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Networking Activity: Building Relationships & Elevator Pitches

“It’s not what you know but who you know.” Let’s fix this
“It’s not JUST what you know but who you know.”
"Networking is building relationships before you need them. Then when you need them, you will know
whom to call and s/he will want to help you.
Meet with 4 different people.
With each interaction you will have 5 minutes to:
1.) Greet each other, check in, “How are you? How is your day? How are you feeling right now? Etc”
2.) Then, each of you share one quick unique thing about you that people probably don’t know but
would help them understand who you are?
3.) Next, talk about your first impressions of each other when you first joined this class. What are
THREE words that you would use to describe your partner upon FIRST IMPRESSION
4.) Then, share with each other how that impression has changed or evolved since being in class
together. Come up with TWO words that would describe how you see that person now.
5.) Finally, share your Elevator Pitch with each other and give feedback.