МІНІСТЕРСТВО ОСВІТИ І НАУКИ УКРАЇНИ ОДЕСЬКИЙ НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ МОРСЬКИЙ УНІВЕРСИТЕТ Кафедра «Філологія» Методичні вказівки (частина 1) для самостійної роботи студентів з дисципліни «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)» для студентів спеціальності 271 «Річковий та морський транспорт» (Освітня програма «Експлуатація суднових енергетичних установок») денної та заочної форм навчання Одеса - 2021 2 Методичні вказівки підготували Лелет Ірина Олександрівна – доцент ОНМУ, доцент кафедри “Філологія” Одеського національного морського університету та Шерстюк Ольга Ігорівна – к.т.н., доцент, доцент кафедри «Філологія» Одеського національного морського університету Методичні вказівки ухвалені кафедрою «Філологія» ОНМУ “27” серпня 2021 року (протокол № 1) Рецензенти: к.пед.н., доц. Маслова С.Я. (кафедра «Філологія», Одеський національний морський університет) к.ф.н., ст. викл. Серебрякова В.В. (кафедра «Філологія», Одеський національний морський університет) Методичні вказівки містять практичний матеріал з дисципліни «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)», який можна використовувати на у процесі самостійної роботи. Вказівки розраховані на студентів спеціальності «Річковий та морський транспорт» (ОП “Експлуатація суднових енергетичних установок”) денної та заочної форми навчання. Мета вказівок - допомогти студентам у підготовці до практичних занять, сприяти засвоєнню навичок та вмінь усного мовлення та самостійного читання спеціальної літератури. 3 ЗМІСТ ПЕРЕДМОВА…………………………………………………….................….....4 Тема 1. Головні частини дизельного двигуна. The Main Parts of a Diesel Engine. Яку роботу виконують головні частини двигуна. What Work the Parts of an Engine Perform. ……………………………..................................................5 Тема 2. Як працює дизельний двигун. How a Diesel Engine Works......................................................................................................................7 Тема 3. Робота двохтактного двигуна. The Work of a Two-Stroke Engine.....................................................................................................................9 Тема 4. Зарядження. Supercharging. Вприскування палива. Fuel Injection...................................................................................................................11 Тема 5. Спалювання. Combustion.........................................................................14 Тема 6. Змазка. Lubrication...................................................................................16 Рекомендована література....................................................................................19 4 ПЕРЕДМОВА «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)» є складовою частиною дисциплін циклу професійної підготовки спеціальності 271 «Річковий та морський транспорт» (ОП “Експлуатація суднових енергетичних установок”). Методична розробка складається з 6 розділів, які містять різноманітні тексти та вправи галузі суднової енергетики: презентація нової лексики (термінологічного словника); підбір лексичних відповідностей в двох мовах; переклад групи слів, словосполучень та речень у двох мовах. В результаті освоєння даного теоретичного матеріалу студент повинен знати широкий діапазон словникового запасу (у тому числі термінології), що є необхідним в академічній та професійній сферах, а саме технічні характеристики дизельної пропульсивної установки, елементи паливної системи, систему змащення, систему охолодження, системи охолодження двигуна та їх типи, різноманітні допоміжні механізми тощо;; - аналізувати англомовні джерела інформації. Методичні вказівки для самостійної роботи з дисципліни «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)» допоможуть студентам вільно орієнтуватися та доречно користуватися термінологією із суднової енергетики та вдосконалювати англомовну комунікативну компетентність майбутніх морських інженерів у професійно орієнтованому спілкуванні. 