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Report: History and Popularity of Names in a Rural School

Municipal general education institution secondary general education school of the rural settlement
"Selo named after Polina Osipenko" of the municipal district named after Polina Osipenko of the
Khabarovsk Territory
"About our names"
class 2b student
Simonova Milena
Scientific Supervisor:
primary school teacher
Stetsenko V. V.
The plan:
1 Introduction.
2 The main part.
2.1 History of the origin of names.
2.2 Sociological research.
2.3 Analysis of the study
3. Conclusions and conclusions.
Every person gets a name at birth. We don't choose our own names, but our
parents do. But to find out what is the origin of the name, the history of the name,
the interpretation of your name, probably interesting to anyone. After all, the
variety of both female and male names is huge. Some of them have ancient roots,
in this case the origin of the name is connected with ancient history, and some
were formed quite recently, and only last for decades. But whatever the name is, it
has its own interpretation, origin and meaning. And before moving on to specific
interpretations of names, it makes sense to make a small excursion into history in
order to better understand the origin of the names that surround us.
2 The main part.
2.1 History of the origin of names.
Names, like everything else in the world, have their own history. They arise,
change, and disappear. The history of Russian names is closely connected with the
history of the people and their language. Ancient Russian names were peculiar
characteristics of people. The name was given to a person as a sign by which it was
possible to distinguish him from the family or clan.
In some cases, a person was characterized by some external characteristics,
in others-by the position in the family, in relation to relatives, and sometimes by
occupation. At the same time, the" adult "name sometimes lived simultaneously
with the "childish" one.
Here are some Russian names-characteristics:
by the appearance of a person – Small, White, Oblique, Pock-marked, Curly,
Black, Milava, Nekrasa, Chernukha.
according to the human character trait-Dobrynya, Brave, Proud, Silent,
Accordion, Smartass, Fool, Nesmeyana, Annoyance, Dobrava;
by place in the family – First, Second, Drugan, Tretyak, Zhdan, Nechay,
Menshak, Senior, Nezhdana, Neupokoy;
by profession-Kozhemyaka, a villager.
Some people may not believe in their authenticity, they will think that they
are nicknames. But these are really the names of our ancestors. And in Ancient
Russia, until the tenth century, there was no difference between a name and a
nickname. The choice of a name in those distant times depended on the wishes of
the father and mother. Our ancestors had names: Wolf, Goose, Winter, Swan, Bull,
Nightingale, Trouble, Raspberry.
At the end of the tenth century (988), Prince Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko
gave consent to the Emperor of Byzantium (Greece) to baptize Russia. The
"epiphany" rite consisted of driving residents of Russian villages into the river in
droves and forcing them to rinse their bodies three times with water to wash away
"the old pagan name and faith." The Christian priests who were standing on the
shore at that time made the sign of the cross over each of them and gave them a
new name. So Zhdany and Khrabry, Ryzhuns and Malyuts became Vasilii and
Cyril, Annas and Evdokia.
The names brought to Russia along with Christianity were borrowed from
the languages of Eastern and European peoples. Most of the new names were of
ancient Greek origin.
In the Christian era, so-called baptismal names appeared, which
corresponded to the names of saints. The vast majority of them are no longer of
Slavic, but of Greek origin. However, some Slavic names were also recognized by
the church, even though they had nothing to do with saints. These are, for example,
Yaroslav, Mstislav, Rostislav, Svyatoslav, Vyacheslav and the Scandinavian Oleg.
The most common names in the Christian era were Ivan and Fyodor. The names
Peter, Paul, John (Ivan), Alexey, Philip, Mark are also widely used. Many of the
baptismal names were of Hebrew origin, for example: Anna, Jacob, Daniel.
From the Greek language came the names:
Alexander is a courageous defender.
Alexey is a defender.
Andrey is courageous.
Artemy (Artem) – healthy, unharmed.
Galina is quiet.
Gennady is a well-born man.
George and Yuri are farmers.
Eugene is a noble.
Elena is bright and clear.
Zoya – life.
Nikita is the winner.
Nikolai is the winner of nations.
Oksana (Ksenia) - hospitable.
Peter is a stone.
Sophia the wise.
Tatiana-the lady, etc.
From the Latin language came the names:
Albina is white.
Valentin is healthy and strong.
Victor is the winner.
Vitaliy is vital.
Klara is clear.
Maxim is the greatest.
Margarita is a pearl.
Natalia is a native.
Roman-Roman, Roman.
Elvira-blonde, magic light, etc.
