Journal of Journal of Banking & Finance 19 (1995) 117-129 Futures trading, information and spot price volatility: evidence for the FTSE-100 Stock Index Futures contract using GARCH Antonios Antoniou a,*, Phil Holmes aab a Centre for Empirical Research in Finance (CERF), Department of Economics, Brunei, The University of West London, London, UK b Department of Economics, University of Durham, Durham, UK Received October 1992; final version receivedApril 1993 Abstract This paper examines the impact of trading in the FTSE-100 Stock Index Futures on the volatility of the underlying spot market. To examine the relationship between information and volatility (as subject neglected in previous studies) the GARCH family of techniques is used. The results suggest that futures trading has led to increased volatility, but that the nature of volatility has not changed post-futures. The finding of price changes being integrated pre-futures, but being stationary post-futures, implies that the introduction of futures has improved the speed and quality of information flowing to the spot market. Keywords: Futures; Information; JEL classification: Volatility; Speculation; GARCH G14; Gl; G15 1. Introduction Almost has been since futures concern about trading began the impact at the Chicago of futures Board of Trade on the underlying in 1865 there spot market. A * Corresponding author. The authors gratefully acknowledge A. Damell, A. Foster, I. Garrett, J. Hunter and J Rougier and two anonymous referees for helpful comments. We would also like to thank G. Constantinides and A. Malliaris for fruitful discussions. The usual disclaimer applies. 0378-4266/95/%09.50 0 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved SSDI 0378-4266(94)00059-X 118 A. Antoniou, P. Holmes/Journal of Banking & Finance 19 (1995) 117-129 major reason for this is the belief among market participants that speculators in futures markets destabilise spot prices. In addition to generating much theoretical discussion, the issue has attracted considerable empirical analysis and received the repeated attention of policymakers. This close scrutiny led to futures markets in the USA being subject to substantial regulation (including, for example, the prohibition of trading in onion futures). In spite of the volume of research and the long history of conflict concerning whether futures stabilise or destabilise cash markets, futures trading is still viewed with suspicion by spot market participants and policymakers alike. For example, program and futures trading were blamed by some for the stock market crash of October 1987, leading to suggestions that futures trading should be further regulated, including, for example, higher margins. Further regulation may impact negatively on the operation of financial markets and on economic welfare. Hence, it is important to consider whether such action is desirable. While much research has been undertaken on the stabilisation-destabilisation question, there are problems associated with this work. Firstly, most studies relate to commodity rather than financial futures. Clearly this is expected given the relatively short time for which financial futures have been traded. However, financial futures are being questioned in relation to the 1987 crash. Secondly, that work undertaken on financial futures relates to the USA, rather than the UK. Finally, the implications of previous studies for regulation are not as clear-cut as some authors suggest. In particular, we shall argue that both the theoretical debate and empirical testing fail to recognise the link between information and volatility, leading to inappropriate policy implications. This paper addresses these shortcomings by examining the impact of futures trading on the FTSE-100 stock index, following its introduction in May 1984, utilising the Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (GARCH) family of statistical techniques. These techniques avoid methodological problems encountered in previous studies (to be discussed in Section 3) and enable the link between information and volatility to be examined. The paper proceeds as follows. The next section examines the theoretical debate concerning the impact of futures trading. This is followed by a review of previous empirical studies, highlighting the methodologies used and results obtained. Empirical analysis relating to the impact of futures trading in the FISE-100 stock index follows: the methodology adopted, data used and results are set out. The final section provides conclusions and a summary. 