mga resources niyo para matulungan
satili niyo na mapunta sa ventral vagal mas ki may pinag dadaanan kayong matindi,
may choices na kayo ngayon. Siguro before wala kayong choice na stuck kayo, pero
ngayon mas may options na kayo. So dalawang objectives yan para kumapal ang
inyong habit so ang goal niyo dito is matulungan sarili niyo makagawa ng paraan para
makabalik kayo sa ventral vagal. At kung may pinagdadaanan kayo meron kayong
skills para masustain yung nararamdaman niyo. Okay I will give you one more minute
Interviewer: Okay so pwede yan ituloy sa isang assignment tas ito yung isa pang
assignment niyo pala, eto, yung eto parang ganyan din parang ginawa niyo ngayon
pero more on sa nararamdaman so for example yung number one diba ang sabi diyan
bikigan ang mga nararamdaman niyo kung kayo ay hyper arouse. Yung hyper arouse
yun yung sympathetic okay so bibilugan niyo siya, anonyung pagkakakilala niyo sa
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
sarili niyo pag kYo ay nasa sympathetic okay bibilugan okay yung number two ganun
din isusulat niyo yung number two diba binilugan niyo, so explain niyo lang pag ako
ay may kausap at di ako pinansin, nakaka ramdam ako ng galit so parang explain lang
siya sa number two at nararamdaman ko yung katawan ko nag iinit sa galit. Number
three, ito yung ginawa niyo ano pakiramdam niyo pag kayo ay nasa window of
tolerance o yung ventral vagal malinaw ba yung instructions. Sige tanong niyo lang
ako pag magulo yung instructions ko. Sa two, susulat niyo lang dito manggagaling,
kung ano binilugan niyo gagawin niyo lang sentence kumbaga explain lang okay tapos
itong number three ganun din bilog lang din mga nararamdaman niyo pag kayo ay nasa
window of tolerance o nasa ventral vagal, ito yung mindful and attached to self. Yung
nasa pangatlo, ito yung si parasympathetic ito yung helpless manhid tas ganun din
yung six lalagyan ng explanation nakaka ramdam ako ng parang sobrang wala na
magawa sa sitwasyon kasi ito na yung nangyayari.
Ang goal nitong mga pinapagawa konsainyong assignment eh mas luma,as ang inyong
pagkakilala sa sarili na magkaron kayo ng sense of empowerment. So binabalik niyo
lang sa sarili niyo na meron kayong kakayahan, kapangyarihan na ma overcome niyo
yung mga pinagdadaanan niyo mga problema niyo di yan ang mag control sa inyo,
kayo ang magkokontrol sa problema dahil bumalik na kayo so satili niyo so mas
magkaron kayo ng control na meron na kayong choices, options, na ay umpisa
mahirap, pero maski mabigat ang pakiramdam gawin niyo pa rin. Yun yung
makakapag pabago sa nakasanayan na kasi kung hihintayin niyo na gumaan
pakiramdam niyo di mangyayari yan. Gagan lang kung pinangunahan niyo okay,
kailangan ba ng laughter yoga. Sige hinga lang tayo ng malalim okay lagod na so
before ano short processing lang. Go back to your bodies again.
Interviewer: Ano yung mga naramdaman mo ano yung mga natutunan mo sa sarili mo
Participant: Sa ngayon masakit ang ulo ko
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Interviewer: Ano yung mensahe ng sakit ng ulo
Participant: Parang siyempre naisip ko yung nakaraan, mabigat kasi
Interviewer: Mabigat, kasi parang wala siyang sagot. So parang ang nakikita ko sayo
isang buong dagat yung dala mo ang bigat puntahan monlang yung bigat ate, puntahan
mo lang ano ang kelangan mo gawan para mabawasan ng konti yung bigat, dii bang
tao magbibigay nito kundi yung sarili mo makinig ano kelangan mo gawin.
Participant: Kelangan ko mag practice ng mga tinuturo niyo, huminga ng malalim so
alam ko nakakatulong yun pero ngayon nahihirapan ako
Interviewer: Hinga ka, so sabi mo yan kelangan mo eh, dahan dahan pag exhale. Pag
nag eexhale dapat ramdam niyo lahat lumalabas walang maiiwan kasi lalo kayo
magkakaron ng anxiety. So pag nag inhale, pag nag bbreathing lahat ng atensyon
andun lang sa breath sa hininga. So ano naramdaman mo ate nung napa,inggan mo
sarili mo na ito pala kelangan mo gawin? Balik ka uli sa sarili mo.
Participant: Pag asang mabago
Asan siya sa katawan mo?
Participant: Nasa isip ko.
Nasa isip mo, at ano mensahe ng isip mo?
Participant: Kakayanin.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Kaya. Yun ba yung isang salita na gusto mo iparamdam sa sarili mo? Sige sabihin mo
sa sarili mo, nagagawa mo na eh. Sabihin mo nagawa ko na, kaya kaya ko. Oh
nabawasan ba dagat mo? Ilog nalang o sapa nalang? Onti nalang.
Ikaw ate, ano yung nangyayari sayo ngayon, yung natutunan mo sa sarili mo?
Participant: Ano, parang feeling ko challenge, isang napaka laking challenge naiisip ko
na kakayanin
Interviewer: San mo nararamdaman yung hirap? Bigat sikip na napangungunahan ka
ba ng takot kung kakayanin. Di ganun kadaki yun, tutukan mo lang, ano daw kelangan
mo bawin para mabawasan yung takot mo at makayanan mo siya one day at a time.
Pakiramdaman mo sarili mo
Participant: Gusto ko lang tumawa
Interviewer: Oh tawa daw
Participant: Yun kasi nakakapag pagaan sakin lagi.
So yun ang kelangan mo gawin, tawa. Ano pakiramdam mo na pinakinggan mo sarili
Participant: Napaka gaan po
Oh ano ba ginawa mo, pinakinggan mo sarili mo kung ano kaya mo gawin. Kaya mo,
ngayon medyo nabawasan mo, ramdam ko see wag ka matakot nagawa mo siya
ngayon eh anditi tayo ngayon wala pa bukas andito ka ngayon natinig namin na
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Nakayanan ba niya? Oh ano yung magandang salita na pedeng bitawan sa kaniya
Kaya mo yan
Kaya, kelangan niya yan so yun daw kailangan niyo so habang naka hug tunatawa
Oh pwede rin habang nalilibo mag isa tas may gumaganyan na. Okay sige ate ikaw na.
Participant: Challenge kasi medyo kinakabahan kasi english
Pero naiintindihan naman?
Participant: Magtatanong nalang po ako sakanila
Ah pero malabo ba yung explanation ko? Kaya naman pala eh wag ka pangunahan ng
ano english kang yan. So san mo nararamdaman yung takot dahil nangamba ka?
Participant: Sa dibdib po baka di ko masagot
So parang mahina lang, di ka pa kasi sanay. So ano yung dapat mo gawin para
masanay ka at magawa yan.
Participant: Pag aaralan ko po.
Mukhang lag pinag aralan mo siya, mataas naman yung kumpyansa mo sa sarili mo
kasi pag tinanggal mo yun kaya mo eh. Ano pakiramdam mo na napakinggan mo sarili
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Yun po masaya naman, kahit english kaya ko po sabayan.
Okay good, so medyo umokay yung pakiramdam so ano pa. Ate, here and now tayo,
sumama ka sakanila magtatawanan sila, ano yung pakiramdam ng sarili panong okay,
anong nangyayari. Ano yung mga natutunan mo sa sarili mo.
Participant: Kung paano maging masaya..
Nasan siya sa pakiramdam mo, pakinggan mo yung nangyayari nasan siya ano sinasabi
ng dibdib mo?
Participant: Kakayanin ang mga nangyayari.
Paano mo siya kakayanin? Ano kelangan mo gawin.
So Wag magpadala sa iniisip.
So ano pakiramdam ngayon na kelangan mo gawin.
Lahat kayo kumalma, ate kalma, kalma. Okay sige.
Participant: Sa akin medyo parang alanganin pa, 50 50.
Atleast nasa 50
Participant: Pero may signs na nakikita ko kaya pala
Sige san yung 50/50 sa katawan mo?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Siguro nasa utak ko na
Ano yung mensahe ng utak mo?
Participant: Na hindi ka dapat magpatalo sa mga nararamdaman mo. Kelangan mo
Papakinggan mo, eh ngayon ano yung sinasabi na pinapakinggan mo siya?
Na dahan dahan lang.
Participant: Yun ang kelangan mo gawin, dahan dahan.
Di naman agad agad, kinabukasan.
Anong pakiramdam yan pala yung kelangan mo?
Participant: Kelangan ko ng mas mahabang patience.
So ibig sabihin nagkaron ka ng direksyon.
Participant: Kasi ako yung tipong magagalitin so mas kelangan ko yun.
So pano mo makukuha para magkaron ka ng patience?
Participant: Siguro ako kasi pag ganun ako, pag galit ako di ko kinakausap, ayoko ko
kumausap ayoko kumausap, tulad kagabi galit ako di koa no basta ayoko muna
makipag usap, sa ngayon medyo kelangan ko pala yun para sabihin.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
So meron, may nangyayari din sa relasyon mo sa anak mo, kasi kung may relasyon ka
sa sarili mo, ano yan may effect yan sa relasyon mo sakanila.
Participant: Malaking tulong
Good, ikaw ate?
Magaan sa pakiramdam.
Asan siya sa katawan
Participant: Sa isip ko saka sa puso ko
Ano yung mensahe nila
Ngayon nga kasi natama yung mga ginagawa ko pero di ko alam na ganun na tama
yung paghinga ko ng malalim kasi bumabangon ako ng madaling araw eh tas lalabas
ako para huminga lang ako ng malalim pero sabi kasi nga covid, pandemic, nag iisip
ako nagagawa ko lang hinihinga ko.
So ano pakiramdam mo, ay ginagawa ka na pala?
Participant: Ayun nakakatulong talaga nakakatulong sakin
See pat niyo sarili niyo, sabihin niyo congratulations kasi may gingawa kayo eh, ito
yung tinatawag na second commandment, ano yung second commandment?
Love others as you love yourself. Mahalin mo ang ibang tao gaya ng pagmamahal
monsa sarili mo. Self care ate okay so ngayon nagkaron kayo ng pagkakataon na
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
iparamda, yung pagmamahal niyo sa sarili niyo diba kaya good job, maski mahirap,
kaya pala eh kasi nagawa iyo na na overcome niyo yung takot niyo. So thank you sa
participation niyo today hopefully balikan niyo ko ah sa sabado kasi ang gagawin natin
sa sabado, tapos na tayo dito skills na tayo, more on skills. Ibig sabihin, naiintindihan
niyo naman yung explanation ko ng brain? Maayos naman, kasi di ko alam kung
maayos yung lagka explain ko. Pero nakatulong ba sa inyo? Kung papano niyo
nakikita sarili niyo, na normal pala yung pinagdadaanan niyo? Okay so yun nga sa
Saturday, skills na tayo so ang gagawin natin more on to the receptive ano na pag aano
lag skills na into reception tungkol sa katawan at nararamdaman okay so di na tayo
mag tackle about sa trauma okay more on skills muna tayo madevelop, maregulate
yung skills niyo. So sa assignment niyo may tanong po ba? Kaya naman gawin?
Participant: Rereviewhin ko nga mamaya.
So yung pinagawa ko sainyo, more on awareness okay, ibig sabihin para maging aware
lang kayo sa kung anong nangyayari sa inyo so sino pwede mag lead ng prayer,
magpasalamat tayo sa Diyos. Sige na nga ako nalang, sige ikaw na ate, sige na.
Una Panginoon, nagpapasalamat po ako sa araw na ito Panginoon na ginamit niyo po
si Maam Toni na makatulong sa sarili po namin Panginoon sa pinag aralan namin sana
ay maiapply namin sa buhay namin.
2nd Session
Good morning, kilala niyo na ko? Kayo nakalimutan ko na, nakalimutan ko nanaman.
Si Ate Bevs, Ate Raquel, Geraldine, Reena, Ate Trixia, Ate Debs, Josie, and Ate
Vangie. Hopefully di ko kayo makalimutan uli. So kamusta yung last week simula
ngayon. Okay naman, sige punta ko dun sa assignment. Kamusta ang assignment,
nagawa ba hindi.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Nagawa naman, may part na hindi. Ipapasa ba?
Hindi naman ipapasa, it is more of pag uusapan, kamusta kayo sa assignment. Sige nga
ilabas niyo yung assignment niyo. Sige share niyo lang, short yung ano ba mga binigay
ko yung yan. Ittrack niyo yung tolerance window, san niyo nakita yung sarili niyo
dyan, kamusta yung naging awareness niyo sa sarili niyo. Sige kahit sino.
Dito sa circle and internal circle yung binilugan ko ay urge to run
Pag ikaw ay nakakaranas ng para kang nakakita ng sawa, mga ganung pakiramdam.
Restless and tense, angry and panic, saka nervous irritated, discomfort and uneasiness
So mukhang aware ka naman sa mga nangyayari may nattrigger o nareremind ito yung
nangyayari. Ang gusto ko malaman sa inyo is window tolerance. Yung kalmado nung
tumawa kayo at nagyakapan.
Participant: Yung sa window tolerance ko yung nararamdaman ko nakakapagtiwala
ako sam ga tao kung sino man nakakausap ko and nagagawa ko yung mga dapat ko
gawin sa trabaho saka meron akong peace of mind at nakakapagdesisyon ako ng
So good, ang nakikita ko ngayon, aware ka na kung ano yung state mo ano, maganda
na aware ka na hyper arouse saka window tolerance saka hypo arousal yung sa dulo
yung sa babang baba yun yung feeling na tulala so hyper at hypo. Ano yung
pakiramdam mo, hypo parang tulala ka na si ventral vagal na talagang parang bagsak
ka na disconnected.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Ako yung ano yung weak ako, motionless, assertive pag nakakaramdam ng mabigat na
pakiramdam ko di siya interested, bored, disconnected, staring, unmotivated low
Participant: Parang nasesense ko sayo ngayon medyo may nattrigger sige lets take a
deep breath. Hinga natin okay normal yang nararamdaman mo kasi mukhang na stuck
talaga sa katawan eh na gusto talagang lumabas at mapakinggan so yung
nararamdaman mo ngayon walang mali dyan totoo yan, later yan mukhang andyan
yung anxiety so pwede mo sabihin sa sarili mo na okay lang nararamdaman ko,
bibigyan ko ng panahon ang sarili ko maramdaman ko to at walang mali, hinga ng
malalim. Parang medyo okay sige thank you.
Participant: Sakin naman te yung sa una, ang nilagay ko po verbal tapos gusto ko pos a
number three ano yung number three.
Sense of trust yung naniniwala k asa sarili mo tapos ability to focus, to ignore
distractions tapos yung sa number five naman gusto ko lang matulog talaga kasi pag
feeling pag ganyan nararamdaman ko mas gusto ko matulog or para makapag isip di
masyado iniisip yung maraming bagay.
Walang masama dun and good thing mukhang nakikita ko pag nasa window of
tolerance ka bumabalik ka sa sarili mo eh di nawawala yung kumpyansa mo sa sarili
mo, nagkakataon lang na kapag may pinagdadaanan ka nasa hyper o hypo arouse ka,
nawawala tayo sa sarili dib a so kaya nawawala rin yung confidence sa sarili pero it’s a
good thing na merong bumabalik sa ganongoart na may tiwala, okay goo. Thank you.
Sige. Ikaw na, ishare mo lang yung binilugan mo. Sige kaya mo yan or kung ano lang
yung mga bagay na natutunan mo sa mga ginawa mong assignment. Yung pinak
importante dito eh kung nagkaron kayo ng awareness. Kung mas nagkaron kayo ng
kaalaman sa nangyayari sa inyo may ganun bang nangyari sige.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Kapag galit ako ang nararamdaman ko yung di mapakali tas nag aalala
tapos naiirita na di komportable kumilos, ganun po nararamdaman ko tapos gusto ko
magkaron muna ng space, ilang araw muna yung pag isipan ko muna mabuti bago ko
masabi yung nararamadaman ko.
Yan yung hyper arouse mo, yung sa taas, ibig sabihin parang nakakapag isip ka pa rin
ano miski di ka mapakali nag iisip ka pa rin ng gusto mo maayos lang
Participant: Kahit medyo iritable kasi merong naiisip ko pano masosolusyunan
Okay good strength sige yung window of tolerance mo.
Tapos yung decision
Ah so nakakapag decide ka na pag connected ka na sa sarili mo parang pag kalmado ka
mas nakakapag isip ng maayos sige yan yung hypo arouse mo, wala yung sa dulo?
Wala po ako nasulat dito eh.
Okay lang sige, Ate Trixia?
Participant: Sakin naman leave umaalis ako ayaw ko makipag usap
Yung window of tolerance mo Ate Trixia?
Curious and restless
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Ah so napapansin mo sa sarili mo na interesado ka sa mga ginagawa mo pero pag ikaw
ay kalmado, okay good, tapos may hypo arouse ka ba yung parang disconnected k asa
sarili mo malayo, meron ba?
Yung sa number one, yung nararamdaman
Parang stuck di makagalaw ah may nangyari kahapon. Sige, so at least familiar ka ate
sa nangyayari sa loob isang malaking bagay na yun sa healing na alam niyo yung
nangyayari sa inyo specially pag kalamado kayo dib a mas nakikita niyo yung
difference pag hyper o hypo tapos pag window of tolerance pala kayo mas may mas
nararamdaman niyo na mas nag eenjoy kayo mas intereseda, mas tiwala sa sarili. So
ang gagawin kasi natin ngayon sam ga activities natin, mas papalakasin natin yung
window of tolerance niyo pkay so di tayo magkkwentono di natin pag uusapan ng
malalim yung mga pinagdadaanan niyo before na masyadong masalimuot ang gagawin
natin ngayon so its more of sa bahay ay papatibayin nagin ang haligi ng bahay niyo
okay. Sige Reena, okay.
Yung hyper, attacked, tense tapos easily stressed, lack of safety kasi minsan pag galit
ako gusto ko nalang layasan yung sitwasyon tapos parang andun din yung gusto ko
lumaban tapos yung laban na may salita tas tense din yung nararamdaman ko na tense
tas nawawalyako sa focus, di ko alam isasagot ko na ano lang blanko lang wala akong
maano tas feeling ko di ako safe na may handang umatake tapos parang napupuno
tapos sa window of tolerance pag nakaramdam na ko ng malasakit na may yumakap
dun na ko nakakapag compose na relax tas pag may nagpapaintindi sakin na ganto
ganto dun ako narerelax, kalmado, nagkakaroon ng peace tas feeling ko kaya ko na
ihandle yung mga challenge tapos nakakapag concentrate nakakapag focus tapos
iniignore yung distraction.
Ok good, tapos yung hypo?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Motionless, inability to think clearly, heavy, low energy, go to sleep, yun po kasi
parang ang bigat bigat gusto komlang matulog maghapon gusto itulog lang kasi di ko
kayo, matulog lang tas iba yung iniisip ko eh iba malayo.
So lahat ng ganyang pakiramdam yung hypo hyper lahat yan normal walang mali sa
nararamdaman niyo kasi lahat ng sinabi niyo like pakiramdam niyo di ka safe, hanggat
maari nag iisip tayo ng paraan para mabuhay and kung pano kayo mabuhay, mag cope
mag survive yung mga nilagay niyo dun sa hyper and hypo yun yung paraan niyo para
kayo mag survive, so ibig sabihin walang mali dun walang masama sa nararamdaman
mo parte yung ng pag susurvive niyo okay pero ang pinaka magandang naririnig ko so
far is pag nandun kayo sa window of tolerance nandun yung oag asa na kaya niyo
bumalik diba meron kayong kakayahan na makayanan niyo yung isang araw niyo na
may ganung pakiramdam na mas maayos. Ang gagawin natin mas pagtitibayan natin
yun lara di kayo lagi naka stuck dun sa hyper and hypo arouse na okay lang pumunta
ng hyper at hypo pero ang importante dun is nakakabalik kayo dun sa window of
tolerance. Sayo ate?
Participant: Sakin po, difficulty on concentrating, hard to relax or go to sleep, yung
afraid and uneasiness, discomfort at lack of sleep tapos kasi pag nagagalit ako yun na
yung nakakagawa na ko nakakasalita na ko ng masakit tas nakakapanakit na ko
So andun ka na fight mode noh kasi nga feeling natin di tayo ligtas so ang normally
nasa fight mode
Kaya may time ma kahit pag nagugulat ako nasasaktan ko yung sa window of
tolerance pag nakalma na ko nararamdaman ko naman ung open minded kasi yun nga
gaya ng pag may kakausap sakin, naiintindihan ko siya tapos parang nababago yung
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
isip ko na dapat pala ganto tapos parang nagkakaroon ng tiwala sa sarili ko kakayanin
Dun sa dulo?
Participant: Ito po hypo arouse, depress, hopeless.
Participant: Ako may problema yung utak, ang nagccause ng hypo o hyper mo is di mo
naiintindihan yung nangyayari pero once naiintindihan mo na yung nangyayari
mukhang yun yung need mo eh stay dun sa window of tolerance kasi isang trigger
talaga natin, is pag di natin alam yung nangyayari lalo na pag may pinagdadaanan tayo
sa nakaraan na di maganda syempre yung nagyari sa nakaraan bigla ka nagugulat eh
may nangsayo na di maganda tapos walang nag explain kung bakit nangyari yun so na
stuck na sa utak natin sa katawan natin hangang di na naeexplain ng maayos, pilit
nating inaalam kung ano yung nangyari so yun yung isang bagay na nagccause satin ng
matinding trauma na di natin maintindihan kung ano yung nangyayari so pag
naproseso pala ganto pala uy mas bumabalik kayo dun sa window of tolerance which
is yun ang naging goal natin last week kaya mas inexplain ko yung tungkol sa trauma
neurobiology kung ano yung dating ng ating katawan nang sa gayon ang goal nun is
maging aware kayo kung ano nangyayari sa katawan niyo at wala palang mali so lahat
pala ng pinagdadaanan niyo normal yan kaya lang dahil sa nakaraan niyo pinaramdam
sa inyo may mali diba kasi walang nag eexplain eh kung tama ba o mali yung
nararamdaman niyo eh pero gusto ko lang iparamdam sainyo na yung lahat ng
pinagdadaanan niyo before walang mali dun, nagssurvive lang yan yung paraan niyo
para mag survive kayo yung mga nilagay niyo sa hyper and hypo arouse kaparaanan
niyo kung pano kayo mag survive, so sabihin niyo nga sa sarili niyo, walang mali
sakin, mahalaga pa rin ako so medyo kumalma, yan yung feeling na bumalik sa
window of tolerance ibig sabihin sa simpleng pagpproseso kaya niyo pala, ngiti naman
o gusto niyo tumawa, Ate Raquel gusto mo ikaw naman magpa yoga laughter?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Saking yung angry, afraid and nervous tapos yung shaky na rin saka yung
difficulty in concentration saka yung hard to relax and sleep ang dami
Yung window of tolerance mo?
Participant: Yung ano ability to focus, concentration and distraction tapos pag
nagagalit ako parang nakakapag isip na ko ng safety and secure.
And yung last mo?
Participant: Tensionless, weakness, phase out, saka ability to take care
So far ang na ridinig ko sayo so far madami ibig sabihin malaking bagay na aware k
asa pinagdadaanan so ibig sabihin pag aware tayo may mas chance na pede na bumalik
tayo sa window of tolerance kasi aware tayo na uy hyper or hypo arouse tayo so
kelangan lang siguro nagin huminga or pwede rin siguro umalis muna tvulad nung
ginagawa mo Bevs na umaalis muna sa sitwasypara makapag isip. So kunin niyo si tao
niyo, human figure tapos short lang, one minute check niyo status ng katawan niyo ano
pakiramdam kahit isa lang o dalawa lang from head to toe ano yung pakiramdam niyo
ngayon bigyan niyo ng permiso sarili niyo na maramdaman kung ano talaga
nangyayari sainyo ngayon yung bago tas lagyan ng date para namomonitor niyo kung
may mga change na nangyayari.
Ok good. Kung ano yung nararamdaman mo ngayon, ano dito kung ano yung ngayon
ah di tayo kahapon yung ngayong pakiramdam dahil sa pagpproseso natin. Yung eto,
nagagamit niyo ba last week din? Tao na inaalam niyo pa rin yung sarili niyo yung iba
hindi, its okay walang panghuhusga okay lang. So ang gagawin natin ngayon kung
tapos na ibaba muna ito so ang gagawin natin ngayon may technique akong ipapagawa
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
sainyo ang tawag pendulation technique ibig sabihin diba pag may nakita kayong
laruan na ganyan pag ginanun mo kaya siya tinawag na pendulation kasi gumaganun
siya eh so ngayon aalamin muna nayin yung sa katawan natin na di maganda ang
feeling susunod nun kung saan yung maganda ang feeling. Right now, pikit ang mata,
then lets take a deep breath lang ah tapos ang kamay ilagay lang uli sa tyan three
counts pause then five counts. So close your eyes, pag hihinga ah dapat lumalaki ang
tyan ang pagbuga kelangan lahat ilalabas niyo, wala kayong ititira sa loob ng katawan
okay lets do this. Inhale, one two three pause then exhale slowly one two three four
five yung iba di ko nakikita na lumalaki ang tyan so kelangan isispin niyo yung kape o
cocoa again close your eyes singhutin ang kape dahan dahan 1 2 3, dahan dahan ate
lalo na kumukulo again dalat inhale slowly yung lalanghapin niyo yung amoy ng kape,
ready, start 1 2 3 pause exhale slowly 1 2 3 4 5 inhale 1 2 3 pause slowly release lahat
1 2 3 4 5 okay ano nangyari Bevs, medyo nahihirapan pa? Okay. Sompikit ang mata
alamin niyo sa buong katawan niyo yung di kayo komportable na para nasa hyper o
hypo arouse kayo, nasan siya sa buong katawan niyo.
Okay isa isahin ko kayo, Ate Geraldine, asan? Sa dibdib, ulo, tyan, dibdib, dibdib,
buong katawan, sa paa.
Ngayon naman gano kalakas from 1 to 10, 10 pinaka mataas. 8 , 8, 6, 7, 5, 6 okay
ngayon magbigay kayo ng isang emosyon sa dibniyo sap aa sa ulo sa buong katawan,
anong emosyon? Sungit, sakit, di maintindihan, gusto lumayo, iritable, di mapakali.
Ngayon hanapin niyo sa katawan niyo yung window of tolerance nasan sa katawan
niyo yung mas maayos kayo kasi di pwedeng wala yan, meron yan. So right now,
natatandaan niyo yung hug yakap san yung feeling ramdam ko yung di mapakali yung
nahihirapan. Sige tayo tayo grab a partner muna okay for 20 seconds hug lang tayo
okay sige kasi wala kayo nung hug. Tayo sige ok lang yan. 1 2 3 sige hug lang wala
kayo ibang iniisip ah ifeel niyonlang yung comfort ng bawat isatanggapin niyo ng
buong buo yung pagmamahal na walang huhusga sa inyo na ito yung kelangan niyo
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
maramdaman na karapatan niyo maramdaman yung feeling na yan na deserve niyo
yung feeling na yan wala masama sa ganyang feeling na ito yung feena kelangan niyo
tanggapin na di naman nawawala na andyan lang sa buong katawan. Tanggapin niyo
lang ng buong buo sabihan niyo ang bawat isa, walang mali sayo, mahalaga ka,
importante ka, okay lang yung nararamdaman mo. Ifeel niyo lang yung comfrymah
nararamdaman pa rin ako na medyo di mapakali tanggalin muna yung ganung
pakiramdam I just want you to focus to feel the love, sabihin niyo nga love, love is
kind, love is gentle, God loves me tanggapin niyo ng buong buo. Hinga ng malalim
release. Sige you may sit down, so ano yung pakiramdam mas umokay ba lagay niyo
lang sa tao niyo yung gantong pakiramdam then we will start dun sa ano natin
mismong session okay lagaya niyo lang short lang yung pakiramdam right now
napapansin ko na mas malaki yung tyansa niyo now na bumabalik kayo sa sarili niyo
okay. That is good, one step at a time okay. Good. Sige ang gagawin natin ngayon
kunin niyo yung ganto niyo. So ang gagawin natin is befriending your body, ibig
sabihin, gagawin niyong kaibigan ang inyong body parts para mas tumaas ang
kakayahan niyo na malaman yung mga sinyales. Explain ko muna, lara tumaas yung
senyales ng inyong katawan, para ang ano dito is yung ganto niyo ya nang gagawin
niyo yung ganto so aalamin niyo kung dito tayo nasa nang inyong kamay, pakita nga
ang inyong mga kamay, nasa nang inyong mga kamay? Ito ang kamay, dito ang una
nating gagawing body part ay tungkol sa mga sige lagay niyo san ang inyong mga
kamay, ito ang kamay. Dito tuturaan kayo kumbaga mas una nating layunin is maging
mas aware kayo kung ano ang nangyayari sa inyong mga kamay so dun sa descriptor
menu so di kasi alam yung ibang tagalog eh, yan. Dun sa descriptor menu alamin niyo
nga kung ano yung pakiramdam ng inyong kamay ngayon. So ibig sabihin g still, di
kumikibo, payapa, tahimik o walang kibo. Wiggly, kumakawag yung parang sa loob
ng kamay niyo di mapakali may mga ganun so ang gagawin niyo dyan check niyo
muna kasi ang gagawin niyo meron akong scissors eh yung scissors na yun dun sa
likod yan so gugupitin niyo dun kung anong meron kayo dun tas ididikit niyo dito sa
kamay okay tapos isusulat niyo dito yung mga nararamdaman ng kamay niyo kasi may
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
expression tayo gagawin, so buti nalang may dala akong mga panaksak yan. Iisa
isajhin natin yung mga nararamdaman tapos eto na ang mga glue okay.
So una is still, di kumikibo, tahimik, payapa. Wiggly yung para ngang may bulate sa
loob. Fidgety hindi mapalagy, di mapakali. Clenched naka ganyan yung kamay, tight
mahigpit pakiramdam niyo sa loob masikip. Loose, masyado namang maluwag parang
wala na kayo nararamdaman. Warm, mainit. Hot, yun yung mainit talaga o kaya
nararamdaman niyo ba na nagpapawis ang inyong kamay, wetty. Cold, o
nararamdaman niyong malamig. Or flappy, lara bang pumapagaspas sa loob. Fisted, na
kamao, minsan pag galit tayo naka ganyan tayo. Tapos sore, parang mahapdi, so yung
habang nagsasalita ako kung nakikita niyo yung kamay niyo na ganun checkan niyo
niya lara atleast diretso na kayo mag gupit. Tapos, messy, feeling niyo ba magulo o di
maayos ang kamay niyo. Tapos malinis ba siya clean o dry tuyo. Wet, feeling niyo ba
parang basa. O squezzy parang may pumipisil sa inyo. Fast, parang may matulin
parang bilis bilis na nangyayari sa loob ng kamay niyo. slow, mabagal feeling niyo ang
bagal ng kamay niyo ngayon kasi walang koneksyon, or gustong manakit o nangangato
alin din ang nararamdaman ng kamay niyo. Tignan niyo muna yung nararamdaman ng
kamay niyo ngayon. Pakinggan niyo ano yung pakiramdam ng kamay ni ngayon, wala
kayong ibang iisipin kundi makinig dun sa kamay. Nanginginig yun, so pede siya ng
shaky. Ako ano ba pakiramdam ng kamay ko, parang mabigat so lalagay pede mo na
siyang gupitin tapos dikit mo siya. Didikit dun sa tao, lalagay niyo dun sa kamay yan.
Kamay, at daliri yan ah. Kahit isa lang Ate Vangie. Ito yung mga pandikit ah ayan.
Yung sa paa oo kaya lang meron tayong experiment atleast 15 seconds papagawa ko
lang atleast alam mo pero di mo siya magagawa say an gawin mo dun sa dyan sa ano
meron ba dyan importante dito maging aware ka sa kamay mo
May assignment dyan sige tapusin niyo lang yung iba ah. Ito parang more of everyday
yan pagkagising at pagkatulog. So pwede mo gawin every day parang graph
pagkagising mo hyper arouse lalagyan momsiya ng so pwede momlagyan kasi isa lang
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
to kung ebrydayblang lagay mo Monday, Tuesday, kunwari Monday ngayon ganyan,
Tuesday ano nangyari, Wednesday ano yung nangyayari so yun yung sasagutan mo
lang siya bali ito sainyo yan okay tapos na? Pero next week di na ko magiging late para
matapos natin sabay sabay.
Sa picture dun sa kamay ha sa kamay, dito dito yan. So lahat ng nararamdaman ng
kamay niyo lalagay niyo dun maski basta ang importante maging aware kayo sa
nararamdaman ng inyong kamay. Unang nararamdaman niyo ok, tapos na? Sige lagay
niyo lang. Ito yung glue. Tapos na po? Tapos na, okay na po sige. So ang gagawin
natin, is baba niyo ang inyong mga dala dala tapos tignan ang kamay tapos for 15
seconds, wag niyo ihihinto loob ng kinse minutos dapat shake niyo yung kamay ng 15
minutes. Okay one two three go.
One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen.
Okay dun sa pinag paste niyo ya nano yung nararamdaman ng kamay niyo nung
shinasha,e niyo, sige lagay niyo dyan. Ano mismo agad yung naramdaman ng kamay
niyo after niyo siyang ishake. Tutuka niyo lang yung pakiraniyo ngayon, ano yung
pakiramdam ng shinashake. Pwede siya isulat diyan. Focus diyan sa kamay, wala
kayong ibang iisipin kundi yung ano yung pakiramdam ng kamay niyo ngayon. Anong
pede niyo pang isipin, anong emosyon ang meron sa kamay niyo kung meron man.
Bukod sa kamay, merong bang ibang nagrereact sa katawan niyo dahil sa ginawa
niyong pag shake ng hands pwede niyo rin ilagay diyan yung buong katawan mula ulo
hangang paa maloban sa kamay meron pa ba kayong ibang nararamdaman sa loob ng
inyong katawan. Okay, finish. So another experiment.
Kamay uli, magcclap tayo ng limang beses pero dapat ganun ang clap, ganun ang
palakpak. Five times times ah. One two three go. One two three four five. Ano yung
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Masakit.
Feel niyo lahat ng atensyon niyo nasa kamay sige ramdamin niyo yung kamay niyo,
anong pakiramdam. Parang alam niyo yun may tusok, may manhid na tusok. Kung
may emosyan na konektado dunsa pisikal na nararamdaman ng katawan na masakit na
maybtumutusok meron bang emosyon na konektado dun. Na ngayon andun pa rin
yung parang tumutusok yung ganong pakiramdam ng kamay. Then kung meron uli sa
buong katawan na lumalabas din kasama ang kamay ilagay niyo din okay and another
one, another experiment. So importante dito is layunin natin maging focus kayo, yung
attention niyo mas kinikilala ninyo, larang kaibigan diba kinikilala niyo. So yun ang
ginagawa niyo nagsstart tayo sa kamay so tapos alam niyo yung statwa diba? Ano ba
yung statwa? So yung kamay niyo parang statwa for 30 seconds okay sige bilang ako
ng 30 seconds. Taas niyo ng ganyan yung kamay niyo ng di kumikibo. Ready, go.
One, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, wala kayong ibang iisipin,
twelve, thirteen, fourteen kamay lang, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,pwede kayo
huminga nineteen, twenty. Twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, twenty four, twenty
five, twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty. Anong pakiramdam.
Nangangalay. Yun ang lagay niyo dun, ngalay, ngawit, tapos may emosyon ba, naiinis,
naiirita, meron bang ganun. Nabbwisit, di mapakali, then from head to toe may
sumasama ba sa kamay niyo na ganun din yung pakiramdam. Another one, mag bblow
kayo sa kamay niyo for five seconds. Dapat aabot ng five seconds ah, ready one two
ate sige na kaya pa sige one two three yung komportable one two three four five. Okay
ready hinga ng malalim go one ha okay again mainit ah ready ha five seconds
lagdating ng four hinga na ng malalim para mahaba yun five. 2 3 4 5, 1 2 3 4 5. Okay
ano pakiramdam ng kamay ah, kamay hindi dibdib yung pakiramdam ng kamay,
mainit ba yun. Naiinitan. Tapos may emosyon bang connected dun sa mainit na yun.
Sabihin niyo sa kamay niyo, tinatanggap kita. So parte yan ng inyong katawan na
nagbibigay din ng senyales o mensahe sa inyo.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Tapos buong katawan niyo uki kung may nararamdaman bukod sa kamay.Okay last
experiment, for five seconds papainitin niyo yung kamay niyo, wait lang po. One two
three go for five seconds. One two three four five ya nano pakiramdam niyo. Mainit,
ano pa sulat niyo lang sulat. After isulat babalik kayo dun sa icons niyo pipili uli nang
descriptor ano yung nangyari sa kamay niyo ngayon after the experiments. Ano ang
pakiramdam niyo uli at ilalagay,okay ilagay ang iccut uli dun uli sa kanina. Pipili uli
kayo tas ilalagay diyan kung ano yung pakiramdam niyo uli so natatandaan niyo uli
yung kung ano ibig sabihin. Still, di kumikibo, tahimik. Kumakawag wiggly. Fidgety,
di mapalagay. Clenched nakatikom ang mga kamay nito ng mahigpit masikip, banat,
lapat na lapat. Loose, maluwag, gusto kumawala. Warm, mainit init pa rin. Hot, mainit
talaga siya. Sweaty, nagpapawis ba. Cold, malamig. Flappy, parangpumapagaspas bam
ga kamay niyo ngayon. Fisted, nakakamao. Sore, mahapdi. Messy, magulo. Neat,
maayos. Clean, malinis. Dry, tuyo. Wet, basa. Squeezing, pumipisil pisil. Fast, magulo,
feeling niyo magulo yung kamay niyo, mabilis, slow, feeling niyo mabagal. Want to
hit, gusto mambato, or shaky nangangatog. Kung yung kanina, kung yun pa rin lagay
niyo nalang ulit sulat niyo na yun pa rin ang nararamdaman niyo or kung meron
kayong ibang pakiramdam na wala dyan isulat niyo, pwede naman yun. Magdidikit uli.
Okay. Tapos yung dito para namomonitor niyo pede niyo rin isulat, di pala pwede,
talagang isusulat niyo. Tapos kung wala diyan yung mga nararamdaman niyo iba,
isulat niyo lang. Kung may iba pa kayong nararamdaman dun bukod sa. Tapos susulat
niyo dun sa check charter. Isulat niyo dun sa ibig sabihin niyan bilang pag kilala niyo
sa kamay niyo malalaman niyo kung ano yung mga pakng kamay niyo. Bago tayo
pumunta sa paa, tapusin muna natin ang inyong kamay.
Tapos sa bahay gamitin niyo rin yan ha everyday try niyong kung ano yung gustong
gawin ng kamay niyo lagay niyo lang yung mga pakiramdam tas pwede niyo isulat.
Ang boal natin diyan is makilala natin yung kamay niyo, bago tayo pumunta kay paa,
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
share niyo nga yung experience niyo sa kamay niyo. Kamusta yung pagka kilala sa
inyong kamay. Kamusta ang experience na yun Ate Geraldine.
Una yung mga ginagawa natin kasi parang ano nanginginig masakit, mainit tapos
yung parang nangangamao na parang gusto na sumuntok sa mga bagay, ayun po.
May emosyon bang connected sa ganoong pakiramdam?
Participant: Nagagalit.
Ano yung pakiramdam mo ngayonna mas nakikilala mo yung kamay.
Participant: Kaya kong parang di ko
Parang nagkakaron ka ba ng power dahil nakikilala mo yung kamay mo, okay good.
Ate Raquel?
Masakit, namamanhid, nangangalay, umiinit tapos nagpapawis tapos napapagaod din
tapos mas emosyon na yung naramdaman ko na yoon may sakit akong naramdaman
Paanong sakit? Yung kirot?
Participant: Oo.
Bukod sa kamay asan siya, ah sa mukha. Ah sige and ano yung nararamdaman mo na
mas nakilala mo yung kamay mo na may koneksyon siya sa ibat ibang bahagi ng
katawa anong dating sayo nun?
So kelangan lagyan ng atensyon yung ibang katawan ano lang dun ako nag iistart.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Ayun so mukhang maganda yung mga realization niyo ah sunod sige Reena?
Participant: Masakit, mainit tas natakot.
So ano yung dating sayo na mas nakikilala mo yung kamay mo sa mga gantong
Participant: Pag nag react siya, kaya kong dapat kaya ko pigilan kasi madalas din
magreact to pag nagagalit ako.
Yung mga naramdaman mo dyan anong koneksyon sa emosyon? I mean ano yung
feelings na lumalabas?
Ah naiirita so narealize mo rin na mas may control ka pala, ganun bay un ok good nice
good. Sige Ate Trixia, ano naramdaman mo dun sa mga exercise?
Participant: Mainit, hot, nangangalay, manhid, nasasaktan.
Anong emosyon yung lumabas?
Nasasaktan, ano nararamdaman mo na mas nararamdaman mo yung kamay mo.
Participant: May interes, may ganto palang pakiramdam yung katawan ko, good nice.
Shaky tas sweaty nagpapawis lalo na pag nagagalit ako nanginginig siya
Nagyon ba yan yung naramdaman mo ngayon, may galit?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Pag galit lang po ako parang gusto ko manakit.
Ah pero ngayon may ganun ba since nagpapawis kamay mo may galit ba? Konti
So ngayon ano nararamdaman mo na mas nakikilala mo yung kamay mo?
Participant: So yun po minsan kahit galit ako parang gusto ko manakit pero kaya
kompala makontrol po kahit gusto ko magsalita.
Ah yun yung nalaman mo ngayon o ikaw dati.
Participant: Ngayon po
Good sige
Participant: Sakin po sweating, tas di mapakali, tapos parang feeling dry.
Nararamdaman ko naman nung unang parang naninigas tapos yung sa pangalawa
parang wala naman tapos yung sumunod ang bigat sa pakiramdam tapos yung pang
apat parang mabasa tapos yung sa huli mainit tapos pawis ako kanina kaya parang sabi
ko ang init. Pero pagkatapos na mag ano larang nawala naman na.
So bukod sa kamay, related siya sa buong katawan pala din?
