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Advanced Spine & Disc

Complete Address
5250 Commerce Dr #155, Murray,
Utah, 84107,
Company Phone Number
(801) 747-7776
Spinal decompression is a treatment that
is more effective than traditional
treatments, such as pain pills and surgery.
Many people who suffer from spinal
problems will tell you that pain pills and
injections may only provide temporary
relief, if anything. And recent research
shows that up to 76% of low back
surgeries are unsuccessful. So why aren’t
there more effective treatments
available? Here at Advanced Spine &
Disc, more effective treatment is
available. Our spine specialists in Murray
specialize in giving patients options
outside the traditional model that
typically has such poor outcomes. Spinal
Decompression treatment eliminates the
need for surgery by fixing the underlying
problem. Radiologists have confirmed
with MRI that with spinal decompression,
you can permanently correct damage to
the spine. This results in avoiding the risks
and complications associated with
invasive procedures, and more
importantly, it gets you out of pain and
back to your life.