Құрметті әріптес! Қазақстан Республикасының «Авторлық құқық және сабақтас құқықтар туралы» заңына сәйкес авторлық құқық заңмен қорғаланатынын ескертеміз. Сатып алған ҚМЖ – ны тарату туралы факт анықталған жағдайда әкімшілік айыппұл салынады. «USTAZ tilegi» ғылыми әдістемелік орталығының әкімшілігі №472 бұйрығы бойынша жасалған ҚМЖ келесі бетте Бұл ҚМЖ ust.kz сайтында жасалынған. «USTAZ tilegi» ғылыми-әдістемелік орталығының сайтынының ҚМЖ бөлімінде кез-келген пән, кез-келген сынып бойынша ҚМЖ және презентацияны жүктеп ала аласыз. Ол үшін сілтеме арқылы өтіңіз. https://ust.kz/qmg Lesson Plan 1 Unit:5 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives: Value links Art and Music Number present: absent: Musical instruments 3.R1 recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.S3 give short, basic description of people and objects; begin to describe past experiences on a limited range of general and some curricular topics 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud All learners will be able to: know the new vocabulary Most learners will be able to: identify types of musical instruments Some learners will be able to:know vocabulary, identify types of instruments and cool and warm colours Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 5 min. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. 9 min. 9 min. Teacher’s activity Revision of previous lessons materials with the help of the teacher. Differentiation: «Flashcards» T asks different cards quickly and ask name what do they see on the card. After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson. «Visual aids» method. Look at the picture. Then ask questions: Are they playing classical or modern music? How does music make you feel? Aim: to present and activate the new language «Visual aids» method. Put up the My musical instruments poster on the board. Point to each item. one at a time and present them. Then point to each item in random order. Ask Ss to say the word. Student’s activity Assessment Ss give their possible answers. Revise vocabulary connected with previous module Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Total: 2point Exercise 1: Look at the pictures and answer the questions . Ss give their possible answers. Descriptor: -can pronounce correctly -give correct answers Resources Whiteboard Flashcards Pupils Book Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 1point Exercise 2 Listen point and repeat the divide musical instruments into types. Descriptor: - can pronounce correctly -can name them. Total: 2point Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster 10 min. 5 min Play the CD. The pupils listen, point to the pictures and repeat the word. T introduces new vocabulary. Answer the question. “Look, listen and repeat” method is used to present new words. Aim: present and consolidate vocabulary Explain that we divide colours in 2 groups: warm (red, orange, yellow) and cool colours (gree, blue, violet). Ask pupils to complete the drawing. Cool colours have a calming effect and are linked with health, the environment and harmony. Warm colours are associated with love, anger, power, happiness and energy. Aim: Develop their motor skills Efficiency: Develop their motor skills Explain the activity. Pupils choose any colour they like and colour the chair. When they finish they can show their drawings to the class. Aim: To develop motor skills and practice cool and warm colours Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Tell them to choose an item they want to draw. Ex: chair, bed. Each S then draws and colours the item in a different colour choosing from the cool and warm ones. Exercise 3. Complete the drawing Descriptor: -can name the object -complete it Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 1 point Exercise 4 Choose a cool or a warm colour and colour the chair. Present it to the class. Descriptor: -colour the picture and present it to the class -pronounce the vocabulary correctly 2 point draw the picture and colour it using warm and cool colours Descriptor: -draw the picture -identify types of colours 2 point Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. End of the lesson. Reflection When they finish, they come to the board and display all pictures of the same item in different colours to show the passing from cool to warm colours. Aim: practice cool and warm colours Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. 7 min. Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use colors to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? These students may work with a stronger student to support them during certain activities •These students may have more time By collecting the maps where students write the names of musical instruments on a map and identify their countries of origin (writing/understanding the global link assessment) Reflection Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Cross-curricular links Health and safety check ICT links Values links Monitor classroom space when students start moving around Make short breaks while writing Lesson Plan 2 Unit:5 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives: Value links Art and Music Number present: absent: Musical instruments 3.R1 recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.S3 give short, basic description of people and objects; begin to describe past experiences on a limited range of general and some curricular topics 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud All learners will be able to: know the new vocabulary Most learners will be able to: talk daily and free time activities Some learners will be able to: make own sentences with them Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method Team work 5 min. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. 10 min. 8 min. Teacher’s activity Revision of previous lessons materials with the help of the teacher. Differentiation: «Flashcards» T asks different cards quickly and ask name what do they see on the card. After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson. «Visual aids» method. Put up the A green day poster on the board. Point to the activities and say the corresponding word. Pupils repeat ,after ask pupils. Play the CD. The pupils listen, point to the words and repeat. Aim: to present and activate the new language The pupils read the words and match them to the pictures. Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity. Aim: to practice the vocabulary Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some Student’s activity Ss give their possible answers. Revise vocabulary Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Look at the pictures and answer the questions . Ss give their possible answers. Assessment Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Resources Whiteboard Flashcards Pupils Book Total: 2point Descriptor: -can pronounce correctly -give correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 1point Exercise5 Read and match Descriptor: -find correct answers -read words without mistakes 1 point Exercise 6 Descriptor: Whiteboard Pupils Book 8 min. 7 min End of the lesson. Reflection 7 min. time to complete the sentences with the correct answers and then choose the right picture. Aim: to consolidate the vocabulary Differentiation: «Super Star» method is used to identify the best team. Look at the picture for 2-3 min. Try to remember them. Then T show the card with activities Ss should write the word. Aim: Develop their vocabulary Efficiency: Develop their memory and speaking skills Differentiation: “Monologue” method is used to assess Ss speaking Scramble the word Work with spelling. Give cards with misspelled word and ask them to write correctly. Aim: develop writing skills and work with spelling Efficiency: Ss write the words and communicate with groupmates. Differentiation: Scramble the word game is used to develop their speaking and writing skills. Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. Complete Then choose the right picture. -choose right answer Poster Total: 2point Ss look at the picture and try to remember the vocabulary Look at the cards and write the words. try to put the letter in correct order to make a word. Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use vocabulary to show how much do they remember. Descriptor: -can name the activity Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 1 point Descriptor: -write without mistakes -read the words correctly -spell them -make sentences 3 points Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links In general: Allow for extra time for students needing it, when appropriate Give extra text or visual support to students needing extra English support Use open-ended tasks and questions so students may take their learning in their own directions Reflection The teacher and students will give brief feedback. ICT links Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 3 Unit:5 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives: Value links Art and Music Number present: absent: I like painting 3.R1 recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.R4 use with some support a simple picture dictionary 3.S3 give short, basic description of people and objects; begin to describe past experiences on a limited range of general and some curricular topics 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud All learners will be able to: understand like+ing construction Most learners will be able to: answer the questions Some learners will be able to: make a poster and present it to class Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 5 min. