Accimap diagram: Norovirus gastroeneteritis outbreak single resort Dominican Republic 1. External 2. Government 3. Organizational/workplace 4. Physical/ individual events, processes and conditions Caribbean region Winter seasonality Media difficulties Department of health Department of tourism Environmental health advisor Epidemiology division Government water supply department Private water treatment company Resort management Tour operator warning Airline hygiene procedure Medical/lab resources Delated prevention measures Multi-disciplinary investigation team Communication and information flow deficiencies Difficulties to stop person-to-person transmission Food/potable water Wastewater and mangles Mangle/sea water waterborne spread Hotel guest(s) with foodborne illness Passenger infections Cross contamination Aeroplane returning flight Poor sanitary conditions Contaminated surfaces Airborne environmental transmission Risk food: salad/sea food Epidemiological data Susceptible population Lack of analysis test Staff hygiene practices Cleaning and disinfections standards Inefficient water treatment Explosive vomiting common areas 5. Conditions Cleanears/housekeepers Semiclose populations (e.g. hotels, hospitals) The hotel maintained no logs or procedural guidelines water treatment Reduce laboratory testing Inactive surveillance system Irregular inspection and monitor drinking water supplies and waste water systems Insufficient treatment conditions Unimplemented food safety systems Norovirus gastroenteritis outbreaks Acute gastroenteritis Cross contamination 800 illness