Participant: Parang ang init pag gumaganon tayo, ang init sinasabi ko po tapos sabi mo
parang okay lang yan. Nung natapos na ganun parang okay naman na nawala na yung
pawis ko. So ano naramdamdam mo ngayon?
Na parang pag galit ka may koneksyon pala yun sa buong katawan mo o sa kamay mo.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Oh so far mukhang maganda yung experience niyo kasi mas nakikilala niyo na yung
katawan niyo eh. Ngayon paa tayo so kunin niyo yung inyong ganyan pero paa naman.
Si paa, tapos na tayo sa kamay pero pag uwi niyo sa bahay, continue yung mga
activities na pede niyong gawin sap aa at kamay at continuous ang pagttrack. Okay
lang ba yung ittrack biyo yung mga nararamdaman ng mga kamay niyo kasi yung ang
assignment niyo ngayon, paa at kamay.
Okay so again ganun uli, so punta tayo dun sa paa niyo niyo. So tanggal yung mga
sapatos muna. Yan para may space. Yan okay paa so sap aa niyo ano yung ounta kayo
sa ganto ano yung unang nararamdaman ng paa niyo ngayon, so balik ako dun sa aking
words. Ang paa so kayulad nung una may mga still, wiggly diba pero may dumagdag
na curled o nakakulot dib a pag naka ganun yung paa niyo. Phasing yungfeeling parang
gusto lumakad lakad, jumping gusto bang tumalon talong ng paa niyo ngayon. Tickly,
nakikiliti, want to kick, gusto sumipa. Want to run away, gusto umalis. Yung iba diyan
alam niyo na still diba ah wala pala, cold, hot, tight, still, loose maluwag, moving
gusto gumalaw, fast, mabilis, wiggly kumakawag, slow, mabagal , sweaty
pinagpapawisan, phasing, naglalakad ng back and forth , fidgety di mapalagay, jumpy,
gusto tumalon, clean, feeling niyo ba malinis ang inyong paa o madumi o nakakulot o
mahapdi gusto sumipa, umalis, mainit init, nangangatog, nanginginig, basa, tuyo, o
nakikiliti oag wala dyan pede niyo idescribe mismo yung nararamdaman niyo. So lahat
hingang malalim then focus lang sa paa ano ang nararamdaman ng paa niyo ngayon
mismo. Sige, ganun uli gupit gupit. Pag wala naman dyan pede gumawa ng sariling
description ano yung pakiramdam ng paa niyo right now. Focus sa paa, focus sa
nararamdaman ng paa. Walang ibang iisipin kunangbpaa lang tas bigyan niyo ng
permiso ang sarili niyo maramdaman ang paa niyo.
Nakakaramdam ng inis, di mapakali, normal yan walang masama dyan. So kung may
ibang bagay na nararamdaman ng paa niyo na wala dyan, sulat niyo lang. Focus lang
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
lahat sa paa okay. Ready? Two more minutes. Good. Didikit mo na yan. Sa paa. San
mo nilagay yung kamay, yan. Habang nag aano ah sinabi niyo na pala. Sige yan so
naka ready na mga paa niyo. So ang gagawin natin, kelangan natin ng space kasi paa
sige tanggal muna kasi kelangan natin space tayo ay okay sige. Habang nakaupo muna
ang gagawin niyo, irurub niyo ang inyong paa. Back and forth yan magkadikit yan ten
times. Okay, ready bibilang ako ng ten seconds rub your feet back and forth. Okay one
lahat ng atensyon sa paa wala kayo iisipin kundi an nararamdaman ng paa at mismong
sahig okay one two three go. One two three four five six seven eight nine ten. Yan
anong pakiramdam ng katawan niyo isulat niyo.
Focus sa paa ano yung nararamdaman ng paa niyo habang nirurub niyo sa floor. Pwede
kayo maging specific ah kaliwa o kanan. Okay. Kung may emosyon na kasama ilagay
tas tayo tayo march sa lugar with heavy steps twenty. Magkaron kayo ng space para di
kayo magkakatamaan okay 20 ah na heavy. Okay one two three. One two three four
five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen
eighteen nineteen twenty. Okay good okay sulat ano yung mismong naramdaman ng
inyong paa. Masakkit, kumikirot kirot o kaya nanginginig. Parang meron siyang kirot
na umaakyat hangang binyingapos biglang nagmamanhid. Okay last experiment
tapusin niyo lang. kung may emosyon na kasama lagyan niyo ng emosyon. Tapos kung
may ibang oart pa sa katawan niyo na nagrereact bukod sa paa paki lagay din. Okay.
So now ang gagawniyo sa curl and squeeze your toes for ten seconds okay.
So again wala kayo ibang iisipin kundi ang mga daliri sa paa. Kung may naiisip
kayong ibang bagay try niyo hilahin at lagay ang atensyon sap aa okay curl niyo nang
ganyan ah. One two three go. One two three four five six seven eight nine ten. Sulat
again, ano yung naramdaman ng paa niyo, masikip noh, nakakairita yung feeling.
Pwede diyan sa dibdib. Tutukan ang paa anonyung naramdaman ng paa niyo. Tapos
balik na kayo dito ano yung naramdaman mismo ng paa niyo so gugupit uli kayo. Ano
yung mga nararamdaman ng inyong paa pero kung wala naman dun pwede niyong
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
isulat nalang okay. Yan sa paa. Hangang ngayon yung binti ko namamanhid. Intayin
lang natin si Josie. Buti nalang Ate Raquel alam ko ang pangalan mo. Okay sige
processing tayo ano yung experience ng paa niyo?kamusta kayo sa inyong pagkilala sa
paa. Start tayo kay Josie
Participant: Sa akin dry wet shaky cold saka di mapakali tapos yung nararamdaman ko
pinapawisa, nanginginig tapos parang dalawa kong paa nanninginig saka namamawis
saka di mapakali tapos masakit tapos pagod
So ano yung naramdaman mo ngayon na ganun yung pagkakilala mo sa paa mo?
Parang mabigat nakakaramdam ako ng mabigat, parang hinihila yung paa pababa may
ganun ba kayong feeling. Sige Bevs.
Participant: Sakin po naramdaman ko sa paa ko yung nanginginig tas kungkot
pagtapos tapos parang gusto ko maglakad
Ano naramdaman mo, ano yung dating sayo na mas nakilala mo yung paa mo.
Participant: Parang nabawasan yung kasi yung may halong sikip sa dibdib
So nung nakilalal mo yung paa mo, lumuwag.
Opo konektado pal asa dibdib okay good. Ate Trixia?
Participant: Sakin po nung una malamig tapos nung ano nanginginig na siya
So ano yung naramdaman mo na kinikilala monyung paa mo
Participant: Tensiyonado
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
So may koneksyon pala yung paa mo sa pakiramdam mondahil tensyonado. Okay
Participant: Kanina po namamawis din tapos kumokonek sa kamay kasi pati kamay ko
pinag papawisan saka parang komokonek din sa dibkasi masakit parang nagrereact
Ok good sige so maganda na narerealize natin na yung parts pala natin may koneksyon
sa ibang oarts ng katawan, yung ganyang feeling niyo dun yan sa third part kasi nasa
first part palang tayo ng phase kasi may phase ito. Yung unang phase kikilalanin muna
yung parts, pangalawang phase yung body parts niyo ano yung koneksyon niya sa
nararamdaman then yung pangatlong phase, yung body parts niyo kinikilala niyo at
anong koneksyon sa katawan at ano ang dapat gawin sa nararamdaman ng katawan
niyo at nararamdaman. So first phase palang tayo.
Sakin po, yung gusto lang niya gumalaw galaw tapos yung nararamdaman ko yung init
tas kumikirot siya hangang binti taos naiinis tapos pinakahuli masikip kaya parang
masikip tapos ganun yung pakko sa dibdib ko tapos gusto ko isipa kasi pag nagagalit
ako gusto ko may gawin ako.
Ok good, anong pakiramdam mo na kilalamo na yung paa mo
Participant: Yung mga nararamdaman ko konektado rin sakanya
Ok good
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Sakin nung una nagccurk siya nung nag ano tayo mabigat di mapakali
tapos makirot masikip tapos konektado siya dito sa nararamdaman ko tapos na ano ko
na kung ano pala yung bigat ng nararamdaman mo naano rin sa paa
Ano yung pakiramdam mo ate na yun yung natutunan mo sa paa mo
Participant: May koneksyon kung ano yung sa dibdib
Ok good.
So ibig sabihin lahat ng parte ng katawan meron pala siyang koneksyon sa iba pang
pakiramdam at mukha yung iba pang nararamdaman na pisikal masikip mainit meron
din pala siyang koneksyon sa emosyon diba yun yung naging layunin nayin ngayon na
mas makilala niyo yung parts niyo. Sige, malapit na rin tayo magtapos for 10 minutes
nalang. Ngayon, mindfulness exercise tayo so upontayo sige inom muna. So lahat
nakaupo ng komfrom head to toe body scan, ibig sabihin aalamin niyo kung ano yung
nangyayari sa katawan mula ulo hangang paa. Wala kayong ibang iisipin kundi yung
hininga niyo at body parts niyo kung magkakaron ng tyansa na lumilipad yung ulo
niyo, wag niyo husgahan yung ulo niyo, ibalik niyo lang uli dun sa hininga niyo at sa
boses konpara mabalik kayo sa katawan niyo okay.
Close your eyes, upon ng maayos, lagay yung kamay sa komportable ng posisyon,
hinga ng malalim, yan release slowly, hinga ng malalim, slowly release tuloy tuloy
niyo lang pag hinga mag start tayo sa ulo niyo ramdamin niyo lahat ng nararamdaman
niyong tensyon sa ulo sa mukha sa tenga sa binig lahat yan pag hinga niyo at pag buga
ilabas lahat ng tensyon. Hinga, ramdamin yung tensyon sa leeg pababa sa may
shoulders o balikat then ibuga lahat ng tensyon . Hinga, feel yung tensyonsa may
dibdib pababa ng daliri, nararamdaman niyo lahat ng tensyon at sa pag buga niyo
nilalabas niyo lahat ng tensyon.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Hinga ng malikim sa paghinga niyo naka focus kayo sa inyong tyan at likod at unti
unti niyong yong nilalabas sa pag buga. Contilang ang paglabas at pag buga
nararamdaman niyo na ang kaluwagan mula sa ulo hangang sa tyan hangan sa likod.
Ngayon hinga ng malalim ramdamin niyo yung tensyon mula bewang pababa ng legs
buga. Hinga ng malalim, nararamdaman niyo yung tensyon mula tuhod pababa ng binti
hangang sa talampakan hangang sap aa ibubuga niyo lahat ng tensyon palabas hangang
sa daliri ng paa hinga ng malalim ngayon alam niyo lahat sa katawan niyo ilabas niyo
lahat ng tensyon habang bumubuga.
Hinga ng malalim, punta kayo sa parte ng katawan niyo na ramdam niyo maluwag
kasiyahAn at tanggapin niyo ng buong buo habang nilalabas niyo ang hininga niyo.
Habang nag iinhale kayo lagyan niyo ng pagmamahal ang buong katawan niyo hinga
ng malalim napupuno kayo ng pagmamahal sa buong katawan mula ulo hangang paa
nanunuot to sumisiksik sa bawat kanto ng inyong buong katawan inhale again ramdam
na ramdam niyo ang init ng pagmamahal sa inyong katawan.
Now exhale slowly at napupunuan kayo ng pagmamahal at nilalabas niyo pa rin ang
natitirang tensyon pagkabagot pagkatamad sa buong katawan. Inhale last tanggapin
niyo ng buong buo ang kapayalaan na nararamdaman niyo ngayon dahil walang mali
diyan at deserve niyo yang lahat na nararamdaman niyo. Okay open your eyes ano
yung natutunan niyo sa sarili niyo ngayon. Sa mga pinagdaanan natin buong session
balik kayo sa sarili niyo ano yung natutunan niyo sa sarili, ano yung gustong sabihin.
nakaka ramdam ako ng payapa, peace of mind. Sige start tayo Ate Raquel. Sige balik
ka sa sarili mo ano yung natutunan mo sa sarili mo
Participant: Mas makatulong sakin kung pano ko makilala yung parte ng katawan ko
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
So yung ang makakatulong sayo mas makilala mo yung sarili ano pakiramdam mo na
yun yung kelangan mo pala gawin sa sarili mo
Participant: Magkakaron ako ng tiwala sa sarili
Ngayon ba meron na, kasi ginawa mo eh. Meron di ako magkakaron. Meron na kong
tiwala, ano yung pakiramdam mo na narinig mo sarili mo na meron kang tiwala.
Participant: Syempre masaya
Nasan siya sa katawan mo? Nasa dibdib good. Balikan ang sarili ano yung natututunan
mo sa sarili mo ngayon.
Participant: Pag may bigat, may magagawa ka para gumaan
Ano yung pakiramdam mo na naririnig mo na yung sarili mo ngayon?
Participant: Mas makakapag desisyon ng maayos
Nagyon ba may ganon kang pakiramdam, nasan siya sa katawan mo?
Participant: Sa isip
Sabihin mo salamat nagawa ko
Ano pakiramdam mo nasabi mo yun?
Participant: Maluwag po
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Ok good thank you.
Sakin yung pakiramdam na yung naging malaya
Asan siya sa katawan mo Ate Trixia?
Participant: Sa isip
Ano pakiramdam mo ngayon na naririnig mo sarili mo
Participant: Na pwede ko pala gawin na malaya
Pwede mo gawin na malaya ano pakiramdam mo na kaya mo?
Nasan siya sa katawan mo
Participant: Sa puso
Ok good, ano natutunan mo sa sarili mo Bevs?
Participant: Sakin po nabawasan na yung kaba tas pag nagagalit ako mas nakikilala ko
sarili ko tas nalaman ko na konektado yung kamay ko sa kamay ko tapos mas
magagawa ko i handle icontrol yung galit mas maging maayos at magaan yung bigat sa
dibdib, nabawasan.
Ano nararamdaman mo ngayon na eto na nangyayari sayo?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Magaan po.
Nasan siya sa katawan mo, tanggapin niyo mag stay kayo sa ganiyang pakiramdam
andyan lang yan di mawawala yan okay nandyan yan, ay takot na baka mawala
normal yun. Importante, nagawa niyo yun yung importante dun. Mawawala siya
minsan pero kaya bumalik andun yung hope
Participant: Sakin po kanina habang nag iinhale exhale tayo parang yung pawis
umaano sa buong katawan kasi mula hangang dito yung pawis pababa hangang sa may
talampakan tapos yung dito ko mamasa masa
So ano daw ibig sabinun pakinggan mo yung katawan mo, wag mo isipin sagot mo,
ano gusto mo sabihin. Di mo iisipin, papakinggan mo yung pawis mo.
Siguro ano parang pakiramdaman monyung sarili mo na yun pala pagka ganun na
Ano pakiramdam mo na mas nakikilala mo na sarili mo
Siguro oeace of mind wala ako masyado iniiisip
Hinga muna tayo ng malalim okay next ate
Participant: Sa aking habang nag aano tayo nakapikit nasa isip ko lahat tapos habang
ano sa bawat parte ng katawan natin yung bigat sa ulo ko bumaba tas nagkaron ako ng
sinabi ko sa satili ko na, kaya ko na, kaya ko to di ako, na magkaron ako ng tiwala sa
satili ko
Which is yung ginawa mo so sige hug uli tayo partner lartnefeel niyo lang yung love,
hug hug. Sige hug lang sige yan yakap sige good ifeel niyo lang yung comfort. Sabihin
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
mo sa partner mo, nakayanan natin, wala nangyari sating masama, safe tayo, mahal ko
sarili ko okay good sige, So dun sa body chevk chart, icontinue niyo gumawa ng mga
avtoara sa kamay niyo at para sa paa. So for until Tuesday kilalanin yung lang
reakyson ng paa niyo at kamay niyo. Kasi yun yung narinig ko sa inyo eh na pag
nakilalal niyo pala yung sarili niyo mas bumabalik yung pakiramdam ng kapangyAt
yung control so ibig sabihin kaya niyo pala kontrolin yung sarili niyo kasi yun yung
katotohanan na kaya niyo kontrolin ung katawan, di yung nararanatin ang
nagkokontrol satin kasi ngayon bumabaliktad kasi ang nangyayari kaya bumabalik
yung control kasi binabalikan niyo sarili niyo yan yung tinatawag na self regulation eh
nireregulate niyo satili niyo, kumokonek kayo sa satili niyo kumbaga yung focus niyo
nasa sarili kaya yung nararamdaman niyo na hypo and hyper arouse kaya kayo aligaga
di mapakygusto umalis kasi yung attenntion niyo nasa labas eh wala kayong kontrol sa
labas eh wala kayong kontrol kung ano mangyayari bukas ang may kontrol lang
kayokung ano yung nangyayari sa loob so pag bumabalik pala kayo sa loob dun yung
kayo napupunta sa window of tolerance dun niyo nararna may kapangyarihan pala ako,
may pag asa ako and normal ang hyper arouse at hypo hindi mawawala yun kasi buhay
tayo, normal yan na reaksyon ng katawan, pero ngayon ang importante natutunan na
bumalik sa onyong sarili.
So ang assignment niyo ngayon is ito, yan kunin niyo para alam niyo. Tulad ng
ginawa niyo, tracking to eh tapos eto tuloy lang to pag monitor sa kamay at paa tapos
ito kumbaga yung graph, isa lang to mas maganda araw araw hanggat maari munwari
at the end of the day bago matulog magrereflect back lang kayo, ano ba nangyari sakin,
kelan ba ko, pag gising ko ano ba yung nararamdaman ko pagka gising ko nasa hyper
arouse o kalmado naman ako nasa window of tolerance. Pwede niyo to, diba binigyan
ko kayo noon nung tatlo so pwede niyo to gamitin yun para itrack niyo yung
nararamdaman niyo. So for example, waking pag gising o kaya early in the morning,
mid morning. Pagkagising 7 oclock.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Early morning mga 8:30 pa rin 9 o mid morning mga 10 tas noon tanghalian. Early
afternoon 1 oclock mid afternoon mga 3 o’clock early evening mga 5 or 6 late evening
mga 8 bago matulog mga 9 or 10. So kumbaga lalagyan niyo siya ng marka diba
kunwari Monday ito nangyari sakin minsan nasa taas minsan nasa baba minsan nasa
gitna. Tuesday lagyan niyo na ng T para atleast nattrack niyo uy ito yung nangyayari
sakin kada parte ng isang araw okay. So ang layunin nito ng sa gayon maintindihan
niyo yung arousal. Yung hypo arouse ka ba or hyper arouse okay. So para makita niyo
yung fluctuating, nasa taas ba siya nasan na kayo ang layunin nito para alam niyo
nangyayari sainyo kasi ang layunin niyotom, mas malaman noya kung ano yung mga
nagiging rason kung bakit ganyan yun nararamdaman niyo. Makikilala niyo yung mga
ginagawa niyo at reaksyon sa mga ginagawa.
So kunwari nag isip kayo ano nangynung umaga bat ako nainis ah so diyan papasok
yung pagkilala niyo sa katawan niyo,
as maganda rin so etong number 2 what
thoughts. Kasi number one at the end of three days pala so pede pala to kada 3 araw
ano na agad yun makakalimutan so maganda araw araw so irerecord niyo yung arousal
niyo lalagayyan niyo ng graph. so maganda para di kayo malito lalagyan niyo ng ibat
ibang kulay. O kaya para di kayo malito lagyan niyo ng Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
yung kada ganun. Indicate number 2 what thoughts, ano mga naiisio niyo,
nararamdaman o mga activities na nag iinflunce sa arousal niyo. Yan yung tanong mo
Bevs kung isusulat mo, dun yung malalaman si Ate Reena pala, dun niyo lalagay s asa
two kung ano nag ccause ng aroysal niyo.
Tao ba yan, sitwasyon o basta kahit anong sitwasyon na nag ccause ng arousal.
Number three idedescribe niyo kung ano yung nag cause ng arousal para tumaa o
bumaba o di komportable so dito magiging kilalanin niyo sarili niyo uy kaya pala
tumaas to ito yung nangyari sa akin, igla ako nakaramdam ng inis, bakit naman ako
nainis naremind ako na may nangyari na ganyan ganun ganun na bakit siya bumaba,
number three yun. Number four assess niyo yung patterns ng arousal niyo. And if your
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
arousal is where you wanted it to be throughout the day so aalamin niyo kung yung
arousal niyo eh yun ba yung gusto niyo palagi mangyari, or yung arousal niyo ba gusto
niyo palagi nasa window of tolerance yung nasa gitna ah.
So or lag palagi nasa siya nasa taas o nasa baba ano ba yung kelangan niyo gawin para
mag stay siya dun sa window of tolerance kasi nakita niyo na uy palagi ako nasa taas
ah palagi ako nasa baba. So ano ba yung kelangan ko gawin para mag stay dito sa
window of tolerance so ang ginagawa nitong activity na ito para mas makilala niyo
yung sarili niyo at yung kelangan niyo gawin para matugunan niyo yung
pangangailangan niyo na na mapunta kayo sa window of tolerance. Wag niyo hintayin
na bumuti yung pakiramdam niyo bago niyo gawin kasi yun yung kelangan pag di
maganda pakiramdam kelangan niyo talga hilahin sarili niyo kasi dun magbabago yung
pattterns, sa pamamagitan ng pagiginb aware niyo sa sarili niyo, mas babalik yung
kapangyarihan niyo sa sarili niyo okay so clearnaman yung assignment bago tayo
magtapos. Isulat niyo lang dun sa isang tao yung inyong naramdaman ngayon last sulat
yung isang tao. Yung isang tao yun yung gagamitin niyo for the rest. Di yan, yung isa,
ito dun sa lumang tao ay bagong tao. Yung bago kong bigay yan sa balikan niyo agad
ano yung nakuha niyo ngayon ano yung natutunan niyo, ano yung naramdaman niyo.
Lagay niyo kasi ang goal nato masanay kayo na mag journal ng mag journal. Lumiit
pala no.
Tapos babalik niyo sakin yung scissors ah bigay yan ng asawa ko eh parang may isa
pa, lima lang ba yun, kasi sabi ng asawa ko pito to pag nakita niyo nalang ah,
papagalitan ako nun eh. Sige sulat nalang muna, sulat lang po doon yung naramdaman
niyo ngayon tapos mag eend tayo ng prayer. Si ate gusto mag lead ng yoga laughter
siguro nasayo yung ano no. Kinakabahan ako sa tawa mo eh, yung gratitude kasi di
natin nagawa, hanggat maari gawin niyo siya araw araw ah.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
3rd Session
I: Nung una ang pinag usapan natin nung session 2 ay tungkol sa kamay at paa. So ngayon
kamusta ang pag poproseso sa inyong paa at kamay? San kayo nahirapan sa mga
assignements? Nagawa ba o nahirapan?
P: Medyo nahirapan po
I: Saan nahirapan?
P: Dito po sa ganto po
I: Ah yan kamusta yan? Ano napansin nyoo sa sarili mo? Ikaw ate Raquel san ka nahirapan
P: Sometime po kasi di ko maano yung mood ko. Parang di ko pa alam. Nung dinidiscuss po
naiintindihan ko pero pagkatapos po nun na bblanko ako kaya nahihirapan ako
I: Yung sayo mukhang lagi kang nasa hypo. Ano yung parang di ka confident?
P: Dito po sa sagot ko dito sa hypo. Di ko alam kung tama sya
I: Yung hypo pwede mom akita yung sagot dito sa mga hypo. Eto yung hyper at window of
tolerance. Ano yung napansin mon a ganyan pala mood mo?
P: Nahihirapan ako bumalik
I: Nagawa ba yung mga activities para sa kamay? Paa?
P: Minsan nagagawa ko siya minsan lang di ko nasusulat
I: Ano nangyayari sa paa mo? Anong changes mga napansin mo
P: Para sakin napansin ko yun nung quiet time ko. Nagkakaron ako sa isip ko na parang ganito
kamay ko tas ganito paa ko
I: Ano yung impact ng awareness mo since ayan yung nangyayari sa paa at kamay ko
P: Nabibigyan ko sya ng halaga. Tipong ah ganito pala to akala ko dati ganun lang kasimple.
I: Wow ngayon binibigyan mo siya ng attention?
P: Opo
I: Ayun that’s good. That’s nice. Kasama talaga yan sa proseso
P: Pero minsan talaga medyo mahirap
I: It’s okay kasama talaga yan sa proseso
I: Okay next si Rina
P: Di ko alam kung tama to ah
I: Okay lang yan aral lang naman ito sa sarili niyo. Ano napansin mo sa sarili mo?
P: Halo halo ang emosyon
I: Okay yun ibig sabihin you’re aware. Most of the time dalawa nararamdaman mo? Sabay?
I: May tanong dito ano yung mga nagpapataas at nagpapababa so kailangan talaga maging
aware kayo sa mga bagay na nag ttrigger sainyo. Kasi macocontrol nyo at maiiwasan niyo
para makausap niyo yung sarili niyo na kailangan mo ng ramdamin kamay ko at katawan ko
sa sarili. Kasi yung hyper arouse eto yung energy mo palabas kaya minsan sumasabog ganun
naninigis. Yung hypo arouse sumasabog sa loob kaya minsan paki ramdam mo hinihila ka
pababa. Pero walang masama dyan. Nagkakataon lang na kailangan natin alamin kung ano
nangyayari sa katawan nyo kaya etong programang ito mas matutulungan kayo maging aware.
I: So Rina anong nakikita mong pag babago sayo?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
P: mas ano parang mas parag nagalit ako, nagagalit ako pero naiisip ko sa sarili ko na maging
kalmado. Parang di ko kailangan mag over act
I: So ibig sabihin mas nakikilala ninyo na ang sarili niyo.
I: Debs. Very good. Actually alam ko na yun rina. Sige ikaw naman Debs magsimula tayo sa
pag babago mo since nung first session?
P: Mas nakikilala ko yung sarili ko pag galit ako. Tapos kung ano yung style ko pag naiinis tas
madalas ako mairitable hindi kampante sa pag kilos. Mabigat sa dibdib.
I: Kumbaga parang hyper arouse din?
P: Opo. Pero minsan parang pinapakalma ko sarili ko kasi ayoko magkaron ng mas mabigat
I: Mas Gusto mo talaga magkaron ng control sa sarili mo? Very good. Next ate Trisha
P: Madali kasi ako magalit
I: Ah Hyper arouse din. Ano pong napansin niyong pagbabago sainyo?
P: Yung kaya ko ng dalhin yung sarili ko.
I: Kaya ng dalhin ang sarili?
P: Opo nacocontrol na
I: Good. Josie tama?
P: Sakin po napansin ko po nung hanggang netong Saturday na hindi maganda mood ko non.
Pero parang gumagawa ako ng paraan na para mood ko na di maganda di ko mabaling o
maiwas ko sa iba
I: So nagkakaron ka ng Control.
I: So far ang naririnig ko sainyo is nagkakaroon ng imporvements dahil tinutukan niyo ang
sarili niyo. Good. Dun tayo sa Penjulation technique. Upo ng ayos. Lahat ba ng mga ginagawa
dito ginagawa niyo din ba sa labas? Oo dapat ha. Sige penjulation technique tayo ng 5 mins.
Close your eyes and upo ng maayos. Hinga malalim 1 2 3 pause. Then slowly release lahat 1 2
3 4 5. Inhale lagyan ng maraming air ang tyan 1 2 3 pause then ilabas nyo lahat dahan dahan.
Panatilihing pikit ang mata. Alamin sa inyong katawan kung saan nyo nararamdaman ang
hyper or hypo arouse. From head to toe. Ano yung nararamdaman nyong di maganda? Start
tayo kay Ate Raquel
P: Sakin? Sa dibdib
I: Ano merong emosyon jan sa dibdib?
P Malungkot.
I: Malungkot. Rina ikaw?
P: Sa dibdib din. Mabigat
I: Yung kay ate Raquel pag mabigat anong itsura nun? Parang dinadaganan ka ba? Kaya ka
P: oo
I: Kay Rina kaya mabigat kase?
P: Parang ganun din parang may nakadagan na mabigat
I: Kay Debs? Sang parte ng katawan yung parang di mapakali?
P: Sa Isip.
I: Anong klaseng pakiramdam? Naiinis? Parang di mapakali?
P: Uhm takot
I: Kay trisha? Sa buong katawan ano nararamdaman mo?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
P: Sa dibdib kinakabahan
I: Ano yung reaksyon ng katawan? Parang masikip ba or lutang?
P: Lutang.
I: San mo nararamdaman yung okay?
P: Okay naman ulo hanggang paa
I: Paanong nararamdaman? Anong meron dun sa katawan mo?
P: Ang pakiramdam ko naman okay mas lumuwag ang pag hinga
I: Balik tayo kay Ate Trsiha. Sang katawan magaan pakiramdam?
P: Di ko alam eh. Di ko maipaliwanag
I: Ah medyo nahihirapan pa. Ikaw debs san magandang feeling sa katawan mo from head to
P: Okay naman po sa Puso.
I: Panatag sa puso? Good. Ikaw Rina? San mo nararamdaman yung parang mas okay?
P: Sa kamay parang magaan.
I: Ikaw Raquel san sa katawan yung okay yung feeling?
P: Sa ilong? Kasi parang may naamoy akong Adobo
I: Ah yun yung pagkain. So nakakatulong pala sayo pag nakakaamoy ka ng mabango?
Nawawala ba lungkot mo pag nakakaamoy ka ng mabango? Pero magandang realization yan
na pag may pinag dadaanan ka tas may naamoy kang mabango eh gumagaan yung
pakiramdam mo. Okay din yun.
I: Etong technique na ginawa natin is para malaman nyo na hindi lahat ng nararamdaman nyo
eh hypo arouse. Pwedeng may sabay sabay or window of tolerance. Anong dating sainyo nun
na miski tingnan nyo yung katawan nyo eh may magandang feeling kahit papano?
P: May pag-asa.
I: San sa katawan?
P: Sa isip.
I: Ano dating sayo na di lahat ng parte ng katawan mo eh di lahat nasa hyper o hypo. Na may
part parin sayo sa window of tolerance?
P: Okay lang masaya lang na may okay din pala sa katawan ko
I: Good pero parang di lang sanay? Di yan mawawala. Anjan lang yan. Ikaw Debs anong
nararamdaman mo na sa part ng katawan mo ay okay
P: Kalmado kasi hindi lahat ng parte ng katawan ko eh ano.
I: San banda sa katawan mo? Right now
P: Sa kamay po
I: Walang mabigat? Walang mga laman sa loob?
P: wala.
I: Ikaw Trisha
P: Sa isip. Mas gumaan na pwede pala maging kalmado
I: Andyan yung hope. Okay ikaw Josie?
P: Nasa puso at isip mo. Na kaya mong kontrolin mga nararamdaman mo. Paraan para
macontrol mo.
I: Good congratulations. Hinga tayo malalim tas slowly release lang ha. Ang mga ginagawa
natin yung mga kinasanayan natin is pinuputol natin hindi lagging nasa baba o taas. Ang
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
importante dyan ay nagkakaron kayo ng awareness na meron palang pagasa at may option
para matulungan sarili niyo.
I: Gratitude log tayo. Isang bagay na pinasasalamatan mo. Dahil nagtanggal tayo ng ma di
maganda, mag laga naman tayo sa loob
P: Ang dami teka lang
I: Isa lang o dalawa
P: Healthy kami. Kaming lahat ganun
I: San mo nararamdaman yang pag papasalamat?
P: Sa Puso
I: Ikaw Rina?
P: Gumaling ako sa ubo’t sipon kasi nag paparanoid ako
I: San mo siya nararamdaman?
P: Sa puso at isip. Kasi sa panahon ngayon
I: Ramdam mon a yung kagalingan?
P: Opo
I: Debs isang bagay na maiisip mo na Salamat sa Diyos
P: Yung okay kaming dalawang mag ina. Sa araw-araw po naming dito safe kami
I: San monararamdaman?
P: Sa puso po. Palagi kong pinag papasalamat
I: Good nag lighten na.
P: Nag papasalamat ako na pag pinapagalitan ko yung anak ko
I: Yung anak mo? Pag pinapagalitan mo?
P: Yung di na po ako gaano mabilis magalit
I: Ah pag dinidisiplina mo yung anak mo ngayon di ka na agad nag rereact?
P: Opo
I: San mo nararamdaman yung ganung pagpapasalamat?
P: Sa isip
I: Ah Good. Sayo Joseline?
P: Sakin po nung nakaraan kasi masakit ulo mo. Nagpapasalamat ako kasi Nawala.
Nagpapatulong nga ako magpabinat ng buhok para mawala yung sakit ng ulo. Mas Nawala
siya Mas okay na.
I: So san mo siya nararamdaman? Sa ulo ba?
P: Syempre sa utak lang
I: Okay very good. So ngayon tapos na tayo jan. Ngayon ang goal natin is mas makilala ang
senyales ng loob at labas ng katawan. Ngayon ang parts natin ay ang inyong utak, ulo at
mamaya yung lungs, baga, at buong katawan. So ang lesson na ito ay upang maturuan kayo na
mas maging aware sa mga ibat ibang kaparaanan ng inyong utak o ulo. At mas magkaron kayo
ng bokabularyo upang mas maintndihan nyo na ay pag ganito pala ang nararamdaman ng utak
ko eto ang dapat kong gawin. So dun na tayo sa brain niyo. Kunin niyo lahat ng gamit niyo
tungkol sa brain.
P: Dun sa mga hand outs niyo create a descriptor menu. Junin niyo yung descriptor menu
niyo. Dun sa descriptor menu niyo, ano ngayon ang pakiramdam pwede niyo siyang bilugan
pero kung wala dito pwede niyo sulatan. Right now punta kayo sa inyong utak at ulo. Mag
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
focus kayo sa pakiramdam ng ulo at utak. Basta anything related sa ulo niyo ngayon. Kung
naka focus ba kayo, dizzy, or too much ba? O kaya distracted, sore or namamawis bay an or
pinagpapawisan ulo niyo kasi wala tayo electric fan? O kaya baka naman Achy, slow, itchy,
greasy, o Makati? Alin dyan ang inyong nararamdaman ngayon?
P: So from there, kukunin niyo yung ganito niyo diba? Isipin niyo muna ano nararamdaman
ng inyong ulo. Kuha kayo ng ganito tapos bukod doon lalagyan niyo ulit siya. So ganun ulit,
di na ko nag print ng ganito para dito niyo na lahat ng nararamdaman niyo as we go along.
Pwede niyo tong gawin kahit hindi ngayon basta kukunin niyo ulet ito. Gupit then dikit. Right
now, ano ang raramdaman ng inyong utak? Kung wala sulatan niyo tas yun nalang yung
gupitin niyo.
I: Ano po yung distract?
P: Eto yung parang mabilis kang mawala sa focus. Kabaliktaran yun ng focus eh.
P: Itchy ba or mabilis, mabagal, or greasy ba ang inyong ulo. Focus lang kayo sa
nararamdaman niyo.
P: Masakit ang meaning ng Achy. So ilagay niyo na ang lahat ng nararamdaman ng inyong
I: Dito po ba?
P: Yes oo dyan sa head. So right now, ifeel niyo lang yang nararamdaman niyo then isulat na
din ninyo kung bakit. Kung ano ang laman ng inyong ulo kung bakit ganyan ang inyong
nararamdaman. Ano ang mensahe? Wala kayong ibang iisipin kundi ang ulo niyo lang.
Tanggapin niyo yan ng buong puso dahil parte yan ng inyong sarili. Wag niyo husgahan dahil
walang mali dyan sa inyong nararamdaman. At kung meron pang ibang parte ng katawan na
may iba kayong nararamdaman isulat ninyo nalang kung kunware sa kamay o pa ana may
sensation na bigla niyo lang naramdaman bukod sa inyong ulo.
Tapos lagay mo Josie, yung mensahe. LAgyan ninyo ng mensahe at kung meron din sa ibang
katawan lagay niyo na din jan pati yung mensahe na sinasabi ng katawan niyo. Ikaw Raquel
sulat mo lang yung nangyayari sa katawan mo ngayon. Yung mensahe ng mga luha mo.
Naguguluhan ka ba ngayon? Parang mahirap ngayon kasi sabi mo kanina malungkot. Maaari
ko bang malaman anong nagpapalungkot sayo ngayon?
P: Namiss ko lang yung father ko ngayon.
I: Ano ba naangyari sa father mo?
P: Namatay na po siya last year. Mag o-one year na pero masakit pa din
I: It’s one of the things na hirap ka tanggapin. Nasasaktan ka pag narerealize mo na matindi
yung sakit ng pagkawala niya. Ano yung isang bagay para matulungan mo yung sarili mong
mawala yung lungkot?
P: Nag iisip po ako ng magagandang memory namin.
I: Anong memory yung naalala mo?
P: Yung para kaming mag barkada. Yung minsan tawag ko sakaniya hindi Ama kundi Mare
kasi ganun kami talaga.
I: San mo nararamdaman sa katawan mo yung happy memory?
P: Sa puso ko
I: Tutukan mo yung puso mo ngayon kasi andun yung magandang nararamdaman mo sa father
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Okay everyone hinga tayo malalim put your hands on your tummy. Hinga malalim slowly
release. Once again lahat nakatutok dapat sa breathing. Inhale pause then slowly release 1 2 3
4 5. Okay thank you for sharing Ate Raquel. So we move on kaya naman ba mag move on sa
gagawin natin ate Raquel?
P: Opo
I: So again punt ana tayo dito. Binigyan ko kayo ng focus experiment. Pwede niyo tong
gawing assignment din. Mga activities para atleast 2 or 3 activities tayo. So yung una give
yourself a scalp massage with your fingers for 20 seconds. Feel niyo lang ha wala kayo ibang
iispin kundi yung massage. Hila hilahin niyo basta kailangan lahat ng attention niyo nasa ulo.
Ano pakiramdam na hinihilot sinasabunutan o massage yung inyong ulo.
I: Minsan kasi yung scalp tight siya eh pero pag minassage mo, lumuluwag. Pag fineel niyo
lumuluwag siya. Go back sa ulo tas unti unti niyong ramdamin yung kamay niyo sa ulo niyo.
Just massage. Massage lang then write down kung ano yung pakiramdam nay un
I: Ano ang pakiramdam nung minasahe ninyo ang inyong ulo. Isulat niyo lang sa tabi right
I: Ano pa ang nararamdaman ng inyong ulo nung inyong minasahe? Okay? Tapos ngayon
hold your brows for 15 seconds. Ako magbibilang ha basta yung pinaka mataas 1 2 3 go
I: Sige pa taas. Sige taas pa. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 taas pa 10 11 12 13 14 15
P: Haaayyy
I: Masarap yung pakiramdam na natapos na agad. Lagay niyo yung naramdaman ng kilay
I: Okay tapos na? Tayo na tayo. Layo na ang mga upuan at dun na sa gitna. Kailangan may
space kayo. Kasi iikot ng sampung beses. Ready ah 10 times
I: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
P: Haaayy nahihilo ako
I: Oh ayan lagay niyo na jan nahihilo. Kung ano yung pakiramdam ng ganyan. Ako din nahilo
nung Nakita ko kayo eh. Para kayong mga lutang
P: Parang ilalabas ko yung mga kinain.
I: Ay hahaha oo nga sorry. Lagay niyo jan
P: Parang di makagalaw ng normal
I: Oh ayan lagay niyo na sa papel sulat niyo di makagalaw ng normal
I: Last experiment na tayo kung tapos na magsulat
I: Do something you really enjoy for 2 minutes. Isang bagay na pwede niyong gawin ngayon
na kahit naka upo kayo eh mararamdaman niyo na mag eenjoy kayo.
P: Kilitiin mo sarili mo bigla hahahaha
I: Sige may naiisip ba kayo? Pwede stretching o kaya huminga. Relax ganun.
P: Inaantok ako.
I: Pwede ba yun 1 minute tulog?
I: Basta kung di niyo kaya I document niyo
I: Inom ng tubig para makapag enjoy ka. Yan 1 more minute. Ako iinom ng kape na tinimpla
ng asawa ko.
P: Kaninang umaga nag kape kami
I: Hmmm. Dapat wala kayo iniisip ah kasi dapat enjoy
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Okay sulat. Ano yung naramdaman niyo for atleast 2 minutes. Kung di naman kayo gaano
nag enjoy pwede niyo din sulat para maging totoo kayo sa nararamdaman niyo
I: Pag tapos na, kung ano yung naramdaman ng ulo niyo this time migraine or what?
I: Ano ang nararamdaman niyio ng buong ulo at utak niyo? After ng experiment natin ano
mga naramdaman ng utak niyo?
I: Nakapag focus ba kayo or nawawala pa rin yung focus. Mabigat ba o blanko, nalulunod,
namamawis, nasasaktan, mabilis, mabagal, or malansa na parang oil. Kung wala jan sulatan
ninyo nalang yung mga blanko. Bigyan niyo ng attention yung nararamdaman ninyo sa ulo
P: San po to ididikit?
I: Sa may bandang ulo pa din. Ano ang mensahe at nararamdaman ng inyong mga ulo.
I: Wag niyo isipin. PAkinggan niyo lang anong gusto iparating ng ulo niyo ngayon.
I: okay finish? Bago tayo pumunta sa lungs ano yung pakiramdam niyo ngayon?
P: Parang mas nagging aware
I: Magandang senyales yun. Ikaw Rina?
P: Relax pa din marami lang distractions.
I: That’s okay basta nalalaman mong may distractions at aware ka. Debs?
P: Parang nahihilo pa rin po
I: Ay sorry inom ka lang ng tubig
P: Kung ano-ano pumapasok sa isip. At ang sakit sa ulo
I: Dahil dun sa umikot?
P: Oo.
I: Gusto mo din ba tubig?
P: Di na po okay naman po
I: Okay sige. Paki kuha ng inyong copy ng Lungs
I: Sige right now sulat muna tayo. Tutukan niyo ang baga niyo. Ano ang physical sensation o
body signal. Ano ang senyales ng baga nyo ngayon? Masaki tba o kaya fast, mabigat, tingling,
panting parang aso, coughing, burning na parang mainit sab aga niyo, or mabagal ang pag
hinga, mahapdi ba? Or pag wala jan isulat niyo nalang tulad ng heavy na mabigat o mahirap
I: Pagka punta niyo don, punta na kayo sa descripter menu. Chart icons pala. Pagtapos niyo
isulat ang inyong nararamdaman, punta kayo sa chart icons para ilagay sa inyong tao. Tutukan
niyo ang lungs niyo at baga niyo kung anon a nangyayari. Masikip ba or nahihirapan
huminga? Maluwag? Mainit? Mahapdi ba? O nakakakiliti
I: Tutukan ang baga at hayaang magsalita. Pakinggan ninyo ang mensahe.