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. 8 min. 9 min. 8 min. 10 min Revision of previous lessons materials with the help of the teacher. Differentiation: «Flashcards» T asks different cards quickly and ask name what do they see on the card. After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson. «Visual aids» method. Put up the A green day poster on the board. Point to paint say and then write: I like painting! Underline the letters in bold and have the pupils repeat. Then point to clean and then write: I don’t like cleaning. Underline the letters in bold and have the pupils repeat. Explain: verb like is usually followed by the ing form, when we want to say that we like /don’t like something. Explain the activity Exercise 7 p67 Aim: to present and practice Like+ing Explain the activity. The pupils complete the questions. Then they answer the questions about themselves. Then ask individual pupils to report back to the class. Aim: to consolidate the vocabulary Differentiation: «Super Star» method is used to identify the best team. Look and say.. Match pictures then make sentences like: Beric likes playing the violin. Aim: develop their speaking skills Efficiency: Develop their speaking skills Differentiation: “Monologue” method is used to assess Ss speaking Project time. Ask the pupils to draw a simple sketch of what they like Ss give their possible answers. Revise vocabulary connected with previous lesson Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Exercise 7 Look, read and match. Whiteboard Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Flashcards Pupils Book Total: 1point Descriptor: -can pronounce correctly -give correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point Exercise 8 Complete and answer the questions Descriptor: -find correct answers -answer the questions Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point Exercise 9 Look and say. Descriptor: -can name the activity -pronounce correctly Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2 point Make a poster. Draw the picture Descriptor: -read the words correctly Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. End of the lesson. Reflection doing in their free time and write a sentence under it. Aim: to consolidate the language of the lesson Efficiency: to develop their speaking and writing skills Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. 5 min. -make sentence correctly 3 points Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use vocabulary to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links Teacher circulates the room constantly offering support to weaker students and encouraging stronger students to think of more complex, abstract thoughts. Reflection Students will be assessed through the writing activity ICT links Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 4 Unit:5 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives: Value links Art and Music Number present: absent: 3.R1 recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud 3.UE9 use common present simple forms [positive, negative, question] and contractions to talk about what you want and like, habits and facts, simple future timetabled events; use common past simple forms to describe actions and feelings 3.L3 understand the main points of short, slow, carefully articulated talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics All learners will be able to: know how to pronounce the sound /ai/ Most learners will be able to: answer the questions Some learners will be able to: make a dialogue Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 5 min. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. 6min. 6 min. Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Put the poster on the board. Ask a pupil to come to the front of the classroom. Ask him to choose an activity without letting the rest of the class know which one. The pupil decides whether he likes/doesn’t like the activity and mimes the action accordingly. The rest of the class tries to guess what he likes/doesn’t like doing. Aim: an activity to revise the language of the previous lesson. Go through the pictures of the story and set the scene by asking the pupils questions about what they can see in the pictures. Play the CD. The pupils listen and follow the story in their books. Aim: to develop the pupils’ listening and reading skills Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to read the story silently and complete the activity. Aim: to develop their reading skills “Thinking cap” Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to read Ss give their possible answers. Revise vocabulary connected with previous lesson Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Exercise 10 Listen and read. Resources Whiteboard Flashcards Pupils Book Total: 1point Descriptor: -can pronounce correctly -give correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster CD 1 Track 51 Total: 2point Exercise 11 Read the story and choose Descriptor: -find correct answers Total: 1point Exercise 12 Read the story again and answer Descriptor: -give correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster 6 min. 7 min 10 min. End of the lesson. Reflection 5 min. the story silently and complete the activity in writing form. Aim: to develop their writing skill ‘Differentiation: «Super Star» method is used to identify the best one. Read the dialogue. Aim: develop their speaking skills Efficiency: Develop their speaking skills Differentiation: “Monologue” method is used to assess Ss speaking “Talking point” Refer the pupils to the picture and dialogue. Play the CD. The pupils make a dialogue. Aim: to consolidate the language of the lesson Efficiency: to develop their speaking and listening skills Differentiation: “Monologue” method is used to assess Ss speaking “Sounds spot!” Point to the letters say the sound. Play the CD. Aim:to learn how to pronounce the sound /ai/. Refer the pupils to the picture. Explain the activity. Ask pupils to read out the sentences. Check their pronunciation and intonation. Aim:to learn how to pronounce the sound /ai/. Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. Total: 2point Exercise 13 Descriptor: -pronounce sentences, words correctly Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 1point Exercise 14 Listen and read. Make a new dialogue Descriptor: -make sentences correctly 2 points Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. CD 1 Track 52 Exercise 15 Listen, point and repeat. T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job! Well done!” Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. CD 1 Track 53 Exercise 16 Complete. Then listen and read. Descriptor: -write correct answers 2 points Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. CD 1 Track 54 Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Efficiency: Ss can use vocabulary to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links Teacher circulates the room constantly offering support to weaker students and encouraging stronger students to think of more complex, abstract thoughts. Reflection Students will be assessed through ICT links Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? - questioning listening activity Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 5 Unit:5 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives: Value links Art and Music Number present: absent: I always get up at 7 o’clock. 3.R1 recognize, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud 3.L3 understand the main points of short, slow, carefully articulated talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics 3.L4 understand a limited range of short supported questions on general and some curricular topics 3.UE12 use adverbs of time and frequency: sometimes, often, always, never to indicate when and how often; begin to use simple adverbs of manner e.g. well, badly All learners will be able to: tell the time Most learners will be able to: talk about daily routine using adverbs Some learners will be able to: time, daily routines, make own examples to grammar Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 5 min. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. 