® Available online at www.sciencedirect.com —. ScienceDirect Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 211 (2015) 644 — 652 2nd Global Conference on Business and Social Science-2015, GCBSS-2015, 17-18 September 2015, Bali, Indonesia Financial Reporting Quality - Before and After IFRS Adoption Using NiCE Qualitative Characteristics Measurement Try Yurisandi*, Evita Puspitasari>* *° Universitas Padjadjaran, Jl. Dipati Ukur No. 35 Bandung 40134, Indonesia Abstract This research aims to evaluate whether there are any increasing in financial reporting quality after the IFRS adoption using the qualitative approach being developed by Nijmegen Centre for Economics (NiCE). This research is using paired sample test to analyze the data. The financial reporting quality before the IFRS adoption is represented by the period 2009-2010, while the financial reporting quality after the IFRS is represented by the period 2012-2013. We concluded that IFRS adoption increased the quality of financial reporting. The result showed that the qualitative characteristics of relevance, understandability and comparability level increased after IFRS adoption. © 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-ne-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of the 2nd GCBSS-2015 Keywords: Comparability; Faithful Representation; Financial Reporting Quality; IFRS Adoption; NiCE; Qualitative Characteristic; Relevance; Timeliness; Understandability. 1. Introduction Each country has different accounting which is adjusted with the needs of the country. To increase the financial statement comparability and quality in the global market, we need to set an international accepted accounting standard. The international accounting standard provides the benefits, such as reducing the distinctive reporting regulation between countries, reducing the cost of multinational company financial reporting, and reducing the cost of financial statement analysis. Beside the benefits, there are some obstacles in implemeting the international accounting standards. One of the obstacles is the conflict between interested parties: politician and private party (Choi and * Corresponding author. Tel.: +628 15-607-2882 E-mail address: evita.puspitasari @fe .unpad.ac.id 1877-0428 © 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-ne-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of the 2nd GCBSS-2015 doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.11.091 Try Yurisandi and Evita Puspitasari / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 211 (2015) 644 —652 Richard, 645 1988). Previoulsy, Indonesia applied Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (SAK) which was issued by the Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) and adopted the Financial Accounting Standard of US (US GAAP). But, at the beginning of 2012, as a part of G-20 (Daske et.al, 2008), Indonesia has obligation to adopt International Reporting Standard (IFRS) as the accounting standard. The IFRS adoption obligation is expected to increase the quality of financial reporting due to the changing accounting standards and disclosures in information for many companies, and also increase the comparability and transparancy of the financial information. IAI then called off special industry accounting standards, such as: accounting standard for forestry, telecommunication company, and banking. The call off was aim to implement the principle-based standard, and abandoned the rule-based standard. Indonesia through IAI has decided to adopt the IFRS gradually. Here is the IFRS adoption roadmap in Indonesia: Illustration 1. Roadmap of IFRS Convergence in Indonesia Adoption Stage — 2010) Final Preparation Stage » (2011) * Adopting all IFRS to * Partial application of the PSAK standard * Preparation for necessary Finishing the standard infrastructure preparation or necessary Evaluation and managing __ infrastructure the adoption impact to SAK Implementation Stage (2012) » — *The application of the standard * Evaluation of IFRS adoption impact to the business environment * Define strategy for full adoption Sources: www. iaiglobal.or.id As we know, IFRS is codification of accounting standards, interpretations, and framework in the preparation and presentation of the financial statements; which is developed and issued by Internatioal Accounting Standard Board (IASB). IFRS aims to provide high quality financial statement. Further, the IFRS developes the principle-based standards other than rules-based standard, which IFRS provides the company with more flexibility in choosing acconting policy and estimates, and the company can choose the best accounting policy and estimates for the company. However, the use of the principle-based standards also increase the possibility of the risks such as: error in management estimates, earnings management, and business distortions. Related to positive accounting theory (Watts & Zimmerman, 1986), which says that the management has intention to apply certain accounting policy and estimates