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The Headless Cupid Reading Quiz

The Headless Cupid-Zilpha Keatley Snyder
The Headless Cupid Reading Quiz
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Chapter 1
What is the main character’s name? David p. 3
Where was David sitting when his stepmother left Westerly House? on the stair landing within
arm’s reach of the headless cupid p. 3
Who appeared at the foot of the stairs? Molly p. 3
What was unusual about the stair landing? it felt like it was the heart of the house p. 4
Who is Amanda? p. 4
How many times did David and Amanda meet? Once p. 5
Who is Blair? p. 4
Chapter 2
What is a “familiar”? A spirit that looks like an animal or bird p. 14
What has Amanda been studying? the occult p. 14
The Headless Cupid-Zilpha Keatley Snyder
10. What happened to Amanda’s hands? The crow pecked them p. 15-16
11. Where did Amanda buy the crow? In Santa Monica p. 16
12. Who is Leah? p. 18
13. Why doesn’t Molly like Leah? p. 19
14. What is Amanda’s crow’s name? Rolor p. 20
Chapter 3
15. What did David hear from Amanda’s room? A low and rhythmical chanting sound p. 29-28
16. What was Molly like? She was artsy, small and bouncy, and she did everything except painting
hard and fast p. 31
17. Why was finding the right house difficult? They needed four rooms but the house couldn’t be
too expensive p. 32
18. What did David stay in bed thinking about? Amanda p. 35
19. Who was Skip? He lived two houses away from the Stanleys p. 35
20. Why was everyone interested in Skip? He had the biggest reputation of anybody in school p.
The Headless Cupid-Zilpha Keatley Snyder
21. What did David learn from studying Skip? He learned about being cool p. 37
Chapter 4
22. What did David’s father do for a living? He was a professor p. 39
23. What did David think of his father? He was fair and unreasonable but he also had a temper p.
24. Why is Amanda a bit upset? She doesn’t like that her mother remarried p. 40
25. Why is the marriage harder for Amanda than it is for David? Amanda’s father was still alive
and she had been some difficult times p. 41
26. What did David want to talk to Amanda about? The supernatural p. 42
27. Why David run toward the thistle patch? Janie screamed p. 44
28. What game did Amanda create with her siblings? Slaves and slavedriver p. 46
Chapter 5
29. What is the one thing David could expect from Amanda? Surprises p. 51
The Headless Cupid-Zilpha Keatley Snyder
30. What does nearly every kind of spell require? Herbs p. 52
31. Where is a good place for supernatural things? A crossroad p. 52
32. What is palmistry? The study of palm reading p. 54
33. What revenge was Amanda seeking? She wanted to get even with Mr. Fitzmaurice p. 55
34. What happened after Amanda made a voodoo doll of Mr. Fitzmaurice? He broke his leg skiing
p. 55
35. Who managed to tame the crow? Blair p. 62-63
Chapter 6
36. What is the purpose of the rites of initiation? They are a series of tests to prove you’re good
enough p. 65
37. How many tests did Amanda plan for the kids? 9 tests p. 66
38. What was the first ordeal? They couldn’t let any metal touch their skin p. 67
39. What did David wear to avoid touching metal? Swimming trunks p. 69
The Headless Cupid-Zilpha Keatley Snyder
40. What trick did David play on Molly and his father? he set their alarm 45 minutes later p. 71
41. What did David wear since he was cold in his swimsuit? His heaviest sweatshirt p. 71
42. What did Amanda want to eat for breakfast? Pancakes p. 72
Chapter 7
43. Why did Amanda ask for pancakes for breakfast? She wanted to make it hard on David and
his siblings p. 74
44. What did David do to assure the kids didn’t touch metal during breakfast? He removed the
silverware and prepared the pancakes for his siblings p. 75
45. Why was lunch easier than breakfast? They had sandwiches and fruits p. 75
46. Why were the kids late for dinner? They had a hard time washing their hands because the
faucets were metal p. 77
47. Why couldn’t Ester enter the dining room? The door was closed and she couldn’t touch the
metal knob p. 77
48. How did Janie manage to eat without touching metal? She wore a pair of very fuzzy rabbit fur
mittens p. 78
49. How did David manage to escape dinner? He cleaned his plate into a plastic bag
The Headless Cupid-Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Chapter 8
