Answer Keys © Cambridge University Press 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 1 20/04/21 8:03 PM Chapter 1 Network Communication and Mobile OS A. 1.True 2.False 3.False 4.True 5.True B. 1.wired, wireless 2.Server 3.LAN 4.Mobile application development 5.Android C. 1.LAN and MAN When the computers are interconnected within a limited geographical area it becomes a Local Area Network (LAN) whereas when the computers are interconnected within the same city then it becomes a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). 2.Star topology and Bus topology In Star topology, all the workstations are connected to a central connection point called a hub. Any data that is sent to the other computer, first goes to the central hub and from there it is redirected to the destination computer whereas Bus topology is made up of a main single cable with the terminators at both ends. It is the shared communication medium that makes the backbone of the system. Computers and the other devices including the server are connected to this linear cable for communication. 3.Desktop OS and Mobile OS Desktop OS Mobile OS Desktop OS supports multiple users sharing In mobile OS, multiple users cannot use a network. a mobile phone as they are compact computers with limited power, processing speed and memory. Huge memory is available and OS can Limited memory is available in mobile support complex applications. phones therefore OS should be less complex to occupy less storage capacity. Desktop OS can work on both CUI and GUI. Mobile phones are equipped with in-built keyboard so a different Graphical User Interface (GUI) is required. Example: Unix Example: Android OS 4.Android and iPhone OS Android It is one of the most popular operating systems designed by Android, Incorporation. It is an open source and freely available Linux based operating system mainly designed for smartphones and tablets with touchscreens. 2 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 2 iPhone OS This is a mobile operating system designed by Apple Incorporation mainly for iPhones, iPods and iPads. iOS is a closed source system owned by Apple and no other company or person can use it or modify it, thus providing strong security features against data theft or malwares. © Cambridge University Press 20/04/21 8:03 PM 5.Client/Server and Peer-to-peer Architecture Client/Server Architecture Client/Server architecture is defined as a specific type of a network which consists of a single powerful computer acting as a server usually connected to multiple computers called clients. Peer-to-peer Architecture Peer-to-peer architecture is a type of network in which each workstation has equivalent capabilities and responsibilities. The workstations are connected to each other but do not have a server. Files can be shared between workstations, and a printer connected to one workstation can be accessed by other workstations as well. It runs the risk of a system overload. It supports distributed processing, so the increased load does not affect the system overall. The centralised handling of data provides It does not support centrally managed increased security. security, nor does it provide data backup. D. 1. e 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. b E. 1.A network consists of two or more computers linked together for sharing resources such as printers and exchanging files, or allowing electronic communications. The computers on a network may be linked through cables, telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, or infrared light beams. Advantages: Advantages of networking include centralised software management, resource sharing, increased speed and security and cost efficiency. Disadvantages: Some disadvantages of networking are given below. a.As traffic increases on a network the performance degrades unless it is designed properly. b.It becomes difficult to manage when a large number of computers is connected to a network. c.In case the server is hacked or attacked by a virus, the security of data of all connected computers is at risk. 2.The different components of a computer network are given below. a.Server: A server is a computer that manages the network resources, software and files. It is normally dedicated to an allocated task and it performs no other task. b.Workstation: A workstation is a computer intended for individual use in a networking environment. It is like a personal computer except that it is also connected to other computers along with the main computer, that is, the server. c.Network Interface Card: A network interface card (NIC) is a piece of hardware placed inside the system unit. It is part of the motherboard. It is designed to allow computers to communicate over a computer network. It provides physical access to a networking medium. d.Hub: A hub is a device that connects multiple devices and makes them work as a single network segment. A hub has multiple ports. A specific cable connects the hub to the NIC. The NIC transfers the data on a computer to a hub, which then transfers it to the other connected computers. © Cambridge University Press 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 3 3 20/04/21 8:03 PM e.Transmission channels: Each computer on a network is interconnected through transmission channels. These channels can be wired or wireless. Data is exchanged between two computers on a network using these channels. 