I: Ano ang mensahe ng inyong mga baga
I: Pwede mo isulat ate Trisha ang mensahe ng iyong baga kung bakit ganon ang
nararamdaman niyo
I: Pakinggan ang baga bukod sa mabigat na mensahe at pakinggang niyo din ang magandang
mensahe. Baka yung ibang parts ng inyong katawan eh may gusto ring sabihin
I: Punta naman tayo sa experiments. Di ko na kayo papatayuin. Wag na lang jumping jacks 20
pa naman yun
P: Okay lang naman po yun
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
P: Oo kaya yun
I: Osige tayo. Pag ginawa niyo yun make sure ang attention niyo ay yung sap ag jumping jack
niyo. Maglagay kayo mga space
I: 1 2 3 Nakadepende kasi sa bibig ko eh hahaha
I: Okay ready na 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
P: hahahahahaaha ang bigat ko
I: Pag sinabing jumping, dapat talon wala naman akong nakitang tumalon hahaha
I: Okay sulat kung ano ang naramdaman ng inyong baga
P: Hiningal
I: Okay hinigal lagay niyo jan hiningal
P: Dito po ba isusulat?
I: Dito niyo muna isulat. Pag nag 20 jumping jacks’ kayo, ano yung naramdaman ng inyong
P: Nawala ako sa focus eh
I: Sige ngayon tutukan niyo na anong naramdaman ng baga niyo.
I: Okay finish? Then gawin natin hold your breath for 10 secs
P: Huh?
I: 10 seconds lang naman. Ready set go. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I: Oh anong naramdaman ng baga niyo? Masikip ba nung di kayo nakahinga? Yung parang
may inipit kayo
P: Parang kinapos
P: Parang nalunod
I: Ano pa ang naramdaman?
I: Okay so isang experiment nalang tayo. Take a slow deep breathe in and hold for 5 econds
I: Ibig sabihin slowly. Then hold for 5 seconds
I: So pag inhale niyo, 5 seconds na nakapause
I: So inhale slowly. Pause. 1 2 3 4 5
I: Then go back to your lungs again kung ano ang naramdaman
I: After nyan, balikan niyo ulit yung chart icons niyo kung anong naramdaman ng inyong
lungs sa tatlong experiment
I: So lahat ng attention niyo itry niyo lang ifocus sa inyong lungs. Ano ang naramdaman ng
inyong baga pagtapos ng tatlong experiments
I: Okay then ano ang mensahe ng inyong lungs sa inilagay niyo
I: Mensahe ng inyong mga baga
I: Yung dito sa desripter menu, part na din to ng assignment niyo. Diba yung kanina kamay at
paa so kasama dyan yung kanina na ulo at utak so ngayon yung lungs. So lagay niyio lang dito
yung iba pang nararamdaman ng inyong mga lungs, utak or katawn niyo. So tuloy- tuloy lang
yan. So tapos na tayo sa lungs
I: Ate Raquel short lang ano nararamdaman? Ano kaya mensahe nyan?
P: Bilis ng pag hinga. Siguro kasi konektado sya sa utak ko at dibdib dahil sobrang bigat ng
naramdaman ko, napagod ako.
I: Ano daw kailangan mong gawin para gumaan lungs mo? Pakinggan mo
P: Yung huminga ng maluwag
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Sige hinga ka muna at sabihin mo sa sarili mo na “Ligtas ako”Ngayon anong nararamdaman
P: Na safe ako
I: Good congrats.
I: Sige ikaw naman Rena
P: Nabawasan yung bigat. Di man lahat pero nabawasan
I: Ano sabi ng lungs mo para mabawasan?
P: Huminga ng malalim. Kaya gumaan.
I: Okay good. Debs?
P: Hiningal tapos bumilis tibok ng puso at napagod
I: Ano raw kailangan mong gawin para mabawasan yun?
P: Huminga po ng malalim para mabawasan
I: Good then do it
P: Gumaan po sa pakiramdam.
I: Ate Risha ano daw kailangan gawin para gumaan?
P: Mag isip lang ng magaganda
I: Okay good. Ikaw Josie?
P: Parang feeling happy parang bumalik sa pagiging masaya. Masarap bumailk sa pagkabata
parang laro laor
I: So ang feeling ko sayo, di ka gaano nakapag laro nung bata?
P: Oo kasi nung bata ako di ako gaano nag lalaro
I: Ano sabi ng lungs mo para gumanda pa feeling?
P: Need mag focus sa sarili at bigyan ng pansin yung ibang bagay na makakatulong sap ag
luwag ng dibdib mo. Mga bagay na makakapag pasaya sayo.
I: Good kaya kailangan mo yan gawin.
I: Ngayon nasa whole body na tayo.
I: Kasama jan ang lahat. Pero ang na tackle lang natin ay brain, lungs, feet tsaka hands. Kasi
whole body na. Yung phase 1 kasi yung pagkilala niyo ng senyales sa katawan. Upang mas
magkaron kayo ng bokabularyo upang mas makilala ang sarili niyong katawan.
P: Medyo mahirap po pero kaya naman matututunan
P: Mahirap din
P: Parehas lang po mahirap din
P: Sakto lang
I: Mararamdaman nyo talaga yung hirap pero okay lang yun. Ngayon since nasa buong
katawan na tayo, ganun ulit.
I: Puntahan niyo naman yung buong katawan niyo ngayon kasi simula hands to bladder to eh.
I: Kung naooverwhelm kayo, kasama yan. Pero yung ganung pakiramdam, saan yun sa
katawan niyo? So ngayon sulatan niyo nalang kasi wala na ko stickers kaya sulat nalang. So
andito yung mga kodigo na pwede ninyong malagay. Pwede niyo ko taunngin para alam niyo
ibig sabihin nun.
I: Pero ngayon from head to toe, ano na nararamdaman nyo? Pwede kayo jan mamili. Kunyari
sa puso ko, biglang sumisikip dahil naakaramdam ka ng sikip, sulatan ninyo nalang ito. Ang
importante dito yung awareness niyo mula ulo hanggang paa.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Kung nakakaramdam ba kayo ng pagka lunod, isusulat niyo. Kung takot man, isulat niyo.
Lahat ng nararamdaman niyo, ilagay niyo na. Kung naiinis, kasi masyado na o nalunod na
agad. O kaya natatakot kasi di alam ang gagawin, it’s okay.
I: Basta lahat lang ng attention niyo, nasa katawan niyo. Kung nakakaramdam ng inis, di
mapakali, kung nasa tyan, nasa legs. Wag niyong huhusgahan kasi walang masama sa
nararamdaman niyo.
I: Pakinggan ang sarili. Ano yung nararamdaman. Tapos kung ano yung mensahe na sinasabe
ng bawat parte na nagging aware kayo ngayon. Una muna physical sensation diba. Yung mga
body signals eto yung malamig, mainit, tuyo, basa, masikip, mabilis, mabagal, parang gusto
mo tumalon, masikip ang mga kamay. Yan ang mga body signals.
I: Feeling niyo buo or feeling niyo walang laman. Mabigat or nawawala sa atensyon. O
kinakailangan ng tahimik dahil maingay or parang clogged kasi parang puno. O kaya parang
sobrang ingay o sobrang tahimik o gustong sumigaw.
I: So anong mensahe ng bawat parts na nilagay niyo. Okay one more minute.
I: Short lang ng body processing. Anong nararamdaman? Yung buong katawan mo. Yung
buong reaction.
P: Mabigat
I: Kasi?
P: Kasi madami hindi ko na alam kung kaya ko
I: San mo naramdaman yung mabigat?
P: Sa muscle
I: Ano daw yung kailangan mong gawin para gumaan? Wag mo isipin pakinggan mo
shoulders mo
P: Stretching?
I: Okay do stretching now. Go back to your shoulders nung ginawa mo yung kailangan mo
P: Medyo gumaan siya
I: Okay good. Rina? Anong pakiramdam mo
P: Nadidistract
I: San yung nadidistract?
P: Sa isip
I: Ano yung sabi ng isip mo kung bakit nadidistract ka?
P: Nagtatanong
I: Anong tanong yun?
P: Kung tama o mali
I: Tungkol saan
P: Di siya problema pero parang problema natin
I: Kung kelan ka papasok sa problema ng iba?
P: Opo parang ganun
I: Tanungin mo isip mo kung pano mo mababawasan yung mga iniisip mo
P: Gusto niyang magtanong
I: Oh sige anong tanong
P: Tama bang mangielam ako?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Nagiging emosyonal ka kasi baka dun yung part na hirap ka. Gusto mong tumulong pero
baka akalain nila nagningielam ka. Anod aw sagot dun sa tanong mo. San mob a
nararamdaman yan
P: Sa puso at isipan ko. Gusto niya kasing may maayos o may masagot.
I: Pag may nasagot na anong mararamdaman mo?
P: Kampante po masaya.
I: So yun ang need mo. So pwede mo tanungin yung taong yun kung kailangan nya ng tulong.
Dun mo malalaman kung kailangan niya ng tulong mo. Marerealize niyang kailagan niya ng
tulong pero kung ayaw kailangan mong irespeto na ayaw.
P: Gusto niyang magpatulong pero parang di niya nakikita yung sarili niya
I: Ah so ang pwede mo gawin dun kumbaga sa salamin, ibalik mo lang yung nararamdaman
niya. Yung mismong tulong na kailangan niya di mo maibigay kasi ayaw niya eh so di niya
I: Ano pakiramdam mo ngayon?
P: Medyo okay lang kalmado lang
I: Good so nasagot ko ba tanong mo?
P: Medyo po
I: So nagging masaya ka? Ginawa mo yung kilangan mo para sa sarili mo equals, gumaan.
P: Opo
I: Debs ano pakiramdam mo?
P: Nanginginig po yung buong katawan ko.
I: Kasi?
P: Kasi may halong kaba
I: Anod aw mensahe kung bat nanginig
P: Kasi yung mga sagot ko di ko po alam kung tama
I: Kumbaga mahina pa yung kumyansa mo
P: Opo
I: Ano daw yung kailangan mong gawin para madagdagan yung kumpyansa mo? Hinga ka ng
I: Sabihin mo sa sarili mo “Walang mali sa sagot ko. Okay lang yung ginawa ko”
P: Walang mali sa sagot ko. Okay lang yung ginawa ko.
I: Okay good so ano ng nararmdaman mo?:
P: Medyo okay na po.
I: Good. Ate Trisha?
P: Nasasaktan. Nawawala sa isip ko di ko maintindihan
I: Kanina ko pa napansin ate Trisha na parang ang layo mo. Parang wala ka sa loob.
Nakatulong ba sayo na maging aware ka sa ulo mo at sa lungs kahit konti?
P: Konti lang
I: Okay lang ang importante merong nangyari. Yung ang panghawakan mo. Baka di lang
madali sayo kasi di yon ang kinasanayan mo. Kaya ka nahihirapan bumalik sa loob. Pero
walang mali dun kaya andito tyo para tulungan kang makabalik sa sarili mo. Andun yung
takot siguro kung pano siya gagawin or natatakot ka sa bagong experience kasi ngayon mo
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
lang nakikilala yung katawan mo. Walang malai jan Ate Trisha. Anjan yung takot mo sa mga
kamay mo. Pakinggan mo yung braso mo ngayon kung ano kailangan mo para mawala takot
I: Sabihin mo nga sa sarili mo na “okay lang ako”
P: Okay lang ako
I: Sige so ganito gawin natin since andito si Ate Beth, tayo tayo, tayo tayo. Find a partner.
I: Gagawin ulit natin yung yakapsule. Wala kayong ibang iisipin kundi yung init at
pagmamahal. Okay? Hug tayo. Hug hug. Sige hug lang. Mahigpit. Sige tanggalin niyo yung
resistance. Isantabi niyo muna yun. Ilet go niyo muna yung ganung pakiramdam at tanggapin
niyo ng buong buo at sabihin niyo “Walang mali sakin.
P: Walang mali sakin
I: Mahalaga ako
P: Mahalaga ako
I: Importante ang pangangailangan ko
P: Importante ang pangangailangan ko
I: Normal ang nararamdaman ko
P: Normal ang nararamdaman ko
I: Ayokong husgahan ang sarili ko
P: Ayokong husgahan ang sarili ko
I: Dahil mahal ko ang sarili ko
P: Dahil mahal ko ang sarili ko
I: Walang mali sakin
P: Walang mali sakin
I: Walang mali sa nararamdaman ko
P: Walang mali sa nararamdaman ko
I: Sige lang. Feel niyo lang. Let go niyo. Let go niyo mga nang bblock sa mga nararamdaman
niyo da maganda.
I: Feel niyo lang presence ng holy spirit ngayon. Hinga malalim. Release.
I: Okay seat down.
I: Anong pakiramdam Josie?
P: Sakin te yung sa buong katawan yung una kong nilagay blangko yung parang ang sakit sa
ulo. Yung tenga ko parang gusto ko takpan. Para wala na akong marinig.
I: Okay so focus ka muna sa tenga mo. Right now, ano need ng tenga mo para mabawasan
yung ingay?
P: Para sakin tahimik. Kasi nakaka ano. Tapos sumunod is yung bubig. Gusto ko magsalita
pero di ko alam paano kung san sisimulan. Sumunod yung lungs po medyo masikit siya
ngayon. Yung heart naman po tama lang. Yung muscle ko po nanginginig. Yung stomach ko
po gustom
I: Sige patapos na tayo hahha
P: Tapos yung hands ko po Mabasa basa.
I: Good. Aware ka na sa mga nag=ngyayari. Ang gagawin natin ngayon dahil mas nakilala
niyo na body parts niyo. We’ll do body scanning head to toe na walang iniisip na ibang bagay.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Pag naligaw ulit utak nyo, balikan niyo yung hiniga niyo. Focus lang kayo sa hininga. Seat
comfortably. Upo ng maayos. Komportable. Close your eyes. Sa loob ng isang minute o
dalawa. Upo lang at katahimikan. Ng walang ibang ginagawa o walang ibang sinasabi.
Walang ibang layunin kundi ang atensyon niyo ngayon sa boses ko na nagsasalita. Habang
nararamdaman niyo ang inyong hininga. Mulo lo, ramdam niyo ang nangyayari sainyong
mukha, tenga, pababa mula sa leeg, lahat ng atensyon mula balikat pababa ng braso, siko
hanggang sa daliri ng inyong mga kamay. Kung anong pakiramdam sa damit niyo. Ramdam
ng tyan yung kontakt papuntang baywang. Ramdam ng buong legs niyo, bewang, hanggang
bukong bukong pababa sa daliri ng inyong mga paa. Bigyan niyo ng atensyon yung mga
bagay na walang ginawaga. Iappreciate niyo yung pakiramdam na walang ginagawa dahil
walang masama sa ginagawa niyo ngayon. Dhil di niyo hinuhusgahan ang sarili niyo. Na may
halaga etong moment na to na inexperience niyo.
I: Okay hinga ng malalim. Sabihin niyo ng tatalong beses na “Mahalaga ako”
P: Mahalaga ako
I: Importante ako
P: Importante ako
I: Importante ang mga needs ko
P: Importante ang mga needs ko
I: Walang mali sakin
P: Walang mali sakin
I: Anak ako ng Diyos
P: Anak ako ng Diyos
I: Okay open your eyes
I: Sige bago tayo magtapos, anong natutunan niyo sa sarili niyo.
P: Ang dami palang dapat matutunan.
I: Ang importante dun sa assignment niyo, dun sa ginamit niyong graph, kasi dito sa handouts
niyo lagay niyo nalang sa likod. So pwede niyo siyang gawing journal sa notebook.
Napapansin niyo yung up and downs niyo. Atleast alam niyo kung asan kayo. Tama naman
yung maraming natutunan Ate Raquel anong dating sayo nun?
P: May halong bigat di ko alam kung kaya or hindi
I: Pero ngayon nakayanan mo. Sabihin mo sa sarili ko “Kaya ko”
P: Kaya ko
I: Wag mo munang isipin yung sa susunod. Eto lang muna. Kasi eto yung kapangyarihan natin
mismo eh. Pinapalakas niyo yung habit na uy kailangan kong bumalik. Kasi pag lumabas kayo
sa now, dun kayo magiisip ng kung anoa no kaya kailangan niyong maibalik yung sarili niyo
I: Sige Rina ano yung natutunan mo sa sarili mo ngayon?
P: Yung kahit madaming distraction, kaya mong ituon ulit yung isip mo sa kung anong
ginagawa mo.
I: Very good. Oh diba pangatlong session palang, may impact na agad. Ang susi dito is
consistency. Ibig sabihin, tuloy – tuloy. Sa umpisa, expect niyo talaga na pahirapan kasi may
pinuputol kayong mga nakasakanyan. So pag di niyo tuloy tuloy yung pag puputol, babalik
siya sa dati. Ayaw natin ng dati diba? Sino may gusto ng dati? Pag bumabalik kayo don dapat
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
compassion kayo sa sarili niyo. Kasi normal na bumabalik. Kaya importante yung minfulness
eh. Ang atensyon niyo dapat balik lang sa sarili. Pag naguguluhan kayo, balik lang kayo sa
I: Which is ginawa niyo. For the third session yun yung skill na ginagawa niyo. So hopefully
sana tuloy-tuloy na. Maski mahirap, atleast masabi niyo lang ng malakas sa sarili niyo na may
impact na eh.
I: Sige debs, ikaw na. Anong natutunan mo sa sarili mo?
P: Kahit mahirap kilalanin yung sarili, kaya nating mas makilala. Pag aaralan.
I: Kumbaga yun yung kalakasan mo Debs. Napapangunahan ka lang ng takot. Kailangan mo
iadress yung mga bagay na tumutulong sayo bawasan yung takot.
I: Sige. Trisha ano yung mga natutunan mo ngayon?
P: Wala eh
I: Balik ka lang sa katawan mo ate Trish. Nakakaramdam ako nung inis kasi nahihirapan ka?
Nahihirapan ka kasi meron kang pinagdadaanan? Masyado siyang nag o-occupy sa sarili mo
sa loob. Nahihirapan ka makabalik sa sarili. Pero nung umu-oo ka, may koneksyon ka na sa
sarili mo kasi nalaman mo na yun yung pakiramdam mo at walang mali don. Sabihin mo sa
sarili mo na walang mali dun.
P: Walang mali dun
I: Okay lang ako.
P: Okay lang ako
I: Oh ngayon nakabalik ka na. anong nararamdaman mo?
P: Mabigat
I: San yung bigat? Ano yung ibig sabihin ng bigat?
I: Sabihin mo nabibigatan ako
P: Nabibigatan ako kasi nasasaktan ako.
I: Para mabawasan ng konti yung sakit mo anong kailangan mong gawin? Anod aw yung
kailangan mong sabihin?
I: Hinga ka lang malalim Ate Trisha. Kasi yun yung sinasabi ng sarili mo kaya kailangan
mong sundin.
I: Anong pakiramdam mo ngayon?
P: Medyo mabigat
I: Nakayanan mo. Sabihin mo sa sarili mo “Kaya ko “
P: Kaya ko
I: Nakabalik ka sa simpleng pag hinga diba? Coongrats
P Sakin tea no. May koneksyon pala lahat ng iniisip mo sa buong katawan mo. Dun pala
nanggagaling yun. Kung ano pala nararamdaman ng utak mo napupunta na din sa katawan
mo. Namamalayan mo nalang na parang mga parte dito
I: Anong pakiramdam mo na mas nakikilala mo na sarili mo?
P: konti konti mas nalalaman ko yung mga dapat gawin
I: Like what?
P: Pag naiinis ka alam mo mga kailangan kong gawin
I: Okay. Sabihin niyo sa sarili niyo congratulations. Kasi nakayanan niyo ngayon ng walang
nangyarin masama.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: So continue lang yung assignment ha
Lagay niyo nalang sa ibang papel or notebook. Make sure na magagawa niyo siya kahit pa isa
isa lang. Kelan tayo sa susunod? Monday or Friday?
P: Monday po. Kasi po wala pasok nung Monday
I: So ganun oras ulit? 1:30 or 1?
P: 1:30 nalang
I: Sige sino gusto mag end ng prayer para matapos na tayo agad
P: Let’s pray
P: Ama naming Diyos na makapangyarihan nagpapasalamat po kami sa araw na ito na
binigyan niyo kami ng pagkakataon upang makapag aral at malaman naming sa lahat ng
nangyayari sa aming katawan at kung pano kami makakabalik sa aming sariling katawan.
Maraming Salamat rin po sa taong ginamit niyo po upang ituro sa amin ang mga dapat naming
gawin at matutunan. Salamat po sa lahat ng ginamit niyo upang kami ay magkaron ng
kamahalan sa aming puso isipan at katawan. Naway sakanilang pag uwi sila ay inyong ingatan
at proteksyonan. Ibless niyo po sila panginoon at ganun din po kami na naiwan dito
Panginoon. Patuloy niyo po kaming iguide at pagpalain sa araw araw. Ito po ay aming
ibinabalik ng may papuwi at pasasalamat sa Panginoong Hesus
P: Amen
I: May gusto pala akong sabihing verse 2nd Peter chapter 1. Yung sinabi niyong pagkakilala sa
sarili. Andun yung sagot. Yung buong verses na yun. Yung sinabi ni Paul na kahit alam
niyang mali, ginagawa niya. Yun yung nakasanayan na habits. Kaya importante yung katawan
natin kasi ito yung nakaka receive ng pinagdadaanan natin na trauma and abuse. So sa
pamamagitan ng pagkakailala niyo sa sarili niyo, yun din ang makaksagot sa healing at
recovery niyo. Pag nilayan niyo yung 2nd verse kasi lahat ng pinagdadaanan natin ngayon,
nasagot na niya. Kaya di pwede sabihin na walang solusyoon.
I: Mula nung pinako si Kristo, tinanggap niya lahat nung pinag dadaanan natin ngayon.
Kailangan natin panghawakan yung salita.
I: Okay thank you. I’ll see you again. Sorry naano ko yung 10 mins. Kabila naman kayo.
P: Thank you po.
I: Thank you.
4th session
Sige kamusta na kayo so far this is our fourth session. Ang fourth session ay tungkol dun sa
emosyon naman kumbago sa phase one is body literacy ibig sabihin mas kinikilala niyo yung
body signal senyales ng inyong katawan, pag may nararamdaman kayo ano yung senyales
nito. So yun yung nangyari satin ng ohase one ngayon nasa phase two na tayo ibig sabihin
pagkatapos natin magkaron ng idea na mas makilala natin an gating sarili sa pamamagitan ng
body signals, ikokonek natin to sa ating nararamdaman. Ibig sabihin bidy awareness
pagkakaalam mo sa inyong katawan sa senyales at papano to magkakaron ng meaning.
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Meaning ng katawan at papano to may koneksyon sa ating nararamdaman. Para magkaron
tayo ng integration kumbaga buo mula sakatawan natin ay may koneksyon pal asa
nararamdaman so gagawin natin yun for two sessions starting today so before we start,
iprocess natin yung nangyari last time nung third session kamusta kayo sa mga assignment
niyo. Bago niyo tutukan yung bago, dun muna kayo sa assignment niyo. Tinutuloy tuloy niyo
ba yung graph? Ano lang yung mga nagawa niyong assignment. Sige ano yung mga
assignment na ginawa niyo or dun nalang tayo san akita niyong pagbabago. So this is our
fourth session ano yung mga nakita niyo na pagbabago sa sarili niyo or may mga bagay na
nahihirapan parin tas konek agad sa sarili.
After nung third session the kumbaga parang pagod na pagod ako tas sakit ulo ko tas di ko ma
explain yung ano tas nung may kasama ko sa bahay sabi niya bakit di ko alam di ko ma
explain yung nararamdaman ko nahiga nalang ako kaya lang ako bumangon kasi kelangan ko
magluto gawa ng mga bata. Parang blanko.
Habang naalala mo siya ngayon, ano yung reaksyon ng katawan mo ngayon? From head to toe
na sobra kang pagod, masakit ang ulo. Nasan siya ngayon sa katawan mo?
Participant: Nasa ulo talaga.
Punta ka sa ulo mo Raquel ifeel mo lang yung sakit sa ulo tas describe mo sakin ano yung
itsura ng sakit sa ulo kung bibigyan mo siya ng imahe.
Participant: Alam mo yung umiikot parang sinusundot na ewan .
Nakakainis yun? Kasi larang dinmo maintindihan okay tutukan momlang yang ganyang
pakiramdam tutukan mo lang yung mensahe yung lagay dyan sa umiikot na sakit. Huwag niyo
isipin yung sagot walang panghuhusga.
Participant: Sanay ako na isipin yung ano minsan kasi di mo maiwasan na isipin yung past.
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Specifically ano yung nagccause nung sakit sa ulo mo? Ano yung isang bagay na sobrang
tumatatak sa isip mo?
Participant: Yung nangyari saking di maganda.
Ito ba yung tungkol sa father mo? Di pa yun may iba pa? ah okay sige puntahan mo lang yung
ulo mo ngayon hangang tuloy tuloy na nagsasalita tutukan yung kelangan gawin ngayon para
bigyan mo ng kung ano man yung need tas ano yung kelangan mo gawin.
Participant: Blanko
Ano yung mensahe ng blanko?
So Wala, parang wala akong gagawin.
Ayaw na muna kumilos? Kasi pagod na kasi? Sabihin mo ngayon na pagod na.
Participant: Pagod na ko
Ano yung mga ayaw mo muna gawin?
Participant: Ayaw ko muna kumilos, steady lang kahit sa bahay
So ibig sabihin nun napapagod parang hinihila ka pababa?
Participant: Pero ayaw ko kumilos na parang pagod na pagod ka
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
So ngayon may na sense ako na parang medyo may nag flow nangyari, nasan siya sa katawan
Participant: Balikat
Sige feel mo yung balikat ano yung mensahe ng balikat mo?
Participant: Kelangan may gawin ako, kelangan ako may gawin
Wag mo husgahan yung balikat mo, ano daw yung kelangan mo gawin?
Participant: Labanan yung nararamdaman ko
Eh ang nararamdaman mo eh mabigat so wag mo daw siya labanan, ano lang yung pwede mo
gawin sabayan niyo yung nararamdaman mo, para masabayan mo siya anong kailangan mo
gawin? Wag mo isipin yung isasagot mo? Ok lang maramdaman yung di mapakali, kung
meron mang kayong nararamdaman na di mapakali, ok lang walang masama diyan. Parang
masalimuot yung nasa loob mo, masikip, maraming mga gumugulo pero kahit papano na
pakinggan mo yung sarili mo so pick upin natin yun mamaya. Okay sige Reena? Yung
natutunan mo ngayon so far simula una hangang four session na
Participant: Mas nakakapag kontrol ako
Yung kontrol san mo siya nararamdaman sa katawan?
Participant: Sa buong katawan
Sa buong katawan, anong masasabi na nakokontrol mo na. ano yung reaksyon ng katawan mo
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Yung nagagalit, nagagalit pero bumabalik sa dati
May ginawa ka ba para bumalik sa kalma?
Participant: Uhm na observed ko sa sarili ko na okay lang siya, tumahimik, kinakausap ko
sarili ko. Kahit magalit pero di masyado, tapos makipag usap dun sa tao
So ibig sabihin nadedevelop, nagkakaron ka ng tinatawag na assertiveness yan yung
tinatawag na ilalabas mo yung galit mo sa maayos na paraan di mo naman
hinuhusgahan yung galit mo na masama kasi talaga naman nagagalit ka pero dinaan
mo sa maayos na paraan. Good. Sige, si Bevs na may sakit? Kelan ka nagkasakit?
Participant: Linggo ng hapon.
Ah linggo ng hapon, ano yun trangkaso o ibang sakit? Di ka naman nahirapan
Participant: Di naman kaya lang minsan pag nakahiga ako feeling ayaw ko na
nakakamoy ako ng di maganda. Kagabi po nakaamoy ako ng mabango pero parang
nalulunod ako sa amoy.
Ang tawag dyan sa ganyang pakiramdam yung sensory, yung senses, sensory overload.
Ibig sabihin yung ilong natin nasosobrahan kaya sinasabi niya sa utak na uy nasa
panganib ka kaya pakiramdam mo di maganda. Nasan siya sa katawan mo?
Yung sa katawan ko nararamdaman ko lag sumakit yung ulo ko.
Ano daw hung kelangan mo gawin kahit konti para atleast mahimasmasan ka? Sige
pakiramdaman mo lang yung sarili mo. Naglakwatsa ka? Baka sobra ka nang natagalan
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
mag stay sa isang lugar, parang kelangan mompumunta sa may ibang nakikita. Trisha?
Mukhang ako ate yung pinakamatanda sa inyo eh, ate ako ng ate ako naman pinaka
matanda sa inyo, sige Trisha.
Naramdaman ko yung blanko kasi ako nun. Binalewala ko nalang
Ngayon, anong pakiramdam mo ngayon? Blanko pa rin? Nasan yung blanko sayo?
Parang nasa mukha mo o nasa ulo? Walang laman? Ano yung pag wala kang
maintindihan, blanko yung utak, ano pa yung ibang nararamdaman ng katawan mo pag
ganyan yung pakiramdam, ano yung emosyon na kasama dun?
Participant: Nasasaktan, manhid.
So mukhang masyado masalimuot yung nararamdaman mo ngayon na nasasaktan so
para di ka masaktan, ang hirap ng ganyang pakiramdam. Pero mukhang di ka agad
naging blanko lasi nagkaron ka ng koneksa sarili mo ano pakirana nakonek k asa sarili
mo pano yung okay lang. mas gusto mo ba yung pakiramdam na uy eto pala ko or
medyo kinakabahan, okay sige Josie?
Participant: Sakin te yung parang blanko kasi ang daming dapat irelease tapos pero ano
naman na kumbaga nakatulong naman.
Nilalamig si Bevs. Pero kamusta pala yung mga assignment so kayo nagawa di niyo
nagawa, ikaw Trisha di na rin nagawa? Mahirap ba yung assignment?
Participant: Nakakalito
Oo ako rin nalilito kaya okay lang,
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Eto importante kahit di niyo directly nagagawa yung assignment yung mga nangyayari
dito di niyo lang masyado ano pero nagagawa naman, yun ang importante anyway ang
gagawin natin ngayon,
Pendulation so pikit ang mga mata. Tapos from head to toe alamin niyo sa buong
katawan kung san nararamdaman yung di komportable na pakiramdam asan sa
katawan mula ulo hangang paa, hangang maari wag husgahan kasi meron yang dahilan
kung bat niyo nararamdaman kumbaga pakinggan niyo lang para siyang kaibigan niyo
na nasa katawan niyo ngayon na may pinag dadaanan kelangan kaibigan niyo yan wag
niyo huhusgahan, kelangan pakinggan niyo lang okay. Start tayo kay Raquel, san sa
katawan mo nararamdaman momyung di ka komportable?
Participant: Sa ulo pa rin
So pakinggan mo sabihin mo di ako komportable
Participant: Gusto kong makisabay pero masakit siya eh
Ano ba yung isang bagay na nagpapasakit? Kahit isang word lang para lang lumalabas
siya. Ok lang ba yun na kunin mo yung pillow tas kelangan mo kasi ilabas yung sakit
kasi yun ang nasesense ko eh gusto niyang sumigaw so dyan lang sa pillow para atleast
di ganun ka lakas tapos lahat tayo gagayahin natin si Raquel at cover natin ang ating
mukha okay so lahat tayo nakatutok sa ulo ifeel natin lahat yung nararamdaman ni
Raquel. Pag bilang ko ng tatlo sisigaw tayo okay sa kamay ah, one pangalawa hinga
two pangatlo sigaw. Hinga malalim, hinging permiso kay Bevs kung pwede yung
electric fan, pwede ba gusto mo dito ka pa ganun yung ano electric fan para di ka
natatamaan ayan.
Okay na yan, kamusta na Raquel? Ano nangyari agad parang lalang bumigat, lalong
bumigat? Alam mo kung bakit? Kasi lalo mong naramdaman yung sarili mo so it’s a
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
good thing kasi kumbaga alam mo yung linta? Diba kinukuha niya yung dugonso pag
tinanggal niyo yung linta kahat nakuha yung dugo mo sa anong pakiramdam mo,
parang na drain ka, walang dugo eh so normally wala ka nang energy so nung nilabas
mo yung energy mo dun ka nagkaron ng koneksyon na parang uy nabawasan ka pero
kahit papano mukhang lumuwag yung pakiramdam mo o ako lang nag iisip nun?
Totoo naman? Okay sige san na tayo, dito na tayo si Reena, san sa katawan mo yung
medyo hindi komportable yung pakiramdam
Sa buong katawan
Ano daw yung rason kung bakit ?
Participant: Parang pagod kasi ako parang gusto ko matulog
Tapos ginising kita
Participant: Gising pero
Yun nga pakiramdam ko ngayon sobrang parang hinihila kayo pababa sobra kelangan
natin mag regulate, hinga malalim okay sabihin niyo sa saniyo okay lang yung
nararamdaman, walang masama sa nararamdaman ko, parang di kayo naniniwala?
Wala talaga masama sa pinagdadaanan niyo ngayon kasi andun kayo sa hyper o hypo?
Hypo yung sa baba ah parang sobrang alam mo yun disconnected ka sa katawan mo
nag collapse na yun nga yung blankong blanko ka na. Yung hyper yung maraming
energy na di mapakali. Hypo dahil may sakit din, hypo. Okay sige kaya natin to, Bevs
san mo nararamdaman sa katawan na di ka komportable
Participant: Nakahiga lang
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Sige Trisha, balik sa sarili saan yung di maayos na pakiramdam
Participant: Puso’t isip
Then Josie?
Participant: Sa ulo kasi sakit ng ulo ko eh
Sige baka kelangan mo ng tubig, dahil mainit, pwede rin yun diba so balik tayo saan
naman sa buong katawan na medyo mas okay ang inyong pakiramdam na masasabi
buong katawan na masasabi niyo na mas okay
Participant: Kamay ko
Atleast nag momove yung kamay diba. Sige Reena?
Participant: Dito
Ano pakiramdam na meron palang part sa katawan niyo na mas okay
Participant: Yung upo ganun
Komportableng upo ano yung pakiramdam niyo na meron palang okay pa rin? Sa
kamay mo
Participant: Mas okay siya kasi matulungan ka ng ibang parte ng katawan mo.
Sige Reena?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Pag asa
Asan sa katawan mo na mas okay yung pakiramdam
Participant: Sa kamay
At ano yung pakiramdam mo na okay pa rin
Participant: Kamay kasi nung sumakit yung ulo ko may panghilot ng ulo ko
So may kakampi san siya kahit san siya sa puso o ano di komportable ano part ng
katawan na mas okay
Participant: Sa hita
Okay ano pakiramdam niyo na okay pala?
Mas okay? Okay sige.
Participant: Sakin siguro yung upo ko
Sa upo na komportable atleast matulungan mo sarili mo
Ok good see. So ngayon ano yung isang bagay na pinapasalamatan mo
So Nakarating kami ng safe
Nasan siya sa katawan mo?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Nasa dibdib
Ano yung reaksyon ng katawan ano yung body signals, natatandaan niyo nasan yung
maluwag, mainit, maluwang. Ano yung pinapa salamat mo.
Participant: Healthy
San siya sa katawan mo, wow healthy pa rin ako
Participant: Sa buong katawan, anong descriptor niyan sa buong katawan na
nagpapasalamat, yung descriptor ano yung mga senyales ng katawan maybhot may
cold may yung descriptor yung pinapaste niyo ano yung pakiramdam ng buong
katawan mo dahil nagpapasalamat ka?
Yung clean
Clean malinis
Bevs? Ano yung isang bagay na pinapa salamatan mo isang bagay na nagpapa salamat
ka sige isip ka ng isa kahit mabigat nararamdaman monisip ka ng isa bagay na alam
mo na nagpapasalamat sa Diyos.
Ano sa ngayon kahit may sakit ako okay
Participant: Sa puso at isip ko
Nasan yung pasasalamat mo sa Diyos kasi? Nasan siya sa katawan mo ngayon?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Sa tyan ano yung pakiramdam ng tyan mo ngayon Trisha, mabigat dahil
nagpapasalamat ka sa Diyos? Or ano pag nagpapasalamat k asa Diyos anonyung pakna
binibigay nito sayo?
Asan siya sa pakiramdam mo?
Participant: Sa isip
Participant: So nasa isip pala kasi yung nasa tyan mo yan yung isang bagay na sa
mabigat sayo na di ko alam kung ano yun okay sige.
Participant: Sakin the yung pinapasalamat ko na nakarating ako dito syempre wala
akong pasok
Nasan siya sa buong katawan mo?
Participant: Nasa isip kasi kung may pasok ako tapos may ganito
So atleast ngayon maluwag komportable walang iniisip ok good sige tayo muna tayo
gawin natin yung yakapsul para kahit papano mabawasan ang hirap kaya lang di pede
si Bevs kayo nalang pwede kayong tatlo, kayo muna partner sige twenty seconds hug
go na sabi ko yakap di suntukan, ifeel niyo lang every time may yakapsul kayo wala
kayong ibang iintidihin na pakiramdamna ang sarap may nagccomfort may nag
susuporta ang sarap ng gantong pakiramdam na may kaagapay ka may karamay na
maski mabigat ang pinag dadaanan ano nagyayari maski mabigat tinatawanan ni
Raquel kaya ifeel niyo lang kaya sabihin niyo sa isat isa mahalaga ka maski mabigat
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
ang inyong nararamdaman buhay ka pa rin, walang masama sayo okay lang tayo, okay
sige sit down. Short lang ano pakiramdam niyo agad?
Participant: Masaya
Masaya diba o anong sunod
Participant: Ganun din
Ikaw nanood ka lang
Participant: Masaya po kasi nakita ko sila na magkayakap
Ok good ganun din copy and paste talaga si Trixia ano
Masaya kasi syempre iba pa rin yung may katuwang
Participant: So hopefully dito sa shelter sa home tuloy tuloy yung suporta yung
simpleng ganto lang tapos hug lang atleast natutulungan kahpyo nahahatak kayo
lugmok kayo pero kahit papano may kaya niyo pala tumulong para umahon. So
ngayon ang gagawin natin my body signals are clues to my emotions so ibig sabihin
kung ano yung senyales ng ating nararamdaman sa ating katawan, eto ay clues ano ba
yung clues sa mga pulis na ebidensya na nagpapatunay na uy may nangyari krimen
dito uy page to pala nararamdaman ko sa katawan ko eto yung nararamdaman kong
feeling ibig sabihin nito ibig sabihin ngayon pg phase two mas mag karon kayo ng
abilidad na mabigyan niyo ng meaning ano nangyari sa katwan since first session pero
ngayon mas maintindihan niyo kung bakit ano ang importansya ng body connections.
Ang goal natin sa lesson na to ay para matulungan natin na maturuan kayo ng
senyalysa ating nararamdaman at magkaron kayo ng konek niyo eto pala so introduce
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Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
my body with connections. So body signal ito yung sang storya na ang aking katawan
ay nakakaramdam ng maraming katulad nun ang katawan natin ay nakakaramdam
naiintindihan naman ano for example lag ang tyan natin ay nagugutom o umiingaym
ano yung ibig sabihin nun
Participant: Kelangan kumain
Pag ang ating kamay ay malamig at nagpapawis ano kaya meron dun?
Participant: Tense
Pedeng tense, sainyo ano nararamdaman niyo, kinakabahan o kaya pasmado. Pag ang
muscles niyo ay masikip maluwag ano kaya yun anong pakiramdam nun
Participant: Parang okay ka lang
Pag tight pag may problema masakit. Pag inaalam natin yung mga senyales na ito
sobrang importante yan kung pano niyo hinaharap ang problema lalo na sa nakaraan
kasi dahil sa trauma at abuse sa inyo, sumasabog yan sa katawan so yung katawan niyo
ang nagbibigay sayo ng sagot para magawan niyo ng solusyun yung pinagdadaan niyo
so yung sinabi mo Reena na natutunan mo na magkaron ng kontrol sa nararamdaman
mo kasi nung di mo na makontrol siguro, gusto mo na magalit, ang kelangan ng
katawan mo kausapin mo lang sarili mo at sabihin mo sarili mo na eto nararamdaman
mo sa ganung paraan napupunta tayo sa window of tolerance kasi ibig sabihin nun
vinavakidate mo kinikilala mo di mo nirereject, tinatanggap mo na yun ang
nararamdaman mo so meron tayong clues na pwede natin malaman kung ano yung
nararamdaman natin so importante na makonek natin yung mga katawan sa ating
nararamdaman okay. So ibig sabihin nun sumasakit ang tyan plus muscles diba minsan
pag masakit yung tyan pag maingay parang gumganon yung muscles ibig sabihin nun
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
gutom so ngayon maglakaro tayo kunin niyo tong game cards kunin niyo ganto niyo
nandyan na so sasagutan niyo to tagalog lahat. Pag kayo ay heavy eyes mabigat ang
inyong mata at meron kayong mabigat na muscles din ano kaya yung ganong
Participant: Gustong matulog
Oh ano pa, pagod sagutan, pero di porket ikaw pagod, ikaw inaantok, malay niyo iba
naman yung sagot niyo kumbaga ito kayo yan, di bang tao. Pag inaantok ka ang
importante dun is kilala mo yung reactions niyo. Pag dry na tuyo yung bibig at walang
laman, tuyo din yung lalamunan. So uhaw so iba o ganun din ba kayo, uhaw din ba
kayo? Uhaw muna yun yung phase three natin, actions. So ngayon, uhaw. Diba lahat
may ganun ba, lahat uhaw o ako pag ganun feeling ko may sakit ako, maski uminom
ako ng tbig dry pa rin so feeling ko may sakit ako pag ganun. Yung pangatlo gustong
tumalon yung paa mo di mapakali tapos mabilis ang tibok ng puso at malakas ang
boses. Ano kaya yun? May ganun ba kayong experience tapos yung tibok ng puso tas
ang lakas na ng boses ano kaya yun. Galit sige galit yung iba ano di mapakali gusto
manuntom gusto sumabog. Ate Trisha?
Participant: Hingal.