5 ТЕМА 1. ГОЛОВНІ ЧАСТИНИ ДИЗЕЛЬНОГО ДВИГУНА. THE MAIN PARTS OF A DIESEL ENGINE. ЯКУ РОБОТУ ВИКОНУЮТЬ ГОЛОВНІ ЧАСТИНИ ДВИГУНА. WHAT WORK THE PARTS OF AN ENGINE PERFORM Vocabulary divide ділити structural конструкційний moving рухомий frame рама include включати cylinder block блок циліндрів crankcase картер bedplate станина sump піддон end plate торцева кришка support підтримувати cylinder liner втулка циліндра cylinder head кришка циліндра cylinder block блок циліндра house розміщувати main bearing головний, корінний підшипник essential суттєвий, важливий structure конструкція depending upon залежно від attach прикріплювати remote дистанційний flat плоский steel сталь add приєднувати; додавати rigidity жорстко surface поверхня especially особливо access openings отвір для огляду, доступу connecting rod шатун various різні cover кришка secure закріпити, зафіксувати hand wheel ручний маховик fit встановлювати gasket прокладка dirt бруд cylinder assembly складання циліндра stud шпилька replaceable замінний tightly щільно 6 а number of guide seat rocker arm fuel injection valve air starting valve in most cases stud bolt properly tighten кілька напрямна (клапана) сідло (клапана) коромисло (клапана) форсунка повітряний пусковий клапан в більшості випадків різьбова шпилька належним чином затягувати, ущільнювати Text Structural Parts of a Diesel Engine The principal components of an internal combustion engine may be divided into two principal groups - parts and systems. The main parts of an internal combustion engine may be further divided into structural parts and moving parts. The frame of the modem diesel may include such parts as the cylinder block, crankcase, bedplate or base, sump or oil pan, and end plates. The engine frame part which supports the engine's cylinder liners and cylinder heads is called the cylinder block. The engine frame part, which serves as a housing for the crankshaft, is called the crankcase. In large engines of early design, the support for the main bearings was provided by a bedplate. In some large engines of more modem design the support for main bearings is provided by a part called the base. Since lubrication is essential for proper engine operation, a reservoir for collecting and holding the engine's lubricating oil is a necessary part of the engine structure. The reservoir may be called a sump or an oil pan, depending upon its design, and is usually attached directly to the engine. However, in some engines, the oil reservoir may be located at some point relatively remote from the engine; such engines may be called dry sump engines. Some engines have flat steel plates attached to each end of the cylinder block. End plates add rigidity to the block and provide a surface to which may be bolted housings for such parts as gears, blowers, pumps and generators. Many engines, especially the larger ones, have access openings in some parts of the engine frame. These openings permit access to the cylinder liners, main and connecting rod bearings, injector control shafts, and various other internal engine parts. Access doors (sometimes called covers or plates) for the openings are usually secured with hand wheel or nut-operated clamps and are fitted with gaskets to keep dirt and foreign material out of the engine's interior. The cylinder assembly consists of the head, the liner, the studs and the gasket; it provides a gas and liquid-tight space. Practically all diesel engines are constructed with replaceable cylinder liners. The liners or bores must be sealed tightly to form the combustion chambers. The space at the c9mbustion end of a 7 cylinder is formed and sealed by a cylinder head, which is a separate unit from the block. A number of engine parts, which are essential to engine operation, may be found in or attached to the cylinder head. The cylinder head may house intake and exhaust valves, valve guides and valve seats. Rocker arm assemblies are frequently attached to the cylinder head. The fuel injection valve is almost always in the cylinder head. Cylinder heads of a diesel engine may also be fitted with air starting valves, indicator and blow down valves, and safety valves. Large diesel engines generally have one cylinder head for each cylinder. In most cases, the seal between the cylinder head and the block depends principally upon the studs and gaskets. The studs, or stud bolts, secure the cylinder head to the cylinder "block. A gasket between the head and the block is compressed to form a seal when the head is properly tightened down. Exercise I. Answer the questions 1. What structural parts does the engine frame include? 