for the management interest, the IFRS adoption is expected to increase the opportunitic action of the management. Before the IFRS adoption, several studies proved Watts & Zimmerman hypothesis: Healy (1985) study proved that the management used the sistematic accrual accounting policy to report higher net income to get higher bonus; Sweeney (1994) study proved the company disobey the debt covenant by maintaining the working capital and share holders’ equity; and Jones (1991) found evidence that the company decreased the net income to get more facilty in importing goods as the result of politics decision in regulating the competition. Therefor, we assume that after the IFRS adoption, the company will have more opportunity to apply the flexible accounting to fullfil their interest. However, other researchers: Healy et.al (1999), Leuz & Verrechia (2000), Daske et.al (2008), and Amstrong et.al (2008), found that the asimetry information after the IFRS adoption was decreasing due to the increasing of the financial statement quality. There are still debates over the financial statement quality of company after the adoption of the IFRS (Barth et.al, 2008; Daske et.al, 2008; Karampinis and Hevas, 2011; Alali and Foote, 2012). There are arguments that by implementing the IFRS the financial statement presented will have more relevance quality since the IFRS widely uses the fair value measurement. The use of the fair value measurement will more reflect the real economic condition of the company. Further, the use of the IFRS will restrict the management opportunistic action (Barth et.al, 2008). On the other hand, there are arguments that the implementation of IFRS will reduce the management ability to present the real economic condition (Barth et.al, 2008). In the previous research, Karampinis and Hevas (2011) and Alali and Foote (2012) found the evidence that the 646 Try Yurisandi and Evita Puspitasari/ Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 21] (2015) 644 — 652 IFRS implementation did not elevate the financial information quality. However, since there was no direct measurement over the financial information quality in the researches, there were inconsistency in the results (e.g Barth et.al, 2008; Schipper & Vincent, 2003; Cohen et.al 2004; Nicholas & Wahlen, 2004). The IFRS adoption does affect the company. Some companies experience minor changes because of the it, some other companies have to carry out major changes. But, overall now the company has more flexiblity in choosing accounting policy and accounting estimates. latridis (2010), Iatridis & Rouvolis (2010), Lin & Paananen & (2007), Petreski (2006), Ewert & Wagenholf( 2013) performed the financial statement quality study by measuring the the quality using some approaches: comparability, relevance, and earnings management. They underlined the periode before and after the IFRS adoption. Petreski (2006) found that management could increase the company performance, could have higher accountability, and could increase the financial statement credibility. Ewert & Wagenholf (2013) found that more rigid accounting standard could decrease the earnings management and increase the financial statement quality.The same result was found by Barth (2008) and Chua et.al (2012). However, Tandeloo & Vanstraelen (2005) found that there was no differences of the financial statement quality before and after the IFRS adoption. Yacoob and Ahmad (2011) found that in Malaysia, the timeliness was decreasing after the IFRS adoption, which meant the companies issued financial statement late. This research aims to evaluate whether there are any increasing in financial reporting quality after the IFRS adoption. Other than using the quantitative approach in measuring the financial reporting quality, this research is using the qualitative approach in measuring the financial reporting quality. The qualitative measurement approach used is based on the measurement that being developed by Nijmegen Centre for Economics (NiCE). NiCE developes the comprehensive financial reporting quality measurement in a form of index quality measurement based on the IASB and FASB each qualitative characteristic such as relevance, faithful representation, understandability, comparability, and timeliness. 2. Research Design 21 Empirical Design The purpose of this research is to empirically evaluating the financial reporting quality before and after the IFRS adoption. To achieve that, we perform mean comparation test using paired sample test. We use this model in order to find the level of significance of the financial reporting quality changes before and after IFRS adoption. We use SPSS program version 16.00 and microsoft excel to run the data. As we state earlier, in this research we use the qualitative approach in measuring the financial reporting quality. The qualitative measurement approach used is based on the measurement that being developed by Nijmegen Centre for Economics (NiCE). NiCE developes the comprehensive financial reporting quality measurement