do you have a mind Or are the mind you a mind mind nothing is does not physically exist it think it its part of the mind u Wilhelm ear it roaches a isn't the what Wundt father of sich Éi to try what of i find the function the mind evolves look its made why do we get distracted or forget introspection observe yourself thinking does not work cant focus on more than one thing at a time laptop example structuralist functionalist break it down dress the keg and see what it's made Of How to acroach perspectives a 1 psychodynamic acroach 2 behavioral aeroach 3 Cognitive roaches 3 aeroach Behaviorism psychodynamic reflexes behaviors the clasic lying on a couch type phobias UNCONSCIOUS Cant be proven wrong cons not vera howgood orbad music thing Cos flexible diff tools 1 based on association conditioning conditioning Clasico Meant reflexes behaviors pros cons scientific Iggod Study only stimuli the hidden's f throats arenot trained reward punishment based s cart pros cognitive very op coach focuses on thoughts everything is only in Your thougts rocks arecool 5 rocks arentcool 15 v scientific cons more complex selflessacts v same obtect only thougtschange pros Is difficult flexible suited to observe and study toward treatment reelection flawed Biological acroach mind is what brain does everything connected to the body butterflies in your stomach cons me pros very scientific alot of proof humanistic acroach focus on uniqueness nothing is wrong lust different free will Social media is socio culture a Why do you like dislike things I Titanes roach focus on environment family treinds or not bad pros verypositive promote growth ti perspective not scientific messure potential culture pros cons itY i 1 to apply to average in agave t assehard rease arch methods surveys do obserang naturalistic case study them longitudia Orelationa not dat casual potential 3 variable pros cons easy eel age eel misunderstandvariables wording change data amount Of data to cross sectional survey raw ditt wats opposites lie answers HUMAN ERROR follow up questions a d in depth study on one person group no full picture It 3 gesuning crosylons Know when eventsHappe naturalistic ditt observation go to people not done in a lab pros occurs after event no big cause f situation eel might act opinions If eceensive could be a unique not naturally cons authentic L data no don't know compares ditt groves no consent gets data at one point in time control iiipossibleunique they are doesn'tgive full picture environment being watched allowstreaty SNAPSHOT NOT VIDEO destrictions treatment Longitudinal follows one group gets data from a long time frame could be a unique case good for baby growthstudies experimental find a casual relationship indeendent variable CIV changes dependent variable Dr Hyothesis it method then ex give cattine and see independent to teens atention sea cattine dependents attention scan it we change IV then the DV will the halt re halt cattine change only if everythingelse none is constant Random sample everyone in the study is chosen experimental group from random random so kids in a d I fan assigned Hs represenitivesample the chosengrove is a replica of É group assignment random equal chance of placebo or not population m I as control increases confounding variables decrease d more control leads to a confounding variable ALL NEED less authentic behavior ppl act ditt when watched practice of last lesson in Fras Hoursstep meals Heat 1 Dr.Schmidlap ha recruited 32 students from his senior level psychology seminar to participate in research. He believes, unlike most of his students, that early morning classes allow college students to perform better in recalling information. hypothesis it students then they go to an earth class will information Cert 2 IV the time DV how well students better recast predict in answer go to class students recall information Cuse number in answer if possible Dr. Shmidlap believes he will help his 32 senior level students stay awake in his early morning class. He gives 16 of them regular co e and 16 of them deca einated co ee experimental grove control grove random assingment 3 students given cattine students given decaff n as students walk in t lie a to decide which prove they get coin Dr.Frederspare believes that carefully writing the lessons objective on the board will increase his students performance on the unit tests. hypo it he writes students will objective do better then on tests whether Iv d u i certormance he of writes students rando 4 assignment errors in an it lick based on birth month experiment confounding variables placebo effect participant sub sect bias statistical at data to look an experiment analysis pt from steps summarize organize interpert analyze avanitative versus qualitive data descriptive versus inferential statistics types of data and scales displaying data descriptive f ve numbers ex test scores charts greens inferential wat stats is organized qualitive Predictions h howdatarelates to large ca description Open endedness ex age genderethnicity put into y m y frequency distribution table screte data countabledata nun ofeel in aroom nomialscale L height no structure or order chosebest cow Ii instigyal degrees of difference no order but not theratio born in 181 1982 ordinalscalecount andorder restige moremeaningful with a ovalue weightvolumedistance issomeone gey stat analysis 2 Central tendenci variation Frequency distribution central tendency meant variation high to 10Wex 36 15 11 Standard deviation nd thecenter in terms mean of the frequency distribution normal skews positive skews mean is rightside higher ofmed negative skews model and left side ofmedandmodel stat et analysis core cation coefficient types of scatter statistical or try lot significance elation studies find realation ship between 2 variables to result is corelation coefficient pas relationship as one increases the other increases close to 1 neg relationship close to no 1 co relation as one increases the other decrease they dont change eachother ex hats to school atendance stat IV significance is not same as ve to chance a bio ethics american psychological association APA made ethics comitee international review board IRB protects animals and humans IRB rules A experiment must be beneficial and not hurt sublects 3 make a positive atmosphere for subjects makesthem conttorable ease must trust and understand study must prevent own biases sotheydon't hurt subjects and have expertise on the sublect r respectpeople consentand privacy enforcestudy'scredibility n ne human Heredity and environment evolutionary aeroach Why do spiders Thet sein webs have to designed to explain behavior Hereditt Know as nature What were golden retriever breator environment Known asnurture Howmuchcanthe dogbetrained why dodogs lump on humans and smell them can You train them different epigenetics environmental pressures can change activity ofgenes Changes attest behavior changes can bepassedon to future generations vocab means man genes it abehavior polygenic or trait was caused bygenes it wasprobcausedbymanygenes maybegeneticbut diathesis disorders have environmentaltrigers maturationism plasticity allkids sitve crawl thenwalkgenetic wheneachstephappensisenvironmental genuine genetics are not destiny