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Mathematics for Economics Course Readings 2020-2021

Mathematics for Economics
Readings: 2020-2021
Relevant sections and chapters (by week)
CH: Sections in Chiang and Wainwright, fourth edition.
O: Chapters in Osborne online textbook.
These chapters contain most of the relevant material for each lecture. In some cases, they may
cover slightly more material than what we will cover in this module which nevertheless may help
you to gain further understanding of it.
Week 1: CH: 2.5-6, 6, 7.1-4, 10.3-5. O: 1.4-7, 2.1-2, 3.1
Week 2: CH: 9.1-4, 11.1-2, 11.5, 12.6. O: 4, 5
Week 3: CH: 10.1-2, 10.7, 11.6
Week 4: CH: 12.1-2. O: 6.1-2.
Week 5: CH: 13.1-3. O: 7. Also recommended, A2.3.5-6 in Jehle and Reny “Advanced
Microeconomic Theory”. Available here.
Week 6: Reading week
Week 7: CH: 14.1-4.
Week 8: CH: 17, 18.2. O: 9.
Weeks 9-10: CH: 4.1-6, 5.1-5, 11.3-5, 12.3, 19.2. O: 1.2-3, 3.2-3.
Week 11: CH: 8.1-5, 13.5. O: 2.3-4, 6.3