5min. 11 min. 9 min. Teacher’s activity Ss answer the questions connected with previous lesson Aim: an activity to revise the language of the previous lesson. Put up the Sports poster on the board. Point to the sports one at a time and say the corresponding words. Present the time. Play the CD. Pupils listen and repeat after it. Aim: to present the new language and activate it. Point to the pictures and elicit the names of the sports. Explain the activity. Ask them make an examples. Aim: to develop their speaking skills “Study spot” Explain what always means. Tell the pupils that this is an adverb of frequency. Explain that we use an adverb of frequency to show how often we do things. We put the adverbs of frequency before the main verb and after the verb to be. Aim: to present and practice adverbs of frequency. Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Explain the activity. Answer the questions. Pupils make their own sentences using adverbs of frequency. Aim: develop their speaking and writing skills Efficiency: Develop their speaking and writing skills Differentiation: verbal support Student’s activity Ss give their possible answers. Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Exercise 17 Listen, point and repeat. Ss answer the questions, tell the time. Assessment Resources Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Total: 2point Descriptor: -can pronounce correctly -give correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster CD 1 Track 55 Total: 2point Exercise 18 Pupils name the sport. Descriptor: -find correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 1point Exercise 19 Look and complete. Ss write suitable adverbs of frequency and complete the sentences. Descriptor: -give correct answers Exercise 20 Ask and answer the questions. Descriptor: -pronounce sentences, words correctly -give correct answer Total: 2point Total: 1point Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster 10 min. End of the lesson. Reflection “Let’s play” Explain the game. Have the pupils look at the clocks for one minute and then close their books. Ask and answer the questions. Aim: to practice the telling time Differentiation: «Memory game» method is used to assess Ss vocabulary knowledge. Ask the pupils to say what they always/sometimes/never do in the afternoon. Aim: to consolidate the language of the lesson Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. 5 min. Exercise 21 Ask and answer the questions. T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job! Well done!” Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Make their own examples. Descriptor: -give correct answers 2 points Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. CD 1 Track 54 Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use adverbs of frequency to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? By individual support, peer support and tasks The teacher will be able to assess how ICT links well the students can speak using studied vocabulary Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. Reflection Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? If not, why? Health and safety check ICT links Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 6 Unit:5 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives: Value links Art and Music Number present: absent: My day 3.R1 recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud 3.UE16 use conjunctions and, or, but to link words and phrases 3.L3 understand the main points of short, slow, carefully articulated talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics All learners will be able to: talk about daily routines Most learners will be able to: answer the questions Some learners will be able to: write about a typical day Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 5 min. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. 12min. Teacher’s activity Ask a pupil to come to the board. Name a sport. The pupil writes it on the board. Aim: an activity to revise the language of the previous lesson. Explain the activity. point to the pictures and elicit what Jake does every day. Play the CD. The individual pupils read out the text. Aim: to develop the pupils’ listening and reading skills Explain the usage of linking words but & and. Explain the activity. Aim: to develop their reading and writing skills Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Student’s activity Ss write the words on the board. Revise vocabulary connected with previous lesson Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Exercise 22 Listen and read and match the sentences to the pictures. Assessment Whiteboard Descriptor: -remember the words - can write them. Pupils Book Total: 2point Descriptor: -can pronounce correctly -give correct answers Total: 2point Exercise 23 Complete the sentences with and or but Resources Descriptor: -find correct answers Total: 2point Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster CD 1 Track 56 12 min 11 min. End of the lesson. Reflection “Portfolio” Ask the pupils to talk about what they do on a daily basis. Then write about their day. Aim: to develop their writing form, to write about typical day ‘Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Hand out Ss cut outs from the text from ex.1. Asks Ss try to remember the text from ex1 and put the cards in correct order according to the text “My day”. Aim: to make them cooperate as a team and do the presentation Efficiency: to develop Ss speaking skills Differentiation: “memory” is used to identify their memoraziation Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. 5 min. Write about your day. Descriptor: -write sentences without mistakes Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point Look at the cut outs and put them in correct order according to the text. One S from each team walk around and check each other -Descriptor: -cooperate as a team -put cards in right order Whiteboard Pupils Book Cards Total: 2point Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use vocabulary to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links By individual support, peer support and tasks Success criteria for reading task ICT links Feedback on language Reflection Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 7 Unit:5 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives: Value links Art and Music Number present: absent: Green day 3.R1 recognize, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.S3 give short, basic description of people and objects; begin to describe past experiences on a limited range of general and some curricular topics 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud All learners will be able to: know the vocabulary Most learners will be able to: understand the meaning of the verbs in the past Some learners will be able to: make a poster and present it Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 7 min. 9 min. Teacher’s activity Revision of previous lessons materials with the help of the teacher. Differentiation: «Flashcards» T asks different cards quickly and ask name what do they see on the card. After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson. Play the CD. The pupils listen and follow along in their books. Play the CD again, pupils sing a song as a class. Aim: develop the pupils’ listening skills through a song Student’s activity Ss give their possible answers. Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Exercise 24 Listen then sing a song Assessment Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Resources Whiteboard Flashcards Pupils Book Total: 2point Descriptor: -pronounce sentences, words correctly Total: 2point Whiteboard Pupils Book CD 1 Track 57 12 min 10 min. End of the lesson. Reflection 7 min. Efficiency: Develop their listening skills “Thinking cap” Explain the concept of a green day. Ask the pupils to tell some activities they would do to help our planet. Then ask them which activities would harm our planet. Elicit the meaning of the verbs in the past. Aim: making decisions Efficiency: interpreting information and visuals Differentiation:Verbal support “Make a connection” method T gives cards with different pictures to the each pairs and asks them to choose and stick only pictures that belong to the Green day theme. Tell the pupils you are going to organize an art exhibition for green day. Ask them to draw their favourite green day activity and present it to the class Aim: to consolidate the language of the lesson Efficiency: to develop Ss speaking skills and use vocabulary Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. Exercise 25 Match and say. Then answer the questions. Descriptor: -make sentences correctly 2 points Ss look through the given card identify them. Discuss. Stick cards on the poster. Descriptor: -can identify -work with given information 2 points They draw a picture and present it Descriptor: -make sentences correctly 2 point Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use vocabulary to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links By individual support, peer support and tasks Students will be assessed through ICT links Reflection Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? - questioning Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 8 Unit:5 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives:0 Value links Art and Music Number present: absent: My music 3.R1 recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud 3.UE12 use adverbs of time and frequency: sometimes, often, always, never to indicate when and how often; begin to use simple adverbs of manner e.g. well, badly All learners will be able to: know the new vocabulary Most learners will be able to: know the usage of adverbs of the manner Some learners will be able to: make own sentences with them Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 5 min. Middle of the lesson Teacher’s activity Ask the pupils to present their portfolio activities from the previous lesson. Play the song from previous lesson. Differentiation: “memory” is used to identify their memoraziation After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson. «Visual aids» method. Student’s activity Ss give their possible answers. Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Excises 26 Assessment Resources Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Whiteboard Flashcards Pupils Book Total: 2point Descriptor: -can identify Whiteboard Pupils Book Presentation part. 10min. 8 min. 7 min Individual work 10 min. Put up the Play the Music poster on the board. Point to the activities and say the corresponding word. Pupils repeat, after ask pupils. The pupils listen to the sounds from various instruments, identify them and number the pictures. The pupils listen and complete the activity. Aim: to distinguish different types of musical instruments and the sounds they make. Then answer the questions: Which of these instruments do you play? well? badly? Explain the adverbs of the manner. Then the pupils make sentences as in example Aim: to present and practice the adverbs of the manner Differentiation: Verbal support “Sounds spot!” Point to the letters say the sound. Play the CD. Aim: to learn how to pronounce the sound /ai/. Listen and number pictures. 2) answer the questions 3) make own examples/sentences Poster CD1 Track 58 Total: 1point Descriptor: - give correct answers -make sentences correctly 2 point s Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Exercise 27 Listen, point and repeat. T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job! Well done!” Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Refer the pupils to the picture. Explain the activity. Ask pupils to read out the sentences. Check their pronunciation and intonation. Aim: to learn how to pronounce the sound /ai/. Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Exercise 28 Complete. Then listen and read. Descriptor: -write without mistakes -read the words correctly 2 points Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Explain to the Ss that we use have to to show that we must do smth. When you play the recorder, you have to blow into it. Give Ss time to complete the task. Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Read the types of music and make sentences with them. Exercise 29 Match. Then say. Descriptor: -make sentences correctly Whiteboard Total: 1point Exercise 30 Descriptor: -make sentences correctly Pupils Book Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing End of the lesson. Reflection Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. Individual work: 7 min. Total: 2point Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use vocabulary to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links Teacher circulates the room constantly offering support to weaker students and encouraging stronger students to think of more complex, abstract thoughts. Reflection The teacher and students will give brief feedback. ICT links Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 9 Unit:5 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Art and Music Number present: Our world absent: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives: Value links 3.R1 recognize, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud 3.L3 understand the main points of short, slow, carefully articulated talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics 3.L4 understand a limited range of short supported questions on general and some curricular topics All learners will be able to: answer the questions Most learners will be able to: act out the dialogue Some learners will be able to: make their own dialogue Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method Teacher’s activity Ss answer the questions connecred with previous lesson Aim: an activity to revise the language of the previous lesson. 5 min. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. 12min. 12 min. 6 min. Put up the pictures of the puppets on the board and ask if they have ever been to a puppet show. Play the CD. Aim: to present the new language and activate it Efficiency:to talk about puppet shows in England and in Kazakhstan “Craftwork” Hand out character templates to the pupils and ask them to stick them to the straw. Explain that they will have a puppet show based on the story. When pupils are ready, they can perform the whole dialogue or a part of it. Aim: to consolidate the language of the module Differentiation: verbal support The Ss can draw their favoirite cartoon characters and then stick them to straws and create puppets. They prepare short dialogues and present it. Aim: to develop their speaking skills Explain the activity. Come to the board and Student’s activity Ss give their possible answers Revise vocabulary connected with previous lesson Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Exercise 31 Listen, follow the text in their books. Answer the questions Assessment Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Resources Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point Descriptor: -can pronounce correctly -give correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster CD 1 Track 59 Total: 2point Ss prepare their characters Descriptor: -say the sentences correctly and with good intonation Total: 2point Prepare puppets and make a dialogue. . Descriptor: -find correct answers Total: 2point Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Answer the questions from cards. Descriptor: Whiteboard Pupils Book End of the lesson. Reflection take any of cards which lay on the desk. Here some questions connected with the texts from ex 31. Answer them. Aim: to discuss and evaluate their understanding of the text. Efficiency: Develop their speaking skills Differentiation: Verbal support Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. 5 min. -pronounce sentences, words correctly Poster Total: 1point Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use vocabulary to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links By individual support, peer support and tasks Success criteria for reading task ICT links Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? Feedback on language If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 10 Unit:5 Art and Music Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives: Value links Number present: absent: Checkpoint 3.R1 recognize, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud 3.UE12 use adverbs of time and frequency: sometimes, often, always, never to indicate when and how often; begin to use simple adverbs of manner e.g. well, badly All learners will be able to: tell the time Most learners will be able to: answer the questions Some learners will be able to: make their own sentences Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 5 min. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. Teacher’s activity Revision of previous lessons materials with the help of the teacher. Differentiation: «Flashcards» T asks different cards quickly and ask name what do they see on the card. After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson. Elicit the sports in the picture. Aim: to revise the vocabulary from module Student’s activity Ss give their possible answers. Revise vocabulary connected with unit 1 and 2. Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Exercise 1 Look and say 10 min. Assessment Resources Whiteboard Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Flashcards Pupils Book Total: 2point Descriptor: -can pronounce correctly -give correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point 7 min 5min. 5min. Explain the activity. Aim: to practice telling the time Exercise 2 Write the times. Descriptor: -give correct answers Total: 1point The pupils read the questions and answer them Aim: to develop their speaking skills Efficiency: Develop their speaking skills Differentiation: Verbal support Explain the activity. Make sentences. Allow the pupils some time to look at the words and put them in the correct order to make complete sentences. Exercise 3 Answer the question Descriptor: -find correct answers Total: 2point Exercise 4 Make sentences Descriptor: -find correct answers Total: 2point Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster 8min. End of the lesson. Reflection Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to read the text and fill in the missing words. Aim: to develop their reading and writing skills Efficiency: Develop their speaking skills Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. 5 min. Exercise 5. Complete the sentences from text “My day” Descriptor: -pronounce sentences, words correctly Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 1point Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can tell the time to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links Teacher circulates the room constantly offering support to weaker students and encouraging stronger students to think of more complex, abstract thoughts. Reflection Students will be assessed through revision exercises: vocabulary, grammar ICT links Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 11 Unit:6 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives: Value links Explorers and Inventors Number present: absent: Exploring space 3.L2 understand a limited range of short supported questions which ask for personal information 3.R5 understand the main points of short simple texts on a limited range of familiar general and some curricular topics by using contextual clues 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud All learners will be able to: know the new vocabulary Most learners will be able to: talk about inventors and inventions Some learners will be able to:design an object Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 5 min. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. 12min. 8 min. 10 min. Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Revision of previous lessons materials with the help of the teacher. Ss give their possible answers. Revise vocabulary connected with unit 5. Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Total: 2point Exercise 1 Ss give their possible answers. T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job! Well done!” Exercise 2 Listen and read Descriptor: -read sentences correctly -answer the questions Differentiation: «Flashcards» T asks different cards quickly and ask name what do they see on the card. After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson. Look answer the questions. Aim: to present and activate the new language Go through the text. the pupils, ask and answer questions What is Baikonur? Who is Y. Gagarin? Aim: develop reading skills Differentiation: verbal support Number the pictures Aim: to present and practice words connected with theme Explain the activity. The pupils design their own spacesuit and write a short description about it. Aim: To consolidate language from the module Assessment Resources Whiteboard Flashcards Pupils Book Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point Exercise 3. Number the pictures Design a spacesuit Descriptor: -give correct answers Total: 2 point -design an object and present it to the class -pronounce the vocabulary correctly 2 point Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster 5 min End of the lesson. Reflection Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Tell the pupils that you are going to play a game. You will think of an object and will have to guess the object. Ex: It’s made of wood. You can sit on it – Chair. Aim: To consolidate language from the module Differentiation: verbal support Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. Individual work: 5 min. Ss give their possible answers. Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Descriptor: -to give correct answers 2 point Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use vocabulary to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? ● Students will support each other. ● More capable students will be given more challenging material to work with in order to allow them to be more challenged. The students will be supported by the teacher during independent work. Reflection Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? If not, why? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links Students will be assessed through ICT links - questioning -after-reading activity creating and sharing sentences with new vocabulary Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 12 Unit:6 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives: Value links Explorers and Inventors Number present: absent: 3.R6 understand with considerable support, some specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and some curricular topics 3.S4 respond to questions on a limited range of general and some curricular topics 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud All learners will be able to: know the new vocabulary Most learners will be able to: answer the questions Some learners will be able to: make own sentences with new vocabulary Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 5 min. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. 10 min. Teacher’s activity Write the words from previous lesson on the board. Ask the pupils find the sentences with these words from the text at p79. Words: village, travel. Apollo Differentiation: “memory” is used to identify their memoraziation After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson. «Visual aids» method. Put up the flashcards on the board. Point to the activities and say the corresponding word. Pupils repeat ,after ask pupils. Play the CD. The pupils listen, point to the words and repeat. Aim: to present and activate the new language The pupils read the words and match them to the pictures. Allow Student’s activity Ss give their possible answers. Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Look at the pictures and answer the questions . Ss give their possible answers. Assessment Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Whiteboard Flashcards Pupils Book Total: 2point Descriptor: -can pronounce correctly -give correct answers Total: 1point Exercise4 Read and match Resources Descriptor: -find correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Cd2 Track 01 9 min. 10 min. 8 min End of the lesson. Reflection 5 min. the pupils some time to complete the activity. Aim: to practice the vocabulary Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to complete the sentences with the correct answers and then choose the right picture. Aim: to consolidate the vocabulary Differentiation: «Super Star» method is used to identify the best team. Look at the picture for 2-3 min. Try to remember them. Then name them. Then make examples/sentences with these words Aim: Develop their vocabulary Efficiency: Develop their memory and speaking skills Differentiation: “Monologue” method is used to assess Ss speaking Scramble the word Work with spelling. Words: discover, footprint, rock, diver Aim: develop writing skills and work with spelling Efficiency: Ss write the words and communicate with groupmates. Differentiation: Scramble the word game is used to develop their speaking and writing skills. Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. -read words without mistakes 1 point Exercise 5 Read and complete. Then match. Descriptor: -answer the questions Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point Ss look at the picture and try to remember the vocabulary Make sentences Descriptor: -can name the activity Look at the cards and write the words. Total: 1 point try to put the letter in correct order to make a word. Descriptor: -write without mistakes -read the words correctly -spell them -make sentences 3 points Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use vocabulary to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links By individual support, peer support and tasks The teacher and students will give brief feedback. ICT links Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 13 Unit:6 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives: Value links Plan: Explorers and Inventors Number present: absent: 3.R1 recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.R4 use with some support a simple picture dictionary 3.S3 give short, basic description of people and objects; begin to describe past experiences on a limited range of general and some curricular topics 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud All learners will be able to: understand the grammar Most learners will be able to: answer the questions Some learners will be able to: make a poster and present it to class Respect each other Be friendly Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 5 min. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. 12 min. 9 min. 9 min. 5min Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Revision of previous lessons materials with the help of the teacher. Differentiation: «Flashcards» T asks different cards quickly and ask name what do they see on the card. After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson. 1)Explain the past simple. Go through the study spot section briefly. 2)explain the activity Aim: to present and practice the past simpleregular verbs Explain the activity. The pupils complete the questions. Then they answer the questions about themselves. Then ask individual pupils to report back to the class. Aim: to consolidate the vocabulary Differentiation: «Super Star» method is used to identify the best team. Let’s play. A pupil starts by saying what he played yesterday. The next pupil repeats what the previous said and adds his own. The pupil who forgets what the previous pupils said loses and has to pay a forfeit : sing a song etc. Aim: to consolidate new language Efficiency: Develop their speaking skills Differentiation: “memory” is used to identify their memoraziation Project time. Ask the pupils to draw a simple sketch depicting an action they did yesterday and write a sentence about it. Aim: to consolidate the language of the lesson Efficiency: to develop their speaking and writing skills Ss give their possible answers. Revise vocabulary connected with previous lesson Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Exercise 6 Read and complete Assessment Resources Whiteboard Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Flashcards Pupils Book Total: 2point Descriptor: -can pronounce correctly -give correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point Exercise 7 Complete and answer the questions Descriptor: -find correct answers -answer the questions Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point Exercise 8 Play the game, make sentences using new vocabulary Descriptor: -can name the activity Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2 point Draw the picture, write a sentence Descriptor -make sentences without mistakes 2point Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster End of the lesson. Reflection Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. Individual work: 5 min. Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use past simple to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links By individual support, peer support and tasks Students will be assessed through ICT links Reflection Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? - questioning - grammar exercises Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 14 Unit:6 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Explorers and Inventors Number present: absent: 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud 3.S2 ask questions to find out about present experiences on a limited range of general and some curricular topics Lesson objectives: Value links 3.R1 recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.L3 understand the main points of short, slow, carefully articulated talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics All learners will be able to: distinguish /b/ and /v/ Most learners will be able to: act out the story Some learners will be able to: make a dialogue Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 5 min. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. 10min. 8min. 5 min. Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Cover a flashcard with a piece of paper. Slowly reveal the flashcard and ask the class to guess what it is. Aim: an activity to revise the language of the previous lesson. Ss give their possible answers. Revise vocabulary connected with previous lesson Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Go through the pictures of the story and set the scene by asking the pupils questions about what they can see in the pictures. Play the CD. The pupils listen and follow the story in their books. Aim: to develop the pupils’ listening and reading skills Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to read the story silently and complete the activity. Aim: to develop their reading and writing skills “Thinking cap” Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to read the story silently and complete the activity. Play the CD with pauses for the pupils to repeat. Aim: to develop their listening skills. ‘Differentiation: «Super Star» method is used to identify the best one Assign roles to the pupils. Allow them enough time to rehearse their roles in groups. Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Exercise 9 Listen and read. Resources Whiteboard Flashcards Pupils Book Total: 1point Descriptor: -can pronounce correctly -give correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster CD 2 Track 02 Total: 2point Exercise 10 Read the story again and write yes or no. Descriptor: -give correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 1point Exercise 11 Put the sentences in the right order. Descriptor: -give correct answers Total: 2point Exercise 12 Act out the story. Descriptor: -pronounce sentences, words correctly Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster 5 min 7 min. End of the lesson. Reflection 5 min. Encourage them to act out the story. Aim: develop their speaking skills Efficiency: Develop their speaking skills Differentiation: “Monologue” method is used to assess Ss speaking “Talking point” Refer the pupils to the picture and dialogue. Play the CD. Aim: to consolidate the language of the lesson Efficiency: to develop their speaking and listening skills Differentiation: “Monologue” method is used to assess Ss speaking “Sounds spot!” Point to the letters say the sound. Play the CD. Aim:to learn how to distinguish between and pronounce the sounds /b/ and /v/. Refer the pupils to the picture. Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to complete the missing letters. Ask pupils to read out the sentences. Check their pronunciation and intonation. Aim: to distinguish and pronounce /b/ and /v/ Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. Total: 1point Exercise 13 Listen and read. Make a new dialogue Descriptor: -make sentences correctly 2 points Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. CD 2 Track 03 Exercise 14 Listen, point and repeat. T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job! Well done!” Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. CD 2 Track 04 Exercise 15 Complete. Then listen and read. Descriptor: -write correct answers 2 points Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. CD 2 Track 05 Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use vocabulary to show how much do they remember. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links By individual support, peer support and tasks Students will be assessed through ICT links Reflection Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? - questioning - discussing - pronunciation Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 15 Unit:6 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives: Value links Explorers and Inventors Number present: absent: 3.R1 recognize, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud 3.L3 understand the main points of short, slow, carefully articulated talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics 3.L4 understand a limited range of short supported questions on general and some curricular topics All learners will be able to: understand the difference between regular and irregular verbs Most learners will be able to: make sentences, dialogue Some learners will be able to:understand, make sentence, answer the questions Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 5 min. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. 5min. 10min. 12min. 8 min. Revision of previous lessons materials with the help of the teacher. Differentiation: «Flashcards» T asks different cards quickly and ask name what do they see on the card. After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson. Put up the My calendar poster on the board. Point to the pictures one at a time and say the months. Play the CD. Pupils listen and repeat after it. Aim: to present the new language and activate it. Explain the activity. The pupils read the sentences and say the corresponding answers Aim: to develop their speaking skills “Study spot” Explain that irregular verbs are not formed in the past by adding –ed, instead a different form of the word is used. Aim: to present and practice the past simple Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Play the CD. The pupils listen and complete the activity. Aim: develop their listening and writing skills Efficiency: Develop their listening and writing skills Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing The Ss make their own dialogue Aim: to talk about things that happened in the past Differentiation: “Verbal support” This technique relies on T-S interaction and an ability in the educator to engage Ss in both simple and complex dialogue according to their learning needs Ss give their possible answers. Revise vocabulary connected with previous lesson Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Exercise 16 Listen, point and repeat. Ss answer the questions Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point Descriptor: -can pronounce correctly -give correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster CD 2 Track 06 Total: 2point Exercise 17 Read and say Descriptor: -find correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point Exercise 18 Read and choose the correct answer Descriptor: -give correct answers Total: 2point Exercise 19 What did they do yesterday? Listen and choose. Descriptor: -write correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster CD 2 Track 07 Total: 2point Exercise 20 T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job! Well done!” Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. End of the lesson. Reflection Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. 5 min. Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use vocabulary to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? By individual support, peer support and tasks The teacher will be able to assess how ICT links well the students can speak using studied vocabulary, Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. Reflection Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? Health and safety check ICT links If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 16 Unit:6 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives: Value links Explorers and Inventors Number present: absent: On my last birthday…. 3.R1 recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud 3.L3 understand the main points of short, slow, carefully articulated talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics All learners will be able to: know the names of the month Most learners will be able to: answer the questions Some learners will be able to: talk about their last birthday using irregular verbs Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 5min. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. 10min. 12 min 12 min. Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Ask a pupil to come to the board. Say a verb, ask a pupil to give the past form. Aim: an activity to revise the language of the previous lesson. Ss say the past form of the verbs Revise vocabulary connected with previous lesson Descriptor: -remember the words - can write them. Explain the activity. The pupils read the text and complete the activity. Play the CD. The individual pupils read out the text. Aim: to develop the pupils’ listening and reading skills Explain the usage of object pronouns. Explain the activity. Aim: to develop their reading and writing skills Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing “Portfolio” Ask the pupils to talk about their last birthdays using ex 22 as a model. Aim: to develop their speaking skill Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Exercise 21 Read and complete. Then listen and check. Resources Whiteboard Pupils Book Total: 2point Descriptor: -can pronounce correctly -give correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster CD 2 Track 08 Total: 2point Exercise 22 Read and circle. The pupils circle the correct one. Descriptor: -find correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Total: 2point Then write about your day. Descriptor: -say sentences without mistakes Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point Explain the activity. The pupils, in pairs, ask and answer the questions Aim: to develop their speaking skills Differentiation: verbal support Exercise 24 Answer the questions “Let’s sing” Play the CD Pupils sing a song. Aim: to develop the pupils’ listening skills through a song Efficiency: Ss develop their listening skills. Write the months on the board. Ask the pupils to look at the months for one minute before they close their eyes. Erase a month. Ask the class to Exercise 23 Pupils sing a song as a class. T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job! Well done!” Whiteboard Pupils Book Cards CD2 Track 09 Try to find the missing month T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job! Well done!” Whiteboard Pupils Book Descriptor: -say sentences without mistakes -give correct answers Total: 2point End of the lesson. Reflection tell you which month is missing. Aim: to consolidate vocabulary Differentiation: “memory” is used to identify their memoraziation Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. 6 min. Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use vocabualy to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links Teacher circulates the room constantly offering support to weaker students and encouraging stronger students to think of more complex, abstract thoughts. Reflection The teacher and students will give brief feedback. ICT links Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 17 Unit:6 Teacher’s name: Explorers and Inventors Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives: Value links Number present: absent: Marco Polo 3.R1 recognize, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.S3 give short, basic description of people and objects; begin to describe past experiences on a limited range of general and some curricular topics 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud 3.S6 take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges All learners will be able to: know the vocabulary Most learners will be able to: understand the text Some learners will be able to: answer the questions Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 7 min. 12 min. 10 min Teacher’s activity Revision of previous lessons materials with the help of the teacher. Differentiation: «Flashcards» T asks different cards quickly and ask name what do they see on the card. After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson. Write the name Marco Polo on the board. Ask the pupils what they know about him. Introduce new vocabulary. Go through the pictures of the story and set the scene by asking the pupils questions about what they can see in the pictures. Play the CD. The pupils listen and follow the story in their books. Aim: to talk about Marco Polo Efficiency: Develop their listening skills The pupils put the sentences in the right order without looking at the text. Aim: to develop thinking skills Differentiation: “memory” is used to Student’s activity Ss give their possible answers. Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Assessment Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Resources Whiteboard Flashcards Pupils Book Total: 2point Exercise 25 Listen and read. Marco Polo stayed in China for three years. True or False. Descriptor: -answer the question Exercise 26 Read again and put the sentences in the right order. Descriptor: -give correct answers 2 points Whiteboard Pupils Book CD 2Track 10 Total: 2point Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. 10min. End of the lesson. Reflection identify their memoraziation Say some sentences about MarcoPolo. Ask the pupils to say if they are true or not. Aim: to consolidate the language of the lesson Efficiency: to develop Ss speaking skills and use vocabulary Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. 6 min. Pupils answer the questions Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Descriptor: -give the correct answers 2 point Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use vocabulary to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links Teacher circulates the room constantly offering support to weaker students and encouraging stronger students to think of more complex, abstract thoughts. Reflection Success criteria for reading task ICT links Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Feedback on language Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. Lesson Plan 18 Unit:6 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives:0 Value links Explorers and Inventors Number present: absent: Our world 3.R1 recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud 3.UE12 use adverbs of time and frequency: sometimes, often, always, never to indicate when and how often; begin to use simple adverbs of manner e.g. well, badly All learners will be able to: know the new vocabulary Most learners will be able to: answer the questions Some learners will be able to: make a poster Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 5 min. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. 