2. What portion of the frame is called the crankcase? 3. What parts may provide the support for the main bearings? 4. What do we call the reservoir that holds the lube oil collected in the lower part of some engines? 5. Can you explain the term "dry sump engine"? 6. What is the double function of the end plates? _ 7. What arrangements make the examination of the bearings and other internal parts of a diesel engine possible? 8. What is a gasket? 9. What are the parts of the cylinder assembly? Are all of them replaceable? 10. What valves may be fitted in the cylinder head? 11. Are rocker arm assemblies attached to the cylinder heads of all types of diesel engine? Exercise II. Speak of the structural parts of a diesel engine. ТЕМА 2. ЯК ПРАЦЮЄ ДИЗЕЛЬНИЙ ДВИГУН. HOW A DIESEL ENGINE WORKS Reading Read the text and write headings for the paragraphs. Explain the meaning of the phrases in italics. TEXT FOUR-STROKE CYCLE DIESEL ENGINE 8 The four stroke cycle is so called because it takes four strokes of the piston to complete the processes needed to convert the energy in the fuel into work. Because the engine is reciprocating, this means that the piston must move up and down the cylinder twice, and therefore the crankshaft must revolve twice. The four strokes of the piston are known as the induction stroke, the compression stroke, the power stroke, and the exhaust stroke. Students sometimes remember this as "suck, squeeze, bang, blow". 1. INDUCTION: The crankshaft is rotating clockwise and the piston is moving down the cylinder. The inlet valve is open and a fresh charge of air is being drawn or pushed into the cylinder by the turbocharger. 2. COMPRESSION: The inlet valve has closed and the charge of air is being compressed by the piston as it moves up the cylinder. Because energy is being transferred into the air, its pressure and temperature increase. By the time the piston is approaching the top of the cylinder (known as Top Dead Centre or TDC) the pressure is over 100 bars and the temperature over 500°. 3. POWER: Just before TDC fuel is injected into the cylinder by the fuel injector. The fuel is "atomised" into tiny droplets. Because they are very small these droplets heat up very quickly and start to burn as the piston passes over TDC. The expanding gas from the fuel burning in the oxygen forces the piston down the cylinder, turning the crankshaft. It is during this stroke that work energy is being put into the engine; during the other 3 strokes of the piston, the engine has to do the work. 4. EXHAUST: As the piston approaches the bottom of the cylinder (known as Bottom Dead Centre or BDC) the exhaust valve starts to open. As the piston now moves up the cylinder, the hot gases (consisting mostly of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapour and unused oxygen) are expelled from the cylinder. As the Piston approaches TDC again the inlet valve starts to open and the cycle repeats itself. Tuning-in Describe the processes in the 4-stroke-cycle diesel engine. Give a short characteristic of: • the intake stroke • the compression stroke • the power stroke • the exhaust stroke Grammar Study Paraphrase the sentences using Conditional Sentences. Model: He promises to come early. I want to speak to him. If he comes early, I will speak to him. 1. Our propeller is often damaged. Our engineer will repair it. 2. I am free of watch. I will go shore. 9 3. They promise to arrive at this port. We can meet them. 4. We must consult the contract. We want to know when the vessel leaves. 5. Let him go to our captain. The captain wants to give him some instructions. 6. He promises to be here before 10 o’clock. I want to see him. 7. He can’t operate a liner. He never studies navigation. 8. the storm is beginning. But the wind won’t reach the hurricane force. 9. We should take a pilot. We don’t know this harbor. 10. The cadets didn’t see timber-carriers. They didn’t visit the exhibition. 12. The cargo wasn’t fastened properly and the ship had a list to starboard. 13. The tanker spilled oil near the coast. Animals, birds and fish were in trouble. 