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Civics Project Choice Board: Constitution & Government

N. Brown: American Government/Civics Spring 2018
Final Project Choice Board
100 Test (Summative) Points, 50 for each assignment (roughly %10 of your final grade)
All Assignments Due on the day of your Final Exam:
1st, 4th, 5th Periods: Monday, May 21; 2nd, 6th Periods: Tuesday, May 22; 3rd, 7th Periods: Thursday, May 24
Directions: Choose TWO activities from the choices below. Assignments that can be submitted electronically
can be emailed to norman_a_brown@dekalbschoolsga.org , be sure to include your name and final project in
the subject of the email.
***Note*** Some assignments cannot be turned in electronically. These assignments should be typed (handwritten assignments will not be graded).
Create a poster (can be
construction paper size) of one
article in the Constitution.
Provide a visual representation
of the article’s main idea, a title,
and at least three supporting
details of the article.
Create a fictional story that
shows what the U.S. would look
like if the constitution did not
exist. You may research other
countries who do not have a
constitution to help write your
story. Story must be at least 3
Create a PowerPoint
presentation which will explain
3 of the 7 articles of the
Constitution and its importance
to the government.
Create a directory (name, email
address or website, and brief
job description) for the
following political leaders of GA.
1. Governor
2. Mayor of Atlanta
3. 4th District Representative
4. 5th District Representative
5. 2 GA Senators
11th Circuit Federal Appeals
Court (choose 1 Judge)
For each of the 2 major
Compose a list of 3 questions
American political parties,
you would like to ask President
create a chart showing their
Trump about the constitution
current leaders, their stances on and his role as President.
at least 5 major issues, and how Answer each question in a least
each party was formed.
a paragraph from the
perspective of the President.
How does the U.S. Constitution affect us
today? Create a visual collage of at least 5
visuals, different ways the Constitution
affects us. Provide a two paragraph
explanation of your collage. Attach the
explanation to your collage
Create a classified ad for each of the
following 4 positions:
1. U.S. Representative
2. Senator
3. Supreme Court Justice
4. President
Must include qualifications needed for
each position, as well as duties and
compensation (pay).
Find and collect at least 3 newspaper
articles which shows how the Constitution
affects us today. Write a paragraph for
each article explaining the main idea of
each article and how it relates to the
constitution/or how it affects us.
Bonus Opportunities: ***10 Bonus points if you turn in your project at least 1 day before your due date***
*** You may choose a 3rd activity for a bonus 50 points***
***USA TestPrep Assignment: up to 30 Quiz/30 Test Points***