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Unikalne ćwiczenia Natachy Oceane - lista

Unique Exercises That Frequent Natacha Oceane’s Guides
★ Click on each exercise name to view a video demonstration.
Alternating Lateral Taps
Box High Knee Drives
Double Kettlebell Swing
Drop Squat w/ Extension
Dynamic High Knees
Extended Ball Slams
1/2 Kang Squat
Kettlebell Pull-Throughs
Leaning Landmine Lunge w/ Knee Drive
Lunge Box Jumps
Lying Resistance Band Extensions
Open-Leg Lunges
Pike Sit-Ups
Reverse Deadlifts
Rocket Jumps (clip 2) (optional: resistance band)
Dumbbell Rotational Shoulder Press (clip 3)
Side Jump Squats (optional: adding a weight)
Squat Shifts
Squat Sweep (optional: adding a curtsy)
Squat Thrusts
Squat w/ Hip Rotation
Tuck Lever