Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect ScienceDirect Available online atonline www.sciencedirect.com Available at www.sciencedirect.com Procedia CIRP 00 (2019) 000–000 Procedia CIRP 00 (2019) 000–000 ScienceDirect ScienceDirect www.elsevier.com/locate/procedia www.elsevier.com/locate/procedia Procedia CIRP 00 (2017) 000–000 Procedia CIRP 84 (2019) 826–831 www.elsevier.com/locate/procedia 29th 29th CIRP CIRP Design Design 2019 2019 (CIRP (CIRP Design Design 2019) 2019) Design agile innovation management small and Design fields fields of of 28th agile innovation management in small and medium medium sized sized CIRP Design Conference, May 2018, in Nantes, France enterprises enterprises A new methodology to analyze the functional and physical architecturea of a a a a Nadine Niewöhner *, Laban Asmar , Fabio Wortmann , Daniel Röltgen , Dr.-Ing. Arno and a a a a Nadine Niewöhner *, Laban , Fabio Wortmann , Daniel Röltgen , Dr.-Ing. Arno Kühn Kühna and existing products forAsmar anProf. assembly oriented product family identification a Dr.-Ing. Roman Dumitrescua a a Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roman Dumitrescu Fraunhofer Research Institute for Mechatronic Systems DesignAlain IEM, Zukunftsmeile Paderborn, Germany. Paul Stief *, Jean-Yves Dantan, Etienne,1,1, 33102 Ali Siadat Fraunhofer Research Institute for Mechatronic Systems Design IEM, Zukunftsmeile 33102 Paderborn, Germany. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 5251 5465 403; fax: +49 5251 5465 102. E-mail address: nadine.niewoehner@iem.fraunhofer.de * Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 5251 5465 403; fax: +49 5251 5465 102. E-mail address: nadine.niewoehner@iem.fraunhofer.de École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, LCFC EA 4495, 4 Rue Augustin Fresnel, Metz 57078, France *Abstract Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 3 87 37 54 30; E-mail address: paul.stief@ensam.eu Abstract Digitalization is regarded as an essential driver of innovation and therefore has a great influence on innovation management. In this context, Digitalization is regarded as an essential driver of innovation and therefore has a great influence on innovation management. In this context, we identify challenges to which companies must respond as part of their innovation management. Concerning these challenges, agile methods Abstract we identify challenges to which companies must respond as part of their innovation management. Concerning these challenges, agile methods are gaining in importance. Therefore, the submission focuses the analysis of the interaction of digitalization, agility and innovation are gaining in importance. Therefore, the submission focuses the analysis of the interaction of digitalization, agility and innovation management in small and medium sized enterprises. As a result, essential design fields were identified to come up with an agile, holistic Inmanagement today’s business environment, trend towards more variety and customization is unbroken. Due to the need of in small and mediumthe sized enterprises. As a product result, essential design fields were identified to come upthis withdevelopment, an agile, holistic innovation management in SMEs. agile and reconfigurable innovation management production in SMEs. systems emerged to cope with various products and product families. To design and optimize production systems as well as to choose the optimal product matches, product analysis methods are needed. Indeed, most of the known methods aim to © Authors. Published Published by by Elsevier B.V. © 2019 2019aThe The Authors. Elsevier B.V. © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. analyze product or one product family on the physical level. Different product families, however, may differ largely in terms of the number and Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of of the the CIRP Design Design Conference Conference 2019. 2019 Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CIRP CIRP DesignofConference nature of components. This fact impedes an efficient comparison and choice appropriate2019 product family combinations for the production system. A new methodology is proposed to analyze existing products in view of their functional and physical architecture. The aim is to cluster Keywords: agile, Innovation management, digitalization, small and medium sized companies, machinery and plant engineering Keywords: agile, management, smallfor andthe medium sized companies, machinery and lines plant and engineering these products in Innovation new assembly orienteddigitalization, product families optimization of existing assembly the creation of future reconfigurable assembly systems. Based on Datum Flow Chain, the physical structure of the products is analyzed. Functional subassemblies are identified, and a functional analysis is performed. Moreover, a hybrid functional and physical architecture graph (HyFPAG) is the output which depicts the similarity between product families by providing design support to both,which production system and product designers. the An transfer illustrative 1. Introduction has the taskplanners of planning and controlling of 1. Introduction has the study task on of two planning and controlling the columns transfer of of example of a nail-clipper is used to explain the proposed methodology. Anwhich industrial families of steering ideas intocase innovations [2].product Therefore, these companies need ideas of into [2]. Therefore, these companies need thyssenkrupp Presta France is then carried out to give a first industrial evaluation theinnovations proposed approach. The role of innovation in achieving competitive advantages methods that combine short cycle times with a high customer © 2017 Published Elsevier B.V. TheThe roleAuthors. of innovation in by achieving competitive advantages methods that combine short cycle times with a high customer is of significant importance, especially in