Job Name/Location: Tag #: Date: For: PO No.: Architect: GC: Engr: Mech: File Resubmit Approval Other Rep: (Company) (Project Manager) LMU18CHV Multi F Inverter Heat Pump Outdoor Unit Performance: Operating Range: Nominal Cooling Capacity (Btu/h) Nominal Heating Capacity (Btu/h) Cooling Power Input (kW) Heating Power Input (kW) Cooling Nominal Test Conditions: Indoor: 80°F DB/67°F WB Outdoor: 95°F DB/75°F WB 15,600 17,000 1.31 2.04 Electrical: Power Supply (V¹/Hz/Ø) MOP (A) 208‐230/60/1 20 MCA (A) Cooling Rated Amps (A) Heating Rated Amps (A) 13.3 11.09 11.09 8.9 0.59 MOP ‐ Maximum Overcurrent Protection MCA ‐ Minimum Circuit Ampacity Piping: Refrigerant Charge (lbs) Liquid Line (in, OD) Vapor Line (in, OD) 14‐118 ‐4‐64 Unit Data: Refrigerant Type Refrigerant Control Sound Pressure³ (Cool/Heat) ±3 dB(A) Heating Nominal Test Conditions: Indoor: 70°F DB/60°F WB Outdoor: 47°F DB/43°F WB Compressor (A) Fan Motor (A) Cooling (°F DB) Heating (°F WB) 3.97 1/4 x 2 3/8 x 2 Max Total Piping² (ft) Max ODU to IDU Piping (ft) Piping Length (no add'l refrigerant, ft) Max Elevation between ODU and IDU (ft) 164 82 49.2 49.2 Max Elevation between IDU and IDU (ft) 24.6 ODU ‐ Outdoor Unit IDU ‐ Indoor Unit Controls Features: •Auto opera on •Built‐in low ambient standard •Auto restart opera on down to 14F •Defrost/Deicing •Restart delay (3‐minutes) •Inverter (variable •Self diagnosis speed compressor) •So start Optional Accessories: R410A EEV 49/52 Net Unit Weight (lbs) Shipping Weight (lbs) Heat Exchanger Coating 100 108 GoldFin™ Min Number of Indoor Units Max Number of Indoor Units 2 2 Compressor: Quantity Type Twin Rotary Oil/Type FVC68D 1 Fan: Type Quantity Fan Motor/Drive Propeller 1 Brushless Digitally Controlled/Direct Airflow Rate (CFM) 1766 Notes: 1.Acceptable opera ng voltage: 187V‐253V. 2.Piping lengths are equivalent. 3.Sound Pressure levels are tested in an anechoic chamber under ISO Standard 1996. 4.All power/communica on cable to be minimum 18 AWG, 4‐conductor, stranded, shielded and must comply with applicable local and national code. 5.Power wiring cable size must comply with the applicable local and na onal code. 6.See Engineering Manual for sensible and latent capaci es. 7.Power wiring cable size must comply with the applicable local and na onal code. 8.This data is rated 0 above sea level, with 24.6 of refrigerant line and a 0 level difference between outdoor and indoor units. All capacities are net with a combination ratio between 95 – 105%. 9.Refer to the Engineering Product Data Book for combina on capacity tables. 10.Must follow installa on instruc ons in the applicable LG installa on manual. PI‐485 Integration Board ‐ PMNFP14A0 AC Smart Premium ‐ PQCSW421E0A AC Ez ‐ PQCSZ250S0 Power Distribution Indicator ‐ PQNUD1S00 For a complete list of available accessories, contact your LG representative. For continual product development, LG reserves the right to change specifications without notice. ©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG Life’s Good” is a registered trademark of LG Corp. / SB‐MultiF‐LMU18CHV‐08‐14 Page 1 of 2 Job Name/Location: LMU18CHV Tag #: Multi F Inverter Heat Pump Outdoor Unit Date: PO No.: For continual product development, LG reserves the right to change specifications without notice. ©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG Life’s Good” is a registered trademark of LG Corp. / SB‐MultiF‐LMU18CHV‐08‐14 Page 2 of 2