BTEC IT Unit 2 - Creating Systems to Manage Information Revision Booklet and How to Guides Name……………………………………………… 1 C ontents Topic Assessment Checklist and timings P ages 3-4 Part A - 3 hours Entity Relationship Diagrams - Activity 1 5 Importing data 6 Creating Tables 7-8 Relationships 9-10 Tables Documentation - Activity 2 Validation and Input Masks 11 12-16 Interface documentation - Activity 3 17 Main Menus 18 Queries 19-20 Reports 21 Structure Testing 22 Structure Evaluation 23 Part B - 2 hours Forms 27-28 Append Queries (putting data into the table) 29-30 Testing 31 Evaluation 32 Mark Schemes Example Paperwork For the digital version, click on the topic to get to the relevant page. 2 Assessment Checklist and Timings Part A - 3 hours Importing Data - 25 minutes ● Have you inported your data into the database? ● Did you use a make table query to add your data into tables? ● Do your tables have correct names using naming conventions? E.g. TblName ● Have you identified the primary keys and relationships between tables? Entity Relationship Diagram - 20 minutes ● Have you checked your fields (entities) against the data set to make sure you have used them all but no others? ● Do you have relationships between the tables? ● Do your relationships go from the primary to the foreign key? ● Are your one to many relationships correct? ● Have you created a print screen of the ERD in a word document? ● Is the word document saved as a PDF? Table structure and Validation - 45 minutes ● Have you got a proper naming convention for all of your tables? ● Do you have at least one presence check, length check, value lookup, table lookup and format check? ● Have you completed the validation tasks that they have asked? ● Does your validation have an error message in the validation text? ● Have you taken a print screen of your table structures? ● Have you taken a print screen of your validation rules? ● Have you saved the word document as a PDF? Queries and a Report - 40 minutes ● Have you created the queries that it asks you to create? ● Have you got the correct criteria in the queries? ● Have you taken a print screen of the queries in both design and datasheet view? ● Are your queries named correctly using the naming conventions? e.g. QryName ● Have you created a query for the report? ● Have you created the report to fit onto one page? ● Have you put your print screen into the activity3 template? ● Are they named correctly using the naming conventions? E.g. RptName ● Have you saved activity 3 as a PDF? Testing - 20 minutes ● Have you completed the 6 tests that they require? ● For each test have you completed a normal erroneous and extreme test? ● Have you filled in the testing table in activity 4? ● Does your actual result include a print screen? ● Have you saved your test log in a PDF format? Evaluation - 20 minutes ● Have you explained how there is no data duplication? ● Have you explained how it meets the requirements? 3 ● Have you explained whether your database structure (tables, queries, reports)allows for the different requirements? ● Have you saved your evaluation activity as a PDF? Part B - 2 hours Remember that you cannot change any of the structure of your database in this section. Forms - 1 hour 10 minutes Have you created a menu form to navigate around the database and called it FrmMenu? Have you created the input forms? ● Are your forms named correctly using the correct naming convention e.g. FrmName ● Do the text boxes on your forms have a name? E.g. txtCustomerName ● Have you created an append query to put the data in your tables in the database? ● Have you made the forms a consistent style? ● Have you added a title and explanation of the form? ● Have you marked the mandatory boxes with a *? ● Have you added the interface print screen of your forms into activity6 in both design and form view? ● Have you added a printscreen of any queries you have used? ● Have you saved the document as a PDF? Testing - 20 minutes ● For each test have you completed a normal, erroneous and extreme test? ● Have you filled in the testing table up to expected result? ● Does your actual result include a print screen? ● Have you completed the testing log? ● Have you saved the testing log as a PDF? Evaluation - 20 minutes ● Have you explained how the interface and forms allow you to meet each of the criteria? ● Have you explained how did you did something and whether you would change it? ● Have you saved the evaluation sheet as a PDF? 4 How to create the Entity Relationship Diagrams and Printscreen - Activity 1 1. Read through the scenario. What pieces of data is it asking you to store? Write them down in a list and try to group them according to a specific topic (e.g. a customer or a school or a service). I would do this on a piece of paper or a mini whiteboard so that you can scribble it around easily. 2. If you haven’t already, group the different entities into tables. 3. Give each table a name. This should be whatever the table is about and what you grouped the data into before (e.g. a customer or a school or a service). Let's go with customer. You must use a proper naming convention - e.g. TblCustomer. The tbl is the naming convention. 5. Make sure that all of your data is broken down fully and that each entity doesn’t appear in lots of different tables. This is called the third normal form or 3NF for short. For example this means that your entity shouldn’t just be address but should be broken down into Address line 1, Address line 2, City, Country, Postcode. Each of these will be a new field. The only acception to the rule is when a primary key appears in another table as the secondary key (we will worry about this later). 6. Check your tables and the fields against the dataset that you are given. Are you missing anything? Does all of the data match up? Do you need to take anything out of your tables that isn’t included? Do you need to add anything in? 7. Which part of your table is completely unique which identifies your table? This would normally be an ID (customer ID, venue ID, trick ID, school ID, Product ID). Mark this as PK in your table. Try to put it at the top of each table like the example above. There may be one table without a unique key given to you in the dataset. With this, you will need to create an ID when you create your table. 8. You should have around 5 tables now. Remember each table must be able to link to another table. If you are missing a link, maybe add in another table to create the link. For example if you have a TblCustomer and a TblDoctor and a TblAppointmentType you might need a TblAppointment which will link them all together so that they have a meaning but aren't clearly given in the scenario. 9. Decide which type of relationship each table has with the other, whether it is one to many, many to many or one to one. An example of a one to many relationship is that one customer can have many orders. This isn’t many to many because that order cannot have many people who have ordered it. An example of a many to many relationship is that a student can register onto many classes and many classes can have many students. Most relationships will be one to many and if you have many to many relationships then your have not broken down your data enough. E.g. to break down the students and classes you might need a subject enrollment table to link them together easier. 