in a form of index quality measurement based on the IASB and FASB each qualitative characteristic such as relevance, faithful representation, understandability, comparability, and timeliness. Here are the Nice measurement that we use in evaluating the financial reporting quality: Table 1. The NiCe Measurement No. Question Operationalization Concept Relevance Rl To what extent does the presence of the forwardlooking statement help forming expectations and predictions concerning the future of the company R2 To what extent does the presence of non financial information in terms of business opportunities and risks complement the financial information I=no forward looking information; 2=forward looking information not an apart subsection; 3=apart subsection; 4-extensive predictions ; 5=Extensive predictions useful Predictive Value for making expectations 1=No non-financial information; 2=little non-financial information, no useful for forming expectations; 3=useful non-financail information; 4=useful non financial information, helfpul for developing expectations Predictive value 647 Try Yurisandi and Evita Puspitasari / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 21] (2015) 644 — 652 R3 To what extent does the company value instead of historical cost use fair} 1!=Only Historical cost (HC); 2=Most HC; 3=Balance | Predictive value Fair value (FV HC; 4=Most FV; 5=Only FV R4 To what extent do the reported results provide | I=No feedback; 2=Little feedback on the past; | Confirmatory value feedback to the users of the annual reports as | 3=Feedback is present; 4=Feedback helps understanding to how various market events and significant | how events and transactions influenced the company; transactions affected the company 5=Comprehensive feedback Faithful Representation Fl To what extent are valid arguments provided | 1=Only described estimations; 2=General explanations; | Veriafibility to support the decision for certain assumptions | 3=Specific explanation of estimations; 4=Specific and estimates in the annual report explanation, formulas explained, etc; 5=Comprehensive argumentation F2 To what extent does the company base its | I=Changes not explained; 2=Minimum explanation; | Verification choice for certain accounting principles on | 3=Explained why; 4=Explained why + consequencesvalid arguments 5=No changes or comprehensive explanation F3 To what extent does the company, in the | I=Negative events only discussion of the annual results, highliht the | 2=Emphasize on positive mentiond in footnotes; | Neutrality events; 3=Emphasize on positive events as well as the negative events | positive events, but negative events are mentioned; no negative events; events occured; 5=Impact 4=Balance positive/negative of positive/negative events is also explained F4 Which type of auditors’ report is included in| the annual report 1=Adverse opinion; 2=Disclaimer of 3=Qualified opinion; 4=Unqualified opinion: figure; 5=Unqualified opinion: Financial opinion; | Free from material Financial | error, — verification, figures + | neutrality, Internal Control F5 To what extent does the company and completion provie | 1=No description CG; 2=Information on CG limited, not | Completeness, information on corporate governance in apart subsection; attention paid to 3=Apart subsection; information 4=Extra | veriability, concerning CG; | and 5=Comprehensive description of CG Understandability Ul To what extent is the annual report presented | Judgment based on: -Complete tabel of contents; - | Understandability in a well organized manner Headings; -Order of components; -Summary/conclusion at the each subsection U2 To what extent are the notes to the balance | 1=No explanation; 2=Very short description, difficult to | Understandability sheet and the income statement sufficiently | understand; 3=Explanation that describes what happens; clear 4-Terms are explained (which assumptions etc); S=Everything that might be difficult to undertand is explained U3 U4 US To what extent does the presence of graphs and | I1=No graphs; 2=1-2 tables clarifies the presented information graphs; 5=>Sgraphs graphs; 3=3-5 graphs; 4=6-10 | Understandability To what extent is the use of language and} 1=Much jargon (industry), not explained; 2=Much | Understandability technical judgment in the annual report easy to | jargon, minimal explanation; 4=Not much jargon or well follow explained; 5=No jargon or extraordinary explanation What is the size of the glossary 1=No glossary; 2=Less than | page; 3=Approximately | Understandability one page; 4=1-2 pages; 5=>2 pages Comparability Cl To what extent do the notes to changes in} 1=Changes accounting policies explain in the informations | 3=Explained of the change C2 not explained; why; 2=Minimum 4=Explain why explanation; | Consistency + consequences; 5=No changes or comprehensive explanation To what extent do the notes to revisions in | 1=Revision withount notes; 2=Revision with few notes; | Consistency accounting estimates and judgements explain | 3=No revision/clear