Uploaded by sabee.siddiqui

ZTE V4 RNC Commissioning & Integration Training

ZTE V4 RNC Commissioning and Integration Training
Duration: 3 days
Target Group: Operation and Maintenance managers and Technical managers,
who are responsible for network operation and maintenance.
Pre-requisites: To attend this training program participant should have basic
Knowledge of RNC and Netnumen Software.
Training Methodology & Approach: Instructor Led Discussion,
Presentations, Case Studies, hands-on practical sessions.
Course Content:
Day – 1
ZTE RNC Hardware
ZTE RNC Hardware Overview
Dierent Types of Shelves
Dierent Types of Cards (Acc to Shelves)
How To Connect these Shelves
How to Set the Shelves ID
Day – 2
NetNumen Software Installation
Required Softwares and Servers.
Software Installation (Windows, SQL, Netnumen etc.)
Day – 3
ZTE RNC Commissioning & Integration
Deliver Software into Cards
Congure RNC Parameters
Commsioning and Integration
Create Links
In Compliance with ISO 9001 | Cost effective | Quality | Training | IT Infrastructure Services
In Compliance with ISO 9001 | Cost effective | Quality | Training | IT Infrastructure Services
ZTE – Troubleshooting and Signaling RAN Signaling Flows
Troubleshoot the Problems while Commsioning and Integration
Case Studies on ZTE V4 RNC
In Compliance with ISO 9001 | Cost effective | Quality | Training | IT Infrastructure Services
In Compliance with ISO 9001 | Cost effective | Quality | Training | IT Infrastructure Services