10. If you have a primary key in one table which is going to relate to another table, you must add that primary key into the other table as a secondary key. For example, one teacher has many classes. So the relationship would be from the TeacherID to the ClassID in the two different tables. To make sure the relationship has referential integrity (when data is imported properly), the TeacherID must be in the TblClass too. This then becomes the foreign key, because it is in another table. You now need to add the data into the database and create your tables so that you can print screen your relationships. See below on how to do this. 5 How to import your data 1. Open up Microsoft Access. You will see this screen. 2. On the bottom right hand side you will see that it has given it an automatic name. Change this to a suitable name for your database. Normally this will be the name of the company or the event. I’m going to call mine Birmingham university courses. Press create and it will open a new blank database. 3. To import the data we are going to the external data tab and choose the txt file. This is because we are going to import the data from the txt document given to us from the exam board. Make sure you use import and not export. 4. It will pop up with a yellow headed box. You need to find the txt document from your documents, so click on browse and select the document. Then press OK. 5. The next window will show you all of the different pieces of data. Make sure that the delimited setting is selected and press next. 6. On the slide window it is extremely important that you choose that the first row contains the field names. If you don’t do this then it will insert the field names as a record which isn’t right. Press next. 7. Here you need to change the Field names to something more appropriate if necessary. Press next. 8. On the next window, Access automatically sets a primary key. Because we are importing data and not creating a table yet, select no primary key. 9. Choose the name for the table. I just call this import data so that it is not confused with any other table you later create. Press finish. 10. It will ask if you want to save the process, choose no and close. 11. You will notice that the database has created a new table on the left and given it the name. If you open it and find blank records, you can delete them. To do this, highlight the rows, right click and press delete. 6 How to make tables 1. Open that table that you have just created when importing your data. 2. We are going to use a query to import the data so choose the create button from the tab at the top and then query design. 3. Double click on the table when the window appears which will add it to the query. 4. You then need to double click on the fields that you want to include in the first table you are going to make. My first table is student so I will choose all of the entities that I have included in my entity relationship diagram. Double click on them to add them to this particular query. You will see that they appear at the bottom of the page like the image on the right. 5. Click in the big blank space and choose the property sheet from the top right hand side of the tab button at the top. Then set unique values to yes. This is important because if you don’t do it, you may get a lot of duplicates which will cause you big problems further down the line. 6. Because we are making a table and not a query, you need to choose the “make table” button on the tab at the top. 7. A pop up box appears and asks you to name the table. Make sure that this includes your naming convention of Tbl. 8. Once you have pressed make table, click run which will then create the query. 9. Right click and close the query. You don’t need to save it. 10. Repeat these steps for all tables that you need. 7 How to Create a new field and set it as a Primary Key Sometimes if you have to create a table which doesn’t have a given Primary Key field given to you by the dataset, you will need to create it. To do this you will need to create this table first so that the primary key can be added in to any other tables. 1. Make the table into design view 2. Write the new ID name into one of the field boxes in the design view. 3. Change the data type to autonumber so that the database will automatically input the data when a new record is inputted. 4. Press save to save the table. 5. Make the new entity a primary key by pressing the “primary key button” in the design tab. 8 How to create relationships Once you have created the tables you need to create the primary key in each of them so that you can create the relationships. 1. Double click on the table and choose design view. 2. Find the entity that you think is going to be the primary key. Remember the primary key is the field which is completely unique. Make sure that you change required to yes and that indexed is changed to yes no duplicates. 3. Click on the field that you want to be the primary key and choose the primary key button at the top of the screen. 4. Right click onto the table and save it. A pop up box will appear saying that the data integrity rules have been changed. Press yes. 5. You can see that the primary key is shown in each table with a little gold key. 6. Repeat these steps for each table that you have created. Remember, every table needs a primary key. 7. To create the relationships, click on the database tools and then relationships tab at the top of the page. 8. Add all of your tables into the window, but do not add the import data table. 9. Click on the primary key of your first table and drag it to the foreign key in the table it relates to. For me this is the student table to the enrollment table. This table will appear: 10. Make sure that the two fields are the same and click on enforce relationship integrity. If you don’t do this, the relationship type will not be shown. 11. Repeat this for each of the tables in your database until all relationships are created. It should look something like this when completed: 12.Now that you have all of your tables completely related in the database, take a print screen and add it into a word document. Trim it down so that it is just the tables and the relationships. 13.Save the document as a PDF file. To do this, press file → save as → pdf You can find the pdf in the file type box underneath the file name. 9 14.Make sure the file name is saved as activity1erd_[Registration number#]_[surname]_[first letter of first name] E.g. activity1erd_089876_Smith_R 10 How to complete the tables documentation - Activity 2 1. Open up the document called activity2tables. It will have the different headings of the required validation checks for you to put your print screens in as well as the section for the table structure. 2. It is split into two main sections - the tables and the validation. 3. In the table section, add a print screen of each of your tables in design view. The printscreens should only show the table name, field names and datatypes so make sure that you crop them down and make them bigger so that you can read the writing. Once it is saved as a PDF the examiner cannot make the pictures larger so they need to be able to clearly read them! 4. The validation section is broken down into the different validation types (see the next page if you are stuck on the different types). The brief will ask you to meet roughly 6 different requirements which require validation rules. The documentation asks for evidence of one of each of the validation types. Presence Checks There must be data in that field. Good if the brief asks for a record not to be saved without a name or a different field. Format Checks Makes sure that the field is in the correct format - e.g. a phone number cannot have letters in it or a date of birth has to be DDMMYYYY. Length Checks Makes sure that the data either isn’t too short or too long. Often used on passwords. Value lookups Only lets the user select a specific piece of data. Often used when choosing your title or gender. Table lookups Allows you to select a field from another table without having to write it in. Useful when selecting a specific person when creating a form or a new person into a table. Range Checks Only lets the user select from a particular range of numbers. For example somebody’s age must be between 18 and 100. 