14. There was an accident at the port yesterday because the process of loading wasn’t controlled properly. ТЕМА 3. РОБОТА ДВОХТАКТНОГО ДВИГУНА. THE WORK OF A TWO-STROKE ENGINE Reading Read the text and write headings for the paragraphs. Explain the meaning of the phrases in italics. TEXT THE 2 STROKE DIESEL CYCLE It may surprise you to learn that the biggest diesel engines in use operate on the two stroke principle. If you have experience of the two stroke petrol engine you will know that it causes more pollution than a four stroke petrol engine. This is because oil is mixed with the petrol to lubricate the crankshaft bearings, and a lot of unburnt petrol/oil/air mixture is discharged to the atmosphere. The two stroke Diesel engine does not mix fuel or oil with the combustion air. The crankshaft bearings are lubricated from pressurised oil in the same way as a four stroke engine. The two stroke cycle is so called because it takes two strokes of the piston to complete the processes needed to convert the energy in the fuel into work. Because the engine is reciprocating, this means that the piston must move up and down the cylinder, and therefore the crankshaft must revolve once. 1. The crankshaft is revolving clockwise and the piston is moving up the cylinder, compressing the charge of air. Because energy is being transferred into the air, its pressure and temperature increase. By the time the piston is approaching the top of the cylinder (known as Top Dead Center or TDC) the pressure is over 100 bar and the temperature over 500°C. 2. Just before TDC fuel is injected into the cylinder by the fuel injector. The fuel is "atomised" into tiny droplets. Because they are very small these droplets heat up very quickly and start to burn as the piston passes over TDC. The expanding gas from the fuel burning in the oxygen forces the piston down the cylinder, turning the crankshaft. It is during this stroke that work energy is being 10 put into the engine; during the upward stroke of the piston, the engine has to do the work. 3. As the piston moves down the cylinder, the useful energy from the burning fuel is expanded. At about 110° after TDC the exhaust valve opens and the hot exhaust gas (consisting mostly of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapour and unused oxygen) begin to leave the cylinder. 4. At about 140º after TDC the piston uncovers a set of ports known as scavenge ports. Pressurised air enters the cylinder via these ports and pushes the remaining exhaust gas from the cylinder in a process known as "scavenging". The piston now goes past Bottom Dead Centre and starts moving up the cylinder, closing off the scavenge ports. The exhaust valve then closes and compression begins. Vocabulary Study Study this list of common verbs in engineering which you have studied in thisbook. They all have the sense of 'make something happen'. make high release make smaller volume make smaller make larger Fill in the blanks in these sentences with suitable verbs from the list above. 1 When thermoplastics are … they soften. 2 If a gas is ... it heats up. 3 Refrigeration preserves food by … its temperature. 4 A heater ... the temperature of the water. 5 The rising piston … the fuel mixture. 6 Designers try to … the weight of a structure. 7 When the push button is … the valve spring pushes up the spool. 8 Pumping fluid into the main cylinder gradually … the jack. 9 Aerodynamic design … wind resistance. 10 The motor starts up slowly, then gradually … speed. Grammar Put the verbs into proper place. Read and translate the text given. is connected to is located have since been combined is named is recognized The Dante B. Fascell Port of Miami is a seaport located in Florida, United States. It ___ Downtown Miami by Port Boulevard, a bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway. The port ___ on Dodge Island, which is the combination of three historic islands (Dodge, Lummus and Sam’s Islands (острови)) that ___ into one. It __ in honour of 19th term Florida Congressman Dante Fascell. It is the 11 11th largest cargo container port in the United States. The Port of Miami___ and has been for many years, as the “Cruise Capital of the World” and “Cargo Gateway of the Americas”. As the “Cargo Gateway of the Americas”, the port primarily handles containerized cargo with small amounts of break bulk (штучний вантаж), vehicles and industrial equipment. It is the largest container port in the state of Florida and 9th in the United States. As a world-class port, the Port of Miami is among an elite