p28-40_LNG 3 13/03/2019 16:10 Page 4 LIQUEFACTION Mid-scale LNG export plant in Port of Brownsville will help address rising global natural gas demand Jonathan Mosher and Shawn Hoffart of Black & Veatch in Kansas and Larry Snyder of Annova LNG, Houston, Texas Annova LNG and its engineering motor driven compressor in each train. This heavies stream is sent to a The compressor single body design stabilizer where the resulting vapor is partners are making progress with the project to source natural gas from the minimizes piping, recovered within the process while the South Texas and Permian Basin regions maintenance, and controls while saving condensed heavies are sent to storage. and to export shipments to international on capital cost and space. These heavy hydrocarbons or natural gas complexity of liquids markets as early as 2024. Annova announced in October 2018 Impacts (NGLs) can then be used internally as fuel. Produced high pressure LNG from that the joint venture of Black & Veatch Considering local environmental impacts, Corp. and Kiewit Energy Group Inc. had Annova LNG has elected to employ liquefaction been electrical motor drivers as opposed to gas- expansion fired turbine drives to minimize local expanders to maximize production as the emission sources. LNG is reduced to atmospheric pressure awarded the engineering, procurement, and construction contract. Six trains South Texas Elective Cooperative’s undergoes through isentropic parallel LNG for storage. Figure 2: PRICO process for Single-Mixed Refrigerant The greenfield LNG facility to be located highly electrical Boil-off gas (BOG) is produced during in infrastructure allows such a unique LNG expansion, heavies stabilization, liquefaction trains, each using Black & opportunity. heat leak into the LNG storage tanks, and The existing deep-draft shipping channel Veatch’s proven PRICO® single-mixed Annova vapor displacement during LNG carrier will greatly reduce construction cost loading. and schedule. Brownsville will consist of six dependable LNG continued to gain refrigeration technology to nominally momentum by recently securing 405 MW liquefy 6 million tonnes per annum of electricity from Magic Valley Electric The BOG compressor is a two-stage, of LNG. Cooperative, a member of the South Texas single-body machine with interstage allow Electric Cooperative. Annova LNG will operate in three Each stage will include one gas quick, efficient seaborne cooling. An advantage of using electric transportation With this agreement in place, Magic motor driven refrigerant compressors is international markets. The South Texas Valley Electric Cooperative will become that there is not a large consumer of Gulf the sole power provider to the plant. fuel gas. extensive, pre-existing natural gas and parallel stages. Each stage will treat and liquefying 2 MTPA of LNG. Proximity to the Panama Canal will conditioning train which includes an Annova LNG will be amine system for carbon-dioxide removal provider’s largest customer. the Coast to a provides multitude access of to an electric power supply networks. electric Advantages Annova’s unique access to diversified, and dehydration units for water removal. As the treated natural gas flows Therefore, during normal operation, BOG low-cost feed gas in Texas differentiates it The gas conditioning infrastructure is through the refrigerant cores to be cooled, throughout the facility is recovered, amongst other US LNG projects. Its feed- it is withdrawn at the mid-way point at compressed, the gas connector is in Agua Dulce, Texas, an intermediate temperature. refrigerant exchanger to be recondensed which provides access to 10 existing as LNG, thus reducing operational loss interstate and intrastate pipelines that and air emissions. provide gas locally from the Eagle Ford, followed by two parallel 1 MTPA liquefaction trains and common facilities The heavy hydrocarbons contained for heavies-handling and LNG expansion in the feed gas can then be extracted per stage. The LNG will be stored on site in to prevent and returned to freezing at lower The marine transfer facilities will in the the Permian Basin, Katy Hub and Houston Ship Channel. two single-containment LNG tanks of temperatures refrigerant operate up to three liquid loading arms to 160,000 cubic meters working capacity to exchanger. Optimization of the recovery facilitate the loading of 138,000 cubic This competitive advantage allows accommodate a flexible offtake schedule. of light hydrocarbons entrained in the metres capacity to 180,000 cubic metres Annova to offer one of the best free-on- This specific implementation of the resulting heavy hydrocarbon steam is capacity LNG carriers that can be board (FOB) LNG prices, with a lower PRICO® liquefaction process utilizes a critical design factor to maximize received, loaded and discharged within a commodity multiplier than other US Gulf a LNG production. 24-hour period. Coast projects. single bodied two-stage electric The carriers will arrive at Annova Annova is a unique project that offers LNG’s marine berth via the Brownsville numerous ship channel and remain moored in a new international communities. This planned dredge berth area parallel to the channel facility will fortify the south Texas centerline during loading. economic Additionally, the berth will include a benefits future approximately 165 to local by and employing full-time plant turning basin to allow maneuverability of workers in the Brownsville community vessels arriving and departing. with an average base wage of $70,000. Approximately two LNG carriers per week will be dispatched when the plant is Income operating at full capacity. However, the At its peak, construction will require actual number per week will depend on 1,200 personnel, with an average of 700 the capacity of the specific vessels and the on-site off-take agreements. construction period and a total of $324 The Port of Brownsville has significant Figure 1: Annova LNG’s three-stage PRICO® liquefaction process 30 • LNG journal • The World’s Leading LNG publication advantages for a project of this caliber. jobs over the 44-month million in direct labor income. Additionally, during the life of this p28-40_LNG 3 13/03/2019 16:10 Page 5 LIQUEFACTION through US as a critical exporter of a vital energy construction of the Cove Point LNG operation, Annova expects to provide fabrication and transportation of modules source. The 1.0 MTPA trains cater to export facility in the state of Maryland. thousands of direct and indirect jobs from around the world at competitive customers who are buying in 1.0 MTPA beyond the local community. rates. increments. project from construction through accelerate the schedule As regards Annova’s permit progress, the Federal Energy Regulatory The company’s project will support an This Gulf Coast area equips this The Annova project is backed by a Commission (FERC) issued Annova average of 2,753 direct, indirect and project with a reliable, experienced world-class equity ownership group, with a positive draft Environmental induced Texas jobs each year of the hydrocarbon work force to support this Exelon Corp. Impact Statement (EIS) in December terminal’s construction, with a total of time to market effort. Exelon is a Fortune 100 US utility $1.1 billion in labor income. 2018. with an investment grade credit rating In the draft EIS, FERC concluded that Flexible and an US rating history of more than the environmental impacts from the international markets, Annova, Black & The multi-train approach combined with 200 years. project would be less than significant if Veatch and Kiewit have designed a the abundance of low-priced natural gas Exelon owns and operates the Everett the mitigations recommended by both the facility that allows for a rapid and will provide affordable LNG with high LNG terminal in Boston, which has been draft EIS and Annova LNG were efficient time to market. reliability and quality. in operation for more than 45 years and implemented. To meet the increasing needs of Annova plans to complete all LNG The triple parallel stage arrangement trains within five years of the final with two parallel liquefaction trains per investment decision. stage contributes to a greater operational This decisive schedule leverages the straightforward of Black & PRICO® Veatch and The patented technology allows for extensive rapid startup and shutdown and is proven reliable in operations with an expected availability of more than 95 Footprint In addition, the highly optimized train capacity using PRICO® technology The operational flexibility will provide the international Black & Veatch is one of the most marketplace with The US company also has more than 50 years of LNG experience. Energy is one of North America’s largest and most respected engineering and construction customized LNG purchasing agreements organizations, with roots dating back footprint. that meet that needs of many prospective to 1884. the project can consumers and further the position of the n occur in late 2019. and over 110 offices around the globe. minimizes both equipment count and Furthermore, from FERC, Annova expects the FID to the world with roots dating back to 1915 Kiewit percent throughout the year. The final EIS is expected to be issued in April 2019. Upon final authorization the US. respected engineering organizations in flexibility. technology modularization expertise of Kiewit. is the largest LNG import facility in Kiewit recently completed the The article was written by Jonathan Mosher, Process Engineer, and Shawn Hoffart, LNG Technology Manager, of Black & Veatch of Overland Park in Kansas USA and Larry Snyder, Senior Vice President of Engineering for Annova LNG in Houston, Texas. LNG journal • March 2019 • 31 p28-40_LNG 3 13/03/2019 16:10 Page 5 LIQUEFACTION through US as a critical exporter of a vital energy construction of the Cove Point LNG operation, Annova expects to provide fabrication and transportation of modules source. The 1.0 MTPA trains cater to export facility in the state of Maryland. thousands of direct and indirect jobs from around the world at competitive customers who are buying in 1.0 MTPA beyond the local community. rates. increments. project from construction through accelerate the schedule As regards Annova’s permit progress, the Federal Energy Regulatory The company’s project will support an This Gulf Coast area equips this The Annova project is backed by a Commission (FERC) issued Annova average of 2,753 direct, indirect and project with a reliable, experienced world-class equity ownership group, with a positive draft Environmental induced Texas jobs each year of the hydrocarbon work force to support this Exelon Corp. Impact Statement (EIS) in December terminal’s construction, with a total of time to market effort. Exelon is a Fortune 100 US utility $1.1 billion in labor income. 2018. with an investment grade credit rating In the draft EIS, FERC concluded that Flexible and an US rating history of more than the environmental impacts from the international markets, Annova, Black & The multi-train approach combined with 200 years. project would be less than significant if Veatch and Kiewit have designed a the abundance of low-priced natural gas Exelon owns and operates the Everett the mitigations recommended by both the facility that allows for a rapid and will provide affordable LNG with high LNG terminal in Boston, which has been draft EIS and Annova LNG were efficient time to market. reliability and quality. in operation for more than 45 years and implemented. To meet the increasing needs of Annova plans to complete all LNG The triple parallel stage arrangement trains within five years of the final with two parallel liquefaction trains per investment decision. stage contributes to a greater operational This decisive schedule leverages the straightforward of Black & PRICO® Veatch and The patented technology allows for extensive rapid startup and shutdown and is proven reliable in operations with an expected availability of more than 95 Footprint In addition, the highly optimized train capacity using PRICO® technology The operational flexibility will provide the international Black & Veatch is one of the most marketplace with The US company also has more than 50 years of LNG experience. Energy is one of North America’s largest and most respected engineering and construction customized LNG purchasing agreements organizations, with roots dating back footprint. that meet that needs of many prospective to 1884. the project can consumers and further the position of the n occur in late 2019. and over 110 offices around the globe. minimizes both equipment count and Furthermore, from FERC, Annova expects the FID to the world with roots dating back to 1915 Kiewit percent throughout the year. The final EIS is expected to be issued in April 2019. Upon final authorization the US. respected engineering organizations in flexibility. technology modularization expertise of Kiewit. is the largest LNG import facility in Kiewit recently completed the The article was written by Jonathan Mosher, Process Engineer, and Shawn Hoffart, LNG Technology Manager, of Black & Veatch of Overland Park in Kansas USA and Larry Snyder, Senior Vice President of Engineering for Annova LNG in Houston, Texas. LNG journal • March 2019 • 31