11 How to add validation and input masks Validation rules and input masks are applied to the tables in design view. In the properties box at the bottom. Not every field needs validation, input masks or data types changing. Please remember that if you have a field in two different tables that the validation rules and input mask must be the same on both of the fields. Make sure that for every validation rule that you enter you also put in validation text that will appear if the validation rules are not met. Validation rules: Format Checks 1. Make your tables 2. In design view choose the validation rule section and input the validation rule that you want for that particular field. 3. Add a Validation text in the box below. This is what will be shown if it doesn’t meet the particular rule. E.g. If you want your field to have either M or F, type “M or F” and in the box below write an error message e.g. User must enter either M or F. If you try and insert something else, the error message will be displayed Length Checks 1. Make your tables 2. In design view choose the validation rule section and input the validation rule that you want for that particular field. 3. Add a Validation text in the box below. This is what will be shown if it doesn’t meet the particular rule. E.g. if you know a phone number cannot be less than 11 numbers, you could add a validation rule of Is null or like “###########” which shows that there must be 11 numbers in the phone number or it can be blank. 12 Value Lookup 1. Make your tables 2. In the datatype choose “lookup wizard”. 3. In the wizard choose “I will type in the values that I want”. 4. In this window add the values that you want to look up. Let’s go with gender. When entering new data, they will be limited to these options. 13 Table Lookup 1. Make both the tables that you want to relate and ensure that they have a relationship between them. 2. As you will be looking up from a table that has a primary key, the lookup wizard will not work so you need to do it manually in the field properties section. 3. On the lookup tab, change the text box field to combo box. You will see the property menu appear. 4. You need to choose the source of the information. When you click in this field you should see all of the tables, queries and reports that you have already created. Choose the one where you want your field to come from. 5. In the bound column field, choose the column where your data is going to go into within the table. If you’ve chosen a Primary Key, this will generally be the first column. 6. In the column count box, choose how many columns you want to show on the lookup. This allows you to see multiple columns at the same time - e.g. the ID and the name. 7. Save the table and when you go to the datasheet view, you should be able to select the field that you want. Presence Checks 1. Make your tables 2. In design view choose the validation rule section and input the validation rule that you want for that particular field. 3. Add a Validation text in the box below. This is what will be shown if it doesn’t meet the particular rule. Range Checks 1. Make your tables 2. In design view choose the validation rule section and input the validation rule that you want for that particular field. 3. Add a Validation text in the box below. This is what will be shown if it doesn’t meet the particular rule. E.g. If a score must be between 1 and 6 then the range check won’t let you put anything else outside of the parameter in. 14 Format Checks To do this ... Accept letters (a z) only Accept digits (0 - 9) only Letters and spaces only Digits and letters only Exactly 8 characters Exactly 4 digits Validation Rule for Fields Is Null OR Not Like "*[!a-z]*" Explanation Any character outside the range A to Z is rejected. (Case insensitive.) Any character outside the range 0 to 9 is Is Null OR Not Like "*[!0-9]*" rejected. (Decimal point and negative sign rejected.) Is Null Or Not Like "*[!a-z OR "" ""]*" Punctuation and digits rejected. Is Null OR Not Like "*[!((a-z) or (0-9))]*" Is Null OR Like "????????" Accepts A to Z and 0 to 9, but no punctuation or other characters. The question mark stands for one character. Is Null OR Between 1000 And 9999 For Number fields. Is Null OR Like "####" For Text fields. Requires at least one character, @, at least Email address Is Null OR ((Like "*?@?*.?*") AND (Not Like "*[ ,;]*")) one character, dot, at least one character. Space, comma, and semicolon are not permitted. Presence Checks You must fill in Field1 Same as setting the field's Required property, but lets you create a custom message (in Not Null the Validation Text property.) The Yes/No field in Access does not support Null as other databases do. To simulate a real Yes/No/Null field Is Null OR 0 or -1 Yes/No/Null data type, use a Number field (size Integer) with this rule. (Access uses 0 for False, and -1 for True.) Range Checks Positive numbers only Is Null OR >= 0 No more than 100% Is Null OR Between -1 And 1 Remove the "=" if zero is not allowed either. 100% is 1. Use 0 instead of -1 if negative percentages are not allowed. Not a future date Is Null OR <= Date() Is Null OR IN (1, 2, 4, 8) The IN operator may be simpler than several ORs. 15 Input Masks: I would recommend aiming for 3 input masks across your database. This could include: ● A date ● Postcodes ● Phone number ● Time Use the input mask wizard in design view by clicking on the three little lines on the right side of the input mask box and a wizard box will appear. You can choose whichever input mask you decide. Work through the wizard for the particular field that you want. These are the input mask rules - you don’t need to learn them off by heart unless you want an input mask which isn’t on the wizard. 16 How to fill in the Query and Report Documentation - Activity 3 This document is split into different subheadings and should be filled in as you are making your database Don’t leave it to the end as you will find that there is a lot to printscreen and you will miss something. You do NOT need to annotate or write anything on here unless you feel it is necessary or that your print screen is not clear. This is simply for showing what you have done when building your database because remember that the examiner does not look at your database. Everything that you do needs to be documented in here. Queries This is also broken down into the subheadings of the two different queries that it asks for. Make sure that each query is shown in both design and datasheet view. If a query solution uses more than one query, make sure that you include all of the print screens in the relevant place holders. Reports Make sure that you show the design and the datasheet view of the report and any queries that it uses including the calculations. The queries should have both the design and datasheet view. It also asks for a PDF version of the report - you should add this into your assessment folder as well as putting a printscreen of the PDF where it asks for it. Forms Each of the forms is broken down into their own subheadings. Make sure that you put the correct print screens into the correct form heading! It asks for the input form in form view and in design view. Make sure that you have any queries or other forms that are used are also shown in design and datasheet view. Make sure that you have enough detail / screenshots to show that your form works. 