group of ports in the world which caters (орієнтован) to both cruise and container ships. ТЕМА 4. ЗАРЯДЖЕННЯ. ПАЛИВА. FUEL INJECTION accessories waste gases device blower install increase force surround clear scavenge power output since in turn pound certain supercharging addition convey muffle noise quench spark turbine-driven SUPERCHARGING. ВПРИСКУВАННЯ Vocabulary допоміжне обладнання відпрацьовані гази пристрій повітродувка встановлювати збільшувати, збільшення нагнітати оточувати очищати продувати Вихідна потужність оскільки. в свою чергу фунт певний наддув доповнення транспортувати, передавати заглушати шум гасити іскра наведений турбіною Text A Engine Air Systems Parts and accessories, which supply the cylinders of an engine with air for combustion, and remove the waste gases after combustion, are called intake and exhaust systems. In the intake systems of all modern 2-stroke cycle engines and some 4-stroke 12 cycle engines, a device, usually a blower is installed to increase the flow of air into the cylinders. This is accomplished by the blower compressing the air and forcing it into an air box or manifold (reservoir) which surrounds or is attached to the cylinders of an engine. Clearing the cylinder of the gases of combustion is called scavenging. An increase in air flow into the cylinders of an engine can be used to increase power output, in addition to being used for scavenging. Since the power of an engine is developed by the burning of fuel, an increase of power requires more fuel; the increased fuel, in turn, requires more air, since each pound of fuel requires a certain amount of air for combustion. Supplying more air to the combustion spaces is called supercharging. In some 2-stroke cycle diesel engines, the cylinders are supercharged during the air intake simply by increasing the amount and pressure of scavenge air. The same blower is used for supercharging and scavenging. Supercharging a 4-stroke cycle diesel engine requires the addition of a blower to the intake system. The system, which functions to convey gases away from the cylinders of an engine, is called the exhaust system. In addition to this principal function, an exhaust system may be designed to perform one or more of the following functions: muffle exhaust noise, quench sparks, remove solid material from exhaust gases, and furnish energy to a turbine-driven supercharger. Exercise I. Answer the questions 1. What systems are spoken about in the text? 2. What is scavenging? 3. What is supercharging and how is it provided? 4. How is the supercharger driven? 5. What are the functions of the exhaust system? Exercise II. Speak of the Engine Air Systems. fuel supply lines high-pressure fuel lines fuel transfer pump heavy fuel preheating arrangement intermittent pressure defective lines to repair by welding fuel nozzle drain line fuel pressure maintenance / retaining valve Vocabulary трубопровід загальної подачі палива паливний трубопровід високого тиску паливоперекачуючий насос важке паливо пристрій попереднього підігріву пульсуючий тиск несправний трубопровід ремонтувати зварюванням паливне сопло зливний трубопровід паливний клапан постійного тиску 13 fuel shut-off valve fuel non-return valve steam heating counter pressure adjustable back pressure double cone seat overflow line surplus fuel to dismantle the fuel pump definite quantity of fuel discharge line nozzle orifice finely atomized паливний запірний клапан паливний безповоротний клапан підігрів паром засунений регульований зворотний тиск двуконусне сідло трубопровід переливу надлишкове паливо демонтувати паливний насос визначена кількість палива трубопровід подачі отвір сопла дрібно розпорошене (паливо) TEXT B FUEL SYSTEM OF MARINE DIESEL ENGINE The fuel is taken from the storage tank by means of fuel transfer pump and delivered to the settling tank where it is preheated and settled, then passed through the centrifugal purifier for efficient cleaning and delivered to the service tank for using in operational process. The fuel oil is then led to one of the two electrically driven supply pumps which deliver it under pressure through a flow meter to the fuel circulating pump and through the oil heater - viscosity regulator - to the filters. Then the fuel is supplied by individual HP fuel pump to the fuel injection valve of