notes; 4=Clear notes + implications the implications of the revision C3 free from material error (past); 5=Comprehensive notes To what extent did the company adjust | 1=No adjustments; 2=Described adjustments; 3=Actual | Consistency previous accounting periods figures for the Adjustments (one year); 4=2 Years; 5=>2 years + notes Try Yurisandi and Evita Puspitasari/ Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 211 (2015) 644 —652 effect of the implementation of a change in accounting policy or revisions in accounting estimates C4 To what extent does the company provide | 1=No comparation; 2=Only with previous year; 3=With | Consistency comparation of the current accounting periode | 5 years; 4=5 years + description of implications; 5=10 with previous accounting period years + description of implications C5 To what extent is the information in the annual | Judgment based on: -accounting policies; -structure - | Comparability report comparable to information provided by | explanations of events; In other words: an overall the other organizations conclusion of comparability compared to annual reports of other organizations C6 To what extent does financial index numbers the company and presents | 1=No ratios; 2=1-2 ratios; 3=3-5 ratios; 4=6-10 ratios | Comparability ratios in the | 5=>10ratios annual reports Timeliness Tl How many days did it take for the auditor to | Natural logarithm of amount of days sign the auditors’ report after bookyear end Timeliness 1=1-1.99: 2=2-2.99: 3=3-3.99: 4=4-4.99- 5=5-5.99 Source: Nice Working Paper 09-108 2.2. Sample Listed companies at Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) that also belong on LQ-45 index are used as the subject in this research. The LQ-45 consists of the companies that are listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange with the highest market capitalization. In this research, we are using the LQ 45 as the sample companies with the consideration that these companies could work as a representation for the implementation of the IFRS adoption in Indonesia. The companies that become the LQ-45 member are evaluated every six months by the IDX. The population in this research are the companies becoming the member of LQ 45 for the period 2009-2013. At the end, this researh is using 55 sample companies. This reseach is using paired sample test to analyze the data. The financial reporting quality before the IFRS adoption is represented by the period 2009-2010, while the financial reporting quality after the IFRS is represented by the period 2012-2013. The research is not using 2011 period with the consideration that the period is the starting point of implementation the IFRS adoption in Indonesia. We analyze the quality of the financial reporting using the annual reporting prepared by the companies. 3. Results Table 2 displays the mean of the financial reporting quality before and after IFRS adoption along with the result of the paired sample test. Table 2. Financial Reporting Quality Result & T-Test Quality Relevance Mean Before IFRS Adoption After IFRS Adoption 3.2105 4.1058 Rl 3.0455 4.0818 R2 3.6091 4.6909 R3 2.7636 3.5909 R4 3.4182 4.0545 Representational Faithfulness 3.4055 3.0618 Fl 2.8182 3.7909 F2 2.9091 3.8364 T test Sig -12.380 0.000 6.129 0.000 Try Yurisandi and Evita Puspitasari / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 211 (2015) 644 —652 F3 3.1000 3.6636 F4 4.0364 4.0182 F5 4.1636 4.7727 3.4455 3.8618 Ul 4.1727 4.7727 U2 3.5455 4.3818 Understandability U3 4.0273 4.4727 U4 3.9455 4.2000 US 1.5364 1.5273 3.0798 3.8351 cl 2.9636 3.7545 C2 3.1364 3.9909 C3 2.2091 3.8818 Comparability Timeliness 649 -9.662 0.000 -11.753 0.000 c4 1.9091 2.3818 C5 4.2182 4.7000 C6 4.0455 4.3000 2.6785 2.7347 -1.082 0.284 3.2941 3.8827 -16.166 0.0000 Tl Financial Reporting Quality Sources: Research Data 4, Discussion From Table 2, we can see that the the overall financial reporting quality after the IFRS adoption has increased compare to the overall financial reporting quality before the IFRS adoption. The result is significant with the level 1% significancy. The same results has been shown for the components of the financial reporting quality: relevance, understandability, and comparability. All with the 1% level of significancy. However, the differerence of the timeliness quality before and after the IFRS adoption is not significant. We presumed this empirical result for the timeliness is caused by the increasing demand for disclosures in the IFRS implementation. Because of the mandatory disclosures are increasing in the IFRS, the company may need longer time in preparing the financial information. And yet, for the respresentational faithfulness we found the decreasing trend. We believe it was caused by the extensive use of the estimation and fair value in presenting financial information using the IFRS. We find the evidence that there is changing in the financial reporting quality before and after the IFRS adoption in Indonesia. By examining the mean of the financial reporting