Uploaded by Muhammad Yaqoob

Government Retirement Funds: Structure & EOBI Registration

Semester Project Financial Markets and Intermediaries.
Group Members Names:1. Muhammad Yaqoob
2. Zain Ul abidin
3. Hashir Sajjad
Submitted To: Mrs. Nayab Javeed
Submission date: 15201-0558570-6
Institution: Employees' Old-Age Benefits Institution
Topic: Governments Retirements Funds
The governments retirements funds are scheme which provides retirements income.
Every individuals’ publics or private job holder are bound to pay 6% of their basics pay every
month. After 60years of the age of the employees if 15Years are completed of the
registration with Governments retirements funds then the person is eligible for
Governments retirements Funds otherwise just provide grant.
In Pakistan there are three types of organization that’s provide pension fund facilities are as
1. Governments own Organization
2. Semi Governments Organization
3. Private limited organization
But we are focusing on the Governments Retirements Funds which fall in Governments Own
Questions related to Governments Retirements Funds
Q2: What is the structure of Government Retirements Funds?
The governments retirements Funds have different types
Q1: What condition an organization registered with EOBI? Is that mandatory for every
organization to register or not?
Ans1: Any organization having 3 or more than three employees they are eligible for
registration with EOBI.
Its mandatory for all organizations having three or more than three employees. If there is
two or less than two employees that’s not mandatory.