each cylinder for combustion process. The fuel piping system consists of three main pipelines: fuel supply lines, high pressure fuel lines and fuel heating pipes for heavy fuel. The fuel supply line connects the fuel transfer pump and preheating arrangement with fuel filters and fuel pumps on the engine. The high pressure fuel lines connect HP fuel pumps with fuel valves and are under very high intermittent pressure. The preheating system is led adjacently along the fuel supply lines, high pressure fuel lines and filters. Steam of up to 7kg/sq. cm g. is used as a heating medium. The fuel filter contains several filtering elements which can be switched over during operation. The other fuel system fittings are: fuel pressure- maintenance/ pressureretaining valve, fuel shut-off valve, fuel non-return valve. The function of the fuel pressure-retaining valve is to maintain adjustable back pressure, which is to be so high that there is no formation of vapor on the suction side of the fuel pumps. The fuel shut-off valve is open during operation, and its function is to isolate the main pipe temporarily for dismantling of the fuel pump or preheating. It is provided with a double-cone seat to prevent leakage. The non-return valve is placed between the fuel pump and the overflow line which is used for leakage of surplus fuel delivered by the fuel transfer pump during operation. The fuel pump may be isolated from the overflow line by the non-return valve for dismantling. 14 The high pressure fuel pumps discharge fuel through the discharge line to the fuel valve at the correct moment and under high pressure. Then finely atomized fuel is sprayed into the combustion chamber through a number of nozzle orifices. Exercise I. Read and translate the text. Exercise II. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words or word combinations from the Word Box. a) intermittent, b) preheating arrangement c) heavy fuel, d) fuel shut-off valve, e) welding, f) non-return valve, g) fuel transfer pump 1. The fuel system comprises fuel supply line, high-pressure fuel line and fuel heating pipes, if ... is used. 2. High-pressure fuel lines are under very high ... pressure. 3. Defective HP fuel lines must not be repaired by … 4. … employs steam up to 70 kg/sq.cm.g. 5. … is driven separately by an electric motor. 6. … isolates the main pipe temporarily for dismantling the fuel pump or preheating. 7. … isolates the fuel pump from the overflow line, into which the surplus fuel runs off during operation. Exercise III. Make up sentences using their parts. 1. system/steam/employs/preheating/up/7kgper sq. cm/to 2. lines/ drain/ leakage/ for/ fuel/ heated/ are/partially . . 3. transfer/ fuel/pump/ driven/ is/by/ electric/ an1motor/ separately . 4. valve/ non-return/ situated/ is/ fuel/ between/ pump/ overflow/ and/ line 5. is/ there/ formation/ no/ vapor/ of/ suction/ on/ side/of/pump/ the. Exercise IV. Translate into English 1. Система паливних трубопроводів включає трубопроводи подачі палива, паливні трубопроводи високого тиску і трубопроводи підігріву палива. 2. Запобіжний клапан запобігає надлишковий тиск, утворений в системі і охолоджувачі масла. 3. Безповоротний клапан розташований між паливним насосом і трубопроводом переливу. 4. Паливо береться з накопичувального танка і подається в відстійний танк. 5. Функція запірного клапана - ізолювати головний трубопровід для демонтажу паливного насоса або підігріву. 6. Паливні насоси високого тиску подають паливо через трубопровід подачі на паливний клапан. ТЕМА 5. СПАЛЮВАННЯ. COMBUSTION 15 1. Прочитати текст та вибрати правильну відповідь. TEXT COMBUSTION Combustion is a chemical reaction in which certain elements of the fuel combine with oxygen of the air increasing the temperature of the gases. The main combustible elements are 1) …… . There are two general methods of burning the fuel in an engine cylinder: 1. Combustion at constant volume. 