Asset return Every investment has some required rate of return, based on its level of perceived risk. Of course, your realized return from an investment may differ substantially from what you had originally expected or required – uncertainty concerning the final outcome is unavoidable. People tend to be risk-adverse, therefore they demand higher rates of return (additional compensation) for investments of increasing risk. Now we relax the assumption of certainty!! 1 Asset return The return on a security comes in two forms: dividends and capital gains P0= price of the stock at the beginning of the year P1= price of the stock at the end of the year Div1= dividend paid on the stock during the year X1= total amount of return received (dividends+capital gains) X0= total amount invested Return of a risky security purchased at t=0 and sold at t=1: Dividend yield: Div1 / P0 Capital gain: (P1 - P0)/ P0 Rate of return: r= (X1 - X0)/ X0 Total return on the investment: R=X1 / X0 R=dividend yield + capital gain R=1+r 2 Asset return Ex. Sarah purchased 100 shares of stock at the beginning of the year at p=37$ per share. Over the year the stock paid a dividend of 1.85$ per share. At the end of the year the market price of the stock is 40.33$ per share. Which is the total return on the investment? Total investment=100*37$=3,700$ (X0) Total dividends=100*1.85$=185$ (Div1) Total gain=(40.33$-37$)*100=333$ Total return received=Div+gain=185$+333$=518$ (X1) Total cash received after selling the shares at the end of the year: 3,700$+518$=4,218$ Dividend yield=1.85$/37$=5% Capital gain=(40.33$-37$)/37$=9% r=(518$-3,700$)/3,700$=-0.86 R=1+r=1-0.86=0.14=14% or R=5%+9%=14% or R=518$/3,700$=14% 3 Short selling (receive X0) (pay X1) You bet that the asset price falls. If x0>X1, you realize a profit. Total return from short-selling: R=X1 / X0 Short squeeze 4 Mean-variance portfolio theory Two risky securities A and B and there are 4 equally likely states of the economy: Depression Recession Normal Boom RA RB Depression -0.20 0.05 Recession 0.10 0.20 Normal 0.30 -0.12 Boom 0.50 0.09 Expected return: it is the return that an individual expects a stock to earn over the next period It can be calculated as the average return that the security has earned in the past R A 17.5% R B 5 .5 % 5 Mean-variance portfolio theory Variance and Standard Deviation are used to assess the volatility of a security’s return 2 2 VARIANCE (RA)= A = expected value of ( RA RA ) 1. Calculate the deviations from expected returns for each state 2. Calculate the squared deviations for each state 3. Calculate the average squared deviation for the security’s return 6 Mean-variance portfolio theory RA RA RA ( RA RA ) 2 RB RB RB Depression -0.20 -0.375 0.140625 0.05 -0.005 0.000025 Recession 0.10 -0.075 0.005625 0.20 0.145 0.021025 Normal 0.30 0.125 0.015625 -0.12 -0.175 0.030625 Boom 0.50 0.325 0.105625 0.09 0.035 0.001225 0.2675 ( RB RB ) 2 0.0529 RA RA (dep) 0.20 0.175 0.375 RA RA (rec ) 0.10 0.175 0.075 RA RA (norm) 0.30 0.175 0.125 RA RA (boom) 0.50 0.175 0.325 0.2675 0.066875 4 0.0529 B2 0.013225 4 2 A 7 Mean-variance portfolio theory SD is the square root of the variance SDRA A A2 SDRA A 0.066875 0.2586 25.86% SDRB B 0.013225 0.1150 11.50% Co-variance and correlation measure the interrelationship between two securities Cov( RA, RB ) AB Expected value of [( RA RA )( RB RB )] Cov( RA, RB ) AB AB A B Corr ( RA, RB ) AB Cov( RA , RB ) A B 8 Mean-variance portfolio theory 1. Multiply together the deviations from expected returns of A and B 2. Calculate the average value of the four states Cov( RA, RB ) AB 0.0195 0.004875 4 Corr ( RA, RB ) AB 0.004875 0.1639 0.2586 * 0.1150 RA RA RA ( RA RA ) 2 RB RB RB ( RB RB ) 2 ( RA RA )( RB RB ) Depression -0.20 -0.375 0.140625 0.05 -0.005 0.000025 0.001875 Recession 0.10 -0.075 0.005625 0.20 0.145 0.021025 -0.010875 Normal 0.30 0.125 0.015625 -0.12 -0.175 0.030625 -0.021875 Boom 0.50 0.325 0.105625 0.09 0.035 0.001225 0.011375 0.0529 -0.0195 0.2675 9 Return correlations Perfect positive correlation: both the returns on security A and B are higher (lower) than average at the same time Perfect negative correlation: security A has an higher than average return when security B has a lower than average return (viceversa) Zero correlation: the return of security A is completely unrelated to that of security B 10 Return correlations R R Corr ( RA, RB ) 1 t Corr ( RA, RB ) 1 t R Corr ( RA, RB ) 0 t 11 Mean-variance portfolio theory Let’s consider a portfolio of risky securities A and B. wA,B are the proportions of the assets A and B in the portfolio Expected return of the portfolio: Rp wA RA wB RB The expected return on a portfolio is the weighted average of the expected returns on the individual assets of the portfolio. From previous example, suppose the investor has 100$ and he invests 60$ in A and 40$ in B. Rp 0.6(17.5%) 0.4(5.5%) 12.7% 12 Mean-variance portfolio theory Variance of the portfolio: p2 wA 2 A2 2wA wB AB wB 2 B2 The variance of a portfolio depends on both the variances of individual securities and the co-variance between them. Since AB A, B A B it can be also written as: For given