Hingal, hinihingal yan pang apat, burning eyes alam niyo yun parang mga mainit yung
mata mo nangingilid tama tapos stuffy nose barado ilong tas tyan bumabaliktad, baka
yun ang pakiramdam ngayon ni Bevs, may sakit. Tapos, pang lima too much ears,
sobrang ingay, madaming tenga. Shut off voice maingay pero di malabas boses tas ano
yung ganun pakiramdam niyo masyado na malakas maingay pero pigil ang boses
Participant: Naiinis, iritable
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Sunod sa likod, loose muscles maluwag ang muscles walang mahigpit tapos mabagala
ang tibok, mahinahon ang boses. Ano kayo yun, may ganito ba kayong experience,
maluwag ang inyong muscles tapos ang puso niyo di naman natibok tapos mahinahon,
quiet, mahina. Yung nararamdaman mo?
Ano kaya experience yan na meron kayo, pedeng malungkot kasi quiet mahina,
tinatamad, nang lalata. Nang lalambot yan okay. Sunod sobrang maingay uli, umulit
lang kanina. Ito wiggly muscles, di mapakali ang inyong muscles sa loob. Distracted di
mapakali, yung atensyon niyo kung san san na yung kamay di mapakali, may ganiyan
ba kayong karanasan. Na halos lahat sainyo di mapakali kaya wala din atensyon anong
pakiramdam yan pag ganyan kayo, di mapakali aligaga.
Participant: Di komportable
Tapos dun sa dalawang natitura, kayo ang mag iisip niyan, base dun sa pagkakakilala
niyo sa sarili. Lahat ng ito tungkolsa inyo sa reaksyon ng katawan niyo kasi mas
kinikilala niyo sarili niyo. Isispin niyo mga reaksyon ng katawan niyo, isipin niyo oag
nagagalit, masaya, malungkot, malamig, tulad nung sinabi ni Bevs kanina giniginaw,
ano nararamdaman ng katawan mo pag giniginaw. Ano mga senyales ng katawan pag
giniginaw sasagutan niyo sa dalawa isip ng sitwasyon karanasan na malalagay niyo
pag ganto narara equals ganto pakiramdam. Kunwari inaantok. Sompede niyo tong
gamitin pala yan so hungry gutom, puna na ang tyan, thirsty nauuhaw masaya,
malungkot, galit, yung sensory overwhelm yun yung parang punong puno na sa amoy,
yun yung sensory overwhelm yun sobrang marami na kayo natutunan na impormasyon
masyado na kayo assignment pede rin yun kunwari naka focus kayo, ano pakiramdam
ng katawan niyo pag naka focus ano napapansin ng katawan niyo pag naka focus kayo
yun lagay niyo sa blanko. Active ang utak, ano pa yung mga utak niyo mas magaan
ang aking pakiramdam. Magaan light mas naiintindihan yan. So equals na yun mas
naiintindihan ano ibig sabihin nun pero para mas masabi na naiintindihan ano yung
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
senyales ano yung reaksyon ng katawan pag naiintindihan mo siya. Ang layunin ng
activity na to to mas maiiwasan yung nakasanayan niyo na di kayo nakatuon sa di
maayos na pakiramdam kasi kelangan niyo alamin ang mga bagay bagay na di kayo
sanay, mahirap kelangan niyo acknowledged yan. Sino dito nakaranas na nahihirapan
Participant: Ako
San sa katawan yun.
Participant: Sa isip ko yung nakaraan
Sabihin niyo nahihirapan ako, masakit sa ulo so wag niyo lang basahin. Ang gawin
niyo tuunan niyo ng pansin sarili niyo, isipin niyo lang pag kalmado ko lag kalmado,
naiinko ano yung pakiramdam ng katawan ko. So ano yung senyales ng katawan niyo
na magsasabi na ito yung pakiramdam. Pede niyo lagay pag takot kayo o galit ano
senyales ng katawan niyo na oy ganto pala pakiramdam ko pag nakakaranas ng takot o
galit. Okay one minute nalang. Okay dun na tayo sa expeso punta kayo sa experiment.
Nakita niyo na yung experiment sige. So esa experiment natin squeeze your hand fist
for fifteen seconds so dapat squeeze niyo talaga for fifteen seconds so ready set go. 1 2
3 feel niyo tensyon 4 5 6 wala iisipin kundi yung kamao trisha 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
release. Akes my body feels like ano yung pakiramdam ng katawan niyo
Participant: Masakit siya tas parang nanginginig
Pero nung nirelease niyo na?
Participant: Naunat yun mga buto
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Ano pakiramdam ng katawan niyo, masakit, masikip, yan lalagay niyo dito makes my
body feel. Tapos kung ganun pala yung kamay niyo, masikip masakit, anong emosyon
yun konektado dun pag ganun yung pakiramdam? Galit ano pa. parabkang sasabog
kinkabahan. Minsan yun yung naiinis.Or parang straight yung meron ka gusto
mangyari pero di mangyari or di mo makontrol yung sitwasyon wala ka magawa kaya
ka naiinis mga ganun. So yung dun ano feelings monlag ganun nararamdaman mo
Next tapos, ano pakiramo pag naiinitan ka? Pikit niyo lang tenga niyo ay mata niyo
wala kayo iba iisipin kundi yung naririnig lang okay for 60 seconds, pakinggan niyo
lang yung ginagawa ko (bell sound) pakinggan niyo lang naririnig niyo gamit ang yong
tenga. Okay ano pakiramdam ng tenga niyo? Nanginginig may ganun ba
Participant: Nagulat po
Ayan dito yun
Participant: May pumitik, parang nagulat
Ayun yung nagulat emosyon yung pero yung pumitik dito yun sa puso sige okay sige
sagot sidty seconds pang apat sige then take a deep breath pang anim ang hold for 15
seconds okay, ready wala ibang gagawin sige tapusin niyo muna. So dun tayo sa
number 6 baba niyo muna yung lahat ng hinahawakan niyo hinga ng sobrang lalim tas
pause agad for 15 seconds okay hinga malalim ah palakihin tyan. Ready set slowly go.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. Ano yung pakng katawan niyo agad? Pag di kayo
makahinga ano pakiramdam
Participant: Parang nauubusan ng hinininga
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Ayun nauubusan ng hininga, parang naluluno. Ikaw Trisha ano yung nararamdaman ng
katawan mo nung di ka humihinga ng 15 second
Participant: Kinakapos
Then ano yung pakiramdam niyo nung di nakakahinga, kinakapos ano yung emosyon
na nararamdaman niyo, Takot, sige ano pa? Yung iba ano naramdaman balik sa
sariliano yung naramdaman the rest paki gawing assignment ha para meron kayong
activities na ginagawa sa katawan niyo pero dun sa anong sige start may Raquel ano
yung bigla mong nakonek o nararamdaman sa ginawa mong activities
Participant: Yung dito sumasakit te parang nakakonek siya dun sa nakaraan kasi kaya
lahat ng takot saka galit yung nakaano sakin kasi parang naka ko ek siya dun sa past
San siya sa katawan mo specifically?
Participant: Sa binti
So dyan siya na stock, ano unahin mo, binti o utak
Sa utak kasi wala na dadaanan proseso mo sarili mo ano yung isang bagay na
nagpapabigat ng, sige bigyan mo siya ng boses wag mo isipin yung isasagot mo, yung
isang word na bakit siya mabigat .
Kasi may iniisip, ano yung kelangan mo gawin sabi ng utak mo para marelax ka na ng
konti na pwede mo gawin ngayon? Kumbaga puno puno na para sumingaw. Sige
masahihin mo, pag minasahe mo wag mo isipin yung pinoproblema mo sige nga gawin
natin lahat masahihin pag minamasahe niuo wag niyo associate, dapat masarap
pakiramdam, pag sinamahan niyo ng problema pag iisip di niyo maeenjoy maski nag
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
mamassage kayonever niyo maennjoy kelangan massage again massage sige maski
sabunutan niyo sarili niyo pakiramdam niyo na sige diba ramdamin niyo diyan yung
kamay and daliri niyo na dumidikit sa inyong ulo. Ang masarap sakin pag
sinasabunutan, ano pakiramdam nun wala ibang iniisio ah Raquel yung kamay lang.
Ang ginagawa natin miski naiinis ka sige tutukan mo lang kahit one minute na
nagkaron ka ng kapayapaan sa pag iisip. Kaya Trisha walang ibang iisipin kundi yung
lahat ng atensyon ay nasa ulo at kamay ngayon ibalik yung sarili sa kamay lang hinga
ng malalim ano pakiramdam.
Participant: Medyo nabawasan
At ano pakiramdam mo na narinig mo sarili
Participant: Alam ko na may dapat ako gawin
So ano yung naramdaman mo na ginawa mo talaga? Nasan siya ngayon?
Participant: Nasa puso ko
So ano sinasabi ng puso mo?
Participant: Masaya ko
Nagpapasalamat ako kasi nagawa mo, oh Reena ano ba tinanong ko sayo? Ah
pagkatapos nito ang layo ko na sige nung nagawa mo siya ano yung mga natutunan mo
sa sarili mo? Nung nagawa mo siya ano yung bigla mo na realize or may napansin ka
baa no ba yung nangyayari sa katawan niyo dahil sa ginawa niyo sige balik k asa sarili
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
mo Reena, nawawala ka kasi, hing aka malalim di ganon kadali o mahirap siya na
pinagdaanan hirap bumalik. So gently mahinahon mo ibalik sarili mo sa matawan mo.
Ano napuna mo, ano napansin mo sa sarili mo.
Participant: Kasi ako parang lang may naririnig ako, di ako makatulog or parang ingay
natatakot ako.
Ah may koneksyon ba sa nangyari sa nakaraan na medyo sensitive ka, nasan sa
katawan mo na stuck yung takot mo sa noise sa ingay asan sa katawan mo
Participant: Sa dibdib
Punta ka sa dibdib mo, pansinin mo siya wag mo husgahan ano meron sa dibdib mo,
descripto masikip, madilim, makapal, masalimuotbna para ka nasa gubatbna puno ng
puno na di ka makadaan ano meron sa dibdib mo
Participant: Masikip
Sige pakinggan mo yung sikip Reena, sabihin mo nasisikipan ako kasi sige tanggapin
mo ng buong buo, okay lang bai comfort k ani Raquel? Sige ihug mo lang siya okay
andito ka ngayon Reena sige damdamin mo yung paa mo saka yung tuhod mo
masahihin yan, puntabka sa dibdib mo. Masikip siya kasi habang finifeel mo yung
tuhod mo saka paa mo sabihin mo nasisikipan ako kasi
Participant: Nasisikipan ako kasi may mga bagay na gusto ka pero di mo makuha
Sabihin mo nakakainis
Participant: Nakakainis, nakakagalit
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Kunin mo nga hampasinmo yung unan kasi nakaka sense ako ng inis eh sige labas mo
sige pa isa yan. Okay ano pakiramdam? Lumabas pero naiiyak ka ngayon kasi sabihin
mo naiiyak ako kasi nahihirapan ako, nasasaktan ako
Di ko masabi yung gusto ko sabihin kasi natatakot ako na baka mapahiya ako so dinpa
safe. Sabihin niyo kay Reena ngayon, okay lang yan, walang problema. Ligtas ka pa
rin, okay lang, dinka namin nirereject. Parang tayong dalawa lang nagsasabi, parang
yung iba nirereject si Reena. Sige sabihin niyo kay Reena. Sige sabihin natin kay
Reena, okayblang Reena, ganyan din yung nararamdaman ko. So gingawa natin
ngayon Reena pinaparamdam na normal, tingin ka sakin okay lang Reena okay lang.
okay so di sanay, ayaw, okay lang. Okay lang ba na pispisan ka ni Raquel, sunod Bevs
pagtapos ng ginawa natin anon aging dating sayo, ready na kayong dalawa ah kasi
baka makalimutan ko.
Participant: Ako po kasi larang nagising ako dun sa tunog eh.
Naano ka ba parang nalulunod nung parang katulad kay Reena?
Participant: Parang bumilis yung tibok ng pakiramdam ko parang
May naalala ka ba sa nakaraan na parang may koneksyon, san siya sa katawan
Participant: Pag nararamdaman ko po parang nalulunod ako
Natatakot ka? San ka natatakot andito ba siya sa braso mo? Sabihin mo takot na takot
ako ngayon pero ligtas ako wala nangyayari masama sakin ngayon. Ilagay natin yung
kamay sa tyan slowly inhale paise then slowly release. Inhale slowly release, lahat
naka focus sa hininga inhale focus sa hininga, exhale. Okay kayanin natin naka focus
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
lang sa hininga inhale slowly release na may hangin. Pag nag exhale kayo lagyan ng
hangin tas lahat ng atensyon nasa hangin. So inhale, exhale. Inhale slowly release
hininga, medyo nahihirapan ba naka hinga, magagawa? So ano pakiramdam niyo na
naka focus kayo? Mas narelax nabawasan ba
Mas naging maayos, nabawasa, maayos, masaya. So lag ganto nararamdaman niyo ano
pansin niyo na kanina di maganda pakiramdam nung huminga kayo ano nagyari sa
inyo. Kinaya niyo, nakaya niyo diba? Naputol niyo yung mga feeling niyo na ang bigat
na parang ang sakit na uy wala na ko magawa pero nung huminga lang kayo bumalik
kayo sa sarili niyo at naging okay, Reena naging okay, see. So ngayon tapos na tayo
dito sa okay dun naman tayo susunod sa dito sa susunod yan eto okay eto ako pala di
ko pa binibigay sorry, yan. Sige okay ang gagawin natin diyan ngayon step one okay
so ngayon each emotion has different body signals, ibig sabihin lahat ng
nararamdaman niyo may iba iba kayo pano niyo pinapakita. For example lahat ba kayo
pag gutom masakit ang tyan o may iba pa nararamdaman.
Participant: Masakit yung tyan saka parang nanghihina
Ano pa?
Nanginginig, mahapdi, ano pa masakit ang ulo ako pag gutom na gutom nanghihina
talaga ako pero yung iba di nararamdaman yun diba so para mas makilala niyo yung
sarili niyo sa ganitong paraan yung pinag dadadaan niyo so ngayon pagpapatuloy natin
na makilala yung body signals. Alam niyo na yung mga body signals na ibig ko
sabihin diba yung nasa descriptor diba malamig, mainit, maluwag masikip yan yung
mga body signals yan yung mga napapansin niyo sa inyong katawan so dapat niyo
tandaan yung body signals na yan ay para siyang clues naghahanap kaya para palak o
nakakaramdam ng panginginig ay pag naginginig kayo ano pa ibig sabihin nun ah
galit, gutom, kinakabahan, mahapdi pag nanginginig siguro nahapdi ang tyan mo pag
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
nanginginig ka pag gutom ka anonpa iba mo nararamdaman. At ang maganda dito ay
pag tayo ay masaya, pareho ba siya ng nararamdaman pag nalulungkot pag masaya
kayo ano reaksyon ng katawan niyo.
Participant: Masigla
Ano ang reaksyon ng katawan
Participant: Okay naman
Arang walang masikip noh tuloy tuloy yung daloy sa loob okay ang galit ano
pagkakaiba ng galit sa malungkot
Pag galit parang nag aano yung ipin eh tapos pag malungkot
Participant: Parang bagsak yung katawan
Tapos ngayon matutunan natin na bawat emosyon, yung gagawin lang natin dalawa
lang kasi baka yung oras pero yung iba hopefully sana matandaan niyo nararamdaman
niyo para ituloy niyo okay. So dahil tayo ay may pagkakaiba ng sagot so walang mali o
tama sa body signals niyo kaya wag na wag niyo husgahan yung body signals niyo kasi
walang mali so porket may nararamdaman kayong ganyan, nangagalaiti kayo okay
lang yun kasi yun yung pakiramdam niyo para malabas niyo yung galit inis kaya
walang mali. Nasan ka na kayo, walang mali. Ang katawan niyo ay pag naeexcite iba
yung nararamdaman ng katawan niyo pag malungkot o masaya okay so kayo mismo
ang eksperto sa nararamdaman niyo. Walang iba kundi kayo lang, so nasabi ko na ang
kelangan niyo gawin diyan. So anon ga uli para marinig ko lang yung steps so far para
magkaron ako ng idea kahit di niyo nagagwa nasusulat niyo lang pero nagagawa niyo
so far ano natutunan niyo? Papano niyo kinikilala katawan. Iyo o sarili niyo.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Pag malungkot, nararamdaman yung nangyayari sa katawan
Tapos ano ginagawa pag nalalaman na yung body signals? Wala pa pala dun. Pero
kayo ba sa tingin niyo from one to ten. Yung ten ibig sabihin kilalng kilala niyo na
yung katawan niyo, zero wala pa. nasan na kayo dun?
3 or 4
So malayo layo ka pa so bakit? Kumbaga parang di ko naaraw araw gawin. So ang ten
sayo ano ibig sabihin nun sayo?
Participant: Lahat nagagmit ko na siya
Kumbaga parang di mo siya nalimutan so 1- 3
So from one ten nasan ka
So ano muna yung 6 sayo pano masasabi na nasa 6 ka na
Yan ba yung 6 o ten sayo.
Participant: Six
So ano yung six sayo, ngayon 5 ka. Sinasabi mo binabalanse mo may nagagawa at di
mo nagagawa , ano yung magpapabago sa five para maging six? Lahat ten yun small
steps lang kumbaga specific ano yung isang bagay na sakto to eto yung six. Kasi pag
sinabi mong bagay bagay masyado siyang malabo paliitin monlara alam nila umuusad
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
ka. Medyo mahirap, sige mukhang may pinag dadaan ka ngayon na medyo nakakagulo
pero dun sa pinag mo ngayon pano nakakatulong sayo yung bumabalik ka sa sarili
right now. San ka nahihirapan ngayon Reena ?
Participant: Pagod ewan ko po parang pagod lang.
Sige pagod, pero panong pagod? Pagod dahil pagod sa personal na pinag dadaanan.
Participant: Halo halo
Halo halo siya kaya nabibigatan ka dun? Medyo nahihirapan ka mag focus, hirap
makabalik sa sarilio nakakabalik naman
Participant: Nakakabalik naman
Yun yung ibig mong sabihin na 5 so gusto mo mas tuloy tuloy lang siya so pwede
Kahita maalala mo ay wala na
So yun yung ten so kelangan mo alamin siguro ano yung daan para maging six kasi
yung sinasabi mo ten na ten so okay. Bevs san ka na ngayon from 0 to 10. Ten is
gamay na gamay mo na yung nangyayari sa body signals mo kung papano ang
reaksyon so asan ka na ngayon? Nasa?
Participant: Three
Ano yung ibig sabihin ng 3?
Participant: Meron akong ibang alam sa sarili ko, gamit yun nagagawa ko
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Ah di pa masyado? Ah okay lag di pa masyado kung baga sa loob ng pitong araw
kelan momlang siya nagagawa? Ilang beses sa tuwing may session. Sige okay lang
pepag walang session nagagawa? Kahit isa, o wala talaga?
Participant: Meron naman
Meron naman so ibig sabihin Bevs,nagagawa naman kasi lahat ng mahirap niyo,
mahirap normal talaga di agad siya magagawa so ibig sabihin ang tawag dun is
mindfulness. Ibig sabihin ng mindfulness, alam mo nangyaymismo ngayon pasi pag
anditi ka tas yung utak mo nasaan, di ko magagawa ngayon yung kelangan mo gawin
kasi may sariling ginagawa yung utak natin sa kelangan hilahin pababa para mangyari
yun kasi pwede tayo maging hypo arouse diba yung nasa baba, lumutang so tapos
pakinggan lang mga nangyayari na tuloy tuloy lang okay di to over night nakukuha na
natin yan okay ano siya nasa sarili niyong kaparaanan wag niyo husgahan sarili niyo
na di niyo agad nakakukuha. The mere fact na na explain niyo sakin pinagdadaanan
niyo nakaka ko ek kayo may nangyayari na okay sige. Trisha asan ka na from 0 to 10.
Ten kilalang kilala mo na ang senyales ng iyong katawan.
Participant: Three
Sige ano ibig sabihin ng 3?
Participant: Di pa masyado
Di pa masyado nagagawa, okay sige. Tanong ko lang nung bago tayo mag start nasa 3
pa din kayo? O nagstart kayo ng 0?
Participant: Zero
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Ikaw nag start ka saan?
Participant: Zero
Zero din, so ibig sabihin nun malaki na yung tatlo diba ang laking bagay nun kumbaga
sa loob ng dalawang linggo nasa tatlo na kayo. So sabihin niyo good job. Kelangan
maging mabai5 kayo sa sarili niyo ma appreciate niyo yung mga bagay mga hard work
na ginagawa niyo. Sige Josie?
Participant: Sakin te nasa 4 kasi may time na medyo magaan na yung loob ko. Alam ko
naman yung gagawin ko pero sometimes nag iiba yung reaction ko.
Ah nagagalit, tamang tama punta tayo sige hungry muna tayo sa hungry yung dito pal
asa body chart check emotions, kultura nating Pilipino ayaw natin sabihin na galit tayo
pero ang katotohanan po ang ibig sabihin ng galit kasama dun yung tampo, inis, so ibig
sabihin sa bawat nararamdaman natinsa kulay diba ang kulay green marami siyang ano
napapansin niyo maraming ibat ibang klase ng green di lang siya isang kulay ng green
iba ibang variation ang tawag dyan. Merong spring green, merong blue green so ganun
din an gating emosyon so di porket galit ka eh galit yun kumbaga may level siya
kumbaga yung tampo nasa baba, pero yung nagwawala laging galig, andun na yun sa
taas so pwede nagagalit kai big sabihin naffrustrate ibig sabihin nun may kelangan
mangyari pero di mangyari, di ka maka move on kasi naka stuck ka pa rind i mo
makalimutan dahil may ibang taong konektado dun kaya parang di mo sya magawa.
Irritated, naiinis, galit grouchy yung parang mad galit, furious yung talagang galit na
galit ka. Agitated di mapakali, annoyed naiinis kumbaga sa tagalog ang hirap kasi ang
word lang eh galit. Yung nervous ninenerbyos so pwedeng aligaga natatakot ka nag
aalala yung kumbaga concern.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Kinakabahan dahil natatakot. Yung happy pwede rin siyang excited o kaya masaya o
ano pa ibig sabihin ng masaya? Satin masaya ka dahil satisfied yung parang kasama
siya sa happy. Yung sad malungkot ano yung iba pang pakiramdam ng lungkot?
Parang miserable ang buhay dib a mabigat sa dibdib sobrang mabigat sa loob saka
masakit sa dibdib. Pag gutom ka pedeng onting gutom pero may gutom na gutom kaya
pede ka kumain ng sampong plato. Tapos pag ikaw ay distracted di mapakali na
andami dami mong energy di mo alam san lalagay di ka maka focus.
Yung iba kasi hirap din ako tagalugin kasi iisa lang ang words sa tagalog katulad ng
sleepy, kaya ka inaantok kasi ikaw ay siguro pagod, inaantok o kaya mabagal yung
tamad ang feeling dahil sa panahon so ibig sabihin niyo ang point nito marami tayo
pinag dadaanan na iba iba yung expresyon at responsibilidad nagin sa sarili na
kilalanin yun kasinoag alam na natin yung nararamdaman dunna tayo maka isio ng
aksyon katukad ng ginawa mo kanina kelangan monlang pala mag massage see
simpleng massage lang yun pero ano nagyari sayo?
Participant: Nagbago
Nagbago yung pakiramdam ibig sabihin Trisha kaya natin na di pala mga problema
ang nag kokontrol satin kundi tayo ang may choice kung ano pedeng gawin natin dun
sa pinag dadaanan natin okay so dun tayo sa hungry, ilagay niyo dyan sa hungry na
ano yung nararamdaman ng inyong kalag gutom at sang oarte ng katawan yung gutom.
So ilagay niyo lahat ng pag kakaunawa niyo pag kayo ay gutom. Okay so ibig sabihin
nito label sa inyong katawan kung ano yung nararamdaman niyo pag kayo ay gutom so
bukod sa tyan ano yung iba pang pakiramdam ng katawan pag kayo ay gutom kunwari
nanghihina san niyo nararamdaman yung nanghihina? O nanginginig o nahihilo o pag
gutom. Kunwari ako nanghihina kao sa buong katawan ko pag gutom, parang
nanginginig ang tuhod pag kayo ay gutom. Pag nanginninig yung tuhod ibig sabihin
gutom na gutom tapos sumasakit din ang ulo pag gutom.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Tapos di ko namana narina maingay pag gutom. Ang palagi ko nararanasan pag gutom
ako masakit ang tyan ko mahapdi. Meron bang ibang koneksyon sa feeling yan pag
gutom kayo. Kala niyo gutom pero kung titignan niyo parang meron pa kayong ibang
nararamdaman pa o talagang gutom lang kayo? Kunwari nanginginig masakit ang tyan
may iba bang koneksyon yan o alam niyo gutom kayo? Ano uli? Okay sige tapusin
niyo lang may nalagay ka diyan Trisha? Ikaw Bevs? Memorize ko na pangalan niyo,
bilis ng oras ah larang ako lang yung salita ng salita. Sige tapos na? dun tayo sa angry
kasi napupuna ko yun yung isang bagay na lagi niyong nararamdaman so lag kayo ay
galit nagtatampo, naiinis nababagot o basta pag galit ano yung napapansin niyo sa
katawan ano lumalalabas sa katawan niyo pag kayo ay galit?
Dumidilim ang paningin. San parte sa katawan niyo nararamdaman ang galit? Pag
kayo ay gali tang kamay nangigil sa kamay umiinit ba ang ulo niyo pag nagagalit.
Bumibigat ba ang inyong balikat pag kayo ay nagagalit? O ang likod niyo para siyang
may nakadagan na semento pag kayo ay nagagalit. Umiinit ba ang inyong mukha pag
nagagalit kayo?
Tapos sa tabi niyan sige tapusin niyo muna pag nagagalit kayo mula ulo hangang paa
sang parte ng katawan niyo nararamdaman ang galit. Gusto niyo ba manipa pag kayo
ay nagagalit kasi ramdam niyo ang energy sa paa, manampal, manabunot o kaya
sumigaw, magmura sa bibig kasama yan kasi andyan yung energy ng galit, namumula
ba ang inyong mukh pag kayo ay nagagalit? Naninginig ba ang inyong kamay pag
nagagalit o sumsabog kayo sa loob na ramdam niyo yung bigat na imbes palabas yung
galit niyo, paloob naman yung galit niyo kaya ramdam niyo yung bigat parang hinihila
Na pwede rin mangyari is di niyo alam pano magalit kasi ayaw niyo magalit so ang
nangyari dinniyo na pansin galit niyo kaya ang nangyayari ang bigat kumbaga
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
nadedepress kayo pag nagagalit kayo. Ang depression yung sobrang helpless na
feeling na wala ka magawa sa sitwasyon. So pag sumabog galit sa katawan ramdam
mo yung pagka hina mo syempre sumabog ba naman yung bomba sa katawan mo. Ano
reaksyon ng katawan mo nun nanghihina okay so yung mga tapos na pede niyong
lagay sa gilid yung mga nakakagalit sainyo o nakakapagtampo, nakakainis.
Di ka mapakali, aligaga naiinis sobrang galitbna galit, nagwawala, di ka masaya. Yung
mga pakiramdam na to kelan nangyayari yun ano yung nagpapainis nagpapatampo.
Ang layunin niyan para mas makilala niyo sarili niyo na lag ganto pala pakiramdam ko
kasi di ako pinansin ng kaibigan ko kaya nagalit ako. Ano yung mga bagay na nagpapa
galit sainyo nag nagpapakanti pag nangyari to ito na yung reaksyon ng inyong
Ang importante nakilala niyo yung katawan niyo yung sarili niyo para after nung 6 or
7 or 8 mas alam niyo na yung gagawin niyo sa sarili niyo. Nagayon, kinokonek niyo
lang yung nararamdaman niyo sa katawan niyo.okay one more minute dun na tayo sa
relax. Kasi once na nalaman niyo yung nagpapagalit sainyo mas nagkakaron kayo ng
kontrol kasi pede niyo yan iwasan bago pa mangyari yan alam niyo na sarili niyo na ito
reaksyon niyo. Okay last one minute.
So ngayon may nasesennse ako na medyo grounded kayo na konektado kayo sa sarili
niyo that’s good. Parang di kayo nagrereact parang nasa window of tolerance kayo
ngayon okay pwede niyo yan ituloy sa bahay. Punta tayo sa relax. Una muna hungry
tas ngayon relax so kelangan kilala niyo sarili niyo pag relax, sino kayo pag relax.
Mula ulo hangang paa pahinga muna kayo kasi angry pinag usapan. Partner, hug lang,
hug mo Bevs ang iyong sarili yan butterfly. Sabihin mo normal yang galit mo, walang
mali sag alit mo, walang mali sayo good.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Tapos harap kayo sakin kuha kayo ng isang bagay na kinakatakutan niyo. Ano yung
bagay na kinaiinisan at kunwari ang daming bayarin nakita niyo electric bill niyo na
ang laki, sige kunin sige kunin niyo hawakan niyo kunyarinyan hanapin mo tapos tawa
ang laki ng bill ko (laughs) di ko pala nabayaran, tawa. Laki ng bill. Tawa, hinga ng
malalim, narelax ba! Ano pakng katawan niyo lag na relax focus sa katawan. Pag
asawa ko gumawa mas nakakatawa. So dapat sa sunod record ko siya tas pakita ko
sainyo. Sige ` `a
ano pakiramdam ng katawan niyo ngayon na relax kayo?
Pakinggan ang katawan, maluwag ba maluwag yung flow ng hangin sa katawan ay
walang harang, magaan at asan sa katawan, sang part ng katawan nararamdaman.
Tutukan ang katawan mula ulo hangang paa san niyo nararamdaman yung mas relax
kayo tapos kunin niyo ang mensahe ano nararamdaman ng katawan dahil kayo ay
relax, sabihin niyo ako ay relax kasi. Kunin ang katawan ano ang mensahe ng katawan
niyo dahil kayo ay relax, kasi kaninong anak yun. Pede niyo gawin sam ga anak niyo
Ang isang mensahe na kelangan niyonmarinig ngayon, ano ang kelangan niyo gawin
parapede maging tuloy tuloy yung gantong pakiramdam at ano yung lede niyong
gawin para bumalik diyan, pakiramdaman niyo yung katawan niyo, ano yung sinsabi
oara tuloy tuloy ganyang pakiramdam ano kelangan.
Ano mensahe Ate Bevs, ano yung isang bagay na makakatulong sayo para makabalik,
pakinggan mo katawan mo wag isipin isasagot mo, ano yung isa o dalawa na pede
niyong gawin sa sarili niyo. okay importante yun ano kelangan niyo gawin para
makabalik diyan. Okay sige processing onti lang. ano pakiramdam mo sa nangyari
sayo ngayon nung ginawa mo? Yung hungry angry and relax.
Participant: Pag may nararamdaman ako sa loob ng katawan
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Gano ka importante sayo yung nangyayari sayo ngayon
Participant: Importante para matutunan ko yung solusyon ng mga nangyayari sakin.
Maputol yung naka sanayan.
Ano yung isang bagay na natutunan mo sa sarili mo
Participant: Na kaya o ipaliwanag, halimbawa yung naramdaman ko halimbawa
nalungkot ako
Mas aware ka na kanina nasa 3 or 4, ngayon nasan ka na
Participant: Nasa 5
Wow congratulations. Now Reena yung ginawa mo yung nasa tatlo, angry, hungry,
relax ano yung natutunan mo sa sarili mo dyan ano masasabi
Participant: Mas makilala mo yung mga sarili nararamdaman ng katawan mo mas
nagkakaron ka ng awareness sa sarili.nagkakaroon ng alertness.
Paano siya nakatulong sayo?
Participant: Yung pag naramdaman ko yung ganun merong akong dapat gawin para
mawala yung negative, para wala yung nararamdaman na makakabalik maka balik sa
sarili. Ano na yung natutunan mo sa sarili para makabalik sa sarili.
Pilitin bumalik sa sarili, kanina nasa 3 ka kanina, nasa 5 na tama sabihin mo good job.
Bevs kamusta k asa naging activities
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Kinabahan
Kinabahan kasi kapag nakilala ko sarili ko pag galit diba ano ba sige magshare ka pag
nagaglit ka ano nagyayari sayo
Participant: Pinagpapawisan yung kamay, nanginginig tas pinipilit mag relax
So pag nangyayari yan sayo, ano natututunan mo sa sarili mo?
Participant: Magkontrol po
So mas magkaron ka ng kontrol so ano yung pede mong pabaon sa session na dala dala
mo pag labas mo sige ano yung isang gusto mo na dadalin sa labas kung meron man
Mas kilalanin yung sarili. Nasa ka kanina, nasa 3 diba may napansin ka bang
pagbabago? O pareho pa rin.
Pareho pa rin, its okay. Trisha, kamusta ka sa 3 activities, ano natutunan mo sa sarili
mo o nagustuhan na nagustuhuhan mo sa 3 na eto yung gusto mo.
Awareness sa sarili, pano toh makakatulong sayo. Sige pede mo share sakanya para ma
So pag huminga ka, tuwing kelan ka ba nahinga ng malalim. Ano nangyayari sayo pag
huminga ka ng malalim. Gano o bakit siya importante sayo. Oh may pinagdadaanan
lang pero may pinagdadaan.
Nakakatulong sa sarili. Josie
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Sakin teh mas pinipili ko yung sa relax na yung ang taas ng bill mo tapos
kasi pag ganun ang taas ng bill mo tapos yung di mo dinaan sa tao iisipin mo kung san
kukiha mga ganyan
Oh so yun din gagawin mo pag tumaas bill mo?
Participant: Di kasi sakin mas nafeel ko yung relax kasi
So sainyo san niyo nararamdaman yung relax sa katawan niyo
Ako yung una siguro sa utak mo kasi mas nakakaisip ka ng kung ano gagawin mo tas
sumununod yung uong katawan mo mas okay kay kung masaya lang tas makihalubilo
mas gusto ko ganun
So ano yung natutunan mo sa sarili mo dahil ito yung ginawa mo
Participant: Siguro mas magiging okay yung buong katawan ko kapag na process ko na
yung mga nasulat ko
Ah di pa ba na paprocess pero nasusulat mo siya pano mo yung katulad nung pag
So ang ibig mong sabihin ang processing is pag nagawa mo yung gusto momkumbaga
meron siyang closure, kumbaga naproseso mo siya. Gano ka importante sayo na
kelangan mo siya ia attend na kelangan pala gawin
Participant: Syempre kelangan iano mo muna yung sarili mo pa relax mo muna mas
makakatulong pa rin syempre di mo na iisipin yung gagawin mo
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
So yun pala yung need na lumabas sayo ngayon, good so with that thank you everyone
dahil sa ating apat na session napansin ko na nung una mabigat diba nung una mabigat
nung patapos na na sense ko naman nadi na kayo ganun kabigat. May konti pero mas
siguro nasa kalahati is buo kayo so yung mananangal niyo di ko alam kung san
napunta pero walang masama dun so ibig sabihin meron nangyari ngayon na babalik
kayo sa pag iisip niyo na nagccause ng hyper at the same time dahil merong pisikal na
sakit nag cacause din yan ng hypo o hyper okay so importante para mapabilis ka
guminhawa at gumaling, kelangan bawas mo yung stress kasi mas madali ka pasukan
ng stress so sa pamamagitan ng ginawa natin kanina,huminga lang at maging grounded
ibig sabihin aware kasa nangyayari at san ka kahapon o bukas
Participant: Ngayon
So ngayon kasi nga yun yung hawak nating kapangyarihan kasi yun yung hawak
nating kapangyarihan kasi wala na tayo magagawa sa nakaraan ng sa gayon di
maapektuhan yung kinabukasan natin diba kasi yun naman ang gusto ng Diyos natin
kaya nga sabi sa bibliya sa lahat ng pagkakataon kelangan lahat tayo ay magpasalamat
kasi sabi ng science nagpapataba ng utak pero kung tutuusin sinabi na yan ng bibliya
noong unang unang panahon pa so lahat ng kasagutan ay nasa bible. So kaya
importante araw araw mapabago an gating isipin, isipin niyo agad ano
pinapasalamatan ko ngayon. Biglang magbabago ang inyong pag iisip okay so before
tayo magpatpos, mag pray lang tayo ng ating pagpapasalamat kasi hinawakan ng Diyos
an gating session okay so nararamdaman ko naman na ginuide tayo at pinrotektahan,
sige ako nalang mag lead ng prayer.
Panginoon ko maraming maraming salamat sa oras na binigay niyo ngayon, salamat
pos a proteksyon na ioinaramdam niyo sa mga pinagdadaanan ng mga tao ngayon.
Alam niyonpo yung nasa puso at isipan nila. Alam niyo rin po yung mga
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
pangangailangan nila kaya naway sana iparamdam niyo Panginoong Hesus na di niyo
sila binibitawan na mask isa kanilang pinagdadaanan ngayon eh may ginagamit
kayong kaparaanan na muka sa inyong salita na nabago na gamit ng science, pero lahat
ng pinag dadaanan namin ngayon eh talagang nakasaad na sa salita monat lahat ng
kasagutan sa aming pinag dadaanan ngayon ay naka base talaga sa iyong salita so sa
buhay ni Raquel, Reena, Bevs, Trisha, at ni Josie ngayon, Panginoon alam mo po ang
bawat isa kung ano pinagdadaanan nila so Panginoong am asa ngalan ni Hesukristi
dinadalangin ko pos a inyo ang bawat buhay nila naway maramdaman nila Hesus ang
inying presensya na di lang po tuwing may session kundi bawat minuto tulungan niyo
sila makabalik sa present moment ng sa gayon mas marinig ka nila at magkaron ng
koneksyon sa kanilang mga sarili ng sa gayon mas malabilis yung recovery at healing
nila na gusto mo lang talaga sa kanila iparamdam na may pag asa na maski sobrang
hirap, nakakabagot na parang wala na pag asa pero Panginoon yun ang pinaparanas mo
ngayon na may nangyayari sa kanila maski mabagal mahirap pero pinapakita mo sa
kanila ngayon na may nangyayari sa kanilang buhay at eto ay mapapasa nila sa
kanilang mga anak, so salamat pos a panahong ito Panginoon salamat pos a proteksyon
at blessings na binibigay niyo pa samin.
This we ask in Jesus name, Amen. Okay thank you so sa Sabado tayo, 4 nalang, four
sessions nalang.
5th Session
I: Ngayon kasi 5th session na tayo right? Sa apat na session na yun, kamusta ang mg
assignments? Hirap pa rin? Gusto ko lang malaman yung pakiramdam niyo sa assignments.
I: Okay lang kahit sabihin niyong di siya nag wwork or nag wowork. Kasi atleast kasama to sa
aking data gathering malalaman ko kung effective or hindi effective.
I: Kamusta ang mga assignments? Mamaya ireregulate ko kayo. Nakakaramdam ako ng mga
tulala, wala sa sarili, wala sa loob. Dito tayo kay Trisha, kamusta ang pinagdadaanan mo?
I: Bukod ba sa session gusto ko malaman kung nagagawa niyo yung assignments? Tinutuloy
niyo ba sa bahay?
I: Pano mo nasabi Trisha na nacocontrol mo na or tinutuloy mo?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
P: Kung pano kontrolin ang sarili
I: Pano mo nasabi na nakokontrol mo na yung sarili mo?
P: Pagka di ko iniisip yung mga bagay na naranasan ko. Yun
I: Pero nagagawa mo ba trisha yung sa body signals? Yung mas inaalam mo yung senyales sa
katawan mo? Pano to nakakatulong sayo?
P: Kung san po nanggagaling yung pakiramdam sa katawan ko
I: Most of the time san sa katawan mo nararamdaman?
P: Sa puso at isipan po
I: Ah sa puso at isipan talaga? So pag naramdaman mo siya, ano na nangyayari sayo?
P: Nagagalit ako
I: Ah dun mo nararamdaman yun galit? Tapos ano ginagawa mo sa galit mo?
P: Nag ppray lang ako
I: So ayun paraan mo para kumalma?
I: Ano yung mga pagbabago mo?
P: Pagka tinotopak ako, gusto ko wala akong kinakausap na tao.
I: Dati ba pag tinotopak ka di ka kumakausap ng tao? So ano yung pagbabago mo?
P: Kaya ko kontrolin yung sarili ko
I: So ibig sabihin, pag konokontrol mo, di ka na sumasabog?
P: Di naman kasi pag ako lang mag isa.
I: So ibig sabihin di ka nag rereact like sumisigaw?
P: Di naman
I: Ano ba ginagawa mo pag di mo ma control sarili mo?
P: Wala ngingitian ko sila
I: So pano mo nacocontrol sarili mo?
P: Pag galit ako di ako kumakausap ng tao. Kasi mas kumpertable ako pag ako
I: Compare before, pano mo nasasabi na nababago mo na yung sarili mo?
P: Sa isip ko
I: Pano mo nasabi na pagbabago yun
P: Iniisip ko na muna yung tao
I: Ah mas nakakapag isip ka ng maayos sa pag iisa mo?
P: Oo.
I: Good. Ano pakiramdam ng katawan mo ngayon?
P: Okay lang
I: Panong okay lang?
P: Sakto lang
I: San siya sa katawan mo?
P: Sa isip.
I: Okay good. Ikaw Raquel?
P: Sakin po, ano minsan nagugulat ako kahit gabi kaya nakakapanakit ako pag nagugulat ako
P: tas ngayong mga nakaraang araw, nagugulat ako nakakasigaw ako. Ang hirap kasi gawin
nung mga ginagawa natin pag andun ako sa sitwasyon.
I: Pag sinabi mong hirap, di mo siya magawa?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
P: Oo di ko siya magawa. Tapos minsan kahit ba sasabihin mama bakit ka ganyan? Tas
yayakapin ko nalang yung bata tas ayun nahihirpan ako sa pagbalik sa tulog
I: So Raquel sinasabi mo ba na wala pang pag babago? Or meron na?
P: Sinusubukan ko pong gawin
I: Pano yung sinusubukan mo?
P: Halimbawa di na ako kinakabahan. Tas malapit naman siya sa bed naming yung daughter
ko naaalala ko yung nangyari.
I: Pero malaking bagay nay un
P: Pero kung aaraw arawin ganun, di ko kaya
I: Ano nangyayari sayo after?
P: Nagiging ang focus ko yung mga naramdaman ko tas parang pagtapos nun napapagod ako.