3.The physical arrangement of cables, computers and other peripheral devices to form a network is known as a topology. Different types of topologies used in computer networks are discussed below. a.Bus topology is made up of a main single cable with the terminators at both ends. It is the shared communication medium that makes the backbone of the system. b.Star topology is the most common topology used. Here all the workstations are connected to a central connection point called a hub. Any data that is sent to the other computer, first goes to the central hub and from there it is redirected to the destination computer c.In a ring topology, every workstation has exactly two neighbours for communication purposes. All messages travel through a ring in the same direction either clockwise or anticlockwise. 4.To manage all the important features in phones, a special type of operating system called mobile operating system (or mobile OS) is required. This operating system is used in smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. Android by Google, iOS by Apple, Windows phone by Microsoft, BlackBerry by RIM are some examples of mobile OS. 5.Reasons for developing a mobile app are given below. a.A mobile phone is a compact machine with small battery size so the OS should be designed in a simple way to work with limited power for a longer period of time. b.Limited memory is available in mobile phones therefore OS should be less complex to occupy less storage capacity. c.Mobile phones are equipped with in-built keyboard so a different Graphical User Interface (GUI) is required. Chapter 2 Creating Tables in MS Word 2010 A. 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. False B. 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c C. 1.To delete the first row, place the cursor anywhere in the row to be deleted, then select Rows & Columns group Delete drop-down list Delete Rows option Layout tab 2.To add a column in the right, place the cursor anywhere in the last column, then click on Rows & Columns group Insert Right option. the Layout tab Merge group 3.To split the cells, select the cell that is to be split, click on the Layout tab Split Cells option. The Split Cells dialog box appears. Specify the desired number of rows and columns. 4.To apply a Table Style to your table, click anywhere on the table then go to Table Styles group in the Design tab and scroll down to choose the desired style from the given list. 5.To apply Borders and Shading effects to a cell in the table, select the entire table or the cells where borders and shading is to be applied then under the Table Tools, click on the Design 4 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 4 © Cambridge University Press 20/04/21 8:03 PM tab. In the Table Styles group, click Borders drop-down list to apply borders; and Shading drop-down list to apply shading to the table. D. 1. The steps for inserting a table in a document using the Table grid option are given below. a.Bring the cursor to the location where a table is to be inserted. Click on the Table drop-down list in the Tables group of the Insert tab. b.Select the required number of rows and columns in the Insert Table grid. c.Press the Enter key or click the left mouse button to create an empty table in the desired location. 2. Row: It is a horizontal series of cells in a table. Column: It is a vertical series of cells in a table. Cell: It is a rectangular box formed by intersection of a row and a column. 3.Yes, we can add a new row in the middle of an existing table using the following steps. a. Place the cursor anywhere in the row above which you want to insert a row. b. Click on the Layout tab. c. Choose Insert Above option from the Rows & Columns group to add a new row. 4.To apply the Table Styles feature to an existing table, follow the steps given below. a. Click anywhere on the table. b. Go to Table Styles group in the Design tab. c. Scroll down to choose the desired style from the given list. d. Click the left mouse button on the desired style to apply it to the selected table. e.The More button can be used to see the entire list of Table Styles available in Microsoft Word 2010. 5.The steps to create a table with four rows and two columns using the Draw Table option are given below. Draw Table option. a. Click on the Insert tab Tables group Table drop-down list b.You will see the cursor has changed to a pencil tool. With the help of the pencil tool, draw four rows and two columns. Chapter 3 MS Excel 2010 Advanced Features A. 1. True 2.False 3.True B. 1. d 2. e 3. a C. 1. Relative and Absolute Reference Relative Reference A relative cell reference in a formula is based on the relative position of the cell contained in the formula. 