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Typology of Tourists: Motives & Classification

Typology of Tourists
and Their Motives
Lecturer: Rukhshona Rofeeva
Types of Tourists
Tourists are into two types: international and domestic.
• An international tourist is a visitor traveling to a country other than that of
his habitual residence and outside that person's primary environment, for a
period not exceeding 12 months, whose main purpose is not to engage in an
activity paid from a source in the place visited , and having at least one
overnight stay in a collective or private accommodation facility in the visited
Types of Tourists
• Domestic tourist is a person who leaves their place of permanent residence
for the purpose of visiting a place located no closer than 50 miles (80.5 km)
from their place of residence. This trip may have professional,
entertainment, personal, other purposes, excluding individual day trips to the
place of work. It is not necessary for a local tourist to stay at the destination
for more than 24 hours, which means they can stay overnight at the
destination or return home the same day.
Classification of Tourists
• All tourists can be classified according to the following criteria: depending on
their activity or lifestyle.
According to their activity
• Relaxation lovers. Its representatives go on vacation to get rid of everyday
stress and relax in a calm and pleasant environment. They are afraid of
strangers and large crowds of people. Calmly resting vacationers are attracted
by the sun, sand and sea.
• Pleasure lovers. This is a type of very adventurous tourists who, during
their holidays, are busy looking for a variety of pleasures and prefer a secular
atmosphere. In relation to them, words such as flirting, long distances are
most often used.
According to their activity
• Outdoor enthusiasts. These tourists love nature and create an active load
on their bodies. They prefer measured movement and stay in the fresh air.
Their vacation can be combined with treatment.
• Sports enthusiasts. Unlike active tourists, sportsmen have all their attention
focused on competitions. Sports are very important for them - their hobby.
They are not afraid of physical activity.
According to their activity
• Vacationers for the purpose of knowledge, study. This type of tourists is
interested in raising their educational level, learning new things. There are
three subgroups: tourists who visit the places described in the guidebooks,
which pay attention not so much to recognized sights as to finding places
where they can feel their atmosphere. For them, feelings and moods come to
the fore and tourists who have pronounced cultural and socio-scientific
interests, they are very attracted to nature.
According to their activity
• Adventure lovers. Only a few thrill-seekers go on a journey alone and put
themselves at really serious risk in doing so. The type of adventurers can be
attributed to those tourists who are looking for unusual experiences with a
certain degree of risk. For them, risk is an opportunity to test themselves.
According to Lifestyle
• Pleasure lovers. Representatives of this group make very high demands on the
quality of rest. For them, travel is a way of self-expression. From rest, they want to
enjoy, allow themselves some weaknesses or give themselves a sports load.
• Trendy tourists. For them, rest is an opportunity to find and express themselves as
a person. These are vacationers with high demands, but unlike "enjoying life", they
do not need luxury conditions. They are looking for unity with nature, silence and
the possibility of psychological relief, they are aware of the problems of the
environment, they are interested in politics and culture of the region they are
planning to visit.
According to Lifestyle
• Family tourists. This group includes only families with children. Family tourists
like to spend their holidays with family, friends and relatives. They rest in a calm and
comfortable environment, buy services at competitive prices, and do not like to be
disturbed. Most of the time they take care of themselves.
• Whole rest. The most important condition for tourists of this type is the
opportunity to relax. This group includes relatively passive tourists who spend their
holidays in the traditional way: they are content with silence, sleep for a long time,
like to eat tasty and plentiful food, take short walks or short trips. Fans of such a
holiday do not like to experiment and during the holidays they try to keep their
Goals and motivation of tourists
• learning and getting to know a new culture and way of life, food and
• acquaintance with entertainment, nightlife, the opportunity to visit good
restaurants, discos and other places of entertainment;
• the opportunity to be a little bit in a different way of life, to have a drink, to
spend freely 'money that has been accumulating for a long period, to feel at
least a little like a person of a higher level;
• change of general environment, stress relief, rest;
visiting theaters, performances, festivals, carnivals;
meeting new interesting people;
study of conditions for potential business in a given country;
shopping goals, purchase of souvenirs and gifts;
rest on the sea, sports;
winter sports and recreation;
treatment, recreational purposes;
- religious purposes, pilgrimage;
Meeting with relatives and friends.
• Pleasure and relaxation are the natural needs of a person, allowing him to
restore physical and mental strength, relieve stress accumulated during
routine work over a long period. Normally working people usually have one
to five weeks of rest every year.
• Health care. This group of programs includes tours with treatment,
massage and other procedures for families, disabled people, non-smokers or
quitters, tours with recreational sports (swimming, aerobics, therapeutic
exercises, etc.).
• Sports as a means of psychological relaxation and increased vitality.
This includes tours that allow you to practice sports during your holiday that
most people don't have the opportunity to practice regularly throughout the
year. These are skiing, tennis, golf, gliding, equestrian, sailing, surfing,
windsurfing, scuba diving, kayaking and catamaran rafting.
• Education. Here one can single out, first of all, the study of foreign
languages and conversational practice, which includes daily classes, as well as
other types of recreational activities. In addition, this includes training in
various sports and professional training programs (management, marketing,
economics, etc.). A small group consists of educational tours of interest
(cooking, ecology, astronomy).
• Opportunity for self-expression and self-assertion. This group includes
the so-called adventure tours: high-category tourist trips, round-the-world
travel by boat, African safari, camel and motor sledge hunting, mountain
climbing, spearfishing and various expeditions.
• Opportunity to do what you love (hobby) among like-minded people.
There are special tours for car enthusiasts, "fans" and sports fans to sports
competitions, championships and olympiads, pilgrims, collectors and
amateurs, gourmets, etc.
• Solving business problems. This includes the so-called business, congress
tours, business trips, scientific tours. The travel company provides a cultural
and tourist-excursion program of congresses, organizes business trips with
visits to places of interest to customers and the provision of relevant
services (transport, accommodation, meals, congress services, etc.).
• Entertainment and the need to communicate with other people. These
are mainly trips on holidays with an entertaining and educational program.
• Satisfying curiosity and raising the cultural level. Such problems are
solved in all the tours mentioned above. But they play the main role in
educational tours to cities, capitals, historical and cultural centers. In
theatrical tours - to the famous opera and ballet theaters, concert halls. In
literary - according to the places of life and work of famous writers, the
actions of the heroes of literary works, etc.