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Project Proposal Template: Outline & Content Guide

Project proposal content
Project overview (Project Profile)
Project Summary
1.1. Background of the project
1.2. Statement of the problems
1.3. Justification of the project
1.4. Problem tree analysis
1.5. Stakeholder analysis
1.6 Organizational Capacity Assessment
1.6.1 .SWOT Analysis
2. The Ultimate goal of the project
2.1 General Objectives of the Project
2.2 Specific Objectives
2.3 Strategies to implement the project
3. Project planning framework or logical framework
3.1 Component and Structure of the project
3.2. Project Activities
3.3. Project Beneficiaries
4. Resources and budget needed for the project
5. Implementation timeline
6. Monitoring and Evaluation of the project
7. Sustainability of the project
8. Project budget