17 How to create a Main Menu Main menus are created using a form with hyperlinks which take you to each of the forms, reports and queries in your database. If you wanted to, you could even make two buttons which take you to two different parts of the database when it is first opened. To do this, just follow the same hyperlink skills below and create the links to the releventrelevant forms. 1. Instead of using the wizard for this, we are going to do it by hand. Choose create and form design 2. Choose button from the controls panel at the top and make sure that the property sheet is selected on the right. 3. Double click onto the button so that you can rename it to wherever it is that you want it to take you to. Let’s say we are going to take it to the Add a new student form. 4. On the properties sheet, choose the three little dots next to hyperlink address 5. It will open up a pop up box asking where you want the link to take you. Make sure you choose an object in this database from the left hand side of the menu and choose the form / report / query that you want. Press OK and you will see that the link has been added. 6. Repeat each of these steps for each form / report / query you have been asked to make. 7. Add a text box from the controls panel and add a title to the main menu. This will normally be the company name or whatever it is that your database is about. 8. Change from design view to form view to test if your hyperlinks work. 9. Make sure that you give your menu a name by calling it FrmMainMenu How to make your main menu appear when your database starts 1. Click on the file menu at the top left and click on Access Options at the bottom. 2. Click on the current database option on the left 3. Choose the “display form” option in the application options on the right. 4. Choose the form that you want to appear when the database is opened 18 How to create a Query Queries are used to bring back particular criteria in a database. There are normally two different queries that are asked of you in the assessment. The first one is always more simple than the second. It is generally found that the report will also ask for a query. 1. Press create and query design. 2. Double click on each of the tables so that you can see all fields available. 3. Check the scenario for what is is asking you for in your query. An example would be: a query to show the average degree length of each course at Bournemouth University. For this I would need the course name, course length, and university name. Add each of the fields into the query. 4. At the bottom of the query, there are different options that you may need to complete. If there is a particular criteria that the query is asking for, you may need to type this into the criteria box. See the picture on the right for an example. 5. If you need to only have something that begins with a particular letter, in the criteria box you need to put: like U*. This will bring back all words that begin with that particular letter. 6. If the query asks for some form of a calculation, whether this is the sum of something, the average, the lowest or the biggest you need to click on the totals button the design tab. This adds a column at the bottom called “total” where you can add any of these parameters. 7. Once you have added the totals tab, you can choose any of the following options: 8. If a query asks for you to enter a parameter, you need to add a message into the criteria box at the bottom in between []. For example, if I want them to enter a date, I would write [start date] or if I want them to enter two things it could be “Between [start date] And [end date]”. 9. Some queries may ask you to do something that requires you to do two queries. For example, if it asks for an average of students on a particular course you would first need to complete a query to find the total then another to complete the average of the total. 10. To create a query of a query, you need to close down the query that you have and then create a new query. When you open up a new query, choose the tables that you need and 19 then choose the queries tab. You can then use the fields from this to create your second query. 11. Once you are happy that you have written all of the criteria, click run and your query will pull back only the records which meet the criteria you have asked for. 12. Make sure that you save the query using the correct naming convention - Qry…… 13. To work out somebody’s age from a date of birth using a query, you need to add the following code into a field column: Age: Year(Now( ))-Year([DoB]) This will subtract the date of birth year from the current year and give you an age. 20 How to create a report Reports are used to display the outcome of a query and are generally used to hand to other people as a way of showing your data. All school reports and timetables that you receive in school are made using a report from a database. In the exam this is called data output. You need to make sure that the report looks appealing to the eye. 1. Choose create and report wizard from the database tab at the top of the software. 2. Choose the query or table that you want to display your information from. If it has asked for a report of a query you should choose the correct query here. 3. Once you have selected the table or the query that you want to produce a report from, you need to choose the fields. 4. On the next screen you can choose how you want the data to be set out. Choose the option that suits you the most and press next. 5. The next window asks for grouping. This is how you want the data to be grouped. If it has asked for grouping by age or gender or a particular place, this is where you would do that. 6. On the next window it asks if you want to sort it in ascending or descending order. Choose the preference of the scenario and press next. 7. The next window asks for your preference of layout. Choose the most appropriate and press next. 8. On the final screen it asks for the name of the report. Make sure you use the naming convention of Rpt when you save it. 9. You will notice that when you complete the report, the title is the name of the report and you cannot see all of the field names. Change to design view and change the title and the size of the text boxes. 21 Structure Testing This tests the structure of the database - the way that you have made your tables, the validation that you have put onto your fields and the queries that you have made. 1. Open the document called Activity4Testing. It should look like this: 2. You only need to complete the testing once you have made the first two forms that it asks you to. Remember that you need to complete a normal, erroneous and an extreme test for each of the tests that it asks you to carry out. All of these need to be recorded. 3. The test number should start at 1 and go down to 18 (if there are 6 tests that it asks you to complete). Let's say that you are going to test that a class does not have more than 30 students in it when inputting on a form. Test 1 would be the normal, test 2 the erroneous and test 3 the extreme. Then the next test would start at 4. 4. For each test you will need to carry out Normal (N) – Data that is considered ordinary/typical and should be accepted e.g. 14, Erroneous (R) – Data that is completely incorrect and should be rejected with a suitable error message e.g. forty and Extreme (X) – Data which is on the limit of what should be accepted. This is both within the restrictions (accepted) and outside the restrictions (rejected). E.g. 24. 5. Purpose of the test should state exactly what the reason of the test is. For example for the example above, it would to be make sure that a class does not accept more than 30 students and displays an error message. 