mechanical and plant focus [4]. Thus, 2018. nowadays agile processes become an Peer-review under importance, responsibilityespecially of the scientific committee and of the 28th CIRP Design is of significant in mechanical plant focus [4].Conference Thus, nowadays agile processes become an engineering. Mechanical engineers regularly achieve high sales engineering. Mechanical engineers regularly achieve high sales shares with new products or even market innovations. Both of Keywords: Assembly; Design method; Family identification shares with new products or even market innovations. Both of them, new products and market innovations are key figures for them, new products and market innovations are key figures for innovation success but also an indication of the short product innovation success but also an indication of the short product life cycles in the industry [1]. Due to the advancing cycles in the industry [1]. Due to the advancing 1.life Introduction globalization and digitalization not only the product life cycles globalization and digitalization not only the product life cycles but also the development and innovation cycles are getting butDue also tothe the development and innovation are getting development in cycles the domain of shorter and shorter.fast The risk of market failures is also increasing shorter and shorter. The risk of market failures is also increasing communication andchanges an ongoing trend of digitization and due to unexpected in customer requirements. These due to unexpected changes in customer are requirements. These digitalization, manufacturing facing important can, for example, be theenterprises result of breakthroughs in can, for example, be the result of breakthroughs in challenges in today’s market[2]. environments: continuing technological developments The intensea competitive technological developments [2]. The intense competitive tendency reduction of product development times and pressure towards poses great challenges especially for small and pressure poses great challenges especially small and shortened product lifecycles. In addition, isfor an increasing medium-sized companies (SMEs) with a there limited resource base. medium-sized companies (SMEs) limited resource base. demand of customization, beingthe atwith the asame time a global At the same time, they form backbone of thein European At the same time, they form the backbone of the European competition with competitors all over the trend, economy. Nearly 99% of all companies in world. the EU This are covered economy. Nearly 99% of all companies in the EU are which is inducing development from tocovered micro by the EU definitionthe of SMEs [3]. Against thismacro background, the by the EUresults definitiondiminished of SMEs [3]. this background, the markets, lotAgainst due to augmenting traditional SMEsinmust act in order tosizes remain competitive on the traditional SMEs(high-volume must act in order to remain competitive on[1]. the product to low-volume production) market.varieties A systematic innovation management is required, market. A systematic innovation management is required, To cope with this augmenting variety as well as to be able to important and meaningful role in the product development. A important and meaningful role in the product development. A recently conducted report by the Association of German recently conducted report by the Association of German Engineers shows that there is a high interest in agile methods in Engineers shows that there is a high interest in agile methods in product development [5]. Many companies are experimenting product development [5]. Many companies are experimenting and even working with them. Agile methods are, however, andtheeven working with them. Agile methods are, however, of product range characteristics manufactured initially designed forand software development, i.e. for and/or virtual initially designed for software development, i.e. for virtual assembled this system. this context, the methods main challenge in products. in Therefore the Intransfer of the and the products. and Therefore theis transfer of theto methods and the modelling now cope with single associated waysanalysis of thinking to not the only development of physical associateda limited ways ofproduct thinking to the development of families, physical products, range or existing product products is still a big challenge [5]. The discussion about the products is still a big challenge [5]. The discussion about the but also to be able to analyze andnot to only compare products to define consequences of digitalization concerns research, but consequences of digitalization not only concerns research, but new product families. It can be observed that classical existing has also reached the enterprise level. Trends such as "Internet has alsofamilies reachedare theregrouped enterprise level. Trends such as "Internet product function of clients or features. of Things", "Smart Services",in"Cloud Working" and "Crowd of Things", "Smart Services", "Cloud Working" and "Crowd However, product families hardly to find. Sourcing"assembly indicateoriented new possibilities for are development. In Sourcing" indicatefamily new level, possibilities for development. In On theitproduct products differ mainly in two practice, is becoming increasingly apparent that innovations practice, it is becoming increasingly that innovations main characteristics: number ofapparent components andbut (ii) the are not only based (i)ontheincremental developments, are are not only based on incremental developments, but are type of components (e.g. electronical). increasingly referred to mechanical, as disruptiveelectrical, innovations [6]. These increasingly referred to asconsidering disruptive innovations [6]. These Classical methodologies products refer to innovations that have "turned mainly stable single markets upside refer to innovations that have "turned stable markets upside or solitary, already business existing