Uploaded by Khang Trần

Creative writing

Dear Nhat Khang in the future
What’s up! Life has been crazy and unexpected in the present. It’s me, who is yourself in
2022, is talking to you.
Whatever you’re doing right now, stop. Please, call your grandparents (if you’re lucky
enough that they’re both still here). Take them with you on vacations. You do not have much
time left with your grandparents.
If my future went as planned, from the day that I wrote this letter, you are successful with
your career as a fitness coach. I want you get out of your comfort zone. Try something new,
and fail. Don’t be a coward, take the chance, take the risk. Doing something new and
different could be exciting, you'll never know unless you try. You might end up liking
something you'd never thought that you will be really into.
I hope you are still close with your family. No matter what they say or do, they are still your
family. Don't let an argument or a fight stand in the way of talking to them. I hope dad are
okay and are doing well physically, and mentally. Although you two may sometimes fight,
you have to love him. There is no one out there like him. He is the only one that is truly blood
related and you can't change that no matter how conservative he is, I hope you two are
close and have a strong bond with each other.
What about Trang? Is she still with you? I hope you genuinely happy with her. You guys are
a match made in heaven. Please take her to beaches because she loves them. I hope you
two end up happy, no matter what happened in the end.
Nhat Khang, Your Past Self