2. The theoretical debate Concern over the impact of speculators on price volatility predates futures trading. For example, John Stuart Mill, in discussing the progress of society argues that: A. Antonioy P. Holmes/Journal of Banking & Finance 19 (1995) 117-129 119 “The safety and cheapness of communications, which enable a deficiency in one place to be supplied from the surplus of another . . . render the fluctuations of prices much less extreme than formerly.. . This effect is much promoted by the existence of . . . speculative merchants. . . [T]he tendency of this operation [by speculators] is to equalise price, or at least to moderate its inequalities. . . Speculators, therefore, have a highly useful office in the economy of society” (1871, pp. 276-277). Discussion of the impact of speculators intensified with the arrival of futures trading, due to futures encouraging speculation. Indeed, speculators are required to enable hedgers to transfer risks. Further, futures and spot prices are closely related, yet futures trading imposes fewer costs than spot trading, making futures attractive to speculators. The opposing views on the impact of speculators are discussed by Kaldor (1960, chapter l), and Friedman (1953). Kaldor, in line with Mill, points out that traditionally speculation was viewed as a process which evens out price fluctuations. The idea that speculation might increase price fluctuations was not considered in the traditional view, since this requires that speculative activity results in losses: selling when prices are low and buying when high. However, Kaldor argues that this implies that speculative demand or supply is only a small part of total demand or supply. If this is not true, it may be more profitable for individual speculators to forecast the psychology of other speculators, rather than the trend of the non-speculative elements. Thus, argues Kaldor, speculation may produce a net loss, with some speculators gaining, and at the same time destabilise the market. While Friedman (1953) accepts this, he argues that while speculators may lose money, it is hard to see why there is any presumption that they will. For Friedman the presumption should be the opposite. The debate about speculators and the impact of futures on spot price volatility suggests that increased volatility is undesirable and reductions in volatility are desirable. However, this is misleading as it fails to recognise the link between information and volatility. Prices depend on the information currently available in a market. As Cox (1976) argues, futures trading can alter the available information for two reasons. First, futures attract additional traders to a market. Second, as transaction costs in the futures market are lower than those in the spot market, new information may be transmitted to the spot market more quickly. ’ The issue to be addressed, then, is one of how the rate of information flow relates to spot price volatility. This issue is addressed at the theoretical level by Ross (1989). Ross assumes that there exists an economy that is devoid of arbitrage and proceeds to provide a condition under which the no-arbitrage situation will be ’ Evidence on lead-lag relationships between stock and stock index futures prices certainly suggests that new information is incorporated in futures prices first. See, inter alia, Kawaller et al. (1987) and Chan (1992). 120 A. Antonioy P. Holmes /Journal of Banking & Finance 19 (I 995) I 17-129 sustained. He begins by assuming that asset prices are a martingale represented by the following differential equation: and can be dp - = ppdt + mPdzp P where p is the asset price with mean pP, standard deviation up and z N N(O,l). Further, by assuming that prices are determined by a pricing standard, q, as in an asset pricing framework for example, Ross (1989, p. 5, theorem 1) demonstrates that expected returns will satisfy the following security market line expression: -cov(p,q) PJJ-” (2) where r is the risk free rate of interest. information evolves according to: In a similar fashion, Ross assumes that ds = psdt + usdz, S By imposing a terminal condition that at some future point in time, call this T, the asset price will be such that p(T) = s(T), the following pricing relationship holds: from which Ross obtains the following dp _=__ P Substituting differential equation: ds [ us - r + cov( q,s)]dt s Eqs. (1) and (3) into (5) yields: Cl.,dt + apdzp = [r - cov( q,s)]dt Using Eq. (2) in (6) and rearranging, + u,dz, (6) we obtain: uPdz, = u,dz, (7) and therefore (Ross, 1989, p. 8, theorem 2): UP = u s (8) Eq. (8) is Ross’s condition for no arbitrage, and implies that the variance of price change will be equal to the rate (or variance) of information flow. The implication of this is that the volatility of the asset price will increase as the rate of information flow increases. If this is not the case, arbitrage opportunities will be available. It follows, therefore, that if futures increase the flow of information, then in the absence of arbitrage opportunities the volatility of the spot price must change. Whether or not this actually happens is ultimately an empirical question and we address this issue in the subsequent sections of the paper. A. Antoniou, P. Holmes/Journal of Banking & Finance 19 (1995) I 17-129 121 3. Previous empirical studies ’ The general approach adopted in the literature is to examine spot price volatility prior to the onset of futures trading and to compare this with spot price volatility post-futures. In analysing the behaviour of volatility pre- and post-futures it is necessary to isolate influences not due to futures trading so that the impact futures trading makes can be assessed more readily. This is typically achieved through the inclusion of a proxy variable for which there is no related futures contract. Having isolated “market-wide” movements, the impact of futures trading is then captured by the introduction of a dummy variable. Such a model is represented by the following regression equation: y, = a0+ qX, + a2DF + u, where Y, is a constructed measure of volatility for the spot market under investigation, X, is a proxy variable to capture “market-wide” volatility, that is, volatility unrelated to the onset of trading in a futures contract on the spot asset under investigation, and DF is a dummy variable taking on the value 0 pre-futures and 1 post-futures. If the futures dummy is statistically significant, then futures trading has an impact on the volatility of the underlying spot market. Research on the impact of financial futures has tended to be concentrated on two financial instruments: the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) certificates in the US, and stock index futures (again, predominantly in the US>. 3.1. GNMA futures Froewiss (1978) uses regression analysis to examine the variability of GNMA prices relative to that of bond prices and finds no change after the introduction of futures. Froewiss concludes that weekly spot price volatility has not been altered by the introduction of futures. In contrast, Figlewski (1981) concludes that futures trading in GNMA securities led to increased monthly price volatility. Simpson and Ireland (1982) use regression analysis and a multivariate time series model with an intervention term to analyse the impact of futures for daily and weekly price changes. Their results suggest that futures did not affect spot price volatility either on a daily or a weekly basis. Intervention analysis is appropriate for examining the impact of futures according to Corgel and Gay (1984) as it allows a direct focus on the dynamic characteristics of the response to the introduction of futures. Their results are in line with Froewiss (1978). ’ This review is not meant to be exhaustive. Rather, it seeks to identify the most important work in this area to date, together with the main techniques used to address the issue. The review, therefore, is confined to empirical work relating to financial futures. 122 A. Antoniou, P. Holmes/Journal of Banking & Finance I9 (1995) I1 7-129 Moriarty and Tosini (1985) use the same volatility measure and regression model employed by Figlewski (1981) to examine the validity of his results. They extend the period analysed and in contrast to Figlewski (whose findings they refer to as “unique in the futures literature”) their results suggest that the introduction of GNMA futures did not cause cash market volatility to increase. They conclude that the strength and significance of price relationships between cash and futures markets depend critically on the sub-period analysed. The influence of futures volatility on spot volatility is examined by Bhattacharya et al. (1986) using Granger’s methodology for testing for causality. While they suggest that futures volatility has some causal influence on cash volatility, they do not say whether futures have stabilised or destabilised the spot market. 3.2. Stock index futures Edwards (1988a, b) examines stock market volatility before and after the introduction of futures, and finds that it decreased post-futures for the S&P 500, but finds no significant difference for the Value Line index. Aggarwal(1988) finds that while the post-futures period is more volatile, this is true for all markets and hence stock index futures may not be the primary cause of this increase in volatility. Similarly, Harris (1989) argues that support for the hypothesis that trade in index futures increases cash market volatility is circumstantial. Harris believes that other index-related phenomena, such as the growth in foreign ownership of American equities and the growth in index funds, could account for the changes. The frequency of jumps in daily stock returns is analysed by Becketti and Roberts (1990) who conclude that stock market volatility is not related to either the existence of, or the level of activity in, the stock index futures market. Brorsen (1991) tests for homogeneity of variance for time periods before and after futures and finds that while the variances of daily price changes are significantly different, the variances of 5- and 20-day price changes are not. To conclude this section, it is evident that the majority of studies discussed above conclude that futures have had no discernible impact on spot price volatility. For those studies that do find an impact, however, there is no decisive evidence to suggest that futures either stabilise or destabilise the underlying spot market. 