quality measurement, the level of the quality after IFRS adoption period is higher compared to the level of the quality before the IFRS adoption. The result is in accordance with the Barth et.al (2008) study which revealed that there was an elevating in the accounting quality after the implementation of the IFRS. The Barth et.al study explained that there was an increasing from timely loss recognition and the value relevance. Beest, et.al (2009) explained that by using the IFRS, the relevance of the financial reporting is increasing compared to the use of the US GAAP. Further, the study found that by using the IFRS, the information presented by the company more reflects the company real condition, which mean the faihful represantion after the IFRS adoption is higher. Completing the previous study, this research provide the evidence that the comparability an understandability is higher after the IFRS adoption. This research shows that the company provides more comprehensive financial information after IFRS adoption whics is more understandable to the users. We believe this happens because the company is required to provide more disclosures. The same result is found for the comparability quality. In other word, our study proves that there is an increasing in the financial reporting quality after IFRS adoption. Further, the use of the principle based standard is elevating the quality of the financial reporting by extending the disclosures. 650 Try Yurisandi and Evita Puspitasari/ Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 211 (2015) 644 —652 5. Conclusion This research aims to evaluate whether there are any increasing in financial reporting quality after the IFRS adoption. Using the Nice measurement, after conducting several tests we concluded that IFRS adoption increased the quality of financial reporting.The result showed that the financial reporting quality after the IFRS adoption was higher than the financial reporting quality before the IFRS adoption. The result showed that the qualitative characteristics of relevance, understandability and comparability level increased after IFRS adoption. Yet, faithful representation level had a decrease trend, and timeliness level had no changing in the period before and after IFRS adoption. As a conclusion, the financial reporting quality of the Indonesian companies was increasing after the adoption of the IFRS. Further, the IFRS adoption increased the financial reporting quality. In the future, we are willing to expand this research by involving some other variables, such as industry type, asymetric information, and also involving the professional judgments in evaluating the financial reporting quality. 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Horizons, Try Yurisandi and Evita Puspitasari/ Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 211 (2015) 644 —652 effect of the implementation of a change in accounting policy or revisions in accounting estimates C4 To what extent does the company provide | 1=No comparation; 2=Only with previous year; 3=With | Consistency comparation of the current accounting periode | 5 years; 4=5 years + description of implications; 5=10 with previous accounting period years + description of implications C5 To what extent is the information in the annual | Judgment based on: -accounting policies; -structure - | Comparability report comparable to information provided by | explanations of events; In other words: an overall the other organizations conclusion of comparability compared to annual reports of other organizations C6 To what extent does financial index numbers the company and presents | 1=No ratios; 2=1-2 ratios; 3=3-5 ratios; 4=6-10 ratios | Comparability ratios in the | 5=>10ratios annual reports Timeliness Tl How many days did it take for the auditor to | Natural logarithm of amount of days sign the auditors’ report after bookyear end Timeliness 1=1-1.99: 2=2-2.99: 3=3-3.99: 4=4-4.99- 5=5-5.99 Source: Nice Working Paper 09-108 2.2. Sample Listed companies at Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) that also belong on LQ-45 index are used as the subject in this research. The LQ-45 consists of the companies that are listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange with the highest market capitalization. In this research, we are using the LQ 45 as the sample companies with the consideration that these companies could work as a representation for the implementation of the IFRS adoption in Indonesia. The companies that become the LQ-45 member are evaluated every six months by the IDX. The population in this research are the companies becoming the member of LQ 45 for the period 2009-2013. At the end, this researh is using 55 sample companies. This reseach is using paired sample test to analyze the data. The financial reporting quality before the IFRS adoption is represented by the period 2009-2010, while the financial reporting quality after the IFRS is represented by the period 2012-2013. 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