product families analyze down". Established models, value chains and the the down". structure Established models, value chains the product on a business physical level (components level)and which identify in the existing causes difficulties regarding an efficient definition and 2212-8271 possible © 2019 The optimization Authors. Publishedpotentials by Elsevier B.V. 2212-8271 ©system, 2019 The it Authors. Publishedtobyhave Elsevier B.V. knowledge production is important a precise comparison Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CIRP Design Conference 2019 of different product families. Addressing this Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CIRP Design Conference 2019 2212-8271©©2017 2019The The Authors. Published by Elsevier 2212-8271 Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of scientific the scientific committee theCIRP CIRP Design Conference 2019. Peer-review under responsibility of the committee of the of 28th Design Conference 2018. 10.1016/j.procir.2019.04.295 2 Nadine Niewöhner et al. / Procedia CIRP 84 (2019) 826–831 N.Niewöhner et al./ Procedia CIRP 00 (2019) 000–000 dominance of companies that have dominated the market will then be radically challenged [7]. Therefore, companies need to cover both, incremental and disruptive innovations. It is therefore becoming apparent that companies need systematic, holistic innovation management in order to meet the challenges of digitalization in the most effective way. The aim of this paper is to identify design fields as a basis for an agile holistic innovation management in SMEs. 2. Interaction of innovation management in SMEs, agility and digitalization To identify design fields for a holistic innovation management for SMEs it is important to understand the impact of agility and digitalization and their interactions (see Fig. 1). The three influencing factors innovations in SMEs, agility and digitization are examined in more detail below. Fig. 1. Three areas of influence of a holistic innovation management in SME. 2.1. The impact of digitalization The arrival of information technology has changed competition and innovation strategy in the past 50 years. Before the arrival of digitalization, many products were merely mechanical. Along the value chain, many activities were based on manual processes and verbal communication. This already changed with the first IT wave in the 1960-1970 years. The increasing computer support and automation of activities quickly led to a noticeable increase in productivity. The spread of the Internet in the 1980s and 1990s was able to reinforce this effect once again by coordinating and integrating activities across value chains. However, these considerable productivity and growth increases in almost all industries left the products themselves largely unaffected. Products are first influenced by the current third wave of information technology. Enormous progress in computing power, the expansion of wireless networks and the increasing miniaturization are making our products constantly 827 smarter. Due to the increased integration of sensors, processors, software and network technology, our products are increasingly developing into intelligent networked products and even complex technical systems [8]. Products and machines are in constant interaction with their environment and provide information about their own condition. On the basis of these infinite data streams, completely new possibilities for business models suddenly emerge. It is no longer just a matter of marketing products. The generated data and the continuous data transfer between manufacturers, products and customers opens up a wide range of new services. These can occur in the form of smart service systems, i.e. a combination of product and data-based service, or as a stand-alone service offering. It is thus becoming apparent that digitization is changing the object of innovation, from purely mechanical products to complex multidisciplinary systems. The intelligent use of the generated data also leads to a stronger service orientation (see Figure 2). In order to meet these new requirements, the development of new products and thus innovation management must change. Another important influence of digitalization on innovation management is the shortening of product life cycles. On the one hand, this can be explained by rapid technological change. On the other hand, there is the increasing use of software and electronics, which are updated much more frequently than the mechanics of a system. While mechanical components often remain unchanged for several years, electronic components rarely last longer than 18 months. The life cycles of software components are often even shorter. Software components are often not subject to the same restrictions as electronic and mechanical components, their production is associated with less effort. Furthermore, updating and integration into the product are significantly less complicated. This ultimately results in even shorter innovation cycles and an "innovation-cycle dilemma". It describes the challenge of synchronizing the innovation cycles of various disciplines such as mechanics, electronics and software [9]. Figure 2 shows the interaction of all previously determined effects of digitalization as well as characteristics of agile methods that can support the innovation management in handling current challenges. The individual aspects of agile methods will be discussed in more detail in the next section. 