Uploaded by WESLEY CHIN

In-Flight Engine Shutdown Checklist

In-Flight Engine Shutdown Demonstration (above 4000 feet)
 Turn off fuel selector on left engine
 Maintain directional control
 Mixture: full rich
 Props: full forward
 Throttles: full forward
 Flaps Up/ Gear Up
 Identify – Dead foot, dead engine
 Verify – close throttle on inoperative engine (this should not change performance of
the aircraft)
Perform Troubleshooting Checklist (Floor to door check – checklist should be used,
the following outlines the general steps taken at this time)
 Fuel Selectors: on
 Carb heat: on
 Primers: locked
 Throttles: open 1”
 Fuel pumps: on
 Magnetos: on
(at this point, the inoperative engine should be feathered, and the mixture of the
inoperative engine should by turned off)
Perform Secure Engine Checklist (checklist should be used, the following
outlines the general steps taken at this time)
Inoperative Engine Only:
 Throttles: closed
 Props: feathered
 Mixture: idle cut off
 Magnetos: off
 Fuel Pump: off
 Alternator: off
 Fuel selector: off
Perform Air Re-start Checklist (checklist should be used, the following outlines the
general steps taken at this time)
Inoperative Engine Only:
 Throttle: closed
 Fuel Selector: on
 Carb Heat: off
 Magnetos: on
 Fuel pump: on
 Mixture: full rich
 Alternator: on
 Pitch plane for airspeed (100-120 knots)
 Prop: full forward
 Throttle: ¼” open
If prop does not begin to windmill – engage starter for 2 seconds
When engine begins to run: increase throttle to 15”
Cruise configuration