6. The test data is exactly what is going to be inputted. For example, the numbers 24, 30 and 34. 7. The expected result would be what you expect to happen when you input that data. Will it be rejected? Will it be accepted? Will it show an error message? What are these and why? The more detail you can add, the better. 8. The actual result is what actually happens. In here, make sure that you put a print screen of the result of your test and explain what it does and why. Like this: 9. The comments and actions taken should be what you did to sort out if the expected and actual result is different. How did / would you fix it? 22 Structure Evaluation 23 How to write an evaluation You will need to create a new word document for the evaluation. Always use key terminology in each of the different paragraphs as you cannot get in the top mark band for the evaluation without key terminology. Use the ones on the right. Use the “things to consider” section to steer the content of your evaluation but make sure that you answer these questions about the topics: 1. Paragraph 1 - Why did you structure your database the way that you did? a. What were you asked to do? b. Does your database do this? Why / Why not? c. How did you make the specific parts (fields, tables, queries, reports, primary keys, foreign keys etc) of your database suitable? 2. Paragraph 2:What changes did you make? a. What changes did you make as you were making the database and why did you make them? b. What changes did you make during the testing and why? c. Describe at least one situation that didn’t go as expected, explain why and the changes you made. E.g. a query that didn’t bring back what you thought it would and the changes you made to it 3. Paragraph 3: The overall quality, performance and usability of your database a. Are your tables designed well to enable you to complete specific tasks? Why? / why not? b. Are you pleased with your data inputs and outputs? Why? c. Are you happy that your database does what it says that is does? d. Is your database easy to navigate and use? Are there instructions on the forms to tell the user what to do? 4. Make sure that you save the word document as a PDF. 24 Part B 2 hours in the morning on the second day of the assessment. Builds upon the work of the day before. You cannot change anything from the previous days' work but only add to it. You will be given a database to work off of so don’t worry if you struggled with the first part. Part B consists of: - Activity 6: Creating the interface of the database - how is it going to look and what is it going to actually do? - Activity 6: Creating forms to input data into the database - Activity 7: Testing the forms to make sure that they work properly and input the data into the database - Activity 8: Evaluating the interface 25 How to create a Main Menu Main menus are created using a form with hyperlinks which take you to each of the forms, reports and queries in your database. If you wanted to, you could even make two buttons which take you to two different parts of the database when it is first opened. To do this, just follow the same hyperlink skills below and create the links to the relevant forms. 10. Instead of using the wizard for this, we are going to do it by hand. Choose create and form design 11. Choose button from the controls panel at the top and make sure that the property sheet is selected on the right. 12. Double click onto the button so that you can rename it to wherever it is that you want it to take you to. Let’s say we are going to take it to the Add a new student form. 13. On the properties sheet, choose the three little dots next to hyperlink address 14. It will open up a pop up box asking where you want the link to take you. Make sure you choose an object in this database from the left hand side of the menu and choose the form / report / query that you want. Press OK and you will see that the link has been added. 15. Repeat each of these steps for each form / report / query you have been asked to make. 16. Add a text box from the controls panel and add a title to the main menu. This will normally be the company name or whatever it is that your database is about. 17. Change from design view to form view to test if your hyperlinks work. 18. Make sure that you give your menu a name by calling it FrmMainMenu How to make your main menu appear when your database starts 5. Click on the file menu at the top left and click on Access Options at the bottom. 6. Click on the current database option on the left 7. Choose the “display form” option in the application options on the right. 8. Choose the form that you want to appear when the database is opened 26 How to create a form A form is used to input data into the database so that the user can add something into the database that already exists. There will nearly always be an add new customer or add new dog or something and then one other form. It will always be called data input on the exam. 1. Use your design specification to find out which forms are asked for by the scenario. 2. Click on create and form wizard 3. Choose the table that you want the fields to come from. For example, if I was registering a new student I would use the TblStudent as this is where the data needs to go to 4. Double click on each of the fields that the scenario asks for in the form. If it doesn't specify the fields, add in all fields for that table. I know that when I register a new student it will need all of the fields from the student table. You will notice that when you double click, the field goes to the right hand side of the window under selected fields. 5. The next few options allow you to choose how you want your form to be laid out. I would choose Columnular as I find this is the neatest layout. 6. When you press finish, you will notice that it automatically puts a students data into the form and that it is in form view. It has also given the title asTblStudent. We need to change these settings to make the form work properly. 7. Change to design view and first change the title of the form by double clicking in the form header. You need to change this to whatever you want to appear as the title of the form. For me it is going to be “Add a new Student”. You can change the layout and the style just like you would any other text box. 8. Go through and delete each of the text inside the text boxes so that it simply says “unbound”. This means that when it is a form, you will be able to input the data instead of records already appearing. 9. Change the name of any labels which don’t make sense for user input. For example, Student Add 1 is not a useful name, call it Address Line 1. 10. Add a label from the controls panel at the top and next to any of the required fields put a * to show that it is required. 11. Add the buttons that you need by choosing the “button” button. Follow the wizard so that you can control what it does. See below for how to add the button to add new records. You can change up your boxes a little if you want by adding combo boxes where you look up particular information and select it from a form. Follow the steps below: 27 1. Create a combo box for the customer ID 2. A box will come up saying combo box wizard. Press next and choose the table that you want the field from - in this case the customer ID. Then press next 3. Select the field you want. For us, customer ID and then click next. 4. When it asks for a name, using a naming convention give it a name - cmbo (for combobox) and a name 5. It will then look like this: 6. Repeat the process for any other fields that you want a drop down selection box for. 7. You will see that if you look at the form view it will look like this: 8. Add in a text box (ab button) for any other fields that you want the user to enter. Don’t forget to name these boxes in the properties sheet. Remember - naming conventions get you easy marks! 