Pt.1 Unit structure Pt.2 Unit Overview - Unit 1 – BTEC Sport Anatomy and Physiology Pt.1 Course break down ations/btec-nationals/sport-2016.html Pt.1 The exam / dates • • • • Externally marked Exam = 1 hour and 30 minutes in length Exam total marks = 80 You will take an exam for this unit in ***JANUARY*** Pt.1 Exam structure ● ● ● The paper will contain a number of short- and long-answer questions Assessed on your understanding of the following topics: ○ Skeletal system ○ Muscular system ○ Respiratory system ○ Cardiovascular system ○ Energy system for sports performance Learners will use this knowledge and understanding to determine the interrelationships between body systems for sports performance. Pt.1 Assessment Outcomes ● ● AO1 Demonstrate knowledge of body systems, structures, functions, characteristics, definitions and other additional factors affecting each body system. Command words: describe, give, identify, name, state AO2 Demonstrate understanding of each body system, the shortand long-term effects of sport and exercise on each system and additional factors that can affect body systems in relation to exercise and sporting performance. Command words: describe, explain, give, name, state Pt.1 Assessment Outcomes ● AO3 Analyse exercise and sports movements, how the body responds to short-term and long-term exercise and other additional factors affecting each body system Command words: analyse, assess ● AO4 Evaluate how body systems are used and how they interrelate in order to carry out exercise and sporting movements Command words: assess, evaluate ● AO5 Make connections between body systems in response to short-term and long-term exercise and sport participation. Make connections between muscular and all other systems, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, energy and cardiovascular systems Command words: analyse, assess, discuss, evaluate, to what extent Pt.1 Unit 1 - Grade boundary (Please note this down!) In percentages this is – D = 67.5% M = 45% P = 23.8% What the makers are looking for Pt.1 Pt.1 Key grade differences Pass • • • • • • Demonstrate knowledge Apply it to exercise and sports performance. Sound understanding Apply this to familiar and unfamiliar situations Able to interpret Rationalising cause and effect. Distinction ● ● ● ● ● ● Knowledge and understanding Applying this to a range of familiar and unfamiliar situations. Able to analyse Able to interpret Make reasoned judgements Demonstrating understanding of the interrelationships between the body systems. Pt.1 Unit 1 – External support material Extra • Past papers • I have a booklet for you • We will have enough time before the Christmas break to recap • Myself BTEC Sport expectations YOU KEEP WORK NEATLY IN A FOLDER YOU ARE PROACTIVE IN CHECKING YOUR EMAILS YOU ATTEND REVISION SESSIONS YOU COMPLETE ALL WORK TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY YOU USE YOUR STUDY PERIODS PRODUCTIVELY Pt.1 Recap • • • • • Exam date January Exam time 1 hour 30 minutes Total marks 80 Grade boundaries D = 67.5% M = 45% P = 23.8% I will just be teaching you the skeletal system Pt.2 Unit structure - Skeletal System • Exploring “The effects of exercise and sports performance on the skeletal system” • X6 core areas • A1 Structure of skeletal system • A2 Function of skeletal system • A3 Joints • A4 Responses of the skeletal system to a single sport or exercise session • A5 Adaptations of the skeletal system to exercise • A6 Additional factors affecting the skeletal system Pt.2 A1 Structure of skeletal system • Aim = To understand how the bones of the skeleton are used in sporting techniques and actions. • X20 bones to learn and their locations on the body X5 types of bone Areas of the skeleton Process of bone growth • • • Pt.2 A2 Function of skeletal system • Aim = To understand how the functions of the skeleton and bone types are used in sporting actions and exercise. • X8 functions of the skeleton when performing sporting techniques and actions X4 Main functions of different bone types when performing sporting techniques and actions • A3 Joints Pt.2 • Aim = To understand how joints of the upper and lower skeleton are used in sporting techniques and actions. • X5 Joints of the upper skeleton X6 Joints of the lower skeleton X3 Classification of joints The bones forming the x6 joints and their use in sporting techniques and actions Structure and function of components of synovial joints and their use in sporting techniques and actions X12 Range of movement at synovial joints due to shape of articulating bones and use in sporting actions • • • • • Pt.2 A4 Responses of the skeletal system to a single sport or exercise session • Aim = To understand how the skeletal system responds to exercise • This is short and will be condensed with A5 Pt.2 A5 Adaptations of the skeletal system to exercise ● Aim = To understand the impact of longterm effects of exercise on sports performance. ● X2 skeletal adaptions Pt.2 A6 Additional factors affecting the skeletal system • Aim = To understand the impact of the skeletal system on exercise and sports performance and the impact of exercise and sports performance on the skeletal system. • X3 skeletal diseases The impact of age on the skeletal system • Pt.2 Recap • • • • Skeletal system You will be exploring The effects of exercise and sports performance on the skeletal system X6 content sections to cover Each section links to or develops upon each other