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Journey to the Center of the Earth Worksheet

Name ____________________________________ Hour ________
Journey to the Center of the Earth
1. What is the name of Trevor’s nephew? ___________________
2. Who wrote the novel, Journey to the Center of the Earth?
3. What island to Trevor and Sean go to investigate?
4. What woman offers to help Trevor and Sean climb up to the
radar device?
5. What kind of storm forces the three into a cave?
6. What do they find at the bottom of the volcanic tube?
7. Whose body does Hannah discover when she wanders off?
8. What did Trevor find was the reason for this person’s death?
9. What must they find to send them back to Earth’s surface?
10. What type of prehistoric fish do they encounter on their raft?
11. Who becomes separated from the group after the fish
12. Who or what acts as this person’s guide?
13. What type of “monster” do they encounter when the group
14. Trevor uses a flare the ignite magnesium and causes a geyser
to shoot them through Mount Vesuvius in what country?
15. What does Sean give the man whose vineyard they destroy?
16. What “pet” does Sean return with?
1. Sean
2. Jules Verne
3. Iceland
4. Hannah
5. Lightning
6. Precious gems
7. Max, Sean’s father
8. Dehydration
9. A geyser
10. Piranha or Elasmosaurus (accept either)
11. Sean
12. The bird
13. Tyrannosaurus
14. Italy
15. The gems (or diamonds)
16. The bird