9. Save your overall form. Remember - use a naming convention 10. Make your form look pretty and consistent with the style of all of the other forms and menus. These are easy marks. Add in a label (the Aa button) to add a description of how to use the form and also to add *s onto the fields that are compulsory to fill in. 28 How to create an append query to populate the form into a table 1. Click on create - query design 2. Click close because you do not need to choose any of the tables. 3. Click on append at the top of the screen and select the table that you want the data to be saved to 4. 4. At the bottom where it says “append to”, choose the field that you want to save to. 5. Click on the field cell at the bottom and then choose “builder” from the query setup at the top. 6. Choose “forms” from the left hand menu and find your form and choose the dropbox box that you want. If you double click on it you will see that it appears in the top of the expression builder. Click ok. 7. Repeat steps for the other fields that you want to save in your form. 8. Save your query. Remember your naming convention. 9. Go back to the button that you made in the previous help guide on your form. Choose miscellaneous and run query from the pop up command wizard box. 29 10. Select the query that you have just made and click next. 11. Choose “text” in the naming of the button and give it a name - in the case create transaction. 12. Close the query down, it will not work if you leave the query open! 13. Test it out. Make sure it works. If the query works properly, you should get a pop up saying “you are about to run this query”. If you don’t get this, you have done something wrong. 14. To create an ID automatically on a new field, you need to add this formula into the unbound textbox in the form: =[HighestValue]+1 30 How to complete Testing - Activity 7 10. Open the document called Activity7Testing. It should look like this: 11. You only need to complete the testing once you have made the first two forms that it asks you to. Remember that you need to complete a normal, erroneous and an extreme test for each of the tests that it asks you to carry out. All of these need to be recorded. 12. The test number should start at 1 and go down to 18 (if there are 6 tests that it asks you to complete). Let's say that you are going to test that a class does not have more than 30 students in it when inputting on a form. Test 1 would be the normal, test 2 the erroneous and test 3 the extreme. Then the next test would start at 4. 13. For each test you will need to carry out Normal (N) – Data that is considered ordinary/typical and should be accepted e.g. 14, Erroneous (R) – Data that is completely incorrect and should be rejected with a suitable error message e.g. forty and Extreme (X) – Data which is on the limit of what should be accepted. This is both within the restrictions (accepted) and outside the restrictions (rejected). E.g. 24. 14. Purpose of the test should state exactly what the reason of the test is. For example for the example above, it would to be make sure that a class does not accept more than 30 students and displays an error message. 15. The test data is exactly what is going to be inputted. For example, the numbers 24, 30 and 34. 16. The expected result would be what you expect to happen when you input that data. Will it be rejected? Will it be accepted? Will it show an error message? What are these and why? The more detail you can add, the better. 17. The actual result is what actually happens. In here, make sure that you put a print screen of the result of your test and explain what it does and why. Like this: 18. The comments and actions taken should be what you did to sort out if the expected and actual result is different. How did / would you fix it? 31 How to write an evaluation You will need to create a new word document for the evaluation. Always use key terminology in each of the different paragraphs as you cannot get in the top mark band for the evaluation without key terminology. Use the ones on the right. Use the “things to consider” section to steer the content of your evaluation but make sure that you answer these questions about the topics: 2. Paragraph 1 - Why did you structure your database the way that you did? a. What were you asked to do? b. Does your database do this? Why / Why not? c. How did you make the specific parts (fields, tables, queries, reports, primary keys, foreign keys etc) of your database suitable? 5. Paragraph 2:What changes did you make? a. What changes did you make as you were making the database and why did you make them? b. What changes did you make during the testing and why? c. Describe at least one situation that didn’t go as expected, explain why and the changes you made. E.g. a query that didn’t bring back what you thought it would and the changes you made to it 6. Paragraph 3: The overall quality, performance and usability of your database a. Are your tables designed well to enable you to complete specific tasks? Why? / why not? b. Are you pleased with your data inputs and outputs? Why? c. Are you happy that your database does what it says that is does? d. Is your database easy to navigate and use? Are there instructions on the forms to tell the user what to do? 7. Make sure that you save the word document as a PDF. 32 Mark Schemes 33 34 35 813 1-7 Inc u and Functionality Interface is limited, Interface ts thorough, including the full range of forms, queries and reports required with most of the including gome forms, quenes and reports required with some of the relevant fields. fields Interface indudes accurate Interface has details of some criteria and calculations required, which details of most criteria and calculations required. moy indude inaccuracies. Interface is cleer but there are some inconsistencies and there are formatting allowing a user to use tho database with m Interface is unclear or provides limited information end inaccuracies in inconsistencies end inaccuracies in form att›•o. so a user would cxoczicnw ddtioJlts in us•ng the nor difficulties and allowing maintenance by a third partY mith minor database end making maintenance by a third party difficuh. difficulbes. Interface uses accurate Interface uses minimal validation and checking procedures, resulting in a system with limited capacity Jlu$joCi g Jz( errors and handles most unexpected validation and checking procedures resulting in a system that minimises fig. to reduce errors or handle unexpected events. The datebese mey not be fully functional andlor may have major ci ro• s thet prevent the database from moetino the oiven criteria TesLing is too narrow to confirm a working solution, induding limited normal, erroneous and/or extreme data. 0 Evaluation 20-26 14-19 events. The database is functional ZG Interface es thOf OU4^. including the full range of forms, queries and reports required with all relevant F•elds. Interface indudes accurate details of all criteria and calculations required. Interface is clcer ond intuitive, consistently and accurately formatted allowing a user to easily use the dotebase and ollowing it to be easily maintained by a third party. Interface uses accurate validation and checking procedures throuqhout, resulting in a robust system that minimises errors and handles unexpected events. The database is fully functional and fully meets the given criteria. with minimal errors and meets thg 91en criteria. S-C Testing is adequate to confirm a working solution, induding some normal, erroneous and/or extreme data. Teshng is thorough, including a range of normal, erroneous and axtreme data. Expected results as Generic or mosdy inaccurate. Test data may not be present. Expected resuhs ara mostly Expected resuks are specific and accurate based on identified test data. Test results prove that that the database operates under some normal circumstances relevant to the scenario. Test results prove that that the database operates under some normal circumstances and that the database can cope with some erroneous and extreme data relevant to the scenario. Test results prove that that the database operates under all circumstances relavant to the scenario. Test result comments show a limited understanding of anY errors that were found. Test result comments show partial understanding of any errors that were found. Test result comments show a clear understanding of any errors that nere found, and how they were accurate and based on identified test data, but may lack detail. 