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Welcome to Udacity - fwd initiative
Professional Track- Student Handbook
Welcome to Udacity - Future Work is Digital (fwd)
Professional Track
To prepare you to succeed in the program, we have compiled essential
information in this digital handbook.
Congratulations on your first big step 🎉
Table of Content
Your Classroom…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………..……...4
Nanodegree Projects…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……...6
Projects Deadlines……………….…...………………………………………………………………………………….…………………….…………………………………….……..…………………..……….7
Projects Overview and Rubric…..………………………………...………………………………………………………………………………………….…………...………………………………….8
Projects Reviews………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………...…..9
Revoking Warning……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………..…11
Your Tutor…………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……...…14
Your Community Moderator.………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……...…15
Community Activities…………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………...…………….……………...………………………………………………………..20
Useful Resources…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...……..…24
Your Classroom
Know your classroom
You have to watch your ND videos in your classroom,
to start all you have to do is to log into your
classroom.udacity.com and get started your learning
journey on the class right away.
Golden tips:
● Spend at least 10 hours/ 1 to 2 hours per day
in class over the first 14 days.
● Schedule 3 or more separate learning hours
each week (and do them!)
Students who kick off their learning with this routine
are more likely to complete projects on schedule and
Watch this video to get familiar with your classroom
Nanodegree Projects
1. Project Deadlines
Passed project
Upcoming project
Project Deadline
Final Deadline
Learn about your project deadlines from your “Program Home”. Start planning your time effectively to submit
and pass all your projects on time to stay on track, graduate before your “Final Deadline” and avoid losing your
2. Project Overview and Rubric
Make sure to read carefully your project overview page and rubric to know all the specifications you need to apply to
successfully pass and complete your project. Once you've completed the project, and checked it against the rubric, you
submit it through your classroom.
Project Overview Page
Project Rubric
3. Project Reviews
Every time you submit a project, you will receive in-depth, personalized feedback on your project submission from one of
our expert project reviewers. Project review usually take from 2 to 3 days. Once your review is ready, you will get an
email to notify you and you will be able to view it. There are three results for the review:
Requires Changes
The reviewer was not able
to grade your project. You
either submitted the wrong
files or the files submitted
can not be opened because
they are in an unsupported
format. You can resubmit
your project again from
your classroom after
addressing these issues.
You project didn’t meet
rubric specifications. the
reviewer will highlight
which part that requires to
be edited so that you pass
the project on your next
submission. You can
resubmit your project again
after editing it through your
Meets Specifications
You've successfully
completed the rubric
requirements and passed
your project.
Be aware of plagiarism, though!
While we encourage you to work together, learn from each other, and even share your different approaches to a
solution, all projects you submit for your Nanodegree portfolio must be your original work.
Any code that you use for reference must be cited.
-If you are working closely with a fellow student, consider using the following strategies to avoid copying each
other's work:
Check Consequences of submitting plagiarized work and for more info click here!
Be aware of Plagiarism.. as this is a violation of the Udacity Honor code
Plagiarism put you at risk of losing your scholarship and graduation certificate since Udacity has zero-tolerance for
plagiarized work submitted in any Nanodegree program
We understand how important it is to complete all the projects and graduate, but projects are meant to test your
individual skills and not those of others! Click here to know all details regarding Plagiarism
Revoking Warning
Revoking Warning
In this scholarship, you need to manage your time effectively to complete
all the requirements of your “First Project” and submit it on its deadline
mentioned in your classroom.
Not respecting your timeline will put you at risk of getting revoked from
your Nanodegree and lose your scholarship.
The revoking cycle shall happen at the end of the 3rd week of your
Tip: Project reviewing might take from 1 to 3 days. We highly encourage
you to try to submit your project as soon as you can and not wait until the
last minute of your project deadline.
