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EM Spectrum & Radiation Worksheet

Name: Cleford Cajilo, Balili
bGrade 10 Section: 10-Savio
SA 2.2 Guided Generalization - EM Spectrum
INSTRUCTIONS: Open the following video below and answer the guide questions per video. Divide the back page to 3 equal parts for the answers
of the three (3) video guide questions and make a sound personal “ Enduring Understanding “ as you answer the EQ by incorporating your collective
understanding from the 3 videos and your prior knowledge of the nature, duration in exposing to the appllications and effects of electromagnetic waves
to living things.
Video # 1
Video # 2
Video # 3
“ Electromagnetic Spectrum” 5:19
“ Is Radiation Dangerous? “ 5:21
“ The Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Health
and tips to prevent health problems “ 2:50
by: BestOfScience
By: Matt Anticole
by: envirochip
What are the different regions of the EM
7. What is Radiation?
The EM spectrum is generally divided into
Radiation is a type of energy that can travel
seven regions, in order of decreasing
through space. Sometimes it travels in the form
wavelength and increasing energy and
of a wave. That’s called electromagnetic
frequency. The common designations are:
radiation. Sometimes, it travels as a beam of
radio waves, microwaves, infrared (IR), visible fast-moving particles. That’s called particle
light, ultraviolet (UV), X-rays and gamma rays. radiation.
How does each EM wave’s wavelength;
frequency and amount of energy are
related to one another in the spectrum?
Radiation is all around you! And it’s been there
all your life.
The energy of a wave is directly proportional to
8. What are the two types of radiation?
its frequency, but inversely proportional to its
Compare each in terms of its nature;
wavelength. In other words, the greater the
source; applications?
energy, the larger the frequency and the
shorter (smaller) the wavelength.
*Beta and Electromagnetic waves
How does EM wave travel?
Electromagnetic waves do not carry energy by
causing matter to vibrate, it is the electric and
What should users of mobile phones,
laptops and other gadgets know about the
dangers of overuse of these gadgets?
Excessive use of gadgets such as mobile
phones, tablets, and computer desktops can
cause physical and mental damage to children.
According to a study, a child will likely to
become overweight and develop seizure and
vision problems when they spend too much
time using gadgets.
•The first kind of radiation is a beta particle. It's
an electron that is not attached to an atom. It
has a small mass and a negative charge.
Tritium, which is produced by cosmic radiation
How do the use of these gadgets harm
one’s health?
One of the most obvious risks of using a
computer daily is eyesight decline. Plus
electronics used before bed can prolong the
length of time it takes to go to sleep (our brain
sees light and assumes it’s day and not night).
You should take breaks when using a
computer especially if your job requires daily
use of them. They can lead to increased
sedentary time which is also unhealthy.
magnetic fields that vibrate. This explains why
electromagnetic waves can travel in a vacuum.
What are the different applications of EM
The practical application of electromagnetic
waves is they are used to transmit short or
long or FM wavelength radio waves. They are
used to transmit TV or telephone or wireless
signals and energies. They are responsible for
the transmission of energy in the forms of
microwaves, visible light, infrared radiation,
ultraviolet light, gamma rays and also X-rays.
How does the knowledge of the EM
spectrum help in capturing images on earth
and in outer space?
Astronomers use a number of telescopes
sensitive to different parts of the
electromagnetic spectrum to study objects in
space. Even though all light is fundamentally
the same thing, the way that astronomers
observe light depends on the portion of the
spectrum they wish to study.
For example, different detectors are sensitive
to different wavelengths of light. In addition, not
all light can get through the Earth’s
atmosphere, so for some wavelengths we have
to use telescopes aboard satellites. Even the
way we collect the light can change depending
on the wavelength. Here we briefly introduce
observatories used for each band of the EM
in the atmosphere and exists all around us,
emits beta radiation. Carbon-14, used in
carbon-dating of fossils and other artifacts,
also emits beta particles. Carbon-dating simply
makes use of the fact that carbon-14 is
radioactive. If you measure the beta particles,
it tells you how much carbon-14 is left in the
fossil, which allows you to calculate how long
ago the organism was alive.
•The second kind of radiation is
electromagnetic radiation, like X-rays and
gamma rays. They are probably the most
familiar type of radiation because they are
used widely in medical treatments. These rays
are like sunlight, except they have more
energy. Unlike the other kinds of radiation,
there is no mass or charge. The amount of
energy can range from very low, like in dental
x-rays, to the very high levels seen in
irradiators used to sterilize medical equipment.