50. Who is Dr. Bradley?
51. Why was David’s dad going to be away for three weeks? He was taking students on a field
trip to the mountains p. 86
52. Why did David’s dad decide to work in the summer? They needed the money p. 86-87
53. What items needed repairs in the house? the upstairs toilet and the furnace p. 87
54. What did Amanda plan to hunt for during their “safari”? Reptiles p. 88
55. What was required in the second ordeal? Everyone was required to have a reptile p. 88
56. Why did Amanda shove David? He talked about her father p. 92
Chapter 9
57. What phobia did Molly have? She was afraid of snakes p. 99
58. Why was it important to keep the lizards secret? If Molly saw one, she would scream and that
would be the end of the ordeal p. 99
The Headless Cupid-Zilpha Keatley Snyder
59. What was the third ordeal? Everyone had to wear a garlic bud and a slice of onion and a
piece anise weed on a string around their necks p. 102
60. What was the fourth ordeal? No one was allowed to step on the wood floor p. 102
61. What was the only ordeal the children failed? The day of silence p. 103
62. What does David father say Amanda needs to learn about? She needs to learn about love p.
63. How long did the day of silence ordeal last? Three days p. 105
Chapter 10
64. What time did Amanda pick for the initiation? She picked a time when Molly would be away
for the day p. 111
65. Why was Molly going to be away all day? She was going to show her work at an art gallery p.
66. What kind of supernatural things had Leah and Amanda experienced? ghostly shapes,
mysterious voices, and people going into trances p. 111
67. What did Molly tell the children before she left that morning? Everybody be good and take
care of things p. 112
The Headless Cupid-Zilpha Keatley Snyder
68. Before Amanda left to change into her ceremonial robes, what did she ask for from Tesser?
She asked for a dead lizard p.112
69. What did Amanda wear for her ceremonial robes?
70. Why did Amanda go through with the ceremony even though the ceremonial robes were not
to her liking? She didn’t know when there’d be no adults around again p. 117
Chapter 2
71. What did Amanda do to make her room feel like “midnight”? She hung blankets over the
blinds p. 118
72. Where did Amanda ask the children to sit? Around the cauldron p. 118
73. What was the first step of the ceremony? The children were given new names p. 119
74. How did the children choose new names? They pulled a name out of the cauldron p. 119
75. What new name did David choose for himself from the cauldron? Templar p. 120
76. What did the music Amanda played sound like? It thudded monotonously like giant
heartbeats p. 120
77. Why did Esther warn Amanda to stop walking in circles? She didn’t want her to get dizzy and
sick p. 121-122
The Headless Cupid-Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Chapter 12