2.2. The impacts of agile approaches In the context of development processes, agility refers in particular to the ability of a development team to react quickly and flexible to unexpected changes in a dynamic environment [10]. However, the topic of agility is becoming increasingly important for other areas as digitalization progresses. Various studies confirm a positive correlation between agile methods and the innovative ability of companies or the probability of success of innovations. A study on the dissemination and use of agile methods by the German Association for Project Management indicates that 80% of the companies surveyed achieved improvements in results and efficiency through the use of agile methods [11]. An important advantage of agile innovation processes is the possibility of flexibly managing the limited predictability of innovations. Planning a project in advance, from start to finish, in detail is often complicated 828 Nadine Niewöhner et al. / Procedia CIRP 84 (2019) 826–831 N. Niewöhner et al./ Procedia CIRP 00 (2019) 000–000 because of missing information and uncertainties at the start. Many findings that determine the further progress of the project can only be collected in the course of the project, resulting in constant changes driving the project [12]. 3 business, which means that strategically planned innovation activities receive less attention. In addition, increasing digitalization means that we are increasingly confronted with disruptive innovations [7]. The particular challenge lies in the simultaneous management of incremental and disruptive innovations. It is important to create new possibilities through exploration as well as to exploit existing possibilities through exploitation [14]. While the strategy of exploiting with the optimization of existing market services rather focuses on efficiency, productivity and stability, the strategy of exploration focuses on growth and flexibility (see Figure 3). Fig. 2. The impact of digitalization and attributes of agile methods. Furthermore, a special feature of agile methods is their strong customer orientation. This is achieved by providing the first functional prototypes as early as possible and at regular intervals for the validation of customer requirements. In this way, any deviations or changes in the requirements can be integrated directly into the development process. This significantly reduces the risk of developing a product that does not benefit the customer [5]. The iterative approach and the high flexibility of agile methods are particularly suitable for developments in times of rapid technological change. Since the origin of agile approaches comes from software engineering, the increased use of software components also favors the use of agile methods. Agile methods also meet the challenge of increased service orientation through their strong customer orientation. All in all, it is becoming apparent that agile methods provide suitable approaches to take into account the effects of digitalization (see Figure 2). 2.3. Innovations in SME Despite high pressure to innovate, many small and mediumsized companies are unable to establish strategic innovation management in their day-to-day business. Compared to large companies, SMEs face specific challenges. Limited financial and human resources are among the typical characteristics of SMEs, which mean that decisions need to be taken more deliberately and systematically [13]. Few SMEs can afford to provide one person or even an entire department to manage innovation alone. These tasks usually have to be carried out by employees in parallel with day-to-day business. The current good to very good economic situation strengthens the strong commitment of resources and the concentration on day-to-day Fig. 3. Balance between exploitation and exploration, in reference to Weibler/Keller. In particular, it is about searching, finding new ways and means, experimenting with the new, and rethinking previous approaches. In addition to autonomy and decentralization, exploration also include the agility of processes. Within the strategy of exploitation, the focus is on formalization, centrality and control. Fundamentally, it must be considered that the two strategies are also based on different cultural characteristics of risk behavior. In Exploitation, safety thinking prevails and builds on the advantages of stability and standardization. Exploration is based on the assumption that there is a significantly higher willingness to take risks; advantages are achieved through high adaptability and flexibility [15]. The ability of a company to manage both explorative and explicative processes is also described as ambidexterity. In order to drive the development of incremental innovations as well as not to neglect disruptive innovations, an ambidextrous organization is required. Current approaches to this are, for example, the establishment of independent innovation units that can work independently of day-to-day business. The advantage of this is the avoidance of barriers to thinking and innovation and independent resources. The use of agile process 4 Nadine Niewöhner et al. / Procedia CIRP 84 (2019) 826–831 N.Niewöhner et al./ Procedia CIRP 00 (2019) 000–000 models supports the development of radical innovations more than classical process models. Although there is no to-do list that makes the company an ambidextrous organization, an important building block lies in the strategic orientation and thus the definition of characteristic features that support more incremental or more radical innovations [16]. 