Children are smaller, more weaker and
vulnerable. Their immune systems aren’t like
adults, where they are fully developed which
therefore, can get them sick more easily.
If we live in a world surrounded by radiation;
how can we escape its dangerous effects?
There are many more specific rules pertaining
to different situations.
The basics of radiation protection are TIME,
TIME – Minimize the amount of time you are in
an area that has a radiation field.
DISTANCE -Keep as much distance as
practical between you and a radioactive
What should parents do to minimize
radiation exposure to children?
Parents should avoid letting their children to
use cellphone/mobile gadgets or computer.
Well small children of course they should be
aware about their immune system is not yet
developed and their body is still weak Soo they
should be really careful to care for their own
children’s…If the parents has a teenager child
He/She should do time management of his/her
teenager child.
Why are children more vulnerable to its
negative effects?
What are the preventive measures to
reduce the risk of exposure to harmful
•Limit the time spent in places with high
between the person and the source of
Radiation levels.
• the distance Radiation.
•Use an appropriate shielding in Between the
source and the worker.
How is the nature of EM waves used in
various applications?
SHIELDING – Stay behind something that is
good at stopping radiation.
If you are in a contaminated area, keep your
hands away from your face until you can
decontaminate Leave the contaminated area
as soon as practicable and thoroughly
Electromagnetic waves have a vast range of
practical everyday applications that includes
such diverse uses as communication by cell
phone and radio broadcasting, WiFi, cooking,
vision, medical imaging, and treating cancer. In
this module, we discuss how electromagnetic 10. Compare ionizing and non-ionizing
waves are classified into categories such as
radio, infrared, ultraviolet, and so on. We also
Radiation is classified as being either nonsummarize some of the main applications for
ionizing or ionizing. Non-ionizing radiation is
each range.
longer wavelength/lower frequency lower
energy. While ionizing radiation is short
wavelength/high frequency higher energy.
Ionizing Radiation has sufficient energy to
produce ions in matter at the molecular level.
Is all radiation hazardous? What makes
them harmful?
Alpha particles are the most harmful internal
hazard as compared with gamma rays and
beta particles. Radioactive materials that emit
alpha and beta particles are most harmful
when swallowed, inhaled, absorbed, or
injected. Gamma rays are the most harmful
external hazard.
What is the possible outcome if one is
experiencing acute radiation?
Exposure to large doses of radiation in a short
time result in Acute Radiation Syndrome
How does the children’s length of exposure
to EM radiation affect their growth and
development? Health?
Children’s Exposure to low frequency fields
that are strong enough can lead to dizziness,
seeing light flashes and feeling tingling or pain
through stimulation of nerves. And Exposure to
radiofrequency fields that are strong enough
can lead Children’s to heating of body tissue,
and result in damage to tissues and organs.
(ARS). ARS includes four stages. A prodromal
stage with gastrointestinal symptoms such as
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea can begin
within minutes or days of the exposure and last
up to several days. A latent stage follows in
which the patient feels fine for a period of time
ranging from hours to weeks. This latent stage
is followed by a manifest illness stage, which
includes one or more of three classic. Subsyndromes.
• Bone marrow syndrome often leading to
death from the destruction of bone marrow
resulting in infections and hemorrhage.
• Gastrointestinal syndrome likely leading to
death from serious gastrointestinal tract
damage causing infections, dehydration, and
electrolyte imbalance.
• Cardiovascular/central nervous system
syndrome leading to death within a few days
from circulatory system collapse and increased
intracranial pressure from edema, vasculitis,
and meningitis
The final stage is either recovery or death. The
entire process can take from a few weeks to a
couple years.
How does EM radiation affect humans and
the environment?
Some forms of electromagnetic radiation,
which is radiation found in different kinds of
light waves, including ultraviolet light and Xrays, can cause damage to the DNA inside a
living cell. When DNA is damaged by radiation,
it can lead to cell death or to cancer.
How can the benefits and hazards of EM Spectrum applications be determined?
Their vibrations or oscillations are changes in electrical and magnetic fields at right angles to the direction of wave
travel. All electromagnetic waves: transfer energy from the source of the waves to an absorber. Can travel through a
vacuum such as in space.