Uploaded by Teresa Scott

Student Vision: Irresistible Invitation to Learn

The Irresistible Invitation to Learn
I want our students to:
Be local, global and environmentally aware citizens
Embrace diversity of culture, beliefs, interests and abilities
Recognise their own uniqueness and respect the uniqueness of others
Be focused on their learning potential
Do their best and know that they deserve the best
Be proud of their own achievements
Know how to set goals and know how to achieve them
I want our students to demonstrate:
Passion, perception and a thirst for their futures
Understanding in real life contexts
Integrity by ‘doing the right’ thing even when no one is looking; meaning what they say
and saying what they mean; standing up for what they feel is right and being their own leaders
That they are motivated to become lifelong learners
I want our students to be excited:
By their learning abilities: with their talents developed
About their learning experiences
About being able to take full advantage of their next stage, or pathway, in their learning
I want our students to have amazing futures:
For which they are fully prepared
About which they are enthusiastic
Filled with challenges to be embraced, opportunities to be seized and technology that
they are confident about using
Because it’s all about our children