variances of individual securities, a positive co-variance increases the variance of the portfolio. Hedging effect if the variance of one security increases and the variance of the other security decreases. SDp p p2 13 Mean-variance portfolio theory p2 wA 2 A2 2wA wB AB wB 2 B2 p2 (0.6)2 (0.066875) 2[0.6 * 0.4 * (0.004875)] (0.4)2 (0.013225) 0.023851 p2 (0.6)2 (0.066875) 2[0.6 * 0.4 * (0.1639) * 0.2586 * 0.115] (0.4)2 (0.013225) 0.023851 SDp p 0.023851 0.1544 15.44% 14 Mean-variance portfolio theory Extention to the case of n risky securities: n R p wi Ri i 1 n n 2 p E wi ( Ri Ri ) w j ( R j R j ) j 1 i 1 n n E wi w j ( Ri Ri )( R j R j ) wi w j ij i , j 1 i , j 1 The variance of a portfolio of n assets can be calculated from the co-variances of the pairs of securities and the proportions of the securities in the portfolio. 15 Mean-variance portfolio theory The diversification of the risk: 1 n R p ri n i 1 1 2 p 2 n n 2 i 1 n 2 Portfolio standard deviation The variance of a portfolio can be reduced by adding more securities in the portfolio. Let’s suppose to have n securities, with returns not correlated. Their expected return is r with variance 2. All securities are equally weighted in the portfolio: 0 5 10 15 Number of Securities 16 Mean-variance portfolio theory In the previous example, the choice of 60% A and 40% B is just one of an infinite number of portfolios If we change the proportions of A and B (keeping the same correlation), we have a set of infinite portfolios. Rp 17.5% 5.5% Y X 12.7% L’ Z SD p 15.44% X R p 12.7% A, B 0.1639 L SD p 11.5% Z R p 5.5% SD p 25.86% Y R p 17.5% p Diversification occurs when the correlation between A and B is lower than 1 No diversification occurs if the correlation between A and B is =1 (straight line) 11.50% 15.44% 25.86% 17 Mean-variance portfolio theory MV=minimum variance portfolio. It is the portfolio with the minimum standard deviation The choice of the portfolio depends on the propensity to risk of the investor Y RY X RZ MV Opportunity set Z Z Y The curve from MV to Y is the EFFICIENT FRONTIER 18 Mean-variance portfolio theory For different cases of correlation between the two assets: AB 1 RB AB 0 RA The lower the correlation, the more bend there is in the curve AB 1 A B 19 Mean-variance portfolio theory The opportunity set of a portfolio of n securities : If the portfolio has at least 3 securities (with different expected returns and not perfectly correlated), the opportunity set is a continous two-dimensional region. The opportunity set is convex on the left. Each combination of 2 securities is on the left (or on the same line) of the straight line that joins them. R 11 4 MV 2 3 20 Mean-variance portfolio theory R R Efficient frontier Efficient frontier: the set of portfolios that risk adverse investors would choose. 21 Mean-variance portfolio theory We have a risk-free security available for investment (risk-free return rf and 0) and a risky security ( r , 2) The co-variance between them is 0. Consider a portfolio with a invested in the risk-free asset and 1-a invested in the risky asset: R p arf (1 a)r p (1 a) 2 2 (1 a) 22 Mean-variance portfolio theory Expected return and standard deviation vary linearly with a R rf R p arf (1 a)r p (1 a) 2 2 (1 a) 23 Mean-variance portfolio theory Now consider portfolios consisting of some combination of n risky assets and the risk-free asset R When you include a risk-free asset, the possible region is an infinite triangular shape! rf 24 Mean-variance portfolio theory ONE-FUND THEOREM R F rf 25 Mean-variance portfolio theory Q is a portfolio of securities within the feasible set of risky securities. If an investor wants to combine Q with an investment in the risky-less asset moves along line I (choosing point 1 or 2 or 3). Line II is tangent in F to the efficient set of risky securities and it is the efficient set of all assets (risky and risk-less) The portfolio of risky assets held by an investor will always be point F, combined with the risk-less asset. R Line II 5 F 4 rf 1 2 Q 3 Line I 26 Market equilibrium We now use the general results of the meanvariance portfolio theory to identify the market equilibrium relations between price and returns of asset portfolios. We will then turn to the CAPM developed by Sharpe, Lintner and Mossin We focus on all investors which we assume base their expectations from the same publicly available information on past price movements 27 Market equilibrium 28 Market equilibrium A broad-based index such as S&Poor’s 500 is a proxy for the market portfolio 29 Market equilibrium An asset’s weight (wi) in a market portfolio is equal to the proportion of that asset’s total capital value to the total market capitalization The capitalization weights are proportional to the total market capitalization, not to the number of shares. Stock N. shares Price capitalization weight A 10,000 6 60,000 0.15 B 30,000 4 120,000 0.3 C 40,000 5.5 220,000 0.55 capitalization A/total capitalization=60,000/400,000 400,000 30 Market equilibrium Changes in prices affect the estimates of assets returns and investors will recalculate their optimal portfolios. This process continues until demand=supply (equilibrium) Prices adjust to drive the market to efficiency. In this context, the optimal portfolio (or the efficient fund of risky assets) is the market portfolio. 