4.True 4. c Absolute Reference Absolute cell reference in a formula always refers to a cell in a specific location. This is done by fixing the cell by using the dollar sign ($) in front of a row and a column. © Cambridge University Press 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 5 5.False 5. b 5 20/04/21 8:03 PM In this reference, when the formula or function is copied and pasted to other cells, the cell references in the formula or function change relative to the location where it is copied. 2.Filter and Advanced Filter In this reference, if the formula is copied across rows or down columns, the formula value does not change. Filter When you apply Filter to a worksheet, grey colour drop-down controls (Filter switches) appear to the right of the column headings of a list. Using these switches, you can filter any data. 3.Ascending and Descending Orders Advanced Filter When you apply Advanced Filters to a worksheet, it helps to filter list based on a specific criteria or to copy the filtered data to a different location. Ascending Order Arranging the data in an increasing order. For example, letters from A to Z and numbers from lowest to highest. 4.Auto Filter and Custom Filter Descending Order Arranging the data in a decreasing order. For example, letters from Z to A and numbers from highest to lowest. Auto Filter Auto-filters provide users an interactive way to put constraints on how data is displayed. The criteria can be selected from some predefined conditions. 5.Chart area and plot area Custom Filter When a range has to be specified or there is a specific condition to filter the data, you use the custom filtering in the Filter switch drop-down list. Chart Area Plot Area The area within which all the components The rectangular area bounded by the two of a chart are present. axes. D. 1.Cell reference identifies the location of a cell or group of cells in the spreadsheet. Cell reference is also known as cell address. A cell reference consists of the column letter and row number that intersect to form a cell. a. Relative reference: A relative cell reference in a formula is based on the relative position of the cell contained in the formula. By default, a spreadsheet cell reference is relative. For example, if a formula =A1+B1 or SUM(A1:B1) is written in cell D1 and is copied to E1, then the formula will change to =B1+C1 for cell E1. b. Absolute reference: Absolute cell reference in a formula always refers to a cell in a specific location. This is done by fixing the cell by using dollar sign ($) in front of a row and a column. For example, if a formula =$A$1+$B$1 is written in cell D1 and is then copied to E1, the formula will remain as it is for D1, that is, =$A$1+$B$1. c. Mixed reference: A mixed reference has an absolute column and a relative row, or an absolute row and a relative column. An absolute column reference takes the form $A1, B$1, and so on. For example, if you copy a mixed reference formula =A$1+B$1 from 6 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 6 © Cambridge University Press 20/04/21 8:03 PM cell D1 to cell E1, the formula changes to = B$1+C$1. In this case, the row is fixed. It will not change even if the location changes in the worksheet. 2.Data when entered in a sheet may not be arranged in an order. However, you can arrange it in either ascending or descending order. This physical rearrangement of data in ascending or descending order is called sorting. There are two types of sorting: Ascending order and Descending order. 3.A chart is a graphical representation of information. A chart often makes it easier to understand the data in a worksheet because users can easily pick up patterns and trends illustrated in the chart that are otherwise difficult to see. 4.Charts are a great tool to analyse and depict data graphically. Different types are charts are used for different purpose. For example, bar charts are for comparing concepts and percentages among factors or sets of data. Pie charts are good for illustrating and showing sample break down in an individual dimension. 5.Follow these steps to import data into an Excel 2010 sheet: a.Select Data tab. Click on From Text option in the Get External Data group. Import Text File dialog box appears. b.Select the file from its destination folder or type in the name of the file in the File name: box. Click on the Import button. c.The Text Import Wizard dialog box appears. Click on the File origin: drop-down list and select Windows (ANSI). Click on Next > button. d.Mark the desired options in the Delimiters section. Click on Next > button. A preview of the chart based on the options chosen can be seen in the Data preview section. e.Select the appropriate column data format in the Column data format section. Click on Finish. Chapter 4 Introduction to Programming Concepts A. 1. True 2.False 3.False 4.False 5.True B. 1. Assembler and Compiler An assembler is a utility software program which is used to convert a program written in assembly language into machine language and vice-versa whereas a compiler is a utility software program that transforms the source code written in high-level language into machine language (object code) that a computer can understand. 