Uploaded by Samantha May Balolong

Political Globalization: Threats to Nation-States

Political Globalization
By: Samantha May Balolong
Political Globalization
 The global flow of people, especially refugees and illegal
immigrants, poses a direct threat to the nations-state and its ability
to control its borders.
 The looming cries associated with the dwindling oil and water
supplies threaten to lead riots and perhaps insurrection that could
lead to the downfall of extant governments.
 The inability of the nation-state to control economic flows
dominated by MNCs, as well as the current economic and financial
crisis that is sweeping the worls, also poses a profound threat to the
Political Globalization
 Environmental problems of all sorts, especially those related to
global warming, are very likely to destabilizing politically.
 Borderless diseases, specially malaria, TB, and AIDS in Africa, pose a
danger to political structures.
 War is the most obvious global flow threatening the nation-states
involved, especially those on the losing side.
Political Globalization
 Global inequalities, especially the profound and growing North and
South split, threatens to pit poor nations against rich nations.
 Terrorism is clearly regarded as a threat by those nations against
which it is waged, hence, the so-called war on terrorism.