Write a Python program to convert the distance (in feet) to inches, yards, and miles. Unit Equivalents Conversion Factors (longer to shorter units of measurement) Conversion Factors (shorter to longer units of measurement) 1 foot = 12 inches 12 inches _______ 1 foot 1 foot _______ 12 inches 1 yard = 3 feet 3 feet _______ 1 yard 1 yard _______ 3 feet 1 mile = 5,280 feet 5,280 feet ________ 1 mile 1 mile ________ 5,280 feet Pictorial Presentation: Sample Solution: Python Code : d_ft = int(input("Input distance in feet: ")) d_inches = d_ft * 12 d_yards = d_ft / 3.0 d_miles = d_ft / 5280.0 print("The distance in inches is %i inches." % d_inches) print("The distance in yards is %.2f yards." % d_yards) print("The distance in miles is %.2f miles." % d_miles) Sample Output: Input distance in feet: 100 The distance in inches is 1200 inches. The distance in yards is 33.33 yards. The distance in miles is 0.02 miles. Write a Python program to change the position of every n-th value with the (n+1)th in a list. Sample Solution:Python Code: from itertools import zip_longest, chain, tee def replace2copy(lst): lst1, lst2 = tee(iter(lst), 2) return list(chain.from_iterable(zip_longest(lst[1::2], lst[::2]))) n = [0,1,2,3,4,5] print(replace2copy(n)) Sample Output: [1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4] Flowchart: Write a Python program to convert temperatures to and from celsius, fahrenheit. Python: Centigrade and Fahrenheit Temperatures : The centigrade scale, which is also called the Celsius scale, was developed by Swedish astronomer Andres Celsius. In the centigrade scale, water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees. The centigrade to Fahrenheit conversion formula is: Fahrenheit and centigrade are two temperature scales in use today. The Fahrenheit scale was developed by the German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit . In the Fahrenheit scale, water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. C = (5/9) * (F - 32) where F is the Fahrenheit temperature. You can also use this Web page to convert Fahrenheit temperatures to centigrade. Just enter a Fahrenheit temperature in the text box below, then click on the Convert button. Sample Solution:- Python Code: temp = input("Input the etc.) : ") temperature you like to convert? (e.g., 45F, 102C degree = int(temp[:-1]) i_convention = temp[-1] if i_convention.upper() == "C": result = int(round((9 * degree) / 5 + 32)) o_convention = "Fahrenheit" elif i_convention.upper() == "F": result = int(round((degree - 32) * 5 / 9)) o_convention = "Celsius" else: print("Input proper convention.") quit() print("The temperature in", o_convention, "is", result, "degrees.") Copy Sample Output: Input the temperature you like to convert? (e.g., 45F, 102C etc.) : 104f The temperature in Celsius is 40 degrees. Flowchart: