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Phraseology: Units, Classifications, and Characteristics

Phraseological units, or idioms, as they are
called by most western scholars, represent what
can probably be described as the most
picturesque, colourful and expressive part of
the language’s vocabulary.
Phraseology- is a collection of nation’s
customs, traditions and prejudices, recollections
of its past history, scraps of folk songs and
fairy- tales.
Peculiarities of the phraseological units
euphony — the definite rhythmical pattern, accompanied by
thick as thieves — спаянные крепкой дружбой, закадычные друзья;
bright as a button — чистенький, нарядный;
stylistic figures — tropes having contrast, simile, metaphor
→ they are stylistically coloured:
great cry & little wool — шуму много, а толку мало;
ships that pass in the night — мимолётные встречи
fair as a lily — прекрасная как лилия;
2 major criteria of distinguishing set-expressions from free
phrases: semantic & structural
~ semantic: semantic unity.
set-expressions — w-d-groups conveying a single concept.
free w-d-groups — each meaningful component stands for a
separate concept:
to drop a brick—допустить бестактность
~ structural integrity (целостность)
Free phrases — substitution of any of its elements without
semantic change in the other element is possible.
Semi-fixed combinations — restrictions imposed on types of
w-s, ~ c. b. used in a given pattern:
to go to __ school, to go to __market, to go to __ court
the pattern:to go + prepos. + no article — only with nouns of
places, where definite actions or functions are performed.
Set-expressions — no substitution / pronominal substitution /
substitution restricted to a few synonyms for one of the members only.
- to cut a poor (ridiculous) figure, not to cut much of a figure —
играть незначительную роль, казаться жалким.
- to make one’s (my, your, his, etc.) hair stand on end — сильно
изумить, напугать к-л.
No substitution:
all the world & his wife—все без исключения, всё светское
the black market
a grass widow — not a widow but a woman temporarily living
without her husband
busy as a bee
fair & square—open-hearted, frank
Classification of the phraseological units
▪ By Viktor Vladim. Vinogradov — based upon the motivation
1) phraseological fusions (слияния, объединения) — the highest stage of blending together —
semantically indivisible units;
by hook or by crook — не мытьём, так катаньем
2) phraseological unities (единства) — numerous, possess some degree of motivation. They
may have synonymic substitution:
to stand / stick to one’s guns—оставаться до конца верным своим убеждениям,
настоять на своём;
to take a new leaf
to take a bull by the horns
3) phraseological combinations — not only motivated but contain one component in its direct
meaning, while the other is used metaphorically:
to meet the requirements — столкнуться с условиями, нуждами
to take the risk of
to pay compliments
by Alex. Vlad. Koonin
— gave a detailed functional & semantic class-on; it’s based on the function
of the unit in speech:
1) nominative - the pattern Adj. + N:
a white elephant, blue blood, blind pig (бар, где незаконно торгуют
brown study (меланхолия), hot tiger (высокооктановый хороший
yellow Jack (флаг, который вывешивается на судне, если на нём
подозревается инфекционная болезнь),
- w-d-groups with a predicative structure:
as the crow flies — кратчайшим путём,
see how the land lies — видеть, как обстоят дела
2) communicative — by proverbs & sayings:
familiarity breeds contempt—чем больше знаешь, тем меньше
3) nominative-communicative—verbal w-d-groups which are
transformed into a sentence when the verb is used in the Passive
to pay nature’s debt — умирать,
to pull one’s leg,
to pay through the nose — переплачивать
4) interjectional:
Dog my cats! — чёрт побери!
By George! — Клянусь!
All my buttons! — возглас удивления
Queen Ann’s dead! — открыл Америку!
A fine / nice / pretty kettle of fish — неразбериха; ничего себе;
ну и каша заварилась