1. Your Tutor
Provide you with the
technical support
regarding your
Nanodegree content,
projects and any
technical challenge
you may face during
your learning journey
learning you
can use for getting the
right answersvia
to your
Share interesting
information, such as
content-related news
articles to enrich your
personal and
professional aspects
of your Nanodegree
Organizing live
walkthrough webinars
to help you stay on
track and graduate on
Provide you with 1:1
support over
Discourse whenever
2. Your Community Moderator
Directing you to the
source of information
and supporting your
questions (related to
the initiative, rules and
Making sure all
members are
respecting our
community guidelines.
Organizing the
● Making sure topics
are in their right
● Closing duplicated
and inactive topics.
● Dealing with flags
We are always here to help..
Tutors -
Technical Support
Community Moderators
Attend the live webinars to
get live support on the spot
Ask in your ND category
For non-technical questions
related your program
FWD Community
Within your online community you can:
Ask any technical question you have regarding your track content or your field
Get technical support from your tutors and peers
Read very useful resources and topics to deepen your knowledge in the world of technology and freelancing
Build your professional network by being part of a vibrant community of aspiring programing
Know all the updates and news regarding National Freelancing Program
Participate in interesting discussions about technology, career, and much more!
What is Discourse?
How to login?
Discourse Rules
Discourse Categories
It is a communication forum that is used by the community team, by which the community team and
tutors can communicate and support students, by posting and answering questions and engage in
discussions. (Check this tutorial to help get familiar with your community)
Just log in clicking on this link and by using the username and the password of your classroom.
Download the “Discourse Hub” application from your app store. It’s available for both Android and iOS.
We encourage you to read carefully the Discourse Community guidelines document and make
sure you are following all its rules and best practices while communicating with your peers and Udacity
Check Discourse different types of categories here
Community Activities
Walkthrough Webinars
Series of technical webinars
presented by tutors to support
ND students pass their projects
effectively on their deadlines.
Technical Challenges
Participate in our monthly a technical
challenge over Discourse to deepen
your knowledge in your field. Winners
will win Udacity Badges and we will
celebrate them over the community
and social media platforms.
Study Hour
A one-hour session led by tutors
over discourse for all students who
haven’t submit the project yet
To help behind students solve their
technical blockers, accelerate their
learning progress, and graduate on
Tip from your community team:
● Make sure to check all the emails from us to never miss and important update!
● Discourse is the most important tool turn on notifications on your mobile app to never miss an important
Q. Will I be penalized for missing a project deadline?
A. Udacity requires you to stick to each individual deadline so you do not get revoked especially the first project. So please stick to your
schedule deadlines for each project.
Q. Which deadlines should I stick to?
A.Please stick to the project deadlines appearing in your classroom on your “Program Home” to make sure you don’t lose your
Q. When will I receive my Nanodegree certificate?
A. Once you have completed and passed all your projects, you will be prompted to go through the graduation process. Upon
graduation, you will receive an electronic certificate that can be accessed through your classroom.
Q. Can I request an extension to have more time to finish my Nanodegree?
A. Unfortunately extensions are not available in this scholarship so make sure to finish before you final deadline appearing in your
classroom “Program Home”
Q. Who should I reach out to if I need help in any project??
A. Please reach out to your tutors and peers on Discourse who can help and assist you with all technical questions related to your
specialization. You can search for your questions or post them on fwd community and the tutors will answer your questions and assist
Q. Am I doing something wrong if my project doesn’t pass on the 1st try?
A. Don’t be disappointed if your project doesn’t pass on the first try. Use it as a learning opportunity. Projects normally take 2-3
submissions before they pass.
The end goal! 🚀
Useful Resources
Udacity Support
Where to find?
About FWD Program
Watch this Video
Program Orientation
Watch this Video
Udacity Classroom features
Watch this video
Know your Community
Watch this Video
Community Tutorial
Watch this video
FWD community link
Click Here
Having any question regarding the classroom access, your project review, deadlines or any technical
Graduation Video
Check this Video
Udacity Team wishes you a very successful Learning Journey
Be in Demand
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