I: Ah yes kasi nararamdaman mo na kung gano kabigat. Mas nagiging kilala mo na yung sarili
mo eh ayaw mo ng ganun pakiramdam?
P: Di naman.
I: Or nahaharap mo na siya?
P: nahaharap ko siya minsan minsan hindi
I: Okay lang walang problema kasi di naman siya ganun kabilis. Mamaya iexplain ko kung
bakit di siya ganun kabilis
I: Ano pakiramdam mo ngayon sa katawan mo?
P: Ngayon po kumportable ako
I: san sa katawan mo?
P: Sa dibidib po.
I: Parang excited ganun? Okay thankyou
I: Ikaw naman Debs. Tama?
I: Sa mga assignments, may nahihirapan ka ba gawin or may di ka nagagawa or may tulong
P: Minsan po nagagwa ko pag may rest time. Pero minsan po hindi. Di ko po naaalala minsan.
I: Dun sa mga nagagawa mo, kamusta ka?
P: Okay naman nachecheck ko yung mga nararamdaman ko kung masaya ako or malungkot
P: Parang nakikita ko yung raili ko pag bagsak o kaya pag mahirap makipag usap. Minsan
tinatago ko nalang po.
I: Minsan mas nagkakaron ka ng tapang ng nararamdaman?
P: Opo kaya minsan shineshare ko po sa iba para mabawasan lungkot
I: Eto ba yung mga pagbabago mo? Yung dati hindi ka ganun?
P: Opo.
I: So ano pakiramdam mon a ngayon may mga pagbabago ka na?
P: Mas magaan mpo sa pakiramdam kasi mas nakak open up ako
I: San sa katawan mo nararamdaman?
P: Sa buong katawan po
I: Good. Diba atleast may mga nakikita tayong pagbabago.
P: Pero minsan po mahirap
I: Mahirap talaga yan.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
P: Minsan kasi di mo talaga makuha kung ano yung naramdaman mo
I: Kasi nga di ka sanay pero sa umpisa mahirap talaga.
P: Di po talaga agada gad
I: Pero ang importante dun may nangyayari. Step by step.
I: Okay, thankyou. Josie?
P: Minsan the pang andito sa session okay pero minsan di ko magawa.
I: ano ba usually mong ginagawa?
P: Inaano ko yung mga papel na may assignment na kailangan gawin. Yung mga natutunan ko
nung nakaraan
I: Ano ba yung mas nakakatulong sayo jan? Yung kumoprtable ka gawin?
P: Yung mga nakalagay dun kung ano gagawin
I: Ano pakiramdam mo ngayon na ayun mga pag babago mo?
P: Nung una mahirap pero unti unti. Feeling ko naman nag babago.
I: Meron yan.
P: opo may nagbabago.
I: Okay good. Rina?
P: Minsan tinatry ko gawin. Ano ba to parang ganun ayoko na nga ang dami dami naman.
Ganun po yun yung naaano ko. Tas susubukan ko naman po gawin. Pero pag di ko magets, di
ko ginagawa nalang.
I: Ah kasi naiinis tas nahihirapan?
P: Opo
I: So satingin moa no yung mnga pagbabago mo?
P: Pag di ko kaya gawin, bigyan ko muna time. Di kaya ng ano ko eh. Pahinga muna para mag
isip tas kung ano dapat ko gawin.
I: dati ba di ka ganun?
P: Dati kasi wala ako confidence eh. Mababa confiedence ko.
I: So pag mababa confidence mo, ano nangyayari?
P: Di ko po ginagawa yung mga bagay bahala na sila jan.
I: Eh ngayon?
P: Yun po humihingi ako sa mga kasama ko.
I: ah gumagawa ka ng paraan kasi alam mong makakatulong sayo?
P: Oo
I: Ano pakiramdam nun?
P: Naging positive thinking
I: San siya sa katawan mo?
P: Sa utak ko.
I: Good. Congratulations guys. So eto yung tinatawag na grasya ng Diyos. Miski sa
pinagdadaanan nating hirap, eh kahit konti pag natututukan natin, ano satingin niyo nagiging
pakiramdam niyo?
P Magaan
I: Oh diba mas nalalaman niyo na “uy may nangyayari pala saking maganda” di ka dapat
tumutok dun sa mga di magandang nangyayari.
P: Sa pinag aaralan naming mas unti unti na kami natututo mag control
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Congratulations kasi yan talaga purpose natin
P: Mapaghahandaan natin
I: Para mas makapag isip ka ng maayos kasi handa ka.
I: With that kunin na natin ang aking kodigo. Balik tayo ulit sa penjulation technique. Lagay
natin ang kamay natin sa tyan at pag huminga ng malalim dapat lumalaki ang tyan. 4 counts.
Ichecheck ko kung nasan na kayo kung sa hyper or hypo arouse na kayo. Yung feeling
natamad na tamad kumbaga andun kayo sa windows of tolerance.
P: Sumasakit ulo ko
I: Kailangan mo ba tubig?
P: Di may mens kasi
I: Ah okay kaya siguro may inis na nararamdaman.
I: Gamitan nating ng breathing exercise. May hyper mas matagal yung exhalation pag hypo
mas matagal yung inhilation. 3 counts inhale then 5 counts exhalation
I: Put your hands in your tummy. 1 2 3 pause then longer exhalation 1 2 3 4 5
I: Pag mag eexhale kayo ibuga nyo lahat ng tension ng katawan.
I: Lahat dapat ng attention niyo nasa tyan na lumalaki. Let’s start
I: Inhale 1 2 3 pause. Then exhale 1 2 3 4 5
I: Close your eyes lang then alamin niyo sang katawan niyo yung di kumportableng katawan.
Head to toe. Yung mga nakakainis or mabigat.
I: Start tayo kay Trisha.
P: Sa dibdib
P: Sa binti
P: Sa hita
P: Sa ulo
I: Ano yung emotion na kasama nun sa dibdib.
P: Kinakabahan
P: Masakit
I: Anong masakit yan?
P: Parang inaano yung dibdib mo
I: Ah physical? Eh pano yung feelings?
I: Nag mimix. May galit may lungkot.
P: Naiinis po
I: Close your eyes. Tas hinga malalim then slowly release. Alamin from head to toe kung san
niyo nararamdaman yung mas relaxed mas kumportable o mas maayos na parte. Saang sulok
ng katawan niyo?
P: Sa isip
P: Sa balikat
P: Parang masakit yung pag upo ko. Pero okay naman kasi nakakagalaw naman
P: Sa balat
I: Good. Ibig sabihin pwede pala siya balansehin
I: Ngayon nasa phase 2 session 5 na tayo. Kahit isa lang, san ka nagpapasalamat ngayon?
P: Nagppapasalamat kasi tumaba
I: Sang katawan mo nararamdaman?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
P: Sa isip
P: Yung nakaka bonding ko sila dito
I: San banda
P: Sa dibdib
P: Yung may natututunan akong bago
I: San mo siya nararamdaman sa katawan?
P: Sa isip po kasi kinakabahan na masaya
I: Good. Si Josie
P: Ako kasi nag bday ulit si ate nabigyan ulit siya ng bagong taon
I: San mo siya nararadaman?
P: Sa isip po.
I: Ikaw rina
P: Magaling na si Justin sa sakit nya
I: Good san mo siya nararamdaman?
P: Sa puso at isip.
I: Inhale at sabihin niyo Salamat.
I: Yung ulit bago tayo mag start, yakapsule ulit tayo. For 20 seconds ha. Walang ibang
iintindihin kundi yakap lang at sabihin niyo Salamat. Pakiramdaman niyo yung kamay ng
inyong kayakap sabihin niyo na mahalaga ka. Walang mali sayo. Normal lahat ng
nararamdaman mo. Importante ka.
P: Walang mali sayo. Normal lahat ng nararamdaman mo. Importante ka
I: Okay so start na tayo. Ngayon andun na tayo sa pagkakaroon ng atensyon sa ating katawan
at koneksyon ng ating emosyon.
I: Mas magiging strong yung koneksyon nay un.
I: So ngayon yung umpisa nung first session nakagawa kayo ng bagong pathway sa utak niyo.
Syempre kumakapal sya. Ang senyales na kumakapal is ibig sabihin miski di niyo na iniisip,
gagawin niyo pa rin. Di na mahirap at di na nakakainis. Kasi nakasanayan niyo na sya. Dahil
15 days palang yan, di pa yan gaano kakapal. Pero pag natapos yung session natin tas di niyo
natuloy, pwede kayong bumalik dun sa dati.
I: Importante na sa mga unang araw hanggang 400 days ay makayanan niyo lang na tuloy
tuloy hanggat di na kayo nahihirapan at nagiging kumportable na kayo. Nagkakaron ba kayo
ng direksyon? Sa kailangan gawin?
P: Opo
I: Importante yung mindfulness. Wala kayong hawak sa nakaraan at sa mamaya. Ang tanging
haw niyo lang ay ngayon. Dun lang kayo makaka control sa kung anong mararamdaman niyo.
Yung mga solusyon malalaman niyo yan sa sarili niyo pero pwede din naman sa iba. So yun
ang ginawa mo Rina humihingi ng tulong. Mas nalalaman niyo ngayon kasi nacoconnect niyo
sa nararamdaman niyo.
I: Eh ang goal is makilala ang sarili ko eto yung hakbang nakailangan kong gawin yung
humingi ng tulong
I: So ngayon, number 19. Introduce. Eto ang inyong copy
P: Rarami na
I: Naka stapler yan. Tanggalin niyo nalang isa isa. Kasi andiyan yung ano niyo.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Isa isa. Yan. So meron na lahat kopya?
P: Opo
I: Lahat okay na?
I: So ngayon sa gagawin natin, mas kilala niyo na ba yung body signals niyo kahit papano?
P: Opo
I: Eto yung mga nasa descripter niya na malamig, mainit ganun
I: May rason kasi lahat ng nararamdaman niyo. Tulad ni rina mainit ulo niya kasi may
menstruation siya. Importante kasi na maconnect natin siya sa ating nararamdaman. O kay pag
nakakaramdam kayo ng bigat or puno na yung bato niyoi ng tubig. Diba kailangan umihi
I: Yung body signals niyo yung nagsasabi. Lalo na sa mga trauma and abuse na napag daanan
niyo dati. Naka stock yan sa katawan niyo eh. Complete the body pause
I: So lets say yung tenga niyo ay sobrang ingay yung sobrang sakit sa tenga yung ingay
kunwari sa palengke. Anong mga lugar yung maingay sainyo?
P: Ano ng sasakyan. Yung broom broom ng motor
P: Palengke
P: Tuko
P: Yung mga sa radio
I: Ah yung mga daldalan. Yung mga joke time nila no
I: Ano nag cacause ng sobra sayo?
P: Sa bahay yung mga bata. Minsan masakit sa tenga
P: Yung mga ingay na yan
I: Tawag jan ay sensory overwhelm so pag napupuno yan parang nalulunod yung tenga natin
sa ingay. Yung sa amigdala yung pula. Yun yung nakaka receive ng information. Mula sa
sense, dumiretso siya kay amygdala. Kaya minsan nakakaramdam tayo ng galit at inis.
I: Dito sa check my body, like ngayon, ipopoint mo kunyari sa isip ano yung ramdam ng parte
ng katawan niyo. Sulat niyo. Mukhang di tayo mag gugupit puro sulat lang. Mga lima o sampu
P: Ngayon po yung nararamdaman?
I: Oo ngayong araw o kaya nung mga nakaraang araw na dala dala niyo pa din.
I: Tapos pwede niyo gamitin yung descripter menu as kodigo. Tulad kay Rina kung may mens
lagay mo. Ying kanina binti o kaya pwet. Chest or ulo.
I: Lagay niyo kung san mismo. Lagyan niyo ng linya. Kahit limang bagay na nararamdaman
niyo ngayon, ulo hanggang paa.
I: Icheck niyo yung katawan niyo.
I: Kung naiinis, yan. So dun sa check my body alamin niyo ano pakiramdam, body signals and
emotion. Last one minute
I: Yung step 2 what is making my body feel this way. Anod aw yung rason o ugat kung bakit
ganito yung nararamdaman ko ngayon. Kung bakit ka nakakaramdam ng ganitong sakit sa ulo
o kaya bakit ano nakakaramdam ng sakit sa paa.
I: Yung kay Josie sa pag upo daw niya. Basta alamin niyo yung rason kung bakit. Kung ano
mang rason yan kailangan niyo ilabas para mapalaya niyo yung sarili niyo kasi ibig sabihin
tinatanggap niyo yung nararamdaman niyo.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Makikinig ka lang sa katawan mo. Pwedeng personal atleast mailalabas mo siya. Pero di
ibig sabihin babalik sa nakaraan. Kasi pakiramdam lang yun. Dahil na stock lang siguro yan sa
katawan niyo.
I: Ano yung mga sa tingin mong emosyon na nararamdaman mo
I: So okay lahat ng attention niyo, akuin niyo lahat ng emosyon na nararamdaman niyo
ngayon. Ilabas niyo gawin niyong journal yan. Kung naiinis man kayo, nagagalit, di
I: Tapos na? Malinaw ba o magulo yung explanation
P: Di ko maano yung sa step 2
I: Yung mga dahilan kung bakit mo siya nararamdaman. Pwede yung di pa nagkakaron ng
closure sa napag daanan mo dati.
P: *Laughing
I: Why?
I: O kaya diba yung tinanong ka dati nung anak mo kung bakit ka galit. Yung assignment niyo
itutuloy niyo lang.
I: Kamusta ang experience? Short processing tayo. Sige ikaw trisha
P: Relax lang yung isip
I: Ano yung natutunan mo sa sarili mo?
P: Hmm
I: Ano yung dating sayo? Ginawa mo ba yung step 1 step 2 step 3? Yung natutunan mo sa
sarili mo.
I: Nung nalaman mo yung nararamdaman ng katawan mo, nalaman mob a agad dahilan?
P: Oo nasasaktan
I: Pero ano yung dahilan?
P: Kasi may bumabalik
I: Ah na memory?
P: oo
I: Ang pinaka importante kasi dun mas nakikilala mon a yung sarili mo. Na may nangyayari
pa pala sayo. Sayo Raquel?
P: Medyo nahirapan po pero nalaman ko na yung ppinaka dahilan at yung epekto ng sarili ko.
I: Gusto mo ishare?
P: Mas nagging okay yung isip ko. Kasi ang hirap maintindihan kung bakit ba ganun.
I: Sabihin niyo nga ahhhhh
P: Aaaahhhhh
I: Ikaw Debs kamusta ang proseso mo sa sarili mo? Eto pala processing na to ha kasi mas
nakikilala niyo na
P: Kinakabahan ako eh. Pero naisulat ko naman po dun yung sa mga nakaraang araw.
I: Ano nadiscover mo sa sarili mo?
P: Yung nainis ako. Mga ganun tapos ayun po
I: So mukhang di mo pa masyado naayos kaya dala dala mo pa din?
P: Konti
I: Ah kasi baka paulit ulit tas hindi nasosolve?
I: Naiintindihan mo ba ngayon?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
P: Kinabahan ako
I: Nakatulong ba na mas alam mon a yung mga dahilan?
P: Opo nagkaron ako ng mga paraan para maayos yung problema.
I: Ikaw Josie dapat sabay sabay tayong mag ahaaa
P: Ahaaaa
P: Sakin the yung step 1 di po ako nahirapan kasi mas nakilala ko yung part ng mga katawan
ko yung dati at ngayon. Sa step 2 yung di mapakali yung nararamdaman ko
I: Mas nalaman mob a feelings at emosyon mo? Ano daw kailangan mo gawin? Need mo bang
P: Di naman
I: So mas nakilala mo naman ba? Ano pakiramdam?
P: Mas alam ko na po mga gagawin
I: Good. Thank you. Ikaw Rina kamusta experience?
P: Mas alam ko yung nangyayari yung mga dahilan sa katawan ko. Kasi nung isang araw pa
to. Siguro baka rereglahin na ko kasi sumasakit na ulo at katawan ko. Mas alam ko na katawan
I: Dati ba di mo nabibigyan ng atensyon?
P: Opo
I: Kumbaga mas iniintindi mon a ngayon yung sarili mo. Ano pakiramdam mo?
P: Mas kumportable po. Dati kasi lagi ko tinatanong kung bat ganito. Mas nagiging advance
utak ko dati pero ngayon alam ko na.
I: Yan that’s nice
P: Tas ayun maghahanda po ako pag alam ko na
I: Maganda yan kasi may proseso. Good
I: Tayo muna tayo. Stretch stretch.
P: Stretch stretch
I: Good. Upo
I: Dun na tayo sa experiment. Meron kayong gagawin na experiment
I: So try natin yung una. Mag iinhale kayo ng may haaa.
I: Ready? Hinga kayo malalim para may hangin na madami. 1 2 3
I: Again bagalan niyo nalang. 1 2 3 4. Pagbilang ko ng 1 huminga na kayo
I: 1 2 3
P: *Laughing
I: May lumalabas ba bat parang wala lagyan niyo ng sounds. Ulit ready. 1 2 3 Di tayo
: 1 2 3 Di tayo matatapos iibahin ko nalang. Yung number 4 nalang. Ay kaso baka mahilo si
Debs. Stand and bend kasi eh. Sit like a statue nalang for 5 seconds
P: Yung mannequin challenge
I: Ready ha for 60 seconds. (1-60 seconds counting)
I: Ano naramdaman ng katawan niyo? Sulat sa gitna
P: Nangalay
I: Yan lagay niyo
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Ano daw dahilan kung bakit ganun yung naramdaman nung katawan mo ngayon. Ano daw
yung mga rason. What makes your body feel na nangalay. Kung di ba kumportable yung pag
upo. Balikan natin yung haaa. 1 2 3
P: Inhale and exhales
I: Yan ano naramdaman niyo ng lungs niyo o kamay basta yung buong katawan. Nahirapan ba
huminga? Mainit ba ang kamay? Anod aw rason kung bakit. Kung bat nawawalan kayo
hininga or bat uminit kamay niyo or kung bakit nangalay paa niyo.
I: Meron akong mga scenario tapos ganun ulit kung bakit ganun yung naramdaman niyo.
Tapos babasahin ko nalang sainyo. Iisipin niyo nalang kung bakit ganun mararamdaman niyo.
I: Isipin niyo daw habang naglalakad kayo, may tumusok na sharp objects sap aa niyo. Ano
yung tingin niyong mararamdaman ng paa niyo?
P: Masakit
I: Tapos ano yung dahilan kung bakit niyo nararamdaman yung tusok tusok na yun. Kasi may
tumutusok parang ganun.
P: Ayan umuulan
I: Habang hinihintay ko, kausapin ko muna kayo. Nung mga nakaraang araw ano yung mga
nagging dahilan kahit isulat niyo lang dito. Ano yung nangyari sainyo this week kung ano
naramdaman niyo at ano yung dahilan. Parang reflection lang at continuation nung kanina. Di
lang puro mabigat na pinagdaanan ha pati yung masaya. Para alam ng katawan niyo pag
relaxed naman kayo. Ano yung pakiramdam o yung pinaramdam sainyo. Ano yung mga
dahilan kung bat niyo naramdaman niyan.
I: Puro masaya kaya muna lagay niyo jan. Ibig sabihin yung mas okay mas relax kayo o kaya
mas payapa. Sa loob nung isang lingo may nangyari bang ganun sainyo na mas relaxed kayo?
Then ano yung naramdaman nung katawan niyo.
I: Ano yung mga sitwasayon. Ano yung mga naramdaman nung katawan mo. Dahil dun sa
sitwasyon, ano yung mga dahilan kung bakit base dun sa mga nangyari sayo nung nakaraang
araw. Hnggat maari yung mga sitwasyon na okay kayo or yung mas masaya
I: Okay so one more minute. Mga dahilan kung bakit ito naramdaman ng katawan mo. Dito
niyo siya ilalagay
I: Okay tapos na?
P: Di pa
I: Sino na bang tapos? So hopefully part ng assignment is itutuloy niyo lang mga ginagawa
niyo. Oili kayo ng isang papel jan na mas komportable kayo gamitin. Maski mahirapan,
gagawin niyo pa rin kasi proseso yun. Nasasanay kasi kayo nap ag mahirap, ayaw niyo na
gawin. Dapat magkaron tayo ng pagbabago. Pag nahirapan kasi kayo, yun yung tatatak sa utak
I: Ang gusto niyo is mabago kayo. Magbabago lang kayo pag naranasan niyo ng gawin yung
miski mabigat, ginagawa niyo. Mababago kayo dun mismo sa challenges. Dun kayo gagawa
para makaradam kayo ng ligtas. Kasi ganun ang utak natin
I: Trisha ano pakiramdam ng katawan mo? Nakatulong ba sayo or nainis ka? Or nahirapan
P: Nahirapan
I: Ikaw Raquel?
P: Kumportable kasi nag isip ako ng isang magandang sitwasyon yung walang problema
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Okay. Body signals nalaman niyo? Ikaw Josie
P: Nakalimutan ko yung sasabihin ko
I: Ano yung naramdaman mo sa experience
P: Hmmmm Nakalagay kasi sakin okay lang. Yung sa una dun. Kinapos ako ng hininga tapos
ayun. Siguro para sakin yun talaga lang yung hinga di ko kaya yung ganun kahabang hininga
I: Natanggap mon a yun lang kaya?
P: Oo. Tas yung sa 60 secs sakin okay lang kumportable naman ako dun. Tapos parang wala
masyadong iniisip kasi naka focus ka lang tas naka pikit mata mo.
I: Baka pwede pala makatulong sayo yun pag may pinagdadaanan ka yun gawin mo
P: Opo
I: Good. Ikaw naman Rina
P: Nagkaron ako ng communication sa pamilya ko
I: Hopefully sa activity neto mas naiintindihan niyo yung mga nangyayari na sitwasyon.
Nalaman niyo jan yung emosyon niyo. Di lang body signals pati feelings. Kasi sa program
natin 2 kinds ng emosyon physical tulad ng maingay ang tyan ibig sabihin gutom.
I: Ngayon 4th part na tayo ng phase 2. Ano man ang gamitin niyo, okay lang. Yung emotion
ganun din ba? Pwedeng iba yung nararamdaman tas yung feeling mo iba. Kasi pag kinonek
mo siya sa nararamdaman mo, mas mabigat pala. Dun kasi malalaman.
P: Get one and pass
I: Itong last na to yung sa ginawa natin last week parang ganito rin yun. So ayan.
I: Continuation lang to sa ginawa natin last time. Create a bbody emotion part.
I: Isulat niyo jan ulit yung mga nangyari. Mas iisipin niyo kasi kung sakto lang o madami.
Mukhang mas nahahsa naman na kayo kilalanin yung body signals niyo. Mas kukumpletuhin
natin yung body emotion part. Walang mali sa inyong sagot. Lahat ng pinagdadaanan niyo,
hindi mali o hindi tama. Reaksyon yan ng inyong katawan dahil sa mga nararamdaman niyo.
Tinutulungan lang kayo nito para di kayo mastock sa pinag dadaanan niyo. Add niyo lang jan
yung mga impormasyon.
I: Okay so ano ulit yung mga sitwasyon na nangayri sa inyo ngayong lingo na nagkaron ba ng
senyales na may okay ba or sakto lang.
I: Mag start tayo sa emosyon. Ano pakiramdam na may mens?
P: Mabigat sa katawan
P: Tinatamad
P: Masakit sa puson
P: Mabilis magalit
I: Yan pipili kayo ng sitwasyon na mas makikilala niyo ang inyong sarili. Ano yung gusto
niyo tutukan para makilala sarili niyo. Like emotions kung nasasaktan, tinatamad, inaantok.
Yan mga emotion yan. Ano reaksyon nung katawan niyo
P: Masakit
I: Yung mga body signals niyo example ay may tumutusok ganyan kaya sumasakit. A lot bay
un or madami or a little lang?
P: Checheckan lang ba or isusulat
I: Isusulat niyo.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: So yung emosyon masyado ba? Lalagay niyo yung mismong nararamdaman niyo. Mga
nangyari sainyo nung nakaraang araw na gusto niyong tutukan. Yung koneksyon ba, body
signals, or emotion. Nanlamig ba kayo? Nasaktan? Nabibigatan? Masikip? Lutang? Magulo
ang isip? Halo halo ba or malakas?
I: Kunyare pag may mens ka ano mga body signals mo? Kunyari sumasakit puson or inaantok
I: Kung a lot ba, medium, or di naman gaano
I: Mas maganda yung mga body signals, kalat kalat. Yung hindi palagi yun ang ginagamit
niyo. Okay 2 more minutes then we will start processing
I: Ano ano yung mga nangyari this week na gusto niyo talagang bigyan ng atensyon. Yung
mga body signals na lumabas. Kung masikip ba dibdib, masakit paa, masakit puson. Yung
mga lumalabas na emosyon. Kung kalmado ba, ninenerbyos, natatakot. So palagi mob a yun
nararamdaman kaya a lot or kaya naman medium or di gaano nakaapekto sayo.
I: Start tayo kay Rina ano yung ibig sabihin saiyo nito
P: Yung mens po
I: Ano nangyari ba sayo?
P: Mabilis mairita tapos madali magalit
I: Ano body signals mo?
P: Sumasakit puson mga binti.
I: Tapos yung emosyon mo halo halo ba or galit?
P: Pag may konting ginawa lang po kasi naiinis na ko
I: So pag meron ka pala, madali ka mainis
P: Parang magwawala ako minsan
I: Pag ganun ka ano ginagawa mo? Pag nagiging sensitive ka?
P: Kinocontrol ko nalang
I: Pano mo konocontrol?
P: Inaano ko yung sarili ko. Knakausap ko sarili ko na mag relax
I: Nakakatulong bay un?
P: Opo
I: Okay good. Ikaw Josie
P: Ako ang nilagay ko po sa mood, inaantok at naiinis. Tapos sa may body, sakto lang
I: Ano yung mga body signals mo?
P: Gusto ko lang mapag isa. Yung katawan ko kasi ganun talaga
I: Ano yung specific na body signals mo?
P: Feeling ko pag wala ako sa mood, wala akong gana
I: Lalagay mo duns abody mo walang gana
P: Tas naiinis ako kaya inaantok
I: Ano yung emotions na connected sa walang gana at inaantok?
P: Bigat ng katawan
I: Yung emosyon dapat kung mabigat katawan. Malungkot ba? O kaya nasasaktan. Yun mga
P: Wala gusto ko lang kasi matulog
I: Dapat iconnect mo siya sa emotions. Pag wala ka sa mood, mabigat katawan, ano yung
emosyon mo?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Pwedeng nasasaktan ganun o kaya nadidispress. Yun yung mga ilalagay mo kasi lahat nung
nilagay mo, body lang
I: Pero siguro nga ganun talaga emosyon mo. Pero yung mga sinabi mo kasi puro body dapat
mga emotion. O kaya pag feeling mo rejected kaya nasasaktan. So ngayon anon a pakiramdam
P: Mas nakikilala mo yung sarili mo
I: Ano pakiramdam ng katawan mo ngayon?
P: Okay ako ngayon
I: Anong dating sayo nun nung mas nakilala mo sarili mo? Sige Josie ano yung pakiramdam
P: Kasi nakalagay po medyo eh. Kumbaga mas nagagawan ko ng paraan tuwing yun yung
nararadaman ko.
I: So yung body antok so ano yung connection ng emotion mo?
I: Naiinis ba ganun? Pwede yun So ayun yung mga feeling. Okay thank you. Ikaw Debs
P: A little po
I: Ano yung body signals mo? Ano nilagay mo jan?
P: Matamlay po katawan tas nalulungkot ako.
I: Eh sa body ano nilagay mo?
P: Yung matamlay
I: So kung matamlay ka ano nilagay mo jan? A lot, medium or little.
P: Nakakatamad po kumilos ganun
I: A lot ba medium or little?
P: Little lang po
I: Alam mo ba tuwing kelan mo nararamdaman?
P: Pag minsan naiinis lang po ako ganun. May nakalagay din po sa medium
I: Ano yung nilagay mo sa medium? Kaya mo yan. Ninenerbyos ka ba?
P: Medyo po
I: San siyas a buong katawan?
P: Sa lahat po
I: Ano nararamdaman mo
P: kinakabahan po.
I: Ano yung rason kung bakit ka ninenerbyos?
P: Di ko po kasi gaano maexplain yung mga body signals ko.
I: Pero mukhang naiintindihan ko naman. Yung ngayon lang. Ano pakiradam mon a naexplain
mo sakin?
P: Magaan po kasi naexplain ko
I: So ano emotion mo?
P: Masaya
I: Dahil? Ano yung rason kung bakit? Pakinggan mo lang katawan mo kasi nasagot mon a
kanina inuulit ulit ko lang
P: Kasi nasasabi ko po kahit minsan di ko po naeexplain
I: Actually naexplain mo ng ayos pero baka pinangungunahan ng kaba
I: Naiintindihan niyo ba si Debs?
P: Opo
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Okay so hinga lang tayo malalim. Lagay niyo nga yung kamay sa tyan niyo pero wag niyo
baguhin pag hinga niyo. Ano bay un gumagalaw or hindi? Ano nangyayari sa tyan mo? Pano
mo masasabi kung busog ka ngayon? Or baka gutom ka?
P: Di naman
I: Dibale sa huli dun ako mag papa celebrate may utang ako sainyong merienda. So ngayon
ano nararamdaman mo sa tyan mo?
P: Gutom hahaha
I: Kaya pala medyo wala sa session kasi iniisp ang pagkain?
P: hahahaha di naman
I: Okay good Ikaw Raquel
P: Sa may body, magulo sa isip tas masikip sa dibdib tas sa emotion, sobrang sakit at galit sa
I: Importante dyan kung ano yung rason. Sa lahat ng nararamdaman niyo walang mali jan.
Papakinggan niyo kung bakit kayo nagagalit. Kasi natural yan. Nagmumukha lang siyang
masama kung pano natin inilalabas o aggressive minsan nananakit tayo sa sarili o ibang tao.
Pero yung galit naman natin is may ginagawa satin na hindi naman natin gusto. O kaya meron
kayong need na hindi nangyayari o hindi niyo natatanggap. Kaya lang minsan pinaramdam
satin ng ating past is kailangan natin tong tanggapin. So ang nangyayari tuloy nag fofocus tayo
sa mga bagay na hindi natin natatangap at dun natin nararamdaman yung galit, lungkot at inis.
Kasi yun yung takbo talaga ng buhay kaso misnan di talaga naibibigay satin kaya mraming
rason talaga kung bakit tayo nagagalit. Ano ba kailangan nating gawin para di tayo masaktan?
Para mapunan yung kailangan ko. Sa ginagawa kasi natin tinuturuan tayo na hindi husgahan
yung sarili kaya wag tayo matakot harapin yung mga nararamdaman niyo. Kaya hindi
nawawala yung takot kasi hanggang ngayon di pa nawawala yung cause nung takot pero lahat
yan walang mali dyan sa nararamdaman niyo.
I: So ngayon anong pakiramdam niyo? Dahil ba sa weather kaya ganun? San niyo
nararamdaman yun?
P: Sa mata
P: Sa katawan po
P: Sa buong katawan
I: Sige. Yakapsule tayo
P: Ayaw
I: Ay ayaw? Gusto lang tulog? Sige
I: Basta yung assignments niyo tuloy tuloy lang yan. Para malalaman niyo lagi yung dahilan
kung bakit ganun yung nararamdaman niyo. Para alam niyo yung aksyon na dapat gawin
I: Hinga muna tayo malalim. Sabihin natin sa sarili natin na okay lang ako
P: Okay lang ako
I: normal ang nararamdaman ko
P: Normal ang nararamdaman ko
I: Walang mali sa nangyayari sakin
P: Walang mali sa nangyayari sakin
I: Tinatanggap ko ang sarili ko
P: Tinatanggap ko ang sarili ko
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: May tiwala ako sa sarili ko
P: May tiwala ako sa sarili ko
I: Okay lang ako
P: Okay lang ako
I: Sa ginawa nating activity ano yung isang bagay na tumatak sayo Trisha? O kaya ano nag
ccause ng lutang mo
P: Bumabalik kasi yung mga ano may mga naalala ako
I: Nakakatulong ba na may koneksyon ka sa sarili mo?
P: Nakakatulong naman
I: So sige para matulungan mo yung sarili mo, hinga lang. Kasi everytime na humihinga ka,
miski mabigat yan, pwede ka bumalik agad sa sarili mo. Walang mali jan sa nararamdaman
mo kasi yan yung paraan mo para masurvive. Walang huhusga sayo. Mahirap lang talaga
I: SIge ikaw Raquel mukhang nagging emotional ka. May nagtrigger ba sayo na lumabas
emosyon mo?
P: (Umiiyak)
I: San siya sa buong katawan mo Raquel? Tutukan mo lang yang katawan mo walang mali yan
sa nararamdaman mo. Naka kasi sobrang kang nasasaktan dahil sa mga pinag dadaanan mo.
Nakakagalit na parang wala kang magawa sa sitwasyon. Okay lang ba na huminga ka ng
I: Para masanay ka na makaya mong maharap sa pamamagitan ng hinga. Kailangan malalim.
Kaya bay un? Hinga ka ng malalim
P: (Inhale exhale)
I: Masakit na nahihirapan ka mag share at magsalita kasi puno yung isip mo ngayon.
Naguguluhan ka na at nahihirapan ka kasi nasasaktan ka na.
P ( Umiiyak )
I: Okay habang umiyak si Raquel ituloy muna natin. Ikaw Debs anong pabaon mo satin
ngayon na nakikita mo si Raquel na nahihirapan? Naaapektuhan ka ba din? Anon a nangyayari
sayo ngayon? Napansin ko na bumigat yung mga nararamdaman at di mapakali gusting
sumigaw o magwala kasi ang hirap kontrolin
I: Which is walang mali talaga sa nararamdaman niyo. Totoong totoo yan. Kaya lahat sana
iiinvite ko lagi na huminga lang ng malalim. Pag humihinga kasi naka focus lang sa hiniga.
Walang ibang iintindihin kundi ang hininga lang. Kung ang pa aba ay nakalapat sa sahig.
Ramdamin niyo yung paa niyo sa sahig kung malamig ba o mainit kung may tumutusok ba.
Pakiramdaman niyo ang inyong damit sa legs, balakang, likod, sa braso ano yung
nararamdaman ng inyong balat. Pwedeng nakakainis, masikip, o tumutusok. Yung naririnig
niyo ngayon pakiramdaman niyo. Yung kulog, tawa, electric fan, yung ingay salabas, at yung
kambing. Pakiramdaman niyo ang sarili niyo kung may naaamoy ba kayo. Kung amoy ulan ba
yan or amoy tissue o kaya naman kwarto. Gamitin niyo ang mata niyo. Sa naikita niyo. Ano
yung mga nakikita niyo?
P: Mga tao. Si ate Beth, Si Josie Si Debs Si Rosie
I: Raquel gamit ang tenga anong naririnig mo?
P: Boses mo po at kulog
I: Ano pa naririnig mo?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
P: Lapis, upuan, kambing
I: Ano pa? May naririnig pa ko
P: Ingay sa labas
I: Ikaw debs anong nararamdaman mo ngayon?
P: Malamig.
I: Ano pa? Yung hawak mong lapis? Yung kamay mo?
P: Malamig din po. Tas pinagpapawisan
I: Sige Josie anong naaamoy mo?
P: Patak ng ulan.
I: Ano bang amoy ng ulan?
P: Yung parang simoy po na mabaho
I: Okay Rina ano nararamdaman ng pwet mo?
P: Di mapakali
I: Hita mo?
P: Nangangalay
I: Paa mo??
P: Malamig po
I: Ganto gawin niyo massage. Ano pakiramdam ng braso niyo?
P: Mga buto buto
P: Yung sa muscle
P: Masakit
I: Lagyan niyo ng pressure. Para maramdaman niyo. Masakit ba?
P: Masakit
I: Sabunutan niyo ang sarili niyo. Hilahin ang buhok
P: Masarap
P: Masakit
I: Sige eto tig 5 seconds tayo
I: Kahit 10 seconds sige bilang tayo
P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I: Pasa dun tas bilang ulit
P: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I: Pasa ulit
P: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I: Pasa. Go
P: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I: Okay pasa
I: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10
I: Oh balik na tayo kay Josie anong napulot mo ngayon? Ano natutunan mo?
P: Sa bad emotion po. Nalito kasi ako
I: So ngayon mas malinaw na ba?
P: Medyo po
I: Ano pa yung mas kailangan mo pang maintindihan?
P: Yung dalas po kung kelan. Yung tama lang
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Okay good thank you
I: Ikaw Rina?
P: Mga body signal na kumokonek sa emotion
I: Gano kaimportante yun sayo?
P: Kasi po nalalaman mon a yung dapat gawin kasi alam mo body signal mo. Na ah alam ko
ng galit ko
I: Good.
P: Kasi minsan hyper nanaman ako ganyan.
I: That’s good na naveverbalize mo na. Kasi may awareness na kayo
P: Mas maganda kasing may nag aalalay
I: Basta ang susi dito is yung continuation maski matapos ang program, dapat tuloy tuloy lang
siya. Kahit mahirap, gumamit lang ng senses. Nakatulong ba sainyo?
P: Oo
P: Okay lang
I: Mas nagging aware ka ba? Nakatulong?
P: Opo
I: Maski mabigat. Hopefully Ms Beth pa assist lang si Raquel sa inhalation
I: Okay thank you guys. I will see you on Saturday. Ang layunin kasi natin makilala niyo yung
sarili niyo kung ano yung dahilan. Kasi may prepasayon kayong gagawin. Kasi di mawawala
yung ganung pakiramdam hanggat di niyo inaalam ang kailngan ng inyong sarili. May
kailangan kayong gawin para makabalik kayo sa Window of tolerance. Bago tayo magtapos,
pray lang tayo ulit
I: Panginoong Hesus alam kong ang mnga nangyari po ngayon ay inallow niyo. Hinihiling ko
po na matuloy po yyung pag poprocess nila Tulungan niyo po silang di mastock sa hyper at
hypo arouse. Tulungan niyo po silang pakunti kunting mas tumatag upang matulungan ang
kanilang sarili. Dahil nakasaad naman sa inyong kasulatan ay may agdadaanan talaga.
Mahirap man panginoon pero gumagamit ka at hinahanapan mo kami ng paraan upang mas
makilala nag aming sarili. Nawaý makayanan naming lahat tulungan niyo kaming mas
magkaron ng atensyon sa mga blessing na ibinibigay at ang mga hinaharap naming. Kasi kami
ngayon hinaharap naming kahit mahirap pero pinaparamdam mo samin na di niyo kami
iniiwan. Kayo na po ang bahala sa bawat pamilya ang mga pangangailan. Proteksyon sa sakit
at sa Covid panginoon. Salamat po sa oras at sa bawat isa. In Jesus Name, Amen
P: Amen.
6th Session
So kamusta so before we start, pray tayo atleast para may covering at may protection tayo.
Dear heavenly father, maraming salamat po sa binigay niyong oras samin ngayon Panginoon
ko naway sa ngalan mo Hesus na maramdaman namin ang iyong presensya sa bawat isa,
tulungan niyo po kami na matulungan namin ang aming mga sarili lalo na sa mga
pinagdadaanan namin at sa mga ng lahat ng pinagdadaanan namin Hesus naway maranamin na
hindi mo kami iniiwan sa mga hirap na nararamdaman namin Panginoon naway nararanamin
na nandun ka sa gitna ng aming pinagdadaanan at pinaparamdam mo samin na di mo kami
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
iniiwan. Sa ngalan mo po Hesus naway gamitin mo ang mga sessions na maging tool o
kaparaanan para matukungan namin yung sarili namin na makayanan yung mga araw na
hinaharap namin. Tulungan niyo rin po kami na mas ma appreciate namin ang aming sarili
kasi sa mga pagbabago namin ngayon alam namin na ikaw yng nagbibigay samin ng sapat na
lakas at kagalingan lara magkaron kami ng pagbabago sa aming sarili, pag iisip, kilos, sa lahat
ng nangsamin at ito ay dinadalangin ko sa inyo, kayo na po bahala sa lahat in Jesus name,
So again before we start okay so ang ating nasa phase 3 na tayo, ibig sabihin nasa action na
tayo, so ang layunin nun ay para mas ma increase mas tumaas pa ang inyong abilidad para
maganit yung mga kung papano niyo tinutulungan yung sarili niyo lara gumanda ang inyong
pakiramdam at para mas makilala niyo ang inyong sarili. So sa mga gagawin natin ngayon,
ang mangyayari is, diba yung phase 1 more on body signals lang diba kung papano kinikilala
yung senyales ng mga katawan niyo. Pangalawa phase 2 ang nangyari, dun ba sa phase one
mas naging aware na kayo? Body signals. Mas aware na ba kung ano yung nangyayari sa
sarili? Number two body signals pkus emotions nakakonek niyo na ba yun. Na kung eto yunh
yung body ko ay baka ito yung nararamdaman ko may ganun na ba kayong kaalaman?
Participant: Yes
Interviewer: So ang phase 3, action, ibig sabihin alam niyo na ang nangyayari sa inyong body
signals tas nakonek niyo sa emosso from that ano ba kelangan ko gawin para matugunan ko
yung kelayng aking katawan at nararamdaman so larang ganto ang itsura. Kita niyo,
nalapansiyniyo ang inyong senyales sa katawan, so kunwari may nagugutom kasi maingay ang
tyan niyo ay gutom pala ang tawag dun tulad niyan, nagugutom. So yan ang emosyon gutom,
so ano ba ang kelangan pano siya ma regulate, parang sa shellane diba di masyadong malaks,
mahina so pano mo iaaddress, ano yung action po
Participant: Kumain
Interviewer: So yun ang gagawin natin sa phase 3 kung papano niyo mas matutugunanang
inyong pangangailangan. So sa phase 3 so naiintindihan kung ano nangyayari sa phase 3 natin.
So ngayon sa phase 3 mula ngayon hangang 8th session okay so nasa session six na tayo. So
again ano yung nangyari sainyo nitong mga nakaraang araw? Sige short lang, papano niyo
nagagamit ang inyong mga natutunan. Sige start tayo kay Trisha o Reena. Start nalang kay
Raquel. Yung sa lahat ano yung mas komportable gamitin , yun nalang yun, ano mga nakikita
niyo, nahihirapan pa rin ba o naggagamay niyo na. Ano sa tingin niyo yung mga nakikita na
pagbabago o sa tingin niyo di aakalain. Sige changes, ano yung mga pagbabago na nakikita
mo so far sa iyong sarili.