4. Methodology, data and results 4.1. Methodology As discussed in the previous section, there is disagreement first on whether futures actually have any impact on spot market volatility and second on whether this impact (if any) stabilises or destabilises the underlying spot market. The A. Antoniou, P. Holmes/Journal of Banking & Finance 19 (1995) 117-129 123 source of this disagreement lies mainly in the constructed measures of volatility used, for as Board and Sutcliffe (1991) show, studies of volatility are sensitive to the measure of volatility that is used. In addition, studies based on constructed volatility measures implicitly assume that price changes in spot markets are serially uncorrelated and homoskedastic. However, findings of heteroskedasticity in stock returns are well documented (see inter alia Mandelbrot, 1963; Fama, 1965; and the review in Bollerslev et al., 1992). Inferences drawn from studies failing to control for such dependence are therefore unreliable. Thus, while observed differences in volatility may be due to the introduction of futures, they may simply be the result of return dependence. Thus, the time period investigated may significantly alter the results (see Moriarty and Tosini, 1985). More importantly, however, previous studies fail to make the connection between information and volatility explicit. This connection is an important one for, as demonstrated in Eq. (8), any change in the rate of information flow will change the volatility of the price of the spot asset. Therefore, unless information remains constant, volatility must be time varying, euen on a daily basis. A natural way to capture the time varying nature of volatility is to model the conditional variance as a GARCH process (Engle, 1982; Bollerslev, 1986; Engle and Bollerslev, 1986). In contrast to the estimation of regression equations such as Eq. (9) by OLS, which requires the error term to be homoscedastic, GARCH models the conditional variance of the error term as a linear function of the lagged squared residuals and the lagged residual conditional variance. The advantage of a GARCH model is that it captures the tendency in financial data for volatility clustering. A model with errors that follow a GARCH ( p,q) process is represented as: Y,=a,+a,X,+e,, i= E,I!P-:_l-N(O,h,) ( IOa) (lob) I j=l where (lOa) is the conditional mean equation and (lob) is the conditional variance equation. !Pt ~ I is the information set. For a GARCH process to be well-defined it is necessary that both (Y~and p, are non-negative. Engle and Bollerslev (1986) put forward the integrated GARCH (I-GARCH) as an extension of the GARCH model. With I-GARCH the model specification is characterised by non-stationary variables, such that any shock to the variance of a process is permanent. For a process to be identified as I-GARCH the parameters (Y; and pi in Eq. (lob) must together sum to unity. This implies the presence of an approximate unit root in the autoregressive polynomial. Where an approximate unit root is present, current information remains important for forecasts of the conditional variances for all horizons. In analysing the relationship between information, spot price volatility and the impact of futures trading, there are two issues that need to be addressed. First, 124 A. Antoniou, P. Holmes/Journal of Banking & Finance 19 (1995) 117-129 does the existence of futures trading in itself have any effect on volatility? Second, and perhaps more important, if the existence of futures trading does affect volatility, how does it, that is, what is the relationship between information and volatility following the onset of futures trading? To address the first issue, we augment the conditional variance equation with a dummy variable taking on the value zero pre-futures and one post-futures. Thus, (lob) becomes: h, = CY”+ i i=l cxi& + i Pjhlpj + yDF (11) j=l where DF is the dummy variable. If the dummy is statistically significant then the existence of futures trading has had an impact on spot market volatility. To address the second issue, the period under investigation is partitioned into two sub-periods relating to before and after futures trading began. GARCH models of the form (lOa) and (lob) are estimated for both sub-periods, thereby allowing a comparison of the nature of volatility before and after the onset of futures trading. 4.2. Data Daily closing price indices for the period November 1980 to October 1991 are used. The FTSE-100 stock index was introduced in 1984 to support the futures contract on its introduction. Hence, a proxy for the FTSE-100 index had to be used to allow comparison of pre- and post-futures periods. The candidates are the FT All Share index, the FT 500 index and the FT 30 index. The construction of the FT 30 is different from that of the FTSE-100. Hence, its use is inappropriate. Since the non-synchronous trading problem is most severe for the FT All Share index and the correlation coefficient between it and the FTSE-100 is lower than that for the FT 500 and the FTSE-100, the FT 500 is used. As stated in the previous section it is necessary to remove market-wide influences on spot price changes by incorporating a proxy variable in the mean equation. None of the FT share indexes are suitable for this purpose since they are all highly correlated with the FTSE-100 and it is necessary to have a proxy which is not associated with a futures contract. Therefore, to capture market-wide influences on price volatility the index on the Unlisted Securities Market (USM), provided by Datastream, is used. After excluding non-trading days the daily time series consists of 2709 observations: 883 relate to the period prior to the introduction of futures and 1826 to the period post-futures. 