78. What was Amanda like the next day after the ceremony? She was the friendliest David had
ever seen her p. 132
79. What did Amanda have planned for today? A séance p. 132
80. Where was Dad going to following day? on a three week field trip p. 133
81. What happened the third day at Westerly House? the electrical system began to fail p. 133
82. Who is Mr. Golanski? a retired handyman p. 134
83. What did Amanda think Mr. Golanski looked like? a troll p. 135
84. Who carved the banister at Westerly house? Mr. Golanski’s father p.137
Chapter 13
85. Where did Molly and Amanda go the next morning? Molly delivered some paintings and
Amanda went to the library p. 142
86. Why did Amanda go to the library? She wanted to do some research on poltergeist p. 142
The Headless Cupid-Zilpha Keatley Snyder
87. When was Westerly House built? 1895 p. 143
88. Who were Mabel and Harriette? They were two young girls who lived in Westerly House
before the Stanleys moved in p.144
89. Who was Mr. Westerly? He was a government worker who traveled all over the world p. 144
90. Who did the spirit try to take power from? Harriette p. 146
91. Why did Amanda decide not to tell Molly about the poltergeist? Molly was scared easily p.
Chapter 14
92. Why were the children no longer allowed to play with the sprinkler? They destroyed two rose
bushes and Esther almost drowned p. 149-150
93. When does Amanda plan to do hold the séance? tonight after Molly goes to sleep p. 150
94. What’s a medium? a person who a spirit possesses and speaks through p. 151
95. What did David do to stay awake while waiting for Molly to go to bed? read a book p.152
96. Why didn’t Amanda wear her ceremonial shoes? they were too noisy p. 153
The Headless Cupid-Zilpha Keatley Snyder
97. What did Amanda ask the kids to concentrate on? a candle p. 155
98. Why did she want the kids to stare at the candle? She wanted them to concentrate on
absolutely nothing p. 156
Chapter 15
99. Why was David skeptical about what happened at the seance? He suspected Amanda had
planned the whole thing like a kind of prank p. 163
What did Blair say about the poltergeist? He heard it talking and it said something about
Amanda p. 165
Why was Esther limping? She stepped on a rock
Who does David suspect put the rocks in the house? the poltergeist p. 167
What did Molly do on the fourth day since the rocks arrived? she called everyone to a
meeting p. 169
What did Molly begin to suspect about the rocks? She began to fear that the house was
haunted p. 169
Why did David not want Mr. Ballard to know about the rocks? He didn’t want her to tell
Molly about the poltergeist p. 170
The Headless Cupid-Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Chapter 16
Why did the family wake up in the middle of the night? there was a loud crashing clatter
p. 173
What did Molly suspect the loud sound was? an earthquake p. 174
What does Amanda wear for a nightgown? Her father’s old shirt p. 175
What caused the loud crash? a broken flower pot p. 175
Why did Esther want to clean up the broken flowerpot? Mess all ways made Esther
nervous p. 176
Where did Esther and Janie sleep the rest of the night? with Molly p. 176
What did David find on Amanda’s nightstand? a pensi-zed flashlight p. 182
Chapter 17
Who ended up being the poltergeist? Amanda p. 183
What emotion was in David’s eyes when he stared at Amanda at breakfast?
anger p. 185
The Headless Cupid-Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Who did Molly call to stay with them? Her friend Ingrid p. 185
Why did Amanda want David and the kids to go with Molly to pick up Ingrid? she
wanted to set up her next prank p.186
Why was David not worried the poltergeist would return while Molly was away? He didn’t
think Amanda was interested in scaring the kids p. 188
Where did David learn to read so well? from his mother p. 188
Why were Ingrid and Molly going to be late? her car broke down p. 189
Chapter 18
How did Amanda react to seeing the cupid’s head? she looked like she might cry p. 194
What was the most convincing thing about Amanda’s reaction to the cupid’s head? she
seemed genuinely afraid p.196
What did Amanda confess to in the living room to David? she confessed to pretending
to be the poltergeist p. 196
Why wasn’t David very afraid? He still suspected that Amanda had something to do with
the cupid’s head p. 197
What was the mystery of the cupid’s head? It had gone missing around the time the
The Headless Cupid-Zilpha Keatley Snyder
poltergeist arrived and no one had seen it until now p. 197
What was Ingrid like? She was very logical p. 199
What made David want to lie to Ingrid? She made you feel like a liar even when you
were telling the truth p. 199
Chapter 19
Who did David suspect was responsible for the cupid’s head? he still suspected it was
Amanda p. 204
Why didn’t Molly suspect the twins? she believed they were too little p. 204
How did Amanda manage to break the flowerpot even though it was so heavy? she
rolled it p. 205
What is Amanda very good at? pretending to be asleep p. 205
Where did Amanda get all the rocks she threw around the house? down at the creek p.
How did Amanda manage to break the milk pitcher without anyone knowing? she
brought a rock with her to the table p. 206
How did Amanda manage to make the rapping sound during the séance without anyone
The Headless Cupid-Zilpha Keatley Snyder
knowing? she used her toe p. 207
Chapter 20
How did Blair behave if you got impatient with him? he became more silent p. 213
Where did Blair find the cupid’s head? the window seat where Blair kept all his toys p.
Where did Blair go after he fell down the stairs? he went to bed and waited for David p.
Why was David disappointed? there might have never been a real poltergeist p. 215
Why did David decide to keep the story of the cupid head a secret? He didn’t want
Amanda go back to misbehaving p. 216
What changes did David see in Amanda? she spent more time with the kids and with
Molly p. 216
Who told Blair about the cupid’s head? the poltergeist p. 218
Chapter 3
The Headless Cupid-Zilpha Keatley Snyder