Nung last week na uniiyak ako, hirap akong huminga ng malalim di ko alam kung oano
kongagawin kasi dati di ako masyado umiimik, ngayon ko palang siya nagagawa kaya
nahihirapan anko na pano ko uli gagawin yun
Pag iyak?
Hindi po, yung pag stop, pag hinga ng malalim tas balik uli sa ano kasi kelan lang ako natuto
umiyak talaga. Umiiyak po ako pag ano pag lumukuha na wala. Parang nasanay po ako na
since bata ako, wag ka iiyak, lagi po yun sinasabi
Ah okay since bata, wag iiyak. So tapos ano nangyari sayo?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Nung una umiyak po ako larang narealize ko na di ko namapigili iyak ko last time tas
nahihirapan ako huminga ng malalim tapos masakit yung sinasabi niya yunpp yung inaano
So yunsince yun yung nangyari sayo ano yung parang oh since ganto yung nangyari dito so
anong dating sayo
Parang nakakatulong din po yung lag iyak kasi nung dati po talaga yung ginagawa ko sa sarili
ko, manhid ako ganun
Kelan ka yung sinabi mo na nakapag start ka umiyak, kelan ba nag simula yun
Last year
Ah pero napansin ko tuwing session natin umiiyak ka na palagi
Opo pero pag umiiyak ako din ganun
So ibig sabihin malaki nangyari sayo last week, malaking bagay
So Opo, kaya sabi ni ate kamusta, naiyak ako pero di ko magawa yung
Its okay sabihin mo sa sarili mo kasi nga bago ka palang na eexpress sa sarili mo di agad
nakonek dun sa ano kasi nga di pa ganun nasasanay so san mo ba nararamdaman sa katawan
mo yung iyak sa mata o iba pa
Participant: Sa dibdib po buong katawan kaya di maka stop
Pero nung ginawa natin yung senses, nakatulong ba siya o di pa rin?
Participant: Nung nagawa ko po yun
Diba nung umiiyak ka, nagamit natin yung senses nagin nakatulong ba yun so nung
nakatulong, ano naging dating sayo nun
Participant: Kumbaga sa senses po kasi parang nandun pa rin ako sa present
Okay good yun yung importante dun maski natatandaan niyo miski nasa hyper o hypo arouse
kayo ang ibig sabihin ng regulation is yung nasa gitna yung window of tolerance connected pa
rin sa sarili so alam ng paa mo nasa labas yung isa yung isa nasa loob pa rin so di yung nasa
labas lahat na di mo na nararamdaman yung paligid niyo na lutang na lutang na. So yung paa
niyo nasa loob pa tin at alam niyo yung nangyayari ngayon so pag alam mo nangyayari alam
mo yung kelangan mo gawin para mapunta dun sa window of tolerance. Sino ba dito yung
nakatulong sa five senses sompag may pinag dadadaan kayo gamitin niyo lang senses niyo
para alam niyo san kayo nasa window of tolerance kayo nasan kayo kasi oag masyado na kayo
nalulutang kung san san na kayo napupunta. So sino sunod? Sige
Participant: Ako te medyo yung nagsalita tayo about session medyo nahirapan pa rin ako
kapag sa my body at my emotion, di ko pa rin klaro kung saan ko lalagay yung body o
emotion pero sa ngayon pag medyo sinsabi ko na alam ko na di maganda mood ko alam ko na
kung bat ganto ganyan
Nalalaman mo ba sang lart ng katawan mo yung wala sa mood
Participant: Siguro sa isip ko lang
Ah sa isip
Tapos pag medyo ganun ako, alam ko na gagawin ko
Participant: Pag wala ka sa mood
Participant: Parang mas gusto ko lang talaga na mag isa lang or kaya sometimes pinipilit ko
maki tawa sa kanila para yung di magandang mood na nararamdaman di maka apekto sa mga
kasamahan ko and then nakikita ko rin sa kanila na ang di ko magandang mood alam na rin
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
nila kayo medyo naiintindihan nila yung ganon na feeling ko kumbaga di ko masyado
sinasakop sa iba kong kasamahan
Ibig sabihin nagkakaron ka na ng awareness mas nalalaman mo na sarili mo
Participant: Saka syempre dati di maganda mood ko pagi anak ko naaapektuhan, kaya minsan
pag di maganda yung mood ko di ko rin muna siya pinapalapit. Sabi ko wag ka muna lumapit,
wag mo muna ko kausapin ganyan pero pag ok na oka na
So bali malaki na rin nabago sayo
Participant: Bali pag nakakapag salita ako ng di maganda sa anak ko, minsan nasasaktan ko
siya ng pisikal na kaya medyo kahit papano naanuhan ko na sarili ko di tulad ng dati
Congratulations diba
Participant: Nakaka tulong din yung ibang tao sa emosyon ko
Yes, ang importante dito alam niyo na yung bawat isa na pinagdadaanan so mas naiintindihan
niyo na
Pag ganun ka na alam na rin nila na di na masyado malaki
Ok good thank you. Galing ah, kayong tatlo? By 11 start na tayo ng ano, kelangan may mauna
kasi may magsasalita sa inyo miski ayaw niyo de joke lang, gusto ba mag share o ayaw?
Ayaw. Gusto mag share?
Participant: Kinakabahan
San yung kinakabahan sa katawan mo?
Participant: Sa dibdib po
Sige pakinggan mo debs kinakabahan ako
Participant: Kinakabahan ako sa sasagot ko
Sabihin mo walang mali sa isasagot ko sabihin niyo nga kay debs tinatanggap namin ang sagot
Participants: Tinatanggap namin ang sagot mo, walang maki sa isasagot mo ligtas ka
Oh ano nangyari sa nerbyos mo
Participant: Lumabas na pero
Hinga ka malalim
Participant: Pag ako talaga ang bilis
Pero ibig sabihin na ano mo na siya kasi nag sasalita ka naman eh naoovercome mo na siya
Participant: Dati kasi di ko pinapansin yung body signals ko. Dati, di ko masyado pinapansin,
iniisnob ko pero nung nagsimula session natin, ito na simula na nakikilala ko mga body
signals ko tapos mga nakaraan din natuto na rin ako mag share kasi dati parang nagshshare
ako pero labag sa kalooban ko parang nakokonsensya ko di ko alam kung tama yung sinasabi
Oh I see
Participant: Pero nakaktulong naman po
Napapangunahan mo na takot mo ano
Ayun po mas nakikilala ko na mga body signals ko kahit minsan kasi dati di ko pinapansin
So ibig sabihin niyan pag nakakayanan mo yung takot mo dun mo nalalaman na di pala
Participant: Opo tas nakakapag isip na rin ng mas maayos
Wow congratulations Bevs ah, sige kayong dalawa nalang, ayaw pa rin ni Trisha
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Di ako naman parang mas aware na ko sa nangyayari sakin na nararamdaman ko
nagiging aware ako tas parang mas nagkakaron ako ng kontrol sa sarili ko kasi alam kong
mabigat pero pinapakalma ko sarili ko naghahahanap ako ng bagay na pede mag salba sakin
Okay good ibig sabihin nagkakaroon ka ng responsibilidad sa sarili dati siguro ang may
kontrol sayo is yung nararamdaman mo pero ngayon nababaliktad na ikaw pala may kontrol sa
nararamdaman mo good
Participant: Minsan yung takot ko di naman pala totoo. Kunwari sa dilim, takot ako ibig
sabihin kahit onting ilaw wala, iniisip ko kasi may mangyayari may susugid magpapakita
ganun pero ngayon parang di wala tas nag ppray
So malaking bagay congratulations. Ibig sabihin nito yung mga naririnig mo na amaze naman
ako kay God kasi alam niyo yun naiiyak naman ako na ginagamit yung nangyayari satin na
maski di natin napag uusapan yung malalim niyong issues. Pero yung nangyayari kasi dito
ginagawa niyo yung mga activities ibig sabihin nararamdaman niyo yung talagang gustong
may pag babago mangyari tas nararamdaman ko talagang andun yun presensya nung Diyos
natin na syempre wala akong alam sa pinag dadaanan niyo tanging Diyos lang makakaalam
tas yung mga taong sinabihan niya pero andun yung kamay ng Diyos na di kayo iniwan na sa
gitna ng pinag dadaanan niyo andyan yung pag asa na mabalik yung sarili niyo na oag nakilala
niyo satili niyo mas nararamdaman niyo na andyan yung control niyo na kaya ko palang mag
balik yung sarili ko basta mapakinggan ko lang malaman ko yung nangyayari sakin, so
salamat sa Dyos dahil yung ang nangyayari.
So ngayon punta na tayo ng pendulation muna, una aalamin muna san sa katawan kung san
yung di maganda at mamaya yung maganda. So upo ng maayos so mas natutulungan kayo na
makilala niyo sarili niyo so upo ng maayos tas hinga ng malalim uli. Habang nakapikit ang
mata alamin niyo sa buong katawan from head to toe yung parang di komportable na
pakiramdam wag niyo iresist mo labanan obserbahan niyo lang dahil walang masama sa
nararmay gusto iparating sainyo. So tignan niyo lang siya obserbahan tignan niyo kung san
siya sa buong pakiramdam niyo. Okay start tayo kay Trisha, kaya na ba. San yung di ka
komportable na pakiramdam
Participant: Sa pusot isip
Bigyan mo lang ng label ano nangyayari sa pusot isip mo, ano pakiramdam
Participant: Nalilito
Nalilito, ano daw mensahe ng nalilito, hayaan mong magsalita yung pusot ispan mo. Sabihin
mo nalilito ako kasi sige pakinggan mo sarili mo Trisha. Wag ka matakot sa sarili mo may
gusto lang sabihin sayo, ano yung gustong sabihin
Participant: Nalilito
Naguguluhahan ka ngayon, so para daw mabawasan yung gulo nasa yung sagot mo nasa puso
at isipan mo ano daw kelangan gawin para sa sarili mo para mabawasan yung pagkagulo. Wag
mo isipin sagot mo, makikinig ka lang. Ano daw gusto mo gawin sarili mo. Di kasi iniisip mo
eh kelangan bumalik ka dun Trisha sa puso mo na nagsasalita wag ka naka focus sa labas balik
ka sa sarili mompakinggan mo puso mo na nagsasalita ano gusto sabihin sayo, ano yung gusto
kelangan mo gawin para mabawasan kahit konti yung pagkagulo ng isip
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Wala among ma ano blanko
Blanko, sa anong gagawin mo sa sarili mo kung blanko ko okay kang ba na hinga ka ng
malalim diba minsan hypo arouse minsan blanko laging nasa baba so ano kelangan ang mas
mahaba inhale o exhale
Inhale o lahat tayo inhale ng four counts then pause then three counts na exhalation. So Trisha
kelangan sayo mas mahaba yung inhale para maibalik mo yung sarili mo okay. So everyone
close your eyes inhale 1 2 3 4 pause then slowly release 1 2 3. So Trisha kelangan mong
huminga kasi di ko nararamdaman na humihinga ka. Di dito, Trisha pag hanggang dito lang
hininga mo lalo ka lulutang. Kelangan yung hininga mo papuntang sa tyan, kayo ba gayun din
. Di dapat dito ah, dapat yung hininga parang may lobo sa tyan ang nangyayari humihinga
kayo tas lumalaki yung lobo sa tyan kasi lag dito lang yung hininga lalo kayo magugulo. So
yun ang susi at magic dun, so pakiramdaman niyo hinga dahan dahan pero si ko nakikita na
nababa tyan mo Trisha. Imagine mo Trisha hirap no pero yun ang tamang paraan natin ng
Participant: Yung akin minsan hangang dito lang eh
Kaya yun din cause bat tayo bumibigat pero yun naman ang susi pag tama ang pag breathe na
rerelax agad. Again, gawin natin, malaman niyo ngayon. No no, pag hihinga ka dapat nalaki
tyan, sige hinga di ang nangyayari pag humihinga ka lumiliit to eh baliktad. Pag exhale dun
nawawala pero pag inhale. Sige again guys yun ang gawin natin kasi super important na
makuha niyo siya
Pag inhale?
Pag inhale dun siya lalaki so imagine niyo hininga niyo nararamdaman niyo yung hangin
nababa sa tyan. Again mahirap sa umpisa, taas ang tyan then release. Tumaas b tyan niyo?
Hindi? Sige habang nag ccr si ano tuloy tuloy importante to kasi ito yung pampakalma ko rin
eh. Taas ang tyan di dibdib ang tumaas tyan, focus kayo sa air sa hangin mismo. Wag mabilis
again again, inhale. Wag naka focus sakin Trisha, dun ka mag focus sa hininga mo. Isipin mo
hininga mo eh pumapasok sa lalamunan mo papunta sa tyan okay. Nasan na hininga niyo,
lumalaki ba tyan pakiramdaman niyo. Ako nararamdaman ko hangin ko na lumalapat sa
dibdib pumupunta sa tyan kaya nalalaman ko na pumupunta sa tyan ko. Nasan yung atensyon
niyo, lunta kayo sa atensyon niyo yung sa hangin.
Pag release naliit siya
Kaya pag nag eexhale kayo dapat ramdam ng katawan niyo na lahat ng tensyon pinapalabas
niyo. Pero pag hypo ka ang ginagawa hinahatak mo sarili mo pabalik. Kelangan maging
assignment mo yan yung tamang breathing kasi di mawawala yung pakiramdam mo na parang
wala sa sarili oarang dettach kasi masyado kang nasa hypo. Sige hatakin mo yan Trisha tas
hatak yan ganun mo hatakin mo hatak, hatak, diretso, yan ngayon nakabalik ka na noh,
nakabalik? Oh sige pa isa pa yan nakabalik ka noh o nakabalik si Trisha ang galing yan
subukan niyo to. Ano pakiramdam na nakabalik ka?
Participant: Masaya
Yun ang importante nakabalik ka yan balik, ikot, masarap ba
Participant: Opo na stretch
Dapat may ganyan kayo dito eh
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Ate pag hypo mahaba ang inhale pag hyper?
Yung exhalation. Yan diba pag hyper yan yung aligaga kayo eh so ito yung mas mahaba yung
exhalation. Pero pag hypo ito yung sobrang down so kelangan mas mahaba yung inhalation.
Ito pala kelangan niyo pang stretch. Naka tulong ba? Sige siguro kelangan habang nasa
session ka ganyanin mo habang nakikinig inhalation atleast ito lang stretch stretch lang okay
good so tapos na tayo dun. San sa katawan yung medyo di komportable?
Sa ulo
Anong emosyon meron dun
Participant: Nalilito
Pakinggan mo ulo mo, ano daw yung kelangan ng pagkalito mo para mabawasan siya wag mo
isipin yung kelangan mo isagot, pag isipan mo lang. Tuloy tuloy ka Trisha, wag mo isipin
pakinggan mo ano daw kelangan mo gawin sa sarili para mabawasan yung lito. Wag mo
Participant: Stop muna ko mag isip
Okay stop muna, yung iba san nararamdaman yun di maganda?
Participant: Parang yung balakang ko po
Ano emosyon meron diyan
Participant: Parang nangangalay
So ano daw kelangan mo gawin para matulungan mo sarili mo
Participant: Umayos ng upo
Umayos ng upo, yan good. Sige Josie?
Siguro leeg kasi ang sakit dito
Ah ano emosyon meron dyan
Participant: Di ko alam eh basta mula dito
Sige pakinggan mo ano na kelangan mo gawin sa sarili mo ngayon para kahit onti mabawasan
yung hirap. So ngayon nakakaramdam ako na di kayo mapakali okay. Pakinggan mo para
yung energy sa katawan niyo totoo yan. Sakit ba sa kamay, sino naman gusto gumamit? Sige
Participant: Sakin ate parang mag relax lang para di masyado masakit yung leeg
Nasa posisyon ba ng upo mo, sige pano ka daw mag rerelax? May kelangan ka ba gawin na
position o hihinga ka lang
Participant: Di ko po masabi
Sige yan ang kelangan mo gawin pakinggan lang ah pero mamaya mas malalaman mo dapat
San sa katawan mo
Participant: Sa isip at sa puso
Anong emosyon
Participant: Ano po parang pagod
So ano daw kelangan mo gawin wag isipin papakinggan mo sarili mo
Participant: Iniisip ko ano mag isa lang parang walang kasama kasi ayoko yung parang sobra
na yung utak ko yung tenga ko naririnig parang kakairita na, parang gusto magsalita pero di
ako makapag salita, parang naiipon
So ang kelangan mo ngayon is mag isa muna, gusto mo ba na mag isa muna ngayon?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Di naman po
Kaya naman? Kaya naman ganito tas dun ka nalang mag isa?
Participant: Di literal na mag isa parang ayoko may marinig na nakakasakit
So far may naririnig ka bang nakakasakit, meron? Dito sa labas?
Participant: Medyo di lang po maganda
So nasaktan yung tenga mo, masakit talaga yan
Participant: Parang nakakasawa
Paulit ulit? So yun pala kelangan muna, lumayo muna sa mga bibig na medyo na at karapatan
mo yun wag muna tumabi saka tama na yung oang huhusga. Diyan lang paikutan mo lang yan
sige since nalaman niyo na kung san sa katawan niyo yung di maganda. Ngayon gratitude lang
muna isang bagay na pinapasalamatan mo. Meron ba Trisha?
Participant: Nagpapasalamat na mas may natutunan
Okay good nasan siya sa katawan mo lag nagpapasalamat ka?
Participant: Sa puso
Participant: Ako din nagpapasalamat ako kahit dalawang oras nakatulog ako
Ah puyat ka pala so san yan sa katawan mo?
Participant: Sa isip
Participant: Ano po may natutunan sa mga
Oh san siya sa katawan mo?
Participant: Sa pusot isip
Taga san ba
Moro, ang layo okay ba sila dun, okay sige
Participant: Sakin naman po pinasasalamatan ko yung answered prayer ng mga bata kasi
naano rin siya kasi ano ngayon online class, kasi nag wworry din kami kung papano gagawin
kung pano makakatulong kay Ate Sharon tas yun pray lang kami tas answered prayer naman
kasi gadget
Para fsa klase
Sa Taguig ata libre
Participant: Yun ang isang pinapasalamatan ko
So dapat palaging may Covid para ano haha joke lang pasalamat atleast natugunan laki ng
tulong ng gadget,internet ano
Participant: Ang ano lang namin eto po
Dapat yung gadget may sim
Yan yung pinapasalamat namin kay Lord pinoprovide niya yung para sa mga bata
San mo nararamdaman sa katawan
Participant: Siyempre sa buong katawan ko
Ganun din po sa device yung mga gagamitin nila kasi medyo namomoblema nga kami noong
mga nakaraang linggo na kasi nag umpisa na sila mag dry run eh wala po kami kasi yung mga
cellphone po namin medyo di pa kaya, buti nalang kaka pray binigay naman samin
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
San yan sa katawan
Participant: Syempre sa isip kasi di na kami ano saka masaya
So nice nung una inisio niyo kung san di komportable tapos nung nag isip ng pasasalamat
biglang nagbago. Kaya pala sinabi ni Hesus sa binle sa lahat ng pagkakataon magpasalamat
kasi magbabago agad ang ating nangyayari sa loob okay. So start na tayo sa ating activities.
So dito mas mataas ang inyong abilidad para magamit yung feel good actions yung mga
nararamdaman niyong magaganda na gagamitan niyo bg aksyon para mas maging
komportable kayo sa sarili niyo diba dati di mo iniintindi ngayon iniintindi mo na
So ngayon, yan gagamitniyo uli ang papel, tatlo and dalawa sige pasa. So dito sa feeling okay,
feeling uncomfortable game okay ang gagawin dito ay yan so minsan ang ating katawan tulad
nung naramdaman niyo kanina nung nag isip kayo ng di maganda alam niyo na sa katawan
niyo kung nasan siya. Napapansin niyo na at eto ay yung pakiramdam na nag igay ka ng
pasasalamat napansin niyo na nag bago yung stado ng inyong nararamdaman so yung yung
isang bagay na mukhang mas nagagamay niyo na. Kung ano yung di magandang pakiramdam,
kung ano yung magandang pakiramdam.
Sige nga isang sitwasyon lang isulat niyo dyan ngayon kung ano yung nangyayari sa inyo ng
buong week na feels okay and feels uncomfortable. Tulad ng ginawa natin ngayon nung nag
pendulation tayo ngayon inisio niyo yung naging di komportable so yun pala nangyari sainyo
diba. Tas nung nagbigay ng pasasalamat dun niyo naman nararamdaman yung feels okay so
susulat niyo lang diyan kahit di mahaba, keywords lang kung ano yung nangyari sa inyo, ano
ba yung nilagay niyo nung una nung sumakit yung ulo niyo sumakit yung puso niyo. So ano
yung mga bagay bagay na nagpaparamdam sainyo na okay kayo na bukod sa nagpapasalamat.
Ano yung mga bagay bagay na alam niyo mas nagiging okay kayo. Kunwari pag sama sama
kayo at naiintindihan niyi yung bawat isa. Anonnaman yung mga bagay bagay na di kayo
komportable tulad nung sabi ni Reena may nang huhusga. Ang kagandahan niyan mas
nakikilala niyo sarili niyo na eto yung reaksyon niyo.
Participant: Isa lang po?
Kahit ano dalawa o isa. Okay, one more minute ah. Dalawang sitwasyon yan ano. Okay.
So ngayon dun sa sinukat niyong sitwasyon ang gagawin niyo observe niyo utak hangang
mata, ilong pisngi, bibig, boses, tenga, balat, baga, ang dami. Pili lang tayo ng sige nga kanina
narinig ko sa inyonpalaging isip at isipan so laging nasa ulo so punta nalang tayo ng brain o
utak, puntahan niyo lang yung utak dahil sa sitwasyon ilagay niyo natatandaan niyo dito niyo
nakukuha yung main tao. Pwede rin yan basta may drawing na tao. So pede na rin to chevk
your body ounta kayo sa ulo pwede rin ito para malaki pede rin yan para mas malakinso
bgauon brain dun ba sa brain niyo ngayon o sa utak niyo ano ba yung nararamdaman niyo
focused ba distracted o wala sa focus mabilis ba parang may iniisip na sobrang bilis o sobrang
bagal. Tulad ng sinabi ni Trisha, walang laman blanko kaya namamaga feeling niyo ba
namamaga ulo niyo o parang nahihilo sp lagay niyo dyan ngayon kung ano yung mismong
pakiramdam ng ulo niyo ngayon. So lalagay niyo kung feels comfortable or feels
uncomfortable so pedeng sabihin okay o di okay
Participant: San po ilalagay?
Dun nalang sa drawing so right now pakinggan niyo o pansinin niyo yung nagyayari sa ulo
kung nakaka ramdam ng di mapakali bukod sa ulo alamin niyo rin sa buong katawan niyo san
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
niyo nararamdaman yung parang di mapakali, aligaga, naiinis, gustong sumigaw, parang tiki
tiki, ayun pag maraming iniisip pede ano yun parang nalulunod ba yung ganong pakiramdam.
Tulad ng sabi ni Trisha kanina, blanko, pwede niyo lagay yun blanko pag blanko at maraming
iniisip komportable ba yun o hindi so ginagawa niyo nagyon kayo mismo nagsasabi sa sarili
niyo na di ako komportable sa aking isipan. Kelangan kayo mismo ang tatanggap sa sarili niyo
na yun ang nangyayari kasi pede lumabas diyan may onting galit o inis kasi baka connected to
sa mga nangyari sa nakaraan na unti unting lumalabas kaya importante pag ganyan
nararamdaman niyo ang gagawin is tanggapin niyo kang ng buong buo na ganito
nararamdaman ng utak niyo na di mapakali, nakakaramdam ba kayo ng inis na parang
tinatamad yan okay. Sige nagawa mo Trisha, sulat mo?
Participant: Naiinis
Tas tanggapin mo lang okay lang nararamdaman mo, sige sabihin mo Trisha na okay lang
yung nararamdaman mo walang mali.
Walang mali
Okay ka lang ba, tinatanggap mo sarili mo? Yun lang yun, so ganun lang kung ano man nansa
inyo di niyo huhusgahan sarili niyo kundi tatanggapin niyo lang ng buong buo okay so bukod
sa brain lunta tayo sa puso niyo kasi yun narinig ko sainyo kanina eh sa puso dun sa puso ano
nararamdaman niyo mukha bang mabagal, o mabilis ang tibok. Pede rin sa dibdib sa chest,
ibig sabihin nahihirapan kayo huminga, san man sa buong katawan nararamdaman sa feels
okay o feels uncomfortable. Dahil dyan sa mga sitwasyon na sinukat niyo, ano yung lumabas
sa katawan niyo? San sa buong katawan naramdaman yung sinukat niyo, san siya lumabas?
Miski ang hirap paniwalaan o tanggapin, walang panghuhusga, nakakaramdam pa rin ako ng
bigat, ng aligaga, lalo na sa bandang braso ko meron spdin sa bingi, sa ulo, na naiinis sinabi
tumigilmka parang ganun. Again walang masama sa nararamdaman niyo. Kahat ng
nararamdaman niyo walang mali may rason kayo bat nararamdaman, kelangan lang nila
mapakinggan at yun ang ginagawa niyo ngayon.
Okay meron ba tayo gusto idagdag sa katawan niyo kahit isa lang. Kamay o daliri, meron ba
kayong nararamdaman, sa tiyan. Sa likod, sa paa, daliri sa paa, sa mata, tenga, sayo kanina
tenga mo ba ay naka focus, nadidistract o kelangan ng katahimikan o sobra na namamaga,
nananabik na tama na. Okay. Nakakaramdam ako ng sobrang parang tinatamad na
pakiramdam so kaya ako nag ssway kasi oara kelangan ko kumilos. Bigat, bigat. Pagod nga,
mag stretching. Aba nawala, nawalayung di magandang pakiramdam sa paa ko.
Okay last one minute, tapos na sige yung experience lang. Dun muna tayo kay Reena, kamusta
yung experience mo? Ano nangyari sa ginawa mo sa unang activity natin. Right now ano
pakiramdam mo sa nangyari.
Participant: Parang sa kabila ng lahat ng di ka komportable sa nararamdaman ko araw araw
meron pa rin okay, meron pa ring natitirang okay, parang natapalan din yun di importanteng
Ganon ka importante sayo yung uy may ganun palang pag asa
Participant: Syempre sobrang importante kasi parang mas nararamdaman ko na kahit
nabibigatan meron pa ring parang natitirang pag asa di ito pang habang buhay, pagdaraan ko
lang to pero medyo okay na
Nasan yan sa katawan mo ngayon yang pag asa na yan
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Sa puso ko sa isip pa rin
Ano kelangan mo gawin, pakinggan mo lang puso at isipan mo na para matulungan mo sarili
mo na tuloy tuloy na, wag mo isipin sagot mo, makikinig ka lang.
Participant: Gusto kong lumayo sa mga ingay na naririnig ko na di maganda
Kelang mo siya gawin ah Reena kung yun kung sino man yun na nagreact kasi lumayo ka,
problema niya yun di mo problema yun kasi pinakinggan mo lang yung makakatulong sayo na
makaramdam ng ligtas kasi kung sino man nagpaparamdam ng ingay, ibig sabihin dinka ligtas
dun okay so ibig sabihin ginagawa momlang yung bagay na makakatulong sayo kaya walang
mali dun.
Participant: Pero kapag minsan nakakaramdam ako ng ganito, naguiguilty ako
Yan kasi parte yun ng kuktura at kasanayan
Kasi ngayon may naririnig ako na di okay sakin na di maganda naiinis ako nagagalit ako
larang nagguilty ako
Kaya ka nagagalit kasi nasasaktan ka sa nangyayari kaya labg siguro yun ang paraan ng tao
para mag sorry. Di ko rin alam bakit bigla naging okay yung trato na yan. So ibig sabihin di
man siya nag sorry kasi nasaktanka niya ginawa niya sa actions niya. Pero yung nagalit ka,
totoo yun walang mali din yun kasi nakaramdam ka ng pananakit mula sa taong yun. So anong
pakiramdam mo ngayon na yun ang nangyayari sayo ngayon?
Participant: Nagiging balisa kasi nga po nararamdaman ko na galit tas parang
Sige punta ka dun sa pagiging balisa mo ano kelangan mo gawin para mabawasan yung balisa
na eto yung kelangan mo gawin para mabawasan yung balisa di siya ano
Participant: Gusto ko lang mag isa
So yun ang kelangan mo gawin tas after ng session makapag isa lang kasi yan kelangan mo
ngayon at kelangan mo siya gawin at walang mali dun. Okay sige Josie kamusta ang nangyari
sayo, sige, nawala si Trisha.
Sakin te mas marami pa rin yung feeling okay kesa yung sa feeling na uncomfortable oarang
yung nakikita ko na di ako komportable iniisip ko na di yun ang dahilan para sumuko ako
kumbaga may binibigay pa rin na siguro di nakikita sa kabila ng di komportable
So kumbaga nangyayari ba sayo na lumalawak ang iyong pang unawa?
Mas maano pa rin yung feeling na di pamko okay kaso sometimes yung feeling na di ka
komportable parang mas araw araw pero kahit na araw araw meron pa rin kumbaga
humuhugot ka pa rinng lakas para di mo siya maka apektomsa sarili kasi kung papaapekto
tayo sa di komportable talo tayo.
San mo siya nararamdaman sa katawan mo
Participant: Sakin siguro yung sa heart ko kasi sa feeling na di tayo komportable siguro
nagbibigay satin ng lakas para mas makayanan lahat ng di natin magandang nararamdaman
siguro isa yun si Lord na siya nagbibigay satin na kaya mo yan na kasama yan sa buhay part
yan. Pangalawa siguro yung anak ko kahit ganun nararamdaman ko di ako susuko kasi pag
sumuko pano ka parang pano naman anak ko
So kumbaga ang sinasabi mo sakin ngayon mas kelangan pala mas ma appreciate yung mga
bagay na nangyayari sayo sa loob kasi dun ka rin nakakakuha ng lakas
Dun ka nalang kukuha ng lakas ng loob kahit papano, parang feeling ko kasi parang minsan
sinasabi ko sa sarili ko gusto ko na sumuko, gusto ko yun kasi feeling ko iiwan ko si Jason
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
magiging okay naman siya eh, pero sinasabi ko sa sarili ko na nandito kami sabi ko matatapos
Parang katulad kayo ni Reena ano
Participant: Oo parang ganun kumbaga ang isa nalang nagiging kinukuhaan ng lakas namin,
siguro yung mga anak namin kasi syempre kung di namin sila kasama, parang down tas
siyempre marami pa rin yung komportable kasi pag nakakaramdam tayo ng di komportable
kumbaga parang oinipilit nalang natin maging okay tayo kung maka apekto sa feeling natin
siguro mas lalo malungkot
So kumbaga mas nakikilala mo na sarili momkung ano kelangan mo gawin
Yun ata yung feeling na ganun talaga, ganun talaga eh wala tayo magagawa
So di mo na siya nilalabanan kasi yun na siya
Participant: Yun na yun eh kumbaga sa araw araw yun na yun parang isipin mo nalang yun na
yung nangyayari yung pakiramdam na di tayo komportable basta ganun wala naman tayo
magagawa eh no choice
Thank you Josie atleast mukhang mas naliliwanagan ka sa nangyayari sayo okay. Debs
kamusta ang iyong journey sa ginawa mo sa sarili momo matutunan sa activity
Participant: Parang sakin kasi mas marami din yung feeling na minsan nakakaramdam ng
tampo pero nararamdaman ko rin may time na nagiging okay okay tapos nakakatinig ng
maganda, solusyon para maging okay kapag parang gusto komumiyak kasi may mabigat lero
ano naman kinakausap ko sarili ko tas dinadaan ko sa sulat tas pinapakalm ko sarili ko
nagiging okay naman
Nararamdaman niyo yung bawat isa. Naririnig ko sa inyo kinakaya niyo parang yung
nangyayari sa inyo medyo challenging kung ano man pinag dadaanan niyo ngayon. At the
same time ang naririnig ko andun yung determinasyon niyo na mas nakakaluwag sa inyo na
labanan yung sarili niyo na kayo mismo di niyo na nilalaban yung sarili niyo na kasama niyo
na yung sarili niyo sa laban kasi siguro dati feeling ng sarili niyo iniiwanan niyo
Tas tinatalikuran yung problema
Pero ngayon ginagawa niyo hinaharap niyo ang problema kasi alam niyo na di niyo kalaban
ang sarili niyo ibig sabihin malaki yung nangyayari sa inyo ngayon mas nararamdaman niyo
yung hirap kasi mas nakikilala niyo sarili niyo. Pero nangyayari din ngyon mas tinatanggap
niyo yung sarili niyo kaya mas nagkakaron kayo ng koneksyon. Kakayanin niyo kahit konti.
Hihinga muna tayo ng malalim ah yung una upo ng maayos. Ang una ang pag hinga lalaki ang
tyan kasi lalo kayo lulugmok kung dito lang sa dibdib ang pag hinga so make sure lahat ng
atensyon nasa tyan niyo at hininga ng sa gayon alam niyo san puumupunta hininga niyo kung
pumupunta sa dibdib o talaga sa tyan wala iisipin kundi ang hininga at tyan. So close your
eyes so longer inhalation shorter exhalation four counts and three counts so ready. 1 2 3 4
pause slowly release 1 2 3 again inhale 1 2 3 4 pause again slowly release 1 2 3. Longer
inhalation and shorter exhalation ready fice counts inhale 1 2 3 4 slowly release 1 2 3 4 5. Last
one inhale 1 2 3 4 pause then slowly release 1 2 3 4 5 stretch. Sige tanggalin niyo yung energy
stretch niyo paa niyo oh ano naramdaman niyonung nag breathing kayo nag stretch
Oh bumalik diba bumalik agad so yung mga simpleng gantong activities paghinga at pag
strectch ito yung pang regulate agad okay, Raquel ano nangyari sayo diyan.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Di ako nagiging komportable lalo na pag may nagagawa akong mali tapos parang
yung lagi ko sinisisi sarili ko pero nagiging okay na siya lag iniisip ko di ako perfect parang
ganun minsan kasi di ko sinsasdya na may masabi magawa di ko intensyon pero sa iba
nakakasakit ako pero sakin indi yun pero sakin iniisip ko nalang di ko nararamdaman yung sa
ibang tao
Parang ang sinsabi mo sakin, nagiging mabait ka na sa sarili mo na di kelangan iplease lahat
ng tao
Participant: Kumbaga parang ganito ko eh, ganun ba iniisio ko minsan di ko naman kelangan
magpakita ng mabuti pero yung kalooban ko di naman ganun
So gusto mo na maging totoo sa sarili mo, mas nakakatulong ba sayo yun?
Participant: Kasi mas nagiging komportable ako kumilos, kasi minsan nag aalala din ako pag
naiisip ko yung word na hindi alam ko di ako ganito yung okay lang
Congrats. Next
Participant: Natetense kasi ako
San siya sa katawan mo sabihin natin, natetense ako ano sabi ng katawan natin
Participant: Wala
Hindi bat ka natetense? Sige pakinggan mo lang o natatakot ka yun ang nasesense ko, yun ang
nakikita ko
Participant: Walang maintindihan, kinakabahan
Malaking bagay na ba sayo Trisha na atleast nasasabi mo na natetense ako mas nakakatulong
ba sayo na kesa yung ikaw lang andyan sumsabog, kasi andyan lang sayo sumasabog, mas
okay ba sayo na atleast nalalabas mo siya at nalalaman mo sa katawan mo kung saan. Pero
hirap ka pakinggan pa?
So okay lang walang problema dun ang importante dun sabi mo natutuo ka na di ba na
nalaman mo na sarili mo na okay lang na di pa agad, walang mali dun okay. Okay good sa
ngayon andun na tayo sa pangalawang exercise yan
Itong pangalawang exercise na to, meron ba kayong malamig na tubig?
Participant: Meron
Yan sige require ko kayo na magdala kayo dito ng tubig na malamig sige kuha na kayo lahat
isa isa kayo iinom ng tubig na malamig
Participant: Magkakape na kami
Bawal kayo uminom ng malamig
Participant: Si Reena kasi bawal
Ah so kelangan siya magsabi kay Reena para atleast
Participant: Pag uminom na kasi ako ng kape di ko ano na uminom ng malamig kumbaga
gusto ko lang uminom ng malamig kung talagang uhaw talaga ako pero kung kagaking kape
larang di ko ano eh
May kape ka pa dyan?
Participant: Kakatapos lang
Ah okay sige kelangan dyan pakiramdam, mainit pa ba pakiramdam mo
Participant: Medyo di naman
Participant: Ate gusto mong tubig?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Sige dun muna tayo since malamig tubig niyo, dun tayo sa mouth sa pangatlo. Okay sige
malapit na tayo malapit na yungblesson ngayon ay oara maturuan kayo na it is possible to
change the way your body feel through the use of activities or actions. So sabi dito pede pala
na pede niyo mabago agad agad yung nararamdaman niyo kanina na nalaman niyo agad, so
ang activity na to malalaman niyo na ay kaya ko pala baguhin agad ang aking nararamdaman
so ang self regulation ay gumagawa ng activities o actions para mabago agad ang ating
nararamdaman especially pag tayo ay nasa hyoer o hypo arouse.
So example ano ba yung mga kelangan natin gawin sabi ni Reena magnisa muna so yun ang
talagang kelangan niya gawin at minsan tong di magandang maramdaman natin at dahil sa
mga aksyon lr activities na pede natin gawin pede siya mawala, so again lahat ng senyales ay
sobrang importante ibig sabihin may purpose o layunin yung nararamdaman ibig sabihin
walang mali sa nararamdaman kaya nararamdaman mo Trisha walang mali diyan. Ang mga dì
komportable na body signals ay makakatulong satin para mag bigay ng impormasyon para
malaman kung ano ang gagawin tulad nun kelangan pala mag isa. O kay yung kanina nag
crvonkay nung lumabas ka si yun yung mga actions na ginagawa so ngayon unahin natin yung
tubig kasi mawawala na yung lamig
Pumunta kayo sa pangatlo, yung mouth di ba yung pangatlo my mouth feels ngayon drink
cold water bago niyo inumin lahat ng atensyon nasa tubig, bibig, nasa dila wala kayo ibang
iintindihin kundi yung ginagawa niyo ngayon. Ready, go. Namnamin niyo yung lamig, yan.
Sige sige bago kayo uminom ano naramdaman ng bibig niyo nung dinoa kayo umiinom
Participant: Tuyo
Lagay niyo bago niyo inumin my mouth feels tuyo okay so una bago kayo uminom ng tubig,
naramdaman niyo ang inyong bibig ay tuyo tapos nung uminom kayo ng tubig ano na
Participant: Basa
Sige lagay niyo diyan basa, malamig, masarap yan tapos ang sunod na tanong nag bago ba
pakiramdam ng katawan
Participant: Yes
Sige lagay niyo yes
Bilugan niyo nalang o sige check sa inyo naman yan eh okay so buti nalang dinala ko to. Sa
skin pahiram ng braso mo, bago mo kita sprayan ano pakiramdam ng skin mo?
Participant: Malamig
Malamig sige sulat mommalamig muna yung skin pangalawa malamig. Lagay niyo muna mga
naramdaman ng skin niyo ngayon, oh yan ano naramdaman ng skin mo
Participant: Basa
Oh ikaw yan ano pakiramdam lagay mo yung before eto after ano naraniyo ilagay. May
pagbabago ba sa naramdaman ng skin niyo? Yan may narabang pagbabago nung nabasa o
kaya biglang tumaas ang balahibo
Participant: Pwede ba no isagot?
Oo no pwede, sige dun na tayo sa mata, san na yun my eyes feels ano pakng mata mo sige
lagay niyo mabigat bago ko flash yung flashlight sige tingin ka sakin. Ano pakiramdam
Participant: Nasisilaw
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Yan sige nasisilaw okay ayan pede lumaki mata
Participant: Dumilim
Yan dumilim, nag black out
Participant: May nakikita
Ah may puti, may spots spots, nasilaw, sorry. Yan so may nag bago ba sa inyong paningin,
sayo Trisha? Kanina mabigat eh tas nung may flashlight ano nangyari, nawala yung bigat?
Participant: Onti lang
Ah onti lang nawala, so ibig sabihin meron pa rin kahit konti so yes yun. Okay dun tayo sa
ilong take a deep breath while pinching nose yan dapat sulat niyo muna naramdaman ng ilong
niyo bago niyo pindutin.
Participant: Maluwag
Oh ngayon takpan, nahirapan tuloy ako humin, ako hirap huminga di kasi buo. Ano
pakiramdam? May nagbago ba?
Participant: Wala ganun pa rin
Participant: Okay lang, maski isa ok lang?
Participant: Lalo na may sipon ako may bara yung kabila
Okay dun na tayo sa dibdib, blow parang nagbblow ng kandila na matagal, ten seconds ready
inhale ten seconds pag bilang ko ng ten ah go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 yan so sulat niyo bago at
after at kung may nag bago.
Participant: Parang kinakapos
Yan pwede yan kinakapos diba okay so tapos balik kayo dun sa feeling okay at feeling not
okay. Tas isulat dyan ano daw yung mga naramdaman niyo bago at after naging okay ba o di
komportable sulat niyo nalang sa likod okay at di okay. Ano yung mga bagay na naging okay
kayo sukat niyo diyan o pede rin dito niyo nalang isulat kahit saan. Sulat niyo kung san kayo
naging ok ang pakiramdam ay si okay ang pakiramdam
Participant: Pipili sa experiment?
Hindi, sa ginawa lahat. Ang importante dun descriptor yung mga ginamit niyo, di
komportable, barado, masikip, nakakasilas, yan ang descriptor menu so kung nasilaw kayo
ano inig sabihin nun kayo ba ay naging komportable o di naging komportable so dun niyo
ilagay mismo sa tabi ng dito niyo sukat komportable, di komportable yan. After nung
experiment kada part ano naramdaman niyo. Diba sabi niyo komportable o di komportable
bakit kayo di naging komportable o bakit kayo naging komportable ano yung nagbago sainyo
kung bakit di komportable. Ano yung nagpaparamdam kung bakit di komportable. Kunwari
nung nilagay niyo yung doon sa ilong niyo di ako komportable kasi buo yung paghinga ko
ayoko ng ganong pakiramdam naiinis ako kasi gusto ko buo eh di buomkaya ko nainis
kumbaga tuloy tuloy tayo ng processing.