4.3. Results As shown in Table 1 the standard deviation of daily price changes for the FT 500 is higher for the post-futures period. In contrast, that for the USM index is lower for this period. Hence, while volatility in the market without futures is lower A. Antoniou, P. Holmes/Journal of Banking & Finance 19 (1995) I1 7-129 Table 1 Means and standard deviations of first differences November 1980-October 1991 125 of the log of the FT 500 and the USM indexes, Period a n FT500 Mean Standard Deviation Mean Standard Deviation 1980-1991 1980-May 1984 May 1984-1991 2709 883 1826 0.00054 0.00072 0.00045 0.00950 0.00935 0.00958 -0.00011 0.00008 -0.00019 0.01129 0.01376 0.00987 a Excluding Bank Holidays USM and other non-trading days. in the later period, the volatility of the spot market underlying the futures contract has increased on the basis of this measure. However, inferences cannot be drawn from these figures and further investigation is required. GARCH (p,q) equations, as shown below, are estimated for all combinations of p = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and q = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. R;=a,+a,R;+r,, h, = (Y,, + i i=l E, I9,_1 -N(O,h,) c&i + i fijh,_j + yDF ( =a) ( 12b) j=l where Rf is the daily change in log prices for the FT 500 index, Ry is the daily change in log prices for the USM index and DF is a dummy with value 0 for the pre-futures period and 1 for the post-futures period. Log likelihood ratio tests indicate that GARCH (1,l) is the most parsimonious representation of the variance for all periods considered. ’ Table 2 shows the equations estimated and results for the whole period. The model is estimated with and without a dummy for the October 1987 crash in the mean equation (12a). In addition, a dummy for Big Bang was included, but found to be insignificantly different from zero. It was therefore excluded from the final estimations. All parameters included are statistically significant at the 5% level. The positive coefficient on the futures dummy suggests that the onset of futures trading resulted in increased spot price volatility. While spot price volatility may have increased as a result of the onset of futures trading, the analysis thus far does not enable us to examine the reason for this change. Table 3 reports results for the sub-periods. The post-futures model is estimated with and without a dummy relating to the crash. For both pre- and post-futures trading the GARCH parameters are significantly different from zero at the 5% level, with the exception of the constant term pre-futures. The increased volatility suggested in Table 2 is investigated further by examining the behaviour of the parameters in the GARCH equations for the two sub-periods. 3 In the interests of brevity, these results are not reported here. They are available upon request. from the authors 126 A. Antoniou, P. Holmes/Journal of Banking & Finance 19 (1995) 117-129 Table 2 R: = a0 + a,R: + a2 DC + E, h,=(Yg+(Y1e:_,+Plh,-l+yDF where DC is a dummy taking on the value 1 for the period around the 1987 stock market crash, and zero otherwise. a0 01 a2 a0 aI PI Y 0.7750 a (5.32) 0.963 a (6.52) 0.3384 (25.70) 0.3276 (25.30) _ 0.3969 b (5.49) 0.4350 b (5.56) 0.0862 0.8423 (54.97) 0.8190 (50.57) 0.1070 b (2.70) 0.1171 b (2.39) - 0.0504 (-43.15) (9.44) 0.0991 (13.13) n = 2709 a Coefficients multiplied by lo3 for readability. b Coefficients multiplied by lo5 for readability. All parameters are statistically significant at the 5% level. Figures in parentheses are t-statistics. The first point to note in comparing results for before and after the onset of futures trading is that the onset of futures has not led to a change in the nature of volatility. For the periods before and after the onset of futures trading a GARCH (1,l) representation is the most appropriate form of the model. The large increase in LX,-,post-futures (indeed (Ye is not significantly different from zero pre-futures) together with the changes in cxl and PI indicate that there has been an increase in the unconditional variance. The unconditional variance, given by cu,/(l - (YePI), is 0.0000543 pre-futures and 0.0000787 post-futures (0.0000732 with the crash dummy). This is consistent with more information being transmitted to the market as a result of the onset of futures trading. Similarly, the value of (Ye has increased post-futures, again suggesting an increase in volatility. (Ye is the coefficient relating to the lagged squared error Table 3 Ri = a, + a,R: + a,D, + E, h,=crO+cxIe:_,+&h,-l Pre-futures n = 883 Post-futures n = 1826 Post-futures n = 1826 a0 aI 0.642 a (2.58) 0.842 a (4.53) 0.778 a (4.01) 0.4082 (23.62) 0.2107 (7.83) 0.1839 (7.46) Augmented Dickey-Fuller statistics: Pre-futures - 3.33. Post-futures (without 0,) - 10.56. Post-futures (with 0,) - 7.75. Definitions and footnotes as in Table 2. a2 -0.0337 (- 23.57) % a/ PI 0.1151 a (1.48) 0.6481 b (6.73) 0.5662 a (5.65) 0.0404 (2.73) 0.1178 (7.49) 0.1177 (9.07) 0.9384 (38.31) 0.7999 (39.34) 0.8050 (38.46) A. Antoniou, P. Holmes/Journal of Banking & Finance 19 (1995) 117-129 121 term. In the context of this analysis the lagged error term relates to changes in the spot price on the previous day