12 min. 10 min. 8 min Teacher’s activity Ask the pupils to tell what they remember from the text about Marco Polo. Differentiation: “memory” is used to identify their memoraziation After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson. «Thinking cap» method. What is it made of? Metal, wood, plastic? Is it bigger or smaller than normal? Is it heavier or lighter than normal? Aim: to present and practice types of things. Differentiation: “Verbal support” This technique relies on T-S interaction and an ability in the educator to engage Ss in both simple and complex dialogue according to their learning needs. Read the text then make questions and answer them. Aim: to practice lesson language Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Find information about Kazakh inventor. Student’s activity Ss retell the text Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Excises 27 Read then Answer the question Assessment Resources Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Whiteboard Flashcards Pupils Book Total: 2point Descriptor: -answer the questions Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point Exercise 28 Talk with your friend Descriptor: -make questions correctly -read correctly Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point Exercise 29 Descriptor: -make a poster Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. 5min End of the lesson. Reflection This is ….. from Kazakhstan. He/she is the inventor of….. Aim: to talk about their inventions What are they made of? Answer the questions . Aim: to consolidate the language of the lesson. Efficiency: to develop motor skills Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. 5 min. Find a picture of a Kazakh inventor and his invention -find captivating information 2 points Look, read and choose. Descriptor: -choose correct answer Whiteboard Pupils Book Cards Total: 2point Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use vocabulary to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links Teacher circulates the room constantly offering support to weaker students and encouraging stronger students to think of more complex, abstract thoughts. Reflection The teacher and students will give brief feedback. ICT links Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 19 Unit:6 Explorers and Inventors Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Lesson objectives: Value links Number present: absent: Checkpoint 3.R1 recognize, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud All learners will be able to: know vocabulary from the module Most learners will be able to: answer the questions Some learners will be able to: remember all material from the module Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 5 min. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. 12min. Teacher’s activity Revision of previous lessons materials with the help of the teacher. Differentiation: «Flashcards» T asks different cards quickly and ask name what do they see on the card. After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson. The pupils look at the words and match them to the pictures. Aim: to revise the vocabulary from module Student’s activity Ss give their possible answers. Revise vocabulary connected with unit 1 and 2. Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Exercise 1 Look, read and number Assessment Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Resources Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point Descriptor: -can pronounce correctly -give correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point 7 min 8min. 8min. Explain the activity. Read the sentences and underline the correct word in bold Aim: to practice pronouns The pupils read the sentences and complete them with the correct form of the verb Aim: to develop their writing skills Efficiency: Develop their writing skills Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Explain the activity. The pupils read the text and answer the questions Aim: to develop their reading and speaking skills Differentiation: Verbal support Exercise 2 Read and underline Descriptor: -give correct answers Total: 2point Exercise 3 Complete the sentences Descriptor: -find correct answers Total: 2point Exercise 4 Read and answer Descriptor: -give correct answers Total: 2point Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster End of the lesson. Reflection Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. 5 min. Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use vocabulary to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links By individual support, peer support and tasks Students will be assessed through revision exercises: vocabulary, grammar ICT links Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson Plan 20 Unit:6 Teacher’s name: Date: Grade:3 Theme of the lesson: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: Explorers and Inventors Number present: absent: Storytime 3.R1 recognize, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences 3.R2 read and follow with limited support familiar instructions for classroom activities 3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud 3.L3 understand the main points of short, slow, carefully articulated talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics 3.L4 understand a limited range of short supported questions on general and some curricular topics Lesson objectives: Value links All learners will be able to: answer the questions Most learners will be able to: talk about right things Some learners will be able to: write the letter Respect each other Be friendly Plan: Part of the lesson/Time Pre-learning «Brainstorming» method 5 min. Teacher’s activity Revision of previous lessons materials with the help of the teacher. Differentiation: «Flashcards» T asks different cards quickly and ask name what do they see on the card. Middle of the lesson Presentation part. 11min. 12min. 5 min. After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson. Ask Ss to name any famous stories with giants from their country. Put up the picture flashcards on the board. Point to them and name them. After ask question. Play the CD. The pupils listen, point to the pictures and repeat the words . Aim: to present the new language and activate it Efficiency:to listen and read astore from Indonesia. Go through the pictures of the story and set the scene by asking the pupils questions about what they can see in the pictures. Play the CD. The pupils listen and follow the story in their books. Aim: to develop the pupils’ listening and reading skills “Cartoon time” method. T shows a short extract from the cartoon from Kazakstan about giants and asks general questions. Explain the activity. Aim: to discuss and evaluate their understanding of the text. Student’s activity Ss give their possible answers. Revise vocabulary connected with previous module Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. Listen, follow the text in their books. Assessment Descriptor: -remember the words - can name them. Resources Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point Descriptor: -can pronounce correctly -give correct answers Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster CD 2 Track 12 Total: 2point Exercise 1 Listen and read. True or false Descriptor: -find correct answer Total: 2point Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster CD 2 Track 13 Ss watch the cartoon . Answer the T’s questions Descriptor: -find correct answers Total: 1point Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Exercise 2 Read the story and complete sentences Descriptor: -complete sentence correctly Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point 7min End of the lesson. Reflection Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing “Smiles Values” Explain the pupils that we should do the right thing, even when it’s difficult. Hand out the story cards. Ask the pupils to colour them. Explain the pupils that they can use the story cards to make their own story books. Aim: to learn to do right things. Ask the pupils to write a letter to Too-too-moo. Hand out them a model: Dear Too-too-moo. You are very brave. Now you can eat porridge evry day. Take care, love,Asel. Aim: to develop their writing skills Differentiation: practice method is used to assess Ss writing Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers. 5 min. Discuss with each other about right things. Colour the worksheets (teacher’s resource pack cd-rom) T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job! Well done!” Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Write a short letter Descriptor: -write sentences correctly Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster Total: 2point Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use vocabulary to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! Whiteboard Pupils Book Poster. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check ICT links By individual support, peer support and tasks Success criteria for reading task ICT links Feedback on language Reflection Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.