2.Compiler and Interpreter The compiler converts the entire source code into object code in one attempt and generates the error-list with line numbers (if any). Once all the errors are rectified, the code gets transformed into object code. Whereas an interpreter is a utility software program that translates the source code into intermediate code and immediately executes it line-by-line. The object code is not stored in a separate file. 3.Source code and Object code Source code is the input to the compiler of the language in which it is written whereas the Object code is the machine executable file having instructions for the machine in the form of binary digits, generated by the compiler. © Cambridge University Press 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 7 7 20/04/21 8:03 PM 4.Procedural programming and Object Oriented Programming Procedural programming refers to functions and the execution of the functions in a step-by-step linear order. It emphasises more on procedure than data whereas in Object Oriented Programming, a program is no longer a series of instructions, but a collection of objects. These objects contain both data and instructions that are assigned to classes and can perform specific tasks. C. 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. e 5. b D. 1. A program is a set of instructions written and executed in a specific sequence. 2.The five generations of computer languages are given below. a. First generation: Machine Language b. Second generation: Assembly language c. Third generation: High level language d. Fourth generation: Very high level language e. Fifth generation: Artificial intelligence 3. Important points are: a. First generation computer language is the lowest level of computer language. b.Information was entered into the computer in the form of long series of 1s or 0s or the binary codes. These codes can easily be interpreted by a computer. 4.The important features of fourth generation computer language are: a. Instructions are written in English-like sentences. b. These are non-procedural. c.Increases productivity because programmers type fewer lines of code to get something done. 5.In Object Oriented Programming approach, programmers can build programs from pre-existing objects and can use features from one program in another. These results in faster development and thus it saves time, reduces maintenance costs, and improves flexibility for future revisions. Chapter 5 More on Scratch A. 1. Control 2.clear B. 1. 3. 8 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 8 3.stamp 4.control 2. 5.forever 4 4. © Cambridge University Press 20/04/21 8:03 PM 5. 6. C. 1. and : This block pulls up Sprite’s pen so that it won’t draw when the Sprite moves. : This block draws a line as the Sprite moves on the Stage. and 2. : This block sets the colour of the pen to a specific colour. : This block sets the colour of the pen to a specific number. 3. and : It runs the block(s) inside it for a specified number of times. 4. : This block repeats the statements in the repeat block until the specified condition is true. and : This block is used to change the thickness of the pen by the given number. : This block is used to set the thickness of the pen to a specific number. D. 1. Stamp is a temporary image of the Sprite that can be placed on the Stage. 2.Green colour blocks in the Pen block menu can be used to stamp the Sprite, draw lines on the Stage, change the colour and thickness of lines. 3.Three blocks under the Control block category are: a. repeat b. repeat until c. forever 4.The conditional statements blocks available in the Control block of Scratch are if...then, if… then…else, repeat until. 5.The Forever block is used to execute the block(s) inside it over and over again. © Cambridge University Press 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 9 9 20/04/21 8:03 PM Chapter 6 QB64 – Programming Statements II A. 1. True 2.False B. 1.CLS FOR A=10 TO 40 STEP 5 PRINT A NEXT A 4.False 5.False 2.count = 1 DO WHILE count <=10 PRINT count count = count + 1 LOOP C. 1. FOR COUNT = 30 TO 1 STEP 1 2.SUM=0 PRINT COUNT FOR COUNT=11 TO 35 STEP 2 NEXT COUNT SUM=SUM+COUNT NEXT COUNT PRINT SUM D. 1. There are four types of loops available in QB64. These are: a.The FOR ... NEXT structure is used when you want to perform a loop a specific number of times. It uses a counter variable which is incremented or decremented with each repetition of the loop. b.A DO WHILE ... LOOP is performed and then the condition being tested is checked, the next loop cycle goes if condition is true. c.DO UNTIL … LOOP is very similar to the DO WHILE ... LOOP. The only difference is that the DO UNTIL ... LOOP is executed ‘until’ a certain condition is reached rather than ‘while’ a certain condition is met. d.WHILE … WEND works just like any other loop. It executes a series of statements as long as a specified condition is true. 2.FOR ... NEXT structure is used when you want to perform a loop for a specific number of times. It uses a counter variable which is incremented or decremented with each repetition of the loop. Syntax FOR counter_variable = StartValue TO EndValue STEP StepValue Statement1; Statement2; NEXT counter_variable 3.DO UNTIL … LOOP is different from DO WHILE ... LOOP as it executes the statements until the condition is