Bakit mo nalamnpan na di ka komportable o komportable ka after natin magawa yung
experiment bawat parts kunwari dun sa ilong after komlagay kamay ko di ako komportable
naiinis ako kasi ayoko na barado ang ilong. Or ano yung mga naging komportable bakit kayo
naging komportable nung nagawa niyo yung experiment na yun.
Ano yung experiment na nabago o nabigla nagbago ang pakiuano experiment yun na uy may
nagbago sa nararamdaman ko ah. Ang goal niyang experiment yan na maging aware na kaya
pala baguhin may power pala ko para mabago pakiramdam ko, tulad ng sabi niyo Reena and
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Josie saka si Debs na sa mga pinagdadaanan niyo ngayon pede agad siya magbago. Kelangan
lang pala bumawa ng aksyon na pede makatulong sa sarili niyo na mag bago agad ung
nararamdaman kasi pag di niyo pinakinggan sarili jiyo at tuloy tuloy sa di magandang
pakiramdam ano mangyayari?
Participant: Babagsak
Babagsak, ano pa?
Participant: Manghihina
Manghihina at lalo ka magagalit sa sarili mo at pag nagalit ka sa sarili mo bababa ang
kompyansa sa sarili mo. Mawawalan ka ng tiwala magagalit sa sarili mo kasi di mo daw
tinutulungan sarili mo pero sa pamamagitan ng ginagawa niyo ngayon pinaparamdam sa inyo
na sa maliit na bagay pede pala baguhin agad sa simpleng hinga na dalat tama ang paghinga.na
walang mali sa gagawin niyo para matulungan niyo sarili niyo na maging komportable. So
hopefully yung assignment lang dyan continue lang mag expesa sarili niyo ang importante
mas makilala ang body signals niyo na di niyo hinuhusgahan okay so tapos na? sige
processing tayo
Ano yung natutunan niyo sa experiment sa sarili niyo? Ano yung parang oano nakatulong
sayo? So kelangan mo lang pala uminom ng tubig so ano pakiramdam mo
Participant: Nawala yung pumapasok sa isip ko
Ah so kelangan mo pala gawin yun Trisha pag medyo aligaga na di mapakali ang
makakatulong sayo uminom ng malamig. Actually may nabasa kong research study na
kunwari sobrang down na down ang nagpapasigla malamig na tubig. Maligo ng malamig na
tubig. Pede rin yun malamig na tubig na inim, na prove mo nga Trisha, maraming bagay na
pwede niyo tulungan sarili niyo kasi nga yung nangyari sa inyo perception. Yung perception
kung ano yung pagka intindi niyo sa mga nangyayari eh lahat yun may kaniya kaniya tayong
perception ibig sabihin kanya kanya tayo ng interpretasyon sa mga nangyayari so kung ano
yung interpretation mo sa ibang bagay eh ganun din yung interpretation mo sa ibang bagay
yung interpretation na yun pede mabago mababago yun mula sa sarili mo, kanina mabigat
nung uminom ng tubig nawala sa isipan mo mga problema kasi naka focus ka sa lamig,
nabago interpretation mo. Nakatulong ba yun ng malaki sayo?
Participant: Onti
Ontinlang okay lang atleast may konti kasi yung konti na yun atleast may nangyayari baka
sayo kala mo konti lang pero yun pala malaki diba good. Sige Raquel.
Kung ano man yung nararamdaman ko sa sarili ko may dapat ako gawin may aksyon kunware
pag nauuhaw ka edi uminom ka ng tubig, parang ganun nag iisip ka sa problema mo mag isip
ka lang ng magiging makakatulong sa problema
Tulad niyan nauhaw ako, uminom ako
Tulad niyan uhaw ka uminom ka
So anong ibig sabihin nun na ay parang sobrang dali pero may solusyon
Participant: May solusyon
Na ano pakiramdam mo na ay may solusyon pala
Participant: Edi syempre di mo naman siya mapapansin na ganun yung ginagawa mo syempre
nabibigyan mo ng halaga na kung ano nararamdaman ng katawan mo gagawin mo
San mo yan nararamdaman sa katawan mo na wow
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Sa isip ko
Punta ka sa isip mo, anong pakiramdam yan
Participant: Masaya
Pakinggan mo mensahe, masaya at magaan ang nararamdaman ko kasi natutunan ko kunga
nonyung dapat ko gawin, at oara tuloy tuloy yung ganyang pakiramdam pakinggan mo pa rin
sa isipan mo ano kelangan mo gawin
Continue kang yung mga natutunan sa session
At pag na continue mo lalo kang
Participant: Matuto
Sasaya matutuwa, congratulations. Oh Debs
Participant: Sorry po
Oh bat ka nag sorry
Participant: Nalagkag po kasi
Ano natutunan mo sarili mo
Participant: Tumataas balahibo ko
So ano kelangan pag nilalamig
Mag jacket, ano lang nilamig ako kanina nung di pa ko nainom ng tubig parang natutuyo na
siya larang gusto ko uminom ng tubig pero di ako makatayo kasi parang medyo yun buti
nagpakuha kayo tubig
Pero ano kelangan mo gawin, balik ka sa sarili mo parang nakaramdam ako ng inis sa sarili
Maliit lang
Kailangan mo siya tanggapin Debs, san siya sa katawan mo
Sa buong katawan
Sabihin mo naiinis ako sa sarili ko kasi
Participant: Di ko nasabi yung gutso ko sabihin
Tas biglang nawala
Participant: Nawala kasi na solusyonan
Pero di kelangan na iba mag solusyon pakinggan mo sarili mo yung inis ano kelangan mo
gawin, pakinggan mo sarili mo wag mo isipin na yung susunod na ikaw ay nauuhaw
Participant: Kumilos
At ano
So ano pakiramdam mo ngayon na narinig mo sa sarili mo na yun pala kelangan mong gawin
Participant: Masaya po kasi nawala yung uhaw ko
So makakatulong ba yan sayo kung ano na gagawin mo sa susunod so ano pakiramdam mo
dahil alam mo na
Participant: Masaya po
Masaya, okay good. Josie?
Participant: Sakin te siguro yung sa yung pag blow nang kandila kasi yung una yung sa
nilagay namin yung mga good and bad experience na mga nararamdaman namin medyo una
kasi masikip yung dibdib na parang kinakapos ka kasi yung nasabi ko na yung gusto ko
sabihin na kahit di diretso dun sa tao kumbaga meron ka muna nasabihan na alam mong
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
nakikinig na parang lumuwag yung dibdib monna parang secure feeling ko ano ko parang nu
ba yun larang secure ako sa nasabi ko
Ah so kumbaga ligtas ka
Oo na walang halong question
Participant: Takot
So san mo naramdaman sa katawan mo na safe ka ngayon
So syempre una nasa puso saka sa buong katawan
Ano mensahe ngayon na ligtas ka
Participant: Kumbaga kahit papano meron pa rin isang bagay na kahit ganun nararamo
kumbaga may sinsabi na kelangan mompa rin lumabas
Sige Debs kuha ka ng jacket sige ano yun Josie anong kelangan
Participant: Yung feeling na ano ba yun kelangan mo pa rin ilabas nung mahaba na yung pag
blow parang kinakapos ka ng hininga
So kumbaga narealize mo ba na yun pala pakiramdam pag kinakapos ka ng hininga na konek
mo pala
Participant: Opo kasi mas makakaluwag sa dibdib
So congratulations okay oh Ikaw na Reena
Participant: Ano natutunan ko dito sa experiment na yung parang naoopen ko sa mga
pagsubok sa buhay kasi parang tulad nung ano syempre yung sa tubig parang yung katawan
mo nauuhaw nabibigatan tapos may pinag daraan parang tulad ng pag inom ng tubig,
napapawi yung bigat na pinagdadaanan di man lahat nadadala nakukuha ng pag inom pero
atleast nababawasan tulad ng sama ng loob ko sa isang tao na mapagkakatiwalaan komlarang
nagiging okay na ako mas komportable kasi gusto ko yung tao na imbes itulak ako parang
pagsasabihan ako para din kasi ako nagigising ganun na kung ano mali ko kung anong tamang
So ang pangagailangan mo pala yung siguro di mo nakuha dati at yun yung pinaka importante
San mo siya nararamdaman
Participant: Sa puso
Sabihin mo nasasaktan ako
Kasi di ko naramdaman noon at ngayon kahit papano dun ko nararamdaman ngayon na
marunong na pala mag voice out at makinig tapos nararamdaman ko merong nagpapahalaga
sakin yun po
Masarp yung ganung pakiramdam
May mga taong handang makinig sakin na handa ako pahalagahan kaya yung nakikita ko na
parang may mga taong di fair di sila pantay trato di fair, nasasaktan ako gusto ko kasi pantay
Yun din yung need mo siguro pangangailangan
Participant: Kasi nung bata ako nakikita ko sa parents ko may favoritism tas inis na inis ako sa
ganun na may favoritism di ko nararamdaman na mahalaga ko wala akong confidence minsan
di naman minsan kumbaga feeling ko di ko kaya
And ngayon mukhang nababago na siya
Participant: Opo nagkakaron ako ng confidence at lakas ng loob pag meron sakin kaya
momyan ano ka ba kaya mo yan
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Baka mas makakatulong sayo pag ikaw nagsabi na kaya ko to at nagagawa mo, ikaw lang
nakagawa niyan, ikaw nag guide sa sarili mo para magawa yan, so congratulations Reena.
Okay sige bago tayo mag ano mag tapos sa processing. Tatlo kayo, dalawa kayo, yung
yakapsul natin that is our ritual. Ayaw? Yan sige tayo start our ano sige na Debs twenty
seconds walang iintindihin.
Sige ready go, damahin niyo ang pagmamahal sige sabihan niyo isat isa kaya niyo yan dahil
nakayanan ko, importante ka, mahalaga ka, sabihin niyo sa sarili niyo mahalaga ko,
importante ako, mahal ko sarili ko, kayo ko magbago at nagbabago ako okay feel niyo lang
walang ibang iispin kundi damahin ang akap five four three two one. Sarap diba part lang ano
nararamdaman mo ngayon at san sa katawan.
Participant: Nabawasan ang lamig ko sa dibdib ano meron sa dibdib
Participant: Gumaan sa pakiramdam tas nabawasan lamig, medyo okay naman po kasi kahit
papano alam mo na may katuwang ka.
Okay good
Participant: Gumaan po
So ngayon ang challenge ko bakikan niyo yung luwag, ano ang kelangan ko gawin para tuloy
tuloy kasi kayo may hawak niyan di sitwasyon di ibang tao, o bagay kundi kayo mismo may
kakayahan para maging tuloy tuloy ang pag luwag na yan. So baka matagalan tayo so pag
isipn niyo nalang okay so yun ang assignment niyo ngayon. Wag niyo isipin pakinggan niyo
ano kaya dapat ko maging gawin para maging tuloy tuloy yun ang action niyo okay so before
we end, lets end in prayer.
Panginoong ama sa ngalan ng iyak anak ni si hesukristo, salamat po uli Panginoong Hesus sa
pinaramdam niyong presensya at pinalibutan niyo kami ng anghel ng sa gayon mas
maprotektahan ang session na ito at di kami maapektuhan ng kalaban kaya salamat po dun
Panginoon dahil binigyan niyo ng kalakasan at binalot ng pagmamahal ng sa gayon
makayanan namin na harapin yung mga inis, takot, ano man nararanamin ngayon kayo mismo
nagpaparamdam na okay lang nararamdaman namin walang mali, dahil lahat ng ito ay galing
sa inyo, kayo po Panginoon Hesus Ama ang naglikha nito, di namin pwede sabihin na mali,
may layunin ang bawat nararamdaman namin Panginoon at salamat po dahil binibigyan niyo
kami ng pagkakataon na makilala natin yung mga parte ng katawan, emosyon na
nararamdaman namin dahil meron siyang purpose tulad ng ginawa mo lahat may layunin kaya
ang aming mga nararamdaman yung body signals at emosyon may layunin sila at salamat po
kasi tinutukungan niyo kami maintindihan at magawa ng paraan sa aming kakayahan at sa
tulong niyo of course Panginoon na nakayanan namin na balikan ang sarili so salamat po uli
Amo sa ngalan ni Hesukristo sa pagkakataong ito na nakakikilala namina ng aming sarili. In
Jesus name we pray Amen.
So congratulations guys.
7th session
Interviewer: Okay sige this is our session seven. Session seven nasa phase 3 na tayo okay
actions si before ko sabihin kung ano yung phase three, check ko muna kayo kung ano
nangyari sainyo nung Saturday hangang ngayon. So kamusta na so far? So balik tayo sa
inyong nakikitang pagbabago. Actually so kumusta na so far? Ang mga assignment o mga
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
bagay, activities na mas nakikita niyong nakakatulong sa inyo or ano pa yung mga nahihirapan
San dun yung nahihirapan
Participant: Sa dibdib
Ah sa dibdib so ibig sabihin ngayon madaminka pa iniisip so medyo nahihirapan pa rin
Participant: Ano po after nung Saturday parang di ko siya nagawa
Ano yung hirap kaya di siya nagawa
Participant: Kasi natatamad ako parang gusto ko lang humiga
Dun sa paghiga mo awareness lang di mo talaga pero bigla mo ba naisip kung ano
pakiramdam ng katawan mo ano yung nararamdaman mo may ganun ba
Participant: Iniisip ko wala naman sakit tamad lang ako kumbaga pagod lang ako sa bahay
pero dati naman lumalabas labas ako minsan dito lang ako sa loob pero maaga ko gumisng 4
wala naman ako ginagawa
Yun lang gusto mo nung time na yun, wala ka gawin tas ano nararamdaman mo na wala ka
Participant: Pakiramdam ko nakapahinga ko
So ibig sabihin di mo pagbabago ba sayo na di mo pinupuwersa sarili mo na may gawin?
Participant: May pagbabago kasi noon pag gusto pag napapagod ako iniisip ko gusto ko
mapagod, gusto ko gumawa ng gumawa pero nung araw na yun pag ountabsa palengke o
grocery di ko magawa
Yan ang importante dun naging komportable ka good, masasabi mo ba na pagbabago yun so
ano pakiramdam mo ngayon na yun nangyari sayo
Participant: Masarap sa pakiramdam na may time ka gawin yung gusto mo gawin
So yung example na yan yan yung gagagwin natin later on atleast may example na tayo, okay
good Debs, kamusta na?
Participant: Okay naman
Panong okay naman, sa may assignment
Participant: Nagagawa naman po pero medyo nalilito
San ka ba nalilito
Participant: Sa mga sagot
Sa mga sagot
Pero oka lang kasi may mga nagawa, sinulat ko lang di ko kasi masyado marami nasulat isa
lang tinuloy ko lang yung pakiramdam na di okay
Marami ka bang natutunan sa sarili mo
Participant: Opo kasi nalalaman ko yung reaksyon ng katawan di okay o okay
Ano yung pinaka nakatulong sayo na okay pala to
Participant: Yung feeling po
Ano ba mga naging feeling mo
Participant: Ano po lag maganda gising tas wala masyafo problema marami iniisip, masaya
So yun yung mas okay ka pala mas okay isip mo
Participant: Masarap sa pakiramdam pag gising mo ng umaga magaan may tume kasi na pag
gising ko sa umaga parang ang bigat
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Ang bigat pa rin
Nalaman mo ba dyan yung rason kung bat ka nagising ng mas okay pede mo alamin yan lara
maulit uli kunwari may nangyari ba nung gabi o nakaraan so pede mo alamin sa sarili mo ano
ba nangyari kahapon kung bakit maganda o di maganda pakiramdam ko. Kasi pag nalaman
mo yun pede mo siyang ulit na ay ito ginawa ko kaya naging maganda pakiramdam. So yun
yung kagandahan na nakikilala niyo sarili niyo so nakakagawa kayo ng paraan kung pano
ikontrol sarili niyo, yung mismong sarili at reaksyon. Ok good, sige.
Participant: Sakin te yung simula nung nasabi namin yung feelin na di uncomfortable syempre
ginawa ko nalang yung best ko syempre nakakapagod din naman kumbaga ginagawa ko yung
best sa trabaho ko para di man ako mapagsabihan para maging maganda yung emosyon pero
syempre sometimes di talaga maiwasan
Pero atleast nakikita mo na yung pagkakaiba na kaya mo pala na gumawa ng paraan para
maging okay pakiramdam mo okay good
Sa assignment wala ako nagawa aligaga ako nung Sabado at kanina kasi online ang dani kasi
teacher ngayon kasi nung 1 to 3 isa lang teacher ngayon apat na teacher
Ilang oras yan
Kanina 8 hangang 12 ay 1 pero nawalan ng signal kaya nireschedule nalang pero okay naman
kasi sabado after natin nakaidlip ako kaya yung bigat na nararamdaman ko nabawasan
Kasi kelangan mo ng pahinga
Participant: Nakapahing yung puso ko at katawan ko.
Ano naramdaman mo na gumawa ka ng paraan
Participant: Parang paraan na nakatulong sakin
Feeling niyo ba lumakas yung kapangyarihan niyo yung confidence sa sarili sige baka
malimjtan ko sige sabihin ko na sige mamaya na nawala ako so yung nangyari sa inyo wala
naman problema kung hirap pa rin. Ang importante dun kahit papano kunwari nalilimutan
bumabalik pa rin kasi ang susi dun is yung maging regular okay sa umpisa may tendancybna
nakakalimutan o nahihirapan so kelangan niyo lang talagang isipin sarili niyo na makayanan
kahit di sulat pero isipin lang ano ba pakiramdam ko ngayon, ano ba kelangan ko gawin
ngayon tykad ng ginawa mo na kelangan ng katawan na wag gumalaw, magpahinga. Ang
importante dun di kayo nakaramdam ng guilt di niyo hinusgahan sarili niyo hinyaan niyo lang
yung gusto nung ginawa niyo yun mas nagkaron kayo ng kalayaan na nung ginawa niyo yun
kayo mismo di niyo dinidikdik sarili niyo congratulations again.
So ngayong phase 3 pendulation uli tayo. Upo maayos, na practice ba breathing. Praktisin
natin ngayon. Pag inhale ano kelangan mangyari, lumalaki ang tyan so ang atensyon niyo
kelangan Trisha kayanin mo na talaga lahat ng atensyon nasa hininga sa ilong na nababa yung
hangin papunta ng tyan so ibig sabihin wala kayong iniisip kasi pag may iba babalik lang kayo
sa dating pag hinga eh ito talagang iniisip mo alam na alam mo na uy humihinga ko at
lumalaki tyan ko. Kaya ba yun? Ganto niyo kamay para malaman natin na lumalaki mas
lumalaki pede naman diba try niyo palakihin sige laki di ko nakikita na lumalaki. Pababain mo
yung hangin sige Trisha iyo lumalaki sayo dapat tyan lumalaki. Ready close your eyes
hawakan ang tyan.
Sino ang hyper arouse dito? Aligaga. Sino yung di mapakali, naiinis, maraming energy, hyper.
Pano yung sakto
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Pero sabi mo andito ka ngayon, wala ka sa window Trisha baka andito ka sa hypo,
mababaokay so kelangan mo unakyat dito tulungan mo sarili mo at para maka akyat dyan
hinga lang tayo ng malalim at yung pag hinga ng malalim, hinihila mo sarili mo okay. Hyper
muna tayo, 5counts na exhalation, 3 counts na inhalation so ibig sabihin ng 1 2 3, humihinga
ka ng 3 counts lumalaki tyan tas pause exhale ibig sabihij bumubugabka tinatanggal mo yung
hangin sa loob ng tyan kaya dapat lumiliit at nararamdaman niyo katawan niyo narerelax.
Okay lagay ang kamay focus sa inyong hininga walang ibang iisipin kundi hininga lang okay
ready go inhale 1 2 3 pause slowly release 1 2 3 4 5. Again inhale 1 2 3 pause then slowly
release 1 2 3 4 5. Dun tayo sa longer inhalation na 4 counts then 3 counts na exhale, kelangan
mo to Trisha kasi di ka pa rin humihinga okay close yo eyes ready inhale 1 2 3 4 5 pause
slowly release 1 2 3. Kelangan Trisha susundin mo yung instructions wag ka muna bubuga na
dinpa exhalation okay last one inhale 1 2 3 4 5 pause tigil them slowly release 1 2 3, buga
talaga. Kelangan bumuga Trisha buga again. Inhale 1 2 3 4 5 pause then slowly release lahat 1
2 3 then stretch. Ano pakiramdam asan na kayo
Nasa window
Window din
Participant: Nasa hyper ako eh
Kasi, sige ano kelangan gawin, tumayo tayo muna? Ikaw kamusta Trisha
Participant: Di pa rin okay
Yan dala dala ko to kasi sinsabi dun sa program na to to na yung activities kelangan kalmado
kayo para nakukuha niyo yung mga pinag uusapan natin sige kelangan sayo Trisha
maramdaman mo sarili mo. Pikit ang mata 2 minutes lang to pendulation.
Sang parte ng katawan niyo nararamdaman yung medyo di komportable na pakiramdam kasi
sabi mo hyper ka oarin, san sa katawan nararamdaman yun
Participant: Sa utak po
Sa utak sige feel lang okay sige Trisha san naramdaman
Participant: Sa dibdib
Participant: Buong katawan
Punta tayo dun sa magandang pakiramdam. San sa buong katawan niyo na may atleast magaan
alamin mo Trisha san sa katawan mo magaan pakiramdam kasi yan puro bigat at inis meron
yan sa katawan niyo na kahit papano okay ang inyong pakiramdam san siya hanapin niyo at
namnamin niyo. Tanggapin ng buo wag lalabanan yung komportableng feelings na yun. Nasan
yung magandang feelings na yun
Participant: Sa paa
Mukha nga maluwag paa mo
Participant: Sa legs
Participant: Sa paa
Participant: Sa puso
Participant: Sa likod
Participant: Sa paa
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
So what are you thankful for, yan atleast nasa window of tolerance na tayo ngayon eh tuloy
tuloy lang, ano yung isang bagay na pinapasalamatan mo ngayon isang bagay na
pinapasalamatan mo sa Diyos
Participant: Yung pag sama sama
Nakakatulong ba sayo yung pag sama sama kayo nagtutulungan kayo? Ikaw Raquel?
Participant: Yung naging maayos yung online kanina
Ano ba yun first day
Yung orientation medyo mahirap
So sige Debs ano yung isang bagay na pinapasalamatan mo anonyung masasabi na wow thank
you maliit na bagay din kasama diyan, isip ng isa. Pagkain. Balikan kita ah, Josie and Reena.
Sakin syempre sa araw araw na pag gising mo
Atleast may pagkakataon
Participant: Di naman araw araw na masakit
Atleast pag gising mo pala ang reality is buhay ka pa pala
Ako yung online kanina kahit aligagag connection hina dami distraction pero thankful pa rin
akonkasi naayos naman
Kasi nagiging aligaga tayo gusto natin maayos
Participant: Kasi na resched ng 1 kasi dapat 11-12 lang yun eh yung connection ko nasira
latinsa teacher kaya reschedule nalang ng 1 may session pa naman kami ng 1:30 sabi ko sige
te pag dumating yung si Ate Toni lalabas nalang kami, pa assist ko nalang siya. Eh thankful
naman ako kasi di umabotbng 1:30.
So dapat ako magpasalamat din mahirap na ako rin pasalamat ako dahil natapos niyo
naapektuhan pala yung session.
Participant: Di ako lang naman po bukas na lang kasi mga 25minutes lang siguro
So yun yung isang bagay na nakakstress kasi umoisa lang
Participant: Sobra po yung connection
Pati sa bahay namin yung nangyayari sa PLDT gusto ko na nga sunugin yung PLDT eh
Participant: Hirap po talaga naiistress ako
Kahit yung mga bata ano ba yan wala na naman
Nakakastress siya kasi yung internet. Sige balik ako sayo Debs
Kahit malayo ako sa pamilya ko alam ko yung ginagawa, namimiss ko kasi sila minsan pero
habang andito ako di ko naman nararamdaman na nag iisa ako
Good so san niyo nararamdaman sa katawan na meron kayong pinapasalamatan, asan yun?
Participant: Sa isip
Participant: Sa puso
Participant: Puso at isip
Participant: Puso at isip
Participant: Dibdib
So hinga lang ng malalim sabihin salamat sa Diyos. Talagang salamat sa Diyos, mahirap na
eh. So nasa third part ng ating phase, ang phase na ito ay mindful body awarness ibig sabihin
nagiging aware tayo mismo ngayon. Lahat ng attention natin napupunta sa ating katawan kasi
palagi kayong bumabalik sa katawan niyo diba the more na bumabalik kayo sa katawan niyo
kaya nagkakaron kayo ng koneksyon so nawawala yung lang huhusga nawawala yung guilt na
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
yung mga ginagawa niyo ay okay langbpala wala palang mali kaya nararamdaman niyo na
mas nagiging okay kayo so kasi nga sa buhay natin di mawawala talaga yung mga challenge
tulad niyo yung kanina diba nung naging aligaga kayo. May na apply ba?
So ibig sabihin hopefully yung remaining sessions natin mas ma encourage kayo kasi ay
mang iinis at mang iinis sainyo diba pero yung reaksyon niyo kayo yung may kapangyarihan o
kontrol sa gagawin niyo. Kaya pag naiinis kayo balik lang kayo sa sarili niyo. San sa katawan
yung inis ano kelangan para mawala yung inis. Kasi ngayon nalalaman niyo yung tamang
gawin para malaman niyo mawala yung inis. So yun yung part ng ating phase. So from body
signals nakonek niyo sa emosyon ano na kelangan niyo gawin sa mga nararamdaman niyo. So
ang layunin ng ating session seven ngayon, mapractice pa ang inyong abilidad para maka
gamit kayo ng feel good action ibig sabihin may mga bagay tulad nun tulog kasi tinamad ka
yun yung feel good action. Yun yung maraming bagay options na pede gamitin para
matulungan natin ang ating sarili na makabalik sa window of tolerance para ma promote yung
mga di tayo naka stuck dun sa hyper hypo, ibig sabihin maraming laraan na pwede tayo
bumalik sa window of tolerance. Medyo inaantok noh nasesense konna medyo mabigat kaya
nakaramdam ng bigat.
So ang tema ngayon I can change the way my body feels if it ks uncomfortable. Ibig sabihin
nun kaya kong baguhin ang nararamdaman ng katawan ko pag ako ay nakakaramdam ng di
komportable, kayang kaya yan so eto yan babasahin ko sainyo. Sonow yung nararang katawan
niyo nakakatulong ba siya sainyo
Yung iba nakakatulong ba pag napapansin niyo sarili niyo
Participant: Oo
Kasi minsan yung katawan natin pag okay siya, relax, excited, happy, ano reaksyon ng
katawan niyo pag relax. Magaan, masaya? Pero malungkot ka pa rin Trisha, masigla ganun so
kelangan tanggapin niyo ng buong buo. Pag masigla ka, masigla ka talaga, pero minsan di
tayo komportable kaya tulad ng nararamdaman mo ngayon mahirap talaga, normal walang
mali kaya importante maski nakakaramdam kayo ng di komportable wag na wag niyo
husgahan sarili niyo kasi di siya nakakatulong. Kaya mabigat na pakiramdam niyo tas sa utak
niyo hinuhusgahan niyo pa sarili niyo diba ang papangit ng sinsabi niyo sa sarili niyo, ano
mangyayari lagi lang kayo maapektuhan so papakinggan makinig kayo bat ganto pakiramdam
ko. Wag niyo isipin na kalaban niyo sarili niyo. Unang una diyan kakampi niyo ang inyong
katawan. May layunin ang Diyos kung bat niyo tayo nilagyan ng pakiramdam para alam natin
at nagyayari satin at ano ang kelangan nating gawin para matulungan natin sarili natinexample
pag kayo ay gutom o takot ito yung bagay na alam niyong di kayo komportable. Di ba sa isang
activity natin kung ano yung di kayo komportable nalaman niyo ba yung dahilan nagkaron ba
kayo ng ganung awareness, meron?
Participant: Oo
So ibig sabihin nun nag ggrow kayo mas nagmamature kasi mas nakikilala niyo sarili niyo
maski di kayo nakakaramdam ng komportable sa inyong katawan ang importante dun
binibigyan kayo ng impormasyon kung ano yung nangyayari sa inyong katawan so ano yung
kelangan niyo gawin doon sa mga impormasyon na yan. Since nagiging aware na kayo ngayon
mas malaki na responsibilidad niyo diba kasi di pwede na alam niyo na tas di niyo gagawin
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
ano mangyayari sa sarili niyo. Magkakaron lang kayo ng lungkot at galit at bababa ang inyong
kompyansa sa sarili kasi feeling ng sarili niyo ay walang tumutulong sakin diba
For example pag gutom kayo alam niyo nangyayari sainyo di ba pag pagod alam niyo
kelangan niyo gawin okay. Yan so may mga kaparaanan para magawan ng tulong natin sarili
natin para maka bakil dun sa window of tolerance. So yun ang gagawin nating activities
ngayon okay so since nabasa ko na yan dun na tayo sa body emotion chart san yung ganyan
niyo. May tatlong anonyan tatlongbpart kinds so mamimila kayo dyan san niyo mas
komportable gamitin. So ibig sabihin nun chart pedeng ito tatlong anonyan apat na columns at
yung isa tatlo. Isa ito. Isa apat, isa tatlo, isa drawing okay so dito kung ano gusto niyo gamitin
diyan. So for example yung dito niyo yan dyan wait lang may kodigo ko.
So yun nga sabi niyo kahit papano meron na kayo natutunan sa sarili niyo na nakonek niyo sa
emosyon at dahil dun sabihin niyo sa sarili niyo congrats nakayanan ko. So right now ano ba
yung sitwasyon for example diba ginawa niyo na to example pag kayo ay gutom pag tyan ay
nagugutom kelangan mong kumain okay pag anonnaman aligaga lagay niyo dito nalang yung
may alat atleast malalaman niyo palagi medium sakto few onti lang so ano yung isang
emosyon na gusto niyo example aligaga kasi ano usually nararamdaman
Participant: Di mapakali
Yun yung susulat niyo so for example lagay niyo diyan emosyon aligaga yun yung anxious sa
taas dun sa emosyon so balikan niyo katawan niyo. Pag aligaga sa katawan niyo ano
nararamdaman yung a lot, medium, o palagi. Yung katawan niyo ba pag aligaga nangunginig
madalas ba yan sakto o konti. O kata di mapakali na parang meron natakbo sa utak niyo o
kaya may kiti kiti sa paa niyonkaya katawan niyo di mapakali di komportable ano yung
pakiramdam ng katawan gumagalwa, lakas ng lakad o kaya alam mo yun lahat tapos yung
kamay di alam pupunta tas ang bigat ng katawan
Tapos yung sayo pedeng lagyan mo ng emosyon tas my feel good aksyon. Yung utak niyo ang
bilis bikis di niyo alam yung mga nangyayari mabilis ang utak tapos may boses na narina
paulit ulit o kaya yung tenga masyado sensitibo konting kilos lang ayaw gusto pag aligaga
naka minsan naka hinto yung iba kilos ng kilos tas tinatanong sarili niyonparang ang ingay sa
utak niyo. Yun ang my body, yung my emotions pwede dun pag kayo aligaga ang emosyon
sobrang takot may kinakatakutan kayo aligaga kayo parati o a little. Ninenerbyos kayo nag
aalala di kayo komportable kasi nag aalala kayo sa tao.
Tapos sa my feel good action ano yung pwede niyo gawin lara mabago niyo yung ganung
pakiramdam so far. Tulad ng tulog pahinga ano yung feel good action na makatulong
sainyonpara mabawasan o mawala yung mga di komportable na pakiramdam. Pag takot na
takot kaya aligaga at muscles nangunginig di maka focus, sobra sensitive kasi yun pala
natatakot kayo. So ano kelangan gawin para mabawasan yung takot niyo hangang sa mawala.
Sulat niyo sa baba. Dito mas kikilalanin sarili ano reaksyon pag aligaga pala kayo. Aligaga
lang o galit o takot o ano kelangan gawin para mapunan yung aligaga.
Okay another emosyon pag pagod physically ano yung pakiramdam pag lagod anonyung
napapansin sa sarili pag pagod, lagay sa baba. Kumbaga anxious is one number two is pagod.
Pag mayo ay pagod physically ano yung reaksyon ng katawan niyo. Mabigat, nanlalata,
walang lamang ang utak, ayaw gumalaw, kumilos o mabagal ang kilos yun ang my body niyo
pag pagod. Ano yung emosyon niyo pag pagod. Ang emosyon niyo ba pagod kayo kasi
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
nalulungkot o nagagalit o sobra lang pagod dahil sa mga ginawa na activities nung araw na
yun. Pede dyan inaantok or nalulungkot pede rin yon o nasasaktan pede rin yun ano kelangan
niyo gawin para punan ang inyong mga nararamdaman.
so papakinggan niyo katawan niyo, yung lagod, aligaga ano ba kelangan ko gawin para
mapunan ang nararamdaman ko okay. Eto gamitin natin ano yung isa oang nararamdaman
galit ba? Galit so dun sa galit lagay niyo my body feels galit sa taas.
So san niyo nararamdaman ang galit from head to toe palagi, paminsan minsa, o di kadalas
nararamdaman point niyo sa ulo, luso, kamay, paa. Tapos kunwari sa ulo diba, ano yung my
body feels pag galit kayo so pwedeng mainit ang ulo lalagay niyo mainit ang ulo o kaya tight
yung muscles masikip sa braso o buong katawan onkaya mga kamay naka kunit dyan niyo ba
nararamdaman galit niyo. Tapos nararamdaman niyo ba boses niyo gusto sumigaw, pede rin
yun lalagay niyo sa leeg tapos gusto sumigaw pag galit o kaya yung kamay parang gusto
mamalo yung paa gusto sumipa o tumakbo ano ang pakiramdam ng katawan pag galit, buong
katawan asses niyo.
Wag niyo muna sagutan yung feel good actions kasi yan yung iprocess natin ngayon okay,
sige nasa galit tayo ngayon. Pili kayo sa parte ng katawan niyo san niyo nararamdaman yung
galit. Tapos right now pakiramdaman niyo galit niyo dun sa parte na napili niyo. Wag niyo
labanan yan, obserbahan niyo walang mali sa galit na nararamdaman niyo tignan lang feel
lang ano yung nararamdaman ng katawan mo. San mo nararamdaman yung galit?
Participant: Sa puso at sa isip
San mo nararamdaman ano pakiramdam ng katawan pag galit sa puso at isip ano yung body
Participant: Parang ang sakit ng dibdib
So tutukan mo lang yan ano yung kelangan mong gawin para daw mabawasan yung sikip ano
yung sinasabi ng puso at isip mo na sumisikip ano kelangan gawin para mabawasan yung sikip
Hinga ng malalim
O hinga ka ng malalim ngayon nakatulong ba yun, yun ang my feel good action tas habang
pinaprocess ko sakanila mag isip ka pa ng ibang paraan pakinggan mo lang tuloy tuloy sarili
mo para matulungan mo sarili mo pag ikaw ay galit. Trisha tapos ka na? gusto mo mag share o
ayaw. Sige Debs, ano yung galit san mo nararamdaman?
Participant: Puso’t isipan
Anong pakiramdam ng pag ikaw ay galit
Participant: Parang ang hirap mag isip
Hindi ngayon mismo yung ginagawa natin ngayon san mo nararamdaman so ano pakiramdam
ng puso’t isipan kaya nakakaramdam ka ng galit
Participant: Mabigat sa pakiramdam
Tutukan mo lang bigat wag kalabanin pakinggan ng buong buo tas pakinggan mo lang dibdib
mo. Ano daw yung kelangan mo gawin para mabawasan yung bigat. Pakinggan mo wag mo
iisipin yung isasagot
Sabihin mo,lang ng buong buo nahihirapan ako ngayon,nasasaktan ako ngayon at nagagalit
ako sa sitwasyon kasi wala ako magawa nahihirapan ako, nakatulong ba? Nakaluwag ba debs?
Participant: Medyo natatakot pa rin ako
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Pero okay lang yan lalagay mo sa pinangalanan mo nararamdaman mo, name your feelings
ibig sabihin nun di mo siya hinusgahan tinanggap mo siya so ang ginawa mo binigyan mo
boses sarili mo lagay mo sa feel good actions mo napapangalanan mo pala nararamdaman ko
na pede kompala sabihin ilalabas ko lang at nakatulong sayo tas naiyak ka nakalabas din siya,
baka yung kelangan mo umiyak ka okay. Josie? San mo nararamdaman
Participant: Pag nagaglit ako pero ganyan
Ano nararamdaman mo ngayon okay lagay mo relax sang part mo nararamdaman yan mismo
ngayon, alamin mo katawan mo ngayon san mo nararamdaman yung magaan
Participant: Sa buong katawan ko mas maganda yung takbo ng buong katawan
Pakinggan mo katawan mo since nasa window of tolerance ka mas naririnig mo yung sarili mo
ano kelangan mo gawin para tuloy tuloy ganyang pakiramdam
Wag paapekto dun sa di magaganda g nangyayari nakakatulong sa katawan
Malaman mo ba kung alin yun so pede mo isulat tao, bagay ito yung mga ayaw ko at walang
malindun kasi ikaw yan di kelangan lahat okay kasi di ganun yung mundo may mga bagay na
di ka komportable mas maluwag ka maka kilos na dimka madiktahan eh okay lang yun walang
masama dun. Ano pakiramdam na alam mo na yung gagawin mo
Participant: Siguro mas aware ka na kung sakaling dadating yung di magandang aksyon handa
ka para di react ng react
Thank you, Reen agalit ba o aligaga
Participant: Ngayon po medyo nainis ako kanina pero kanina
So mas okay na feeling mo, pag okay na feeling mo san mo siya nararamdaman
Participant: Sa puso’t isipan
Ano pakiramdam ng puso at isipan mo pag okay ka ano ibig sabihin ng okay
Participant: Ditumatakbo isip ko sa kung ano anong bagay
Parang tubig na kalmado
Participant: Opo kasi pag galit ako ang dami tumatakbo sa isio ko gusto kong gawin yun ganto
So ngayon parang may kapayapaan
Para tuloy tuloy yung pakiramdam mo ano daw yung kelangan mong gawin
Gusto ko pag nagagalit ako naeexplain ng maayos naiintindihan ko nagiging okay naman
kalmado so ano kelangan mo gawin
Participant: Makinig
Ano una mo gagawin
Hingi ka ng tulong, kumbaga kelangan mo humingi ng tulong sa pinagkakatiwalaan mo
Pag nakausap ko na yung taong yun lalabasan ko ng sama ng loob tas payuhan niya ko
So bukod dun kasi kelangan mo ng ibang tao, yung sarili mo tulungan sarili mo agad
P: Ahh, kasi kanina parang..inaano ko nalang, inaano ko nalang yung isip ko sa ibang bagay
I: Uuuhmm
P: parang ayoko nalang pansinin yung nararamdaman kong inis kahit katulad kanina
kinakausap ko nalang si Andy yung special friend, one day yung parang kahit may
nararamdaman ako parang inaaano ko nalang na masaya ako kahit hinding hindi po.
I:- yun yung kailangan mong mabago, so kailangan mong aminin talagang sa sarili mo na
talagang naiinis ka, pakinggan mo nga yung inis, ano yung kailangan mong gawin para daw
mawala yung inis, yun yung papakinggan mo, hindi mo sya isasang tabi. Papakinggan mo sya
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
para malaman mo yung sagot mo. Diba ang need mo is makinig sa sasabihin? Ngayon ikaw
makikinig dun sa sarili mo, so pakinggan mo no yung dapat mong gawin para maalis yung
inis. hayaan mong magsalita yung katawan mo. Papano ba? Pwede mong sabihin na naiinis
ako, katulad yung ginawa natin kay ano…kay bebs. Sabihin mo naiinis ako .
P: Naiinis ako
I: Ano dun sa sitwasyon or sa tao?
P: Sa sitwasyon din po, sitwasyon sa nangyayari
I: Sige, wala kang magawa eh
P: Nangyari po yung nasabi ko kanina eh, eh ano gagawin ko, eh hindi ko naman kasi ano yun
I: ano? Sabihin mo sa sarili mo okay lang na wala akong magawa, sige sabihin mo sa sarili
mo, sabihin mo,..okay lang na wala akong magawa. Anong pakiramdam mo?
P: Mas, mas ano po, parang mas tumatalbog
I: oo kasi pinakinggan mo sarili mo eh, so yun pa rin yung kailangan mong gawin. Maski wala
yung mga taong…walang makakausap mo, yun yung need mo eh, na ma guide mo yung sarili
mo, hindi mo sinantabi yung inis na pinakinggan mo. So yun yung ibig sabihin ng program na
ito, bumabalik ka sa sarili mo. So ano yung naramdaman mo ngayon na..kaya mo palang
ibigay yung pangangailangan mo sa sarili mo.
P: Okay, masaya..may iba paraang dapat gawin
I: good, good sige. Gusto mag try or pass? ..Pass? pass muna Sige.. Short lang, Kamusta yung
ganyang experience? O yun nalang Trisha, ano yung ginawa mo , so kamusta yung sa ginawa
mo? Kahit konti lang? Bebs?
I: malungkot
P: Ah malungkot? Hmmm I: gusto ko umiyak kaso ayaw lumabas ng luha P: kaya ka
nahihirapan no…okay lang ba sabihin mo nasasaktan ako? I: Nasasaktan ako I: binbigyan ko
P:binibigyan ko I: ang sarili ko P: ang sarili ko I: na umiyalk P: na umiyak I: Binibigyan ko
ng…sabihin mo binibigyan ko ng permiso ang mata ko P: Binibigyan ko ng…sabihin mo
binibigyan ko ng permiso ang mata ko
I; lumuha
P: lumuha
I: walang mali sa nararamdaman ko
P: walang masama sa nararamdaman ko
I: nasasaktan ako
P: nasasaktan ako
I: nalulungkot ako
P: nalulungkot ako I: nabibigatan ako
P: nabibigatan ako
I: Parang gumaan? May gumaan ba syo? Parang dito medyo may gumaan? Pero napunta ditto
sa tyan yung bigat?naramdaman mob a yun? Bumaba yung bigat? Pero dito blangko pa din.
Importante dun ah..binibigyan mo ng pangalan yung nararamaman mo okay? Baka yun lang
talaga ang kailangang gawim mo..ayun. Na wag mong lalabanan yung sarili mo na umiyak.