1-3 4-G 7-9 10- 12 12 Superficial understanding of relevant technical concepts shown with some inaccuraoes. Limited or unsupported justificafion of: Some accurate and relevant understanding of technical concepts shown. Some valid justification, which may laCk support, of: Hostly accurate and detailed understanding of relevant technical concepts shown. A valld and mostly supported justification of: Accurata and detailed understanding of relevant technical concepts shown • changes made during the development and testing process • fhe relational database structure selected • about the quality, performance and usability of the database. Limited links beMeen aspects of the solution and the requirements of the scenario. Technical vocabulary is used but it is not used appropriately to support arguments. • changes made during the development and testing process • the relational database structure selected • the quality, performance and usability of the database. Some logical links between aspects of the solution and tha requirements of the scenario but may lack clarity. Mostly accurate technical vocabulary is used to support arguments. • chanqus made during the development and testin9 process • Lt\e relational database structure selected. • quality, pertormance and usability of the database. Makes some logical coherent links between aspects of the solution and the requirements of the scenario. Accumte technical vocabulaw is used to support arguments. throuqhout. A valid and fullY supported justification of: • changes made during the development and testing process • the relational database structure selected • quality, performance and usability of the database. Nakes logical coherent links between aspects of the solution and the requirements of the scenario throughout. Fluent and accurate technical vocabulary is used to support a uments. 36 Unit 2: Creating Systems to Manage Information - Marking grid General Marking Guidance All learners must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the first learner in exactly the same way as they mark the last. Marking grids should be applied positively. Learners must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised for omissions. Examiners should mark according to the marking grid not according to their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie. All marks on the marking grid should be used appropriately. All the marks on the marking grid are designed to be awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if deserved. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if the learner’s response is not rewardable according to the marking grid. Where judgment is required, a marking grid will provide the principles by which marks will be awarded. When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the marking grid to a learner’s response, a senior examiner should be consulted. Specific Marking guidance The marking grids have been designed to assess learner work holistically. Rows within the grids identify the assessment focus/outcome being targeted. When using a marking grid, the ‘best fit’ approach should be used. Examiners should first make a holistic judgement on which band most closely matches the learner response and place it within that band. Learners will be placed in the band that best describes their answer. The mark awarded within the band will be decided based on the quality of the answer in response to the assessment focus/outcome and will be modified according to how securely all bullet points are displayed at that band. Marks will be awarded towards the top or bottom of that band depending on how they have evidenced each of the descriptor bullet points. Part A Assessment Band 0 focus Activity 1: ERD screenprint Activity 2: Table structure and validation 0 0 Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Max. mark 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 8 ERD shows an attempt at normalisation with significant data redundancy. ERD shows that most data ERD shows that most data The ERD shows that the is correctly normalised with is correctly normalised with data is correctly some data redundancy. minimal data redundancy. normalised with no data redundancy. ERD has some correct relationships shown. ERD has some correct relationships and some correct relationship types. 1-2 3-4 Uses some meaningful field Uses meaningful field and and table names table names with minor with some inconsistencies. inconsistencies. ERD has mostly correct relationships and mostly correct relationship types shown. 5-6 Uses a recognised naming convention with minor inconsistencies for fields and tables. The table structure The table structure The table structure identifies some primary and identifies most primary and identifies all primary and foreign key fields. foreign key fields. most foreign key fields. ERD has correct relationships and relationship types shown throughout. 7-8 8 Uses a recognised naming convention consistently for fields and tables. The table structure identifies all primary and foreign key fields. The table structure has limited use of correct data types. The table structure has correct data types for most fields. The table structure has The table structure has correct data types for most correct data types for all fields including matching fields. primary and foreign key fields. Limited use of validation which may be inaccurate. Accurate validation rules for some of the fields that require validation. Accurate validation rules for most of the fields that require validation. Accurate validation rules for all fields that require validation. 