true. In other words, it executes the statement if the condition is false and it exits the loop if the condition is true. 4. WHILE test condition Statements WEND 5.Exit command is used to come out of a loop before the expected number of executions. FOR n =1 to 10 PRINT n IF n=0 THEN EXIT FOR NEXT n 10 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 10 3.True © Cambridge University Press 20/04/21 8:03 PM Chapter 7 QB64 – Graphics and Sound A. 1. True 2. False 3. False B. 1. SOUND 400, 30 3.COLOR 14, 4 5.SCREEN 0 C. 1. SCREEN 12 COLOR 4, 9 PRINT “Hello Friend” PRINT “I have drawn circle for you” CIRCLE (20, 25), 5, 1 4. True 5. True 2.PSET (80, 10), 5 4.SCREEN 1 LINE (10, 20) – (100, 50), 15, B 2.SCREEN 2 PRINT “This is a line” LINE (10, 22) – (35, 30), 1 PRINT “This is a rectangle” LINE (10, 60) – (100, 100), 1, BF PRINT “This is a circle” CIRCLE (20, 25), 5, 4 BEEP D. 1.QB64 is not a graphic-oriented programming language. It was meant to be a learner’s language for basic programming techniques. However, with the help of some of its functions, we can achieve some level of graphic quality. 2.The SCREEN command is used to set the screen attributes. The screen attributes are always in number. Syntax of SCREEN command is given below. SCREEN [mode] where mode is any number from 1 to 13 for graphics and 0 for Text. 3.It is used to change the colour of the screen and the text. 16 colours can be used in QB64. 4.A pixel is the smallest possible element of an image on the screen. 5.The computer screen that you see consists of hundreds of picture elements known as pixels. Resolution of the screen or the image displayed is measured in terms of the pixels present horizontally and vertically on a screen. For example, resolution 320 × 200 for an image would mean 320 pixels in horizontal direction and 200 pixels in vertical direction. Chapter 8 Introduction to HTML A. 1. Head 2.beginning 3.<I> 4. formatting tags 5. <H1> B. 1. <HEAD> and <TITLE> <HEAD> is the first element under the HTML tag that contains information about the HTML document whereas <TITLE> tag displays the text that appears as the title of the web page in the Title bar. <TITLE> is a sub tag of <HEAD>Tag. © Cambridge University Press 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 11 11 20/04/21 8:03 PM 2.<BODY> and <P> <Body> tag is used to specify the body of a webpage like its background image colour and the specification of text/content in body while <P> is the paragraph tag. It is used to specify formatting and content related to a specific paragraph. 3.<I> and <B> <I> stands for Italics tag, a tag used for displaying text in italics while <B> stands for Bold tag, a tag used for displaying the text in bold. 4.<SUP> and <SUB> <SUP> stands for superscript, used to write text slightly above the normal level. For example, A<sup> 2</sup> will produce A2. While <SUP> stands for subscript, used to display the text in the subscript format. For example, H<SUB>2</SUB>O will produce H2O. 5.<BR> and <NOBR> The <BR> tag is an empty element. It is used to give a forced line break without inserting any blank space in between the lines whereas the <NOBR> tag is a container element that prevents line break. C. 1. <CENTER> <H1> My First Webpage</H1></CENTER> 2.Save the file with the extension of .HTM or .HTML. 3.<body vlink=“orange”> 4. <SUB> text </SUB> 5.<p style=“color:blue;”>This is a paragraph.</p> 6.<IMG SRC= “SchoolLogo.bmp” align=“right”> D. 1. This is an example to display text in both bold and italics. 2. This is an example to display text in both bold and italics. 3.Date of birth: 12th August 1988 E. 1. HTML is a simple scripting language, mainly used for developing web pages. The content typed along with the start tag and the end tag is called the HTML element. For example, <B> Click Start </B> is one HTML element. HTML can also have nested elements. For example, <B> <U> Click Start </U> </B>. 2.Attributes of a tag provides additional information about the HTML elements. They are always written by giving a space after the tag name. Attributes appear as an attribute name followed by an ‘=’ sign and then the attribute value. Attribute values should be enclosed within double quotes, though some browsers allow single quotes as well. 3.Type the program using ant text editor (say Notepad). Save the file with the extension .HTM or .html. Open the file using any browser say Internet Explorer to execute the script. 4.Hyperlinks are the text/images which link a word or a picture to some additional information in the same page or on some external page. For example, <A href=“http://”> SEARCH FOR NEW BOOKS PUBLISHED</A> will display a hyperlink on the web page. 5.Tags which are used to give formatting effects to the text in a web page are called the formatting tags. Some of these tags are explained here. a. Bold Tag: This tag helps to display the text in bold. It is a container element. The text written between the <B> and </B> tags appear darker than the rest of the text. This tag is generally used to give headings or to highlight important terms. 