31 Assumptions-CAPM CAPM is based on the following assumptions: 1. All investors have identical expectations about expected returns, standard deviations, and correlation coefficients for all securities. 2. All investors have the same one-period investment time horizon. 3. All investors can borrow or lend money at the risk-free rate of return. 4. There are no transaction costs. 5. There are no personal income taxes so that investors are indifferent between capital gains and dividends. 6. There are many investors, and no single investor can affect the price of a stock through his or her buying and selling decisions. Therefore, investors are price-takers. 7. Capital markets are in equilibrium. 32 CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL ( ) r The expected return (and SD) of an arbitrary efficient portfolio is r ( ) rM rf (rM rf ) Risk premium 33 CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL The CML states that as risk increases, the corresponding expected rate of return must also increase! 34 CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL It is impossible for an individual to assemble the market portfolio. There are some index funds (mutual funds) that try to duplicate the portfolio of a major stock market index. Hp: every investor has the same info about the uncertain returns of stocks CAPM can be used to evaluate the performance of an investment portfolio (mutual funds/pension funds) 35 CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL ri rf i (rM rf ) The expected return on a security is linearly (and positively) related to to its beta. rM r f is usually positive because the average return on the market is usually higher than the average risk-free rate. 36 CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL Beta measures the risk of a security in a large portfolio. More precisely, it measures the responsiveness (correlation) of a security to movements in the market portfolio. Virtually no stock has a negative beta. Stocks with negative beta are hedges and reduce the risk of a portfolio. The average beta across all securities, when weighted by the proportion of each security’s market value (Xi) to that of the market portfolio, is 1 n xi i 1 i 1 37 CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL ri rf i (rM rf ) 38 CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL An individual who holds 1 security should use as a measure of the security’s risk the variance (SD) of his security’s returns. For individual who holds a diversified portfolio, the contribution of a security to the risk of the portfolio is best measured by beta. 39 CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL The asset is completely uncorrelated with the market i 1 ri rM i 1 ri rM i 1 ri rM 40 CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL The estimation of beta: Betas are usually estimated by financial services companies They use records of past stock values Highly leveraged companies have usually higher betas 41 CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL A security’s market risk is measured by beta, its expected sensitivity to the market. 42 CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL If you cumulate data on the security return and market return, you obtain a set of points, which are interpolated by a straight line where beta represents the inclination. 43 CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL The beta of a portfolio is the weighted average of the betas of the assets, with the weights being identical to those that define the portfolio: n P wi i i 1 44 CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL The security market line (SML) The expected rate of return increases linearly as Beta increases r rM M The slope is upward sloping because r r M f 1 45 SML and CML SML It relates expected returns to beta It holds both for individual securities than for possible portfolios CML It traces the efficient set of portfolios formed from both risky and risk-less assets It holds only for efficient portfolios 46 Systematic and idiosyncratic risk ri rf (rM rf ) i i var( i ) 2 i 2 i 2 M The first part is called SYSTEMATIC RISK (associated with the market). It cannot be diversified. The second term is IDIOSYNCRATIC or NON- SYSTEMATIC RISK (firm-specific, uncorrelated with the market). It can be diversified. 47 Systematic and idiosyncratic risk Assets on the CML have only systematic risk. Assets carrying non-systematic risk do not fall on the CML. As the non-systematic risk increases, the points drift to the right The horizontal distance of a point from the CML is a measure of the non-systematic risk r Asset with systematic risk CML rf Assets with nonsystematic risk 48 CAPM as a pricing model The CAPM is a pricing model Suppose that an asset is purchased at price P and sold at price Q. P is known, Q is random If all the assumptions of CAPM are satisfied it follows: Q P r r f (rM r f ) P Q P 1 r f (rM rf ) 49