So, since the 10th century and up to the 17th century, there was a tradition
to give a child two names: the baptismal church name and the lay name, given by
parents to denote intra-family nicknames. At the same time, the baptismal name
was mandatory, but the secular name was not. By the end of the 17th century,
nicknames in Russia were already used quite rarely, and many ancient pagan
Slavic and Scandinavian names were also not preserved. At the same time, only the
church could give a person a name - this procedure was in effect until 1905, then
these strict rules were somewhat relaxed, and only since 1917 it became possible to
give a child any name without regard to the church.
Everything was changing rapidly. Names also changed. The fighters of the
1917 revolution received not only the right to work, but also the right to choose a
name. Before that, only the priest could give the newborn a name, and they did not
dare to argue with the priest. He would call a newborn Doula or Trofillius, and
then he would suffer for the rest of his life.
In 1917, the Church was separated from the state. Signs of that heroic time
are imprinted in the names: Vanguard, Coat of Arms, Industry, Barricade. I was
amazed by the breadth of interests and imagination: October, November,
Electrification, Energy.
Women's names after the October Revolution:
Oktiabrina-from the word October.
Maya-from the name of the month of May.
Krasarma – abbreviated phrase "red army".
Donara – "daughter of the people"
Ninel – the word Lenin, read from right to left.
Lucia – part of the word "revolution".
Vladilena-short for Vladimir Lenin
Male names after the October Revolution:
Marlene – Marx and Lenin
Kim-Communist Youth International.
Vilen-short for Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
Renat – "revolution, science, labor";
Vilorik – "V. I. Lenin-organizer of workers and peasants".
Of course, in today's life, names of this kind rarely appear. And yet,
occasionally we come across in the newspapers a report that they live, it turns out,
in our country: The Lancet, the Delegate, the Lawyer, the Police, December.
Thus, most of the Russian names came from the Greek language, which
gives us the corresponding interpretations of names, for example, Nicholas-the
winner, Vasily-the tsar, some - from the Latin language, for example, Valentinstrong, Innocent-innocent. It turns out that there are very few truly Slavic names
among Russian names: Vladimir, Svetlana, Lyudmila and all sorts of "slavs"
(Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, etc.). The non-Russian origin of Russian names is explained
by the fact that children received baptismal names from the church, and religion
appeared in Russia from the Greeks... But, over time, the alien names have become
so "Russified" that it seems to us that both Alexandra and Mikhail have a truly
Russian origin.
2.2 Sociological research.
If in the past names were influenced by the church, today they are so
influenced by fashion. The fashion for certain names suddenly makes them popular
at one time or another in history. For example, Kristin or Jan were practically not
found in Orthodox Russia, but by the end of the 20th century there were quite a lot
of them, while Prokhorov and Savely were forgotten. From time to time there is a
fashion for Elizabeth, Darius, Anastasia, sometimes fashion returns to us old
names that were rarely used under the Soviet regime: Matvey, Danila, Nikita.
But no matter how much fashion changes, some names have been preserved
for centuries, they have already entered the traditional Russian names, which, if
they give way to the "most fashionable" ones, then not for long, keeping Russian
history and mystery in themselves. Alexander, Sergey, Mikhail, Ekaterina, Olga,
Tatiana - the list will be quite long...
I decided to check out which names are popular in our school at the moment
and did a social survey.
The most popular names in the MOE secondary school of the village named after
P. Osipenko:
Less popular names:
Rare names at school:
These names are given
to 2 people
1. Denis
2. Elvira
3. Leonid
4. Pavel
5. Lilia
6. Alina
7. Lyubov
8. Anton
9. Elena
each These names are
given to 1 person each
(elementary school)
1. Prokhor
2. Matvey
3. Sabrina
4. Zinaida
5. Stanislav
6. Timofey
7. Arina
8. Milena
9. Igor
These names are given
to 1 person each (5-11)
1. Semyon
2. Egor
3. Olesya
4. Albert
5. Marina
6. Antonina
7. George
8. Anatoly
9. Violetta
There is a fashion for names. It all depends on the time and place where you
live. The criteria for choosing a name should include the family significance of
the name, its literary and oral fame, its true tradition, and nationality. Of
course, the beauty of the name's sound and ease of pronunciation are taken
into account.
 Anastasia is a popular name in the late 20th century and early 21st
 Victoria-in the 20th century it was a rare name, but in the 21st it
became popular.
 At the end of the 20th century, names were popular: Catherine, Maria.
At the beginning of the 21st century, their popularity declined.
 In the 20th century, the names Andrey, Sergey, Alexey, Alexander were
popular. In the 21st century, their popularity has remained. Many more
children are called by such names.
 In the 20th century, it was not fashionable to call boys by such names as
Timofey, Matvey, Semyon, Stepan. In the 21st century, these names
began to return.
 In the 21st century, names began to return: Alina, Anfisa, Vasilisa.
There was a fashion to call children very rare names: Diana, Violetta,
Elvira, Regina, Darina, Albert, Herman, Mark.