3. Design fields of agile innovation management in small and medium sized enterprises From the explanations of the previous sections it can be deduced that SMEs need an agile, ambidextrous innovation management in order to remain competitive in times of digitalization. However, only a few SMEs have formalized and defined innovation processes or corresponding innovation management. There are numerous definitions of the innovation process and innovation management in the literature, but there is no uniform definition. In general, innovation management can be understood as the totality of all innovation activities of a company and their organization [17]. In order to obtain a holistic picture of all innovation management activities, we have defined a total of six fields of action that must be taken into account in connection with innovations (see Figure 4). The first three design fields are as follows: Impulses for innovation, idea generation and idea implementation. They cover the entire innovation process from the source of an idea to its concrete implementation in the company. However, this is not a purely stringent procedure, but may involve iterations. In these design fields it is particularly important to keep an eye on the rapid technological change as well as to keep a strong customer orientation. At this point, particularly agile procedure models are suitable for carrying out the tasks within the first three design fields. Their iterative approach and high flexibility allow them to react quickly in the early phases of idea development in times of rapid technological changes und high frequency in changes of customer needs. The other three design fields innovation organization, culture and strategy are arranged parallel to the first three design fields, since they do not represent a single process step, but framework conditions of innovation management, which should be fulfilled during each phase. There are various tasks to be fulfilled in each of the fields of action. These are described in more detail below: Fig. 4. The six design fields of innovation management. Impulses for innovations: The design field comprises all activities that ensure that basic knowledge is generated, on the basis of which ideas can be developed. For a systematic ideafinding process, appropriate know-how in various areas is 829 indispensable. Where are the possible sources and triggers for innovative ideas? Which technologies are currently on the advance? Which problems occupy customers the most and what are our competitors currently doing? Answers to these questions form a sound basis for generating innovative ideas in the next step, which are not only based on sudden ideas, but have also been systematically generated by looking at the corporate environment. Accordingly, the design field impulses for innovation includes the tasks of analyzing the market, identifying customer needs, technology potentials, internal optimization potentials as well as the task of promoting impulses from outside. These tasks play a particularly important role in times of digitalization in order to be able to take the previously described influences into account appropriately. In order to counter the change of the innovation object, it is important not only to observe and analyze the activities of other market participants, it is also elementary to identify broad technological potentials. Only in this way can technological innovations and the associated effects on one's own market performance and the business model be identified early enough and reacted to. Idea generation: Idea generation is about generating innovative ideas. Based on the knowledge of the design field impulses for innovations concrete ideas are generated now. The creativity of the people involved in the idea-finding process plays an important role. Every person possesses a basic level of natural creativity, which, however, decreases in the course of life. In childhood, everyone possesses creative qualities, regardless of their degree and characteristics. Most children like to paint pictures, or think up stories about their Lego figures, without any concrete instructions as to what they should paint or what the story should be about. With the further course of the education up to the professional life this natural creativity sinks. So how can we ensure that our creative performance increases again despite the loss of natural creativity? Here, the systematic use of creativity techniques offers a solution approach that can decisively improve the process of brainstorming. Furthermore, there are several methods to provide idea generation that have a strong customer orientation. These are very helpful to face the impacts of digitalization of increasing service orientation and frequent changes in customer needs. In the next step, the most promising ideas must be systematically selected from the mass of ideas in order to specify them more precisely in the next phase, the implementation of ideas. The selection of ideas can also be carried out agile in several iterations. Thus the best idea is determined step by step. In order to further follow the idea of strong customer orientation, customer reviews can also be integrated into the process at this point. Idea implementation: The implementation of ideas involves the successive concretization of a favored innovation idea. Essentially, this includes two tasks: the validation of the idea and the planning of its implementation. As already motivated, it is particularly important to develop innovative ideas as close as possible to the customer. Feedback should be obtained as early as possible so that changes in requirements can be implemented quickly and cost-effectively. As the 830 Nadine Niewöhner et al. / Procedia CIRP 84 (2019) 826–831 N. Niewöhner et al./ Procedia CIRP 00 (2019) 000–000 development process progresses, necessary changes can become more time-consuming and costly. Questions to be clarified in this phase are for example: What does the business model for our idea look like? Which business plan is the basis for this? But also questions as to whether there are possibilities for financial support for individual project phases need to be clarified in this context. At this point, agile approaches are appropriate for validation. The customer is consulted as early as possible with the first minimum functional prototypes. The customer feedback is used to improve and further develop the prototype step by step. In this way, market performance is validated iteratively by customer needs. Innovation organization: The central question that arises in the field of innovation organization is the question of what the structural framework conditions must be like in order to successfully carry out innovation projects. How should the innovation process be designed? Are