which are attributable to market-specific factors, i.e. non-market-wide factors. Assuming that markets are efficient, then these price changes are due to the airival in the market of items of information which are specific to the pricing of the FT 500. Hence, crl relates to the impact of yesterday’s market-specific price changes on price changes today. Given that this relates to the arrival of information yesterday, cri can thus be viewed as a “news” coefficient, with a higher value implying that recent news has a greater impact on price changes. Thus the increase in (Ye post futures suggests that information is being impounded in prices more quickly due to the introduction of futures trading. Just as (Y, reflects the impact of recent news, p, can be thought of as reflecting the impact of “old news”. p1 is the coefficient on the lagged variance term and as such is picking up the impact of price changes relating to days prior to the previous day and thus to news which arrived before yesterday. The increase in the rate of information flows to be anticipated from the onset of futures trading is expected to lead to a reduction in uncertainty regarding previous news. This in turn will lead to a fall in the persistence of information. In other words, “old news” will have less impact on today’s price changes. This view is confirmed by the fall in the value of p1 post-futures. This conclusion is given further support by the fact that the pre-futures model is a candidate for I-GARCH, whereas the post-futures model is not obviously so. Pre-futures (Y, and p, sum to 0.98, compared to 0.92 post-futures. ADF tests were carried out to test for I-GARCH and reveal that while the pre-futures sample is integrated at the 1% level, the post-futures model is stationary. Thus the persistence of shocks decreased since the onset of derivative trading. To illustrate the impact of futures trading on the rate at which information is incorporated into spot prices, consider a shock of 3 standard deviations to the volatility of the spot market, where the standard deviation used is that of the pre-futures series. Fig. 1 plots the effect of the shock to both the pre- and post-futures periods. It is clear that the immediate impact of the shock is much greater and less persistent in the post-futures period than in the pre-futures period. This reaction is entirely consistent with the results discussed above. All the findings regarding changes in GARCH parameters suggest that the spot market is more volatile post-futures, but that this is the result of an increase in the rate of flow of information to the market. These results are consistent with the theoretical arguments of Ross (1989) and the view that futures trading increases the flow of information to the spot market. 5. Summary and conclusions There has long been a debate on the impact of speculation on price volatility. While this debate preceded the introduction of futures, trading in derivative securities intensified concern over the role of speculators. Previous studies sought to examine the impact of futures by modelling the volatility of prices for periods 128 A. Antoniou, P. Holmes/Journal 0 .QO 1 Before . , 5 . of Banking & Finance 19 (I 995) I I 7-129 . . , 10 Time (Trading fifter Fig. 1. Effect of a 3 SD. shock on spot price volatility “‘7 .-.::... .......i .......~_ ._......_ ___._ 15 20 Days) i before and after the onset of futures trading. before and after the introduction of futures. However, these studies largely ignored the interdependence of the time series of returns in speculative markets, i.e. large changes in prices are followed by large changes, and small by small. For this reason it is more appropriate to analyse volatility using GARCH which allows for time varying variance in a process. More importantly, previous studies largely ignored the relationship between information and volatility. Thus increasing volatility has been seen as a “bad thing” and the fact that it may be a direct result of an increase in the rate of flow of information has not previously been acknowledged. Hence, previous studies have failed to distinguish between message and messenger. The results presented here for the impact of trading in the FISE-100 index futures contract suggest there has been an impact on spot price volatility. In particular, the variance of price changes pre-futures was integrated, suggesting shocks (i.e. items of news> have a permanent effect on price changes, whereas the post-futures sample is stationary. The results suggest that futures trading improves the quality and speed of information flowing to spot markets. This is confirmed by the increase in the news coefficient (a,) of the GARCH equation and the reduction in the persistence coefficient ( &). Hence the evidence suggests that there has been an increase in spot price volatility on a daily basis, but that this is due to increased information in the market and not to speculators having adverse destabilising effects. Indeed, this increased volatility appears to be the result of futures trading expanding the routes over which information can be conveyed to the market. A. Antoniou, P. 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