Tapos na
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Lagyan ng pangalan
Pwede lagyan ng pangalan
Tapos na
So babalikan niyo uli yung drawing tapos aalamin niyo ulit Kung anong naging reaksyon ng
inyong katawan
Tapos na.
Balikan niyo yung drawing ah tapos alamin niyo ung reaksyonng inyong katawan
So duon sa creative art menu di ko alam Kung nabigyan ko kayo nyan
Lalagay niyo lang dun name
Ohh Wala pala dun basta lagay nyo na lang dito sinulatan ko Yung sarili ko
Ah Wala kayo ganto?
Pwede niyo lagay dun sa kahit san dyan nalang
Di ko pala naidala, yan
Ah Wala talaga, so pwede niyo ilagay kahit sa likod lang or sabihin nyo lang saken na name
nyo yun.
Nakatulong ba sainyo magsulat.
Participant: Yes po.
Dun sa human drawing na isang bagay pala na pwede makatulong sainyo is magsulat mag
journal so pag kayo may pinagdadaanan dear daniel sobra akong inis dito ganyan ganyan.
Dear diary journalist d niyo ginagawa nakatulong sige short lang patapos na rintayo so ano
pakiramdam mo trisha sa ginawa mo nagustuhan mo ba o hindi nagustuhan ko po
Nakatulong ba sayo?
San mo naramdaman sa katawan mo?
Participant: Sa pusot isipan po
Participant: Sa pusot isipan
Pano mo nasbe na nagustuhan mo sya.
Participant: Nirerelate ko Yung sarili ko sasinusulat ko
Ahhh so yun pala mga gusto mo no?
Ang kailangan mo gawin para atleast ma lift Yung mood mo so ano pakiramdam mo ngayon
na nakagawa ka Ng mga bagay na matutulungan mo ung sarili mo.
Ano Yung pakiramdam mo ngayon na it may mga pwede pala Kong gawin katulad Ng
pagsusulat para matulungan ko Yung sarili ko na maging okey
Participant: Gumaan
San mo naramdaman?
Participant: Sa puso.
Sa puso..
Sige .
Participant: sakin po nakatulong Yung pagsusulat minsan Kasi pag masyado
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Kailangan pala syang gawin palagi
Kasi frustrated artist ako eh hehehe
Tamang tama Ang Ganda ng view niyo dyan ahh
Participant: Syempre lage Kang pinipintasan gamitin Yung gawa mo gusto Kong gawin
Gawin mo sya Kasi yan Ang sinasabe Ng
Kamusta Ang pangyayari
Ano Yung naramdaman mo nanakapagsulat ka sa sarili mo
Participant: Parang ano, Ang sarap sa pakiramdam Kasi naisulat ko Yung gusto Kong sabhin
tyaka Yung gusto Kong iguhit
So kailangan mo pala sya ulit ulitin
San mo sya naramdaman sa katawan mo
Participant: Sa buong katawan po.
Participant: Sa buong katawan.
So kailangan tuloy tuloy ha Yung mga Alam not na nagpapatulong pala sainyo kailangan niyo
sya tuloy tuloy nang sa gayun umaangat agad kayo sa
Participant: Saken mas nakilala ko Yung sarili nagsulat ako
Participant: Tapos syempre nagpapasalamay din ako also nakayanan ko pala
Wow Ang gaganda nman ng mga sinabe nyo
San mo naramdaman sa katawan mo
Participant: Syempre sa buong katawan po nagpapasalamat .
Nice so pag ganyan pala feeling niyo sobra Kayong connected sa feeling niyo grounded kayo
Participant: Para ko feeling ko lutang Yung lutang na maganda parang magaan right .
Participant: Masaya
Na parang Yung mga sinabe mo dito parang nagkaron ako Confidence
Biro mo nasabe mo Lang sya and yet ito Yung naging malaking epekto aayos so ibig sabhin
kailangan mo pala palagi pakinggan Ang sarili mo Kasi talaga lakas Ang kompyansa mo sa
sarili mo Kasi ibig sabihin nun naniniwala ka sa sarili mo.
Congrats nyo Yung sarili nyo
Ipa feel nyo short lang ahh anonyung natutukan nyo sa pinagusapan naten ngayon Yung mga
sinulat nyo Kasi ibibigay not nman saken yan
So ano Yung mga mapapabain nyo ngayon sa ating nga pinagusapan natin ngayong anonyung
isang bagay na babaunin nyo dahil sa ginawa naten sige sayo munaj
Mung nagawa mo yung dun mo naramdaman na ayyy may pag asa pa.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Participant: Napakinggan ko yung sarili ko Kung ano talaga Yung nararamdaman ko na pilitin
Konghidni takasan Yung sitwasyon maging matapang nagkaron ako Ng confidence na harapin
Yung mga nangyari sa ngayon wag mag focus sa nakaraan
Ang kailangan niyo lang gawin dito Kasi syempre sa mga pinagdaan niyo tulungan nyo muna
sarili niyo maging kumbaga makasanayan niyo Muna ng sa gayon masanayan niyo Kasi Alam
ko may darating na counseling kayo Diba so atleast pag nakayanan nyo na na bumalik sa
window of tolerance miske may mga pinagdadaanan kayo mas madale nyo ng harapin Yung
mga issue not sa nakaraan okey mas maganda na ano lang more on connection lang Mina sa
sarili at more on compassion, pagmamahal okey yun ung second commandment eh so sa
ngayon yun Ang kailangan nateng gawin paraas matulungan naten sarili naten kumbaga ang
ano naten ay one day at a time lang meron ngayong dun muna tayo na ka focus ung sa
nakaraan medyo isang tabi mins naten kasi ang kailangan naten tutukan ay papi natin irestore
pag medyo malakas na tayo mas kaya na naten yun ung time na Jaya na naten harapin Isa Isa
di nyo kailangan harapin naten Yung mga bagay na hindi pa kaya pakinggan nyo ung sarili
niyo Kung ano lang makatulong sainyo okey so sa Sabado Yung last day natin so ang isang
activity na ipapagawa ko sayo Yung unang una is goal setting like ten tapos ano so ayun Yung
gagawin naten sa sabado kung nasan na kayo so isang activity nalang kayo so second part ng
session is tawag dun debriefing alamin naten kung ano makatulong sainyo or Hindi tapos nun
konting salo salo sa Sabado so before we go yakapsul muna tayo
Sige Tayo
Find the partner
Walang ibang iisipin kundi ang yakap lang
8th Session
I: Yung session 8 may dalawang parts yan. 1st part is yung mga nagawa nga natin so far mga
assignment tas experience. Yung mga exercise natin. At yung mindful body awareness. Ibibg
sabihin ng Integration is from part, nagigin buo. Mula sa body signals at emotion. Ang
objective natin ngayon mas malaman niyo pa yung sarili niyo. Mga feeling good actions na
mas makakatulong sainyo
I: Yung part 2 naman mag tetst kayo ulit tulad nung binigay ko nun una para malaman kung
may nagbago ba sainyo. Magkakaroon din tayo discussion at briefing kung kamusta mga
pagbabago niyo, mga goal setting niyo, or mga suggestion kung pano mas mapaganda itong
programa. At after nun babye na tapos kainin tayo
I: Start na tayo. Kamusta since Monday? Kamusta ang mga nangyayari sainyo? Dun sa mga
ginagawa niyong activities. Pairamdam ko mabigat kayo na tinatamad na ewan. Parang gusto
magwala at gusto lang humiga. Ganun ba nararamdaman niyo?
I: Wala naman ba? Sainyong dalawa?
P: Tamad lang
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: So mabigat?
I: Okay. So kamusta? Sige. Ito ang ating huling session. Kamusta mga assignments?
P: Okay lang
I: Panong okay lang? Kailangan gumamit ka ng ibang word bukod sa okay lang
P: Ano wala naman. Di ko nagagawa kasi nahihirapan ko
P: May nagawa. May hindi. Hindi ko siya sobrang natututukan
I: Atleast hindi siya sobrang wala. Ikaw Debs?
P: Di po ako nakapag sagot eh.
I: Kahit yung kayo mismo kahit yung sa sarili niyo. Ikaw Josie?
P: Sakin the di ko nagawa. Pero kahit papano nakakatulong talaga sakin. Minsan pag galit
ayun nag bubunganga kasi kailangan ko mailabas. Kasi pag di ko nasasabi, sumasakit dibdib
I: So yung mga gagawin natin eto yung mga bagay na pag iisipan niyo pa. Yung mga level ng
emotion. Kung ano yung level 1 or 2. Malalaman niyo yung pangangailangan niyo. Rina?
P: Meron naming ginawa kaso yung iba wala naman akong gamit na gagamitin dito sa
experiment kaya wag na nga
I: Mga examples lang naman yung sa experiment. Kaya kung ano lang yung may mga meron
na makakatulong sainyo. Ang importante sa mga assignment niyo, atleast kayo mismo sa sarili
niyo alam niyo gagawin. Nagawa niyo ba kahit konti?
P: Meron naman
I: Okay congratulate niyo sa sarili niyo. Pray muna tayo
I: Panginoong nawa sana po ay maramdaman naming ang inyong presenysya bigyan niyo po
kami ng wisdom at proteksyon upang mas maramdaman naming yung mga pagbabago na
kailangan ng aming mga sarili. Kayo na po ang mag bigay samin ng sapat nakakayanan at
katapangan para sa mga pinagdadaanan naming ngayon. Tulungan niyo po kaming maging
aware. Kayo na po ang bahala sa oras na ito. Ibless niyo po itong araw na to na hindi kami
mawlan ng pagasa. Salamat po sa oporunity upang makilala lalo ang aming sarili. Upang
malaman naming ang relasyon ng aming sarili at relasyon naming sayo. In Jesus name
P: Amen
I: Okay. So penjulation tayo. Close your eyes. From head to toe san niyo nararamdaman yung
hindi kumportableng katawan. Wag niyo labanan ha. Pagmasdan niyo lang kung sang part ng
katawan niyo. Trisha?
P: Sa mata
I: Ano meron sa mata?
P: Parang mabigat. Inaantok
I: Okay
P: Ako nagdala kasi ako kanina ng mabigat kaya braso
P: Kanina nataranta ako. Kaya sa buong katawan
I: Ikaw josie
P: Ako sa isip kasi kanina may di nangyaring maganda
I Ahh
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
P: Sikmura po kasi kanina uminom ako kape
I: Baka matapang masyado or wala laman tyan. Okay
I: Close your eyes again.
I: Sinong mga hyper arouse dito? Or lahat kayo hypo? Or nasa window?
I: Mukhang nasa hypo no? Kasi parambigat eh. So sa hypo san ang mas matagal?
P: Inhilation
I: Okay lahat ng isipan niyo ay dun lang sa hininga niyo.
I: Inhale 1 2 3 4 tigil then slowly release 1 2 3
I: Again inhale 1 2 3 4 pause then slowly release 1 2 3
I: Release lahat nung tension. Para gumaan. Then stretch. Yan okay. Pikit ang mata san niyo
nararamdaman yung kumportableng nararamdaman?
I: Start tayo kay Rina
P: Sa buong katawan
I: Anong meron sa buong katawan mo kaya nasabi mong okay siya?
P: Masigla lang ako
I: Eh bat yung mukha mo malungkot?
P: Magaan lang po kasi pakiramdam ko.
I: Ikaw jo
P: Sa pag upo ko po comfortable
I: Ah okay
P: Ako din sap ag upo ko
I: Ikaw?
P: Sa buong katawan ko din po.
I: Okay good. so ano ang isang bagay na pinapasalamatan mo ngayon?
P: Marunong na ako bumasa ng English
I: Okay masarap nga yang pasasalamat
P: Yung news na wala ng travel ban sa Tagaytay
I: Wow talaga?
P: Nanonood kasi kami ng news kaya yun
I: Atleast mabibisista mon a yung nanay mo. Okay Debs?
P: Yung anak ko po marunong ng mag salita. Nakakatuwa kasi marunong na
I: Lalaki or babae?
P: Lalaki po
I: Sab inga nila pag lalaki delay delay nga yan compared sa babae
P: May mga words ng buo tas may words na hindi
I: Ah need mo lang talaga kausapin palagi
P: Sakin nawawala na yung hypo
I: Wow malaking pagbabago yan ah
P: Ako kasi natapos ko yung diagnostic test nabawasan yung stress
I: Atleast gamay niyo na good. Ano nararamdaman niyo ngayon?
P: Masaya
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Ano need gawin para masaya?
P: Magiisip ng positive
I: Yan tuwing may pinagdadaanan kayo balik lang kayo sa katawan niyo. Hopefully matuloy
tuloy niyo na. Sa loob ng isang buwan natin ilang beses niyo palang ginagawa. Sa umpisa
talaga need na maging mindful kayo at maging conscious. Need niyo isipin ano nangyayari
satin ngayon. Alamin niyo dapat ano nangyayari sa katawan
I: So ang gagawin natin ngayon ay making my own feel good menu
I: Goal natin dito is to combine o pagsamahin yun mga kumportable niyo. Kung ano yung mga
activities na gusto niyong gawin. Yung mga bagay bagay na kumportable ka. Mga kaparaana.
Yun ang mga gagawin natin. Ano yung mga bagay bagay na sa tingin niyo mas nagiging
komportable kayo kung kakain or pag sinusulatan sarili niyo basta yung mga makakatulong
sainyo. Sulat niyo na ngayon.
I: Hanggang first session na nakatulong sainyo. Mapa journal man yan
I: Mga bagay bagay na nakatulong sainyo para mapunta kayo sa window of tolerance. Tulad
ng yakapsule ganun or drawing.
I: Bawat isang box. Yung breathing niyo o kaya pag tulog pwede din. Arts. Zumba.
I: Kasi yan yung mga makakatulong sainyo. Kunyari pag hypo kayo ano mga gagawin niyo
I: Yan yung mga tinatawag na self-care activities niyo.
I: Pag hyper arouse ano yung mga kinakailangan niyong gawin para di mag stay dun sa
ganung sitwasyon or stado niyo.
I: Okay, 5 more minutes
I: Okay last 30 seconds
I: Okay short lang, ano naramdaman niyio habang nag susulat kayo nung my feel good menu?
P: Gumaan yung nasa isip ko
I: Bigay ka nga ng sinulat mon a makakatulong sayo
P: Yung pakikinig ng Christian song at pag tingin sa nature
I: Sige. Raquel
P: Magaan sa pakiramdam kagaya ng exercise at paglilinis ng bakuran. Kasi pag pinag
papawisan ako, nagiging okay
I: Okay. Debs ikaw? Ano napapansin mo sa sarili mo?
P: Ang sinulat ko po dito is pinapakalma ko lang sarili ko
I: Pano nga?
P: Umiiwas ako sa mga kinagagalitan ko tapos nagsusulat ako dun ko nalalabas kasi nawawala
dun yung focus ko.
I: Okay good.
I: Sige Josie ikaw ano naramdaman mo?
P: Nakilala ko yung body signal ko kaya okay sakin. Tapos syempre pag nakakaramdam na ko
ng iba, ang ginagawa ko is gusto ko lang mag isa. Di makihalubiho.
I: Ah okay sige.
P: Magaan sa pakiramdam tas masaya
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Ano yung mga nilagay mo jan
P: Journal po tas nagbabasa po ako bible na may encouraging words
I: Yung mga nilagay niyo jan, dati niyo pang ginagawa wala nung sa mga activities na
ginagawa natin?
P: Meron naman
P: Meron naman po
I: Bale eto yung kodigo niyo n asana matry niyo siya araw araw. Kahit lagay niyo sa lugar na
makikita niyo agad tas mareremind kayo.
I: Diba yung katawan niyo? Aalamin niyo yung pakiramdam niyo. Ang ilagay niyo dito,
sulatan niyo nalang kung sang part ng katwan niyo nararamdaman. Tapos check my emotions.
Yung mga body clues niyo. Kung mainit ulo niyo or para kayong sasabog. Pwedeng galit ang
maramdaman niyo or nalulungkot. So ang kinagandahan neto, lahat ng atensyon niyo wala sa
labas. Once kasi nakatututok tayo sa labas di tayo nakakafocus kasi yung isip natin nasalabas.
So etong activity na to ibabalik kayo sa sarili niyo. Kasi may conrol kayo sa emotions at
katawan niyo eh
I: Pag ganun, mula sa menu niyo, hanapin niyo kung ano yung kailangan niyong gawin para
matugunan ang inyong pinagdadaanan. Diba? So ibig sabihin di niyo na hihintayin yung ibang
tao para punan yung kinakailangan niyo kasi kayo mismo alam niyo na. Check my emotions
tas use a feel good action during the day. Ilagay niyo sa lugar na nakikita niyo para mermind
kayo na binabalik kayo sa sarili niyo. Tapos sa curriculum, pag ginagamit niyo tong praxtice
na to, dapat kalmado kayo. Kasi mahihirapan kayo pag hindi. Gagawin niyo pag nasa window
of tolerance kayo. So far kamusta yung dito. Ano yungg experience niyo sa loob ng isang
buwan. Kamusta Trisha
P: Nagagawa naman konti
I: Saan diyan. Nakakabalik ka ba sa katawan mo?
P: Basta gusto ko ilabas yung emosyon ko
I: So yung bigat pala at galit? Ang gawin mo titingnan mo yung menu mo para mapalabas
galit mo
P: Iinom ng tubig
I: Ah yun yung nakatulong sayo?
P: Oo kasi nawawala
I: Okay good
P: Ako pag may naiispi akong malungkot, ang ginagawa ko nanonood ako ng comedy
nakakatulong yun sakin
I: Okay mas naikilala mon a ba yung body signals at emotion mo?
I: Okay good. Debs?
P: Alam ko na po yung body signals
I: Tas yung mga dapat mong gawin alam mo na ba?
P: Opo
I: So ibig sabihin ba may pagbabago na ba?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
P: Meron na po dati talaga di ko pinapansin eh. Ngayon pinapansin ko na po
P: Nakakatulong po pala kasi yung mga body signals
I: Good ikaw Josie?
P: Ako nalalaman ko na po yung mga dahilan kung bakit ako nagiging ganun. Dati kasi pag
nagagalit ako ganun giagawa ko tas ngayon alam ko na pag galit ako dapat may dapat akong
gawin para di ako mainis. Mas nakilala ko buong katawan ko
I: Ahh okay good
I: Sanay kasi tayong di natin naiintindihan eh. Gumagawa tayo ng mga bagay na kung san
tayo sanay. Ngayon pinuputol natin yung mga bagay na di nakakatulong. Tapos yung mga
natututunan niyo dapat tutukan natin
I: Ikaw Rina nagagawa mo ba?
I: Opo nalalaman ko gamit body signals ko
P: Opo nakakagawa na ako ng mga paraan
I: So ngayon anon a pkiramdam niyo na madali pala magbago pag tinututukan niyo sarili
niyo? Ano pakiramdam niyo?
P: Nalalaman po ganun
P: Na kaya pala
I: Kasi nga naka focus na tayo sa sarili natin kasi yun yung kaya nating gawan ng paraan. Kasi
minsan nag eexpect tayo sa ibang tao eh pano kung ayaw niya. Eh kung hindi kumilos nung
tao, edi wala tayong magagawa. Di napupunan yung gusto natin pag binase natin sa ibang tao.
So dun papasok yung boundaries kung ano lang yung control niyo yun lang yung kaya niyo.
Yung ibang bagay at ibang tao di natin yan kaya ma control.
I: Listening to your breathe. Tutukan niyo lang ang inyong hininga. Upo ng maayos. Tapos
mamaya gagawin na natin next activity natin pero need natin ng pause. Kmbaga sa tv may
break diba may commercial. Kaya sa isang araw bigyan natin ang sarili natin ng pause bago
gawin yung ibang activity.
I: Right now sabihan niyo ang sarili niyo na okay lang ako. Importante ang nararamdaman ko.
Wala mali sa raramdaman ko. Kahit bulong niyo lang sa sarili niyo. Kailangan gumalaw ang
inyong bibig kailangan may sabihin kayo.
I: Ano pakiramdam na may narerelease kayo? Sige close your eyes. Lahat ng attention niyo
ilagay sa tenga niyo tapos pakinggan niyo yung naririnig niyo ngayon. Alamin niyo lahat ng
tunog wag niyong husgahan. Pakinggan niyo lang ng di kayo mag rereact. Pero pag may
gumugulo sa isip niyo, puntahan niyo yung part ng katawan niyo or isipan niya na di
kumportable tapos tingnan niyo lang sya. At sabihin niyo sa part nay un na okay lang yan.
Walang mali sa nararamdaman mo. Punta kayo sa mukha niyo at pakinggan niyo ang
nangyayari sa mukha niyo. At ano kailangan gawin ng mukha niyo para lumuwag. Pwede niyo
pagalawin ang mukha niyo. Yung kilay niyo pwede niyong pagalawin o kaya ibanat.
I: Pakinggan niyo ang inyong hininga. PAkinggan niyo ang huni ng inyong hininga. Naririnig
niyo ba ng malakas or mahina?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Ano yung naririnig niyo sa katawan niyo ngayon? Parang magulo ba na hangin na hindi
mapakali? Tapos sabihin niyo dun sa part na yun na okay lang. Hinga kayo malalim at slowly
release. Open your eyes. Nakatulong ba? Hyper, Hypo or window? Asan kayo?
I: Parang nasa hypo pa rin? Nawawala kayo sa concentration
I: Baka kailangan niyo ng tubig?
P: Opo mainit na tubig
I: Sige kuha dun. Break tayo sige 2 minutes, stretch stretch.
I: Okay ang gagwin natin ngayon is test. So bibigay ko ulit sainyo yung dating ginawa tas
check niyo. Yung ngayon sagutan niyio muna yung ngayon na ngayon ha.
I: Ready? Sige number 1 pag ako ay tensyonado napapansin ko kung san ang tension sa aking
katwan. Yung always yun yung araw araw.
I: Ngayon to ha. 2 napapansin ko kung san saking katawan di kumportable
I: Number 3 napapansin ko sa aking katawan kung san ako kumportable
I: Okay number 4 napapansin ko ang mga pagbabago sa aking hininga tulad ng minsan ay nag
sslow down or bumibilis. Npapansin ang pagbabago sa paghinga
I: Number 5 hindi ko pinapansin ang physical na tension at di magandang pakiramdam
hanggat eto ay hindi pa Malala
I: Number 6 dinidistract ko ang nararamdaman ko sa mga body signals ko lalo pag di
I: 7 pag ako ay di kumportable, di ko nalang iniintindi. Parang hanggat maaari inoovercome
ko. Hinahayaan ko naman na makayanan ko parang ganun
I: Number 8 sinusubukan kong di intindihin ang sakit
I: Number 9 sinasantabi ko ang pakiramdam na di maganda at nag fofocus ako sa ibang bagay
I: Number 10 pag may di magandang pakiramdam ako ay gumagawa ako ng ibang bagay para
di ko maramdaman yung mga di maganda
I: Number 12 kaya kong tugunan ng atensyon ang aking pag hinga
I: Pag may tanong, tanungin lang ako
I: Number 13, kaya kong imaintain o pahabain ang awareness sa aking body signals
I: 14, pag ako ay may kausap na ibang tao, kaya kong tuguan o bigyan ng attention ang aking
I: Number 15, kaya kong bumalik sa aking katawan pag ako ay nadidistract.
I: Number 16, kaya kong balikan ang atensyon mula sa aking katawan. Mula sap ag iispi, kaya
niyong ibalik sa nararamdaman ng katawan
I: Number 17 Kaya ko ibalik ang awareness sa aking katawan kahit may part sa katawan ko na
hindi kumportable
I: 18, kaya kong bigyan ng buong atensyon ang buo kong katawan
I: 19, napapansin ko ang pagbabago sa aking katawan pag ako ay nagagalit
I: Number 20, pag may nangyayari sa buhay kong di maganda, nararamdaman ko ito sa aking
I: 22, napapnsin ko ang aking pag hinga ay mas maluwag pag ako ay kumportable na
I: Kung may pagbabgo bas a akin pag ako ay masaya
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: 24, pag ako ay nalulunod, kaya kong hanapin sa aking katwan kung san ang kalma sa aking
I: 25, pag binibigyan ko ng focus ang aking katawan, nakakaramdam ako ng pagiging kalma.
I: 26, kaya ko gamitin ang aking pag hinga para mabawasan ang tension
I: 27, pag napapansin ko na madaming gumugulo sa aking isip, kaya kong pakalmahin ang
aking isipan gamit ang aking pag hinga
I: 28 ako ay nakikinig sa impormasyong nanggagaling sa aking katawan
I: 29 pag ako ay naiinis, nagkakaroon ako ng oras para alamin ang aking tunay na
I: 30, ako ay nakikinig sa aking katawan para malaman ko ang aking gagawin.
I: 31, Ako ay at home sa aking katawan
I: 32, pakiramdam ko ang aking katawan ay ligtas.
I: 33, pinagkakatiwalaan ko ang nararamdaman ng aking katawan
I: Sige paki lagyan ng date ngayon ha. Lagay niyo jan after, kasi papakita ko yung sagot niyo
dati. Kung ganyan din ba kayo dati.
I: Debs. Jo. Rina yan. Okay
I: So satingin niyo yung sinagutan niyo before ganun pa rin kaya? Or Nakita niyo na pareho pa
rin? Since nakilala niyo na yung sarili niyo ngayon.
I: Pag may tanong, tanungin lang ako ah
I: May kailangan ba kayong baguhin sa sagot niyo sa tingin niyo?
P: Magkaiba po yung tanong sa 30
I: Magkaiba ba?
I: Bat ganun
P: Dati po 37 eh
I: Ano nangyari bat ganito hahaha
I: Pano kaya gagawin natin. Sige dito niyo nalang I ano continue mo nalang.
I: So parang magkaiba tayo tanong?
P: Yung 33 dito, 37 po dun
I: San sila nagtagpo? Anong question. Na hyper tuloy ako
P: Ate walang 11
I: So yung 12 dun, teka so san sila nag ano
P: Sa 12 din po magkaiba
I: Lagay niyo nalang sa likod pasensiya na ha
I: Sa 11 dun sa una. Tapos yung isagot niyo dun na sa likod. Dun sa bagong papel niyo. Okay?
Lalagay nyo dun sa mahaba yung numner 11 sa likod
I: 11, When I feel physical pain, ako ay naiinis. Lalagay niyo lang kun 0 1 2 3 4
I: Number 12, I start to worry
P: Magkaiba po sila
I: Ulitin nalang natin. Number 12, Nag uumpisa akong mag alala kapag nalalaman kong may
mali or di magandang nangyayari sa aking katawan
I: Trisha, isusulat lang. Number lang yun sa susunod.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Number 12 na tayo. Sulat mo lang yung number tapos yung sagot mon a
I: Number 13, kaya kong malaman kung may hindi magandang pakiramdam sa aking katawan
nang di ako nag aalala
I: Number 14, kaya kong kumalma at di mag alala pag ako ay nakakaramdam ng di maganda
I: Yung 15, nakakaramdam ako ng di kumportable o may sakit at hindi ito matanggal sa aking
pag iisip
I: 16, kaya kong tugunan ng atensyon ang aking hininga ng hindi ako na didistract sa aking
I: 17. Kaya kong mas tagalan ang aking atensyon sa mga nangyayari sa aking katawan kahit
maraming nangyayari sa paligid
I: 18, pag ako ay mayroong kausap, kaya kong bigyan ng atensyon ang aking katawan
I: Yung minsan 3 yun pag 1 never talaga siyang nangyari. Okay anong number na tayo
P: 19
I: Kaya kong bumalik sa aking katawan maski ako ay distracted
I: Number 20 kaya kong balikan ang aking atensyon mula sa aking pag iisip papunta sa body
I: 21, kaya kong patagalin ang awareness sa aking buong katawan kahit yung isang parte ay di
I: 22, kaya kong maging focus sa buong katawan ko
I: 23, napapansin ko ang pagbabago sa aking katawan pag galit
I: 24, pag may mali sa aking buhay, ramdam ng aking katawan
I: 25, Napapansin ng katwan ko na may kakaiba pagtapos ng isang bagay na bagay na nakapag
pakalma sa iyo
I: 26, napansin ko na ang aking paghinga ay mas maluwag kapag ako ay kumportable
I: 27, napapansin ko na may pagbabago sa aking katawan pag ako ay masaya.
I: Kaya kong hanapin sa aking katawan kapag may di maganda sa aking katawan
I: 29, kaya ko ibalik ang focus sa aking katawan pag ako ay nakakaramdam ng kalma
I: 30, kaya kong gamitin ang aking pag hinga upang mabawasan ang tension sa aking katawan
I: 31, kapag ako ay nalulunod sa aking iniisip, kaya ko ito pakalmahin sa pamamagitan ng
I: 32, kaya kong pakinggan ang mga mensahe ng aking katwan tungkol sa aking mga
I: 33, kapag ako ay naiinis, nagbibigay ako ng oras para mag explore sa aking katawan
I: 34, ako ay nakikinig sa aking katwan para malaman ang dapat kong gawin
I: 35, at home ako sa aking katwan
I:36, nararamdaman ko na ang aking katwan ay ligtas
I: 37, pinagkakatiwalaan ko ang aking body signals
I: Sino ang nastress? Hahaha ako nastress ako.. Joke lang
I: May pareho ba kayong sagot? Or may mga pagkakaiba?
P: Sakin yung iba nag bago minsan kasi may number 1 tas ngayon number 4.
I: Sayo debs?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
P: Meron dati po kasi 0 or 1 tas ngayon mga 3 na
I: Sayo?
P: Meron naman pong nagbago
I: Okay nagets mo naman Trisha?
P: Opo
I: Ikaw rena may nagbago?
P: Meron naman po
I: Yung sinulatan niyo sa likod, lagyan niyo ng date ngayon para di ako malito
I: Okay so tapos na tayo sa exam. Submit niyo na sakin ulit
P: Alin po yung bago or luma?
I: Pareho, dito ko malalaman kung effective ba yung program. Lagyan nyo ng mga pangalan
ha para malaman ko kung kanino ito
I: Tuloy na tayo sa goal setting. Kung ano yung nilagay niyo. Yun yung activity natin ngayon.
Yung may tao sa likod
P: ahh
I: Since sainyo nay an, eto yung sakin na ipapasa niyo ulit
I: So gagawa kayo ulit ng goal para malaman natin
I: Sa tingin niyo sa sinulat niyo jan, asan na kayo?
I: Nameet ba ang inyong expectation? Or tingin niyo ba na nangyari ang inyong minimithi?
I: Mag ddraw ulit kayo. Kasi yung luma yan na yung sainyo
I: Iddrawing niyo lang ulit. Kumbaga kopyahin niyo lang yung ginawa niyo nung una.
I: Reflect kayo at tingnan niyo kung nangyari ba ang gusto niyong mangyari. Kung di siya
nangyari, andun pa rin kayo sa dati niyong ginawa or sinulat
I: Kokopyahin niyo yung nangyari dati tapos dadagdagan niyo aalamin niyo kung asan na
kayo ngayon.
P: Lalagyan po pangalan?
I: Oo. From dun sa goal mo, kopyahin mo lang. Diba yan yung dati niyo, ngayon irereflect mo
ngayon kung ganun pa rin ba
I: Ibig sabihin kung ano yung mga pag babago sayo. May nangyari bang pagbabago dahil sa
mga activities?
P: Meron
I: So ayan yung ilalagay mo jan
I: Ano ba yung goal niyo dati? Tingin niyo ba dahil sa mga ginawa natin eh nakatulong ba
sayo para mapanatag yung isip?
P: Nakatulong
I: Ieexplain mo kung paano nakatulong sayo. Isusulat mo kung ano yung mga pagbabago na
nakatulong sayo kung meron
I: Tapos na? Yan yung isusubmit niyo sakin yung bago. Para malaman ko
I: Di mo nalagay josie yung goal
P: Ah sige po
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Ilalagay niyo jan mismo yung sarili niyong goal ha. Kung ano kailangan mong gawin dun sa
I: Sa akin na tong bagong gawa. Para mangyari yung goal niyo, ano daw yung mga pwede
niyong gawin this week? Diba kasi diba 400 repetitons ang goal natin. So pwede niyo ilagay
kung after 2 years pa ba? Wag niyo pipilitin basta yung kaya niyo lang
I: One more minute
I: Then next activity briefing then closing for 20 minutes
I: Kunyari 4 kayo ngayon, para maging 5 kayo ilalagay niyo na dapat maging aware kayo sa
mga bagay ng ana dapat gawin yung mag sschedule kayo sa sarili niyo.
I: O kaya tuwing umaga everyday aalamin niyo talaga yung pakiramdam ng katawan niyo.
I: Sige 2 minutes nalang
I: Pag muni munihan niyo. Sa mga tapos niya, iappreciate niyo yung sarili niyo. Mag isip kayo
ng magandang sasbaihin niyo para sa sarili niyo. Na after ng isang buwan nating pagsasama
eto yung Nakita niyo sa sarili niyo.
I: So ibig sabihin ba na ito yung ginagawa mo o yung gusto mo manyari Rina?
P: Yung gusto ko pong mangyrai
I: Pero ngayon diba from 5, ano yung pag kakaintindi mo sa sarili mo? Pano mo nasabi na
napunta ka na sa 7?
P: Kasi mas nappractice ko
I: Kasi mas nappractice mo? Okay
I: Ikaw debs tapos na?
I: Okay so eto yung 10 so ibig sabihin ba na practice mo na to?
I: Yan so yung una nasa 3 ngayon nasa 5 ka na ganun ba yun?
I: It’s okay wag niyo bibigyan ng pressure ha
I: So short lang ano nararamdaman? Hypo ba hyper or window?
I: Ano sa tingin niyo yung mga highlights yung mga talagang Nakita niyong pagbabago sa
sarili or challenges na pinag dadaanan.
I: Hinga muna tayo malalim. Start ako kay Trisha
P: Yung minsan natotolerate ko po kaso minsan naaalala ko yung mga bagay
I: Ano yung nakakatulong sayo sa session?
P: Yung pag nag susulat
I: Alin?
P: Yung mga nangyayari po. Tapos kasi gusting gusto kong umiyak minsan
I: Nag ttake ka ba ng gamut?
P: Oo
I: Ah baka isa yan sa saide effects so baka epekto yun ng gamut. Okay thank you. Ikaw Rauel
P: Dati kasi pag galit ako sasabog ako pero ngayon may iniisip akong iba para hindi
I: So meron ka ng pause? Di ka na dire diretso?
P: Oo tsaka yung sa breathing na aano ko yun
I: Ano naman yung challenges?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
P: Pag gawa ng mga ano parang ang hirap pag andun ka na kasi sa sitwasyon ang hirap ibalik
sarili mo pero minsan naman nagagawa
I: Need mo lang siguro alamin kung pano mo siya mas matutulungan
P: Masaya naman na ako na may nagawa na ako
I: San mo siya nararamdaman?
P: Dibdib
I: Good job. Ikaw Debs before and after
P: Sakin po kasi di ko pinpaansin yung pakiramdam o kaya minsan nanginginig katawan ko
pag galit ako dati di ko talaga pinapansin pero ngayong pinag aaralan natin mas nalaman ko
yung mga body signals. Narealize ko na makakatulong pala yun sa katawan ko para
mabawasan yung bigat
I: Gano kaimportante sayo na may importansya pala yung body signals?
P: Sobrang saya kasi mapapakalma mo yung sarili mo. Kasi kung minsan gusto mo magsalita
kaya minsan mas maganda na umalis ka nalang kesa humarap ka dun sa tao
P: Pag galit ako apektado lahat eh
I: Yung hirap ka ano?
P: Sa mga ginagawa di ko na aapply agad kasi syempre di ko alam agad kasi English
I: Pero kahit papaano alam mo naman diba?
P: Oo kasi English English eh pero kahit papano naman.
I: Okay thank you. Josie
P: Dati kasi bago mag session kung ano ugali ko nun yun ako talaga kasi ayokong sinasabi na
okay lang kahit hindi talaga. Pero nasesense ko na mga dahilan kung bakit ganito katawan ko
tsaka mas alam ko na mga dapat gawin para mawala yung mga ganun. Sinsabi ko nalng na
ayaw ko muna makipag usap sabi ko matulog nalang sya kasi pag mainit ulo ko baka
masaktan ko or mabaling ko init ng ulo ko sakaniya kasi dati pag galit ako, diretso talaga ako
sa anak ko dun ko nabubuhos. Nasasaktan ko yung anak ko kaya sabi ko wag na muna sila
lumapit. Ayoko kasi lokohin sarili ko
I: Ngayon mas kumbaga binibigyan mon a ng respeto sarili mo
P: Oo gusto ko lang talaga sa sarili ko. Di naman kasi lahat magagawa ng isang araw. Process
kasi yan eh iba iba kami ng ugali kaya etong mga to di totally magagawa kaya siguro ayun
practice nalang sa patience kasi dun ako mahina
I: Pero kanina sabi mop ag alam mong sasabog ka na alam mon a yung paraan kaya malaking
bagay nay un mahal mon a sarili mo pati yung anak mo. Sabihin mo sa sarili mo sorry
P: Oo sorry kagabi nga pakiramdam ko masama yung ano ko kasi galit ako tas kinabukasan,
ayun yinakap ko siya tapos nag sorry ako kasi di tayo nakapag pray
I: So ano yung naramdaman mo?
P: Mas gumanda pakiramdam ko
I: Good job yan thank you.
I: Rina ikaw?
P: Gusto ko nalang takas an yung mga sitwasyon kasi ayoko ng mamroblema yun po.
I: Yun yung dati or hanggang ngayon?
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
P: Dati yung ngayon po kasi winowork up ko na. Patience talaga kasi pag napapagalitan ako
yung inis ko talaga yung nararamdaman ko. Tas ayun bumabalik ako sa dati naiisip ko yung
mga unfair na ginawa sakin pero ngayon nagiging positive nalang talaga ako nag iisip ako ng
maganda tas pinipilit ko na isipin yung present hindi yung nakaraan
I: Hindi talaga agad yan mawawala pero ang importante pag naaalala niyo, ginagawa niyo
agad. Ang kasamaang palad kasi pag di niyo ginawa may chance na bumalik nanaman kayo sa
dati. Small steps lang.
I: Hopefully once a week o kaya every Monday mag cocommit kayo nae to yung gagawin
niyo aalamin niyo yung nararamdaman ng katawan ko. Tas small steps dagdag ng dagdag.
Pagong steps tayo wag niyo lunurin sarili niyo. Bawasan ang pang huhusga sa sarili. Lahat yan
normal kasi kayo talaga yan na nag rereact sa sitwasyon. Sa programa ito kasi nagbigay
langakong option para mas matulungan niyo sarili niyo.
I: ano feedback niyo? Yung mga nahirapan kayo dito sa programa natin bukod sa English
yung material
P: Yung mga tanong po
I: ahh nahihirapan pa rin?
P: Opo yung mga tanong
P: Kasi siguro unang experience namin parang dun
I: Kasi nasanay tayo na lagging iniisip right? Bale ngayon pwede pala tayo making
I: Any sugeestions? Para maimprove?
P: Mabilis po minsan yung tanong
I: Ah so dapat bagalan?
I: Pero nasagutan naman ba?
P: Minsan po kasi nag iisp pa ako nung sagot ko
I: Ay sorry sige sige meron pa ba?
I: Wala na? Okay tapos ayun mas bagalan. Kamusta naman yung expectation? Tingin niyio ba
kahit papano nangyari yung mga gusto niyong mangyari?
P: Sa ngayon di pa
I: Pero di tayo aabot ng ten ah yung expectation kung may nangyayari ba? Yung kaya niyo
lang ha wag niyo kakalabanin sarili niyo, kung san niyo lang nafeel tas balik kayo sa sarili
niyo. Hinga malalim tas dun kayo magstart. Kumbaga sa kaibigan, mas kikilalanin niyo muna
I: Over all ano yung magiging baon niyo?
P: Mas makilala sarili ko
P: Para maayos ko yung nararamdaman ko mag isip ng magagndang alaala o bagay
P: Sakin ang tumatak is yung pakiramdam ng ibat ibang katawan. Kung pano mo
papakalmahin sarili mo. Mag isip ng magandang pangyayari kesa dun sa mga hindi
I: Good. Bago kayo matulog, isipin niyo lang yung mga magagandang bagay na nangyari
sainyo. Para maging balance wag puro problema isipin. Kasi ganun naman talaga dapat kasi
may mga magaganda din naming nangyayari para di apektado buong katawan
P SAkin kilalanin buong sarili at katawan ko sa mga dapat gawin.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
I: Ang importante dun nasa kalagitnaan ka na. Wag ka tumutok sa malayp yung ngayon muna
P: Focus sa ngayon at pakinggan yung sarili tapos gumawa ng mga bagay na sinasabi ng sarili
ko. Tapos maghanap ng bagay na pwede makatulong para maging kalmado
I: Good balik kayo sa sarili niyo. Ano pakiramdam na may nagbago sainyo?
P: Masaya
I: San siya sa katawan?
P: Buong katawan.
I: Sabihin niyo Salamat Sa Diyos
P: Salamat sa Diyos.
I: So yakapsule before we end. Sige group hug. Picturan ko kayo habang naka group hug.
Damahin niyo yung bawat isa.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
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Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
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Thesis By Maria Antonette Dy
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Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Ms. Toni Valderrama – Dy is a highly skilled Clinical Psychologist with
almost 14 years of experience in providing professional counseling and
psychotherapy. She specializes in Play Therapy with toddlers, preschool and
school-aged children, Couple and Family Therapy, and Individual Therapy
with adolescents and adults with adverse childhood experiences exposure.
The researcher is knowledgeable and trained in how to support clients to
maximize growth and integration of their experiences using a cutting-edge
model of therapy designed to re-pattern the nervous system and the
disorganization in the lower brain center. Additionally, she is involved in
different faith-based non-government organizations such as SHECHEM
Children’s Home, the first assessment center in the Philippines and
Compassionate Hope Foundation, and FIRST LOVE International. The
researcher conducts seminars and workshops such as parenting and self management skills. Featured on TV and Radio shows like The 700 Club,
Kapuso MO Jessica Soho, and Radyo Agila, FEBC Radio, to name a few.
Lastly, she caters to the psychological and emotional needs of victims of
online sexual exploitation in children and trafficked children and adolescents.
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology
Southville International School and Colleges
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Master of Arts in Psychology