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Life is Good Case Study: Management, Innovation, & Customer Service

LAGUDA, Shenn Benard Glenn R.
MBA – 1
Caselet #1
“More Than a Good Story”
1. As the top managers of their company, what types of issues might Bert and John have
to deal with? Be as specific as possible. Which management functions might be most
important to them? Why?
The story of the conception of the Life is Good company gives the impression that
both Bert and John are lenient when it comes to management. Without a clear idea
on the functions of management, the company is bound to experience problems such
as facing unforeseen issues and spontaneous problems due to lack of planning,
disorganized processes, and unchecked employees. Life is Good’s management
philosophy revolves around optimism. If the brothers’ management philosophy will be
left unevaluated, they might run the risk of having wayward employees who will use
the company’s very philosophy as a dismissal to their own mistakes. Therefore,
considering the rapid growth of the company, it is essential that the management focus
their attention to the controlling activities. There should be relevant policies and ethical
standards that regulate employees’ behavior, standard operating procedures and
other guiding principles.
Optimism creates a positive working environment for employees of an
organization. Many acclaimed and successful organizations positively reinforce their
workforce and provide a work-conducive environment for their units. However, ideal
as it may seem, such positive management style could be prone to abuse. It has been
proven that when managers treat their subordinates nicely, some definitely abuse this
especially when managers don’t know how to stand their ground and there are no
regulations to back them up.
Furthermore, as stated in the case, the administration should definitely look into
planning to meet the demands of their market. Many promising businesses burn-out
because of the overwhelming surge of demand and because of poor planning and
organizing, such cannot be supplied most likely due to the lack of knowhow of these
fast-growing organizations.
Conclusively, Life is Good should focus their strategies in the controlling function
but never losing sight of the other functions of management as well.
2. Using descriptions from the case, describe Bert and John’s managerial style. Would
this approach work for other organizations? Why or why not?
The case described the managers’ style to be grounded on the philosophy of
“simplicity, humor and humility.” According to SHRM.org, Bert and John philosophy is
all about optimism which could probably be attributed to the history of their company.
The brothers started to build the business from the ground up which they could have
used to inspire not only other businessmen alike but also their own employees as well.
Like the motto of the company: “Life is good”, their products also resound similar
philosophies which contributed to the success of the company because not only do
they practice such but it is also extended to their customers. Such style works for them
because one of the goals of the products that the company produces is to inspire
others by appreciating the simplicity of life that of which their customer could relate to.
The application of the same style could work for other companies too, however,
only if they share the same vision and mission that Life is Good has. Depending on
the corporate direction, each company prioritizes their own values and philosophies
and if other companies share the same values and philosophies that Life is Good has,
the brothers’ management style could work for them, too.
3. How do you think the company’s motto “Do what you like. Like what you do.” might
affect how managers manage? Be specific.
In order for us to propose, we should first analyze the company’s motto: “Do what
you like. Like what you do.” Its simplicity surpasses the resounding message it
delivers. It conveys that one should pursue what they are most passionate about or
one should find joy in their jobs and realize ways to enjoy what they are doing no
matter how one thinks their work is too difficult or something they are not really
passionate about. The motto is teaching us to posses an attitude of optimism and that
performing one’s work is more easier depending on the mindset they put forth.
Such optimistic approach is helpful for managers because managers are faced
with difficulties in the workplace not only of a single task but the intricacies of the
various departments in their workplace. A manager’s duty is very complex that most
experience burnout due to the overwhelming workload and issues they have to solve.
With this, many get easily discouraged because the position has already become too
demanding. In the end, no matter how difficult it may seem, managers should find
confidence in the fact that there will always be a silver lining to every difficult situation.
It is just a matter of attitude and fortifying one’s skill.
4. What managerial challenges might there be in having friends work for your business?
How could these challenges be kept inconsequential?
Having to work with friends as well as having friends to work for you could ease
the adaptation part of the introduction process of working. There are many family
businesses managed by family members and turned out well. Furthermore, emerging
business owners prefer to work with friends in hopes that placing a well-trusted person
the organization brings benefits. However, issues such as abuse of power due to
familiarity brought about by hiring friends could arise. Conflict of interest may also be
observed in some family businesses owned or managed by multiple family members.
Controlling such issues could be problematic because personal matters may be
discussed which could trigger conflicts between personnel. In order for these
challenges to remain inconsequential, businesses should implement operational
strategies that encompasses not only the standard operating procedures but also
ethical standards to which employees abide by. Such standards may vary on the
purpose of the organization, however, the end goal of implementing such is to keep
employees in check regardless of their ranking in the organization. It is also essential
to emphasize that such standards not only apply to the functional level employees but
also governs the top and middle management as well.
5. Would you want to work for a company like this? Why or why not?
My ideal company is somewhere I could express my opinions and grow
professionally with a supportive administration who not only gives importance to the
benefits the company receives but also looks at the needs of their employees as well.
I would like to work for Life is Good because their company mission is not only
resounded internally but has already become a passion echoed by the messages on
their products and the corporate social activities they provide for the community.
In the past, there were companies who had good market reception but did not treat
their employees fairly. Many employees also face the problem of not having to work
for a company that helps them grow as a professional. Sometimes, employee
development is not the priority of companies because they may be facing other issues
that they need to turn their focus more into. However, employees do not simply
understand this dilemma of failing companies but the latter could exert more effort into
communication with their employees so as to meet at a compromise for the benefit of
both parties.
6. In what ways would the Life is good managers (corporate and retail store) have to deal
with the challenges of customer service, innovation, and sustainability? Be specific in
your description.
For corporate managers in the retail industry, they may have to devise strategies
pertaining to customer relations specifically product delivery policies, feedback
support, after-sales standards, and among others otherwise, corporate managers may
receive backlash from customers for lack of customer support being such a big
For innovation, trends continuously change for the fashion industry which may be
very challenging for the corporate managers if they cannot keep up. Primary
competitors of Life is Good includes other lifestyle brands such as Ralph Lauren, Nike,
and Columbia Sportswear Company. However, instead of a high-end lifestyle motif,
the Jacobs brothers’ company promotes the simplicity of life which attracts thousands
if not millions of the culturally woke market. The problem for the corporate level
managers is how to keep their market on board with relevant cultural themes and
references wherein they could relate to. It is not as simple as creating a t-shirt with a
politically correct message because it would be less relatable if it was not relevant to
current social references. It is important that continuous innovation not only on the
messages they put out but there should also be innovation on the type of retail
products they will be selling such as accessories.
As for sustainability, corporate managers may encounter challenges in terms of
keeping the business relevant despite the emergence of new and established
competitors. The fashion industry is fast-paced and it is somehow unpredictable what
the next and it is up to the corporate managers how to remain operational despite the
internal and external issues. The administration should think how they could be
consistent with their positive product output because if not, they may find it difficult to
sustain the core of the business’ revenues.
As for the retail store managers, it is their responsibility to train their staff in terms
of customers relations because this is a major contributor to the total experience of
the customer. Without such, it may be difficult to sustain the operations of the store
since customers may be satisfied with the products but are otherwise with the overall
experience of the buying process. Lastly, innovations on promotional techniques,
hiring processes, and overall store management should be one of the focuses of the
store managers because this will help them stand out among the mainstream retail
businesses they compete with.
Ward, D. (2021, August 27). Meet Bert Jacobs: Chief Executive Optimist. SHRM.
Life is good, Inc. - Company Profile, Information, Business Description, History,
Background Information on Life is good, Inc. (n.d.).