agile or classical process models more suitable? Are innovative ideas developed within our company boundaries? Further organizational questions relate to the management of knowledge and ideas. How are ideas documented in our company and how do I know which colleague is dealing with which topics? These questions are just as much a part of the topic of innovation organization as the questions about the time available for innovations after they have been created. As can already be seen in the design fields presented so far, agile approaches support the handling of some challenges in times of digitalization. They enable the companies to react quickly and flexible to unexpected changes in a dynamic environment. Innovation culture: A successful innovation process is not only based on knowledge and experience, but requires an appropriate environment in which innovative ideas can arise and grow. The culture of innovation is, in a sense, the breeding ground for innovations. But what exactly does this mean? The innovation culture is part of the corporate culture and describes the basic attitude and the common understanding around innovations. It comprises the values, norms and behaviors of the company and thus also determines how innovations are carried by both managers and employees. But what does an innovation-promoting culture look like and how can it be designed? An important building block here is internal communication. This does not only mean the purely technical level, but also the private level. A feel-good atmosphere at the workplace and a pronounced sense of community have positive effects on the work result in every respect, not just on the ability to innovate. Further factors to consider are the question of a creativity-enhancing environment, incentives for innovative thinking and acting as well as the handling of possibly necessary competence building. Especially in SMES’s with a high concentration on day-to-day business these factors are rarely considered and actively influenced. However, it is crucial to offer the employees an innovation friendly culture to enable and to motivate them to come up with great ideas. This is the baseline for not only generate incremental innovations by through further development of existing market performances but to come up with disruptive Innovations. 5 Innovation strategy: To ensure that innovation activities are not without purpose, an innovation strategy is necessary. Every company has a strategy, even if it is not always explicitly formulated. Basically, the corporate strategy describes the direction in which the company will move in the future. In order to achieve this vision of the company's future, the corporate strategy sets guidelines that guide day-to-day actions. Within this orientation framework, there are individual strategic goals and programs or measures that lead to the achievement of these goals. The innovation strategy can be understood as a path of activities and innovation goals. These, like all other strategic goals and activities, move within the set guidelines and support the achievement of the corporate vision. As previously described, an important strategic question in innovation management is whether a company should strategically focus its innovation activities on exploiting and thus generating incremental innovations, or on exploring and thus developing radical innovations. The challenge is not to decide on a strategy but to implement both in the best possible way and thus become an ambidextrous organization. This balancing act is often difficult for SMEs that are particularly oriented towards day-to-day business, but it is elementary in order to remain successful in times of digitalization and increasingly disruptive innovations. 4. Conclusion and outlook: Due to the advancing globalization and digitalization, SMEs need to face various challenges in their innovation management. Concerning these challenges, agile methods are gaining in importance. Against this background the submission focused on the analysis of the interaction of the innovation management in SMEs, digitalization and agility. As a result of the analysis, essential design fields for an agile, holistic innovation management in SMEs were identified. It became apparent, that SMEs need to be an ambidextrous organization to handle exploration and exploitation. The design fields form the basis for the development of a holistic innovation management for SMEs. In this context, they will be used to define a detailed plan of action that covers actions for the different tasks of every design field and lead to a holistic innovation management for SMEs. The development of an initial roadmap has already been successfully carried out with various companies. The current design of innovation management was first recorded and analysed in workshops. All identified tasks and measures were assigned to one of the six design fields. In this way it was possible to check to which extent the current innovation management already covers all fields of action or if there are still gaps. Further measures were then developed on the basis of the identified gaps, challenges and potential in the innovation process. An initial roadmap was thus filled by assigning the measures to the fields of action and prioritizing them over time. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator References [1] VDMA. Volkswirtschaft und Statistik. Kennzahlen zu Forschung und Innovation im Maschinenbau; 2016. 6 Nadine Niewöhner et al. / Procedia CIRP 84 (2019) 826–831 N.Niewöhner et al./ Procedia CIRP 00 (2019) 000–000 [2] Schuh, G. Innovationsmanagement. Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer Verlag; 2012. [3] Herstatt, C, Buse, S, Tiwari R, Umland M. Innovationshemmnisse in kleinen und mittelgroßen Unternehmen - Konzeption der empirischen Untersuchung, Technische Univerittät Hamburg-Harburg; 2007. [4] Boehm B, Turner R. 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