12 © Cambridge University Press 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 12 20/04/21 8:03 PM b. Italics Tag: This tag helps to display the text in italics. It is a container element. The text written between <I> and </I> tag appears slightly tilted than the rest of the text. 6.<Center> tag is used to align text/image to the center of the page. Example: <HTML> <BODY> <CENTER>Center text </CENTER> </BODY> </HTML> Chapter 9 Elementary HTML A. 1. True 2.False 3.False 4.False 5.False B. 1. Type 2.Type, Start attribute 4. Align, Bgcolor, Border, Bordercolor Cellpadding, Cellspacing, Height, Width 5.Color, Size, Face C. 1. <OL> 2.<OL> <B><U>Subjects </U></B> <LI> Apple </LI> <LI> English <LI> Mango </LI> <LI> Computers <LI> Banana</LI> <LI> Mathematics <LI> Litchi </LI> <LI> Science </OL> <UL> 3.<font color=brown> Myname</font> <LI> Physics 4.<font color=black face= “Arial”> Address <LI> Chemistry </font> <LI> Biology </UL> <LI> Social Science <UL> <LI> History <LI> Civics <LI> Geography </UL> </OL> D. 1.Lists are used when you want to display data in the form of points. In HTML, we have different tags to create different types of lists. Some of the different types of lists are discussed here. a. Unordered list: An unordered list is a list of items where the sequence of the list is not significant. By default, it is marked with bullets. © Cambridge University Press 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 13 13 20/04/21 8:03 PM b. Ordered List: An ordered list is a list of items where sequence is very important. By default, it starts with numbers. c. Description list: A description list is a list of items with a description of each item. d. Nested list: Creating a list within another list is called a nested list. Any type of lists can be nested. 2.Creating a list within another list is called a nested list. Any type of list can be nested. For example, in an ordered list an unordered list can be created and vice versa. <HTML> <BODY> <OL> <B><U>Subjects </U></B> <LI> English <LI> Computers <LI> Mathematics <LI> Science <UL> <LI> Physics <LI> Chemistry <LI> Biology </UL> </OL> 3.To create tables in HTML, you use the following tags: a. To create the structure of a table: <TABLE>…</TABLE> b. To give the caption to a table: <CAPTION>…</CAPTION> c. To create a table row: <TR>…</TR> d. To give a column heading in a table: <TH>…<TH> e. To create a cell (or column) that stores table data inside a row: <TD>…</TD> 4.HTML gives you the facility to change the type, colour and the size of the text that appears on the web page by using <FONT> tag. For example, <font face= “Arial” size=10 color= “Red” > INDIA</font> 5.We can specify the margins in HTML by using leftmargin, rightmargin, topmargin and bottommargin attributes within the <BODY> tag. For example, <BODY leftmargin= “20” topmargin= “50” bgcolor= “green”> Chapter 10 Creating Forms in HTML A. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. False B. 1. Tag: <INPUT type=“text”>, attributes: Name, Maxlength, Size, Value and Align 2.Tag: <SELECT>, attributes: Name, Size and Multiple 14 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 14 © Cambridge University Press 20/04/21 8:03 PM 3.Tag: <INPUT type=“checkbox” >, attributes: Name, Value and Checked 4.Tag: <INPUT type=“radio”> attributes: Name, Value and Checked 5.Tag: <INPUT type=“submit”> and <INPUT type=“reset”>, attributes: Name and Value 6.Tag: <INPUT type=“password”>, attributes: Name, Size and Maxlength C. 1. Form tag is used to create an HTML form. 2.Input tag is used to define each term of the list. 3.Select tag is used to create a drop-down list box or scrolling lists from where one or more options can be selected at a given time. 4.Text Area tag is used when you want the user to enter multiple lines of data in a text box. Both, horizontal and vertical scroll bars appear if the input appears in multiple rows or columns. D. 1.Forms are the means of collecting information. These are used to accept information from the user using a Graphical User Interface (GUI) environment. They add interactivity and allows communication to web documents. In HTML, forms can be created using <Form> Tag. 2.<OPTION> tag is used within the <SELECT> Tag to define each item of the list. It is also a container element and is used with the attributes value and selected. 3.The attributes used for <TEXTAREA> are: a. Name: Assigns a name to the Text Area. b. Cols: Specifies the visible width of the Text Area. c. Rows: Specifies the visible number of lines in the Text Area. d. Readonly: Specifies the Text Area as read only. 4.Different types of buttons available in HTML are: Radio button, Command button, Reset and Submit button. Who Am I? Martin Cooper Chapter 11 Flash – Tweening and Publishing A. 1. False 2.False 3.True 4.True 5.True 6.False B. 1. Motion tweening and Shape tweening Motion tweening is moving of an object or a symbol from one place to another whereas Shape tweening is creating an effect to change one object to another over a period of time. 2..swf file and .fla file .swf is the file that is created when the movie is tested. It is uploaded on the Internet and cannot be edited, it can only be viewed whereas .fla is the first file created, by default. It can be edited and saved. 