2. Combustion at constant pressure. Combustion at constant volume means that during combustion the volume 2) ….. and that all the heat energy developed by the fuel goes into an increase of the gas temperature and pressure. The rate of combustion is so high that the piston has no time to move during combustion. The advantage of this method is a high 3) ….. . Its disadvantage is a sudden increase of pressure and the resulting noisiness of the engine. During combustion at constant pressure the temperature 4) ….. at such a rate that the pressure increase counteracts the volume increase and the pressure doesn't change. During combustion at constant pressure the fuel is burnt gradually. Its advantage is smooth running and a more even 5) ….. produced by an engine. High-speed diesel engines operate on a cycle which is a combination of the above two methods. 1. a) carbon and hydrogen b) oxygen c) fuel 2. a) increases b) changes c) does not change 3. a) thermal efficiency b) temperature c) pressure 4. a) increases b) changes c) does not change 5. a) torque b) high-speed c) pressure 2. Вибрати правильну відповідь на запитання до тексту завдання 1. 6. What is combustion? a) the correct amount of fuel into the cylinder b) a chemical reaction in which certain elements of the fuel combine with oxygen of the air increasing the temperature of the gases c) the rate of combustion 7. What are the main combustible elements? a) carbon and hydrogen b) oxygen c) fuel 8. How many methods of combustion are there? a) one b) two c) three 9. What does combustion at constant volume mean? a) that during combustion the volume doesn't change and gas temperature and pressure increase b) volume changes and pressure does not change c) pressure increase 10. What does combustion at constant pressure mean? a) volume changes and pressure does not change b) pressure increase c) the temperature increases at such a rate that the pressure increase counteracts the volume increase and the pressure doesn't change 16 3. Вибрати відповідну форму дієслова. 11. A two-stroke engine /is complete; completes; complete; completed/ the cycle in two strokes. 12. Two exhaust valves /is located; are located; locate; located/ in the cylinder head of a two-stroke engine. 13. During the intake stroke the cylinder /is ready; are ready; ready; be ready/ to receive an air charge. 14. The piston /push; pushes; is pushed; to push/ out the remaining gases. 15. Air /have; haves; has; having/ high temperature. 4. Вибрати правильну відповідь. 16. When is the air inlet valve open? a. During the compression stroke. b. During the exhaust stroke. c. During the suction stroke. 17. What are marine boilers installed on ships for? a. to produce steam for main turbines. b. to heat the air. c. to propel the ship. 18. What is supercharging? a. Supplying more air to the cylinder b. Discharging air through the exhaust valves (ports) c. Pushing the burnt gases out of the cylinder 19. How many revolutions does the crankshaft make in a two-stroke engine? a. one b. two c. four 20. What is developed in the cylinder while the fuel is burning? a. Air-fuel mixture b. Power c. Fresh air 21. What is fuel delivered by into the cylinder? a. A pump b. A blower c. A supercharger 22. What is the fuel injection pump used for? a. To deliver fuel b. To supply air c. To exhaust burnt gases 23. What essential parts of the engine close the top end of the cylinder? a. A piston b. A bedplate c. A cylinder head 24. What is a fixed part of a diesel? a. A piston. b. A cylinder. c. A crankshaft. 25. What does the connecting rod transmit the motion of the piston to? a. Bearing b. Pump c. Crankshaft ТЕМА 6. ЗМАЗКА. LUBRICATION detergent oils bedplate dry-sump system wet-sump engine dipstick relief valve camshaft Vocabulary миючі масла фундаментна рама система сухого картера двигун з мокрим картером мірна рейка запобіжний клапан розподільний вал 17 governor gear wheels cam follower grease to splash valve gear round joint ring lantern ring circumferential groove equidistant holes unaccountable temperature rise to prevent air lock twin gear pump extension shaft to interconnect to safeguard to retract to depress регулятор швидкості приводні шестерні ролик штовхача консистентне мастило розбризкувати механізм приводу клапана кругле роз'ємне кільце проставочне кільце сальника круглий паз рівновіддалені отвори несподіване підвищення температури запобігти утворенню повітряної пробки здвоєний шестерінчастий насос виступаючий вал взаємопов'язувати захищати відтягувати віджати TEXT LUBRICATING SYSTEM OF MARINE DIESEL ENGINES Sufficient and correct lubrication is of great importance for the life of the working parts of the engine. Special care is to be taken in selection