17 Assessment Band focus 0 Queries and Report 0 No rewardable material Activity 3: Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 Queries and report include limited relevant fields. Queries and report includes some relevant fields. Queries and report includes mostly relevant fields. Queries and report includes all relevant fields only. Queries and report include details of some criteria and calculations required, which may include inaccuracies. Queries and report include accurate details of some criteria and calculations required. Queries and report includes accurate details of most criteria and calculations required. Queries and report include accurate details of all criteria and calculations required. Presentation of data in queries and report will not aid readability and understanding of data. Presentation of data in queries and report will, in places, aid readability of and understanding of data. Presentation of data in queries and report will mostly aid readability and understanding of data. Presentation of data in queries and report will aid readability and understanding of data. Max. mark 12 18 Assessment Band 0 focus Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Activity 4: Structure Testing 1-2 3-4 5-6 No rewardable material 0 Testing is too narrow to confirm a working solution, including limited normal, erroneous and/or extreme data. Testing is adequate to confirm a working solution, including some normal, erroneous and/or extreme data. Testing is thorough, including a range of normal, erroneous and extreme data. Expected results are generic or mostly inaccurate. Test data may not be present Expected results are mostly accurate and based on identified test data but may lack detail. Expected results are specific and accurate based on identified test data. Test results prove that that the database operates under some normal circumstances relevant to the scenario. Test result comments are present when errors have been found. These comments show a limited understanding of any errors that were found. Test results prove that that the database operates under some normal circumstances and that the interface can cope with some erroneous and extreme data relevant to the scenario. Test result comments are present when errors have been found. These comments show partial understanding of any errors that were found. Test results prove that that the database operates under all circumstances relevant to the scenario. Test result comments are present when errors have been found. These comments show a clear understanding of any errors and how they were fixed. Max Marks 6 19 Activity 5: Structure Evaluation Band 0 0 No rewardable material Assessment focus Band 1 1-2 Band 2 3-4 Band 3 Max. mark 5-6 6 Superficial understanding of relevant technical concepts shown with some inaccuracies. Some accurate and relevant understanding of technical concepts shown. Accurate and detailed understanding of relevant technical concepts shown throughout. Limited or unsupported justification of the relational database structure selected. Some valid justification, which may lack support of the relational database structure selected. A valid and fully supported justification of the relational database structure selected. Limited links between aspects of the solution and the requirements of the scenario. Some logical links between aspects of the solution and the requirements of the scenario but may lack clarity. Makes logical coherent links between aspects of the solution and the requirements of the scenario throughout. Technical vocabulary is used but it is not used appropriately to support arguments. Mostly accurate technical vocabulary is used to support arguments. Fluent and accurate technical vocabulary is used to support arguments. 20 Part B Assessment focus Activity 6: Band 0 0 No rewardable material Interface and Functionality Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 1-4 5-7 8-10 11-14 Interface is unclear or provides limited information and there are inconsistencies and inaccuracies in formatting, so a user would experience difficulty in using the database and making maintenance by a third party difficult. Interface is clear but there are some inconsistencies and inaccuracies in formatting allowing a user to use the database with minor difficulties and allowing maintenance by a third party with minor difficulties. Interface is clear with minimal inconsistencies and inaccuracies in formatting allowing a user to use the database easily and allowing maintenance by a third party with minor difficulties. Interface is clear and intuitive, consistently and accurately formatted allowing a user to easily use the database and allowing it to be easily maintained by a third party. Interface may not have details of criteria/calculations required, or these may include inaccuracies. Interface includes accurate details of some criteria/calculations required. Interface includes accurate details of most criteria/calculations required. Interface includes accurate details of all criteria/calculations required. Interface uses minimal validation, checking procedures and automation resulting in a system with limited capacity to reduce errors or handle unexpected events. Interface uses some accurate validation, checking procedures and automation, resulting in a system that minimises the most common errors and handles some unexpected events. Interface uses accurate validation, checking procedures and automation, resulting in a system that minimises the majority of errors and handles most unexpected events. Interface uses accurate validation, checking procedures and automation throughout, resulting in a robust system that minimises errors and handles unexpected events. Interface may not be fully functional and/or may have major errors that prevent the interface from meeting the given criteria. Interface is functional and meets some of the given criteria with minimal errors. Interface is functional with minimal errors and meets the given criteria. Interface is fully functional and fully meets the given criteria. Max. mark 14 21 Assessment Band 0 focus Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Activity 7: Interface Testing 1-2 3-4 5-6 No rewardable material 0 Testing is too narrow to confirm a working interface, including limited normal, erroneous and/or extreme data. Testing is adequate to confirm a working interface, including some normal, erroneous and/or extreme data. Testing is thorough, including a range of normal, erroneous and extreme data. Expected results are generic or mostly inaccurate. Test data may not be present Expected results are mostly accurate and based on identified test data but may lack detail. Expected results are specific and accurate based on identified test data. Test results prove that that the database operates under some normal circumstances relevant to the scenario. Test result comments are present when errors have been found. These comments show a limited understanding of any errors that were found. Test results prove that that the database operates under some normal circumstances and that the interface can cope with some erroneous and extreme data relevant to the scenario. Test result comments are present when errors have been found. These comments show partial understanding of any errors that were found. Test results prove that that the database operates under all circumstances relevant to the scenario. Test result comments are present when errors have been found. These comments show a clear understanding of any errors and how they were fixed. Max Marks 6 22 Activity 8: Interface Evaluation Band 0 0 No rewardable material Assessment focus Band 1 1-2 Band 2 3-4 Band 3 Max. mark 5-6 6 Superficial understanding of relevant technical concepts shown with some inaccuracies. Some accurate and relevant understanding of technical concepts shown. Accurate and detailed understanding of relevant technical concepts shown throughout. Limited or unsupported justification of the quality, performance and usability of the interface. Some valid justification, which may lack support of the quality, performance and usability of the interface. A valid and fully supported justification of the quality, performance and usability of the interface. Limited links between aspects of the solution and the requirements of the scenario. Some logical links between aspects of the solution and the requirements of the scenario but may lack clarity. Makes logical coherent links between aspects of the solution and the requirements of the scenario throughout. Technical vocabulary is used but it is not used appropriately to support arguments. Mostly accurate technical vocabulary is used to support arguments. Fluent and accurate technical vocabulary is used to support arguments. 23