Module 4 Communication, Collaboration, Safety, and Documentation Communication: the transmission of ideas and the interactions between people. Symbols used to create and interpret messages. The meaning of messages, ideas, emotions, and state of mind. 3 types of communication - Logistic: the spoken word, written symbols, reading text, text messages, silence Para logistic: verbal messages, gestures, eye contact, expression via artwork, clothing choice Meta: context of the messages perceived and interpreted Spoken communication can be misunderstood by observation of facial expressions or gestures. People can see what you are thinking based on your body language and facial expression Written communication can be misunderstood. Think of abbreviating words and people not understanding that. Think of spelling errors in the written message leading to misinterpretation. Lacking attention to detail and knowledge can lead to people not finding you professional. Communication Can be - Verbal Therapeutic Formal/informal communication Written Documentation - Anything written or electronically generated that describes the status of the patient Nursing documentation is a legal record Needs to be clear Use approved abbreviations only Chart accurately and reflectively This is key to patient safety as well Safety patient safety is paramount. There are policies and procedures to help minimize the number of errors that are made and maximize the number of errors or potential errors that are being caught we need to be aware healthcare errors happen and be sure to document accurately and responsibly. Nurses are encouraged to report errors to help identify how similar errors can be avoided in the future. We can’t learn from mistakes we don’t acknowledge. Healthcare Error Types: - Error of commission Error of omission Error of execution Types of errors - Near miss: could be harmful but was caught before it arose Adverse event: unintended harm comes to patient Sentinel event: death/serious injury occurred