of proper lubricating oil suitable for the use in the Diesel engine on board a ship. Lubrication is effected in the following way. A scavenge lubricating pump draws the oil from the sump tank through suction filters, forces it through the lube oil cooler, passing auto backwashing filter, before it delivers it to the engine where it is divided into two branches. The major part is sent to the piston cooling manifold, where it is distributed between piston cooling and bearing lubrication. From the crosshead bearings the oil flows through the bores in the connecting rods to the crankpin bearings. The rest of the oil is supplied for lubricating of the main bearings and then it passes into the sump tank. In some engines the camshaft lube oil system is separated from the main lube oil system. It is also fitted with a tank, suction filters and coolers for the main engine cam drive system. The lube oil then comes back to the tank passing the magnetic filters. Lubricating oil for cylinder lubrication is usually supplied from a day/ service tank through gravity equipped with a built-in float, strainer and stop valves. The oil is pumped into the cylinder by lubricating pump via non-return valve, passing a number of lubricating orifices during the upward stroke. The oil feed rate or dosage should be in compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and increased during starting, maneuvering and large changes in the engine load. All large powered engines are designed to work on a dry-sump system. However, in the event of a breakdown of one pump, the engine can be adjusted to 18 run on one pump as a wet-sump engine, by arranging the control cocks. There is a relief valve on each pump to prevent excessive pressure being built up in the system and oil cooler. The main groups of components to be lubricated are: -Turbocharger; - Main bearings, big end bearings etc.; - Camshaft drive; - Governor drive; - Rockerarm; -Camshaft. The vital parts of the engine such as bearings, gear wheels, governor etc. are all force lubricated. Pistons, cams and cam followers are amply splash lubricated, and the valve gear grease lubricated. Exercise I. Read and translate the text. Exercise II. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words or word combinations from the Word Box. a) external lubricating oil tank, b) a dry-sump system, c) the bedplate, d) the main lubricating oil distributor pipe, e) force lubricated, f) a reliefvalve. 1. A scavenging lubricating pump draws oil from... 2. The pump delivers oil to ... 3. The pressure pump delivers oil through the oil cooler and filter to... 4. The engine is designed to work on... 5. There is ... located on each pump to prevent excessive pressure. 6. The vital parts o f the engine such as bearings, gear wheels and governor are… . Exercise III. Make up sentences using their parts. 1. lubricating/ scavenge/ draws/ from/ oil/ pump/ bedplate 2. distributor/ oil/ lubricating/ pipe/ integrally/ cast/ is/ bedplate/ with 3. is/ engine/ the/ designed/ work/ to/ dry-sump/ on system 4. oil/ in/ level/ the/ checked/ is/ bedplate/ of/ means/ by/ dipstick 5. parts/ force/ vital/ are/ lubricated/ and/ gear/ valve/ lubricated/ grease Exercise IV. Translate into English 1. Мастильна система може бути відрегульована для роботи на одному насосі, як на системі мокрого картера, шляхом установки контрольних кранів. 2. Поршні, кулачки і ролики штовхачів рясно змащуються розбризкуванням. 3. Мастильна система розподільного вала обладнана картером, всмоктуючими фільтрами і охолоджувачами системи кулачкового приводу 19 головного двигуна. 4. Швидкість подачі масла і дозування збільшуються під час запуску, маневрування і змін в навантаженні двигуна. 5. Система самопливу складається з вбудованого поплавка, фільтра і запобіжних клапанів. 6. Механізм приводу клапана змазується консистентним мастилом. Рекомендована література 1. Богомолов О.С. Manual of English for marine mechanical engineers: Second edition, revised and completed. Підручник. Одеса: Фенікс, 2016. 264 с. 2. Богомолов О.С. Англійська мова для машинної команди транспортних суден. Навчальний посібник. Одеса: Фенікс, 2003. 208 с. 3. Лелет І.О. Суднові турбіни. Методична розробка. Одеса: ОНМУ, 2006. 44 с. 4. Лисенко В.О. Новий морський технічний словник. Київ: ООО «ИП Логос», 2002. 544 с.