3.Playing a movie and Publishing a movie Playing a movie means preparing a Flash file to see the shape tween in action on screen whereas Publishing a movie means preparing a Flash file to upload it on the Internet websites. © Cambridge University Press 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 15 15 20/04/21 8:03 PM 4.The Flash File and the Shockwave File Flash file is the first file created, by default. It can be edited and saved. For example, myMovie.fla. while the Shockwave file is the file that is created when the movie is tested. It is uploaded on the Internet and cannot be edited, it can only be viewed. For example, myMovie.swf. C. 1. e 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. d D. 1.Tweening comes from the words ‘in between’. With tweening you can go from one keyframe to another while taking small steps for each of the ordinary frames in between. There are two types of tweening: Motion tweening and Shape tweening. 2.A scene is like a clip of a movie which can be treated as an entire single unit on its own, and arranged around other clips that together form a movie. Yes, we can have multiple scenes in a movie. They can be inserted by selecting Scene Option from Insert Menu. 3.Publishing a file means preparing a Flash file to upload it on the Internet websites. A Flash file has many parts which are created in the process of publishing i.e.- The flash file, The Shockwave File, the web Page and the report file. 4.The attributes of the <EMBED> tag are: a. Src is an attribute that specifies the sound or the animation file to be embedded. b. Width is the width of the embedded file in an HTML document. c. Height is the height of the embedded file in an HTML document. d. Loop specifies the number of times the audio/video is to be executed. Example: <EMBED src=“MyMovie.swf” width=“760” height=“420” Loop=10> Chapter 12 World Wide Web A. 1. True 2.True 3.True 4.False 5.True B. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. e 5. d C. 1.Web server is the host computer connected in a web that contains data in the form of a web page. There are many web servers interconnected to form a vast Internet. Its main job is to deliver web pages and its associated content to the client machine. 2. A web client can be a laptop or a personal computer at home or at the office. 3.A web hosting is a facility that allows individuals and organisations to make their own websites. The website is then accessible to the whole world through the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server they own or lease for use by their clients. 4.Web browser is a software application in a laptop or a PC which is used to access information on the web. 16 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 16 © Cambridge University Press 20/04/21 8:03 PM D. 1.World Wide Web is a global network/web of information where documents and other resources are uniquely identified by a unique address called URL whereas W3C stands for World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) which is the main international standards organisation for the World Wide Web. 2.Protocols are the set of rules which governs the functioning of Internet. Various protocols on the web are discussed below. a.HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a set of rules for transferring files (text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files) on the World Wide Web. b.FTP (File Transfer Protocol): It is a standard internet protocol used for exchanging files between computers on the Internet. It is also commonly used for downloading programs and other files to your computer from other servers. c.SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): It is used in sending and receiving emails. It also lets the user save messages in a server mailbox, and downloads them periodically from the server. d.TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol): It is made up of two protocols, that is, TCP and IP. It is the main protocol used in the Internet. 3.ISP stands for Internet Service Provider. It is a company that offers its customer’s access to the Internet. The ISP connects to its customers using a data transmission technology appropriate for delivering data such as dial-up, DSL, cable modem, wireless or dedicated high-speed interconnects. 4.The web works in the following way to retrieve the information desired by the user. a.Web pages are stored on the web servers which are interconnected around the globe. b.Entering the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the web page in the Address Bar of the web browser on the PC will send a request from the client machine to the server machine. c.The server transmits the web page data to the computer and the web browser displays it on the screen. 5.Some applications of WWW are Online trading (e-commerce), education sector, entertainment, e-goverance, social networking, etc. Who Am I? Tim Berners-Lee Sample Paper 1. 7. 13. 19. 25. d c b d b 2. 8. 14. 20. d c d b 3. 9. 15. 21. c b c d 4. 10. 16. 22. d d c c © Cambridge University Press 9781108855747 Click Start TB 7_Answer key.indd 17 5. 11. 17. 23. b a a a 6. 12. 18. 24. a c c c 17 20/04/21 8:03 PM